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<div class="docsify-hidden">Portainer Stack Utils Docs</div>
<abbr title="command-line interface">CLI</abbr> Commands
<div class="docsify-hidden">
<h2>Table of contents</h2>
<!-- Generated by https://github.com/mcpride/atom-mdtoc -->
<!-- MDTOC maxdepth:2 firsth1:2 numbering:0 flatten:0 bullets:1 updateOnSave:1 -->
- [Available actions](#available-actions)
- [Aliased actions](#aliased-actions)
- [Available options](#available-options)
- [Available environment variables](#available-environment-variables)
- [Actions in details](#actions-in-details)
- [`deploy`](#deploy)
- [`rm`](#rm)
- [`ls`](#ls)
- [`status`](#status)
- [`services`](#services)
- [`tasks`](#tasks)
- [`tasks:healthy`](#taskshealthy)
- [`containers`](#containers)
- [`login`](#login)
- [`lint`](#lint)
- [`inspect`](#inspect)
- [`system:info`](#systeminfo)
- [`actions`](#actions)
- [`help`](#help)
- [`version`](#version)
- [Options in details](#options-in-details)
- [Stack environment variables](#stack-environment-variables)
- [Verbose mode](#verbose-mode)
- [Debug mode](#debug-mode)
- [Strict mode](#strict-mode)
- [Quiet mode](#quiet-mode)
- [`detect-job` option](#detect-job-option)
- [Glossary](#glossary)
- [Job](#job)
<!-- /MDTOC -->
## Available actions
| Name | Description |
| --------------------------------- | ----------- |
| [`deploy`](#deploy) | Deploy/update the given stack. |
| [`rm`](#rm) | Remove/undeploy the given stack. |
| [`ls`](#ls) | List stacks already deployed. |
| [`status`](#status) | Check if the stack is running/deployed correctly. |
| [`services`](#services) | List services already deployed in the current stack. |
| [`tasks`](#tasks) | List tasks in the current stack. |
| [`tasks:healthy`](#taskshealthy) | List tasks who are running correctly in the current stack. |
| [`containers`](#containers) | List containers running in the current stack. |
| [`login`](#login) | Log in to a Portainer instance. |
| [`lint`](#lint) | Validate the Docker compose/stack file. |
| [`inspect`](#inspect) | Display low-level information of the current stack. |
| [`system:info`](#systeminfo) | Display Docker system-wide information. |
| [`actions`](#actions) | List available actions for this program. |
| [`help`](#help) | Display help message. |
| [`version`](#version) | Display this program version. |
### Aliased actions
| Aliased action | Equivalent action |
| ------------------ | ---------------------------------- |
| `auth` | [`login`](#login) |
| `docker:info` | [`system:info`](#systeminfo) |
| `list` | [`ls`](#ls) |
| `ps` | [`tasks`](#tasks) |
| `ps:healthy` | [`tasks:healthy`](#taskshealthy) |
| `remove` | [`rm`](#rm) |
| `undeploy` | [`rm`](#rm) |
| `update` | [`deploy`](#deploy) |
| `validate` | [`lint`](#lint) |
## Available options
<!-- [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [lint](#lint), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo), [actions](#actions), [help](#help), [version](#version) | -->
| Flag | Option | Description | Used in action(s) |
| -----------| -------------------------------- | ----------- | ----------------- |
| `-l` | `--url=URL` | URL of the Portainer instance | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) |
| `-u` | `--user=USERNAME` | Username of the Portainer instance | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) |
| `-p` | `--password=PASSWORD` | Password of the Portainer instance | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) |
| `-A` | `--auth-token=[AUTH_TOKEN]` | Use a Portainer auth token instead of `--user` and `--password` options, you can get it with the `psu login` command. Defaults to `null` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) |
| `-n` | `--name=STACK_NAME` | Stack name | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [inspect](#inspect) |
| `-c`, `-f` | `--compose-file=FILE_PATH` | Path to docker compose/stack file (required if action=deploy) | [deploy](#deploy), [lint](#lint) |
| `-C`, `-F` | `--compose-file-base64=[BASE64]` | Content of docker compose/stack file, encoded in base64, useful with Docker in Docker (only used when action=deploy) | [deploy](#deploy), [lint](#lint) |
| `-g` | `--env-file=[FILE_PATH]` | Path to a file of environment variables, to be used by the stack (only used when action=deploy) | [deploy](#deploy) |
| `-G` | `--env-file-base64=[BASE64]` | Content of file with environment variables, encoded in base64, to be used by the stack, useful with Docker in Docker (only used when action=deploy) | [deploy](#deploy) |
| `-e` | `--endpoint=[ENDPOINT_ID]` | Which Docker endpoint to use. Defaults to `1` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) |
| `-r` | `--prune` | Whether to prune unused containers or not (only used when action=deploy). Defaults to `false` | [deploy](#deploy) |
