Incremental point traversal

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Barretto 2023-01-12 15:02:53 +00:00
parent bb96e92362
commit 191f362292
3 changed files with 236 additions and 77 deletions

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@ -194,10 +194,42 @@ impl<R: 'static> Action<R> for Box<dyn Action<R>> {
fn reset(&mut self) { (**self).reset(); }
// TODO: Reset closure state?
fn tick(&mut self, ctx: &mut NpcCtx) -> ControlFlow<R> { (**self).tick(ctx) }
impl<R: 'static, A: Action<R>, B: Action<R>> Action<R> for itertools::Either<A, B> {
fn is_same(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
match (self, other) {
(itertools::Either::Left(x), itertools::Either::Left(y)) => x.is_same(y),
(itertools::Either::Right(x), itertools::Either::Right(y)) => x.is_same(y),
_ => false,
fn dyn_is_same(&self, other: &dyn Action<R>) -> bool { self.dyn_is_same_sized(other) }
fn backtrace(&self, bt: &mut Vec<String>) {
match self {
itertools::Either::Left(x) => x.backtrace(bt),
itertools::Either::Right(x) => x.backtrace(bt),
fn reset(&mut self) {
match self {
itertools::Either::Left(x) => x.reset(),
itertools::Either::Right(x) => x.reset(),
fn tick(&mut self, ctx: &mut NpcCtx) -> ControlFlow<R> {
match self {
itertools::Either::Left(x) => x.tick(ctx),
itertools::Either::Right(x) => x.tick(ctx),
// Now
/// See [`now`].
@ -220,6 +252,7 @@ impl<R: Send + Sync + 'static, F: FnMut(&mut NpcCtx) -> A + Send + Sync + 'stati
// TODO: Reset closure?
fn reset(&mut self) { self.1 = None; }
// TODO: Reset closure state?
@ -247,6 +280,62 @@ where
Now(f, None)
// Until
/// See [`now`].
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct Until<F, A, R>(F, Option<A>, PhantomData<R>);
R: Send + Sync + 'static,
F: FnMut(&mut NpcCtx) -> Option<A> + Send + Sync + 'static,
A: Action<R>,
> Action<()> for Until<F, A, R>
// TODO: This doesn't compare?!
fn is_same(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { true }
fn dyn_is_same(&self, other: &dyn Action<()>) -> bool { self.dyn_is_same_sized(other) }
fn backtrace(&self, bt: &mut Vec<String>) {
if let Some(action) = &self.1 {
} else {
// TODO: Reset closure?
fn reset(&mut self) { self.1 = None; }
// TODO: Reset closure state?
fn tick(&mut self, ctx: &mut NpcCtx) -> ControlFlow<()> {
match &mut self.1 {
Some(x) => match x.tick(ctx) {
ControlFlow::Continue(()) => ControlFlow::Continue(()),
ControlFlow::Break(_) => {
self.1 = None;
None => match (self.0)(ctx) {
Some(x) => {
self.1 = Some(x);
None => ControlFlow::Break(()),
pub fn until<F, A, R>(f: F) -> Until<F, A, R>
F: FnMut(&mut NpcCtx) -> Option<A>,
Until(f, None, PhantomData)
// Just
/// See [`just`].
@ -262,6 +351,7 @@ impl<R: Send + Sync + 'static, F: FnMut(&mut NpcCtx) -> R + Send + Sync + 'stati
fn backtrace(&self, bt: &mut Vec<String>) {}
// TODO: Reset closure?
fn reset(&mut self) {}
// TODO: Reset closure state?

View File

@ -73,9 +73,9 @@ impl Data {
// Spawn some test entities at the sites
for (site_id, site) in this.sites.iter()
// TODO: Stupid
// .filter(|(_, site)| site.world_site.map_or(false, |ws|
// matches!(&index.sites.get(ws).kind, SiteKind::Refactor(_)))) .skip(1)
// .take(1)
.filter(|(_, site)| site.world_site.map_or(false, |ws|
matches!(&index.sites.get(ws).kind, SiteKind::Refactor(_)))) .skip(1)
let Some(good_or_evil) = site
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ impl Data {
if good_or_evil {
for _ in 0..64 {
for _ in 0..32 {
Npc::new(rng.gen(), rand_wpos(&mut rng))

