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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
Add Energy regen buff
* Fix broken i18n keys for health and energy increases * Better handle buff descriptions Calculate infobox lines for item stats to set correct infobox frame dimensions
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,39 +1,67 @@
buff-remove = Click to remove
buff-title-missing = Missing Title
buff-desc-missing = Missing Description
## Regeneration
buff-title-heal = Heal
buff-desc-heal = Gain health over time.
buff-stat-health = Restores { $str_total } Health
## Potion
buff-title-potion = Potion
buff-desc-potion = Drinking...
## Saturation
buff-title-saturation = Saturation
buff-desc-saturation = Gain health over time from consumables.
## Campfire
buff-title-campfire_heal = Campfire Heal
buff-desc-campfire_heal = Resting at a campfire heals { $rate }% per second.
## Energy Regen
buff-title-energy_regen = Energy Regeneration
buff-desc-energy_regen = Faster energy regeneration
buff-stat-energy_regen = Restores { $str_total } Energy
## Health Increase
buff-title-increase_max_health = Increase Max Health
buff-desc-increase_max_health = Raise your max health cap
buff-stat-increase_max_health =
Raises maximum health
by { $strength }
## Energy Increase
buff-title-increase_max_energy = Increase Max Energy
buff-desc-increase_max_energy = Raise your max energy cap
buff-stat-increase_max_energy =
Raises maximum energy
by { $strength }
## Invulnerability
buff-title-invulnerability = Invulnerability
buff-desc-invulnerability = You cannot be damaged by any attack.
buff-stat-invulnerability = Grants invulnerability
## Protection Ward
buff-title-protectingward = Protecting Ward
buff-desc-protectingward = You are protected, somewhat, from attacks.
## Frenzied
buff-title-frenzied = Frenzied
buff-desc-frenzied = You are imbued with unnatural speed and can ignore minor injuries.
## Haste
buff-title-hastened = Hastened
buff-desc-hastened = Your movements and attacks are faster.
## Bleeding
buff-title-bleed = Bleeding
buff-desc-bleed = Inflicts regular damage.
## Curse
buff-title-cursed = Cursed
buff-desc-cursed = You are cursed.
## Burning
buff-title-burn = On Fire
buff-desc-burn = You are burning alive
## Crippled
buff-title-crippled = Crippled
buff-desc-crippled = Your movement is crippled as your legs are heavily injured.
## Freeze
buff-title-frozen = Frozen
buff-desc-frozen = Your movements and attacks are slowed.
## Wet
buff-title-wet = Wet
buff-desc-wet = The ground rejects your feet, making it hard to stop.
## Ensnared
buff-title-ensnared = Ensnared
buff-desc-ensnared = Vines grasp at your legs, impeding your movement.
buff-stat-health = Restores { $str_total } Health
buff-stat-increase_max_energy = Raises Maximum Energy by { $strength }
buff-stat-increase_max_health = Raises Maximum Health by { $strength }
buff-stat-invulnerability = Grants invulnerability
## Util
buff-text-over_seconds = over { $dur_secs } seconds
buff-text-for_seconds = for { $dur_secs } seconds
buff-text-for_seconds = for { $dur_secs } seconds
buff-remove = Click to remove
@ -1,37 +1,64 @@
buff-remove = Клікніть, щоб видалити
buff-title-missing = Назва відсутня
buff-desc-missing = Опис відсутній
## Regeneration
buff-title-heal = Зцілення
buff-desc-heal = Поступово відновлює Здоров'я.
buff-stat-health = Відновлює { $str_total } ОЗ
## Potion
buff-title-potion = Зілля
buff-desc-potion = Пиття...
## Saturation
buff-title-saturation = Насичення
buff-desc-saturation = Поступово відновлює Здоров'я з їжі.
## Campfire
buff-title-campfire_heal = Відновлення біля ватри
buff-desc-campfire_heal = Відпочинок біля ватри лікує на { $rate }% за секунду.
## Energy Regen
buff-title-energy_regen = Відновлення Енергії
buff-desc-energy_regen = Поступово відновляє Eнергію
buff-stat-energy-regen = Відновлює { $str_total } енергії
## Health Increase
buff-title-increase_max_health = Підвищення Максимального Здоров'я
buff-desc-increase_max_health = Піднімає ліміт вашого здоров'я
buff-stat-increase_max_health =
Підвищує максимальне здоров'я
на { $strength }
## Energy Increase
buff-title-increase_max_energy = Підвищення Максимальної Енергії
buff-desc-increase_max_energy = Піднімає ліміт вашої енергії
buff-stat-increase_max_energy =
Підвищує максимальну енергію
на { $strength }
## Invulnerability
buff-title-invulnerability = Невразливість
buff-desc-invulnerability = Ви невразливий, тільки тримайтесь подалі від омели.
buff-stat-invulnerability = Дає невразливість
## Protection Ward
buff-title-protectingward = Захисна Аура
buff-desc-protectingward = Ви захищені від атак, у якомусь сенсі.
