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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:16 +00:00
More docs-related commits will follow, but this needs to be merged in order to continue with other development. * Docs: Overhaul docs generator (beginning) * docs: Rename comments file * docs: Move comments gitignore * docs: Initial request documentation * docs: Improvements to comment processing * docs: More improvements * docs: Add enum functionality for protocol.json * WebSocketServer: Document enums * RequestHandler: Document RequestStatus enum * Base: Move ObsWebSocketRequestBatchExecutionType to its own file Moves it to its own file, renaming it to `RequestBatchExecutionType`. Changes the RPC to use integer values for selecting execution type instead of strings. * docs: Update introduction header Removes the enum section, and documents RequestBatchExecutionType. * WebSocketCloseCode: Shuffle a bit * Base: Use `field` instead of `key` or `parameter` in most places * RequestStatus: Mild shuffle It was really bothering me that OutputPaused and OutputNotPaused had to be separated, so we're breaking it while we're breaking other stuff. * docs: Delete old files They may be added back in some form, but for now I'm getting them out of the way. * docs: Add enum identifier value Forgot to add this before, oops * docs: Document more enums * docs: Add basic protocol.md generator * docs: More work on MD generator * docs: MD generator should be finished now * docs: More fixes * docs: More fixes * docs: More tweaks + add readme * docs: Update readme and add inputs docs * docs: More documentation
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# obs-websocket documentation
This is the documentation for obs-websocket. Run build_docs.sh to auto generate the latest docs from the `src` directory. There are 3 components to the docs generation:
- `comments/comments.js`: Generates the `work/comments.json` file from the code comments in the src directory.
- `docs/process_comments.py`: Processes `work/comments.json` to create `generated/protocol.json`, which is a machine-readable documentation format that can be used to create obs-websocket client libraries.
- `docs/generate_md.py`: Processes `generated/protocol.json` to create `generated/protocol.md`, which is the actual human-readable documentation.
Some notes about documenting:
- The `complexity` comment line is a suggestion to the user about how much knowledge about OBS's inner workings is required to safely use the associated feature. `1` for easy, `5` for megadeath-expert.
- The `rpcVersion` comment line is used to specify the latest available version that the feature is available in. If a feature is deprecated, then the placeholder value of `-1` should be replaced with the last RPC version that the feature will be available in. Manually specifying an RPC version automatically adds the `Deprecated` line to the entry in `generated/protocol.md`.
- The description can be multiple lines, but must be contained above the first documentation property (the lines starting with `@`).
- Value types are in reference to JSON values. The only ones you should use are `Any`, `String`, `Boolean`, `Number`, `Array`, `Object`.
- `Array` types follow this format: `Array<subtype>`, for example `Array<String>` to specify an array of strings.
Formatting notes:
- Fields should have their columns aligned. So in a request, the columns of all `@requestField`s should be aligned.
- We suggest looking at how other enums/events/requests have been documented before documenting one of your own, to get a general feel of how things have been formatted.
## Creating enum documentation
Enums follow this code comment format:
* [description]
* @enumIdentifier [identifier]
* @enumValue [value]
* @enumType [type]
* @rpcVersion [latest available RPC version, use `-1` unless deprecated.]
* @initialVersion [first obs-websocket version this is found in]
* @api enums
Example code comment:
* The initial message sent by obs-websocket to newly connected clients.
* @enumIdentifier Hello
* @enumValue 0
* @enumType WebSocketOpCode
* @rpcVersion -1
* @initialVersion 5.0.0
* @api enums
- This is the documentation for the `WebSocketOpCode::Hello` enum identifier.
## Creating event documentation
Events follow this code comment format:
* [description]
* @dataField [field name] | [value type] | [field description]
* [... more @dataField entries ...]
* @eventType [type]
* @eventSubscription [EventSubscription requirement]
* @complexity [complexity rating, 1-5]
* @rpcVersion [latest available RPC version, use `-1` unless deprecated.]
* @initialVersion [first obs-websocket version this is found in]
* @category [event category]
* @api events
Example code comment:
* Studio mode has been enabled or disabled.
* @dataField studioModeEnabled | Boolean | True == Enabled, False == Disabled
* @eventType StudioModeStateChanged
* @eventSubscription General
* @complexity 1
* @rpcVersion -1
* @initialVersion 5.0.0
* @category general
* @api events
## Creating request documentation
Requests follow this code comment format:
* [description]
* @requestField [optional flag][field name] | [value type] | [field description] | [value restrictions (only include if the value type is `Number`)] | [default behavior (only include if optional flag is set)]
* [... more @requestField entries ...]
* @responseField [field name] | [value type] | [field description]
* [... more @responseField entries ...]
* @requestType [type]
* @complexity [complexity rating, 1-5]
* @rpcVersion [latest available RPC version, use `-1` unless deprecated.]
* @initialVersion [first obs-websocket version this is found in]
* @category [request category]
* @api requests
- The optional flag is a `?` that prefixes the field name, telling the docs processor that the field is optionally specified.
Example code comment:
* Gets the value of a "slot" from the selected persistent data realm.
* @requestField realm | String | The data realm to select. `OBS_WEBSOCKET_DATA_REALM_GLOBAL` or `OBS_WEBSOCKET_DATA_REALM_PROFILE`
* @requestField slotName | String | The name of the slot to retrieve data from
* @responseField slotValue | String | Value associated with the slot. `null` if not set
* @requestType GetPersistentData
* @complexity 2
* @rpcVersion -1
* @initialVersion 5.0.0
* @category config
* @api requests