| `-T` | `--timeout=[SECONDS]` | Timeout, number of seconds before thrown an error (only used when action=status\|tasks\|tasks:healthy). Defaults to `100` | [status](#status), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy) |
| `-j` | `--detect-job=[true\|false]` | Auto detect services who are jobs in the current stack. Defaults to `true` | [status](#status), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy) |
| `-S` | `--service=[SERVICE_NAME]` | Filtering by a service name of the current stack (only used when action=status\|tasks\|tasks:healthy\|containers) | [status](#status), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers) |
| `-i` | `--insecure` | Skip the host's SSL certificate verification, use at your own risk. Defaults to `false` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) |
| `-v` | `--verbose` | Increase the verbosity of messages. Defaults to `false` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [lint](#lint), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo), [actions](#actions) |
| `-d` | `--debug` | Print as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. Defaults to `false` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [lint](#lint), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo), [actions](#actions) |
| `-m` | `--masked-variables` | In debug/verbose mode, value of sensitive variables will be hidden, avoid leaking passwords/tokens in logs. Possible values: true\|extended\|false. Defaults to `false` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) |
| `-q` | `--quiet` | Display the minimum of information or nothing, UNIX/Linux friendly. Defaults to `false` | [ls](#ls), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [inspect](#inspect) |
| `-t` | `--strict` | Never updates an existent stack nor removes an inexistent one, and instead exits with an error. Defaults to `false` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm) |
| `-L` | `--lint=[true\|false]` | Validate the Docker compose/stack file before deploying the stack (only used when action=deploy). Defaults to `true` | [deploy](#deploy) |
| `-h` | `--help` | Display help message. To display help of a given action, run: `psu <action> --help` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [lint](#lint), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo), [actions](#actions), [version](#version) |
| `-V` | `--version` | Display the version of this program | |
| `-s` | `--secure=[yes\|no]` | **DEPRECATED**: Use the `--insecure` option instead. Enable or disable the host's SSL certificate verification. Defaults to `yes` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) |
| `-a` | `--action=[ACTION_NAME]` | **DEPRECATED**: Use `<action>` argument instead. The name of the action to execute | |
## Available environment variables
| Environment variable | Description | Used in action(s) |
| ------------------------------------------- | -------------- | ----------------- |
| `ACTION=ACTION_NAME` | The name of the action to execute | <abbr title="not applicable">n/a</abbr> |
| `PORTAINER_URL=URL` | URL of the Portainer instance | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) |
| `PORTAINER_USER=USERNAME` | Username of the Portainer instance | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) |
| `PORTAINER_PASSWORD=PASSWORD` | Password of the Portainer instance | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) |
| `PORTAINER_AUTH_TOKEN=[AUTH_TOKEN]` | Use a Portainer auth token instead of `--user` and `--password` options, you can get it with the `psu login` command. Defaults to `null` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) |
| `PORTAINER_STACK_NAME=STACK_NAME` | Stack name | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [inspect](#inspect) |
| `DOCKER_COMPOSE_FILE=FILE_PATH` | Path to docker compose/stack file (required if action=deploy) | [deploy](#deploy), [lint](#lint) |
| `ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_FILE=[FILE_PATH]` | Path to a file of environment variables, to be used by the stack (only used when action=deploy) | [deploy](#deploy) |
| `PORTAINER_ENDPOINT=[ENDPOINT_ID]` | Which Docker endpoint to use. Defaults to `1` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) |
| `PORTAINER_PRUNE=[true\|false]` | Whether to prune unused containers or not (only used when action=deploy). Defaults to `false` | [deploy](#deploy) |
| `TIMEOUT=[SECONDS]` | Timeout, number of seconds before thrown an error (only used when action=status\|tasks\|tasks:healthy). Defaults to `100` | [status](#status), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy) |
| `AUTO_DETECT_JOB=[true\|false]` | Auto detect services who are jobs in the current stack. Defaults to `true` | [status](#status), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy) |
| `PORTAINER_SERVICE_NAME=[SERVICE_NAME]` | Filtering by a service name of the current stack (only used when action=status\|tasks\|tasks:healthy\|containers) | [status](#status), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers) |
