2020-07-11 14:08:25 +00:00
//! How to read those tests:
//! - in the first line we call the helper, this is only debug code. in case
//! you want to have tracing for a special test you set set the bool = true
//! and the sleep to 10000 and your test will start 10 sec delayed with
//! tracing. You need a delay as otherwise the other tests polute your trace
//! - the second line is to simulate a client and a server
//! `network_participant_stream` will return
//! - 2 networks
//! - 2 participants
//! - 2 streams
//! each one `linked` to their counterpart.
//! You see a cryptic use of rust `_` this is because we are testing the
//! `drop` behavior here.
//! - A `_` means this is directly dropped after the line executes, thus
//! immediately executing its `Drop` impl.
//! - A `_p1_a` e.g. means we don't use that Participant yet, but we must
//! not `drop` it yet as we might want to use the Streams.
//! - You sometimes see sleep(1000ms) this is used when we rely on the
//! underlying TCP functionality, as this simulates client and server
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
use async_std::task;
use task::block_on;
2020-07-16 19:39:33 +00:00
use veloren_network::{Network, ParticipantError, Pid, StreamError, PROMISES_NONE};
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
mod helper;
use helper::{network_participant_stream, tcp};
fn close_network() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_, _p1_a, mut s1_a, _, _p1_b, mut s1_b) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
2020-07-05 18:56:06 +00:00
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
assert_eq!(s1_a.send("Hello World"), Err(StreamError::StreamClosed));
let msg1: Result<String, _> = block_on(s1_b.recv());
assert_eq!(msg1, Err(StreamError::StreamClosed));
fn close_participant() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
2020-07-09 07:58:21 +00:00
let (_n_a, p1_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, p1_b, mut s1_b) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
2020-07-09 07:58:21 +00:00
2020-08-21 12:01:49 +00:00
//As no more read/write is run disconnect is successful or already disconnected
match block_on(p1_b.disconnect()) {
Ok(_) | Err(ParticipantError::ParticipantDisconnected) => (),
e => panic!("wrong disconnect type {:?}", e),
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
assert_eq!(s1_a.send("Hello World"), Err(StreamError::StreamClosed));
fn close_stream() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_n_a, _, mut s1_a, _n_b, _, _) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
// s1_b is dropped directly while s1_a isn't
2020-07-05 18:56:06 +00:00
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
assert_eq!(s1_a.send("Hello World"), Err(StreamError::StreamClosed));
Fixing the DEADLOCK in handshake -> channel creation
- this bug was initially called imbris bug, as it happened on his runners and i couldn't reproduce it locally at fist :)
- When in a Handshake a seperate mpsc::Channel was created for (Cid, Frame) transport
however the protocol could already catch non handshake data any more and push in into this
Then this channel got dropped and a fresh one was created for the network::Channel.
These droped Frames are ofc a BUG!
I tried multiple things to solve this:
- dont create a new mpsc::Channel, but instead bind it to the Protocol itself and always use 1.
This would work theoretically, but in bParticipant side we are using 1 mpsc::Channel<(Cid, Frame)>
to handle ALL the network::channel.
If now ever Protocol would have it's own, and with that every network::Channel had it's own it would no longer work out
Bad Idea...
- using the first method but creating the mpsc::Channel inside the scheduler instead protocol neither works, as the
scheduler doesnt know the remote_pid yet
- i dont want a hack to say the protocol only listen to 2 messages and then stop no matter what
So i switched over to the simply method now:
- Do everything like before with 2 mpsc::Channels
- after the handshake. close the receiver and listen for all remaining (cid, frame) combinations
- when starting the channel, reapply them to the new sender/listener combination
- added tracing
- switched Protocol RwLock to Mutex, as it's only ever 1
- Additionally changed the layout and introduces the c2w_frame_s and w2s_cid_frame_s name schema
- Fixed a bug in scheduler which WOULD cause a DEADLOCK if handshake would fail
- fixd a but in api_send_send_main, i need to store the stream_p otherwise it's immeadiatly closed and a stream_a.send() isn't guaranteed
- add extra test to verify that a send message is received even if the Stream is already closed
- changed OutGoing to Outgoing
- fixed a bug that `metrics.tick()` was never called
- removed 2 unused nightly features and added `deny_code`
2020-06-03 07:13:00 +00:00
///THIS is actually a bug which currently luckily doesn't trigger, but with new
/// async-std WE must make sure, if a stream is `drop`ed inside a `block_on`,
/// that no panic is thrown.
