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273 lines
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use libloading::Library;
use notify::{recommended_watcher, EventKind, RecursiveMode, Watcher};
use std::{
process::{Command, Stdio},
sync::{mpsc, Mutex},
use find_folder::Search;
use std::{
env::consts::{DLL_PREFIX, DLL_SUFFIX},
path::{Path, PathBuf},
use tracing::{debug, error, info};
// Re-exports
pub use libloading::Symbol;
/// LoadedLib holds a loaded dynamic library and the location of library file
/// with the appropriate OS specific name and extension i.e.
/// `libvoxygen_anim_dyn_active.dylib`, `voxygen_anim_dyn_active.dll`.
/// # NOTE
/// DOES NOT WORK ON MACOS, due to some limitations with hot-reloading the
/// `.dylib`.
pub struct LoadedLib {
/// Loaded library.
pub lib: Library,
/// Path to the library.
pub lib_path: PathBuf,
impl LoadedLib {
/// Compile and load the dynamic library
/// This is necessary because the very first time you use hot reloading you
/// wont have the library, so you can't load it until you have compiled it!
fn compile_load(dyn_package: &str) -> Self {
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
error!("The hot reloading feature does not work on macos.");
// Compile
if !compile(dyn_package) {
panic!("{} compile failed.", dyn_package);
} else {
info!("{} compile succeeded.", dyn_package);
copy(&LoadedLib::determine_path(dyn_package), dyn_package);
/// Load a library from disk.
/// Currently this is pretty fragile, it gets the path of where it thinks
/// the dynamic library should be and tries to load it. It will panic if it
/// is missing.
fn load(dyn_package: &str) -> Self {
let lib_path = LoadedLib::determine_path(dyn_package);
// Try to load the library.
let lib = match unsafe { Library::new(lib_path.clone()) } {
Ok(lib) => lib,
Err(e) => panic!(
"Tried to load dynamic library from {:?}, but it could not be found. A potential \
reason is we may require a special case for your OS so we can find it. {:?}",
lib_path, e
Self { lib, lib_path }
/// Determine the path to the dynamic library based on the path of the
/// current executable.
fn determine_path(dyn_package: &str) -> PathBuf {
let current_exe = env::current_exe();
// If we got the current_exe, we need to go up a level and then down
// in to debug (in case we were in release or another build dir).
let mut lib_path = match current_exe {
Ok(mut path) => {
// Remove the filename to get the directory.
// Search for the debug directory.
let dir = Search::ParentsThenKids(1, 1)
"Could not find the debug build directory relative to the current \
debug!(?dir, "Found the debug build directory.");
Err(e) => {
"Could not determine the path of the current executable, this is needed to \
hot-reload the dynamic library. {:?}",
// Determine the platform specific path and push it onto our already
// established target/debug dir.
/// Initialise a watcher.
/// This will search for the directory named `package_source_dir` and watch the
/// files within it for any changes.
pub fn init(
package: &'static str,
dyn_package: &'static str,
package_source_dir: &'static str,
) -> Arc<Mutex<Option<LoadedLib>>> {
let lib_storage = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Some(LoadedLib::compile_load(dyn_package))));
// TODO: use crossbeam
let (reload_send, reload_recv) = mpsc::channel();
// Start watcher
let mut watcher = recommended_watcher(move |res| event_fn(res, &reload_send)).unwrap();
// Search for the source directory of the package being hot-reloaded.
let watch_dir = Search::Kids(1)
.unwrap_or_else(|_| {
"Could not find the {} crate directory relative to the current directory",
watcher.watch(&watch_dir, RecursiveMode::Recursive).unwrap();
// Start reloader that watcher signals
// "Debounces" events since I can't find the option to do this in the latest
// `notify`
let lib_storage_clone = Arc::clone(&lib_storage);
.name(format!("{}_hotreload_watcher", package))
.spawn(move || {
let mut modified_paths = std::collections::HashSet::new();
while let Ok(path) = reload_recv.recv() {
// Wait for any additional modify events before reloading
while let Ok(path) = reload_recv.recv_timeout(Duration::from_millis(300)) {
"Hot reloading {} because files in `{}` modified.", package, package_source_dir
hotreload(dyn_package, &lib_storage_clone);
// Let the watcher live forever
fn compiled_file(dyn_package: &str) -> String { dyn_lib_file(dyn_package, false) }
fn active_file(dyn_package: &str) -> String { dyn_lib_file(dyn_package, true) }
fn dyn_lib_file(dyn_package: &str, active: bool) -> String {
dyn_package.replace('-', "_"),
if active { "_active" } else { "" },
/// Event function to hotreload the dynamic library
/// This is called by the watcher to filter for modify events on `.rs` files
/// before sending them back.
fn event_fn(res: notify::Result<notify::Event>, sender: &mpsc::Sender<String>) {
match res {
Ok(event) => {
if let EventKind::Modify(_) = event.kind {
.filter(|p| p.extension().map(|e| e == "rs").unwrap_or(false))
.map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().into_owned())
// Signal reloader
.for_each(|p| { let _ = sender.send(p); });
Err(e) => error!(?e, "hotreload watcher error."),
/// Hotreload the dynamic library
/// This will reload the dynamic library by first internally calling compile
/// and then reloading the library.
fn hotreload(dyn_package: &str, loaded_lib: &Mutex<Option<LoadedLib>>) {
// Do nothing if recompile failed.
if compile(dyn_package) {
let mut lock = loaded_lib.lock().unwrap();
// Close lib.
let loaded_lib = lock.take().unwrap();
copy(&loaded_lib.lib_path, dyn_package);
// Open new lib.
*lock = Some(LoadedLib::load(dyn_package));
info!("Updated {}.", dyn_package);
/// Recompile the dyn package
/// Returns `false` if the compile failed.
fn compile(dyn_package: &str) -> bool {
let output = Command::new("cargo")
.arg(format!("{}/be-dyn-lib", dyn_package))
/// Copy the lib file, so we have an `_active` copy.
/// We do this for all OS's although it is only strictly necessary for windows.
/// The reason we do this is to make the code easier to understand and debug.
fn copy(lib_path: &Path, dyn_package: &str) {
// Use the platform specific names.
let lib_compiled_path = lib_path.with_file_name(compiled_file(dyn_package));
let lib_output_path = lib_path.with_file_name(active_file(dyn_package));
// Get the path to where the lib was compiled to.
debug!(?lib_compiled_path, ?lib_output_path, "Moving.");
// Copy the library file from where it is output, to where we are going to
// load it from i.e. lib_path.
std::fs::copy(&lib_compiled_path, &lib_output_path).unwrap_or_else(|err| {
"Failed to rename dynamic library from {:?} to {:?}. {:?}",
lib_compiled_path, lib_output_path, err