| `HTTPIE_VERIFY_SSL=[yes\|no]` | Enable or disable the host's SSL certificate verification. Defaults to `yes` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) |
| `VERBOSE_MODE=[true\|false]` | Increase the verbosity of messages. Defaults to `false` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [lint](#lint), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo), [actions](#actions) |
| `DEBUG_MODE=[true\|false]` | Print as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. Defaults to `false` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [lint](#lint), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo), [actions](#actions) |
| `MASKED_VARIABLES=[true\|extended\|false]` | In debug/verbose mode, value of sensitive variables will be hidden, avoid leaking passwords/tokens in logs. Possible values: true\|extended\|false. Defaults to `false` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) |
| `QUIET_MODE=[true\|false]` | Display the minimum of information or nothing, UNIX/Linux friendly. Defaults to `false` | [ls](#ls), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [inspect](#inspect) |
| `STRICT_MODE=[true\|false]` | Never updates an existent stack nor removes an inexistent one, and instead exits with an error. Defaults to `false` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm) |
| `DOCKER_COMPOSE_LINT=[true\|false]` | Validate the Docker compose/stack file before deploying the stack (only used when action=deploy). Defaults to `true` | [deploy](#deploy) |
<!-- | `PORTAINER_INSECURE=[true\|false]` | Skip the host's SSL certificate verification, use at your own risk. Defaults to `false` | [deploy](#deploy), [rm](#rm), [ls](#ls), [status](#status), [services](#services), [tasks](#tasks), [tasks:healthy](#taskshealthy), [containers](#containers), [login](#login), [inspect](#inspect), [system:info](#systeminfo) | -->
<!-- | `DOCKER_COMPOSE_BASE64=[BASE64]` | Content of docker compose/stack file, encoded in base64, useful with Docker in Docker (only used when action=deploy) | [deploy](#deploy), [lint](#lint) | -->
<!-- | `ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_BASE64=[BASE64]` | Content of file with environment variables, encoded in base64, to be used by the stack, useful with Docker in Docker (only used when action=deploy) | [deploy](#deploy) | -->
## Actions in details
### `deploy`
Deploy/update the given stack.
#### Aliased action:
#### Usage:
`psu deploy [options]`
#### Examples:
psu deploy --user admin --password password --url https://portainer.local --name mystack --compose-file /path/to/docker-compose.yml --env-file /path/to/env_vars_file
#### Required options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-l` | `--url=URL` | URL of the Portainer instance |
| `-u` | `--user=USERNAME` | Username of the Portainer instance |
| `-p` | `--password=PASSWORD` | Password of the Portainer instance |
| `-n` | `--name=STACK_NAME` | Stack name |
| `-c`, `-f` | `--compose-file=FILE_PATH` | Path to docker compose/stack file (required if action=deploy) |
#### Optional options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-A` | `--auth-token=[AUTH_TOKEN]` | Use a Portainer auth token instead of `--user` and `--password` options, you can get it with the `psu login` command. Defaults to `null` |
| `-e` | `--endpoint=[ENDPOINT_ID]` | Which Docker endpoint to use. Defaults to `1` |
| `-L` | `--lint=[true\|false]` | Validate the Docker compose/stack file before deploying the stack (only used when action=deploy). Defaults to `true` |
| `-C`, `-F` | `--compose-file-base64=[BASE64]` | Content of docker compose/stack file, encoded in base64, useful with Docker in Docker (only used when action=deploy) |
| `-g` | `--env-file=[FILE_PATH]` | Path to a file of environment variables, to be used by the stack (only used when action=deploy) |
| `-G` | `--env-file-base64=[BASE64]` | Content of file with environment variables, encoded in base64, to be used by the stack, useful with Docker in Docker (only used when action=deploy) |
| `-r` | `--prune` | Whether to prune unused containers or not (only used when action=deploy). Defaults to `false` |
| `-i` | `--insecure` | Skip the host's SSL certificate verification, use at your own risk. Defaults to `false` |
| `-v` | `--verbose` | Increase the verbosity of messages. Defaults to `false` |
| `-d` | `--debug` | Print as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. Defaults to `false` |
| `-m` | `--masked-variables` | In debug/verbose mode, value of sensitive variables will be hidden, avoid leaking passwords/tokens in logs. Possible values: true\|extended\|false. Defaults to `false` |
| `-t` | `--strict` | Never updates an existent stack nor removes an inexistent one, and instead exits with an error. Defaults to `false` |
| `-h` | `--help` | Display help message. To display help of a given action, run: `psu <action> --help` |
### `rm`
Remove/undeploy the given stack.
