mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
Accelerate econsim using arrays instead of hashmaps
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use crate::{client::Client, Server};
use common::trade::Good;
use common_net::msg::{world_msg::EconomyInfo, ServerGeneral};
use specs::{Entity as EcsEntity, WorldExt};
use std::collections::HashMap;
@ -32,25 +33,30 @@ pub fn handle_site_info(server: &Server, entity: EcsEntity, id: u64) {
EconomyInfo {
population: site.economy.pop.floor() as u32,
stock: site.economy.stocks.iter().map(|(g, a)| (g, *a)).collect(),
stock: site
.map(|(g, a)| (Good::from(g), *a))
labor_values: site
.filter_map(|(g, a)| a.map(|a| (g, a)))
.filter_map(|(g, a)| a.map(|a| (Good::from(g), a)))
values: site
.filter_map(|(g, a)| a.map(|a| (g, a)))
.filter_map(|(g, a)| a.map(|a| (Good::from(g), a)))
labors: site.economy.labors.iter().map(|(_, a)| (*a)).collect(),
last_exports: site
.map(|(g, a)| (g, *a))
.map(|(g, a)| (Good::from(g), *a))
resources: site
@ -59,7 +65,7 @@ pub fn handle_site_info(server: &Server, entity: EcsEntity, id: u64) {
.map(|(g, a)| {
((*a) as f32) * site.economy.natural_resources.average_yield_per_chunk[g],
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
name: "Forest Settlement",
position: (1, 1),
kind: Settlement,
neighbors: [
(1, 10),
(2, 10),
resources: [
good: Terrain(Forest),
amount: 1000,
name: "Moutain Peak",
position: (10, 10),
kind: Settlement,
neighbors: [
(0, 10),
resources: [
good: Terrain(Mountain),
amount: 1000,
name: "Farmer Village",
position: (20, 10),
kind: Settlement,
neighbors: [
(0, 10),
resources: [
good: Terrain(Grassland),
amount: 1000,
@ -21,13 +21,13 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
let mut f = std::fs::File::create("economy.gv")?;
writeln!(f, "digraph economy {{")?;
for i in good_list().iter() {
let color = if economy::direct_use_goods().contains(i) {
for i in good_list() {
let color = if economy::direct_use_goods().contains(&i) {
} else {
writeln!(f, "{:?} [color=\"{}\"];", good_name(*i), color)?; // shape doubleoctagon ?
writeln!(f, "{:?} [color=\"{}\"];", good_name(i.into()), color)?; // shape doubleoctagon ?
@ -42,9 +42,9 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
for i in o.iter() {
for j in i.1.iter() {
if i.0.is_some() {
let style = if matches!(j.0, Good::Tools)
|| matches!(j.0, Good::Armor)
|| matches!(j.0, Good::Potions)
let style = if matches!(j.0.into(), Good::Tools)
|| matches!(j.0.into(), Good::Armor)
|| matches!(j.0.into(), Good::Potions)
", style=dashed, color=orange"
} else {
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
"{:?} -> {:?} [label=\"{:.1}\"{}];",
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
"{:?} -> Everyone [label=\"{:.1}\"];",
@ -72,15 +72,13 @@ fn main() -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
writeln!(f, "// Products")?;
for i in p.iter() {
for j in i.1.iter() {
"{:?} -> {:?} [label=\"{:.1}\"];",
"{:?} -> {:?} [label=\"{:.1}\"];",
writeln!(f, "}}")?;
@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ use crate::{
decay_rate, direct_use_goods, good_list, transportation_effort, Economy, Labor,
TradeDelivery, TradeOrder,
decay_rate, direct_use_goods, good_list, transportation_effort, Economy, GoodIndex,
GoodMap, LaborIndex, LaborMap, TradeDelivery, TradeOrder,
Site, SiteKind,
util::{DHashMap, DHashSet, MapVec},
util::{DHashMap, DHashSet},
use common::{
@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ use common::{
Good::{Coin, Transportation},
use std::cmp::Ordering::Less;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::{cmp::Ordering::Less, convert::TryInto};
use tracing::{debug, info};
const MONTH: f32 = 30.0;
@ -28,6 +29,32 @@ const HISTORY_DAYS: f32 = 500.0 * YEAR; // 500 years
const GENERATE_CSV: bool = false;
const INTER_SITE_TRADE: bool = true;
// this is an empty replacement for https://github.com/cpetig/vergleich
// which can be used to compare values acros runs
mod vergleich {
pub struct Error {}
impl Error {
pub fn to_string(&self) -> &'static str { "" }
pub struct ProgramRun {}
impl ProgramRun {
pub fn new(_: &str) -> Result<Self, Error> { Ok(Self {}) }
pub fn set_epsilon(&mut self, _: f32) {}
pub fn context(&mut self, _: &str) -> Context { Context {} }
//pub fn value(&mut self, _: &str, val: f32) -> f32 { val }
pub struct Context {}
impl Context {
pub fn context(&mut self, _: &str) -> Context { Context {} }
pub fn value(&mut self, _: &str, val: f32) -> f32 { val }
/// Statistics collector (min, max, avg)
struct EconStatistics {
pub count: u32,
@ -41,12 +68,16 @@ impl Default for EconStatistics {
Self {
count: 0,
sum: 0.0,
min: 1e30,
max: 0.0,
min: f32::INFINITY,
max: -f32::INFINITY,
impl std::ops::AddAssign<f32> for EconStatistics {
fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: f32) { self.collect(rhs); }
impl EconStatistics {
fn collect(&mut self, value: f32) {
self.count += 1;
@ -58,6 +89,8 @@ impl EconStatistics {
self.min = value;
fn valid(&self) -> bool { self.min.is_finite() }
pub fn csv_entry(f: &mut std::fs::File, site: &Site) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> {
@ -71,24 +104,24 @@ pub fn csv_entry(f: &mut std::fs::File, site: &Site) -> Result<(), std::io::Erro
for g in good_list() {
write!(*f, "{:?},", site.economy.values[*g].unwrap_or(-1.0))?;
write!(*f, "{:?},", site.economy.values[g].unwrap_or(-1.0))?;
for g in good_list() {
write!(f, "{:?},", site.economy.labor_values[*g].unwrap_or(-1.0))?;
write!(f, "{:?},", site.economy.labor_values[g].unwrap_or(-1.0))?;
for g in good_list() {
write!(f, "{:?},", site.economy.stocks[*g])?;
write!(f, "{:?},", site.economy.stocks[g])?;
for g in good_list() {
write!(f, "{:?},", site.economy.marginal_surplus[*g])?;
write!(f, "{:?},", site.economy.marginal_surplus[g])?;
for l in Labor::list() {
for l in LaborIndex::list() {
write!(f, "{:?},", site.economy.labors[l] * site.economy.pop)?;
for l in Labor::list() {
for l in LaborIndex::list() {
write!(f, "{:?},", site.economy.productivity[l])?;
for l in Labor::list() {
for l in LaborIndex::list() {
write!(f, "{:?},", site.economy.yields[l])?;
@ -113,13 +146,13 @@ fn simulate_return(index: &mut Index, world: &mut WorldSim) -> Result<(), std::i
for g in good_list() {