fn close_streams_in_block_on() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_n_a, _p_a, s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, s1_b) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
block_on(async {
//make it locally so that they are dropped later
let mut s1_a = s1_a;
let mut s1_b = s1_b;
assert_eq!(s1_b.recv().await, Ok("ping".to_string()));
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
fn stream_simple_3msg_then_close() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
2020-07-09 07:58:21 +00:00
let (_n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
assert_eq!(block_on(s1_b.recv()), Ok(1u8));
assert_eq!(block_on(s1_b.recv()), Ok(42));
assert_eq!(block_on(s1_b.recv()), Ok("3rdMessage".to_string()));
2020-07-05 18:56:06 +00:00
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
assert_eq!(s1_b.send("Hello World"), Err(StreamError::StreamClosed));
fn stream_send_first_then_receive() {
// recv should still be possible even if stream got closed if they are in queue
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
2020-07-09 07:58:21 +00:00
let (_n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
2020-07-05 18:56:06 +00:00
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
assert_eq!(block_on(s1_b.recv()), Ok(1u8));
assert_eq!(block_on(s1_b.recv()), Ok(42));
assert_eq!(block_on(s1_b.recv()), Ok("3rdMessage".to_string()));
assert_eq!(s1_b.send("Hello World"), Err(StreamError::StreamClosed));
Fixing the DEADLOCK in handshake -> channel creation
- this bug was initially called imbris bug, as it happened on his runners and i couldn't reproduce it locally at fist :)
- When in a Handshake a seperate mpsc::Channel was created for (Cid, Frame) transport
however the protocol could already catch non handshake data any more and push in into this
Then this channel got dropped and a fresh one was created for the network::Channel.
These droped Frames are ofc a BUG!
I tried multiple things to solve this:
- dont create a new mpsc::Channel, but instead bind it to the Protocol itself and always use 1.
This would work theoretically, but in bParticipant side we are using 1 mpsc::Channel<(Cid, Frame)>
to handle ALL the network::channel.
If now ever Protocol would have it's own, and with that every network::Channel had it's own it would no longer work out
Bad Idea...
- using the first method but creating the mpsc::Channel inside the scheduler instead protocol neither works, as the
scheduler doesnt know the remote_pid yet
- i dont want a hack to say the protocol only listen to 2 messages and then stop no matter what
So i switched over to the simply method now:
- Do everything like before with 2 mpsc::Channels
- after the handshake. close the receiver and listen for all remaining (cid, frame) combinations
- when starting the channel, reapply them to the new sender/listener combination
- added tracing
- switched Protocol RwLock to Mutex, as it's only ever 1
- Additionally changed the layout and introduces the c2w_frame_s and w2s_cid_frame_s name schema
- Fixed a bug in scheduler which WOULD cause a DEADLOCK if handshake would fail
- fixd a but in api_send_send_main, i need to store the stream_p otherwise it's immeadiatly closed and a stream_a.send() isn't guaranteed
- add extra test to verify that a send message is received even if the Stream is already closed
- changed OutGoing to Outgoing
- fixed a bug that `metrics.tick()` was never called
- removed 2 unused nightly features and added `deny_code`
2020-06-03 07:13:00 +00:00
fn stream_send_1_then_close_stream() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
2020-07-09 07:58:21 +00:00
let (_n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
Fixing the DEADLOCK in handshake -> channel creation
- this bug was initially called imbris bug, as it happened on his runners and i couldn't reproduce it locally at fist :)
- When in a Handshake a seperate mpsc::Channel was created for (Cid, Frame) transport
however the protocol could already catch non handshake data any more and push in into this
Then this channel got dropped and a fresh one was created for the network::Channel.
These droped Frames are ofc a BUG!
I tried multiple things to solve this:
- dont create a new mpsc::Channel, but instead bind it to the Protocol itself and always use 1.
