cleanup and renaming LodIndex to LodPos in new data implementation

This commit is contained in:
Marcel Märtens 2019-10-11 12:08:28 +02:00
parent 70831aea62
commit 4847229457

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@ -1,31 +1,24 @@
use std::u32;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use vek::*;
use super::index::{
use super::area::LodArea;
use super::delta::LodDelta;
use super::index::{self, relative_to_1d, two_pow_u, AbsIndex, LodIndex};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::u32;
use vek::*;
- Layer: the layer of the LoDTree, a tree can have n layers, every layer contains their child layer, except for the last one.
Each layer contains a level, a number from 15-0. the level of each child must be lower than the parents layer!
- Detail: Each Layer contains information about that layer, here called Detail. This is the usable information we want to store in the LoDTree
Each detail has a position. Multiple Details can exist at the same position on different layers!
- Index: this is a bit ambiguous yet, it either means a value from type LodIndex, a LodIndex always marks a specific position in the LoDTree(but not layer)
or this refers to the actually storage for the index for the next layer (often a u16,u32)
//TODO: define the LodIndex as LoDPosition
- Key: always refers to the storage of a LAYER. Any keyword with KEY is either of type usize or LodIndex.
- LodPos: A LodPos marks a specific position inside the LoDTree, but not their layer.
Each Detail has a LodPos. Multiple Details can exist at the same LodPos on different layers!
- Index: This refers to the actually storage for the index for the next layer (often a u16,u32)
- Key: always refers to the storage of a LAYER. Any keyword with KEY is either of type usize or LodPos.
- Prefix P always means parent, Prexix C always child, no prefix means for this layer.
- IndexStore: Every layer must implement this for either KEY=usize or KEY=LodIndex and INDEX is often u16/u32. depending on the store of the parent detail.
- IndexStore: Every layer must implement this for either KEY = usize or KEY = LodPos and INDEX is often u16/u32. depending on the store of the parent detail.
It is accessed by parent layer to store the index when a detail is added or removed.
- DetailStore: Every layer must implement this for either KEY=usize or KEY=LodIndex, independent from the parent.
- DetailStore: Every layer must implement this for either KEY = usize or KEY = LodPos, independent from the parent.
This is used to store the actual detail of every layer.
- Nestable: All layers, except the lowest one implement this trait. It links the below layer to interact with the child layer.
!!Calculations will be implemented on these 3 Stores, rather than the actual structs to reduce duplciate coding!!
@ -43,8 +36,8 @@ use super::delta::LodDelta;
When LoDTree.traverse() returns a LayerResult.
//K: Key is either usize or LodIndex
//I: Index stored, often u16 or u32
pub type LodPos = LodIndex;
pub trait IndexStore {
type KEY;
type INDEX: Copy;
@ -55,6 +48,7 @@ pub trait IndexStore {
pub trait DetailStore {
type KEY;
type DETAIL;
const LEVEL: u8;
fn load(&mut self, key: Self::KEY) -> &Self::DETAIL;
fn load_mut(&mut self, key: Self::KEY) -> &mut Self::DETAIL;