#### Aliased actions:
`remove`, `undeploy`
#### Usage:
`psu rm [options]`
#### Examples:
psu rm --user admin --password password --url https://portainer.local --name mystack
#### Required options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-l` | `--url=URL` | URL of the Portainer instance |
| `-u` | `--user=USERNAME` | Username of the Portainer instance |
| `-p` | `--password=PASSWORD` | Password of the Portainer instance |
| `-n` | `--name=STACK_NAME` | Stack name |
#### Optional options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-A` | `--auth-token=[AUTH_TOKEN]` | Use a Portainer auth token instead of `--user` and `--password` options, you can get it with the `psu login` command. Defaults to `null` |
| `-e` | `--endpoint=[ENDPOINT_ID]` | Which Docker endpoint to use. Defaults to `1` |
| `-i` | `--insecure` | Skip the host's SSL certificate verification, use at your own risk. Defaults to `false` |
| `-v` | `--verbose` | Increase the verbosity of messages. Defaults to `false` |
| `-d` | `--debug` | Print as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. Defaults to `false` |
| `-m` | `--masked-variables` | In debug/verbose mode, value of sensitive variables will be hidden, avoid leaking passwords/tokens in logs. Possible values: true\|extended\|false. Defaults to `false` |
| `-t` | `--strict` | Never updates an existent stack nor removes an inexistent one, and instead exits with an error. Defaults to `false` |
| `-h` | `--help` | Display help message. To display help of a given action, run: `psu <action> --help` |
### `ls`
List stacks already deployed.
#### Aliased actions:
#### Usage:
`psu ls [options]`
#### Examples:
psu ls --user admin --password password --url https://portainer.local
Output a JSON array of the stacks already deployed:
"Id": "mystack_jpofkc0i9uo9wtx1zesuk649w",
"Name": "mystack",
"Type": "1",
"EndpointID": "1",
"EntryPoint": "docker-compose.yml",
"SwarmID": "jpofkc0i9uo9wtx1zesuk649w",
"ProjectPath": "/data/compose/mystack_jpofkc0i9uo9wtx1zesuk649w",
"Env": [
"value": "password"
"Id": "mysecondstack_i0649w9uo9wtx1zesujpofkck",
"Name": "mysecondstack",
"Type": "1",
"EndpointID": "1",
"EntryPoint": "docker-compose.yml",
"SwarmID": "i0649w9uo9wtx1zesujpofkck",
"ProjectPath": "/data/compose/mysecondstack_i0649w9uo9wtx1zesujpofkck"
"Id": "mythirdstack_w9uo9wtxi064ujpofkck91zes",
"Name": "mythirdstack",
"Type": "1",
"EndpointID": "1",
"EntryPoint": "docker-compose.yml",
"SwarmID": "mythirdstack_w9uo9wtxi064ujpofkck91zes",
"ProjectPath": "/data/compose/mythirdstack_mythirdstack_w9uo9wtxi064ujpofkck91zes"
**With the `quiet` mode enabled**:
psu ls --user admin --password password --url https://portainer.local --quiet
Output the name of the stacks already deployed:
#### Required options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-l` | `--url=URL` | URL of the Portainer instance |
| `-u` | `--user=USERNAME` | Username of the Portainer instance |
| `-p` | `--password=PASSWORD` | Password of the Portainer instance |
#### Optional options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-A` | `--auth-token=[AUTH_TOKEN]` | Use a Portainer auth token instead of `--user` and `--password` options, you can get it with the `psu login` command. Defaults to `null` |
| `-e` | `--endpoint=[ENDPOINT_ID]` | Which Docker endpoint to use. Defaults to `1` |
| `-q` | `--quiet` | Display the minimum of information or nothing, UNIX/Linux friendly. Defaults to `false` |
| `-i` | `--insecure` | Skip the host's SSL certificate verification, use at your own risk. Defaults to `false` |
| `-v` | `--verbose` | Increase the verbosity of messages. Defaults to `false` |
| `-d` | `--debug` | Print as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. Defaults to `false` |
| `-m` | `--masked-variables` | In debug/verbose mode, value of sensitive variables will be hidden, avoid leaking passwords/tokens in logs. Possible values: true\|extended\|false. Defaults to `false` |
| `-h` | `--help` | Display help message. To display help of a given action, run: `psu <action> --help` |
### `status`
Check if the stack is running/deployed correctly
If your stack has some services who acts as [jobs](#job), see the [`--detect-job`](#detect-job-option) option for more details.
This action is very useful in CI/CD pipelines, it's equivalent to the [`kubectl rollout status`](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/generated/kubectl/kubectl-commands#-em-status-em-) command of Kubernetes.