This would work theoretically, but in bParticipant side we are using 1 mpsc::Channel<(Cid, Frame)>
to handle ALL the network::channel.
If now ever Protocol would have it's own, and with that every network::Channel had it's own it would no longer work out
Bad Idea...
- using the first method but creating the mpsc::Channel inside the scheduler instead protocol neither works, as the
scheduler doesnt know the remote_pid yet
- i dont want a hack to say the protocol only listen to 2 messages and then stop no matter what
So i switched over to the simply method now:
- Do everything like before with 2 mpsc::Channels
- after the handshake. close the receiver and listen for all remaining (cid, frame) combinations
- when starting the channel, reapply them to the new sender/listener combination
- added tracing
- switched Protocol RwLock to Mutex, as it's only ever 1
- Additionally changed the layout and introduces the c2w_frame_s and w2s_cid_frame_s name schema
- Fixed a bug in scheduler which WOULD cause a DEADLOCK if handshake would fail
- fixd a but in api_send_send_main, i need to store the stream_p otherwise it's immeadiatly closed and a stream_a.send() isn't guaranteed
- add extra test to verify that a send message is received even if the Stream is already closed
- changed OutGoing to Outgoing
- fixed a bug that `metrics.tick()` was never called
- removed 2 unused nightly features and added `deny_code`
2020-06-03 07:13:00 +00:00
s1_a.send("this message must be received, even if stream is closed already!")
2020-07-05 18:56:06 +00:00
Fixing the DEADLOCK in handshake -> channel creation
- this bug was initially called imbris bug, as it happened on his runners and i couldn't reproduce it locally at fist :)
- When in a Handshake a seperate mpsc::Channel was created for (Cid, Frame) transport
however the protocol could already catch non handshake data any more and push in into this
Then this channel got dropped and a fresh one was created for the network::Channel.
These droped Frames are ofc a BUG!
I tried multiple things to solve this:
- dont create a new mpsc::Channel, but instead bind it to the Protocol itself and always use 1.
This would work theoretically, but in bParticipant side we are using 1 mpsc::Channel<(Cid, Frame)>
to handle ALL the network::channel.
If now ever Protocol would have it's own, and with that every network::Channel had it's own it would no longer work out
Bad Idea...
- using the first method but creating the mpsc::Channel inside the scheduler instead protocol neither works, as the
scheduler doesnt know the remote_pid yet
- i dont want a hack to say the protocol only listen to 2 messages and then stop no matter what
So i switched over to the simply method now:
- Do everything like before with 2 mpsc::Channels
- after the handshake. close the receiver and listen for all remaining (cid, frame) combinations
- when starting the channel, reapply them to the new sender/listener combination
- added tracing
- switched Protocol RwLock to Mutex, as it's only ever 1
- Additionally changed the layout and introduces the c2w_frame_s and w2s_cid_frame_s name schema
- Fixed a bug in scheduler which WOULD cause a DEADLOCK if handshake would fail
- fixd a but in api_send_send_main, i need to store the stream_p otherwise it's immeadiatly closed and a stream_a.send() isn't guaranteed
- add extra test to verify that a send message is received even if the Stream is already closed
- changed OutGoing to Outgoing
- fixed a bug that `metrics.tick()` was never called
- removed 2 unused nightly features and added `deny_code`
2020-06-03 07:13:00 +00:00
let exp = Ok("this message must be received, even if stream is closed already!".to_string());
assert_eq!(block_on(s1_b.recv()), exp);
println!("all received and done");
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
fn stream_send_100000_then_close_stream() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
2020-07-09 07:58:21 +00:00
let (_n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, mut s1_b) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
for _ in 0..100000 {
let exp = Ok("woop_PARTY_HARD_woop".to_string());
println!("start receiving");
block_on(async {
for _ in 0..100000 {
assert_eq!(s1_b.recv().await, exp);
println!("all received and done");
fn stream_send_100000_then_close_stream_remote() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
