mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
fix #1258
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,876 +28,6 @@
string_map: {
// Texts used in multiple locations with the same formatting
"common.username": "jméno",
"common.singleplayer": "Hra jednoho hráče",
"common.multiplayer": "Hra více hráčů",
"common.servers": "Servery",
"common.quit": "Vypnout",
"common.settings": "Nastavení",
"common.languages": "Jazyky",
"common.interface": "Rozhraní",
"common.gameplay": "Hra",
"common.controls": "Ovládání",
"common.video": "Grafika",
"common.sound": "Zvuk",
"common.resume": "Pokračovat",
"common.characters": "Postavy",
"common.close": "Zavřít",
"common.yes": "Ano",
"common.no": "Ne",
"common.back": "Zpět",
"common.create": "Vytvořik",
"common.okay": "OK",
"common.add": "Přidat",
"common.accept": "Příjmout",
"common.decline": "Odmítnout",
"common.disclaimer": "Zřeknutí se odpovědnosti",
"common.cancel": "Zrušit",
"common.none": "Nic",
"common.error": "Chyba",
"common.fatal_error": "Fatalní Chyba",
"common.you": "ty",
"common.automatic": "Auto",
"common.random": "Náhodný",
"common.empty": "Prázdný",
// Settings Window title
"common.interface_settings": "Rozhraní",
"common.gameplay_settings": "Hra",
"common.controls_settings": "Ovládání",
"common.video_settings": "Grafika",
"common.sound_settings": "Zvuk",
"common.language_settings": "Jazyk",
// Message when connection to the server is lost
"common.connection_lost": r#"Spojení ztraceno!
Restartoval se server?
Je klient aktuální?"#,
"common.species.orc": "Ork",
"common.species.human": "Člověk",
"common.species.dwarf": "Trpaslík",
"common.species.elf": "Elf",
"common.species.undead": "Nemrtvý",
"common.species.danari": "Danari",
"common.weapons.axe": "Sekera",
"common.weapons.sword": "Meč",
"common.weapons.staff": "Hůl",
"common.weapons.bow": "Luk",
"common.weapons.hammer": "Kladivo",
"common.weapons.general": "Všeobecný",
"common.weapons.sceptre": "Žezlo",
"common.weapons.shield": "Štít",
"common.weapons.spear": "Kopí",
"common.weapons.hammer_simple": "Jednoduché Kladivo",
"common.weapons.sword_simple": "Jednoduchý Meč",
"common.weapons.staff_simple": "Jednoduchá Hůl",
"common.weapons.axe_simple": "Jednoduchá Sekera",
"common.weapons.bow_simple": "Jednoduchý Luk",
"common.weapons.unique": "Unikátní",
"common.tool.debug": "Debug",
"common.tool.faming": "Farmářský Nástroj",
"common.tool.pick": "Krumpáč",
"common.kind.modular_component": "Modulární komponenta",
"common.kind.glider": "Kluzák",
"common.kind.consumable": "Spotřební",
"common.kind.throwable": "Lze házet",
"common.kind.utility": "Užitečné",
"common.kind.ingredient": "Ingredience",
"common.kind.lantern": "Lampa",
"common.hands.one": "Jednoruční",
"common.hands.two": "Dvojruční",
"common.rand_appearance": "Náhodný vzhled",
"common.rand_name": "Náhodné Jméno",
"common.stats.dps": "DPS",
"common.stats.power": "Moc",
"common.stats.speed": "Rychlost",
"common.stats.poise": "Postoj",
"common.stats.crit_chance": "Kritická šance",
"common.stats.crit_mult": "Crit Mult",
"common.stats.armor": "Zbroj",
"common.stats.poise_res": "Postojové res",
"common.stats.slots": "Sloty",
/// End Common section
/// Start Main screen section
"main.connecting": "Připojování",
"main.creating_world": "Tvorba Světa",
// Welcome notice that appears the first time Veloren is started
"main.notice": r#"Vítejte v alfa verzi Veloren!
Než začnete, mějte na paměti, že:
- Hra je v rané verzi alfa. Očekávejte chyby, extrémně nedokončený příběh, nedostatečně rozvinuté mechaniky a chybějící funkce.
- Pokud se chcete podělit o svůj názor, máte návrhy nebo nápady nebo chcete nahlásit chybu, můžete nás kontaktovat prostřednictvím Redditu, GitLabu nebo Discordu.
- Veloren je licencován pod licencí open source GPL 3. To znamená, že máte právo hru upravovat a distribuovat, jakkoliv chcete (pokud je vaše práce licencována také pod GPL 3).
- Veloren je neziskový projekt, kde je každý pracující člověk dobrovolníkem. Pokud se vám tato hra líbí, připojte se k našemu týmu!
Děkujeme za přečtení této zprávy a doufáme, že se vám tato hra bude líbit!
~ Tvůrci Veloren"#,
// Login process description
"main.login_process": r#"Informace o procesu přihlášení:
Pokud máte problémy s přihlášením:
Nezapomeňte, že k připojení na server
se zapnutým ověřením potřebujete účet.
Účet si můžete vytvořit na webu:
"main.login.server_not_found": "Server nenalezen",
"main.login.authentication_error": "Chyba ověření",
"main.login.server_full": "Server je plný",
"main.login.untrusted_auth_server": "Ověřovací server je nedůvěryhodný",
"main.login.outdated_client_or_server": "ServerWentMad: Pravděpodobně jsou verze nekompatibilní, zkontrolujte aktualizace!",
"main.login.network_wrong_version": "Server běží na jiné verzy hry. Aktualizuj si klienta.",
"main.login.timeout": "Timeout: Server neodpověděl včas. (Přetížení nebo chyby v síti).",
"main.login.server_shut_down": "Server Uzavřen",
"main.login.network_error": "Chyba sítě.",
"main.login.failed_sending_request": "Dotaz na ověřovací server se nezdařil",
"main.login.client_crashed": "Pád klienta",
"main.servers.select_server": "Výběr serveru",
"main.server": "Server",
"main.password": "Heslo",
"main.username": "Jméno",
"main.login.invalid_character": "Vybraná postava je neplatná",
"main.login.not_on_whitelist": "Potřebuješ být ve whitelistu. Kontaktuj Admina serveru.",
"main.login.banned": "Byl/a si zabanován/á z tohoto důvodu",
"main.login.kicked": "Byl/a si vyhozen/á z tohoto důvodu",
"main.login.select_language": "Vyber si svůj Jazyk",
"main.login.insecure_auth_scheme": "Schéma ověření HTTP NENÍ podporováno. Je to nejisté! Pro účely vývoje je HTTP povolen pro „localhost“ nebo pro ladění",
"main.login.failed_auth_server_url_invalid": "Připojení k ověřovacímu serveru se nezdařilo.",
/// End Main screen section
/// Start HUD Section
"hud.press_key_to_show_keybindings_fmt": "Kliknutím {key} zobrazíte klávesy",
"hud.press_key_to_show_debug_info_fmt": "Kliknutím {key} zobrazíte rozšířené informace",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_keybindings_fmt": "Kliknutím {key} přepnete klávesové zkratky",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_debug_info_fmt": "Kliknutím {key} přepnete rozšířené informace",
// Respawn message
"hud.press_key_to_respawn": r#"Kliknutím {key} se zrodíte u posledního navštíveného ohniště."#,
// Welcome message
"hud.welcome": r#"Vítejte v alfa verzi Veloren!
Několik tipů, než začnete:
Klepnutím na F1 zkontrolujte výchozí klíče.
Napište /help v chatu a podívejte se na dostupné příkazy
Po celém světě jsou náhodně skryté truhly a další předměty s náhodnou kořistí!
Klikněte pravým tlačítkem pro sebrání.
Chcete-li použít nebo nasadit předmět, použijte klávesu „B“ k otevření inventáře.
Poklepáním na položku ji můžete použít nebo nosit.
Nepotřebné položky vytáhnete z oblasti inventáře, zahodíte je.
Noci ve Velorenu mohou být temné.
Vybavte si lampu a rozsvíťte ji kliknutím na tlačítko „G“
Chcete odemknout systémový kurzor ze hry? Klikněte na 'TAB'
Užijte si svůj pobyt ve světě Veloren!"#,
// Chat
"hud.chat.online_msg": "[{name}] je online",
"hud.chat.offline_msg": "[{name}] šel/šla offline",
"hud.chat.default_death_msg": "[{name}] zemřel",
"hud.chat.environmental_kill_msg": "[{name}] zemřel v {environment}",
"hud.chat.fall_kill_msg": "[{name}] zemřel z pádu",
"hud.chat.suicide_msg": "[{name}] zemřel díky svému zapříčinění",
"hud.chat.pvp_buff_kill_msg": "[{victim}] zemřel z {buff} od [{attacker}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_melee_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] porazil [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_ranged_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] postřelil [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_explosion_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] odpálil [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_energy_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] zabil [{victim}] pomocí magie",
"hud.chat.nonexistent_buff_kill_msg": "[{victim}] zemřel pomocí {buff}",
"hud.chat.npc_buff_kill_msg": "[{victim}] died of {buff} od {attacker}",
"hud.chat.npc_melee_kill_msg": "{attacker} zabil [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_ranged_kill_msg": "{attacker} postřelil [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_explosion_kill_msg": "{attacker} odpálil [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_energy_kill_msg": "{attacker} zabil [{victim}] pomocí magie",
"hud.chat.npc_other_kill_msg": "{attacker} zabil [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.loot_msg": "Sebral si [{item}]",
"hud.chat.loot_fail": "Tvůj inventář je plný!",
"hud.chat.goodbye": "nashledanou!",
"hud.chat.connection_lost": "Spojení ztraceno. Odpojuji za {time} sekund.",
// Inventory
"hud.bag.glider": "Glider",
"hud.bag.bag": "Batoh",
"hud.bag.health": "Život",
"hud.bag.energy": "Výdrž",
"hud.bag.combat_rating": "Bojové hodnocení",
"hud.bag.protection": "Ochrana",
"hud.bag.combat_rating_desc": "Vypočítáno z života/zbroje.",
"hud.bag.protection_desc": "Redukce poškození přes brnení",
"hud.bag.inventory": "Inventář {playername}",
"hud.bag.stats_title": "Statistiky {playername}",
"hud.bag.exp": "Zkušenosti",
"hud.bag.armor": "Výzbroj",
"hud.bag.stats": "Statistiky",
"hud.bag.head": "Hlava",
"hud.bag.neck": "Krk",
"hud.bag.tabard": "Tabard",
"hud.bag.shoulders": "Ramena",
"hud.bag.chest": "Hruď",
"hud.bag.hands": "Ruce",
"hud.bag.lantern": "Lampa",
"hud.bag.belt": "Pas",
"hud.bag.ring": "Prsten",
"hud.bag.back": "Záda",
"hud.bag.legs": "Nohy",
"hud.bag.feet": "Chodidla",
"hud.bag.mainhand": "Hlavní Ruka",
"hud.bag.offhand": "Druhá Ruka",
// Map and Questlog
"hud.map.map_title": "Mapa",
"hud.map.qlog_title": "Úkoly",
"hud.map.difficulty": "Obtížnost",
"hud.map.towns": "Města",
"hud.map.castles": "Hrady",
"hud.map.dungeons": "Kobky",
"hud.map.caves": "Jeskyně",
"hud.map.cave": "Jeskyně",
"hud.map.trees": "Velké Stromy",
"hud.map.tree": "Velký Strom",
"hud.map.town": "Město",
"hud.map.castle": "Hrad",
"hud.map.dungeon": "Kobka",
"hud.map.difficulty_dungeon": "Kobka\n\nDifficulty: {difficulty}",
"hud.map.drag": "Pohybovat",
"hud.map.zoom": "Přiblížit",
"hud.map.recenter": "Recentrovat",
"hud.rank_up": "Nový Skillpoint",
"hud.skill.sp_available": "{number} SP dostupných",
"hud.skill.not_unlocked": "Není ještě odemčeno",
"hud.skill.req_sp": "\n\nVyžaduje {number} SP",
// Skills
// General
"hud.skill.inc_health_title": "Zvýší Zdraví",
"hud.skill.inc_health": "Zvýší maximální zdraví o 5{SP}",
"hud.skill.inc_energy_title": "Zvýší Výdrž",
"hud.skill.inc_energy": "Zvýší Výdrž o 5{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_sword_title": "Odemknutí Meče",
"hud.skill.unlck_sword": "Odemkne strom dovedností pro meče{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_axe_title": "Odemknutí Sekery",
"hud.skill.unlck_axe": "Odemkne strom dovedností pro sekery{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_hammer_title": "Odemknutí Kladiva",
"hud.skill.unlck_hammer": "Odemkne strom dovedností pro kladivo{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_bow_title": "Odemknutí Luku",
"hud.skill.unlck_bow": "Odemkne strom dovedností pro luk{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_staff_title": "Odemknutí Hole",
"hud.skill.unlck_staff": "Odemkne strom dovedností pro hůl{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_sceptre_title": "Odemknutí Žezla",
"hud.skill.unlck_sceptre": "Odemkne strom dovedností pro žezlo{SP}",
"hud.skill.dodge_title": "Vyhnutí",
"hud.skill.dodge": "Vyhnese útokům zblízka{SP}",
"hud.skill.roll_energy_title": "Menší spotřeba Výdrže pro Kotrmelec",
"hud.skill.roll_energy": "Kotrmelec použije o 20% méně Výdrže{SP}",
"hud.skill.roll_speed_title": "Rychlost Kotrmelce",
"hud.skill.roll_speed": "Kotrmelec je o 20% rychlejší{SP}",
"hud.skill.roll_dur_title": "Délka Kotrmelce",
"hud.skill.roll_dur": "Kotrmelec je delší o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.climbing_title": "Lezení",
"hud.skill.climbing": "Skočíš výš",
"hud.skill.climbing_cost_title": "Lezení",
"hud.skill.climbing_cost": "Lezení spotřebuje o 20% méně Výdrže{SP}",
"hud.skill.climbing_speed_title": "Rychlost Lezení",
"hud.skill.climbing_speed": "Lezení je o 20% rychlejší{SP}",
"hud.skill.swim_title": "Plavání",
"hud.skill.swim": "Pohyb v mokrém prostředí",
"hud.skill.swim_speed_title": "Rychlost plávání",
"hud.skill.swim_speed": "Plaveš o 40% rychleji{SP}",
// Sceptre
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_title": "Paprsek Životokrádeže",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal": "Krade život z nepřátel",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_damage_title": "Poškození",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_damage": "Přídá o 20% více poškození{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_range_title": "Dosah",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_range": "Paprsek dosáhne o 25% dále{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_lifesteal_title": "Životokrádež",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_lifesteal": "Konverutuje o 30% více poškození na život{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_regen_title": "Obnova Výdrže",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_regen": "Doplní výdrž o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_title": "Paprsek Léčby",