## Frenized
buff-title-frenzied = Манія
buff-desc-frenzied = Кров тече швидше, прискоруючи ваш рух та помалу зцілюючи вас.
## Cursed
buff-title-cursed = Проклін
buff-desc-cursed = Вас прокляли.
## Bleeding
buff-title-bleed = Кровотеча
buff-desc-bleed = Завдає регулярних пошкодженнь.
## Burning
buff-title-burn = У Вогні
buff-desc-burn = Ви згораєте заживо.
## Crippled
buff-title-crippled = Калічення
buff-desc-crippled = Ваші рухи дуже скуті через отримані травми.
## Freeze
buff-title-frozen = Обмороження
buff-desc-frozen = Швидкість пересування та атак знижена.
## Wet
buff-title-wet = Волога
buff-desc-wet = Земля плутає ваші ноги ускладнючи пересування.
## Ensnared
buff-title-ensnared = Пастка
buff-desc-ensnared = Ліани опутують ваші ноги, перешкоджаючи ходьбі.
buff-stat-health = Відновлює { $str_total } ОЗ
buff-stat-increase_max_health = Підвищує Максимальне Здоров'я на { $strength }
buff-stat-increase_max_energy = Підвищує Максимальну Енергію на { $strength }
buff-stat-invulnerability = Дає невразливість
## Util
buff-text-for_seconds = протягом { $dur_secs } сек.
buff-text-over_seconds = впродовж { $dur_secs } сек.
buff-text-over_seconds = впродовж { $dur_secs } сек.
buff-remove = Клікніть, щоб видалити
@ -141,6 +141,7 @@ lazy_static! {
BuffKind::Cursed => "cursed",
BuffKind::Potion => "potion",
BuffKind::CampfireHeal => "campfire_heal",
BuffKind::EnergyRegen => "energy_regen",
BuffKind::IncreaseMaxEnergy => "increase_max_energy",
BuffKind::IncreaseMaxHealth => "increase_max_health",
BuffKind::Invulnerability => "invulnerability",
@ -154,7 +155,9 @@ lazy_static! {
BuffKind::Hastened => "hastened",
let mut buff_parser = HashMap::new();
BuffKind::iter().for_each(|kind| {buff_parser.insert(string_from_buff(kind).to_string(), kind);});
for kind in BuffKind::iter() {
buff_parser.insert(string_from_buff(kind).to_string(), kind);
@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ pub enum BuffKind {
/// Applied when sitting at a campfire
/// Strength is fraction of health restored per second
/// Restores energy/time for some period
/// Strength should be the healing per second
/// Raises maximum energy
/// Strength should be 10x the effect to max energy
@ -91,6 +94,7 @@ impl BuffKind {
| BuffKind::Potion
| BuffKind::CampfireHeal
| BuffKind::Frenzied
| BuffKind::EnergyRegen
| BuffKind::IncreaseMaxEnergy
| BuffKind::IncreaseMaxHealth
| BuffKind::Invulnerability
@ -279,6 +283,14 @@ impl Buff {
BuffKind::EnergyRegen => (
vec![BuffEffect::EnergyChangeOverTime {
rate: data.strength,
accumulated: 0.0,
kind: ModifierKind::Additive,
BuffKind::IncreaseMaxEnergy => (
vec![BuffEffect::MaxEnergyModifier {
value: data.strength,
@ -296,9 +308,9 @@ impl Buff {
BuffKind::Invulnerability => (vec![BuffEffect::DamageReduction(1.0)], data.duration),
BuffKind::ProtectingWard => (
// Causes non-linearity in effect strength, but necessary to allow for tool
// power and other things to affect the strength. 0.5 also still provides 50%
// damage reduction.
// Causes non-linearity in effect strength, but necessary
// to allow for tool power and other things to affect the
// strength. 0.5 also still provides 50% damage reduction.