write!(f, "{:?} Surplus,", g)?;
for l in Labor::list() {
for l in LaborIndex::list() {
write!(f, "{:?} Labor,", l)?;
for l in Labor::list() {
for l in LaborIndex::list() {
write!(f, "{:?} Productivity,", l)?;
for l in Labor::list() {
for l in LaborIndex::list() {
write!(f, "{:?} Yields,", l)?;
@ -129,12 +162,15 @@ fn simulate_return(index: &mut Index, world: &mut WorldSim) -> Result<(), std::i
tracing::info!("economy simulation start");
let mut vr = vergleich::ProgramRun::new("economy_compare.sqlite")
.map_err(|e| std::io::Error::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, e.to_string()))?;
for i in 0..(HISTORY_DAYS / TICK_PERIOD) as i32 {
if (index.time / YEAR) as i32 % 50 == 0 && (index.time % YEAR) as i32 == 0 {
debug!("Year {}", (index.time / YEAR) as i32);
tick(index, world, TICK_PERIOD);
tick(index, world, TICK_PERIOD, vr.context(&i.to_string()));
if let Some(f) = f.as_mut() {
if i % 5 == 0 {
@ -165,33 +201,40 @@ fn simulate_return(index: &mut Index, world: &mut WorldSim) -> Result<(), std::i
for site in index.sites.ids() {
let site = &index.sites[site];
match site.kind {
SiteKind::Dungeon(_) => dungeons.collect(site.economy.pop),
SiteKind::Settlement(_) => towns.collect(site.economy.pop),
SiteKind::Castle(_) => castles.collect(site.economy.pop),
SiteKind::Dungeon(_) => dungeons += site.economy.pop,
SiteKind::Settlement(_) => towns += site.economy.pop,
SiteKind::Castle(_) => castles += site.economy.pop,
SiteKind::Tree(_) => (),
SiteKind::Refactor(_) => (),
"Towns {:.0}-{:.0} avg {:.0} inhabitants",
towns.sum / (towns.count as f32)
"Castles {:.0}-{:.0} avg {:.0}",
castles.sum / (castles.count as f32)
"Dungeons {:.0}-{:.0} avg {:.0}",
dungeons.sum / (dungeons.count as f32)
if towns.valid() {
"Towns {:.0}-{:.0} avg {:.0} inhabitants",
towns.sum / (towns.count as f32)
if castles.valid() {
"Castles {:.0}-{:.0} avg {:.0}",
castles.sum / (castles.count as f32)
if dungeons.valid() {
"Dungeons {:.0}-{:.0} avg {:.0}",
dungeons.sum / (dungeons.count as f32)
@ -203,12 +246,12 @@ pub fn simulate(index: &mut Index, world: &mut WorldSim) {
fn check_money(index: &mut Index) {
let mut sum_stock: f32 = 0.0;
for site in index.sites.values() {
sum_stock += site.economy.stocks[Coin];
sum_stock += site.economy.stocks[*COIN_INDEX];
let mut sum_del: f32 = 0.0;
for v in index.trade.deliveries.values() {
for del in v.iter() {
sum_del += del.amount[Coin];
sum_del += del.amount[*COIN_INDEX];
@ -219,15 +262,16 @@ fn check_money(index: &mut Index) {
pub fn tick(index: &mut Index, _world: &mut WorldSim, dt: f32) {
pub fn tick(index: &mut Index, _world: &mut WorldSim, dt: f32, mut vc: vergleich::Context) {
let site_ids = index.sites.ids().collect::<Vec<_>>();
for site in site_ids {
tick_site_economy(index, site, dt);
tick_site_economy(index, site, dt, vc.context(&site.id().to_string()));
for (&site, orders) in index.trade.orders.iter_mut() {
let siteinfo = index.sites.get_mut(site);
if siteinfo.do_economic_simulation() {
// let name: String = siteinfo.name().into();
@ -242,6 +286,12 @@ pub fn tick(index: &mut Index, _world: &mut WorldSim, dt: f32) {
index.time += dt;
lazy_static! {
static ref COIN_INDEX: GoodIndex = Coin.try_into().unwrap_or_default();
static ref FOOD_INDEX: GoodIndex = Good::Food.try_into().unwrap_or_default();
static ref TRANSPORTATION_INDEX: GoodIndex = Transportation.try_into().unwrap_or_default();
/// plan the trading according to missing goods and prices at neighboring sites
/// (1st step of trading)
// returns wares spent (-) and procured (+)
@ -251,8 +301,8 @@ fn plan_trade_for_site(
site_id: &Id<Site>,
transportation_capacity: f32,
external_orders: &mut DHashMap<Id<Site>, Vec<TradeOrder>>,
potential_trade: &mut MapVec<Good, f32>,
) -> MapVec<Good, f32> {
potential_trade: &mut GoodMap<f32>,
) -> GoodMap<f32> {
// TODO: Do we have some latency of information here (using last years
// capacity?)
//let total_transport_capacity = site.economy.stocks[Transportation];
@ -264,14 +314,14 @@ fn plan_trade_for_site(
let mut collect_capacity = transportation_capacity;
let mut missing_dispatch: f32 = 0.0;
let mut missing_collect: f32 = 0.0;
let mut result = MapVec::from_default(0.0);
let mut result = GoodMap::default();
const MIN_SELL_PRICE: f32 = 1.0;
// value+amount per good
let mut missing_goods: Vec<(Good, (f32, f32))> = site
let mut missing_goods: Vec<(GoodIndex, (f32, f32))> = site
.filter(|(g, a)| (**a < 0.0 && *g != Transportation))
.filter(|(g, a)| (**a < 0.0 && *g != *TRANSPORTATION_INDEX))
.map(|(g, a)| {
@ -283,17 +333,20 @@ fn plan_trade_for_site(
missing_goods.sort_by(|a, b| b.1.0.partial_cmp(&a.1.0).unwrap_or(Less));
let mut extra_goods: MapVec<Good, f32> = MapVec::from_iter(
let mut extra_goods: GoodMap<f32> = GoodMap::from_iter(
.chain(core::iter::once((Coin, &site.economy.stocks[Coin])))
.filter(|(g, a)| (**a > 0.0 && *g != Transportation))
.filter(|(g, a)| (**a > 0.0 && *g != *TRANSPORTATION_INDEX))
.map(|(g, a)| (g, *a)),
// ratio+price per good and site
type GoodRatioPrice = Vec<(Good, (f32, f32))>;
type GoodRatioPrice = Vec<(GoodIndex, (f32, f32))>;
let good_payment: DHashMap<Id<Site>, GoodRatioPrice> = site
@ -322,7 +375,7 @@ fn plan_trade_for_site(
// price+stock per site and good
type SitePriceStock = Vec<(Id<Site>, (f32, f32))>;
let mut good_price: DHashMap<Good, SitePriceStock> = missing_goods
let mut good_price: DHashMap<GoodIndex, SitePriceStock> = missing_goods
.map(|(g, _)| {
(*g, {
@ -340,11 +393,11 @@ fn plan_trade_for_site(
// TODO: we need to introduce priority (according to available transportation
// capacity)
let mut neighbor_orders: DHashMap<Id<Site>, MapVec<Good, f32>> = site
let mut neighbor_orders: DHashMap<Id<Site>, GoodMap<f32>> = site
.map(|n| (n.id, MapVec::default()))
.map(|n| (n.id, GoodMap::default()))
if site_id.id() == 1 {
// cut down number of lines printed
@ -450,7 +503,7 @@ fn plan_trade_for_site(
let to = TradeOrder {
customer: *site_id,
amount: orders.clone(),
amount: *orders,
if let Some(o) = external_orders.get_mut(&n.id) {
// this is just to catch unbound growth (happened in development)
@ -474,7 +527,8 @@ fn plan_trade_for_site(
result[Transportation] = -(transportation_capacity - collect_capacity.min(dispatch_capacity)