#### Usage:
`psu status [options]`
#### Examples:
psu status --user admin --password password --url https://portainer.local --name mystack
This command outputs nothing if the stack is correctly running or deployed.
It also has an exit code (or exit status).
The exit code value return based on a command or program will successfully execute _(return 0)_ or not _(return 1 or higher)_.
psu status --user admin --password password --url https://portainer.local --name mystack --timeout 20
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "[OK] This stack is running/deployed correctly"
echo "[ERROR] This stack isn't running/deployed correctly!"
For more informations about exit code, you can read this [article](https://tecadmin.net/tutorial/bash-scripting/bash-exit-codes/) and this [Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exit_status)
#### Required options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-l` | `--url=URL` | URL of the Portainer instance |
| `-u` | `--user=USERNAME` | Username of the Portainer instance |
| `-p` | `--password=PASSWORD` | Password of the Portainer instance |
| `-n` | `--name=STACK_NAME` | Stack name |
#### Optional options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-A` | `--auth-token=[AUTH_TOKEN]` | Use a Portainer auth token instead of `--user` and `--password` options, you can get it with the `psu login` command. Defaults to `null` |
| `-e` | `--endpoint=[ENDPOINT_ID]` | Which Docker endpoint to use. Defaults to `1` |
| `-S` | `--service=[SERVICE_NAME]` | Filtering by a service name of the current stack (only used when action=status\|tasks\|tasks:healthy\|containers) |
| `-j` | `--detect-job=[true\|false]` | Auto detect services who are jobs in the current stack. Defaults to `true` |
| `-T` | `--timeout=[SECONDS]` | Timeout, number of seconds before thrown an error (only used when action=status\|tasks\|tasks:healthy). Defaults to `100` |
| `-i` | `--insecure` | Skip the host's SSL certificate verification, use at your own risk. Defaults to `false` |
| `-v` | `--verbose` | Increase the verbosity of messages. Defaults to `false` |
| `-d` | `--debug` | Print as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. Defaults to `false` |
| `-m` | `--masked-variables` | In debug/verbose mode, value of sensitive variables will be hidden, avoid leaking passwords/tokens in logs. Possible values: true\|extended\|false. Defaults to `false` |
| `-h` | `--help` | Display help message. To display help of a given action, run: `psu <action> --help` |
### `services`
List services already deployed in the current stack.
#### Usage:
`psu services [options]`
#### Required options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-l` | `--url=URL` | URL of the Portainer instance |
| `-u` | `--user=USERNAME` | Username of the Portainer instance |
| `-p` | `--password=PASSWORD` | Password of the Portainer instance |
| `-n` | `--name=STACK_NAME` | Stack name |
#### Optional options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-A` | `--auth-token=[AUTH_TOKEN]` | Use a Portainer auth token instead of `--user` and `--password` options, you can get it with the `psu login` command. Defaults to `null` |
| `-e` | `--endpoint=[ENDPOINT_ID]` | Which Docker endpoint to use. Defaults to `1` |
| `-q` | `--quiet` | Display the minimum of information or nothing, UNIX/Linux friendly. Defaults to `false` |
| `-i` | `--insecure` | Skip the host's SSL certificate verification, use at your own risk. Defaults to `false` |
| `-v` | `--verbose` | Increase the verbosity of messages. Defaults to `false` |
| `-d` | `--debug` | Print as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. Defaults to `false` |
| `-m` | `--masked-variables` | In debug/verbose mode, value of sensitive variables will be hidden, avoid leaking passwords/tokens in logs. Possible values: true\|extended\|false. Defaults to `false` |
| `-h` | `--help` | Display help message. To display help of a given action, run: `psu <action> --help` |
### `tasks`
List tasks in the current stack.
If your stack has some services who acts as [jobs](#job), see the [`--detect-job`](#detect-job-option) option for more details.