@ -67,153 +61,132 @@ pub trait Nestable {
fn nested(&self) -> &Self::NESTED;
//TODO: make LodTree trait and make traverse a function which returns a LayerResult to the TOP Layer (and not one layer below that), or call it iter, lets see
pub trait Traversable<C> {
fn get(&self) -> C;
fn get(self) -> C;
pub trait Materializeable<T> {
fn mat(&self) -> T;
fn mat(self) -> T;
//struct LayerResult<'a, N: IndexStore<PK, I> + DetailStore<K, CT>, PK, I: Copy, K, CT> {
pub struct LayerResult<'a, N: IndexStore + DetailStore, PK> {
child: &'a N,
wanted: LodIndex,
wanted: LodPos,
index: PK,
// Name <Own detail><Parent Index>
pub struct VecVecLayer<T, PI: Copy, const L: u8> {
pub detail: Vec<T>,
pub index: Vec<PI>,
pub struct VecHashLayer<T, PI: Copy, const L: u8> {
pub detail: Vec<T>,
pub index: HashMap<LodIndex, PI>,
pub index: HashMap<LodPos, PI>,
//K: Child detail storage type usize or LodIndex
//T: own detail type
//PI: parents index type u16, u32
//CT: Child detail type
//I: own index type u16, u32
//pub struct VecVecNestLayer<N: IndexStore<usize, I> + DetailStore<K, CT>, K, T, PI: Copy, CT, I: Copy, const L: u8> {
pub struct VecVecNestLayer<N: IndexStore + DetailStore, T, PI: Copy, const L: u8> {
pub detail: Vec<T>,
pub index: Vec<PI>,
pub nested: N,
//pub struct VecHashNestLayer<N: IndexStore<usize, I> + DetailStore<K, CT>, K, T, PI: Copy, CT, I: Copy, const L: u8> {
pub struct VecHashNestLayer<N: IndexStore + DetailStore, T, PI: Copy, const L: u8> {
pub detail: Vec<T>,
pub index: HashMap<LodIndex, PI>,
pub index: HashMap<LodPos, PI>,
pub nested: N,
//pub struct HashNoneNestLayer<N: IndexStore<LodIndex, I> + DetailStore<K, CT>, K, T, CT, I: Copy, const L: u8> {
pub struct HashNoneNestLayer<N: IndexStore + DetailStore, T, const L: u8> {
pub detail: HashMap<LodIndex, T>,
pub detail: HashMap<LodPos, T>,
pub nested: N,
//impl<T, I: Copy, const L: u8> IndexStore<usize, I> for VecVecLayer<T, I, {L}> {
impl<T, PI: Copy, const L: u8> IndexStore for VecVecLayer<T, PI, { L }> {
type KEY = usize; type INDEX=PI;
fn load(&mut self, key: usize) -> PI { *self.index.get(key).unwrap() }
fn store(&mut self, key: usize, index: PI) { self.index.insert(key, index); }
//impl<N: IndexStore<usize, I> + DetailStore<K, CT>, K, T, PI: Copy, CT, I: Copy, const L: u8> IndexStore<usize, PI> for VecVecNestLayer<N, K, T, PI, CT, I, {L}> {
impl<N: IndexStore<KEY = usize> + DetailStore, T, PI: Copy, const L: u8> IndexStore for VecVecNestLayer<N, T, PI, { L }> {
type KEY = usize; type INDEX=PI;
fn load(&mut self, key: usize) -> PI { *self.index.get(key).unwrap() }
fn store(&mut self, key: usize, index: PI) { self.index.insert(key, index); }
//impl<T, I: Copy, const L: u8> IndexStore<LodIndex, I> for VecHashLayer<T, I, {L}> {
impl<T, PI: Copy, const L: u8> IndexStore for VecHashLayer<T, PI, { L }> {
type KEY=LodIndex; type INDEX=PI;
fn load(&mut self, key: LodIndex) -> PI { *self.index.get(&key).unwrap() }
fn store(&mut self, key: LodIndex, index: PI) { self.index.insert(key, index); }
type KEY = LodPos; type INDEX=PI;
fn load(&mut self, key: LodPos) -> PI { *self.index.get(&key).unwrap() }
fn store(&mut self, key: LodPos, index: PI) { self.index.insert(key, index); }
//impl<N: IndexStore<usize, I> + DetailStore<K, CT>, K, T, PI: Copy, CT, I: Copy, const L: u8> IndexStore<LodIndex, PI> for VecHashNestLayer<N, K, T, PI, CT, I, {L}> {