"hud.skill.sc_heal": "Vyléčí vaše přátelé pomocí krve nepřátel",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_heal_title": "Léčba",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_heal": "Zvýší efektivnost Léčby o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_cost_title": "Spotřeba Výdrže",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_cost": "Léčení spotřebuje o 20% méně Výdrže{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_range_title": "Dosah",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_range": "Paprsek dosáhne dále o 25% {SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_unlock_title": "Ochranářská Aura",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_unlock": "Dovolí ochránit přátele před útoky{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_strength_title": "Síla",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_strength": "Síla ochrany se zvýší o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_duration_title": "Délka",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_duration": "Efekt vaší ochrany potrvá o 30% déle{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_range_title": "Rádius",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_range": "Ochrana dosáhne o 25% dále{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_cost_title": "Spotřeba Výdrže",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_cost": "Tvorba ochrany stojí o 20% méně Energie{SP}",
// Staff
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_range_title" : "Dosah Rázové vlny",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_range" : "Umožný hodit věci mimo dosah. Dosah se zvýšil o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_cost_title" : "Spotřeba Rázové vlny",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_cost" : "Snižuje spotřebu energie pro házení bezbraných vesničanů o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_knockback_title" : "Ráz Rázové vlny",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_knockback" : "Zvyšuje odhození o 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_damage_title" : "Poškození Rázové Vlny",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_damage" : "Zvyšuje poškození o 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_unlock_title" : "Shockwave Unlock",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_unlock" : "Umožnuje odhazovat objekty pomocí ohně{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_title" : "Plamenomet",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower" : "Podpaluje, jdeme péct",
"hud.skill.st_flame_velocity_title" : "Rychlost metání",
"hud.skill.st_flame_velocity" : "Zvýší rychlost ohně o 25% {SP}",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_range_title" : "Dosah Plamenometu",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_range" : "Když plameny nedosáhnou, tak je potřeba je zvětšit o 25% {SP}",
"hud.skill.st_energy_drain_title" : "Spotřeba Energie",
"hud.skill.st_energy_drain" : "Zmenší spotřebu energie o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_damage_title" : "Poškození Plamenometem",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_damage" : "Zvýší poškození o 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_explosion_radius_title" : "Rozsah Exploze",
"hud.skill.st_explosion_radius" : "Cím větší, tím lepší. Zvětší Rádius Exploze o 10%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_energy_regen_title" : "Obnova Výdrže",
"hud.skill.st_energy_regen" : "Zvýší generaci výdrže o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_fireball_title" : "Ohnivá Koule",
"hud.skill.st_fireball" : "Hrajte aport s nepřáteli",
"hud.skill.st_damage_title" : "Poškození",
"hud.skill.st_damage" : "Zvětší Poškození o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_explosion_title" : "Exploze",
"hud.skill.st_explosion" : "Když oheň nestačí{SP}",
// Bow
"hud.skill.bow_projectile_speed_title" : "Rychlost Projektilu",
"hud.skill.bow_projectile_speed" : "Zvětšuje rozsah, rychlost o 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_arrow_count_title" : "Počet Šípů",
"hud.skill.bow_arrow_count" : "Vystřelí další šíp při odskoku{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_cost_title" : "Zmenšení Spotřeby",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_cost" : "Sníží spotřebu Energie o 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_glide_title" : "Plachtění Opakovače",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_glide" : "Doplachti dál při opakování{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_damage_title" : "Poškození během opakování",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_damage" : "Zvýší poškození o 40%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_unlock_title" : "Odemčení Opakovače",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_unlock" : "Odemkne možnost odskočit ve vzduchu a vystřelit haldu šípů{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_title" : "Silný Výstřel",
"hud.skill.bow_charged" : "Protože si počkal/a dýl",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_knockback_title" : "Nabitý Ráz",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_knockback" : "Odhoď neprátele o 25% dále{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_move_speed_title" : "Rychlost při míření",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_move_speed" : "Zvýší pohyb během natahování luku o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_speed_title" : "Nabitá rychlost ",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_speed" : "Zvýší jak rychle lze střílet o 10%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_projectile_speed_title" : "Rychlost Nabitého Projektilu",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_projectile_speed" : "Rychlost projektilu se zvětší o 20% během nabijení{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_drain_title" : "Spotřeba během Nabijení",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_drain" : "Snižuje spotřebu nabití o 15%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_damage_title" : "Nabitý Poškození",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_damage" : "Zvyšuje Poškození o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_energy_regen_title" : "Regenerace Energie",
"hud.skill.bow_energy_regen" : "Zvyšuje zisk Energie o 40%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_title" : "Výstřel Šípu",
"hud.skill.bow" : "Nekoneční toulec, nepatří do ruky dětem",
"hud.skill.bow_damage_title" : "Poškození",
"hud.skill.bow_damage" : "Zvyšuje poškození o 25%{SP}",
// Hammer
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_radius_title" : "Rádius Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_radius" : "Zvětšuje rádius boucnutí do země by 1 meter{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_distance_title" : "Vzdálenost Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_distance" : "Zvětší vzdálenost o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_cost_title" : "Spotřeba při Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_cost" : "Sníží cenu skoku o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_knockback_title" : "Odražení",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_knockback" : "Zvyšuje odražení z Vyšlehnutí o 50%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_damage_title" : "Poškození Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_damage" : "Zvyšuje poškození při Vyšlehnutí 40%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_unlock_leap_title" : "Odemknout Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.hmr_unlock_leap" : "Unlocks a leap{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_title" : "Nabitý Rozkmit",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee" : "Útok na blízko, ale silnější",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_rate_title" : "Rychlost Nabití",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_rate" : "Zvýší rychlost nabití o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_nrg_drain_title" : "Menší Spotřeba Energie",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_nrg_drain" : "Snižuje spotřebu energie během Srážky o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_damage_title" : "Poškození",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_damage" : "Zvětší poškození nabitého rozkmitu o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_knockback_title" : "Knockback",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_knockback" : "Masivně zvětšuje knockback Rozkmitu o 50%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_title" : "Jednoduchý Úder",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike" : "Jednoduchý jako ty",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_regen_title" : "Regenerace Výdrže",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_regen" : "Zvyšuje Výdrž při každém povedeném úderu{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_speed_title" : "Rychlost Jednoduchého Útoku",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_speed" : "Zvýší rychlost útoku pro Jednoduchý Útok při trefě{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_damage_title" : "Poškození Jednoduchého Útoku",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_damage" : "Při každém povedeném úderu zvyšuje Poškození{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_knockback_title" : "Odražení pomocí Jednoduchého Útoku",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_knockback" : "Zvyšuje potencial odhození o 50%{SP}",
"hud.skill." : "",
// Sword
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_title": "Trojtý Úder",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str": "Udeříš až 3x",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_combo_title": "Kombo Trojtého Úderu",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_combo": "Odemkne škálování kombíček na trojtým útoku{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_dmg_title": "Poškození Trojtým Úderem",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_dmg": "Zvyšuje poškození při každém podařeném úderu{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_sp_title": "Rychlost Trojtého Úderu",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_sp": "Zvýší rychlost útoku při každém úspešném úderu{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_reg_title": "Regenerace při Trojtém Úderu",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_reg": "Regeneruje Výdrž při každém úspešném úderu{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_title": "Dash",
"hud.skill.sw_dash": "Proběhni přes nepřátele",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_dmg_title": "Poškození Dashem",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_dmg": "Zvýší poškození o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_drain_title": "Menší spotřeba při Dashy",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_drain": "Sníží průběžnou spotřebu energie o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_cost_title": "Cena Dashe ",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_cost": "Sníží celkovou spotřebu energie o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_speed_title": "Rychlost Dashe",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_speed": "Zvýší rychlost při Dashování o 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_inf_title": "Nekoneční Dash",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_inf": "Nechá tě používát Dash nekonečně dlouho, než ti dojde energie{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_scale_title": "Škálování Poškození při Dashy",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_scale": "Zvýší škálování poškození o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_title": "Odemknout Roztočení",
"hud.skill.sw_spin": "Odemkne roztočení{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_dmg_title": "Poškození Roztočení",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_dmg": "Zvýší poškození, které udělíš o 40%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spd_title": "Rychlost Roztočení",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spd": "Zvýší rychlost roztočení o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_cost_title": "Cena Roztočení",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_cost": "Sníží cenu roztočení o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spins_title": "Počet točení při Roztočení",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spins": "Zvýší počet otoček během roztočení{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_interrupt_title": "Překažení Útoků",
"hud.skill.sw_interrupt": "Dokáže ihned přerušit útok dalším útokem{SP}",
// Axe
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_title": "Dvojtý Úder",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike": "Skácej své nepřátele",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_combo_title": "Kombo Dvojtého Úderu",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_combo": "Odemkne Dvojtý Útok{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_damage_title": "Poškození Dvojtého Úderu",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_damage": "Zvyšuje poškození při každém podařeném úderu{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_speed_title": "Rychlost Dvojtého Úderu",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_speed": "Zvyšuje Rychlost Útoku při každém podařeném úderu{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_regen_title": "Regenerace při Dvojtém Útoku",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_regen": "Zvyšuje regeneraci Výdrže při každém podařeném úderu{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_title": "Roztočení Sekery",
"hud.skill.axe_spin": "Točíš se správným směrem...",
"hud.skill.axe_infinite_axe_spin_title": "Nekonečné Roztočení Sekery",