result[*TRANSPORTATION_INDEX] = -(transportation_capacity
- collect_capacity.min(dispatch_capacity)
+ missing_collect.max(missing_dispatch));
if site_id.id() == 1 {
debug!("Trade {:?}", result);
@ -493,7 +547,7 @@ fn trade_at_site(
// TODO: rework using economy.unconsumed_stock
let internal_orders = economy.get_orders();
let mut next_demand = MapVec::from_default(0.0);
let mut next_demand = GoodMap::from_default(0.0);
for (labor, orders) in &internal_orders {
let workers = if let Some(labor) = labor {
@ -506,13 +560,13 @@ fn trade_at_site(
//info!("Trade {} {}", site.id(), orders.len());
let mut total_orders: MapVec<Good, f32> = MapVec::from_default(0.0);
let mut total_orders: GoodMap<f32> = GoodMap::from_default(0.0);
for i in orders.iter() {
for (g, &a) in i.amount.iter().filter(|(_, a)| **a > 0.0) {
total_orders[g] += a;
let order_stock_ratio: MapVec<Good, Option<f32>> = MapVec::from_iter(
let order_stock_ratio: GoodMap<Option<f32>> = GoodMap::from_iter(
@ -522,7 +576,7 @@ fn trade_at_site(
debug!("trade {} {:?}", site.id(), order_stock_ratio);
let prices = MapVec::from_iter(
let prices = GoodMap::from_iter(
@ -532,14 +586,14 @@ fn trade_at_site(
for o in orders.drain(..) {
// amount, local value (sell low value, buy high value goods first (trading
// town's interest))
let mut sorted_sell: Vec<(Good, f32, f32)> = o
let mut sorted_sell: Vec<(GoodIndex, f32, f32)> = o
.filter(|(_, &a)| a > 0.0)
.map(|(g, a)| (g, *a, prices[g]))
sorted_sell.sort_by(|a, b| (a.2.partial_cmp(&b.2).unwrap_or(Less)));
let mut sorted_buy: Vec<(Good, f32, f32)> = o
let mut sorted_buy: Vec<(GoodIndex, f32, f32)> = o
.filter(|(_, &a)| a < 0.0)
@ -552,7 +606,7 @@ fn trade_at_site(
let mut good_delivery = MapVec::from_default(0.0);
let mut good_delivery = GoodMap::from_default(0.0);
for (g, amount, price) in sorted_sell.iter() {
if let Some(order_stock_ratio) = order_stock_ratio[*g] {
let allocated_amount = *amount / order_stock_ratio.max(1.0);
@ -605,8 +659,8 @@ fn trade_at_site(
let delivery = TradeDelivery {
supplier: site,
prices: prices.clone(),
supply: MapVec::from_iter(
supply: GoodMap::from_iter(
economy.stocks.iter().map(|(g, a)| {
(g, {
(a - next_demand[g] - total_orders[g]).max(0.0) + good_delivery[g]
@ -630,9 +684,13 @@ fn trade_at_site(
/// 3rd step of trading
fn collect_deliveries(site: &mut Site, deliveries: &mut Vec<TradeDelivery>) {
fn collect_deliveries(
site: &mut Site,
deliveries: &mut Vec<TradeDelivery>,
ctx: &mut vergleich::Context,
) {
// collect all the goods we shipped
let mut last_exports = MapVec::from_iter(
let mut last_exports = GoodMap::from_iter(
@ -642,8 +700,9 @@ fn collect_deliveries(site: &mut Site, deliveries: &mut Vec<TradeDelivery>) {
// TODO: properly rate benefits created by merchants (done below?)
for mut d in deliveries.drain(..) {
let mut ictx = ctx.context(&format!("suppl {}", d.supplier.id()));
for i in d.amount.iter() {
last_exports[i.0] -= *i.1;
last_exports[i.0] -= ictx.value(&format!("{:?}", i.0), *i.1);
// remember price
if let Some(n) = site
@ -691,7 +750,12 @@ fn collect_deliveries(site: &mut Site, deliveries: &mut Vec<TradeDelivery>) {
/// dynamically react to environmental changes. If a product becomes available
/// through a mechanism such as trade, an entire arm of the economy may
/// materialise to take advantage of this.
pub fn tick_site_economy(index: &mut Index, site_id: Id<Site>, dt: f32) {
pub fn tick_site_economy(
index: &mut Index,
site_id: Id<Site>,
dt: f32,
mut vc: vergleich::Context,
) {
let site = &mut index.sites[site_id];
if !site.do_economic_simulation() {
@ -701,14 +765,19 @@ pub fn tick_site_economy(index: &mut Index, site_id: Id<Site>, dt: f32) {
let deliveries = index.trade.deliveries.get_mut(&site_id);
if let Some(deliveries) = deliveries {
collect_deliveries(site, deliveries);
collect_deliveries(site, deliveries, &mut vc);
let orders = site.economy.get_orders();
let productivity = site.economy.get_productivity();
let mut demand = MapVec::from_default(0.0);
for i in productivity.iter() {
.value(&std::format!("{:?}{:?}", i.0, Good::from(i.1.0)), i.1.1);
let mut demand = GoodMap::from_default(0.0);
for (labor, orders) in &orders {
let workers = if let Some(labor) = labor {
@ -719,33 +788,49 @@ pub fn tick_site_economy(index: &mut Index, site_id: Id<Site>, dt: f32) {
demand[*good] += *amount * workers;
demand[*COIN_INDEX] += Economy::STARTING_COIN; // if we spend coin value increases
// which labor is the merchant
let merchant_labor = productivity
.find(|(_, v)| (**v).iter().any(|(g, _)| *g == Transportation))
.find(|(_, v)| v.0 == *TRANSPORTATION_INDEX)
.map(|(l, _)| l);
let mut supply = site.economy.stocks.clone(); //MapVec::from_default(0.0);
let mut supply = site.economy.stocks; //GoodMap::from_default(0.0);
for (labor, goodvec) in productivity.iter() {
for (output_good, _) in goodvec.iter() {
supply[*output_good] +=
site.economy.yields[labor] * site.economy.labors[labor] * site.economy.pop;
//for (output_good, _) in goodvec.iter() {
//info!("{} supply{:?}+={}", site_id.id(), Good::from(goodvec.0),
// site.economy.yields[labor] * site.economy.labors[labor] * site.economy.pop);
supply[goodvec.0] +=
site.economy.yields[labor] * site.economy.labors[labor] * site.economy.pop;
vc.context(&std::format!("{:?}-{:?}", Good::from(goodvec.0), labor))
.value("yields", site.economy.yields[labor]);
vc.context(&std::format!("{:?}-{:?}", Good::from(goodvec.0), labor))
.value("labors", site.economy.labors[labor]);
for i in supply.iter() {
.value(&std::format!("{:?}", Good::from(i.0)), *i.1);
let stocks = &site.economy.stocks;
site.economy.surplus = demand
.map(|g, demand| supply[g] + stocks[g] - demand);
site.economy.marginal_surplus = demand.clone().map(|g, demand| supply[g] - demand);
for i in stocks.iter() {
.value(&std::format!("{:?}", Good::from(i.0)), *i.1);
site.economy.surplus = demand.map(|g, demand| supply[g] + stocks[g] - demand);
site.economy.marginal_surplus = demand.map(|g, demand| supply[g] - demand);
// plan trading with other sites
let mut external_orders = &mut index.trade.orders;
let mut potential_trade = MapVec::from_default(0.0);
let mut potential_trade = GoodMap::from_default(0.0);
// use last year's generated transportation for merchants (could we do better?
