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# unifios-utilities [![Discord](https://img.shields.io:/discord/939817841107034172?label=Discord&logo=Discord&style=for-the-badge "Discord")](https://discord.gg/8zqrQJFghg)
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A collection of things to enhance the capabilities of your Unifi Dream Machine, Dream Machine Pro or UXG-Pro.
## Custom Kernel
If you want to do a custom kernel with wireguard support, multicast, multipath routing that is now a possiblity.
Please see the repo and please use at your own risk. This a much larger change than anything in this repo.
## Custom Podman Builds for UDM-SE
All artifacts can be found on IPFS
Extract the zip to the root of your device!
Look at the assets on the Podman workflow.
## macvlan kernel module for UDR
Ui have stopped building the `macvlan` kernel module into the kernel for the UDR, which means containers cannot
have their own routable IPs out of the box. This module is being built and distributed separately, and can be found
at [macvlan-unifi-udr](https://github.com/whi-tw/macvlan-unifi-udr).
## General Tools
### on-boot-script
Do this first. Enables `init.d` style scripts to run on every boot of your UDM.
Includes examples to run `wpa-supplicant/eap-proxy` and/or `ntop-ng` on startup.
Follow this [readme](https://github.com/unifi-utilities/unifios-utilities/blob/main/on-boot-script/README.md).
**It enables complete customization of your UDM/P and fills the gap that config.gateway.json left behind.**
### podman-update
Updates Podman, conmon, and runc to a recent version.
This allows docker-compose usage as well.
### container-common
Apply this after on-boot-script.
Updates container defaults to maintain **stable disk usage footprint** of custom containers.
**Prevents logs filling up UDM storage full**.
### python
If you need python3 on your UDM, generally not recommended, can always use it in unifi-os container.
### UDM Persistent SSH Keys Script
Script to persist ssh keys after reboot or firmware update.
## VPN Servers / Clients
| Name | URL | Description |
|------ |----- |------------- |
|wireguard-go | | Run a Wireguard client/server |
| WireGuard kernel module | <https://github.com/tusc/wireguard-kmod> | Uses a prebuilt linux kernel module, without the need to move to a custom kernel. |
| OpenConnect VPN | <https://github.com/shuguet/openconnect-udm> | OpenConnect VPN Client for the UniFi Dream Machine Pro (Unofficial).|
| split-vpn | <https://github.com/peacey/split-vpn> |A split tunnel VPN script for the UDM with policy based routing. This helper script can be used on your UDM to route select VLANs, clients, or even domains through a VPN connection. It supports OpenVPN, WireGuard, and OpenConnect (Cisco AnyConnect) clients running directly on your UDM, and external VPN clients running on other servers on your network. |
## DNS Providers
Install a DNS server that functions as a network-wide ad and tracker blocker, and which can also securely proxy encrypted DNS requests to an upstream DNS provider.
Begin by following the instructions to setup [on-boot-script](https://github.com/unifi-utilities/unifios-utilities/tree/main/on-boot-script) and [dns-common](https://github.com/unifi-utilities/unifios-utilities/tree/main/dns-common/on_boot.d).
Then, follow the guides below to setup either Pi-Hole, NextDNS, or AdGuard Home.
### dns-common
Base configuration for DNS server containers, both IPv4 and IPv6.
Utilizes MacVLAN CNI plugins to completely isolate the network stack.
### nextdns
Run NextDNS on your UDM with podman.
### run-pihole
[![!Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/boostchicken/pihole.svg?color=green&labelColor=555555&logoColor=ffffff&style=for-the-badge&label=pulls&logo=docker)](https://hub.docker.com/u/boostchicken)
PiHole w/ DoH Image.
Run Pi-hole on your UDM with podman.
Also contains custom image for Pi-hole with `cloudflared`.
### PiHole with DoTe
[![!Docker Pulls](https://img.shields.io/docker/pulls/boostchicken/pihole-dote.svg?color=green&labelColor=555555&logoColor=ffffff&style=for-the-badge&label=pulls&logo=docker)](https://hub.docker.com/u/boostchicken)
Designed by: <https://github.com/chrisstaite/DoTe/>
Alternative to mine which uses DoTe
### AdguardHome
Run AdguardHome on your UDM with podman.
### Cloudflare DDNS
Update your cloudflare domains from your UDM with podman.
## Cool projects you can use with this
| Name | URL | Description |
|------ |----- |------------- |
|multicast-relay |<https://hub.docker.com/r/scyto/multicast-relay> | This is a docker container that implements <https://github.com/alsmith/multicast-relay> to provide mDNS and SSDP on a unifi dream machine. It will likely work on any multi homed host. |
| [mosquitto](./mosquitto/) | <https://hub.docker.com/_/eclipse-mosquitto> | Eclipse Mosquitto is an open source **MQTT message broker** |
| ntopng | <https://github.com/tusc/ntopng-udm> | Much better network stats for your UDM/P! Install this docker container and create an on_boot script to make sure it's always running. |
| LetsEncrypt | <https://github.com/kchristensen/udm-le> |Provision and renew LetsEncrypt SSL certs from your UDM/P. |
| ubios-cert | <https://github.com/alxwolf/ubios-cert> | Provision and renew SSL/TLS certificates from LetsEncrypt, ZeroSSL, BuyPass, Google and any other RFC8555-compliant CA. Runs `acme.sh` on your UDM, UDM Pro, UDM SE or UDR. No podman required, supports both V1.x and V2.x firmwares. Secure your HTTPS connections to device, WiFiman and Guest Portal. |
| Unifi API Browser | <https://hub.docker.com/r/scyto/unifibrowser> | This is a docker container that implements <https://github.com/Art-of-WiFi/UniFi-API-browser> to provide a graphical tool to inspect the data structures available via the unifi API.Great if you are using the REST API for your own purposes and want to explore.Works with multiple controller versions. |
|ubnt-auto-fan-speed |<https://github.com/renedis/ubnt-auto-fan-speed> | A shell script with the goal to make the UDM-Pro silenced while still having good thermal values. |
|rclone | <https://rclone.org/> |Run rclone container with Web GUI for offsite backups. |
|udm-proxy | <https://github.com/xpherism/udm-proxy> |Run a reverse proxy (using caddy in vlan) on the udm-pro. |
| Telegram-Notifications On WAN Failover | <https://github.com/fire1ce/UDM-Failover-Telegram-Notifications> | Use telegram bot to be notified of a wan failover with local account|
## Unsupported / No longer maintained
| Name | URL | Description |
|------ |----- |------------- |
|suricata | | Updates suricata to a recent version. Now in firmware |
| Jumbo Frames | <https://github.com/kalenarndt/udmp-jumbo-frames> | native jumbo frame support for the UDM and UDM-Pro is added in the 1.12.13 EA firmware, support for the UDM-SE is not yet announced. |
## Reimaging your UDM
Working in the shell means that mistakes can happen. Deleted directories or packages may break the underlying software that makes your UDM-Pro SE function as designed. Thankfully, Unifi Support seems to have provided the following process to help bring your UDM back to the stock image.
1. Remove the unit from your network and disconnect the cables from the unit.
2. Press down the reset button for 40+ seconds without power and cables.
3. Release the reset button and power the unit.
4. Again press the reset button for 15+ seconds.
Thanks to user [cfallwell](https://github.com/cfallwell) for describing this fix [here](https://github.com/unifi-utilities/unifios-utilities/issues/428#issuecomment-1386212026). |