"hud.skill.axe_infinite_axe_spin": "Toč Sekeru dokaď máš Energii{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_damage_title": "Poškození Roztočení",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_damage": "Zvýší poškození, které udělíš o 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_helicopter_title": "Vrtulníček",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_helicopter": "Při pádu budeš padat pomaleji při Roztočení Sekery{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_speed_title": "Rychlost Roztočení",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_speed": "Zvýší Rychlost Roztočení o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_cost_title": "Cena Roztočení",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_cost": "Sníží spotřebu výdrže o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_unlock_leap_title": "Odemknout Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.axe_unlock_leap": "Odemkne Vyšlehnutí{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_damage_title": "Poškození při Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_damage": "Zvýší poškození Vyšlehnutí o 35%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_knockback_title": "Odražení při Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_knockback": "Při Vyšlehnutí, zvýší odražení o 40%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_cost_title": "Cena Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_cost": "Sníží cenu vyšlehnutí o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_distance_title": "Dosah Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_distance": "Zvýší dosah o 20%{SP}",
// crafting
"hud.crafting": "Výroba",
"hud.crafting.recipes": "Recepty",
"hud.crafting.ingredients": "Ingredience:",
"hud.crafting.craft": "Vyrobit",
"hud.crafting.tool_cata": "Potřeba:",
// Group
"hud.group": "Skupina",
"hud.group.invite_to_join": "[{name}] tě pozval do skupiny!",
"hud.group.invite_to_trade": "[{name}] by chtěl s tebou obchodovat.",
"hud.group.invite": "Pozvat",
"hud.group.kick": "Vyhodit",
"hud.group.assign_leader": "Nastavit Vůdcem",
"hud.group.leave": "Opustit Skupinu",
"hud.group.dead" : "Mrtvý",
"hud.group.out_of_range": "Nedosažitelný",
"hud.group.add_friend": "Přidat Přítele",
"hud.group.link_group": "Propojit Skupiny",
"hud.group.in_menu": "V Menu",
"hud.group.members": "Členové Skupiny",
// Settings
"hud.settings.general": "Obecné",
"hud.settings.none": "Nic",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.toggle": "Přepnout",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.hold": "Podržet",
"hud.settings.help_window": "Okno nápovědy",
"hud.settings.debug_info": "Ladící informace",
"hud.settings.tips_on_startup": "Rady",
"hud.settings.ui_scale": "Velikost UI",
"hud.settings.relative_scaling": "Relativní škálování",
"hud.settings.custom_scaling": "Vlastní škálování",
"hud.settings.crosshair": "Zaměřování",
"hud.settings.transparency": "Průhlednost",
"hud.settings.hotbar": "Hotbar",
"hud.settings.toggle_shortcuts": "Povolit Zkratky",
"hud.settings.buffs_skillbar": "Buffy u Skillbaru",
"hud.settings.buffs_mmap": "Buffy u Minimapy",
"hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "Povolit Zkušenostní Bar",
"hud.settings.scrolling_combat_text": "Létajíci Combat Text",
"hud.settings.single_damage_number": "Jednotná čísla Poškození",
"hud.settings.cumulated_damage": "Seskupený Poškození",
"hud.settings.incoming_damage": "Příchozí Poškození",
"hud.settings.cumulated_incoming_damage": "Seskupený Příchozí Poškození",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble": "Povídací Bublina",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_dark_mode": "Tmavá Povídací Bublina",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_icon": "Ikona Povídací Bubliny",
"hud.settings.energybar_numbers": "Čísla u Baru Energie",
"hud.settings.values": "Hodnoty",
"hud.settings.percentages": "Procenta",
"hud.settings.chat": "Chat",
"hud.settings.background_transparency": "Průhlednost Pozadí",
"hud.settings.chat_character_name": "Jména Postav v Chatu",
"hud.settings.loading_tips": "Rady v Načítání",
"hud.settings.reset_interface": "Výchozí Nastavení",
"hud.settings.pan_sensitivity": "Citlivost Rozhledu",
"hud.settings.zoom_sensitivity": "Citlivost Přiblížení",
"hud.settings.camera_clamp_angle": "Úhel pro vertikální režim upnutí kamery",
"hud.settings.invert_scroll_zoom": "Invertovat rolování zvětšení",
"hud.settings.invert_mouse_y_axis": "Obrátit osu Y myši",
"hud.settings.invert_controller_y_axis": "Obrátit osu Y ovladače",
"hud.settings.enable_mouse_smoothing": "Vyhlazení kamery",
"hud.settings.free_look_behavior": "Chování volného pohledu",
"hud.settings.auto_walk_behavior": "Chování Auto chůze",
"hud.settings.camera_clamp_behavior": "Chování připnuté kamery",
"hud.settings.stop_auto_walk_on_input": "Přestat Auto chodit při pohybu",
"hud.settings.reset_gameplay": "Výchozí Nastavení",
"hud.settings.view_distance": "Vykreslovací Vzdálenost",
"hud.settings.sprites_view_distance": "Vykreslovací Vzdálenost Spritů",
"hud.settings.figures_view_distance": "Vykreslovací Vzdálenost Entit",
"hud.settings.maximum_fps": "Maximum FPS",
"hud.settings.fov": "Úhel pohledu (stupně)",
"hud.settings.gamma": "Gama",
"hud.settings.exposure": "Expozice",
"hud.settings.ambiance": "Jas prostředí",
"hud.settings.antialiasing_mode": "Režim AntiAliasing",
"hud.settings.upscale_factor": "Interní Rozlišení",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode": "Vykreslování Mraků",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode": "Vykreslování Vody",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.cheap": "Levný",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.shiny": "Blíštivý",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.minimal": "Minimalní",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.low": "Nizký",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.medium": "Střední",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.high": "Vysoký",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.ultra": "Ultra",
"hud.settings.fullscreen": "Celá Obrazovka",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode": "Režim Celé obrazovky",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.exclusive": "Exkluzivní",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.borderless": "Bezokrajový",
"hud.settings.particles": "Částice",
"hud.settings.resolution": "Rozlišení",
"hud.settings.bit_depth": "Bitová Hloubka",
"hud.settings.refresh_rate": "Obnovovací Frekvence",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode": "Vykreslování Osvětlení",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.ashikhmin": "Typ A - Vysoký ",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.blinnphong": "Typ B - Střední",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.lambertian": "Typ L - Levný",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode": "Vykreslování Stínů",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.none": "Nic",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.cheap": "Levný",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map": "Mapa",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map.resolution": "Rozlišení",
"hud.settings.lod_detail": "LoD Detail",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": "Pamatovat Okno",
"hud.settings.reset_graphics": "Výchozí Nastavení",
"hud.settings.music_volume": "Hlasitost Hudby",
"hud.settings.sound_effect_volume": "Hlasitost Efektů",
"hud.settings.audio_device": "Vstupní Zařízení",
"hud.settings.reset_sound": "Výchozí Nastavení",
"hud.settings.awaitingkey": "Zmáčkni klávesu...",
"hud.settings.unbound": "Žádná",
"hud.settings.reset_keybinds": "Výchozí",
/// Socialní
"hud.social": "Společnost",
"hud.social.online": "Aktivní",
"hud.social.friends": "Přátelé",
"hud.social.not_yet_available": "Ještě není dostupné",
"hud.social.faction": "Cech",
"hud.social.play_online_fmt": "{nb_player} je aktivní",
"hud.social.name": "Jméno",
"hud.social.level": "Úroveň",
"hud.social.zone": "Zóna",
"hud.social.account": "Účet",
/// Obchod
"hud.trade.trade_window": "Obchod",
"hud.trade.phase1_description": "Přetáhněte položky.",
"hud.trade.phase2_description": "Obchod je nyní uzamčen, abyste měli\n čas jej zkontrolovat.",
/// Phase3 should only be visible for a few milliseconds if everything is working properly, but is included for completeness
"hud.trade.phase3_description": "Probíhá zpracování.",
"hud.trade.persons_offer": "Nabídka {playername}",
"hud.trade.has_accepted": "{playername}přijal obchod",
"hud.trade.accept": "Akceptovat",
"hud.trade.decline": "Odmítnout",
"hud.trade.invite_sent": "Žádost o obchod zaslána {playername}.",
"hud.trade.result.completed": "Obchod proběhl úspěšně.",
"hud.trade.result.declined": "Obchod odmítnut.",
"hud.trade.result.nospace": "Nedostatek místa pro dokončení.",
"hud.trade.buy_price": "Cena koupě",
"hud.trade.sell_price": "Cena prodeje",
"hud.trade.coin": "Peníze",
/// misc
"hud.do_not_show_on_startup": "Nezobrazovat toto při spuštění",
"hud.show_tips": "Zobrazit Rady",
"hud.quests": "Úkoly",
"hud.you_died": "Umřel si",
"hud.waypoint_saved": "Waypoint uložen",
"hud.sp_arrow_txt": "SP",
"hud.press_key_to_show_keybindings_fmt": "[{key}] Ovládání",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_lantern_fmt": "[{key}] Lampa",
"hud.press_key_to_show_debug_info_fmt": "Zmáčkni {key} pro Ladící Menu",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_keybindings_fmt": "Zmáčkni {key} pro Hastavení Ovládání",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_debug_info_fmt": "Zmáčkni {key} pro Ladící Informace",
// Respawn message
"hud.press_key_to_respawn": r#"Zmáčkni {key} pro oživení u posledního navštíveného ohně."#,
// Tutorial Button
"hud.tutorial_btn": r#"Tutorial"#,
"hud.tutorial_click_here": r#"Zmáčkni [ {key} ] pro odemčení kurzoru a zmáčkni na toto tlačítko"#,
"hud.tutorial_elements": r#"Výroba"#,
"hud.temp_quest_headline": r#"vítej Poutníku"#,
"hud.temp_quest_text": r#"Na začátek své cesty bys ses mohl prohledat tuto vesnici a sbírat zásoby.
Je ti dovoleno vzít si to co potřebuješ na svou cestu!
V pravém dolním rohu obrazovky najdete různé věci, jako je taška, nabídka tvorby a mapa.
Nabídka Tvorby vám umožní vytvářet brnění, zbraně, jídlo a mnoho dalšího!
Divoká zvířata po celém městě jsou skvělým zdrojem koženého odpadu, který vytváří určitou ochranu před nebezpečím tam venku.
Kdykoli se budeš cítit připraven, pokus se získat ještě lepší vybavení z mnoha výzev vyznačených na mapě!
"hud.spell": "Dovednosti",
// Diary
"hud.diary": "Deník",
"hud.free_look_indicator": "Volný pohled je povolený. Můžeš ho vypnout pomocí {key} .",
"hud.camera_clamp_indicator": "Vertikální upnutá kamera je zaplá, Můžeš to vypnout pomocí {key}",
"hud.auto_walk_indicator": "Auto Chůze je zaplá",
// SCT outputs
"hud.sct.experience": "{amount} Zkušeností",
"hud.sct.block": "BLOKOVÁNO",
/// End HUD section
// Buffs
"buff.remove": "Klikni pro zrušení",
"buff.title.missing": "Chybějící název",
"buff.desc.missing": "Chybějící popis",
"buff.title.heal": "Léčba",
"buff.desc.heal": "Přídá život během určitého času.",
"buff.title.potion": "Lektvar",
"buff.desc.potion": "Piju...",
"buff.title.saturation": "Nasycení",
"buff.desc.saturation": "Přídá život během času ze Spotřebních.",
"buff.title.campfire_heal": "Léčba Táborákem",
"buff.desc.campfire_heal": "Odpočinek u ohně léčí 1% za sekundu.",
"buff.title.invulnerability": "Nezranitelnost",
"buff.desc.invulnerability": "Žádný útok tě nezraní.",
"buff.title.protectingward": "Ochraná Vizita",
"buff.desc.protectingward": "Jsi chráněn, nějak, před útoky.",
// Debuffs
"buff.title.bleed": "Krvácení",
"buff.desc.bleed": "Způsobuje pravidelné poškození.",
"buff.title.cursed": "Prokletí",
"buff.desc.cursed": "Jsi prokletý.",
// Buffs stats
"buff.stat.health": "Obnoví {str_total} Životů",
"buff.stat.increase_max_energy": "Zvedne Maximalní Výdrž o {strength}",
"buff.stat.increase_max_health": "Zvedne Maximální počet životů o {strength}",
"buff.stat.invulnerability": "Zaručuje Nezranitelnost",
// Text
"buff.text.over_seconds": "více než {dur_secs} sekund",
"buff.text.for_seconds": "po dobu {dur_secs} sekund",
/// Start GameInput section
"gameinput.primary": "Základní Útok",
"gameinput.secondary": "Druhý Útok/Blok/Míření",
"gameinput.slot1": "Hotbar Slot 1",
"gameinput.slot2": "Hotbar Slot 2",
"gameinput.slot3": "Hotbar Slot 3",
"gameinput.slot4": "Hotbar Slot 4",
"gameinput.slot5": "Hotbar Slot 5",
"gameinput.slot6": "Hotbar Slot 6",
"gameinput.slot7": "Hotbar Slot 7",
"gameinput.slot8": "Hotbar Slot 8",
"gameinput.slot9": "Hotbar Slot 9",
"gameinput.slot10": "Hotbar Slot 10",
"gameinput.swaploadout": "Výměna Vybavení",
"gameinput.togglecursor": "Povolit Kurzor",
"gameinput.help": "Povolit Okno Nápovědy",
"gameinput.toggleinterface": "Povolit Rozhraní",
"gameinput.toggledebug": "Povolit FPS a Debug info",
"gameinput.screenshot": "Pořídit Snímek Obrazovky",
"gameinput.toggleingameui": "Povolit Jména",
"gameinput.fullscreen": "Povolit Celou Obrazovku",
"gameinput.moveforward": "Pohyb Dopředu",
"gameinput.moveleft": "Pohyb Doleva",
"gameinput.moveright": "Pohyb Doprava",
"gameinput.moveback": "Pohyb Dozádu",
"gameinput.jump": "Skok",
"gameinput.glide": "Kluzák",
"gameinput.roll": "Kotrmelec",
"gameinput.climb": "Lézt",
"gameinput.climbdown": "Lézt Dolů",
"gameinput.wallleap": "Wall Leap",
"gameinput.togglelantern": "Lucerna",
"gameinput.mount": "Nasednout",
"gameinput.chat": "Chat",
"gameinput.command": "Príkaz",
"gameinput.escape": "Nabídka",
"gameinput.map": "Mapa",
"gameinput.bag": "Taška",
"gameinput.trade": "Obchod",
"gameinput.social": "Společenost",
"gameinput.sit": "Sednout",
"gameinput.spellbook": "Dovednosti",
"gameinput.settings": "Nastavení",
"gameinput.respawn": "Oživení",
"gameinput.charge": "Charge",
"gameinput.togglewield": "Vzít zbraň do ruky",
"gameinput.interact": "Interagovat",
"gameinput.freelook": "Volný Pohled",
"gameinput.autowalk": "Auto Chůze",
