mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
Fixes for nonstandard chunk and map sizes.
Also fixes a longstanding map rendering issue.
This commit is contained in:
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ impl<ChonkSize: RectVolSize> VolSize for SubChunkSize<ChonkSize> {
const SIZE: Vec3<u32> = Vec3 {
x: ChonkSize::RECT_SIZE.x,
y: ChonkSize::RECT_SIZE.x,
z: ChonkSize::RECT_SIZE.x / 2,
z: ChonkSize::RECT_SIZE.x / /*2*//*16*//*32*/2,
@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ use crate::{
use client::Client;
use common::{
terrain::{BlockKind, TerrainChunk},
terrain::{BlockKind, TerrainChunk, TerrainChunkSize},
vol::{RectVolSize, ReadVol},
use specs::{Join, WorldExt};
use vek::*;
@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ fn mesh_worker<V: BaseVol<Vox = Block> + RectRasterableVol + ReadVol + Debug>(
let kind = volume.get(wpos).unwrap_or(&Block::empty()).kind();
if let Some(cfg) = sprite_config_for(kind) {
let seed = wpos.x * 3 + wpos.y * 7 + wpos.x * wpos.y; // Awful PRNG
let seed = wpos.x as u64 * 3 + wpos.y as u64 * 7 + wpos.x as u64 * wpos.y as u64; // Awful PRNG
let instance = SpriteInstance::new(
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ fn main() {
let mut gain = CONFIG.mountain_scale;
// The Z component during normal calculations is multiplied by gain; thus,
let mut lgain = 1.0;
let mut scale = (WORLD_SIZE.x / W) as f64;
let mut scale = (WORLD_SIZE.x as f64 / W as f64);
// Right-handed coordinate system: light is going left, down, and "backwards" (i.e. on the
// map, where we translate the y coordinate on the world map to z in the coordinate system,
@ -111,11 +111,11 @@ fn main() {
let pos = pos * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32);
let downhill_pos = (downhill
.map(|downhill_pos| downhill_pos/*.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, sz: u32| e / sz as i32)*/)
.unwrap_or(pos + Vec2::new(1, 0))
.unwrap_or(pos + TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32))
- pos)/* * scale*/
+ pos;
let downhill_alt = sampler
.map(|s| if is_basement { s.basement } else { s.alt })
let alt = if is_basement { basement } else { alt };
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ fn main() {
.map(|e| e as i32));
let cross_alt = sampler
.map(|s| if is_basement { s.basement } else { s.alt })
// Pointing downhill, forward
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ pub fn diffusion(nx: usize, ny: usize, xl: f64, yl: f64, dt: f64, _ibc: (),
if false {
if true {
diag[0] = 1.0;
sup[0] = 0.0;
f[0] = zintp[aij(0, j)];
@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ pub fn diffusion(nx: usize, ny: usize, xl: f64, yl: f64, dt: f64, _ibc: (),
if false {
if true {
diag[nx - 1] = 1.0;
inf[nx - 1] = 0.0;
f[nx - 1] = zintp[aij(nx - 1, j)];
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ pub use self::location::Location;
pub use self::settlement::Settlement;
pub use self::util::{
cdf_irwin_hall, downhill, get_oceans, HybridMulti as HybridMulti_, local_cells, map_edge_factor, neighbors,
uniform_idx_as_vec2, uniform_noise, uphill, vec2_as_uniform_idx, InverseCdf,
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ pub(crate) struct GenCtx {
pub town_gen: StructureGen2d,
pub river_seed: RandomField,
pub rock_strength_nz: HybridMulti_,
pub rock_strength_nz: /*HybridMulti_*/Fbm,
pub uplift_nz: Worley,
@ -167,7 +167,9 @@ impl WorldSim {
pub fn generate(seed: u32, opts: WorldOpts) -> Self {
let mut rng = ChaChaRng::from_seed(seed_expan::rng_state(seed));
let continent_scale = 5_000.0f64/*32768.0*/.div(32.0).mul(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64);
let rock_lacunarity = 0.5/*2.0*//*HybridMulti::DEFAULT_LACUNARITY*/;
let rock_lacunarity = /*0.5*/2.0/*HybridMulti::DEFAULT_LACUNARITY*/;
let uplift_scale = /*512.0*//*256.0*/128.0;
let uplift_turb_scale = uplift_scale / 4.0/*32.0*//*64.0*/;
let gen_ctx = GenCtx {
turb_x_nz: SuperSimplex::new().set_seed(rng.gen()),
@ -175,8 +177,8 @@ impl WorldSim {
chaos_nz: RidgedMulti::new()
.set_octaves(/*7*//*3*/ /*7*//*3*/7)
// RidgedMulti::DEFAULT_FREQUENCY * (5_000.0 / continent_scale)
/*RidgedMulti::DEFAULT_FREQUENCY **/ 3_000.0 * 8.0 / continent_scale,
RidgedMulti::DEFAULT_FREQUENCY * (5_000.0 / continent_scale)
// /*RidgedMulti::DEFAULT_FREQUENCY **/ 3_000.0 * 8.0 / continent_scale,
// .set_persistence(RidgedMulti::DEFAULT_LACUNARITY.powf(-(1.0 - 0.5)))
@ -240,27 +242,29 @@ impl WorldSim {
town_gen: StructureGen2d::new(rng.gen(), 2048, 1024),
river_seed: RandomField::new(rng.gen()),
rock_strength_nz: /*Fbm*/HybridMulti_/*BasicMulti*//*Fbm*/::new()
rock_strength_nz: Fbm/*HybridMulti_*//*BasicMulti*//*Fbm*/::new()
// persistence = lacunarity^(-(1.0 - fractal increment))
// NOTE: In paper, fractal increment is roughly 0.25.
