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# `crate2nix` doesn't support profiles in `Cargo.toml`, so default to release.
# Otherwise bad performance (non-release is built with opt level 0)
release ? true
, cratesToBuild ? [ "veloren-voxygen" "veloren-server-cli" ]
, system ? builtins.currentSystem
, nixpkgs ? sources.nixpkgs
, sources ? import ./sources.nix { inherit system; }
common = import ./common.nix { inherit nixpkgs system sources; };
inherit (common) pkgs;
meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib; {
description = "Veloren is a multiplayer voxel RPG written in Rust.";
longDescription = ''
Veloren is a multiplayer voxel RPG written in Rust.
It is inspired by games such as Cube World, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft.
homepage = "";
upstream = "";
license = licenses.gpl3;
maintainers = [ maintainers.yusdacra ];
# TODO: Make this work on BSD and Mac OS
platforms = platforms.linux;
isGitLfsSetup =
gitLfsCheckOutput = with common;
builtins.readFile (pkgs.runCommand "gitLfsCheck" { } ''
[ "$(${pkgs.file}/bin/file --mime-type ${gitLfsCheckFile})" = "${gitLfsCheckFile}: image/png" ]
printf $? > $out
if gitLfsCheckOutput == "0" then
abort ''
Git Large File Storage (`git-lfs`) has not been set up correctly.
Most common reasons:
- `git-lfs` was not installed before cloning this repository.
- This repository was not cloned from the primary GitLab mirror.
- The GitHub mirror does not support LFS.
See the book at for details.
makeGitCommand = subcommands: name:
builtins.readFile (pkgs.runCommand name { } ''
cd ${
# Only copy the `.git` directory to nix store, anything else is a waste.
builtins.path {
path = ../.git;
# Nix store path names don't accept names that start with a dot.
name = "veloren-git-dir";
(${pkgs.git}/bin/git ${subcommands}) > $out
gitHash = makeGitCommand
"log -n 1 --pretty=format:%h/%cd --date=format:%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M --abbrev=8"
gitTag =
# If the git command errors out we feed an empty string
makeGitCommand "describe --exact-match --tags HEAD || printf ''"
# If gitTag has a tag (meaning the commit we are on is a *release*), use it as version, else:
# Just use the prettified hash we have, if we don't have it the build fails
version = if gitTag != "" then gitTag else gitHash;
# Sanitize version string since it might contain illegal characters for a Nix store path
# Used in the derivation(s) name
sanitizedVersion = pkgs.stdenv.lib.strings.sanitizeDerivationName version;
veloren-assets = pkgs.runCommand "makeAssetsDir" { } ''
mkdir $out
ln -sf ${../assets} $out/assets
velorenVoxygenDesktopFile = pkgs.makeDesktopItem rec {
name = "veloren-voxygen";
exec = name;
icon = ../assets/voxygen/logo.ico;
comment =
"Official client for Veloren - the open-world, open-source multiplayer voxel RPG";
desktopName = "Voxygen";
genericName = "Veloren Client";
categories = "Game;";
veloren-crates = with pkgs;
callPackage ./Cargo.nix {
defaultCrateOverrides = with common;
defaultCrateOverrides // {
libudev-sys = _: crateDeps.libudev-sys;
alsa-sys = _: crateDeps.alsa-sys;
veloren-network = _: crateDeps.veloren-network;
veloren-common = _: {
# Disable `git-lfs` check here since we check it ourselves
# We have to include the command output here, otherwise Nix won't run it
# Declare env values here so that `common/` sees them
NIX_GIT_HASH = gitHash;
NIX_GIT_TAG = gitTag;
veloren-server-cli = _: {
name = "veloren-server-cli_${sanitizedVersion}";
inherit version;
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
postInstall = ''
wrapProgram $out/bin/veloren-server-cli --set VELOREN_ASSETS ${veloren-assets}
meta = meta // {
longDescription = ''
"This package includes the server CLI."
veloren-voxygen = _: {
name = "veloren-voxygen_${sanitizedVersion}";
inherit version;
inherit (crateDeps.veloren-voxygen) buildInputs;
nativeBuildInputs = crateDeps.veloren-voxygen.nativeBuildInputs
++ [ makeWrapper copyDesktopItems ];
desktopItems = [ velorenVoxygenDesktopFile ];
postInstall = ''
wrapProgram $out/bin/veloren-voxygen\
--set VELOREN_ASSETS ${veloren-assets}\
lib.makeLibraryPath common.voxygenNeededLibs
meta = meta // {
longDescription = ''
"This package includes the official client, Voxygen."
2020-08-18 14:51:25 +00:00
inherit release pkgs;
makePkg = name: veloren-crates.workspaceMembers."${name}".build;
(pkgs.lib.genAttrs cratesToBuild makePkg)