@ -788,6 +788,7 @@ fn insert_killing_buff(buff: BuffKind, localized_strings: &Localization, templat
| BuffKind::Saturation
| BuffKind::Potion
| BuffKind::CampfireHeal
| BuffKind::EnergyRegen
| BuffKind::IncreaseMaxEnergy
| BuffKind::IncreaseMaxHealth
| BuffKind::Invulnerability
@ -4564,6 +4564,7 @@ pub fn get_buff_image(buff: BuffKind, imgs: &Imgs) -> conrod_core::image::Id {
BuffKind::Saturation { .. } => imgs.buff_saturation_0,
BuffKind::Potion { .. } => imgs.buff_potion_0,
BuffKind::CampfireHeal { .. } => imgs.buff_campfire_heal_0,
BuffKind::EnergyRegen { .. } => imgs.buff_energyplus_0,
BuffKind::IncreaseMaxEnergy { .. } => imgs.buff_energyplus_0,
BuffKind::IncreaseMaxHealth { .. } => imgs.buff_healthplus_0,
BuffKind::Invulnerability => imgs.buff_invincibility_0,
@ -4589,10 +4590,13 @@ pub fn get_buff_title(buff: BuffKind, localized_strings: &Localization) -> Cow<s
BuffKind::Saturation { .. } => localized_strings.get_msg("buff-title-saturation"),
BuffKind::Potion { .. } => localized_strings.get_msg("buff-title-potion"),
BuffKind::CampfireHeal { .. } => localized_strings.get_msg("buff-title-campfire_heal"),
BuffKind::EnergyRegen { .. } => localized_strings.get_msg("buff-title-energy_regen"),
BuffKind::IncreaseMaxHealth { .. } => {
BuffKind::IncreaseMaxEnergy { .. } => {
BuffKind::IncreaseMaxEnergy { .. } => localized_strings.get_msg("buff-title-energyup"),
BuffKind::Invulnerability => localized_strings.get_msg("buff-title-invulnerability"),
BuffKind::ProtectingWard => localized_strings.get_msg("buff-title-protectingward"),
BuffKind::Frenzied => localized_strings.get_msg("buff-title-frenzied"),
@ -4620,11 +4624,12 @@ pub fn get_buff_desc(buff: BuffKind, data: BuffData, localized_strings: &Localiz
"rate" => data.strength * 100.0
BuffKind::EnergyRegen { .. } => localized_strings.get_msg("buff-desc-energy_regen"),
BuffKind::IncreaseMaxHealth { .. } => {
BuffKind::IncreaseMaxEnergy { .. } => {
BuffKind::Invulnerability => localized_strings.get_msg("buff-desc-invulnerability"),
BuffKind::ProtectingWard => localized_strings.get_msg("buff-desc-protectingward"),
@ -21,51 +21,43 @@ pub fn price_desc<'a>(
item_definition_id: ItemDefinitionId<'_>,
i18n: &'a Localization,
) -> Option<(Cow<'a, str>, Cow<'a, str>, f32)> {
if let Some(prices) = prices {
if let Some(materials) = TradePricing::get_materials(&item_definition_id) {
let coinprice = prices.values.get(&Good::Coin).cloned().unwrap_or(1.0);
let buyprice: f32 = materials
.map(|e| prices.values.get(&e.1).cloned().unwrap_or_default() * e.0)
let sellprice: f32 = materials
.map(|e| {
prices.values.get(&e.1).cloned().unwrap_or_default() * e.0 * e.1.trade_margin()
let prices = prices.as_ref()?;
let materials = TradePricing::get_materials(&item_definition_id)?;
let coinprice = prices.values.get(&Good::Coin).cloned().unwrap_or(1.0);
let buyprice: f32 = materials
.map(|e| prices.values.get(&e.1).cloned().unwrap_or_default() * e.0)
let sellprice: f32 = materials
.map(|e| prices.values.get(&e.1).cloned().unwrap_or_default() * e.0 * e.1.trade_margin())
let deal_goodness: f32 = materials
.map(|e| prices.values.get(&e.1).cloned().unwrap_or(0.0))
/ prices.values.get(&Good::Coin).cloned().unwrap_or(1.0)
/ (materials.len() as f32);
let deal_goodness = deal_goodness.log(2.0);
let deal_goodness: f32 = materials
.map(|e| prices.values.get(&e.1).cloned().unwrap_or(0.0))
/ prices.values.get(&Good::Coin).cloned().unwrap_or(1.0)
/ (materials.len() as f32);
let deal_goodness = deal_goodness.log(2.0);
let buy_string = i18n.get_msg_ctx("hud-trade-buy", &fluent_args! {