"gameinput.cameraclamp": "Připnutí Kamery",
"gameinput.dance": "Tanec",
"gameinput.select": "Vybrat Entitu",
"gameinput.acceptgroupinvite": "Příjmout pozvání do Skupiny",
"gameinput.declinegroupinvite": "Odmítnout pozvání do Skupiny",
"gameinput.cyclecamera": "Druhy kamer",
"gameinput.crafting": "Tvorba",
"gameinput.fly": "Létání",
"gameinput.sneak": "Plížení",
"gameinput.swimdown": "Plavat Dolů",
"gameinput.swimup": "Plavat Nahoru",
/// End GameInput section
/// Start chracter selection section
"char_selection.loading_characters": "Načítání postavy...",
"char_selection.delete_permanently": "Chcete smazat tuto postavu?",
"char_selection.deleting_character": "Probíhá mazání postavy...",
"char_selection.change_server": "Změnit server",
"char_selection.enter_world": "Vstup do světa",
"char_selection.logout": "Odhlásit",
"char_selection.create_new_character": "Nová Postava",
"char_selection.creating_character": "Probíhá tvorba nové postavy",
"char_selection.character_creation": "Tvůrce postavy",
"char_selection.human_default": "Výchozí postava",
"char_selection.level_fmt": "úroveň {level_nb}",
"char_selection.uncanny_valley": "Divočina",
"char_selection.plains_of_uncertainty": "Pole nejistoty",
"char_selection.beard": "Brada",
"char_selection.hair_style": "Styl vlasů",
"char_selection.hair_color": "Barva vlasů",
"char_selection.chest_color": "Barva hrudníku",
"char_selection.eye_color": "Barva očí",
"char_selection.skin": "Kůže",
"char_selection.eyebrows": "Obočí",
"char_selection.accessories": "Doplňky",
"char_selection.create_new_charater": "Nová postava",
"char_selection.eyeshape": "Tvar očí",
"char_selection.create_info_name": "Tvá postava potřebuje jméno!",
/// End chracter selection section
/// Start character window section
"character_window.character_name": "Jméno postavy",
// Charater stats
"character_window.character_stats": r#"Síla
Síla vůle
/// ???Start character window section
/// Start Escape Menu Section
"esc_menu.logout": "Odhlásit",
"esc_menu.quit_game": "Opustit hru",
/// End Escape Menu Section
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
// Buffs
"buff.remove": "Klikni pro zrušení",
"buff.title.missing": "Chybějící název",
"buff.desc.missing": "Chybějící popis",
"buff.title.heal": "Léčba",
"buff.desc.heal": "Přídá život během určitého času.",
"buff.title.potion": "Lektvar",
"buff.desc.potion": "Piju...",
"buff.title.saturation": "Nasycení",
"buff.desc.saturation": "Přídá život během času ze Spotřebních.",
"buff.title.campfire_heal": "Léčba Táborákem",
"buff.desc.campfire_heal": "Odpočinek u ohně léčí 1% za sekundu.",
"buff.title.invulnerability": "Nezranitelnost",
"buff.desc.invulnerability": "Žádný útok tě nezraní.",
"buff.title.protectingward": "Ochraná Vizita",
"buff.desc.protectingward": "Jsi chráněn, nějak, před útoky.",
// Debuffs
"buff.title.bleed": "Krvácení",
"buff.desc.bleed": "Způsobuje pravidelné poškození.",
"buff.title.cursed": "Prokletí",
"buff.desc.cursed": "Jsi prokletý.",
// Buffs stats
"buff.stat.health": "Obnoví {str_total} Životů",
"buff.stat.increase_max_energy": "Zvedne Maximalní Výdrž o {strength}",
"buff.stat.increase_max_health": "Zvedne Maximální počet životů o {strength}",
"buff.stat.invulnerability": "Zaručuje Nezranitelnost",
// Text
"buff.text.over_seconds": "více než {dur_secs} sekund",
"buff.text.for_seconds": "po dobu {dur_secs} sekund",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
"char_selection.loading_characters": "Načítání postavy...",
"char_selection.delete_permanently": "Chcete smazat tuto postavu?",
"char_selection.deleting_character": "Probíhá mazání postavy...",
"char_selection.change_server": "Změnit server",
"char_selection.enter_world": "Vstup do světa",
"char_selection.logout": "Odhlásit",
"char_selection.create_new_character": "Nová Postava",
"char_selection.creating_character": "Probíhá tvorba nové postavy",
"char_selection.character_creation": "Tvůrce postavy",
"char_selection.human_default": "Výchozí postava",
"char_selection.level_fmt": "úroveň {level_nb}",
"char_selection.uncanny_valley": "Divočina",
"char_selection.plains_of_uncertainty": "Pole nejistoty",
"char_selection.beard": "Brada",
"char_selection.hair_style": "Styl vlasů",
"char_selection.hair_color": "Barva vlasů",
"char_selection.chest_color": "Barva hrudníku",
"char_selection.eye_color": "Barva očí",
"char_selection.skin": "Kůže",
"char_selection.eyebrows": "Obočí",
"char_selection.accessories": "Doplňky",
"char_selection.create_new_charater": "Nová postava",
"char_selection.eyeshape": "Tvar očí",
"char_selection.create_info_name": "Tvá postava potřebuje jméno!",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
// Texts used in multiple locations with the same formatting
"common.username": "jméno",
"common.singleplayer": "Hra jednoho hráče",
"common.multiplayer": "Hra více hráčů",
"common.servers": "Servery",
"common.quit": "Vypnout",
"common.settings": "Nastavení",
"common.languages": "Jazyky",
"common.interface": "Rozhraní",
"common.gameplay": "Hra",
"common.controls": "Ovládání",
"common.video": "Grafika",
"common.sound": "Zvuk",
"common.resume": "Pokračovat",
"common.characters": "Postavy",
"common.close": "Zavřít",
"common.yes": "Ano",
"common.no": "Ne",
"common.back": "Zpět",
"common.create": "Vytvořik",
"common.okay": "OK",
"common.add": "Přidat",
"common.accept": "Příjmout",
"common.decline": "Odmítnout",
"common.disclaimer": "Zřeknutí se odpovědnosti",
"common.cancel": "Zrušit",
"common.none": "Nic",
"common.error": "Chyba",
"common.fatal_error": "Fatalní Chyba",
"common.you": "ty",
"common.automatic": "Auto",
"common.random": "Náhodný",
"common.empty": "Prázdný",
// Settings Window title
"common.interface_settings": "Rozhraní",
"common.gameplay_settings": "Hra",
"common.controls_settings": "Ovládání",
"common.video_settings": "Grafika",
"common.sound_settings": "Zvuk",
"common.language_settings": "Jazyk",
// Message when connection to the server is lost
"common.connection_lost": r#"Spojení ztraceno!
Restartoval se server?
Je klient aktuální?"#,
"common.species.orc": "Ork",
"common.species.human": "Člověk",
"common.species.dwarf": "Trpaslík",
"common.species.elf": "Elf",
"common.species.undead": "Nemrtvý",
"common.species.danari": "Danari",
"common.weapons.axe": "Sekera",
"common.weapons.sword": "Meč",
"common.weapons.staff": "Hůl",
"common.weapons.bow": "Luk",
"common.weapons.hammer": "Kladivo",
"common.weapons.general": "Všeobecný",
"common.weapons.sceptre": "Žezlo",
"common.weapons.shield": "Štít",
"common.weapons.spear": "Kopí",
"common.weapons.hammer_simple": "Jednoduché Kladivo",
"common.weapons.sword_simple": "Jednoduchý Meč",
"common.weapons.staff_simple": "Jednoduchá Hůl",
"common.weapons.axe_simple": "Jednoduchá Sekera",
"common.weapons.bow_simple": "Jednoduchý Luk",
"common.weapons.unique": "Unikátní",
"common.tool.debug": "Debug",
"common.tool.faming": "Farmářský Nástroj",
"common.tool.pick": "Krumpáč",
"common.kind.modular_component": "Modulární komponenta",
"common.kind.glider": "Kluzák",
"common.kind.consumable": "Spotřební",
"common.kind.throwable": "Lze házet",
"common.kind.utility": "Užitečné",
"common.kind.ingredient": "Ingredience",
"common.kind.lantern": "Lampa",
"common.hands.one": "Jednoruční",
"common.hands.two": "Dvojruční",
"common.rand_appearance": "Náhodný vzhled",
"common.rand_name": "Náhodné Jméno",
"common.stats.dps": "DPS",
"common.stats.power": "Moc",
"common.stats.speed": "Rychlost",
"common.stats.poise": "Postoj",
"common.stats.crit_chance": "Kritická šance",
"common.stats.crit_mult": "Crit Mult",
"common.stats.armor": "Zbroj",
"common.stats.poise_res": "Postojové res",
"common.stats.slots": "Sloty",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
"esc_menu.logout": "Odhlásit",
"esc_menu.quit_game": "Opustit hru",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
"gameinput.primary": "Základní Útok",
"gameinput.secondary": "Druhý Útok/Blok/Míření",
"gameinput.slot1": "Hotbar Slot 1",
"gameinput.slot2": "Hotbar Slot 2",
"gameinput.slot3": "Hotbar Slot 3",
"gameinput.slot4": "Hotbar Slot 4",
"gameinput.slot5": "Hotbar Slot 5",
"gameinput.slot6": "Hotbar Slot 6",
"gameinput.slot7": "Hotbar Slot 7",
"gameinput.slot8": "Hotbar Slot 8",
"gameinput.slot9": "Hotbar Slot 9",
"gameinput.slot10": "Hotbar Slot 10",
"gameinput.swaploadout": "Výměna Vybavení",
"gameinput.togglecursor": "Povolit Kurzor",
"gameinput.help": "Povolit Okno Nápovědy",
"gameinput.toggleinterface": "Povolit Rozhraní",
"gameinput.toggledebug": "Povolit FPS a Debug info",
"gameinput.screenshot": "Pořídit Snímek Obrazovky",
"gameinput.toggleingameui": "Povolit Jména",
"gameinput.fullscreen": "Povolit Celou Obrazovku",
"gameinput.moveforward": "Pohyb Dopředu",
"gameinput.moveleft": "Pohyb Doleva",
"gameinput.moveright": "Pohyb Doprava",
"gameinput.moveback": "Pohyb Dozádu",
"gameinput.jump": "Skok",
"gameinput.glide": "Kluzák",
"gameinput.roll": "Kotrmelec",
"gameinput.climb": "Lézt",
"gameinput.climbdown": "Lézt Dolů",
"gameinput.wallleap": "Wall Leap",
"gameinput.togglelantern": "Lucerna",
"gameinput.mount": "Nasednout",
"gameinput.chat": "Chat",
"gameinput.command": "Príkaz",
"gameinput.escape": "Nabídka",
"gameinput.map": "Mapa",
"gameinput.bag": "Taška",
"gameinput.trade": "Obchod",
"gameinput.social": "Společenost",
"gameinput.sit": "Sednout",
"gameinput.spellbook": "Dovednosti",
"gameinput.settings": "Nastavení",
"gameinput.respawn": "Oživení",
"gameinput.charge": "Charge",
"gameinput.togglewield": "Vzít zbraň do ruky",
"gameinput.interact": "Interagovat",
"gameinput.freelook": "Volný Pohled",
"gameinput.autowalk": "Auto Chůze",
"gameinput.cameraclamp": "Připnutí Kamery",
"gameinput.dance": "Tanec",
"gameinput.select": "Vybrat Entitu",
"gameinput.acceptgroupinvite": "Příjmout pozvání do Skupiny",
"gameinput.declinegroupinvite": "Odmítnout pozvání do Skupiny",
"gameinput.cyclecamera": "Druhy kamer",
"gameinput.crafting": "Tvorba",
"gameinput.fly": "Létání",
"gameinput.sneak": "Plížení",
"gameinput.swimdown": "Plavat Dolů",
"gameinput.swimup": "Plavat Nahoru",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
// Inventory
"hud.bag.glider": "Glider",
"hud.bag.bag": "Batoh",
"hud.bag.health": "Život",
"hud.bag.energy": "Výdrž",
"hud.bag.combat_rating": "Bojové hodnocení",
"hud.bag.protection": "Ochrana",
"hud.bag.combat_rating_desc": "Vypočítáno z života/zbroje.",
"hud.bag.protection_desc": "Redukce poškození přes brnení",
"hud.bag.inventory": "Inventář {playername}",
"hud.bag.stats_title": "Statistiky {playername}",
"hud.bag.exp": "Zkušenosti",
"hud.bag.armor": "Výzbroj",
"hud.bag.stats": "Statistiky",
"hud.bag.head": "Hlava",
"hud.bag.neck": "Krk",
"hud.bag.tabard": "Tabard",
"hud.bag.shoulders": "Ramena",
"hud.bag.chest": "Hruď",
"hud.bag.hands": "Ruce",
"hud.bag.lantern": "Lampa",
"hud.bag.belt": "Pas",
"hud.bag.ring": "Prsten",
"hud.bag.back": "Záda",
"hud.bag.legs": "Nohy",
"hud.bag.feet": "Chodidla",
"hud.bag.mainhand": "Hlavní Ruka",
"hud.bag.offhand": "Druhá Ruka",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
/// Start character window section
"character_window.character_name": "Jméno postavy",
// Charater stats
"character_window.character_stats": r#"Síla
Síla vůle
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
"hud.chat.online_msg": "[{name}] je online",
"hud.chat.offline_msg": "[{name}] šel/šla offline",
"hud.chat.default_death_msg": "[{name}] zemřel",
"hud.chat.environmental_kill_msg": "[{name}] zemřel v {environment}",
"hud.chat.fall_kill_msg": "[{name}] zemřel z pádu",
"hud.chat.suicide_msg": "[{name}] zemřel díky svému zapříčinění",
"hud.chat.pvp_buff_kill_msg": "[{victim}] zemřel z {buff} od [{attacker}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_melee_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] porazil [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_ranged_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] postřelil [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_explosion_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] odpálil [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_energy_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] zabil [{victim}] pomocí magie",
"hud.chat.nonexistent_buff_kill_msg": "[{victim}] zemřel pomocí {buff}",
"hud.chat.npc_buff_kill_msg": "[{victim}] died of {buff} od {attacker}",
"hud.chat.npc_melee_kill_msg": "{attacker} zabil [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_ranged_kill_msg": "{attacker} postřelil [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_explosion_kill_msg": "{attacker} odpálil [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_energy_kill_msg": "{attacker} zabil [{victim}] pomocí magie",
"hud.chat.npc_other_kill_msg": "{attacker} zabil [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.loot_msg": "Sebral si [{item}]",
"hud.chat.loot_fail": "Tvůj inventář je plný!",
"hud.chat.goodbye": "nashledanou!",
"hud.chat.connection_lost": "Spojení ztraceno. Odpojuji za {time} sekund.",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
"hud.crafting": "Výroba",
"hud.crafting.recipes": "Recepty",
"hud.crafting.ingredients": "Ingredience:",
"hud.crafting.craft": "Vyrobit",
"hud.crafting.tool_cata": "Potřeba:",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
"hud.group": "Skupina",
"hud.group.invite_to_join": "[{name}] tě pozval do skupiny!",
"hud.group.invite_to_trade": "[{name}] by chtěl s tebou obchodovat.",
"hud.group.invite": "Pozvat",
"hud.group.kick": "Vyhodit",
"hud.group.assign_leader": "Nastavit Vůdcem",
"hud.group.leave": "Opustit Skupinu",
"hud.group.dead" : "Mrtvý",
"hud.group.out_of_range": "Nedosažitelný",
"hud.group.add_friend": "Přidat Přítele",
"hud.group.link_group": "Propojit Skupiny",
"hud.group.in_menu": "V Menu",
"hud.group.members": "Členové Skupiny",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