#### Usage:
`psu tasks [options]`
#### Aliased action:
#### Required options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-l` | `--url=URL` | URL of the Portainer instance |
| `-u` | `--user=USERNAME` | Username of the Portainer instance |
| `-p` | `--password=PASSWORD` | Password of the Portainer instance |
| `-n` | `--name=STACK_NAME` | Stack name |
#### Optional options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-A` | `--auth-token=[AUTH_TOKEN]` | Use a Portainer auth token instead of `--user` and `--password` options, you can get it with the `psu login` command. Defaults to `null` |
| `-e` | `--endpoint=[ENDPOINT_ID]` | Which Docker endpoint to use. Defaults to `1` |
| `-S` | `--service=[SERVICE_NAME]` | Filtering by a service name of the current stack (only used when action=status\|tasks\|tasks:healthy\|containers) |
| `-j` | `--detect-job=[true\|false]` | Auto detect services who are jobs in the current stack. Defaults to `true` |
| `-T` | `--timeout=[SECONDS]` | Timeout, number of seconds before thrown an error (only used when action=status\|tasks\|tasks:healthy). Defaults to `100` |
| `-q` | `--quiet` | Display the minimum of information or nothing, UNIX/Linux friendly. Defaults to `false` |
| `-i` | `--insecure` | Skip the host's SSL certificate verification, use at your own risk. Defaults to `false` |
| `-v` | `--verbose` | Increase the verbosity of messages. Defaults to `false` |
| `-d` | `--debug` | Print as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. Defaults to `false` |
| `-m` | `--masked-variables` | In debug/verbose mode, value of sensitive variables will be hidden, avoid leaking passwords/tokens in logs. Possible values: true\|extended\|false. Defaults to `false` |
| `-h` | `--help` | Display help message. To display help of a given action, run: `psu <action> --help` |
### `tasks:healthy`
List tasks who are running correctly in the current stack.
If your stack has some services who acts as [jobs](#job), see the [`--detect-job`](#detect-job-option) option for more details.
#### Usage:
`psu tasks:healthy [options]`
#### Aliased action:
#### Required options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-l` | `--url=URL` | URL of the Portainer instance |
| `-u` | `--user=USERNAME` | Username of the Portainer instance |
| `-p` | `--password=PASSWORD` | Password of the Portainer instance |
| `-n` | `--name=STACK_NAME` | Stack name |
#### Optional options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-A` | `--auth-token=[AUTH_TOKEN]` | Use a Portainer auth token instead of `--user` and `--password` options, you can get it with the `psu login` command. Defaults to `null` |
| `-e` | `--endpoint=[ENDPOINT_ID]` | Which Docker endpoint to use. Defaults to `1` |
| `-S` | `--service=[SERVICE_NAME]` | Filtering by a service name of the current stack (only used when action=status\|tasks\|tasks:healthy\|containers) |
| `-j` | `--detect-job=[true\|false]` | Auto detect services who are jobs in the current stack. Defaults to `true` |
| `-T` | `--timeout=[SECONDS]` | Timeout, number of seconds before thrown an error (only used when action=status\|tasks\|tasks:healthy). Defaults to `100` |
| `-q` | `--quiet` | Display the minimum of information or nothing, UNIX/Linux friendly. Defaults to `false` |
| `-i` | `--insecure` | Skip the host's SSL certificate verification, use at your own risk. Defaults to `false` |
| `-v` | `--verbose` | Increase the verbosity of messages. Defaults to `false` |
| `-d` | `--debug` | Print as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. Defaults to `false` |
| `-m` | `--masked-variables` | In debug/verbose mode, value of sensitive variables will be hidden, avoid leaking passwords/tokens in logs. Possible values: true\|extended\|false. Defaults to `false` |
| `-h` | `--help` | Display help message. To display help of a given action, run: `psu <action> --help` |
### `containers`
List containers running in the current stack.
#### Usage:
`psu containers [options]`
#### Required options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-l` | `--url=URL` | URL of the Portainer instance |
| `-u` | `--user=USERNAME` | Username of the Portainer instance |
| `-p` | `--password=PASSWORD` | Password of the Portainer instance |
| `-n` | `--name=STACK_NAME` | Stack name |
#### Optional options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-A` | `--auth-token=[AUTH_TOKEN]` | Use a Portainer auth token instead of `--user` and `--password` options, you can get it with the `psu login` command. Defaults to `null` |
| `-e` | `--endpoint=[ENDPOINT_ID]` | Which Docker endpoint to use. Defaults to `1` |
| `-S` | `--service=[SERVICE_NAME]` | Filtering by a service name of the current stack (only used when action=status\|tasks\|tasks:healthy\|containers) |
| `-q` | `--quiet` | Display the minimum of information or nothing, UNIX/Linux friendly. Defaults to `false` |
| `-i` | `--insecure` | Skip the host's SSL certificate verification, use at your own risk. Defaults to `false` |
| `-v` | `--verbose` | Increase the verbosity of messages. Defaults to `false` |
| `-d` | `--debug` | Print as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. Defaults to `false` |
| `-m` | `--masked-variables` | In debug/verbose mode, value of sensitive variables will be hidden, avoid leaking passwords/tokens in logs. Possible values: true\|extended\|false. Defaults to `false` |
| `-h` | `--help` | Display help message. To display help of a given action, run: `psu <action> --help` |
### `login`
Log in to a Portainer instance.