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use std::{collections::VecDeque, hash::BuildHasherDefault};
use crate::{
ai::{casual, choose, finish, important, just, now, seq, urgent, watch, Action, NpcCtx},
ai::{casual, choose, finish, important, just, now, seq, until, urgent, watch, Action, NpcCtx},
npc::{Brain, Controller, Npc, NpcId, PathData, PathingMemory},
@ -162,46 +162,31 @@ fn path_between_sites(
fn path_town(
wpos: Vec3<f32>,
fn path_site(
start: Vec2<f32>,
end: Vec2<f32>,
site: Id<WorldSite>,
index: IndexRef,
end: impl FnOnce(&site2::Site) -> Option<Vec2<i32>>,
) -> Option<PathData<Vec2<i32>, Vec2<i32>>> {
match &index.sites.get(site).kind {
SiteKind::Refactor(site) | SiteKind::CliffTown(site) | SiteKind::DesertCity(site) => {
let start = site.wpos_tile_pos(wpos.xy().as_());
) -> Option<Vec<Vec2<f32>>> {
if let Some(site) = index.sites.get(site).site2() {
let start = site.wpos_tile_pos(start.as_());
let end = end(site)?;
let end = site.wpos_tile_pos(end.as_());
if start == end {
return None;
let nodes = match path_in_site(start, end, site) {
PathResult::Path(p) => p.nodes,
PathResult::Exhausted(p) => p.nodes,
PathResult::None(_) | PathResult::Pending => return None,
// We pop the first element of the path
// fn pop_first<T>(mut queue: VecDeque<T>) -> VecDeque<T> {
// queue.pop_front();
// queue
// }
match path_in_site(start, end, site) {
PathResult::Path(p) => Some(PathData {
path: p.nodes.into(), //pop_first(p.nodes.into()),
repoll: false,
PathResult::Exhausted(p) => Some(PathData {
path: p.nodes.into(), //pop_first(p.nodes.into()),
repoll: true,
PathResult::None(_) | PathResult::Pending => None,
_ => {
// No brain T_T
.map(|tile| site.tile_center_wpos(tile).as_() + 0.5)
} else {
@ -365,6 +350,58 @@ fn goto_2d(wpos2d: Vec2<f32>, speed_factor: f32, goal_dist: f32) -> impl Action
fn traverse_points<F>(mut next_point: F) -> impl Action<()>
F: FnMut(&mut NpcCtx) -> Option<Vec2<f32>> + Send + Sync + 'static,
until(move |ctx| {
let wpos = next_point(ctx)?;
let wpos_site = |wpos: Vec2<f32>| {
.get(wpos.as_::<i32>() / TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.as_())
.and_then(|chunk| chunk.sites.first().copied())
// If we're traversing within a site, to intra-site pathfinding
if let Some(site) = wpos_site(wpos) {
let mut site_exit = wpos;
while let Some(next) = next_point(ctx).filter(|next| wpos_site(*next) == Some(site)) {
site_exit = next;
// println!("[NPC {:?}] Pathing in site...", ctx.npc_id);
if let Some(path) = path_site(wpos, site_exit, site, ctx.index) {
// println!("[NPC {:?}] Found path of length {} from {:?} to {:?}!", ctx.npc_id,
// path.len(), wpos, site_exit);
seq(path.into_iter().map(|wpos| goto_2d(wpos, 1.0, 8.0)))
.then(goto_2d(site_exit, 1.0, 8.0)),
} else {
// println!("[NPC {:?}] No path", ctx.npc_id);
Some(itertools::Either::Right(goto_2d(site_exit, 1.0, 8.0)))
} else {
Some(itertools::Either::Right(goto_2d(wpos, 1.0, 8.0)))
/// Try to travel to a site. Where practical, paths will be taken.
fn travel_to_point(wpos: Vec2<f32>) -> impl Action {
now(move |ctx| {
const WAYPOINT: f32 = 24.0;
let start = ctx.npc.wpos.xy();
let diff = wpos - start;
let n = (diff.magnitude() / WAYPOINT).max(1.0);
let mut points = (1..n as usize + 1).map(move |i| start + diff * (i as f32 / n));
traverse_points(move |_|
.debug(|| "travel to point")
/// Try to travel to a site. Where practical, paths will be taken.
fn travel_to_site(tgt_site: SiteId) -> impl Action {
now(move |ctx| {
@ -376,51 +413,83 @@ fn travel_to_site(tgt_site: SiteId) -> impl Action {