impl<N: IndexStore<KEY = usize> + DetailStore, T, PI: Copy, const L: u8> IndexStore for VecHashNestLayer<N, T, PI, { L }> {
type KEY=LodIndex; type INDEX=PI;
fn load(&mut self, key: LodIndex) -> PI { *self.index.get(&key).unwrap() }
fn store(&mut self, key: LodIndex, index: PI) { self.index.insert(key, index); }
type KEY = LodPos; type INDEX=PI;
fn load(&mut self, key: LodPos) -> PI { *self.index.get(&key).unwrap() }
fn store(&mut self, key: LodPos, index: PI) { self.index.insert(key, index); }
//impl<T, I: Copy, const L: u8> DetailStore<usize, T> for VecVecLayer<T, I, {L}> {
impl<T, PI: Copy, const L: u8> DetailStore for VecVecLayer<T, PI, { L }> {
type KEY=usize; type DETAIL=T;
type KEY = usize; type DETAIL=T; const LEVEL: u8 = { L };
fn load(&mut self, key: usize) -> &T { self.detail.get(key).unwrap() }
fn load_mut(&mut self, key: usize) -> &mut T { self.detail.get_mut(key).unwrap() }
fn store(&mut self, key: usize, detail: T) { self.detail.insert(key, detail); }
//impl<N: IndexStore<usize, I> + DetailStore<K, CT>, K, T, PI: Copy, CT, I: Copy, const L: u8> DetailStore<usize, T> for VecVecNestLayer<N, K, T, PI, CT, I, {L}> {
impl<N: IndexStore<KEY = usize> + DetailStore, T, PI: Copy, const L: u8> DetailStore for VecVecNestLayer<N, T, PI, { L }> {
type KEY=usize; type DETAIL=T;
type KEY = usize; type DETAIL=T; const LEVEL: u8 = { L };
fn load(&mut self, key: usize) -> &T { self.detail.get(key).unwrap() }
fn load_mut(&mut self, key: usize) -> &mut T { self.detail.get_mut(key).unwrap() }
fn store(&mut self, key: usize, detail: T) { self.detail.insert(key, detail); }
//impl<T, I: Copy, const L: u8> DetailStore<usize, T> for VecHashLayer<T, I, {L}> {
impl<T, PI: Copy, const L: u8> DetailStore for VecHashLayer<T, PI, { L }> {
type KEY=usize; type DETAIL=T;
type KEY = usize; type DETAIL=T; const LEVEL: u8 = { L };
fn load(&mut self, key: usize) -> &T { self.detail.get(key).unwrap() }
fn load_mut(&mut self, key: usize) -> &mut T { self.detail.get_mut(key).unwrap() }
fn store(&mut self, key: usize, detail: T) { self.detail.insert(key, detail); }
//impl<N: IndexStore<usize, I> + DetailStore<K, CT>, K, T, PI: Copy, CT, I: Copy, const L: u8> DetailStore<usize, T> for VecHashNestLayer<N, K, T, PI, CT, I, {L}> {
impl<N: IndexStore<KEY = usize> + DetailStore, T, PI: Copy, const L: u8> DetailStore for VecHashNestLayer<N, T, PI, { L }> {
type KEY=usize; type DETAIL=T;
type KEY = usize; type DETAIL=T; const LEVEL: u8 = { L };
fn load(&mut self, key: usize) -> &T { self.detail.get(key).unwrap() }
fn load_mut(&mut self, key: usize) -> &mut T { self.detail.get_mut(key).unwrap() }
fn store(&mut self, key: usize, detail: T) { self.detail.insert(key, detail); }
//impl<N: IndexStore<LodIndex, I> + DetailStore<K, CT>, K, T, CT, I: Copy, const L: u8> DetailStore<LodIndex, T> for HashNoneNestLayer<N, K, T, CT, I, {L}> {
impl<N: IndexStore<KEY=LodIndex> + DetailStore, T, const L: u8> DetailStore for HashNoneNestLayer<N, T, {L}> {
type KEY=LodIndex; type DETAIL=T;
fn load(&mut self, key: LodIndex) -> &T { self.detail.get(&key).unwrap() }
fn load_mut(&mut self, key: LodIndex) -> &mut T { self.detail.get_mut(&key).unwrap() }