.set_persistence(/*0.9*/ /*2.0*//*1.5*//*HybridMulti::DEFAULT_LACUNARITY*/rock_lacunarity.powf(-(1.0 - 0.25/*0.9*/)))
// .set_offset(0.0)
// .set_offset(0.7)
.set_persistence(/*0.9*/ /*2.0*//*1.5*//*HybridMulti::DEFAULT_LACUNARITY*/rock_lacunarity.powf(-(1.0 - 0.25/*0.75*//*0.9*/)))
// 256*32/2^4
// (0.5^(-(1.0-0.9)))^4/256/32*2^4*16*32
// (0.5^(-(1.0-0.9)))^4/256/32*2^4*256*4
// (0.5^(-(1.0-0.9)))^1/256/32*2^4*256*4
// (2^(-(1.0-0.9)))^4
// 16.0
.set_frequency(/*0.9*/ /*Fbm*//*HybridMulti_::DEFAULT_FREQUENCY*/1.0 / (8.0/*8.0*//*256.0*//*1.0*//*16.0*/ * 32.0/* TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64 */))
.set_frequency(/*0.9*/ /*Fbm*//*HybridMulti_::DEFAULT_FREQUENCY*/1.0 / (2.0/*8.0*//*256.0*//*1.0*//*16.0*/ * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64/*4.0*//* TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64 */ * 2.0.powi(10 - 1)))
// .set_frequency(/*0.9*/ /*Fbm*//*HybridMulti_::DEFAULT_FREQUENCY*/1.0 / (8.0/*8.0*//*256.0*//*1.0*//*16.0*/ * 32.0/*4.0*//* TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64 */ * 2.0.powi(10 - 1)))
// .set_persistence(/*0.9*/ /*2.0*/0.67)
// .set_frequency(/*0.9*/ Fbm::DEFAULT_FREQUENCY / (2.0 * 32.0))
// .set_lacunarity(0.5)
uplift_nz: Worley::new()
.set_frequency(1.0 / (TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64 * /*256.0*/128.0))
.set_frequency(1.0 / (TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64 * uplift_scale))
// .set_displacement(/*0.5*/0.0)
@ -282,13 +286,13 @@ impl WorldSim {
.set_scale(1.0 / rock_strength_scale); */
let height_scale = 1.0f64; // 1.0 / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64;
let max_erosion_per_delta_t = /*8.0*/32.0/*32.0*//*128.0*//*16.0*//*128.0*//*32.0*/ * height_scale;
let max_erosion_per_delta_t = /*8.0*//*32.0*//*1.0*//*32.0*//*32.0*//*64.0*/16.0/*128.0*//*1.0*//*0.2 * /*100.0*/250.0*//*128.0*//*16.0*//*128.0*//*32.0*/ * height_scale;
let erosion_pow_low = /*0.25*//*1.5*//*2.0*//*0.5*//*4.0*//*0.25*//*1.0*//*2.0*//*1.5*//*1.5*//*0.35*//*0.43*//*0.5*//*0.45*//*0.37*/1.002;
let erosion_pow_high = /*1.5*//*1.0*//*0.55*//*0.51*//*2.0*/1.002;
let erosion_center = /*0.45*//*0.75*//*0.75*//*0.5*//*0.75*/0.5;
let n_steps = 100;//100; // /*100*//*50*//*100*//*100*//*50*//*25*/25/*100*//*37*/;//150;//37/*100*/;//50;//50;//37;//50;//37; // /*37*//*29*//*40*//*150*/37; //150;//200;
let n_small_steps = 25;//25;//8;//50;//50;//8;//8;//8;//8;//8; // 8
let n_post_load_steps = 0;//8
let n_steps = /*200*//*10_000*//*1000*//*50*//*100*/100;//100; // /*100*//*50*//*100*//*100*//*50*//*25*/25/*100*//*37*/;//150;//37/*100*/;//50;//50;//37;//50;//37; // /*37*//*29*//*40*//*150*/37; //150;//200;
let n_small_steps = 0;//25;//8;//50;//50;//8;//8;//8;//8;//8; // 8
let n_post_load_steps = 0;//25;//8
// Logistic regression. Make sure x ∈ (0, 1).