&& let Some(tracks) = path_towns(current_site, tgt_site, sites,
let track_count = tracks.path.len();
// For every track in the path we discovered between the sites...
let mut nodes = tracks.path
// ...traverse the nodes of that path.
.map(move |(i, (track_id, reversed))| now(move |ctx| {
let track_len =;
// Tracks can be traversed backward (i.e: from end to beginning). Account for this.
seq(if reversed {
} else {
.map(move |(i, node_idx)| now(move |ctx| {
// Find the centre of the track node's chunk
let node_chunk_wpos = TerrainChunkSize::center_wpos(
.flat_map(move |(track_id, reversed)| (0..)
.map(move |node_idx| (node_idx, track_id, reversed)));
// Refine the node position a bit more based on local path information
let node_wpos =
.map_or(node_chunk_wpos, |(_, wpos, _, _)| wpos.as_());
traverse_points(move |ctx| {
let (node_idx, track_id, reversed) =;
let nodes = &;
// Walk toward the node
goto_2d(node_wpos.as_(), 1.0, 8.0)
.debug(move || format!("traversing track node ({}/{})", i + 1, track_len))
.debug(move || format!("travel via track {:?} ({}/{})", track_id, i + 1, track_count))))
// Handle the case where we walk paths backward
let idx = if reversed {
nodes.len().checked_sub(node_idx + 1)
} else {
if let Some(node) = idx.and_then(|idx| nodes.get(idx)) {
// Find the centre of the track node's chunk
let node_chunk_wpos = TerrainChunkSize::center_wpos(*node);
// Refine the node position a bit more based on local path information
.map_or(node_chunk_wpos, |(_, wpos, _, _)| wpos.as_())
} else {
// For every track in the path we discovered between the sites...
// seq(tracks
// .path
// .into_iter()
// .enumerate()
// // ...traverse the nodes of that path.
// .map(move |(i, (track_id, reversed))| now(move |ctx| {
// let track_len =;
// // Tracks can be traversed backward (i.e: from end to beginning). Account for this.
// seq(if reversed {
// itertools::Either::Left((0..track_len).rev())
// } else {
// itertools::Either::Right(0..track_len)
// }
// .enumerate()
// .map(move |(i, node_idx)| now(move |ctx| {
// // Find the centre of the track node's chunk
// let node_chunk_wpos = TerrainChunkSize::center_wpos(
// .civs()
// .tracks
// .get(track_id)
// .path()
// .nodes[node_idx]);
// // Refine the node position a bit more based on local path information
// let node_wpos =
// .get_nearest_path(node_chunk_wpos)
// .map_or(node_chunk_wpos, |(_, wpos, _, _)| wpos.as_());
// // Walk toward the node
// goto_2d(node_wpos.as_(), 1.0, 8.0)
// .debug(move || format!("traversing track node ({}/{})", i + 1, track_len))
// })))
// })
// .debug(move || format!("travel via track {:?} ({}/{})", track_id, i + 1, track_count))))
// .boxed()
} else if let Some(site) = sites.get(tgt_site) {
// If all else fails, just walk toward the target site in a straight line
goto_2d(|e| e as f32 + 0.5), 1.0, 8.0).boxed()
travel_to_point(|e| e as f32 + 0.5)).boxed()
} else {
// If we can't find a way to get to the site at all, there's nothing more to be done
.debug(move || format!("travel_to_site {:?}", tgt_site))
.debug(move || format!("travel_to_site {:?}", tgt_site))
// Seconds
@ -500,7 +569,7 @@ fn villager(visiting_site: SiteId) -> impl Action {
goto_2d(house_wpos, 0.5, 1.0)
.debug(|| "walk to house")
.then(idle().repeat().debug(|| "wait in house"))
.stop_if(|ctx| DayPeriod::from(ctx.time_of_day.0).is_light())
@ -527,7 +596,7 @@ fn villager(visiting_site: SiteId) -> impl Action {
// Walk to the plaza...
goto_2d(plaza_wpos, 0.5, 8.0)
.debug(|| "walk to plaza")
// ...then wait for some time before moving on