2021-08-07 07:23:30 +00:00
use specs::{Join, WorldExt};
use vek::*;
use client::{self, Client};
use common::{
terrain::{Block, TerrainChunk},
util::find_dist::{Cylinder, FindDist},
use common_base::span;
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub enum Target {
Build(Vec3<f32>, Vec3<f32>, f32), // (solid_pos, build_pos, dist)
Collectable(Vec3<f32>, f32), // (pos, dist)
Entity(specs::Entity, Vec3<f32>, f32), // (e, pos, dist)
Mine(Vec3<f32>, f32), // (pos, dist)
impl Target {
pub fn entity(self) -> Option<specs::Entity> {
match self {
Self::Entity(e, _, _) => Some(e),
_ => None,
pub fn distance(self) -> f32 {
match self {
Self::Collectable(_, d)
| Self::Entity(_, _, d)
| Self::Mine(_, d)
| Self::Build(_, _, d) => d,
pub fn position(self) -> Vec3<f32> {
match self {
Self::Collectable(sp, _)
| Self::Entity(_, sp, _)
| Self::Mine(sp, _)
| Self::Build(sp, _, _) => sp,
pub fn position_int(self) -> Vec3<i32> {
self.position().map(|p| p.floor() as i32)
/// Max distance an entity can be "targeted"
const MAX_TARGET_RANGE: f32 = 300.0;
/// Calculate what the cursor is pointing at within the 3d scene
pub(super) fn targets_under_cursor(
client: &Client,
cam_pos: Vec3<f32>,
cam_dir: Vec3<f32>,
can_build: bool,
is_mining: bool,
) -> (
) {
span!(_guard, "under_cursor");
// Choose a spot above the player's head for item distance checks
let player_entity = client.entity();
let ecs = client.state().ecs();
let positions = ecs.read_storage::<comp::Pos>();
let player_pos = match positions.get(player_entity) {
Some(pos) => pos.0,
None => cam_pos, // Should never happen, but a safe fallback
let scales = ecs.read_storage();
let colliders = ecs.read_storage();
let char_states = ecs.read_storage();
// Get the player's cylinder
let player_cylinder = Cylinder::from_components(
fn curry_find_pos <'a> (
client: &'a Client, cam_pos: &'a Vec3<f32>, cam_dir: &'a Vec3<f32>, player_cylinder: &'a Cylinder
) -> impl FnMut(fn(Block)->bool) -> (Option<Vec3<f32>>, Option<Vec3<f32>>, (f32, Result<Option<Block>, VolGrid2dError<TerrainChunk>>)) + 'a {
let terrain = client.state().terrain();
move |hit: fn(Block)->bool| {
let cam_ray = terrain
.ray(*cam_pos, *cam_pos + *cam_dir * 100.0)
.until(|block| hit(*block))
let cam_ray = (cam_ray.0, cam_ray.1.map(|x| x.copied()));
let cam_dist = cam_ray.0;
if matches!(
Ok(Some(_)) if player_cylinder.min_distance(*cam_pos + *cam_dir * (cam_dist + 0.01)) <= MAX_PICKUP_RANGE
) {
2021-08-09 23:48:49 +00:00
Some(*cam_pos + *cam_dir * cam_dist),
2021-08-07 07:23:30 +00:00
Some(*cam_pos + *cam_dir * (cam_dist - 0.01)),
} else { (None, None, cam_ray) }
let mut find_pos = curry_find_pos(&client, &cam_pos, &cam_dir, &player_cylinder);
let (collect_pos, _, cam_ray_0) = find_pos(|b: Block| { b.is_collectible() });
let (mine_pos, _, cam_ray_1) = find_pos(|b: Block| { b.mine_tool().is_some() });
// FIXME: the `solid_pos` is used in the remove_block(). is this correct?
let (solid_pos, build_pos, cam_ray_2) = find_pos(|b: Block| { b.is_solid() });
// collectables can be in the Air. so using solely solid_pos is not correct.
// so, use a minimum distance of all 3
let mut cam_rays = vec![&cam_ray_0, &cam_ray_2];
if is_mining { cam_rays.push(&cam_ray_1); }
let cam_dist = cam_rays.iter().filter_map(|x| match **x {
(d, Ok(Some(_))) => Some(d),
_ => None,
}).min_by(|d1, d2| d1.partial_cmp(d2).unwrap())
2021-08-09 23:48:49 +00:00
2021-08-07 07:23:30 +00:00
// See if ray hits entities
// Currently treated as spheres
// Don't cast through blocks
// Could check for intersection with entity from last frame to narrow this down
let cast_dist = cam_dist.min(MAX_TARGET_RANGE);
// Need to raycast by distance to cam
// But also filter out by distance to the player (but this only needs to be done
// on final result)
let mut nearby = (
.filter(|(e, _, _, _, _)| *e != player_entity)
.filter_map(|(e, p, s, b, i)| {
const RADIUS_SCALE: f32 = 3.0;
// TODO: use collider radius instead of body radius?
let radius = s.map_or(1.0, |s| s.0) * b.max_radius() * RADIUS_SCALE;
// Move position up from the feet
let pos = Vec3::new(p.0.x, p.0.y, p.0.z + radius);
// Distance squared from camera to the entity
let dist_sqr = pos.distance_squared(cam_pos);
// We only care about interacting with entities that contain items,
// or are not inanimate (to trade with)
if i.is_some() || !matches!(b, comp::Body::Object(_)) {
Some((e, pos, radius, dist_sqr))
} else {
// Roughly filter out entities farther than ray distance
.filter(|(_, _, r, d_sqr)| *d_sqr <= cast_dist.powi(2) + 2.0 * cast_dist * r + r.powi(2))
// Ignore entities intersecting the camera
.filter(|(_, _, r, d_sqr)| *d_sqr > r.powi(2))
// Substract sphere radius from distance to the camera
.map(|(e, p, r, d_sqr)| (e, p, r, d_sqr.sqrt() - r))
// Sort by distance
nearby.sort_unstable_by(|a, b| a.3.partial_cmp(&b.3).unwrap());
let seg_ray = LineSegment3 {
start: cam_pos,
end: cam_pos + cam_dir * cam_dist,
// TODO: fuzzy borders
let entity_target = nearby
.map(|(e, p, r, _)| (e, *p, r))
// Find first one that intersects the ray segment
.find(|(_, p, r)| seg_ray.projected_point(*p).distance_squared(*p) < r.powi(2))
.and_then(|(e, p, _)| {
// Get the entity's cylinder
let target_cylinder = Cylinder::from_components(
let dist_to_player = player_cylinder.min_distance(target_cylinder);
(dist_to_player < MAX_TARGET_RANGE).then_some(Target::Entity(*e, p, dist_to_player))
let build_target = if can_build {
solid_pos.map(|p| Target::Build(p, build_pos.unwrap(), cam_ray_2.0))
} else { None };
let mine_target = if is_mining {
mine_pos.map(|p| Target::Mine(p, cam_ray_1.0))
} else { None };
let shortest_distance = cam_dist;
// Return multiple possible targets
// GameInput events determine which target to use.
collect_pos.map(|p| Target::Collectable(p, cam_ray_0.0)),