let logit = |x: f64| x.ln() - (-x).ln_1p();
@ -528,6 +532,7 @@ impl WorldSim {
.collect::<Vec<_>>(); */
let is_ocean = get_oceans(old_height);
let is_ocean_fn = |posi: usize| is_ocean[posi];
let turb_wposf_div = 8.0/*64.0*/;
let uplift_nz_dist = gen_ctx.uplift_nz
@ -548,11 +553,11 @@ impl WorldSim {
} else {
let turb_wposf =
wposf.div(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)).div(64.0);
wposf.div(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)).div(turb_wposf_div);
let turb = Vec2::new(
) * /*64.0*/32.0 * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64);
) * uplift_turb_scale * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64);
// let turb = Vec2::zero();
let turb_wposf = wposf + turb;
let turb_wposi = turb_wposf
@ -571,15 +576,34 @@ impl WorldSim {
let uchaos = /* gen_ctx.chaos_nz.get((wposf.div(3_000.0)).into_array())
.add(0.5); */
let uchaos_1 = (uchaos as f64) / 1.32;
let oheight = /*alt_old*//*alt_base*/alt_old_no_ocean[/*(turb_posi / 64) * 64*/posi].0 as f64 - 0.5;
assert!(udist >= 0.0);
assert!(udist <= 1.0);
let uheight_1 = uheight;//.powf(2.0);
let udist_1 = (0.5 - udist).mul(2.0).max(0.0);
let udist_2 = udist.mul(2.0).min(1.0);
let udist_3 = (1.0 - udist).max(0.0);
let udist_4 = udist.min(1.0);
let variation = 1.0.min(64.0 * 64.0 / (WORLD_SIZE.x as f64 * WORLD_SIZE.y as f64 * (TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64 * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.y as f64 / 128.0 / 128.0)));
let variation_1 = (uheight * /*udist_2*/udist_4).min(variation);
let height =
(oheight + 0.5).powf(2.0);
// 1.0 - variation + variation * uchaos_1;
// uheight * /*udist_2*/udist_4 - variation_1 + variation_1 * uchaos_1;
// uheight * (0.5 + 0.5 * ((uchaos as f64) / 1.32)) - 0.125;
// 0.2;
// 1.0;
// uheight_1;
// uheight_1 * (0.8 + 0.2 * oheight.signum() * oheight.abs().powf(0.25));
// uheight_1 * (/*udist_2*/udist.powf(2.0) * (f64::consts::PI * 2.0 * (1.0 / (1.0 - udist).max(f64::EPSILON)).min(2.5)/*udist * 5.0*/ * 2.0).cos().mul(0.5).add(0.5));
// uheight * udist_ * (udist_ * 4.0 * 2 * f64::consts::PI).sin()
// uheight;
@ -590,7 +614,7 @@ impl WorldSim {
/* uheight * 0.8 * udist_1.powf(2.0) +
/*exp_inverse_cdf*/(oheight/*.max(0.0).min(max_epsilon).abs()*/).powf(2.0) * 0.2 * udist_2.powf(2.0); */
// (uheight + oheight.powf(2.0) * 0.05).max(0.0).min(1.0);
(uheight + oheight.powf(2.0) * 0.2).max(0.0).min(1.0);
// (uheight + oheight.powf(2.0) * 0.2).max(0.0).min(1.0);
// * (1.0 - udist);// uheight * (1.0 - udist)/*oheight*//* * udist*/ + oheight * udist;/*uheight * (1.0 - udist);*/
// let height = uheight * (0.5 - udist) * 0.8 + (oheight.signum() * oheight.max(0.0).abs().powf(2.0)) * 0.2;// * (1.0 - udist);// uheight * (1.0 - udist)/*oheight*//* * udist*/ + oheight * udist;/*uheight * (1.0 - udist);*/
@ -655,6 +679,7 @@ impl WorldSim {
).powf(erosion_pow).mul(0.5))*/; */
let erosion_factor = |x: f64| (/*if x <= /*erosion_center*/alt_old_center_uniform/*alt_old_center*/ { erosion_pow_low.ln() } else { erosion_pow_high.ln() } * */(/*exp_inverse_cdf*//*logit*/inv_func(x) - alt_exp_min_uniform) / (alt_exp_max_uniform - alt_exp_min_uniform))/*0.5 + (x - 0.5).signum() * ((x - 0.5).mul(2.0).abs(
let rock_strength_div_factor = /*8.0*/(2.0 * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64) / 8.0;
let n_func = |posi| {
if is_ocean_fn(posi) {
return 1.0;