#### Usage:
`psu login [options]`
#### Aliased action:
#### Required options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-l` | `--url=URL` | URL of the Portainer instance |
| `-u` | `--user=USERNAME` | Username of the Portainer instance |
| `-p` | `--password=PASSWORD` | Password of the Portainer instance |
#### Optional options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-i` | `--insecure` | Skip the host's SSL certificate verification, use at your own risk. Defaults to `false` |
| `-v` | `--verbose` | Increase the verbosity of messages. Defaults to `false` |
| `-d` | `--debug` | Print as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. Defaults to `false` |
| `-m` | `--masked-variables` | In debug/verbose mode, value of sensitive variables will be hidden, avoid leaking passwords/tokens in logs. Possible values: true\|extended\|false. Defaults to `false` |
| `-h` | `--help` | Display help message. To display help of a given action, run: `psu <action> --help` |
### `lint`
Validate the Docker compose/stack file.
#### Usage:
`psu lint [options]`
#### Aliased action:
#### Required options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-c`, `-f` | `--compose-file=FILE_PATH` | Path to docker compose/stack file (required if action=deploy) |
#### Optional options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-C`, `-F` | `--compose-file-base64=[BASE64]` | Content of docker compose/stack file, encoded in base64, useful with Docker in Docker (only used when action=deploy) |
| `-v` | `--verbose` | Increase the verbosity of messages. Defaults to `false` |
| `-d` | `--debug` | Print as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. Defaults to `false` |
| `-h` | `--help` | Display help message. To display help of a given action, run: `psu <action> --help` |
### `inspect`
Display low-level information of the current stack.
#### Usage:
`psu inspect [options]`
#### Examples:
psu inspect --user admin --password password --url https://portainer.local --name mystack
Output the JSON object of the stack if it's already deployed:
"Id": "mystack_jpofkc0i9uo9wtx1zesuk649w",
"Name": "mystack",
"Type": "1",
"EndpointID": "1",
"EntryPoint": "docker-compose.yml",
"SwarmID": "jpofkc0i9uo9wtx1zesuk649w",
"ProjectPath": "/data/compose/mystack_jpofkc0i9uo9wtx1zesuk649w",
"Env": [
"value": "password"
**With the `quiet` mode enabled**:
psu inspect --user admin --password password --url https://portainer.local --name mystack --quiet
Output the stack name if it's already deployed:
**Check if the stack is already deployed**:
stack_exist=$(psu inspect --user admin --password password --url https://portainer.local --name mystack)
if [ -n "$stack_exist" ]; then
echo OK
echo KO
## OR check the exit code of the last executed command:
stack_exist=$(psu inspect --user admin --password password --url https://portainer.local --name mystack)
if $(exit $status); then
echo OK
echo KO
#### Required options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-l` | `--url=URL` | URL of the Portainer instance |
| `-u` | `--user=USERNAME` | Username of the Portainer instance |
| `-p` | `--password=PASSWORD` | Password of the Portainer instance |
| `-n` | `--name=STACK_NAME` | Stack name |
#### Optional options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-A` | `--auth-token=[AUTH_TOKEN]` | Use a Portainer auth token instead of `--user` and `--password` options, you can get it with the `psu login` command. Defaults to `null` |
| `-e` | `--endpoint=[ENDPOINT_ID]` | Which Docker endpoint to use. Defaults to `1` |
| `-q` | `--quiet` | Display the minimum of information or nothing, UNIX/Linux friendly. Defaults to `false` |
| `-i` | `--insecure` | Skip the host's SSL certificate verification, use at your own risk. Defaults to `false` |
| `-v` | `--verbose` | Increase the verbosity of messages. Defaults to `false` |
| `-d` | `--debug` | Print as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. Defaults to `false` |
| `-m` | `--masked-variables` | In debug/verbose mode, value of sensitive variables will be hidden, avoid leaking passwords/tokens in logs. Possible values: true\|extended\|false. Defaults to `false` |
| `-h` | `--help` | Display help message. To display help of a given action, run: `psu <action> --help` |
### `system:info`
Display Docker system-wide information.
