This is probably one of the most requested features for obs-websocket.
This currently works by firing an event to all explicit subscribers
with an array of all active audio sources every **60 milliseconds.**
The `inputLevelsMul` field follows this data format:
Base: [Channel, Channel]
Channel: [magnitude (mul), peak (mul), input_peak (mul)]
*Not Muted* *Muted*
Example: [[0.3, 0.5, 0.9], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
(input_peak is the actual peak value, before volume adjustment.)
You may notice that the values are only in mul. This is because we are
trying to cut down on bandwidth. dB values can be calculated using this
`dB = 20.0 * log10(mul)`
- Implements a WIP ObsWebSocketApi, for obs-websocket-api.h. Events are
finished, but requests are not.
- Some logging improvements
- A bit of code cleanup around the plugin
- Adds variables to execution types SERIAL_REALTIME and SERIAL_FRAME
- Pass by reference where copy is unnecessary
- Start WebSocket server after OBS finishes loading instead of on
plugin load
Fixes these things:
- Websocket password is not generated if FirstLoad and overridden
- Save generated password immediately if FirstLoad
- Do not generate new password if FirstLoad and password already exists
- More logging
- Merge WebSocketProtocol into WebSocketServer
- Having them separated was not doing anything productive
- Request: Move SessionPtr to RequestHandler
- Less copying to do for batch requests
- Fully modularize EventHandler
- Make BroadcastEvent a stored callback that WebSocketServer sets
- Return early on high volume events to avoid unnecessary compute
- These events will only generate a json object when it is actually
Among lots of stuff:
- Generate a random password on first load
- Add `ConnectInfo` dialog including QR code display
- Add `Generate Password` button to generate a new random
- Delete `Copy Password to Clipboard` button
- Delete `GetConnectString` or whatever from WebSocketServer
(reimplemented the functionality directly into ConnectInfo)
- Added `GeneratePassword()` to Utils
Todo: Show warning when users specify their own passwords