2020-07-09 07:58:21 +00:00
let (_n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
for _ in 0..100000 {
//no receiving
fn stream_send_100000_then_close_stream_remote2() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
2020-07-09 07:58:21 +00:00
let (_n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
for _ in 0..100000 {
2020-07-05 18:56:06 +00:00
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
//no receiving
fn stream_send_100000_then_close_stream_remote3() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
2020-07-09 07:58:21 +00:00
let (_n_a, _p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
for _ in 0..100000 {
2020-07-05 18:56:06 +00:00
2020-05-27 15:58:57 +00:00
//no receiving
2020-07-09 07:58:21 +00:00
fn close_part_then_network() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (n_a, p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
for _ in 0..1000 {
fn close_network_then_part() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (n_a, p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
for _ in 0..1000 {
fn close_network_then_disconnect_part() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (n_a, p_a, mut s1_a, _n_b, _p_b, _s1_b) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
for _ in 0..1000 {
2020-07-16 19:39:33 +00:00
fn opened_stream_before_remote_part_is_closed() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_n_a, p_a, _, _n_b, p_b, _) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
let mut s2_a = block_on(p_a.open(10, PROMISES_NONE)).unwrap();
let mut s2_b = block_on(p_b.opened()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(block_on(s2_b.recv()), Ok("HelloWorld".to_string()));
fn opened_stream_after_remote_part_is_closed() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_n_a, p_a, _, _n_b, p_b, _) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
let mut s2_a = block_on(p_a.open(10, PROMISES_NONE)).unwrap();
let mut s2_b = block_on(p_b.opened()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(block_on(s2_b.recv()), Ok("HelloWorld".to_string()));
fn open_stream_after_remote_part_is_closed() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_n_a, p_a, _, _n_b, p_b, _) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
let mut s2_a = block_on(p_a.open(10, PROMISES_NONE)).unwrap();
let mut s2_b = block_on(p_b.opened()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(block_on(s2_b.recv()), Ok("HelloWorld".to_string()));
block_on(p_b.open(20, PROMISES_NONE)).unwrap_err(),
fn failed_stream_open_after_remote_part_is_closed() {
let (_, _) = helper::setup(false, 0);
let (_n_a, p_a, _, _n_b, p_b, _) = block_on(network_participant_stream(tcp()));
fn open_participant_before_remote_part_is_closed() {
2020-08-21 12:01:49 +00:00
let (n_a, f) = Network::new(Pid::fake(0));
2020-07-16 19:39:33 +00:00
2020-08-21 12:01:49 +00:00
let (n_b, f) = Network::new(Pid::fake(1));
2020-07-16 19:39:33 +00:00
let addr = tcp();
let p_b = block_on(n_b.connect(addr)).unwrap();
let mut s1_b = block_on(p_b.open(10, PROMISES_NONE)).unwrap();
let p_a = block_on(n_a.connected()).unwrap();
let mut s1_a = block_on(p_a.opened()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(block_on(s1_a.recv()), Ok("HelloWorld".to_string()));
fn open_participant_after_remote_part_is_closed() {
2020-08-21 12:01:49 +00:00
let (n_a, f) = Network::new(Pid::fake(0));
2020-07-16 19:39:33 +00:00
2020-08-21 12:01:49 +00:00
let (n_b, f) = Network::new(Pid::fake(1));
2020-07-16 19:39:33 +00:00
let addr = tcp();
let p_b = block_on(n_b.connect(addr)).unwrap();
let mut s1_b = block_on(p_b.open(10, PROMISES_NONE)).unwrap();
let p_a = block_on(n_a.connected()).unwrap();
let mut s1_a = block_on(p_a.opened()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(block_on(s1_a.recv()), Ok("HelloWorld".to_string()));
2020-08-21 14:21:00 +00:00
fn close_network_scheduler_completely() {
let (n_a, f) = Network::new(Pid::fake(0));
let ha = std::thread::spawn(f);
let (n_b, f) = Network::new(Pid::fake(1));
let hb = std::thread::spawn(f);
let addr = tcp();
let p_b = block_on(n_b.connect(addr)).unwrap();
let mut s1_b = block_on(p_b.open(10, PROMISES_NONE)).unwrap();
let p_a = block_on(n_a.connected()).unwrap();
let mut s1_a = block_on(p_a.opened()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(block_on(s1_a.recv()), Ok("HelloWorld".to_string()));