// Settings
"hud.settings.general": "Obecné",
"hud.settings.none": "Nic",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.toggle": "Přepnout",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.hold": "Podržet",
"hud.settings.help_window": "Okno nápovědy",
"hud.settings.debug_info": "Ladící informace",
"hud.settings.tips_on_startup": "Rady",
"hud.settings.ui_scale": "Velikost UI",
"hud.settings.relative_scaling": "Relativní škálování",
"hud.settings.custom_scaling": "Vlastní škálování",
"hud.settings.crosshair": "Zaměřování",
"hud.settings.transparency": "Průhlednost",
"hud.settings.hotbar": "Hotbar",
"hud.settings.toggle_shortcuts": "Povolit Zkratky",
"hud.settings.buffs_skillbar": "Buffy u Skillbaru",
"hud.settings.buffs_mmap": "Buffy u Minimapy",
"hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "Povolit Zkušenostní Bar",
"hud.settings.scrolling_combat_text": "Létajíci Combat Text",
"hud.settings.single_damage_number": "Jednotná čísla Poškození",
"hud.settings.cumulated_damage": "Seskupený Poškození",
"hud.settings.incoming_damage": "Příchozí Poškození",
"hud.settings.cumulated_incoming_damage": "Seskupený Příchozí Poškození",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble": "Povídací Bublina",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_dark_mode": "Tmavá Povídací Bublina",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_icon": "Ikona Povídací Bubliny",
"hud.settings.energybar_numbers": "Čísla u Baru Energie",
"hud.settings.values": "Hodnoty",
"hud.settings.percentages": "Procenta",
"hud.settings.chat": "Chat",
"hud.settings.background_transparency": "Průhlednost Pozadí",
"hud.settings.chat_character_name": "Jména Postav v Chatu",
"hud.settings.loading_tips": "Rady v Načítání",
"hud.settings.reset_interface": "Výchozí Nastavení",
"hud.settings.pan_sensitivity": "Citlivost Rozhledu",
"hud.settings.zoom_sensitivity": "Citlivost Přiblížení",
"hud.settings.camera_clamp_angle": "Úhel pro vertikální režim upnutí kamery",
"hud.settings.invert_scroll_zoom": "Invertovat rolování zvětšení",
"hud.settings.invert_mouse_y_axis": "Obrátit osu Y myši",
"hud.settings.invert_controller_y_axis": "Obrátit osu Y ovladače",
"hud.settings.enable_mouse_smoothing": "Vyhlazení kamery",
"hud.settings.free_look_behavior": "Chování volného pohledu",
"hud.settings.auto_walk_behavior": "Chování Auto chůze",
"hud.settings.camera_clamp_behavior": "Chování připnuté kamery",
"hud.settings.stop_auto_walk_on_input": "Přestat Auto chodit při pohybu",
"hud.settings.reset_gameplay": "Výchozí Nastavení",
"hud.settings.view_distance": "Vykreslovací Vzdálenost",
"hud.settings.sprites_view_distance": "Vykreslovací Vzdálenost Spritů",
"hud.settings.figures_view_distance": "Vykreslovací Vzdálenost Entit",
"hud.settings.maximum_fps": "Maximum FPS",
"hud.settings.fov": "Úhel pohledu (stupně)",
"hud.settings.gamma": "Gama",
"hud.settings.exposure": "Expozice",
"hud.settings.ambiance": "Jas prostředí",
"hud.settings.antialiasing_mode": "Režim AntiAliasing",
"hud.settings.upscale_factor": "Interní Rozlišení",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode": "Vykreslování Mraků",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode": "Vykreslování Vody",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.cheap": "Levný",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.shiny": "Blíštivý",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.minimal": "Minimalní",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.low": "Nizký",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.medium": "Střední",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.high": "Vysoký",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.ultra": "Ultra",
"hud.settings.fullscreen": "Celá Obrazovka",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode": "Režim Celé obrazovky",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.exclusive": "Exkluzivní",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.borderless": "Bezokrajový",
"hud.settings.particles": "Částice",
"hud.settings.resolution": "Rozlišení",
"hud.settings.bit_depth": "Bitová Hloubka",
"hud.settings.refresh_rate": "Obnovovací Frekvence",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode": "Vykreslování Osvětlení",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.ashikhmin": "Typ A - Vysoký ",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.blinnphong": "Typ B - Střední",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.lambertian": "Typ L - Levný",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode": "Vykreslování Stínů",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.none": "Nic",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.cheap": "Levný",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map": "Mapa",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map.resolution": "Rozlišení",
"hud.settings.lod_detail": "LoD Detail",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": "Pamatovat Okno",
"hud.settings.reset_graphics": "Výchozí Nastavení",
"hud.settings.music_volume": "Hlasitost Hudby",
"hud.settings.sound_effect_volume": "Hlasitost Efektů",
"hud.settings.audio_device": "Vstupní Zařízení",
"hud.settings.reset_sound": "Výchozí Nastavení",
"hud.settings.awaitingkey": "Zmáčkni klávesu...",
"hud.settings.unbound": "Žádná",
"hud.settings.reset_keybinds": "Výchozí",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
// Map and Questlog
"hud.map.map_title": "Mapa",
"hud.map.qlog_title": "Úkoly",
"hud.map.difficulty": "Obtížnost",
"hud.map.towns": "Města",
"hud.map.castles": "Hrady",
"hud.map.dungeons": "Kobky",
"hud.map.caves": "Jeskyně",
"hud.map.cave": "Jeskyně",
"hud.map.trees": "Velké Stromy",
"hud.map.tree": "Velký Strom",
"hud.map.town": "Město",
"hud.map.castle": "Hrad",
"hud.map.dungeon": "Kobka",
"hud.map.difficulty_dungeon": "Kobka\n\nDifficulty: {difficulty}",
"hud.map.drag": "Pohybovat",
"hud.map.zoom": "Přiblížit",
"hud.map.recenter": "Recentrovat",
"hud.rank_up": "Nový Skillpoint",
"hud.skill.sp_available": "{number} SP dostupných",
"hud.skill.not_unlocked": "Není ještě odemčeno",
"hud.skill.req_sp": "\n\nVyžaduje {number} SP",
vector_map: {
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/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
vector_map: {
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/// Localization for italian
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
// General
"hud.skill.inc_health_title": "Zvýší Zdraví",
"hud.skill.inc_health": "Zvýší maximální zdraví o 5{SP}",
"hud.skill.inc_energy_title": "Zvýší Výdrž",
"hud.skill.inc_energy": "Zvýší Výdrž o 5{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_sword_title": "Odemknutí Meče",
"hud.skill.unlck_sword": "Odemkne strom dovedností pro meče{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_axe_title": "Odemknutí Sekery",
"hud.skill.unlck_axe": "Odemkne strom dovedností pro sekery{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_hammer_title": "Odemknutí Kladiva",
"hud.skill.unlck_hammer": "Odemkne strom dovedností pro kladivo{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_bow_title": "Odemknutí Luku",
"hud.skill.unlck_bow": "Odemkne strom dovedností pro luk{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_staff_title": "Odemknutí Hole",
"hud.skill.unlck_staff": "Odemkne strom dovedností pro hůl{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_sceptre_title": "Odemknutí Žezla",
"hud.skill.unlck_sceptre": "Odemkne strom dovedností pro žezlo{SP}",
"hud.skill.dodge_title": "Vyhnutí",
"hud.skill.dodge": "Vyhnese útokům zblízka{SP}",
"hud.skill.roll_energy_title": "Menší spotřeba Výdrže pro Kotrmelec",
"hud.skill.roll_energy": "Kotrmelec použije o 20% méně Výdrže{SP}",
"hud.skill.roll_speed_title": "Rychlost Kotrmelce",
"hud.skill.roll_speed": "Kotrmelec je o 20% rychlejší{SP}",
"hud.skill.roll_dur_title": "Délka Kotrmelce",
"hud.skill.roll_dur": "Kotrmelec je delší o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.climbing_title": "Lezení",
"hud.skill.climbing": "Skočíš výš",
"hud.skill.climbing_cost_title": "Lezení",
"hud.skill.climbing_cost": "Lezení spotřebuje o 20% méně Výdrže{SP}",
"hud.skill.climbing_speed_title": "Rychlost Lezení",
"hud.skill.climbing_speed": "Lezení je o 20% rychlejší{SP}",
"hud.skill.swim_title": "Plavání",
"hud.skill.swim": "Pohyb v mokrém prostředí",
"hud.skill.swim_speed_title": "Rychlost plávání",
"hud.skill.swim_speed": "Plaveš o 40% rychleji{SP}",
// Sceptre
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_title": "Paprsek Životokrádeže",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal": "Krade život z nepřátel",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_damage_title": "Poškození",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_damage": "Přídá o 20% více poškození{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_range_title": "Dosah",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_range": "Paprsek dosáhne o 25% dále{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_lifesteal_title": "Životokrádež",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_lifesteal": "Konverutuje o 30% více poškození na život{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_regen_title": "Obnova Výdrže",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_regen": "Doplní výdrž o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_title": "Paprsek Léčby",
"hud.skill.sc_heal": "Vyléčí vaše přátelé pomocí krve nepřátel",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_heal_title": "Léčba",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_heal": "Zvýší efektivnost Léčby o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_cost_title": "Spotřeba Výdrže",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_cost": "Léčení spotřebuje o 20% méně Výdrže{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_range_title": "Dosah",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_range": "Paprsek dosáhne dále o 25% {SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_unlock_title": "Ochranářská Aura",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_unlock": "Dovolí ochránit přátele před útoky{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_strength_title": "Síla",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_strength": "Síla ochrany se zvýší o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_duration_title": "Délka",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_duration": "Efekt vaší ochrany potrvá o 30% déle{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_range_title": "Rádius",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_range": "Ochrana dosáhne o 25% dále{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_cost_title": "Spotřeba Výdrže",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_cost": "Tvorba ochrany stojí o 20% méně Energie{SP}",
// Staff
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_range_title" : "Dosah Rázové vlny",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_range" : "Umožný hodit věci mimo dosah. Dosah se zvýšil o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_cost_title" : "Spotřeba Rázové vlny",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_cost" : "Snižuje spotřebu energie pro házení bezbraných vesničanů o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_knockback_title" : "Ráz Rázové vlny",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_knockback" : "Zvyšuje odhození o 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_damage_title" : "Poškození Rázové Vlny",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_damage" : "Zvyšuje poškození o 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_unlock_title" : "Shockwave Unlock",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_unlock" : "Umožnuje odhazovat objekty pomocí ohně{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_title" : "Plamenomet",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower" : "Podpaluje, jdeme péct",
"hud.skill.st_flame_velocity_title" : "Rychlost metání",
"hud.skill.st_flame_velocity" : "Zvýší rychlost ohně o 25% {SP}",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_range_title" : "Dosah Plamenometu",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_range" : "Když plameny nedosáhnou, tak je potřeba je zvětšit o 25% {SP}",
"hud.skill.st_energy_drain_title" : "Spotřeba Energie",
"hud.skill.st_energy_drain" : "Zmenší spotřebu energie o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_damage_title" : "Poškození Plamenometem",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_damage" : "Zvýší poškození o 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_explosion_radius_title" : "Rozsah Exploze",
"hud.skill.st_explosion_radius" : "Cím větší, tím lepší. Zvětší Rádius Exploze o 10%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_energy_regen_title" : "Obnova Výdrže",
"hud.skill.st_energy_regen" : "Zvýší generaci výdrže o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_fireball_title" : "Ohnivá Koule",
"hud.skill.st_fireball" : "Hrajte aport s nepřáteli",
"hud.skill.st_damage_title" : "Poškození",
"hud.skill.st_damage" : "Zvětší Poškození o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_explosion_title" : "Exploze",
"hud.skill.st_explosion" : "Když oheň nestačí{SP}",
// Bow
"hud.skill.bow_projectile_speed_title" : "Rychlost Projektilu",
"hud.skill.bow_projectile_speed" : "Zvětšuje rozsah, rychlost o 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_arrow_count_title" : "Počet Šípů",