// this is in line with the other professions)
let transportation_capacity = site.economy.stocks[Transportation];
let transportation_capacity = site.economy.stocks[*TRANSPORTATION_INDEX];
let trade = if INTER_SITE_TRADE {
let trade = plan_trade_for_site(
@ -754,10 +839,12 @@ pub fn tick_site_economy(index: &mut Index, site_id: Id<Site>, dt: f32) {
&mut external_orders,
&mut potential_trade,
site.economy.active_exports = MapVec::from_iter(trade.iter().map(|(g, a)| (g, -*a)), 0.0); // TODO: check for availability?
site.economy.active_exports = GoodMap::from_iter(trade.iter().map(|(g, a)| (g, -*a)), 0.0); // TODO: check for availability?
// add the wares to sell to demand and the goods to buy to supply
for (g, a) in trade.iter() {
.value(&std::format!("{:?}", Good::from(g)), *a);
if *a > 0.0 {
supply[g] += *a;
assert!(supply[g] >= 0.0);
@ -766,72 +853,87 @@ pub fn tick_site_economy(index: &mut Index, site_id: Id<Site>, dt: f32) {
assert!(demand[g] >= 0.0);
demand[Coin] += Economy::STARTING_COIN; // if we spend coin value increases
} else {
// Update values according to the surplus of each stock
// Note that values are used for workforce allocation and are not the same thing
// as price
// fall back to old (less wrong than other goods) coin logic
let old_coin_surplus = site.economy.stocks[*COIN_INDEX] - demand[*COIN_INDEX];
let values = &mut site.economy.values;
&(site.economy.stocks[Coin] - demand[Coin]),
.for_each(|(good, surplus)| {
// Value rationalisation
let val = 2.0f32.powf(1.0 - *surplus / demand[good]);
let smooth = 0.8;
values[good] = if val > 0.001 && val < 1000.0 {
Some(smooth * values[good].unwrap_or(val) + (1.0 - smooth) * val)
} else {
let all_trade_goods: DHashSet<Good> = trade
site.economy.surplus.iter().for_each(|(good, surplus)| {
let old_surplus = if good == *COIN_INDEX {
} else {
// Value rationalisation
let goodname = std::format!("{:?}", Good::from(good));
vc.context("old_surplus").value(&goodname, old_surplus);
vc.context("demand").value(&goodname, demand[good]);
let val = 2.0f32.powf(1.0 - old_surplus / demand[good]);
let smooth = 0.8;
values[good] = if val > 0.001 && val < 1000.0 {
smooth * values[good].unwrap_or(val) + (1.0 - smooth) * val,
} else {
let all_trade_goods: DHashSet<GoodIndex> = trade
.filter(|(_, a)| **a > 0.0)
.filter(|(_, a)| **a > 0.0)
.map(|(g, _)| g)
let empty_goods: DHashSet<Good> = DHashSet::default();
//let empty_goods: DHashSet<GoodIndex> = DHashSet::default();
// TODO: Does avg/max/sum make most sense for labors creating more than one good
// summing favors merchants too much (as they will provide multiple
// goods, so we use max instead)
let labor_ratios: MapVec<Labor, f32> = productivity.clone().map(|labor, goodvec| {
let trade_boost = if Some(labor) == merchant_labor {
} else {
.map(|(g, _)| g)
.map(|output_good| site.economy.values[*output_good].unwrap_or(0.0))
.max_by(|a, b| a.abs().partial_cmp(&b.abs()).unwrap_or(Less))
* site.economy.productivity[labor]
let labor_ratios: LaborMap<f32> = LaborMap::from_iter(
productivity.iter().map(|(labor, goodvec)| {
if Some(labor) == merchant_labor {
.map(|&output_good| site.economy.values[output_good].unwrap_or(0.0))
.max_by(|a, b| a.abs().partial_cmp(&b.abs()).unwrap_or(Less))
} else {
* site.economy.productivity[labor],
let labor_ratio_sum = labor_ratios.iter().map(|(_, r)| *r).sum::<f32>().max(0.01);
let mut labor_context = vc.context("labor");
productivity.iter().for_each(|(labor, _)| {
let smooth = 0.8;
site.economy.labors[labor] = smooth * site.economy.labors[labor]
+ (1.0 - smooth)
* (labor_ratios[labor].max(labor_ratio_sum / 1000.0) / labor_ratio_sum);
site.economy.labors[labor] = labor_context.value(
&format!("{:?}", labor),
smooth * site.economy.labors[labor]
+ (1.0 - smooth)
* (labor_ratios[labor].max(labor_ratio_sum / 1000.0) / labor_ratio_sum),
assert!(site.economy.labors[labor] >= 0.0);
// Production
let stocks_before = site.economy.stocks.clone();
let stocks_before = site.economy.stocks;
// TODO: Should we recalculate demand after labor reassignment?
let direct_use = direct_use_goods();
// Handle the stocks you can't pile (decay)
@ -839,9 +941,9 @@ pub fn tick_site_economy(index: &mut Index, site_id: Id<Site>, dt: f32) {
site.economy.stocks[*g] = 0.0;
let mut total_labor_values = MapVec::<_, f32>::default();
let mut total_labor_values = GoodMap::<f32>::default();
// TODO: trade
let mut total_outputs = MapVec::<_, f32>::default();
let mut total_outputs = GoodMap::<f32>::default();
for (labor, orders) in orders.iter() {
let workers = if let Some(labor) = labor {
@ -886,7 +988,7 @@ pub fn tick_site_economy(index: &mut Index, site_id: Id<Site>, dt: f32) {
site.economy.stocks[*good] = (site.economy.stocks[*good] - used).max(0.0);
let mut produced_goods: MapVec<Good, f32> = MapVec::from_default(0.0);
let mut produced_goods: GoodMap<f32> = GoodMap::from_default(0.0);
if INTER_SITE_TRADE && is_merchant {
// TODO: replan for missing merchant productivity???