@ -663,11 +688,11 @@ impl WorldSim {
* TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32))
.map(|e| e as f64);
let turb_wposf =
wposf.div(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)).div(64.0);
wposf.div(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)).div(turb_wposf_div);
let turb = Vec2::new(
) * /*64.0*/32.0 * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64);
) * uplift_turb_scale * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64);
// let turb = Vec2::zero();
let turb_wposf = wposf + turb;
let turb_wposi = turb_wposf
@ -707,11 +732,11 @@ impl WorldSim {
* TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32))
.map(|e| e as f64);
let turb_wposf =
wposf.div(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)).div(64.0);
wposf.div(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)).div(turb_wposf_div);
let turb = Vec2::new(
) * /*64.0*/32.0 * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64);
) * uplift_turb_scale * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64);
// let turb = Vec2::zero();
let turb_wposf = wposf + turb;
let turb_wposi = turb_wposf
@ -725,6 +750,17 @@ impl WorldSim {
let uchaos = /* gen_ctx.chaos_nz.get((wposf.div(3_000.0)).into_array())
.add(0.5); */
let oheight = /*alt_old*//*alt_base*/alt_old_no_ocean[/*(turb_posi / 64) * 64*/posi].0 as f64;
let oheight_2 = /*alt_old*//*alt_base*/(alt_old_no_ocean[/*(turb_posi / 64) * 64*/posi].1 as f64 / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64);
// kf = 1.5e-4: high-high (plateau [fan sediment])
// kf = 1e-4: high (plateau)
// kf = 2e-5: normal (dike [unexposed])
@ -742,8 +778,13 @@ impl WorldSim {
// ((1.0 - uheight) * (5e-5 - 9.88e-15) + 9.88e-15)
// ((1.0 - uheight) * (1.5e-4 - 9.88e-15) + 9.88e-15)
// ((1.0 - uheight) * (8.345e5 - 2.0e-6) + 2.0e-6) as f32
((1.0 - uheight) * (1.5e-4 - 2.0e-6) + 2.0e-6)
// ((1.0 - uheight) * (1.5e-4 - 2.0e-6) + 2.0e-6)
// ((1.0 - uheight) * (0.5 + 0.5 * ((1.32 - uchaos as f64) / 1.32)) * (1.5e-4 - 2.0e-6) + 2.0e-6)
// ((1.0 - uheight) * (0.5 + 0.5 * /*((1.32 - uchaos as f64) / 1.32)*/oheight) * (1.5e-4 - 2.0e-6) + 2.0e-6)
// ((1.0 - uheight) * (0.5 - 0.5 * /*((1.32 - uchaos as f64) / 1.32)*/oheight_2) * (1.5e-4 - 2.0e-6) + 2.0e-6)
// ((1.0 - uheight) * (0.5 - 0.5 * /*((1.32 - uchaos as f64) / 1.32)*/oheight) * (1.5e-4 - 2.0e-6) + 2.0e-6)
// 2e-5
2.5e-6 * 16.0.powf(0.4)/* / 4.0 * 0.25 *//* * 4.0*/
// 2.9e-10
// ((1.0 - uheight) * (5e-5 - 2.9e-10) + 2.9e-10)
// ((1.0 - uheight) * (5e-5 - 2.9e-14) + 2.9e-14)
@ -758,11 +799,11 @@ impl WorldSim {
* TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32))
.map(|e| e as f64);
let turb_wposf =
wposf.div(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)).div(64.0);
wposf.div(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)).div(turb_wposf_div);
let turb = Vec2::new(
) * /*64.0*/32.0 * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64);
) * uplift_turb_scale * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64);
// let turb = Vec2::zero();
let turb_wposf = wposf + turb;
let turb_wposi = turb_wposf
@ -779,7 +820,7 @@ impl WorldSim {
// kd = 1e-1: high (mountain, dike)
// kd = 1.5e-2: normal-high (plateau [fan sediment])
// kd = 1e-2: normal (plateau)
1.0e-2 * (1.0 / 16.0) // m_old^2 / y * (1 m_new / 4 m_old)^2
// (uheight * (1.0e-1 - 1.0e-2) + 1.0e-2)
@ -793,11 +834,11 @@ impl WorldSim {
* TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32))
.map(|e| e as f64);
let turb_wposf =
wposf.div(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)).div(64.0);
wposf.div(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)).div(turb_wposf_div);
let turb = Vec2::new(
) * /*64.0*/32.0 * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64);
) * uplift_turb_scale * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64);
// let turb = Vec2::zero();
let turb_wposf = wposf + turb;
let turb_wposi = turb_wposf
@ -831,13 +872,16 @@ impl WorldSim {
// G is typically on the order of 1 or greater. However, we are only guaranteed to
// converge for G ≤ 1, so we keep it in the chaos range of [0.12, 1.32].
((1.32 - uchaos) / 1.32).powf(0.75) * 1.32
// (((1.32 - uchaos) / 1.32).powf(0.75) * 1.32).min(/*1.1*/1.0)
// ((1.32 - 0.12) * (1.0 - uheight) + 0.12) as f32
// 1.1 * (1.0 - uheight) as f32
// 1.0 * (1.0 - uheight) as f32
// 1.0
// 5.0
// 10.0
// 2.0
// 0.0
// 1.0
// 1.5
let uplift_fn =
@ -938,11 +982,11 @@ impl WorldSim {
// tan(54/360*2*pi)*32
// let height = 1.0f64;
let turb_wposf =
wposf.div(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)).div(64.0);
wposf.div(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)).div(turb_wposf_div);
let turb = Vec2::new(
) * /*64.0*/32.0 * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64);
) * uplift_turb_scale * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64);
let turb_wposf = wposf + turb;
let uheight = gen_ctx.uplift_nz.get(turb_wposf.into_array())
/* .min(0.5)
@ -963,8 +1007,8 @@ impl WorldSim {
let bfrac = /*erosion_factor(0.5);*/0.0;
let height = (height - bfrac).abs().div(1.0 - bfrac);
let height = height
.mul(31.0 / 32.0)
.add(1.0 / 32.0)
/* .mul(31.0 / 32.0)
.add(1.0 / 32.0) */
/* .mul(15.0 / 16.0)
.add(1.0 / 16.0) */
/* .mul(5.0 / 8.0)
@ -1023,7 +1067,14 @@ impl WorldSim {
(old_height_uniform(posi) - 0.5)/* * max_erosion_per_delta_t as f32*/
// (kf_func(posi) / 1.5e-4 * CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64) as f32
// (old_height_uniform(posi) as f64 * CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64) as f32
// (old_height_uniform(posi) as f64 * CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64) as f32
// (uplift_fn(posi) * CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64) as f32
// (old_height_uniform(posi) - 0.5)/* * max_erosion_per_delta_t as f32*/
(old_height(posi) as f64 / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64) as f32 - 0.5
// ((((old_height(posi) - alt_old_min) as f64 / (alt_old_max - alt_old_min) as f64) - 0.25) * (CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64)) as f32
// old_height(posi)/* * max_erosion_per_delta_t as f32*/
// uplift_fn(posi) * (CONFIG.mountain_scale / max_erosion_per_delta_t as f32)
// 0.0
// /*-CONFIG.mountain_scale * 0.5 + *//*-CONFIG.mountain_scale/* * 0.75*/ + */(old_height_uniform(posi)/*.powf(2.0)*/ - 0.5)/* * CONFIG.mountain_scale as f32*/
@ -1074,6 +1125,15 @@ impl WorldSim {
return None;
/* let f = |h| h;// / 4.0;
let mut map = map;
.for_each(|(mut h, mut b)| {
*h = f(*h);
*b = f(*b);
}); */
} else {
@ -1181,7 +1241,7 @@ impl WorldSim {
let is_ocean = get_oceans(|posi| alt[posi] as f32);
let is_ocean = get_oceans(|posi| alt[posi]);
let is_ocean_fn = |posi: usize| is_ocean[posi];
let mut dh = downhill(|posi| alt[posi] as f32/*&alt*/, /*old_height*/ is_ocean_fn);