"hud.skill.bow_arrow_count" : "Vystřelí další šíp při odskoku{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_cost_title" : "Zmenšení Spotřeby",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_cost" : "Sníží spotřebu Energie o 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_glide_title" : "Plachtění Opakovače",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_glide" : "Doplachti dál při opakování{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_damage_title" : "Poškození během opakování",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_damage" : "Zvýší poškození o 40%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_unlock_title" : "Odemčení Opakovače",
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_unlock" : "Odemkne možnost odskočit ve vzduchu a vystřelit haldu šípů{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_title" : "Silný Výstřel",
"hud.skill.bow_charged" : "Protože si počkal/a dýl",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_knockback_title" : "Nabitý Ráz",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_knockback" : "Odhoď neprátele o 25% dále{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_move_speed_title" : "Rychlost při míření",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_move_speed" : "Zvýší pohyb během natahování luku o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_speed_title" : "Nabitá rychlost ",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_speed" : "Zvýší jak rychle lze střílet o 10%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_projectile_speed_title" : "Rychlost Nabitého Projektilu",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_projectile_speed" : "Rychlost projektilu se zvětší o 20% během nabijení{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_drain_title" : "Spotřeba během Nabijení",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_drain" : "Snižuje spotřebu nabití o 15%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_damage_title" : "Nabitý Poškození",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_damage" : "Zvyšuje Poškození o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_energy_regen_title" : "Regenerace Energie",
"hud.skill.bow_energy_regen" : "Zvyšuje zisk Energie o 40%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_title" : "Výstřel Šípu",
"hud.skill.bow" : "Nekoneční toulec, nepatří do ruky dětem",
"hud.skill.bow_damage_title" : "Poškození",
"hud.skill.bow_damage" : "Zvyšuje poškození o 25%{SP}",
// Hammer
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_radius_title" : "Rádius Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_radius" : "Zvětšuje rádius boucnutí do země by 1 meter{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_distance_title" : "Vzdálenost Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_distance" : "Zvětší vzdálenost o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_cost_title" : "Spotřeba při Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_cost" : "Sníží cenu skoku o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_knockback_title" : "Odražení",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_knockback" : "Zvyšuje odražení z Vyšlehnutí o 50%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_damage_title" : "Poškození Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_damage" : "Zvyšuje poškození při Vyšlehnutí 40%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_unlock_leap_title" : "Odemknout Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.hmr_unlock_leap" : "Unlocks a leap{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_title" : "Nabitý Rozkmit",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee" : "Útok na blízko, ale silnější",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_rate_title" : "Rychlost Nabití",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_rate" : "Zvýší rychlost nabití o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_nrg_drain_title" : "Menší Spotřeba Energie",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_nrg_drain" : "Snižuje spotřebu energie během Srážky o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_damage_title" : "Poškození",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_damage" : "Zvětší poškození nabitého rozkmitu o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_knockback_title" : "Knockback",
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_knockback" : "Masivně zvětšuje knockback Rozkmitu o 50%{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_title" : "Jednoduchý Úder",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike" : "Jednoduchý jako ty",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_regen_title" : "Regenerace Výdrže",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_regen" : "Zvyšuje Výdrž při každém povedeném úderu{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_speed_title" : "Rychlost Jednoduchého Útoku",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_speed" : "Zvýší rychlost útoku pro Jednoduchý Útok při trefě{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_damage_title" : "Poškození Jednoduchého Útoku",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_damage" : "Při každém povedeném úderu zvyšuje Poškození{SP}",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_knockback_title" : "Odražení pomocí Jednoduchého Útoku",
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_knockback" : "Zvyšuje potencial odhození o 50%{SP}",
"hud.skill." : "",
// Sword
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_title": "Trojtý Úder",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str": "Udeříš až 3x",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_combo_title": "Kombo Trojtého Úderu",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_combo": "Odemkne škálování kombíček na trojtým útoku{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_dmg_title": "Poškození Trojtým Úderem",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_dmg": "Zvyšuje poškození při každém podařeném úderu{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_sp_title": "Rychlost Trojtého Úderu",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_sp": "Zvýší rychlost útoku při každém úspešném úderu{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_reg_title": "Regenerace při Trojtém Úderu",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_reg": "Regeneruje Výdrž při každém úspešném úderu{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_title": "Dash",
"hud.skill.sw_dash": "Proběhni přes nepřátele",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_dmg_title": "Poškození Dashem",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_dmg": "Zvýší poškození o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_drain_title": "Menší spotřeba při Dashy",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_drain": "Sníží průběžnou spotřebu energie o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_cost_title": "Cena Dashe ",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_cost": "Sníží celkovou spotřebu energie o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_speed_title": "Rychlost Dashe",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_speed": "Zvýší rychlost při Dashování o 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_inf_title": "Nekoneční Dash",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_inf": "Nechá tě používát Dash nekonečně dlouho, než ti dojde energie{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_scale_title": "Škálování Poškození při Dashy",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_scale": "Zvýší škálování poškození o 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_title": "Odemknout Roztočení",
"hud.skill.sw_spin": "Odemkne roztočení{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_dmg_title": "Poškození Roztočení",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_dmg": "Zvýší poškození, které udělíš o 40%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spd_title": "Rychlost Roztočení",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spd": "Zvýší rychlost roztočení o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_cost_title": "Cena Roztočení",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_cost": "Sníží cenu roztočení o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spins_title": "Počet točení při Roztočení",
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spins": "Zvýší počet otoček během roztočení{SP}",
"hud.skill.sw_interrupt_title": "Překažení Útoků",
"hud.skill.sw_interrupt": "Dokáže ihned přerušit útok dalším útokem{SP}",
// Axe
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_title": "Dvojtý Úder",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike": "Skácej své nepřátele",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_combo_title": "Kombo Dvojtého Úderu",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_combo": "Odemkne Dvojtý Útok{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_damage_title": "Poškození Dvojtého Úderu",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_damage": "Zvyšuje poškození při každém podařeném úderu{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_speed_title": "Rychlost Dvojtého Úderu",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_speed": "Zvyšuje Rychlost Útoku při každém podařeném úderu{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_regen_title": "Regenerace při Dvojtém Útoku",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_regen": "Zvyšuje regeneraci Výdrže při každém podařeném úderu{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_title": "Roztočení Sekery",
"hud.skill.axe_spin": "Točíš se správným směrem...",
"hud.skill.axe_infinite_axe_spin_title": "Nekonečné Roztočení Sekery",
"hud.skill.axe_infinite_axe_spin": "Toč Sekeru dokaď máš Energii{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_damage_title": "Poškození Roztočení",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_damage": "Zvýší poškození, které udělíš o 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_helicopter_title": "Vrtulníček",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_helicopter": "Při pádu budeš padat pomaleji při Roztočení Sekery{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_speed_title": "Rychlost Roztočení",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_speed": "Zvýší Rychlost Roztočení o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_cost_title": "Cena Roztočení",
"hud.skill.axe_spin_cost": "Sníží spotřebu výdrže o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_unlock_leap_title": "Odemknout Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.axe_unlock_leap": "Odemkne Vyšlehnutí{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_damage_title": "Poškození při Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_damage": "Zvýší poškození Vyšlehnutí o 35%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_knockback_title": "Odražení při Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_knockback": "Při Vyšlehnutí, zvýší odražení o 40%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_cost_title": "Cena Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_cost": "Sníží cenu vyšlehnutí o 25%{SP}",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_distance_title": "Dosah Vyšlehnutí",
"hud.skill.axe_leap_distance": "Zvýší dosah o 20%{SP}",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
/// Socialní
"hud.social": "Společnost",
"hud.social.online": "Aktivní",
"hud.social.friends": "Přátelé",
"hud.social.not_yet_available": "Ještě není dostupné",
"hud.social.faction": "Cech",
"hud.social.play_online_fmt": "{nb_player} je aktivní",
"hud.social.name": "Jméno",
"hud.social.level": "Úroveň",
"hud.social.zone": "Zóna",
"hud.social.account": "Účet",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
/// Obchod
"hud.trade.trade_window": "Obchod",
"hud.trade.phase1_description": "Přetáhněte položky.",
"hud.trade.phase2_description": "Obchod je nyní uzamčen, abyste měli\n čas jej zkontrolovat.",
/// Phase3 should only be visible for a few milliseconds if everything is working properly, but is included for completeness
"hud.trade.phase3_description": "Probíhá zpracování.",
"hud.trade.persons_offer": "Nabídka {playername}",
"hud.trade.has_accepted": "{playername}přijal obchod",
"hud.trade.accept": "Akceptovat",
"hud.trade.decline": "Odmítnout",
"hud.trade.invite_sent": "Žádost o obchod zaslána {playername}.",
"hud.trade.result.completed": "Obchod proběhl úspěšně.",
"hud.trade.result.declined": "Obchod odmítnut.",
"hud.trade.result.nospace": "Nedostatek místa pro dokončení.",
"hud.trade.buy_price": "Cena koupě",
"hud.trade.sell_price": "Cena prodeje",
"hud.trade.coin": "Peníze",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Polish
string_map: {
/// Start Main screen section
"main.connecting": "Připojování",
"main.creating_world": "Tvorba Světa",
// Welcome notice that appears the first time Veloren is started
"main.notice": r#"Vítejte v alfa verzi Veloren!
Než začnete, mějte na paměti, že:
- Hra je v rané verzi alfa. Očekávejte chyby, extrémně nedokončený příběh, nedostatečně rozvinuté mechaniky a chybějící funkce.
- Pokud se chcete podělit o svůj názor, máte návrhy nebo nápady nebo chcete nahlásit chybu, můžete nás kontaktovat prostřednictvím Redditu, GitLabu nebo Discordu.
- Veloren je licencován pod licencí open source GPL 3. To znamená, že máte právo hru upravovat a distribuovat, jakkoliv chcete (pokud je vaše práce licencována také pod GPL 3).
- Veloren je neziskový projekt, kde je každý pracující člověk dobrovolníkem. Pokud se vám tato hra líbí, připojte se k našemu týmu!
Děkujeme za přečtení této zprávy a doufáme, že se vám tato hra bude líbit!
~ Tvůrci Veloren"#,
// Login process description
"main.login_process": r#"Informace o procesu přihlášení:
Pokud máte problémy s přihlášením:
Nezapomeňte, že k připojení na server
se zapnutým ověřením potřebujete účet.