for (g, a) in trade.iter() {
@ -944,16 +1046,14 @@ pub fn tick_site_economy(index: &mut Index, site_id: Id<Site>, dt: f32) {
//let workers = site.economy.labors[*labor] * site.economy.pop;
//let final_rate = rate;
//let yield_per_worker = labor_productivity;
site.economy.yields[*labor] =
labor_productivity * work_products.iter().map(|(_, r)| r).sum::<f32>();
site.economy.yields[*labor] = labor_productivity * work_products.1;
site.economy.productivity[*labor] = labor_productivity;
//let total_product_rate: f32 = work_products.iter().map(|(_, r)| *r).sum();
for (stock, rate) in work_products {
let total_output = labor_productivity * *rate * workers;
assert!(total_output >= 0.0);
site.economy.stocks[*stock] += total_output;
produced_goods[*stock] += total_output;
let (stock, rate) = work_products;
let total_output = labor_productivity * *rate * workers;
assert!(total_output >= 0.0);
site.economy.stocks[*stock] += total_output;
produced_goods[*stock] += total_output;
let produced_amount: f32 = produced_goods.iter().map(|(_, a)| *a).sum();
for (stock, amount) in produced_goods.iter() {
@ -997,17 +1097,20 @@ pub fn tick_site_economy(index: &mut Index, site_id: Id<Site>, dt: f32) {
// Births/deaths
const NATURAL_BIRTH_RATE: f32 = 0.05;
const DEATH_RATE: f32 = 0.005;
let birth_rate = if site.economy.surplus[Good::Food] > 0.0 {
let birth_rate = if site.economy.surplus[*FOOD_INDEX] > 0.0 {
} else {
site.economy.pop += dt / YEAR * site.economy.pop * (birth_rate - DEATH_RATE);
site.economy.pop += vc.value(
dt / YEAR * site.economy.pop * (birth_rate - DEATH_RATE),
// calculate the new unclaimed stock
//let next_orders = site.economy.get_orders();
// orders are static
let mut next_demand = MapVec::from_default(0.0);
let mut next_demand = GoodMap::from_default(0.0);
for (labor, orders) in orders.iter() {
let workers = if let Some(labor) = labor {
@ -1019,25 +1122,26 @@ pub fn tick_site_economy(index: &mut Index, site_id: Id<Site>, dt: f32) {
assert!(next_demand[*good] >= 0.0);
site.economy.unconsumed_stock = MapVec::from_iter(
.map(|(g, a)| (g, *a - next_demand[g])),
let mut us = vc.context("unconsumed");
site.economy.unconsumed_stock = GoodMap::from_iter(
site.economy.stocks.iter().map(|(g, a)| {
us.value(&format!("{:?}", Good::from(g)), *a - next_demand[g]),
mod tests {
use crate::{
util::{seed_expan, MapVec},
use crate::{sim, site::economy::GoodMap, util::seed_expan};
use common::trade::Good;
use rand::SeedableRng;
use rand_chacha::ChaChaRng;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::convert::TryInto;
use tracing::{info, Level};
use tracing_subscriber::{
filter::{EnvFilter, LevelFilter},
@ -1095,7 +1199,7 @@ mod tests {
.map(|(good, a)| ResourcesSetup {
good: good.into(),
amount: *a * i.economy.natural_resources.average_yield_per_chunk[good],
@ -1131,10 +1235,10 @@ mod tests {
} else {
let mut rng = ChaChaRng::from_seed(seed_expan::rng_state(seed));
let ron_file = std::fs::File::open("economy_testinput.ron")
.expect("economy_testinput.ron not found");
let ron_file = std::fs::File::open("economy_testinput2.ron")
.expect("economy_testinput2.ron not found");
let econ_testinput: Vec<EconomySetup> =
ron::de::from_reader(ron_file).expect("economy_testinput.ron parse error");
ron::de::from_reader(ron_file).expect("economy_testinput2.ron parse error");
for i in econ_testinput.iter() {
let wpos = Vec2 {
x: i.position.0,
@ -1159,8 +1263,10 @@ mod tests {
//let c = sim::SimChunk::new();
//settlement.economy.add_chunk(ch, distance_squared)
// bypass the API for now
settlement.economy.natural_resources.chunks_per_resource[g.good] = g.amount;
settlement.economy.natural_resources.average_yield_per_chunk[g.good] = 1.0;
[g.good.try_into().unwrap_or_default()] = g.amount;
[g.good.try_into().unwrap_or_default()] = 1.0;
@ -1176,8 +1282,8 @@ mod tests {
.map(|(nid, dist)| crate::site::economy::NeighborInformation {
id: nid,
travel_distance: *dist,
last_values: MapVec::from_default(0.0),
last_supplies: MapVec::from_default(0.0),
last_values: GoodMap::from_default(0.0),
last_supplies: GoodMap::from_default(0.0),
@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
use crate::{
assets::{self, AssetExt, AssetHandle},
assets::{self, AssetExt},
util::{DHashMap, MapVec},
map_array::{enum_from_index, index_from_enum, GenericIndex, NotFound},
use common::{
@ -11,347 +14,24 @@ use common::{
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{fmt, marker::PhantomData, sync::Once};
use std::{
convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
fmt::{self, Write},
ops::{Index, IndexMut},
use Good::*;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Profession {
pub name: String,
pub orders: Vec<(Good, f32)>,
pub products: Vec<(Good, f32)>,
// the opaque index type into the "map" of Goods
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)]
pub struct GoodIndex {
idx: usize,
// reference to profession
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub struct Labor(u8, PhantomData<Profession>);
pub struct AreaResources {
pub resource_sum: MapVec<Good, f32>,
pub resource_chunks: MapVec<Good, f32>,
pub chunks: u32,
impl Default for AreaResources {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
resource_sum: MapVec::default(),
resource_chunks: MapVec::default(),
chunks: 0,
pub struct NaturalResources {
// resources per distance, we should increase labor cost for far resources
pub per_area: Vec<AreaResources>,
// computation simplifying cached values
pub chunks_per_resource: MapVec<Good, f32>,
pub average_yield_per_chunk: MapVec<Good, f32>,
impl Default for NaturalResources {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
per_area: Vec::new(),
chunks_per_resource: MapVec::default(),
average_yield_per_chunk: MapVec::default(),
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct RawProfessions(Vec<Profession>);
impl assets::Asset for RawProfessions {
type Loader = assets::RonLoader;
const EXTENSION: &'static str = "ron";
pub fn default_professions() -> AssetHandle<RawProfessions> {
lazy_static! {
static ref LABOR: AssetHandle<RawProfessions> = default_professions();
// used to define resources needed by every person
static ref DUMMY_LABOR: Labor = Labor(
.position(|a| a.name == "_")
.unwrap_or(0) as u8,
impl fmt::Debug for Labor {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
if (self.0 as usize) < LABOR.read().0.len() {
f.write_str(&LABOR.read().0[self.0 as usize].name)
} else {
pub struct TradeOrder {
pub customer: Id<Site>,
pub amount: MapVec<Good, f32>, // positive for orders, negative for exchange
pub struct TradeDelivery {
pub supplier: Id<Site>,
pub amount: MapVec<Good, f32>, // positive for orders, negative for exchange
pub prices: MapVec<Good, f32>, // at the time of interaction
pub supply: MapVec<Good, f32>, // maximum amount available, at the time of interaction
pub struct TradeInformation {
pub orders: DHashMap<Id<Site>, Vec<TradeOrder>>, // per provider
pub deliveries: DHashMap<Id<Site>, Vec<TradeDelivery>>, // per receiver
impl Default for TradeInformation {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
orders: Default::default(),
deliveries: Default::default(),
