summon an

This commit is contained in:
jshipsey 2021-10-29 01:00:53 -04:00 committed by Snowram
parent fd3ed89899
commit 269b1fcd00
10 changed files with 359 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -235,6 +235,13 @@
(None, "common.abilities.custom.arthropodbasic.leap"),
Custom("Arthropod Ranged"): (
primary: "common.abilities.custom.arthropodranged.singlestrike",
secondary: "common.abilities.custom.arthropodranged.ensnaringweb",
abilities: [
(None, "common.abilities.custom.arthropodranged.poisonball"),
Custom("Arthropod Charge"): (
primary: "common.abilities.custom.arthropodcharge.singlestrike",
secondary: "common.abilities.custom.arthropodcharge.charge",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
buildup_duration: 0.6,
cast_duration: 0.4,
recover_duration: 0.3,
sprite: EnsnaringWeb,
summon_distance: (0, 8),
sparseness: 0.67,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
energy_cost: 0,
buildup_duration: 0.8,
recover_duration: 0.35,
projectile: NecroticSphere(
damage: 26.0,
radius: 5.0,
energy_regen: 0,
projectile_body: Object(FireworkPurple),
/*projectile_light: Some(LightEmitter {
col: (1.0, 0.75, 0.11).into(),
projectile_speed: 70.0,
num_projectiles: 3,
projectile_spread: 0.2,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
stage_data: [
stage: 1,
base_damage: 100,
damage_increase: 0,
base_poise_damage: 28,
poise_damage_increase: 0,
knockback: 3.0,
range: 3.0,
angle: 60.0,
base_buildup_duration: 0.4,
base_swing_duration: 0.1,
hit_timing: 0.5,
base_recover_duration: 0.4,
forward_movement: 1.0,
damage_kind: Crushing,
damage_effect: Some(Buff((
kind: Poisoned,
dur_secs: 10.0,
strength: DamageFraction(1.0),
chance: 1.0,
initial_energy_gain: 0,
max_energy_gain: 0,
energy_increase: 0,
speed_increase: 0.0,
max_speed_increase: 0.0,
scales_from_combo: 0,
is_interruptible: false,
ori_modifier: 0.7,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
name: "Arthropod Ranged",
description: "testing123",
kind: Tool((
kind: Natural,
hands: Two,
stats: Direct((
equip_time_secs: 0.01,
power: 1.0,
effect_power: 1.0,
speed: 1.0,
crit_chance: 0.1,
range: 1.0,
energy_efficiency: 1.0,
buff_strength: 1.0,
quality: Low,
tags: [],
ability_spec: Some(Custom("Arthropod Ranged")),

View File

@ -271,6 +271,10 @@ fn default_main_tool(body: &Body) -> Item {
| arthropod::Species::Antlion => Some(Item::new_from_asset_expect(
=> Some(Item::new_from_asset_expect(
_ => Some(Item::new_from_asset_expect(