#### Usage:
`psu system:info [options]`
#### Aliased action:
#### Required options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-l` | `--url=URL` | URL of the Portainer instance |
| `-u` | `--user=USERNAME` | Username of the Portainer instance |
| `-p` | `--password=PASSWORD` | Password of the Portainer instance |
#### Optional options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-A` | `--auth-token=[AUTH_TOKEN]` | Use a Portainer auth token instead of `--user` and `--password` options, you can get it with the `psu login` command. Defaults to `null` |
| `-e` | `--endpoint=[ENDPOINT_ID]` | Which Docker endpoint to use. Defaults to `1` |
| `-i` | `--insecure` | Skip the host's SSL certificate verification, use at your own risk. Defaults to `false` |
| `-v` | `--verbose` | Increase the verbosity of messages. Defaults to `false` |
| `-d` | `--debug` | Print as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. Defaults to `false` |
| `-m` | `--masked-variables` | In debug/verbose mode, value of sensitive variables will be hidden, avoid leaking passwords/tokens in logs. Possible values: true\|extended\|false. Defaults to `false` |
| `-h` | `--help` | Display help message. To display help of a given action, run: `psu <action> --help` |
### `actions`
List available actions for this program.
#### Optional options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-v` | `--verbose` | Increase the verbosity of messages. Defaults to `false` |
| `-d` | `--debug` | Print as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction. Defaults to `false` |
| `-h` | `--help` | Display help message. To display help of a given action, run: `psu <action> --help` |
### `help`
Display help message.
### `version`
Display this program version.
#### Optional options:
| Flag | Option | Description |
| ---------- | -------------------------------- | ----------- |
| `-h` | `--help` | Display help message. To display help of a given action, run: `psu <action> --help` |
## Options in details
### Stack environment variables
There can be set environment variables for each stack, be it a new deployment or an update. For example:
touch .env
echo "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=agoodpassword" >> .env
echo "ALLOWED_HOSTS=*" >> .env
psu deploy --user admin --password password --url https://portainer.local --name mystack --compose-file docker-compose.yml --env-file .env
Stack environment variables can be enabled through `ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_FILE` envvar or `--env-file` option or `-g` flag.
### Verbose mode
In verbose mode the script prints execution steps.
Getting auth token...
Getting stack mystack...
Stack mystack not found.
Getting Docker info...
Getting swarm cluster (if any)...
Swarm cluster found.
Preparing stack JSON...
Creating stack mystack...
Verbose mode can be enabled through `VERBOSE_MODE` envvar or `--verbose` option or `-v` flag.
### Debug mode
In debug mode the script prints as much information as possible to help diagnosing a malfunction.
**WARNING**: Debug mode will print configuration values (with Portainer credentials) and Portainer API responses (with sensitive information like authentication token and stacks environment variables). Avoid using debug mode in CI/CD pipelines, as pipeline logs are usually recorded.
Debug mode can be enabled through `DEBUG_MODE` envvar or `--debug` option or `-d` flag.
### Strict mode
In strict mode the script never updates an existent stack nor removes an inexistent one, and instead exits with an error.
Strict mode can be enabled through `STRICT_MODE` envvar or `--strict` option or `-t` flag.
### Quiet mode
In quiet mode the script prints the minimum of informations or nothing.
It's inspired by the `--quiet` option of [`docker images`](https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/images/#options) command.
Quiet mode can be enabled through `QUIET_MODE` envvar or `--quiet` option or `-q` flag.
### `detect-job` option
The `--detect-job` option (`true` by default) detects if a service has a restart policy set to `none` and considered this service as a [Job](#job).
If set to `false`, to considering a service as a [Job](#job), you need to set a container's [label](https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#labels-1) named `job-name` with the value you want (e.g. `my-job-service-name`) in the Docker compose/stack file.
_See the [Job definition](#job) section for more details._
## Glossary
### Job
Docker (or Portainer) doesn't have a true [Job](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/jobs-run-to-completion/) mechanism like [Kubernetes](https://kubernetes.io).
But `psu` use an equivalent Docker behavior, based on filtering tasks status with a specific container's [label](https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#labels-1) (`job-name`).
Or when, in your Docker compose/stack file, a service [`deploy.restart_policy.condition`](https://docs.docker.com/compose/compose-file/#restart_policy) option is set to `none`.
The `psu` definition of a job is a Swarm [service](https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/how-swarm-mode-works/services/) who ensures that all its specified [task(s)](https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/how-swarm-mode-works/swarm-task-states/) successfully terminate.
Using a job is useful when you want to have a service who run a script (e.g. database migration).
And shutdown this service when its script is successfully executed.
See the service named `job` in the [`docker-stack-web-app.yml`](https://gitlab.com/psuapp/psu/tree/v1.2.0/tests/dockerfiles/docker-stack-web-app.yml) file, for a real use case.
It has both a container's label `job-name` and a restart policy set to `none`.