Účet si můžete vytvořit na webu:
"main.login.server_not_found": "Server nenalezen",
"main.login.authentication_error": "Chyba ověření",
"main.login.server_full": "Server je plný",
"main.login.untrusted_auth_server": "Ověřovací server je nedůvěryhodný",
"main.login.outdated_client_or_server": "ServerWentMad: Pravděpodobně jsou verze nekompatibilní, zkontrolujte aktualizace!",
"main.login.network_wrong_version": "Server běží na jiné verzy hry. Aktualizuj si klienta.",
"main.login.timeout": "Timeout: Server neodpověděl včas. (Přetížení nebo chyby v síti).",
"main.login.server_shut_down": "Server Uzavřen",
"main.login.network_error": "Chyba sítě.",
"main.login.failed_sending_request": "Dotaz na ověřovací server se nezdařil",
"main.login.client_crashed": "Pád klienta",
"main.servers.select_server": "Výběr serveru",
"main.server": "Server",
"main.password": "Heslo",
"main.username": "Jméno",
"main.login.invalid_character": "Vybraná postava je neplatná",
"main.login.not_on_whitelist": "Potřebuješ být ve whitelistu. Kontaktuj Admina serveru.",
"main.login.banned": "Byl/a si zabanován/á z tohoto důvodu",
"main.login.kicked": "Byl/a si vyhozen/á z tohoto důvodu",
"main.login.select_language": "Vyber si svůj Jazyk",
"main.login.insecure_auth_scheme": "Schéma ověření HTTP NENÍ podporováno. Je to nejisté! Pro účely vývoje je HTTP povolen pro „localhost“ nebo pro ladění",
"main.login.failed_auth_server_url_invalid": "Připojení k ověřovacímu serveru se nezdařilo.",
/// End Main screen section
vector_map: {
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
// SCT outputs
"hud.sct.experience": "{amount} Exp",
"hud.sct.block": "BLOCKED",
vector_map: {
@ -4,23 +4,23 @@
string_map: {
"hud.trade.trade_window": "Trade window",
"hud.trade.phase1_description": "Drag the items you want to trade\n into the corresponding area.",
"hud.trade.phase2_description": "The trade is now locked to give you\n time to review it.",
/// Phase3 should only be visible for a few milliseconds if everything is working properly, but is included for completeness
"hud.trade.phase3_description": "Trade is being processed.",
"hud.trade.persons_offer": "{playername}'s offer",
"hud.trade.has_accepted": "{playername}\nhas accepted",
"hud.trade.accept": "Accept",
"hud.trade.decline": "Decline",
"hud.trade.invite_sent": "Trade request sent to {playername}.",
"hud.trade.result.completed": "Trade completed successfully.",
"hud.trade.result.declined": "Trade declined.",
"hud.trade.result.nospace": "Not enough space to complete the trade.",
"hud.trade.buy_price": "Buy price",
"hud.trade.sell_price": "Sell Price",
"hud.trade.coin": "coin(s)",
"hud.trade.tooltip_hint_1": "<Shift-Click to Add/Remove from trade.>",
"hud.trade.tooltip_hint_2": "<Ctrl-Click to Auto-Balance with this.>",
"hud.trade.phase1_description": "Drag the items you want to trade\n into the corresponding area.",
"hud.trade.phase2_description": "The trade is now locked to give you\n time to review it.",
/// Phase3 should only be visible for a few milliseconds if everything is working properly, but is included for completeness
"hud.trade.phase3_description": "Trade is being processed.",
"hud.trade.persons_offer": "{playername}'s offer",
"hud.trade.has_accepted": "{playername}\nhas accepted",
"hud.trade.accept": "Accept",
"hud.trade.decline": "Decline",
"hud.trade.invite_sent": "Trade request sent to {playername}.",
"hud.trade.result.completed": "Trade completed successfully.",
"hud.trade.result.declined": "Trade declined.",
"hud.trade.result.nospace": "Not enough space to complete the trade.",
"hud.trade.buy_price": "Buy price",
"hud.trade.sell_price": "Sell Price",
"hud.trade.coin": "coin(s)",
"hud.trade.tooltip_hint_1": "<Shift-Click to Add/Remove from trade.>",
"hud.trade.tooltip_hint_2": "<Ctrl-Click to Auto-Balance with this.>",
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Spanish (Spain)
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
/// Translation document instructions
/// In order to keep localization documents readible please follow the following
/// rules:
/// - separate the string map sections using a commentary describing the purpose
/// of the next section
/// - prepend multi-line strings with a commentary
/// - append one blank lines after a multi-line strings and two after sections
/// To add a new language in Veloren, just write an additional `.ron` file in
/// `assets/voxygen/i18n` and that's it!
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "latinoamericano" Latin-American
metadata: (
language_name: "Español Latino",
language_identifier: "es_LA",
convert_utf8_to_ascii: false,
fonts: {
"opensans": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.OpenSans-Regular",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"metamorph": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.Metamorphous-Regular",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"alkhemi": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.Alkhemikal",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"wizard": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.wizard",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"cyri": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.haxrcorp_4089_cyrillic_altgr_extended",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
string_map: {
vector_map: {
"loading.tips": [
"Presiona 'G' para encender tu linterna.",
"Presiona 'F1' para ver los controles predeterminados.",
"Puedes escribir /say o /s para chatear solo con jugadores alrededor tuyo.",
"Puedes escribr /region o /r para chatear solo con jugadores que están a unos cien bloques alrededor tuyo.",
"Para enviar mensajes privados escribe /tell seguido de el nombre de un jugador y luego tu mensaje.",
"NPCs con el mismo nivel pueden tener una dificultad diferente.",
"Observa el terreno en búsqueda de comida, cofres y botines!",
"¿Inventario lleno de comida? Intenta craftear mejor comida con ella!",
"¿Te preguntas dónde debes hacerlo? Los Dungeons están marcados con puntos marrones en el mapa!",
"No te olvides de ajustar los gráficos de tu pc. Presiona 'N' para abrir la configuración.",
"Jugar con otros es divertido! Presiona 'O' para ver quien esta conectado.",
"Un NPC con un craneo debajo de su barra de vida es bastante más poderoso comparado contigo.",
"Presiona 'J' para bailar. Fiesta!",
"Presiona 'Shift-Izquierdo' para abrir tu planeador y conquistar los cielos.",
"Veloren está aún en Alfa temprana. Hacemos lo mejor para mejorar día a día!",
"Si te quieres unir al equipo de desarrolladores o solo chatear con nosotros, únete a nuestro servidor en Discord.",
"Puedes elegir mostrar tu cantidad de vida en la barra de vida en la configuración.",
"Para ver tus estadísticas, haz click en el botón 'Estadísticas' en el inventario.",
"npc.speech.villager_under_attack": [
"Ayuda, ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡Auch! ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡Auch! ¡Me están atacando! ¡Ayuda!",
"¡Ayudenme! ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡Me están atacando! ¡Ayuda!",
"¡Me están atacando! ¡Ayudenme!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Ayuda!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Ayuda! ¡Ayuda!",
"¡Me están atacando!",
"¡AAAHH! ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡AAAHH! ¡Me están atacando! ¡Ayuda!",
"Ayuda! Nos están atacando!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Asesino!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Hay un asesino suelto!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡están intentando matarme!",
"Guardias, ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡Guardias! ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡Me están atacando! ¡Guardias!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Guardias! ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡Guardias! ¡Vengan rapido!",
"¡Guardias, Guardias!",
"¡Guardias! ¡Me esta atacando un villano!",
"¡Guardias, eliminen a este desagradable villano!",
"¡Guardias! ¡Ahi esta el asesino!",
"¡Guardias! ¡Ayúdenme!",
"No te saldrás con la tuya, ¡Guardias!",
"¡Eres despreciable!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Porfavor!",
"¡Auch! ¡Guardias! ¡Ayuda!",
"¡Vienen por mi!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Ayuda! Estoy siendo atacado",
"Ah, se nota que la violencia es parte del sistema.",
"¡Esto no es más que un rasguño!",
"Deja de hacer eso!",
"¿Qué te hice para merecer esto?",
"Por favor, para de atacarme!",
"Hey! Mira hacia adonde apuntas con esa cosa",
"Desgraciado, vete de aqui!",
"Para ya! Vete!",
"Me estas haciendo enojar!",
"Hey!¿Quién te piensas que eres?",
"Te arrancaré la cabeza por eso!",
"Detente, por favor! No llevo nada de valor!",
"Te voy a mandar a mi hermano, el es más grande que yo!",
"Nooo, le contaré a mi madre!",
"Maldito seas!",
"Por favor no lo hagas.",
"Eso no fue agradable!",
"Tu arma funciona, ahora aléjala!",
"Si claro...",
"Por favor, tengo familia!",
"Soy demasiado jóven para morir!",
"¿Podemos hablar sobre esto?",
"La violencia no resuelve nada!",
"Este día se esta convirtiendo en uno muy feo...",
"Hey, eso dolió!",
"Qué violento!",
"Detente, te lo suplico!",
"Ojala te enfermes!",
"Esto no es divertido.",
"¡¿Cómo te atreves?!",
"Vas a pagar por eso!",
"Sigue con eso y lo lamentarás!",
"No hagas que te lastime!",
"Tiene que ser un malentendido!",
"No necesitas hacer esto!",
"Vete, demonio!",
"Eso realmente dolió!",
"¿Por qué harias eso?",
"Por todos los Santos, para!",
"Me habrás confudido con alguien más!",
"No me merezco esto!",
"Por favor, no lo hagas de nuevo",
"Guardias, tiren este monstruo al lago",
"Invocaré mis demonios en ti!",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
"buff.remove": "Click para quitar",
"buff.title.missing": "Sin Título",
"buff.desc.missing": "Sin Descripción",
// Buffs
"buff.title.heal": "Curación",
"buff.desc.heal": "Recupera vida durante un tiempo.",
"buff.title.potion": "Poción",
"buff.desc.potion": "Bebiendo...",
"buff.title.saturation": "Saturación",
"buff.desc.saturation": "Recupera vida durante un tiempo por objetos.",
"buff.title.campfire_heal": "Curación de fogata",
"buff.desc.campfire_heal": "Descansar en una fogata recupera {rate}% por segundo.",
// Debuffs
"buff.title.bleed": "Sangrando",
"buff.desc.bleed": "Inflinge daño regularmente.",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
"char_selection.loading_characters": "Cargando personajes...",
"char_selection.delete_permanently": "¿Borrar este Personaje permanentemente?",
"char_selection.deleting_character": "Borrando Personaje...",
"char_selection.change_server": "Cambiar Servidor",
"char_selection.enter_world": "Entrar al Mundo",
"char_selection.logout": "Cerrar Sesión",
"char_selection.create_new_character": "Crear Nuevo Personaje",
"char_selection.creating_character": "Creando Personaje...",
"char_selection.character_creation": "Creación de Personaje",
"char_selection.human_default": "Humano por defecto",
"char_selection.level_fmt": "Nivel {level_nb}",
"char_selection.uncanny_valley": "Valle Misterioso",
"char_selection.plains_of_uncertainty": "Planicies de la Incertidumbre",
"char_selection.beard": "Barba",
"char_selection.hair_style": "Peinado",
"char_selection.hair_color": "Color de Pelo",
"char_selection.eye_color": "Color de Ojos",
"char_selection.skin": "Color de Piel",
"char_selection.eyeshape": "Detalles de los Ojos",
"char_selection.accessories": "Accesorios",
"char_selection.create_info_name": "Tu Personaje necesita un nombre!",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
// Texts used in multiple locations with the same formatting
"common.username": "Usuario",
"common.singleplayer": "Un Jugador",
"common.multiplayer": "Multijugador",
"common.servers": "Servidores",
"common.quit": "Salir",
"common.settings": "Configuración",
"common.languages": "Idiomas", //this one is repeated in en.ron (53 and 59)
"common.interface": "Interfaz",
"common.gameplay": "Jugabilidad",
"common.controls": "Controles",
"common.video": "Gráficos",
"common.sound": "Sonido",
"common.resume": "Continuar",
"common.characters": "Personajes",
"common.close": "Cerrar",
"common.yes": "Sí",
"common.no": "No",
"common.back": "Volver",
"common.create": "Crear",
"common.okay": "Ok",
"common.add": "Agregar",
"common.accept": "Aceptar",
"common.decline": "Rechazar",
"common.disclaimer": "Cuidado",
"common.cancel": "Cancelar",
"common.none": "Ninguno",
"common.error": "Error",
"common.fatal_error": "Error Fatal",
"common.you": "Tú",
"common.automatic": "Automático",
"common.random": "Aleatorio",
// Settings Window title
"common.interface_settings": "Ajustes de Interfaz",
"common.gameplay_settings": "Ajustes de Jugabilidad",
"common.controls_settings": "Ajustes de Controles",
"common.video_settings": "Ajustes de Graficos",
"common.sound_settings": "Ajustes de Sonido",
"common.language_settings": "Ajustes de Idiomas",
// Message when connection to the server is lost
"common.connection_lost": r#"Conexión perdida!
Se reinició el servidor?