fn store(&mut self, key: LodIndex, detail: T) { self.detail.insert(key, detail); }
impl<N: IndexStore<KEY = LodPos> + DetailStore, T, const L: u8> DetailStore for HashNoneNestLayer<N, T, { L }> {
type KEY = LodPos; type DETAIL=T; const LEVEL: u8 = { L };
fn load(&mut self, key: LodPos) -> &T { self.detail.get(&key).unwrap() }
fn load_mut(&mut self, key: LodPos) -> &mut T { self.detail.get_mut(&key).unwrap() }
fn store(&mut self, key: LodPos, detail: T) { self.detail.insert(key, detail); }
//impl<N: IndexStore<usize, I> + DetailStore<K, CT>, K, T, PI: Copy, CT, I: Copy, const L: u8> Nestable<N, usize, I, K, CT> for VecVecNestLayer<N, K, T, PI, CT, I, {L}> {
impl<N: IndexStore<KEY = usize> + DetailStore, T, PI: Copy, const L: u8> Nestable for VecVecNestLayer<N, T, PI, { L }> {
type NESTED=N;
fn nested(&self) -> &N { &self.nested }
//impl<N: IndexStore<usize, I> + DetailStore<K, CT>, K, T, PI: Copy, CT, I: Copy, const L: u8> Nestable<N, usize, I, K, CT> for VecHashNestLayer<N, K, T, PI, CT, I, {L}> {
impl<N: IndexStore<KEY = usize> + DetailStore, T, PI: Copy, const L: u8> Nestable for VecHashNestLayer<N, T, PI, { L }> {
type NESTED=N;
fn nested(&self) -> &N { &self.nested }
//impl<N: IndexStore<LodIndex, I> + DetailStore<K, CT>, K, T, CT, I: Copy, const L: u8> Nestable<N, LodIndex, I, K, CT> for HashNoneNestLayer<N, K, T, CT, I, {L}> {
impl<N: IndexStore<KEY=LodIndex> + DetailStore, T, const L: u8> Nestable for HashNoneNestLayer<N, T, {L}> {
impl<N: IndexStore<KEY = LodPos> + DetailStore, T, const L: u8> Nestable for HashNoneNestLayer<N, T, { L }> {
type NESTED=N;
fn nested(&self) -> &N { &self.nested }
//impl<N: IndexStore<usize, I> + DetailStore<K, CT>, K, T, PI: Copy, CT, I: Copy, const L: u8> VecVecNestLayer<N, K, T, PI, CT, I, {L}> {
impl<N: IndexStore<KEY=LodIndex> + DetailStore, T, const L: u8> HashNoneNestLayer<N, T, {L}> {
// fn get<'a>(&'a self, index: LodIndex) -> LayerResult<'a, N, usize, I, K, CT> {
pub fn trav<'a>(&'a self, index: LodIndex) -> LayerResult<'a, N, usize> {
impl<N: IndexStore<KEY = LodPos> + DetailStore, T, const L: u8> HashNoneNestLayer<N, T, { L }> {
pub fn trav<'a>(&'a self, index: LodPos) -> LayerResult<'a, N, usize> {
LayerResult {
child: &self.nested,
wanted: index,
@ -222,19 +195,21 @@ impl<N: IndexStore<KEY=LodIndex> + DetailStore, T, const L: u8> HashNoneNestLaye
impl<'a, N: IndexStore + DetailStore + Nestable, PK> Traversable<LayerResult<'a, N::NESTED, <N as IndexStore>::KEY>> for LayerResult<'a, N, PK> {
fn get(&self) -> LayerResult<'a, N::NESTED, <N as IndexStore>::KEY> {
impl<'a, N: IndexStore + DetailStore + Nestable, PK>
Traversable<LayerResult<'a, N::NESTED, <N as IndexStore>::KEY>> for LayerResult<'a, N, PK>
fn get(self) -> LayerResult<'a, N::NESTED, <N as IndexStore>::KEY> {
impl<'a, N: IndexStore + DetailStore, PK> Materializeable<N::DETAIL> for LayerResult<'a, N, PK> {
fn mat(&self) -> N::DETAIL {
fn mat(self) -> N::DETAIL {
//pub struct HashNoneNestLayer<N: IndexStore<LodIndex, I> + DetailStore<K, CT>, K, T, CT, I: Copy, const L: u8> {
pub type ExampleDelta =
@ -263,11 +238,11 @@ mod tests {
nested: VecVecLayer {
detail: Vec::new(),
index: Vec::new(),
let i = LodIndex::new(Vec3::new(0,1,2));
let i = LodPos::new(Vec3::new(0, 1, 2));
let y = x.trav(i);
let ttc = y.get().get();
let tt = ttc.mat();