Fixes #26 by ensuring a symlink for level-name exists to worldstorage before world generation begins

This commit is contained in:
Marcus Whybrow 2013-09-03 00:40:39 +01:00
parent 04370c5a76
commit 211bb88acc

View File

@ -610,11 +610,40 @@ server_ensure_jar() {
error_exit FILE_NOT_FOUND "Could not find jar for server \"${SERVER_NAME[$1]}\": Expected \"${SERVER_JAR_PATH[$1]}\"."
# Read a value from the server configuration file
# $1: The id of the server
# $2: The setting name to read
server_read_config() {
unset RETURN
# Convert name into upper-case with underscores
# msm-setting => SERVER_SETTING
if [[ "$2" =~ ^msm\-(.*)$ ]]; then
to_global_name "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
to_global_name "PROPERTIES_$2"
local name="$RETURN"
# Display the value of that setting
unset RETURN
server_property "$1" "$name"
eval RETURN=\"\${SERVER_$name[$1]}\"
# Creates symbolic links in the server directory (SETTINGS_SERVER_STORAGE_PATH) for each
# of the Minecraft worlds located in the world storage directory.
# $1: The id of the server for which links should be ensured
server_ensure_links() {
server_property "$1" USERNAME
server_property "$1" WORLD_STORAGE_PATH
# Ensure a directory for level-name exists in worldstorage.
# This prevents allows a symlink to be created, and prevents new worlds
# being generated outside of worldstorage.
command_server_config "$1" "level-name"
as_user "${SERVER_USERNAME[$1]}" "mkdir -p \"${SERVER_WORLD_STORAGE_PATH[$1]}/$RETURN\""
server_worlds_allocate "$1"
echo -n "Maintaining world symbolic links... "
local start="${SERVER_WORLD_OFFSET[$1]}"
@ -3106,20 +3135,8 @@ command_server_config() {
# If only a setting name is given
if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then
# Convert name into upper-case with underscores
# msm-setting => SERVER_SETTING
if [[ "$2" =~ ^msm\-(.*)$ ]]; then
to_global_name "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
to_global_name "PROPERTIES_$2"
local name="$RETURN"
# Display the value of that setting
server_property "$1" "$name"
eval echo \"\${SERVER_$name[$1]}\"
server_read_config "$1" "$2"
echo "$RETURN"
# If no paramter name is given