View File

@ -4,12 +4,15 @@ pub mod idle;
pub mod jump;
pub mod leapmelee;
pub mod run;
pub mod shoot;
pub mod stunned;
pub mod summon;
// Reexports
pub use self::{
alpha::AlphaAnimation, dash::DashAnimation, idle::IdleAnimation, jump::JumpAnimation,
leapmelee::LeapMeleeAnimation, run::RunAnimation, stunned::StunnedAnimation,
leapmelee::LeapMeleeAnimation, run::RunAnimation, shoot::ShootAnimation, stunned::StunnedAnimation,
use super::{make_bone, vek::*, FigureBoneData, Offsets, Skeleton};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use super::{
super::{vek::*, Animation},
ArthropodSkeleton, SkeletonAttr,
use common::states::utils::StageSection;
pub struct ShootAnimation;
impl Animation for ShootAnimation {
type Dependency<'a> = (f32, f32, Option<StageSection>, f32);
type Skeleton = ArthropodSkeleton;
#[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")]
const UPDATE_FN: &'static [u8] = b"arthropod_shoot\0";
#[cfg_attr(feature = "be-dyn-lib", export_name = "arthropod_shoot")]
fn update_skeleton_inner<'a>(
skeleton: &Self::Skeleton,
(_velocity, global_time, stage_section, timer): Self::Dependency<'a>,
anim_time: f32,
_rate: &mut f32,
s_a: &SkeletonAttr,
) -> Self::Skeleton {
let mut next = (*skeleton).clone();
let (movement1, movement2) = match stage_section {
Some(StageSection::Buildup) => (anim_time.powi(2), 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Recover) => (1.0, anim_time),
_ => (0.0, 0.0),
let pullback = 1.0 - movement2;
let subtract = global_time - timer;
let check = subtract - subtract.trunc();
let mirror = (check - 0.5).signum();
//let movement1 = mirror * movement1base * pullback;
//let movement2 = mirror * movement2base * pullback;
let movement1abs = movement1 * pullback;
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() / s_a.scaler;
next.chest.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(0.0)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(0.0);
next.head.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.head.0, s_a.head.1);
next.head.orientation =
movement1*0.35 ,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(
0.0 ,
) ;//* Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.02);
next.chest.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.chest.0, s_a.chest.1);
next.mandible_l.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position = Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 0.5 ,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * 0.5 ,
)* Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * 0.5 ,
next.mandible_r.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 0.5 ,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * -0.5 ,
)* Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * -0.5 ,
next.wing_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.leg_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_z(
s_a.leg_ori.0 + movement1abs * 0.4 ,
) * Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 1.0,
next.leg_fr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_z(
-s_a.leg_ori.0 + movement1abs * -0.4 ,
) * Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 1.0,
next.leg_fcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_bcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use super::{
super::{vek::*, Animation},
ArthropodSkeleton, SkeletonAttr,
use common::states::utils::StageSection;
pub struct SummonAnimation;
impl Animation for SummonAnimation {
type Dependency<'a> = (f32, f32, Option<StageSection>, f32);
type Skeleton = ArthropodSkeleton;
#[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")]
const UPDATE_FN: &'static [u8] = b"arthropod_summon\0";
#[cfg_attr(feature = "be-dyn-lib", export_name = "arthropod_summon")]
fn update_skeleton_inner<'a>(
skeleton: &Self::Skeleton,
(_velocity, global_time, stage_section, timer): Self::Dependency<'a>,
anim_time: f32,
_rate: &mut f32,
s_a: &SkeletonAttr,
) -> Self::Skeleton {
let mut next = (*skeleton).clone();
let (movement1, movement2, movement3) = match stage_section {
Some(StageSection::Buildup) => (anim_time.powi(2), 0.0, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Action) => (1.0, anim_time.powi(4), 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Recover) => (1.0, 1.0, anim_time),
_ => (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
let pullback = 1.0 - movement3;
let subtract = global_time - timer;
let check = subtract - subtract.trunc();
let mirror = (check - 0.5).signum();
//let movement1 = mirror * movement1base * pullback;
//let movement2 = mirror * movement2base * pullback;
let movement1abs = movement1 * pullback;
let movement2abs = movement2 * pullback;
let movement3abs = movement3 * pullback;
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() / s_a.scaler;
next.chest.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.02);
next.head.position = Vec3::new(
s_a.head.0 + movement1abs * 3.0,
s_a.head.1 + movement1abs * -3.0,
next.head.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.5 + movement2abs * -1.5 + movement3abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(
mirror * movement1abs * -0.2 + mirror * movement2abs * 0.2,
* Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.02);
next.chest.position = Vec3::new(
s_a.chest.1 + movement1abs * 7.0 + movement2abs * -2.0,
next.chest.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -1.0 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.mandible_l.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position = Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -1.5 + movement3abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -0.6 + movement3abs * 0.8,
next.mandible_r.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -1.5 + movement3abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * 0.6 + movement3abs * -0.8,
next.leg_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.0 + movement2abs * 0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * -0.2);
next.leg_fr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.0 + movement2abs * 0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.leg_fcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.3 + movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * -0.2);
next.leg_fcr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.3 + movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -0.2);
next.leg_bcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.leg_bcr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.leg_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_bl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.8);
next.leg_br.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.8);

View File

@ -3604,6 +3604,33 @@ impl FigureMgr {
CharacterState::SpriteSummon(s) => {
let stage_time = s.timer.as_secs_f32();
let stage_progress = match s.stage_section {
StageSection::Buildup => {
stage_time / s.static_data.buildup_duration.as_secs_f32()
StageSection::Action => {
stage_time / s.static_data.cast_duration.as_secs_f32()
StageSection::Recover => {
stage_time / s.static_data.recover_duration.as_secs_f32()
_ => 0.0,
&mut state_animation_rate,
CharacterState::DashMelee(s) => {
let stage_time = s.timer.as_secs_f32();
let stage_progress = match s.stage_section {
@ -3634,6 +3661,30 @@ impl FigureMgr {
CharacterState::BasicRanged(s) => {
let stage_time = s.timer.as_secs_f32();
let stage_progress = match s.stage_section {
StageSection::Buildup => {
stage_time / s.static_data.buildup_duration.as_secs_f32()
StageSection::Recover => {
stage_time / s.static_data.recover_duration.as_secs_f32()
_ => 0.0,
&mut state_animation_rate,
CharacterState::Stunned(s) => {
let stage_time = s.timer.as_secs_f32();
let stage_progress = match s.stage_section {