
97 lines
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Raw Normal View History

use super::Graphic;
use common::assets::{load, Error};
use dot_vox::DotVoxData;
use image::DynamicImage;
pub enum BlankGraphic {}
pub enum ImageGraphic {}
pub trait GraphicCreator<'a> {
type Specifier;
fn new_graphic(specifier: Self::Specifier) -> Result<Graphic, Error>;
impl<'a> GraphicCreator<'a> for BlankGraphic {
type Specifier = ();
fn new_graphic(_: ()) -> Result<Graphic, Error> {
impl<'a> GraphicCreator<'a> for ImageGraphic {
type Specifier = &'a str;
fn new_graphic(specifier: Self::Specifier) -> Result<Graphic, Error> {
pub enum VoxelGraphic {}
pub enum VoxelMsGraphic {}
pub enum VoxelMs4Graphic {}
pub enum VoxelMs9Graphic {}
impl<'a> GraphicCreator<'a> for VoxelGraphic {
type Specifier = &'a str;
fn new_graphic(specifier: Self::Specifier) -> Result<Graphic, Error> {
Ok(Graphic::Voxel(load::<DotVoxData>(specifier)?, None))
impl<'a> GraphicCreator<'a> for VoxelMsGraphic {
type Specifier = (&'a str, u8);
fn new_graphic(specifier: Self::Specifier) -> Result<Graphic, Error> {
impl<'a> GraphicCreator<'a> for VoxelMs4Graphic {
type Specifier = &'a str;
fn new_graphic(specifier: Self::Specifier) -> Result<Graphic, Error> {
Ok(Graphic::Voxel(load::<DotVoxData>(specifier)?, Some(4)))
impl<'a> GraphicCreator<'a> for VoxelMs9Graphic {
type Specifier = &'a str;
fn new_graphic(specifier: Self::Specifier) -> Result<Graphic, Error> {
Ok(Graphic::Voxel(load::<DotVoxData>(specifier)?, Some(9)))
/// This macro will automatically load all specified assets, get the corresponding ImgIds and
/// create a struct with all of them
/// Example usage:
/// ```
/// image_ids! {
/// pub struct Imgs {
/// <VoxelGraphic>
/// button1: "filename1.vox",
/// button2: "filename2.vox",
/// <ImageGraphic>
/// background: "background.png",
/// <BlankGraphic>
/// blank: (),
/// }
/// }
/// ```
macro_rules! image_ids {
($($v:vis struct $Ids:ident { $( <$T:ty> $( $name:ident: $specifier:expr ),* $(,)? )* })*) => {
$v struct $Ids {
$($( $v $name: conrod_core::image::Id, )*)*
impl $Ids {
pub fn load(ui: &mut crate::ui::Ui) -> Result<Self, common::assets::Error> {
use crate::ui::img_ids::GraphicCreator;
Ok(Self {
$($( $name: ui.add_graphic(<$T>::new_graphic($specifier)?), )*)*