pub struct NeighborInformation {
pub id: Id<Site>,
pub travel_distance: usize,
// remembered from last interaction
pub last_values: MapVec<Good, f32>,
pub last_supplies: MapVec<Good, f32>,
pub struct Economy {
// Population
pub pop: f32,
/// Total available amount of each good
pub stocks: MapVec<Good, f32>,
/// Surplus stock compared to demand orders
pub surplus: MapVec<Good, f32>,
/// change rate (derivative) of stock in the current situation
pub marginal_surplus: MapVec<Good, f32>,
/// amount of wares not needed by the economy (helps with trade planning)
pub unconsumed_stock: MapVec<Good, f32>,
// For some goods, such a goods without any supply, it doesn't make sense to talk about value
pub values: MapVec<Good, Option<f32>>,
pub last_exports: MapVec<Good, f32>,
pub active_exports: MapVec<Good, f32>, // unfinished trade (amount unconfirmed)
//pub export_targets: MapVec<Good, f32>,
pub labor_values: MapVec<Good, Option<f32>>,
pub material_costs: MapVec<Good, f32>,
// Proportion of individuals dedicated to an industry
pub labors: MapVec<Labor, f32>,
// Per worker, per year, of their output good
pub yields: MapVec<Labor, f32>,
pub productivity: MapVec<Labor, f32>,
pub natural_resources: NaturalResources,
// usize is distance
pub neighbors: Vec<NeighborInformation>,
static INIT: Once = Once::new();
impl Default for Economy {
fn default() -> Self {
INIT.call_once(|| {
Self {
pop: 32.0,
stocks: MapVec::from_list(&[(Coin, Economy::STARTING_COIN)], 100.0),
surplus: Default::default(),
marginal_surplus: Default::default(),
values: MapVec::from_list(&[(Coin, Some(2.0))], None),
last_exports: Default::default(),
active_exports: Default::default(),
labor_values: Default::default(),
material_costs: Default::default(),
labors: MapVec::from_default(0.01),
yields: MapVec::from_default(1.0),
productivity: MapVec::from_default(1.0),
natural_resources: Default::default(),
neighbors: Default::default(),
unconsumed_stock: Default::default(),
impl Economy {
pub const MINIMUM_PRICE: f32 = 0.1;
pub const STARTING_COIN: f32 = 1000.0;
const _NATURAL_RESOURCE_SCALE: f32 = 1.0 / 9.0;
pub fn cache_economy(&mut self) {
for &g in good_list() {
let amount: f32 = self
.map(|a| a.resource_sum[g])
let chunks = self
.map(|a| a.resource_chunks[g])
if chunks > 0.001 {
self.natural_resources.chunks_per_resource[g] = chunks;
self.natural_resources.average_yield_per_chunk[g] = amount / chunks;
pub fn get_orders(&self) -> DHashMap<Option<Labor>, Vec<(Good, f32)>> {
.map(|(i, p)| {
if p.name == "_" {
} else {
Some(Labor(i as u8, PhantomData))
pub fn get_productivity(&self) -> MapVec<Labor, Vec<(Good, f32)>> {
let products: MapVec<Labor, Vec<(Good, f32)>> = MapVec::from_iter(
.filter(|(_, p)| !p.products.is_empty())
.map(|(i, p)| (Labor(i as u8, PhantomData), p.products.clone())),
vec![(Good::Terrain(BiomeKind::Void), 0.0)],
products.map(|l, vec| {
let labor_ratio = self.labors[l];
let total_workers = labor_ratio * self.pop;
// apply economy of scale (workers get more productive in numbers)
let relative_scale = 1.0 + labor_ratio;
let absolute_scale = (1.0 + total_workers / 100.0).min(3.0);
let scale = relative_scale * absolute_scale;
.map(|(good, amount)| (*good, amount * scale))
pub fn replenish(&mut self, _time: f32) {
for (good, &ch) in self.natural_resources.chunks_per_resource.iter() {
let per_year = self.natural_resources.average_yield_per_chunk[good] * ch;
self.stocks[good] = self.stocks[good].max(per_year);
// info!("resources {:?}", self.stocks);
pub fn add_chunk(&mut self, ch: &SimChunk, distance_squared: i64) {
// let biome = ch.get_biome();
// we don't scale by pi, although that would be correct
let distance_bin = (distance_squared >> 16).min(64) as usize;
if self.natural_resources.per_area.len() <= distance_bin {
.resize_with(distance_bin + 1, Default::default);
self.natural_resources.per_area[distance_bin].chunks += 1;
// self.natural_resources.per_area[distance_bin].resource_sum[Terrain(biome)] +=
// 1.0; self.natural_resources.per_area[distance_bin].
// resource_chunks[Terrain(biome)] += 1.0; TODO: Scale resources by
// rockiness or tree_density?
let mut add_biome = |biome, amount| {
self.natural_resources.per_area[distance_bin].resource_sum[Terrain(biome)] += amount;
self.natural_resources.per_area[distance_bin].resource_chunks[Terrain(biome)] += amount;
if ch.river.is_ocean() {
add_biome(BiomeKind::Ocean, 1.0);
} else if ch.river.is_lake() {
add_biome(BiomeKind::Lake, 1.0);
} else {
add_biome(BiomeKind::Forest, 0.5 + ch.tree_density);
add_biome(BiomeKind::Grassland, 0.5 + ch.humidity);
add_biome(BiomeKind::Jungle, 0.5 + ch.humidity * ch.temp.max(0.0));
add_biome(BiomeKind::Mountain, 0.5 + (ch.alt / 4000.0).max(0.0));
0.5 + (1.0 - ch.humidity) * ch.temp.max(0.0),
add_biome(BiomeKind::Snowland, 0.5 + (-ch.temp).max(0.0));
pub fn add_neighbor(&mut self, id: Id<Site>, distance: usize) {
self.neighbors.push(NeighborInformation {
travel_distance: distance,
last_values: MapVec::from_default(Economy::MINIMUM_PRICE),
last_supplies: Default::default(),
pub fn get_site_prices(&self) -> SitePrices {
let normalize = |xs: MapVec<Good, Option<f32>>| {
let sum = xs
.map(|(_, x)| (*x).unwrap_or(0.0))
xs.map(|_, x| Some(x? / sum))
SitePrices {
values: {
let labor_values = normalize(self.labor_values.clone());
// Use labor values as prices. Not correct (doesn't care about exchange value)
let prices = normalize(self.values.clone()).map(|good, value| {
+ value.unwrap_or(Economy::MINIMUM_PRICE))
* 0.5
prices.iter().map(|(g, v)| (g, *v)).collect()
pub fn good_list() -> &'static [Good] {
static GOODS: [Good; 23] = [
impl GenericIndex<Good, 23> for GoodIndex {
// static list of all Goods traded
const VALUES: [Good; GoodIndex::LENGTH] = [
// controlled resources
@ -381,11 +61,563 @@ pub fn good_list() -> &'static [Good] {
fn from_usize(idx: usize) -> Self { Self { idx } }
fn into_usize(self) -> usize { self.idx }
pub fn transportation_effort(g: Good) -> f32 {
match g {
impl TryFrom<Good> for GoodIndex {
type Error = NotFound;
fn try_from(e: Good) -> Result<Self, NotFound> { index_from_enum(e) }
impl From<GoodIndex> for Good {
fn from(gi: GoodIndex) -> Good { enum_from_index(gi) }
impl std::fmt::Debug for GoodIndex {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
// the "map" itself
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct GoodMap<V> {
data: [V; GoodIndex::LENGTH],
impl<V: Default + Copy> Default for GoodMap<V> {
fn default() -> Self {
GoodMap {
data: [V::default(); GoodIndex::LENGTH],
impl<V: Default + Copy + PartialEq + fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for GoodMap<V> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_str("{ ")?;
for i in self.iter() {
if *i.1 != V::default() {
f.write_char(' ')?;
impl<V> Index<GoodIndex> for GoodMap<V> {
type Output = V;
fn index(&self, index: GoodIndex) -> &Self::Output { &self.data[index.idx] }
impl<V> IndexMut<GoodIndex> for GoodMap<V> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: GoodIndex) -> &mut Self::Output { &mut self.data[index.idx] }
impl<V> GoodMap<V> {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (GoodIndex, &V)> + '_ {
.map(|(idx, v)| (GoodIndex { idx }, v))
pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (GoodIndex, &mut V)> + '_ {
(&mut self.data)
.map(|(idx, v)| (GoodIndex { idx }, v))
impl<V: Copy> GoodMap<V> {
pub fn from_default(default: V) -> Self {
GoodMap {
data: [default; GoodIndex::LENGTH],
pub fn from_iter(i: impl Iterator<Item = (GoodIndex, V)>, default: V) -> Self {
let mut result = Self::from_default(default);
for j in i {
result.data[j.0.idx] = j.1;
pub fn map<U: Default + Copy>(self, mut f: impl FnMut(GoodIndex, V) -> U) -> GoodMap<U> {
let mut result = GoodMap::<U>::from_default(U::default());
for j in self.data.iter().enumerate() {
result.data[j.0] = f(GoodIndex::from_usize(j.0), *j.1);
pub fn from_list<'a>(i: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a (GoodIndex, V)>, default: V) -> Self
V: 'a,
let mut result = Self::from_default(default);
for j in i {
result.data[j.0.idx] = j.1;
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct RawProfession {
pub name: String,
pub orders: Vec<(Good, f32)>,
pub products: Vec<(Good, f32)>,
pub struct Profession {
pub name: String,
pub orders: Vec<(GoodIndex, f32)>,
pub products: (GoodIndex, f32),
// reference to profession
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, Hash, PartialEq)]
pub struct Labor(u8, PhantomData<Profession>);
// the opaque index type into the "map" of Labors (as Labor already contains a
// monotonous index we reuse it)
pub type LaborIndex = Labor;
impl LaborIndex {
fn from_usize(idx: usize) -> Self { Self(idx as u8, PhantomData) }
fn into_usize(self) -> usize { self.0 as usize }
// the "map" itself
pub struct LaborMap<V> {
data: Vec<V>,
impl<V: Default + Copy> Default for LaborMap<V> {
fn default() -> Self {
LaborMap {
data: std::iter::repeat(V::default()).take(*LABOR_COUNT).collect(),
impl<V: Default + Copy + PartialEq + fmt::Debug> fmt::Debug for LaborMap<V> {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.write_str("{ ")?;
for i in self.iter() {
if *i.1 != V::default() {
f.write_char(' ')?;
impl<V> Index<LaborIndex> for LaborMap<V> {
type Output = V;
fn index(&self, index: LaborIndex) -> &Self::Output { &self.data[index.into_usize()] }
impl<V> IndexMut<LaborIndex> for LaborMap<V> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: LaborIndex) -> &mut Self::Output {
&mut self.data[index.into_usize()]
impl<V> LaborMap<V> {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (LaborIndex, &V)> + '_ {
.map(|(idx, v)| (LaborIndex::from_usize(idx), v))
impl<V: Copy + Default> LaborMap<V> {
pub fn from_default(default: V) -> Self {
LaborMap {
data: std::iter::repeat(default).take(*LABOR_COUNT).collect(),
impl<V: Copy + Default> LaborMap<V> {
pub fn from_iter(i: impl Iterator<Item = (LaborIndex, V)>, default: V) -> Self {
let mut result = Self::from_default(default);
for j in i {
result.data[j.0.into_usize()] = j.1;
pub fn map<U: Default + Copy>(&self, f: impl Fn(LaborIndex, &V) -> U) -> LaborMap<U> {
LaborMap {
data: self.iter().map(|i| f(i.0, i.1)).collect(),
pub struct AreaResources {
pub resource_sum: GoodMap<f32>,
pub resource_chunks: GoodMap<f32>,
pub chunks: u32,
impl Default for AreaResources {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
resource_sum: GoodMap::default(),
resource_chunks: GoodMap::default(),
chunks: 0,
pub struct NaturalResources {
// resources per distance, we should increase labor cost for far resources
pub per_area: Vec<AreaResources>,
// computation simplifying cached values
pub chunks_per_resource: GoodMap<f32>,
pub average_yield_per_chunk: GoodMap<f32>,
impl Default for NaturalResources {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
per_area: Vec::new(),
chunks_per_resource: GoodMap::default(),
average_yield_per_chunk: GoodMap::default(),
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
pub struct RawProfessions(Vec<RawProfession>);
impl assets::Asset for RawProfessions {
type Loader = assets::RonLoader;
const EXTENSION: &'static str = "ron";
pub fn default_professions() -> Vec<Profession> {
.map(|r| Profession {
name: r.name.clone(),
orders: r
.map(|i| (i.0.try_into().unwrap_or_default(), i.1))
products: r
.map(|p| (p.0.try_into().unwrap_or_default(), p.1))
lazy_static! {
static ref LABOR: Vec<Profession> = default_professions();
// used to define resources needed by every person
static ref DUMMY_LABOR: Labor = Labor(
.position(|a| a.name == "_")
.unwrap_or(0) as u8,
// do not count the DUMMY_LABOR (has to be last entry)
static ref LABOR_COUNT: usize = LABOR.len()-1;
impl fmt::Debug for Labor {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
if (self.0 as usize) < *LABOR_COUNT {
f.write_str(&LABOR[self.0 as usize].name)
} else {
impl Default for Labor {
fn default() -> Self { *DUMMY_LABOR }
pub struct TradeOrder {
pub customer: Id<Site>,
pub amount: GoodMap<f32>, // positive for orders, negative for exchange
pub struct TradeDelivery {
pub supplier: Id<Site>,
pub amount: GoodMap<f32>, // positive for orders, negative for exchange
pub prices: GoodMap<f32>, // at the time of interaction
pub supply: GoodMap<f32>, // maximum amount available, at the time of interaction
pub struct TradeInformation {
pub orders: DHashMap<Id<Site>, Vec<TradeOrder>>, // per provider
pub deliveries: DHashMap<Id<Site>, Vec<TradeDelivery>>, // per receiver
impl Default for TradeInformation {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
orders: Default::default(),
deliveries: Default::default(),
pub struct NeighborInformation {
pub id: Id<Site>,
pub travel_distance: usize,
// remembered from last interaction
pub last_values: GoodMap<f32>,
pub last_supplies: GoodMap<f32>,
pub struct Economy {
// Population
pub pop: f32,
/// Total available amount of each good
pub stocks: GoodMap<f32>,
/// Surplus stock compared to demand orders
pub surplus: GoodMap<f32>,
/// change rate (derivative) of stock in the current situation
pub marginal_surplus: GoodMap<f32>,
/// amount of wares not needed by the economy (helps with trade planning)
pub unconsumed_stock: GoodMap<f32>,
// For some goods, such a goods without any supply, it doesn't make sense to talk about value
pub values: GoodMap<Option<f32>>,
pub last_exports: GoodMap<f32>,
pub active_exports: GoodMap<f32>, // unfinished trade (amount unconfirmed)
//pub export_targets: GoodMap<f32>,
pub labor_values: GoodMap<Option<f32>>,
pub material_costs: GoodMap<f32>,
// Proportion of individuals dedicated to an industry
pub labors: LaborMap<f32>,
// Per worker, per year, of their output good
pub yields: LaborMap<f32>,
pub productivity: LaborMap<f32>,
pub natural_resources: NaturalResources,
// usize is distance
pub neighbors: Vec<NeighborInformation>,
impl Default for Economy {
fn default() -> Self {
let coin_index: GoodIndex = GoodIndex::try_from(Coin).unwrap_or_default();
Self {
pop: 32.0,
stocks: GoodMap::from_list(&[(coin_index, Economy::STARTING_COIN)], 100.0),
surplus: Default::default(),
marginal_surplus: Default::default(),
values: GoodMap::from_list(&[(coin_index, Some(2.0))], None),
last_exports: Default::default(),
active_exports: Default::default(),
labor_values: Default::default(),
material_costs: Default::default(),
labors: LaborMap::from_default(0.01),