"coin_num" => buyprice / coinprice,
"coin_formatted" => format!("{:0.1}", buyprice / coinprice),
let sell_string = i18n.get_msg_ctx("hud-trade-sell", &fluent_args! {
"coin_num" => sellprice / coinprice,
"coin_formatted" => format!("{:0.1}", sellprice / coinprice),
let buy_string = i18n.get_msg_ctx("hud-trade-buy", &fluent_args! {
"coin_num" => buyprice / coinprice,
"coin_formatted" => format!("{:0.1}", buyprice / coinprice),
let sell_string = i18n.get_msg_ctx("hud-trade-sell", &fluent_args! {
"coin_num" => sellprice / coinprice,
"coin_formatted" => format!("{:0.1}", sellprice / coinprice),
let deal_goodness = match deal_goodness {
x if x < -2.5 => 0.0,
x if x < -1.05 => 0.25,
x if x < -0.95 => 0.5,
x if x < 0.0 => 0.75,
_ => 1.0,
Some((buy_string, sell_string, deal_goodness))
} else {
} else {
let deal_goodness = match deal_goodness {
x if x < -2.5 => 0.0,
x if x < -1.05 => 0.25,
x if x < -0.95 => 0.5,
x if x < 0.0 => 0.75,
_ => 1.0,
Some((buy_string, sell_string, deal_goodness))
pub fn kind_text<'a>(kind: &ItemKind, i18n: &'a Localization) -> Cow<'a, str> {
@ -126,6 +118,21 @@ pub fn stats_count(item: &dyn ItemDesc, msm: &MaterialStatManifest) -> usize {
pub fn line_count(item: &dyn ItemDesc, msm: &MaterialStatManifest, i18n: &Localization) -> usize {
match &*item.kind() {
ItemKind::Consumable { effects, .. } => {
let descs = consumable_desc(effects, i18n);
let mut lines = 0;
for desc in descs {
lines += desc.matches('\n').count() + 1;
_ => stats_count(item, msm),
/// Takes N `effects` and returns N effect descriptions
/// If effect isn't intended to have description, returns empty string
@ -149,6 +156,11 @@ pub fn consumable_desc(effects: &[Effect], i18n: &Localization) -> Vec<String> {
.get_msg_ctx("buff-stat-health", &i18n::fluent_args! {
"str_total" => format_float(str_total),
BuffKind::EnergyRegen => {
i18n.get_msg_ctx("buff-stat-energy_regen", &i18n::fluent_args! {
"str_total" => format_float(str_total),
BuffKind::IncreaseMaxEnergy => {
i18n.get_msg_ctx("buff-stat-increase_max_energy", &i18n::fluent_args! {
"strength" => format_float(strength),
@ -178,11 +190,10 @@ pub fn consumable_desc(effects: &[Effect], i18n: &Localization) -> Vec<String> {
let dur_desc = if let Some(dur_secs) = dur_secs {
match buff.kind {
BuffKind::Saturation | BuffKind::Regeneration => {
i18n.get_msg_ctx("buff-text-over_seconds", &i18n::fluent_args! {
BuffKind::Saturation | BuffKind::Regeneration | BuffKind::EnergyRegen => i18n
.get_msg_ctx("buff-text-over_seconds", &i18n::fluent_args! {
"dur_secs" => dur_secs
| BuffKind::IncreaseMaxHealth
| BuffKind::Invulnerability => {
@ -204,7 +215,9 @@ pub fn consumable_desc(effects: &[Effect], i18n: &Localization) -> Vec<String> {
| BuffKind::Poisoned
| BuffKind::Hastened => Cow::Borrowed(""),
} else if let BuffKind::Saturation | BuffKind::Regeneration = buff.kind {
} else if let BuffKind::Saturation | BuffKind::Regeneration | BuffKind::EnergyRegen =
} else {
@ -1248,7 +1248,7 @@ impl<'a> Widget for ItemTooltip<'a> {
let frame_h = ICON_SIZE[1] + V_PAD;
// Stats
let stats_count = util::stats_count(self.item, self.msm);
let stats_count = util::line_count(self.item, self.msm, self.localized_strings);
let stat_h = if stats_count > 0 {
@ -1294,7 +1294,8 @@ impl<'a> Widget for ItemTooltip<'a> {
let height = frame_h + stat_h + desc_h + price_h + V_PAD + 5.0; // extra padding to fit frame top padding
// extra padding to fit frame top padding
let height = frame_h + stat_h + desc_h + price_h + V_PAD + 5.0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user