let (boundary_len, indirection, water_alt_pos, _) = get_lakes(/*&/*water_alt*/alt*/|posi| alt[posi] as f32, &mut dh);
@ -1948,7 +2008,7 @@ impl SimChunk {
wposf, river, river_slope
); */
if river_slope.abs() >= 1.0 && cross_section.x >= 1.0 {
if river_slope.abs() >= /*1.0*//*3.0.sqrt() / 3.0*/0.25 && cross_section.x >= 1.0 {
"Big waterfall! Pos area: {:?}, River data: {:?}, slope: {:?}",
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ use vek::*;
pub fn map_edge_factor(posi: usize) -> f32 {
.map2(WORLD_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32), |e, sz| {
(sz / 2 - (e - sz / 2).abs()) as f32 / 16.0
(sz / 2 - (e - sz / 2).abs()) as f32 / (16.0 / 1024.0 * sz as f32)
@ -217,11 +217,8 @@ pub fn local_cells(posi: usize) -> impl Clone + Iterator<Item = usize> {
/// Iterate through all cells adjacent to a chunk.
pub fn neighbors(posi: usize) -> impl Clone + Iterator<Item = usize> {
let pos = uniform_idx_as_vec2(posi);
// NOTE: want to keep this such that the chunk index is in ascending order!
pub const NEIGHBOR_DELTA : [(i32, i32); 8] = [
(-1, -1),
(0, -1),
(1, -1),
@ -230,7 +227,12 @@ pub fn neighbors(posi: usize) -> impl Clone + Iterator<Item = usize> {
(-1, 1),
(0, 1),
(1, 1),
/// Iterate through all cells adjacent to a chunk.
pub fn neighbors(posi: usize) -> impl Clone + Iterator<Item = usize> {
let pos = uniform_idx_as_vec2(posi);
.map(move |&(x, y)| Vec2::new(pos.x + x, pos.y + y))
.filter(|pos| {
@ -277,14 +279,14 @@ pub fn downhill<F: Float>(h: impl Fn(usize) -> F + Sync, is_ocean: impl Fn(usize
/// Find all ocean tiles from a height map, using an inductive definition of ocean as one of:
/// - posi is at the side of the world (map_edge_factor(posi) == 0.0)
/// - posi has a neighboring ocean tile, and has a height below sea level (oldh(posi) <= 0.0).
pub fn get_oceans(oldh: impl Fn(usize) -> f32 + Sync) -> BitBox {
pub fn get_oceans<F: Float>(oldh: impl Fn(usize) -> F + Sync) -> BitBox {
// We can mark tiles as ocean candidates by scanning row by row, since the top edge is ocean,
// the sides are connected to it, and any subsequent ocean tiles must be connected to it.
let mut is_ocean = bitbox![0; WORLD_SIZE.x * WORLD_SIZE.y];
let mut stack = Vec::new();
let mut do_push = |pos| {
let posi = vec2_as_uniform_idx(pos);
if oldh(posi) <= 0.0 {
if oldh(posi) <= F::zero() {
} else {
// panic!("Hopefully no border tiles are above sea level.");
@ -306,7 +308,7 @@ pub fn get_oceans(oldh: impl Fn(usize) -> f32 + Sync) -> BitBox {
*is_ocean.at(chunk_idx) = true;
stack.extend(neighbors(chunk_idx).filter(|&neighbor_idx| {
// println!("Ocean neighbor: {:?}: {:?}", uniform_idx_as_vec2(neighbor_idx), oldh(neighbor_idx));
oldh(neighbor_idx) <= 0.0
oldh(neighbor_idx) <= F::zero()
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ fn calc_idx(v: Vec2<i32>) -> usize {
(x ^ y) as usize
const CACHE_LEN: usize = 32;
const CACHE_LEN: usize = /*512*//*128*/32;
pub struct SmallCache<V: Default> {
index: [Option<Vec2<i32>>; CACHE_LEN + 9],
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ impl<V: Default> Default for SmallCache<V> {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
index: [None; CACHE_LEN + 9],
data: arr![V::default(); 41], // TODO: Use CACHE_LEN
data: arr![V::default(); /*521*//*137*/41], // TODO: Use CACHE_LEN
random: 1,
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