yields: LaborMap::from_default(1.0),
productivity: LaborMap::from_default(1.0),
natural_resources: Default::default(),
neighbors: Default::default(),
unconsumed_stock: Default::default(),
impl Economy {
pub const MINIMUM_PRICE: f32 = 0.1;
pub const STARTING_COIN: f32 = 1000.0;
const _NATURAL_RESOURCE_SCALE: f32 = 1.0 / 9.0;
pub fn cache_economy(&mut self) {
for g in good_list() {
let amount: f32 = self
.map(|a| a.resource_sum[g])
let chunks = self
.map(|a| a.resource_chunks[g])
if chunks > 0.001 {
self.natural_resources.chunks_per_resource[g] = chunks;
self.natural_resources.average_yield_per_chunk[g] = amount / chunks;
pub fn get_orders(&self) -> DHashMap<Option<LaborIndex>, Vec<(GoodIndex, f32)>> {
.map(|(i, p)| {
if i == DUMMY_LABOR.0 as usize {
} else {
pub fn get_productivity(&self) -> LaborMap<(GoodIndex, f32)> {
// cache the site independent part of production
lazy_static! {
static ref PRODUCTS: LaborMap<(GoodIndex, f32)> = LaborMap::from_iter(
.filter(|(_, p)| p.products.1 > 0.0)
.map(|(i, p)| { (LaborIndex::from_usize(i), p.products,) }),
(GoodIndex::default(), 0.0),
PRODUCTS.map(|l, vec| {
let labor_ratio = self.labors[l];
let total_workers = labor_ratio * self.pop;
// apply economy of scale (workers get more productive in numbers)
let relative_scale = 1.0 + labor_ratio;
let absolute_scale = (1.0 + total_workers / 100.0).min(3.0);
let scale = relative_scale * absolute_scale;
(vec.0, vec.1 * scale)
pub fn replenish(&mut self, _time: f32) {
for (good, &ch) in self.natural_resources.chunks_per_resource.iter() {
let per_year = self.natural_resources.average_yield_per_chunk[good] * ch;
self.stocks[good] = self.stocks[good].max(per_year);
// info!("resources {:?}", self.stocks);
pub fn add_chunk(&mut self, ch: &SimChunk, distance_squared: i64) {
// let biome = ch.get_biome();
// we don't scale by pi, although that would be correct
let distance_bin = (distance_squared >> 16).min(64) as usize;
if self.natural_resources.per_area.len() <= distance_bin {
.resize_with(distance_bin + 1, Default::default);
self.natural_resources.per_area[distance_bin].chunks += 1;
let mut add_biome = |biome, amount| {
if let Ok(idx) = GoodIndex::try_from(Terrain(biome)) {
self.natural_resources.per_area[distance_bin].resource_sum[idx] += amount;
self.natural_resources.per_area[distance_bin].resource_chunks[idx] += amount;
if ch.river.is_ocean() {
add_biome(BiomeKind::Ocean, 1.0);
} else if ch.river.is_lake() {
add_biome(BiomeKind::Lake, 1.0);
} else {
add_biome(BiomeKind::Forest, 0.5 + ch.tree_density);
add_biome(BiomeKind::Grassland, 0.5 + ch.humidity);
add_biome(BiomeKind::Jungle, 0.5 + ch.humidity * ch.temp.max(0.0));
add_biome(BiomeKind::Mountain, 0.5 + (ch.alt / 4000.0).max(0.0));
0.5 + (1.0 - ch.humidity) * ch.temp.max(0.0),
add_biome(BiomeKind::Snowland, 0.5 + (-ch.temp).max(0.0));
pub fn add_neighbor(&mut self, id: Id<Site>, distance: usize) {
self.neighbors.push(NeighborInformation {
travel_distance: distance,
last_values: GoodMap::from_default(Economy::MINIMUM_PRICE),
last_supplies: Default::default(),
pub fn get_site_prices(&self) -> SitePrices {
let normalize = |xs: GoodMap<Option<f32>>| {
let sum = xs
.map(|(_, x)| (*x).unwrap_or(0.0))
xs.map(|_, x| Some(x? / sum))
SitePrices {
values: {
let labor_values = normalize(self.labor_values);
// Use labor values as prices. Not correct (doesn't care about exchange value)
let prices = normalize(self.values).map(|good, value| {
+ value.unwrap_or(Economy::MINIMUM_PRICE))
* 0.5
prices.iter().map(|(g, v)| (Good::from(g), *v)).collect()
pub fn good_list() -> impl Iterator<Item = GoodIndex> {
// cache in GoodMap ?
pub fn transportation_effort(g: GoodIndex) -> f32 {
match Good::from(g) {
Terrain(_) | Territory(_) | RoadSecurity => 0.0,
Coin => 0.01,
Potions => 0.1,
@ -397,8 +629,8 @@ pub fn transportation_effort(g: Good) -> f32 {
pub fn decay_rate(g: Good) -> f32 {
match g {
pub fn decay_rate(g: GoodIndex) -> f32 {
match Good::from(g) {
Food => 0.2,
Flour => 0.1,
Meat => 0.25,
@ -408,28 +640,30 @@ pub fn decay_rate(g: Good) -> f32 {
/** you can't accumulate or save these options/resources for later */
pub fn direct_use_goods() -> &'static [Good] {
static DIRECT_USE: [Good; 13] = [
pub fn direct_use_goods() -> &'static [GoodIndex] {
lazy_static! {
static ref DIRECT_USE: [GoodIndex; 13] = [
impl Labor {
pub fn list() -> impl Iterator<Item = Self> {
.filter(|&i| i != (DUMMY_LABOR.0 as usize))
.map(|i| Self(i as u8, PhantomData))
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ impl Site {
.map(|(g, a)| (g, *a))
.map(|(g, a)| (g.into(), *a))
s.apply_supplement(dynamic_rng, wpos2d, get_column, supplement, economy)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
use std::cmp::PartialEq;
pub trait GenericIndex<V: Clone, const N: usize> {
const LENGTH: usize = N;
const VALUES: [V; N];
fn from_usize(n: usize) -> Self;
fn into_usize(self) -> usize;
pub struct NotFound();
pub fn index_from_enum<E: Clone + PartialEq, I: GenericIndex<E, N>, const N: usize>(
val: E,
) -> Result<I, NotFound> {
.position(|v| val == *v)
.ok_or(NotFound {})
pub fn enum_from_index<E: Clone, I: GenericIndex<E, N>, const N: usize>(idx: I) -> E {
mod tests {
use crate::util::map_array::{enum_from_index, index_from_enum, GenericIndex, NotFound};
use std::{
convert::{TryFrom, TryInto},
ops::{Index, IndexMut},
// the Values we want to generate an Index for
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum MyEnum0 {
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum MyEnum {
// the opaque index type into the "map"
struct MyIndex(usize);
impl GenericIndex<MyEnum, 3> for MyIndex {
const VALUES: [MyEnum; MyIndex::LENGTH] =
[MyEnum::C(MyEnum0::B), MyEnum::C(MyEnum0::A), MyEnum::D];
fn from_usize(n: usize) -> Self { Self(n) }
fn into_usize(self) -> usize { self.0 }
impl TryFrom<MyEnum> for MyIndex {
type Error = NotFound;
fn try_from(e: MyEnum) -> Result<MyIndex, NotFound> { index_from_enum(e) }
impl From<MyIndex> for MyEnum {
fn from(idx: MyIndex) -> MyEnum { enum_from_index(idx) }
// the "map" itself
struct MyMap<V>([V; MyIndex::LENGTH]);
impl<V: Default + Copy> Default for MyMap<V> {
fn default() -> Self { MyMap([V::default(); MyIndex::LENGTH]) }
impl<V> Index<MyIndex> for MyMap<V> {
type Output = V;
fn index(&self, index: MyIndex) -> &Self::Output { &self.0[index.0] }
impl<V> IndexMut<MyIndex> for MyMap<V> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index: MyIndex) -> &mut Self::Output { &mut self.0[index.0] }
impl<V> MyMap<V> {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (MyIndex, &V)> + '_ {
(&self.0).iter().enumerate().map(|(i, v)| (MyIndex(i), v))
// test: create a map, set some values and output it
// Output: m[C(B)]=19 m[C(A)]=42 m[D]=0
fn test_map_array() {
let mut m = MyMap::default();
if let Ok(i) = MyEnum::C(MyEnum0::A).try_into() {
m[i] = 42.0;
if let Ok(i) = MyEnum::C(MyEnum0::B).try_into() {
m[i] = 19.0;
for (k, v) in m.iter() {
let k2: MyEnum = k.into();
println!("m[{:?}]={}", k2, *v);
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
pub mod fast_noise;
pub mod map_array;
pub mod map_vec;
pub mod math;
pub mod random;
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