Brian Lindner 604e8543db
2021-01-20 22:00:09 -05:00

282 lines
7.4 KiB

# Schedule Plex server related Pre-roll intro videos
A helper script to automate management of Plex pre-rolls. \
Define when you want different pre-rolls to play throughout the year.
Ideas include:
- Holiday pre-roll rotations
- Special occasions
- Summer/Winter/Seasonal rotations
- Breaking up the monotony
- Keeping your family on their toes!
Simple steps:
> 1. Config the schedule
> 2. Schedule script on server
> 3. ...
> 4. Profit!
See [Installation & Setup](#install) section
## Schedule Rules
Schedule priority for a given Date:
1. **misc** \
always_use - always includes in listing (append)
2. **date_range** \
Include listing for the specified Start/End date range that include the given Date \
Range can be specified as a Date or DateTime \
Advanced features to have recurring timeframes \
**overrides usage of *week/month/default* listings
3. **weekly** \
Include listing for the specified WEEK of the year for the given Date \
**override usage of *month/default* listings
4. **monthly** \
Include listing for the specified MONTH of the year for the given Date \
**overrides usage of *default* listings
5. **default** \
Default listing used of none of above apply to the given Date
Note: Script tries to find the closest matching range if multiple overlap at same time
## Installation & Setup <a id="install"></a>
Grab a copy of the code
cd /path/to/your/location
git clone
### Install Requirements <a id="requirements"></a>
- Python 3.8+ [may work on 3.6+ but not tested]
- See `requirements.txt` for Python modules and versions [link](requirements.txt)
- plexapi, configparser, pyyaml, etc.
Install Python requirements \
(highly recomend using <a href="" target="_blank">Virtual Environments</a> )
pip install -r requirements.txt
### Create `config.ini` file with Plex connection information
Script checks for:
- local ./config.ini (See: [Sample](config.ini.sample))
- PlexAPI global config.ini
- Custom location config.ini (see [Arguments](#arguments))
(See: <a href="" target="_blank">plexapi.CONFIG</a> for more info)
Rename `config.ini.sample` -> `config.ini` and update to your environment
Example `config.ini`
server_baseurl = # your plex server url
server_token = <PLEX_TOKEN> # access token
### Create `preroll_schedules.yaml` file with desired schedule
#### Date Range Section Scheduling
Use it for *Day* or *Ranges of Dates* needs \
Now with Time support! (optional)
Formatting Supported:
- Dates: yyyy-mm-dd
- DateTime: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss (24hr time format)
Rename `preroll_schedules.yaml.sample` -> `preroll_schedules.yaml` and update for your environment
Example YAML config layout (See: [Sample](preroll_schedules.yaml.sample) for more info)
enabled: (yes/no)
jan: /path/to/file.mp4;/path/to/file.mp4
dec: /path/to/file.mp4;/path/to/file.mp4
enabled: (yes/no)
- start_date: 2020-01-01
end_date: 2020-01-01
path: /path/to/video.mp4
- start_date: 2020-07-03
end_date: 2020-07-05
path: /path/to/video.mp4
- start_date: 2020-12-19
end_date: 2020-12-26
path: /path/to/video.mp4
enabled: (yes/no)
1: /path/to/file(s)
52: /path/to/file(s)
enabled: (yes/no)
always_use: /path/to/file(s)
enabled: (yes/no)
path: /path/to/file.mp4;/path/to/file.mp4
See [Advancecd Date Ranges](#advanced_date) for additional features
## Usage <a id="usage"></a>
### Default Usage
### Runtime Arguments <a id="arguments" ></a>
- -v : version information
- -h : help information
- -c : config.ini (local or PlexAPI system central) for Connection Info (see [config.ini.sample](config.ini.sample))
- -s : preroll_schedules.yaml for various scheduling information (see [spreroll_schedules.yaml.sample](preroll_schedules.yaml.sample))
- -lc : location of custom logger.conf config file \
- Sample [logger config](logging.conf)
- Logger usage <a href="" target="_blank" >Examples</a>
- Logging <a href="" target="_blank">Doc Info</a>
python -h
usage: [-h] [-v] [-l LOG_CONFIG_FILE] [-c CONFIG_FILE] [-s SCHEDULE_FILE]
Automate scheduling of pre-roll intros for Plex
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show the version number and exit
-lc LOG_CONFIG_FILE, --logconfig-path LOG_CONFIG_FILE
Path to logging config file. [Default: ./logging.conf]
-c CONFIG_FILE, --config-path CONFIG_FILE
Path to Config.ini to use for Plex Server info. [Default: ./config.ini]
Path to pre-roll schedule file (YAML) to be use. [Default: ./preroll_schedules.yaml]
### Runtime Arguments Example
python \
-c path/to/custom/config.ini \
-s path/to/custom/preroll_schedules.yaml \
-lc path/to/custom/logger.conf
## Scheduling Script (Optional) <a id="scheduling"></a>
Add to system scheduler:
crontab -e
Place desired schedule (example below for everyday at midnight)
0 0 * * * python /path/to/ >/dev/null 2>&1
or \
(Optional) Wrap in a shell script: \
useful if running other scripts/commands, using venv encapsulation, customizing arguments
0 0 * * * /path/to/ >/dev/null 2>&1
Schedule as frequently as needed for your environment and how specific and to your personal rotation schedule needs
## Advanced Date Range Section Scheduling <a id="advanced_date"></a> (Optional)
Date Ranges with Recurring Timeframes \
Useful for static dates or times where you want recurring preroll activity
- Every Morning
- Yearly holidays (Halloween, New Years, Independence)
- Birthdays, Anniversaries
For either Start and/or End date of range \
Substitute "xx" for date/times to schedule for "any" \
Substitute "xxxx" for recurring year
- xxxx-xx-01 - Every first of month
- xxxx-xx-xx - Every day
- xxxx-xx-xx 08:00:00 - every day from 8am
- xxxx-01-01 - Every year on Jan 1 (new years day)
if using Time, still must have a full datetime pattern (ex: hour, minute, second hh:mm:ss)
#every July 4
- start_date: xxxx-07-04
end_date: xxxx-07-04
path: /path/to/video.mp4
# every first of month, all day
- start_date: xxxx-xx-01
end_date: xxxx-xx-01
path: /path/to/video.mp4
# 8-9 am every day
- start_date: xxxx-xx-xx 08:00:00
end_date: xxxx-xx-xx 08:59:59
path: /path/to/video.mp4
Note: Detailed time based schedules benefit from increased running of the Python script for frequently - ex: Hourly \
(See: [Scheduling Script](#scheduling) section)
## Config `logger.conf` to your needs (Optional)
See: <a href="" target="_blank"><></a>
## Wrapping Up
> Sit back and enjoy the Intros!
## Shout out to places to get Pre-Roll
- <a href="" target="_blank"><></a>