El cliente está actualizado?"#,
"common.species.orc": "Orco",
"common.species.human": "Humano",
"common.species.dwarf": "Enano",
"common.species.elf": "Elfo",
"common.species.undead": "No-Muerto",
"common.species.danari": "Danari",
"common.weapons.axe": "Hacha",
"common.weapons.sword": "Espada",
"common.weapons.staff": "Vara Mágica",
"common.weapons.bow": "Arco",
"common.weapons.hammer": "Martillo",
"common.weapons.sceptre": "Cetro curativo",
"common.rand_appearance": "Nombre y Apariencia Aleatoria",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
"esc_menu.logout": "Cerrar Sesión",
"esc_menu.quit_game": "Salir del Juego",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
"gameinput.primary": "Ataque Básico",
"gameinput.secondary": "Ataque Secundario/Bloquear/Apuntar",
"gameinput.slot1": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 1",
"gameinput.slot2": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 2",
"gameinput.slot3": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 3",
"gameinput.slot4": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 4",
"gameinput.slot5": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 5",
"gameinput.slot6": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 6",
"gameinput.slot7": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 7",
"gameinput.slot8": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 8",
"gameinput.slot9": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 9",
"gameinput.slot10": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 10",
"gameinput.swaploadout": "Cambiar Equipamiento",
"gameinput.togglecursor": "Mostrar Cursor",
"gameinput.help": "Mostrar Ventana de Ayuda",
"gameinput.toggleinterface": "Mostrar Interfaz",
"gameinput.toggledebug": "Mostrar FPS y la Info de Depuración",
"gameinput.screenshot": "Tomar Captura de Pantalla",
"gameinput.toggleingameui": "Mostrar Nombres",
"gameinput.fullscreen": "Pantalla Completa",
"gameinput.moveforward": "Moverse hacia Adelante",
"gameinput.moveleft": "Moverse hacia la Izquierda",
"gameinput.moveright": "Moverse hacia la Derecha",
"gameinput.moveback": "Moverse hacia Atras",
"gameinput.jump": "Saltar",
"gameinput.glide": "Planeador",
"gameinput.roll": "Rodar",
"gameinput.climb": "Trepar",
"gameinput.climbdown": "Descender",
"gameinput.wallleap": "Saltar a la Pared",
"gameinput.togglelantern": "Encender Farol",
"gameinput.mount": "Montar",
"gameinput.chat": "Abrir Chat",
"gameinput.enter": "Entrar",
"gameinput.command": "Insertar Comandos",
"gameinput.escape": "Escapar",
"gameinput.map": "Mapa",
"gameinput.bag": "Mochila",
"gameinput.social": "Lista de jugadores",
"gameinput.sit": "Sentarse",
"gameinput.spellbook": "Hechizos",
"gameinput.settings": "Configuración",
"gameinput.respawn": "Reaparecer",
"gameinput.charge": "Cargar",
"gameinput.togglewield": "Alternar empuñadura",
"gameinput.interact": "Interactuar",
"gameinput.freelook": "Vista Libre",
"gameinput.autowalk": "Caminata Automática",
"gameinput.dance": "Bailar",
"gameinput.select": "Seleccione la Entidad",
"gameinput.acceptgroupinvite": "Aceptar invitación al grupo",
"gameinput.declinegroupinvite": "Rechazar invitación al grupo",
"gameinput.crafting": "Craftear",
"gameinput.fly": "Volar",
"gameinput.sneak": "Agacharse",
"gameinput.swimdown": "Sumergirse",
"gameinput.swimup": "Nadar hacia arriba",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
"hud.bag.inventory": "Inventario de {playername}",
"hud.bag.stats_title": "Estadísticas de {playername}",
"hud.bag.exp": "Exp",
"hud.bag.armor": "Armadura",
"hud.bag.stats": "Estadísticas",
"hud.bag.head": "Cabeza",
"hud.bag.neck": "Cuello",
"hud.bag.tabard": "Tabardo",
"hud.bag.shoulders": "Hombros",
"hud.bag.chest": "Torso",
"hud.bag.hands": "Manos",
"hud.bag.lantern": "Linterna",
"hud.bag.glider": "Planeador",
"hud.bag.belt": "Cinturón",
"hud.bag.ring": "Anillo",
"hud.bag.back": "Espalda",
"hud.bag.legs": "Piernas",
"hud.bag.feet": "Pies",
"hud.bag.mainhand": "Mano Principal",
"hud.bag.offhand": "Mano Secundaria",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
/// Start character window section
"character_window.character_name": "Nombre de Personaje",
// Character stats
"character_window.character_stats": r#"Resistencia
Estado Físico
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
"hud.chat.online_msg": "[{name}] se ha conectado.",
"hud.chat.offline_msg": "[{name}] se ha desconectado.",
"hud.chat.default_death_msg": "[{name}] murió",
"hud.chat.environmental_kill_msg": "[{name}] murió en {environment}",
"hud.chat.fall_kill_msg": "[{name}] murió por daño de caída",
"hud.chat.suicide_msg": "[{name}] murió por heridas autoinfligidas",
"hud.chat.pvp_melee_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] derrotó a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_ranged_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] le disparó a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_explosion_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] hizo explotar a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_energy_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] usó magia para matar a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_buff_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] mató a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_melee_kill_msg": "{attacker} mató a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_ranged_kill_msg": "{attacker} le disparó a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_explosion_kill_msg": "{attacker} hizo explotar a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_energy_kill_msg": "{attacker} usó magia para matar a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_other_kill_msg": "{attacker} mató a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.loot_msg": "Recogiste [{item}]",
"hud.chat.loot_fail": "Tu inventario está lleno!",
"hud.chat.goodbye": "Adiós!",
"hud.chat.connection_lost": "Conexión perdida. Expulsando en {time} segundos.",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
"hud.crafting": "Crafteo",
"hud.crafting.recipes": "Recetas",
"hud.crafting.ingredients": "Ingredientes:",
"hud.crafting.craft": "Fabricar",
"hud.crafting.tool_cata": "Requisitos:",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
"hud.group": "Grupo",
"hud.group.invite_to_join": "[{name}] Te invito a su Grupo!",
"hud.group.invite": "Invitar",
"hud.group.kick": "Echar",
"hud.group.assign_leader": "Asignar Lider",
"hud.group.leave": "Salir del Grupo",
"hud.group.dead" : "Muerto",
"hud.group.out_of_range": "Fuera de Alcance",
"hud.group.add_friend": "Agregar a Amigos",
"hud.group.link_group": "Conectar Grupos",
"hud.group.in_menu": "Eligiendo Personaje",
"hud.group.members": "Miembros del Grupo",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
"hud.settings.general": "General",
"hud.settings.none": "Ninguno",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.toggle": "Alternar",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.hold": "Mantener",
"hud.settings.help_window": "Ventana de Ayuda",
"hud.settings.debug_info": "Info de Depuración",
"hud.settings.tips_on_startup": "Consejos de Inicio",
"hud.settings.ui_scale": "Escala de la Interfaz",
"hud.settings.relative_scaling": "Escalado Relativo",
"hud.settings.custom_scaling": "Escalado Personalizado",
"hud.settings.crosshair": "Mira",
"hud.settings.transparency": "Transparencia",
"hud.settings.hotbar": "Inventario Rápido",
"hud.settings.toggle_shortcuts": "Alternar Atajos",
"hud.settings.buffs_skillbar": "Buffs en la barra de habilidades.",
"hud.settings.buffs_mmap": "Buffs en el Minimapa",
"hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "Alternar Barra de Experiencia",
"hud.settings.scrolling_combat_text": "Texto de Combate con Desplazamiento",
"hud.settings.single_damage_number": "Números de Daño Singular",
"hud.settings.cumulated_damage": "Daño Acumulado",
"hud.settings.incoming_damage": "Daño Recibido",
"hud.settings.cumulated_incoming_damage": "Daño Recibido Acumulado",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble": "Burbuja de Diálogo",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_dark_mode": "Burbuja de Diálogo en Modo Oscuro",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_icon": "Burbuja de Diálogo en Modo Oscuro",
"hud.settings.energybar_numbers": "Números de la Barra de Energia",
"hud.settings.values": "Valores",
"hud.settings.percentages": "Porcentajes",
"hud.settings.chat": "Chat",
"hud.settings.background_transparency": "Transparencia del Fondo",
"hud.settings.chat_character_name": "Nombres de Personajes en el chat",
"hud.settings.loading_tips": "Consejos en Pantalla de Carga",
"hud.settings.pan_sensitivity": "Sensibilidad de Desplazamiento de la Cámara",
"hud.settings.zoom_sensitivity": "Sensibilidad del Zoom",
"hud.settings.invert_scroll_zoom": "Invertir Desplazamiento de Zoom",
"hud.settings.invert_mouse_y_axis": "Invertir eje Y del Ratón",
"hud.settings.enable_mouse_smoothing": "Suavizado de la Cámara",
"hud.settings.free_look_behavior": "Modo de vista libre",
"hud.settings.auto_walk_behavior": "Modo de caminata automática",
"hud.settings.stop_auto_walk_on_input": "Frenar caminata automática",
"hud.settings.view_distance": "Distancia de Visión",
"hud.settings.sprites_view_distance": "Distancia de Visión de Sprites",
"hud.settings.figures_view_distance": "Distancia de Visión de Entidades",
"hud.settings.maximum_fps": "FPS Máximos",
"hud.settings.fov": "Campo de Visión (grados)",
"hud.settings.gamma": "Gama",
"hud.settings.exposure": "Exposición",
"hud.settings.ambiance": "Brillo del Ambiente",
"hud.settings.antialiasing_mode": "Modo Anti-Aliasing",
"hud.settings.upscale_factor": "Factor de Escala",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode": "Modo de Renderizado de Nubes",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode": "Modo de Renderizado del Agua",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.cheap": "Bajo",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.shiny": "Alto",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.minimal": "Mínimo",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.low": "Bajo",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.medium": "Medio",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.high": "Alto",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.ultra": "Ultra",
"hud.settings.fullscreen": "Pantalla Completa",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode": "Modo de Pantalla Completa",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.exclusive": "Completo",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.borderless": "Con Bordes",
"hud.settings.particles": "Particulas",
"hud.settings.resolution": "Resolución",
"hud.settings.bit_depth": "Profundidad de Bits",
"hud.settings.refresh_rate": "Taza de Refresco",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": " Guardar tamaño de ventana",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode": "Renderizado de la luz de la Linterna",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.ashikhmin": "Tipo A - Alto",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.blinnphong": "Tipo B - Medio",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.lambertian": "Tipo L - Bajo",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode": "Renderizado de Sombras",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.none": "Ninguno",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.cheap": "Bajo",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map": "Alto",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map.resolution": "Resolución",
"hud.settings.lod_detail": "Detalle de LoD",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": "Recordar tamaño de ventana", //It's repeated in en.ron (359 and 370)
"hud.settings.music_volume": "Volumen de Música",
"hud.settings.sound_effect_volume": "Volumen de Efectos de Sonido",
"hud.settings.audio_device": "Dispositivo de Audio",
"hud.settings.awaitingkey": "Presiona una tecla...",
"hud.settings.unbound": "Ninguno",
"hud.settings.reset_keybinds": "Reestablecer Controles",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
"hud.map.map_title": "Mapa",
"hud.map.qlog_title": "Misiones",
"hud.map.difficulty": "Dificultad",
"hud.map.towns": "Pueblos",
"hud.map.castles": "Castillos",
"hud.map.dungeons": "Calabozos",
"hud.map.caves": "Cuevas",
"hud.map.cave": "Cueva",
"hud.map.town": "Pueblo",
"hud.map.castle": "Castillo",
"hud.map.dungeon": "Calabozo",
"hud.map.difficulty_dungeon": "Dificultad de\n\nCalabozo: {difficulty}",
"hud.map.drag": "Arrastrar",
"hud.map.zoom": "Zoom",
"hud.map.recenter": "Centrar",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
"hud.do_not_show_on_startup": "No muestres esto al iniciar",
"hud.show_tips": "Mostrar Consejos",
"hud.quests": "Misiones",
"hud.you_died": "Moriste",
"hud.waypoint_saved": "Marcador Guardado",
"hud.press_key_to_show_keybindings_fmt": "Presiona {key} para mostrar los controles del teclado",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_lantern_fmt": "[{key}] Linterna",
"hud.press_key_to_show_debug_info_fmt": "Presiona {key} para mostrar información de depuración",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_keybindings_fmt": "Presiona {key} para alternar los controles del teclado",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_debug_info_fmt": "Presiona {key} para alternar la información de depuración",
// Respawn message
"hud.press_key_to_respawn": r#"Presiona {key} para reaparecer en la ultima fogata que visitaste."#,
// Welcome message
"hud.welcome": r#"Bienvenido a la alfa de Veloren!
Algunos consejos antes de que empieces:
Presiona F1 para ver los controles del teclado disponibles.
Escribe /help en el chat para ver los comandos del chat
Hay cofres y otros objetos que aparecen al azar en el Mundo!
Presiona E para recogerlos.
Para usar lo que consigas de los cofres abre tu inventario con 'B'.
Doble click en los objetos en tu bolsa para usarlos o equiparlos.
Deshazte de ellos haciendo click en ellos y luego arrastralos fuera de la bolsa.
Las noches pueden volverse bastante oscuras en Veloren.
Enciende tu Linterna escribiendo /lantern en el chat o presionando la G.
Quieres liberar tu cursor para cerrar esta ventana? Presiona TAB!
Disfruta tu estadía en el Mundo de Veloren."#,
"hud.temp_quest_headline": r#"Por favor, ayúdanos Viajero!"#,
"hud.temp_quest_text": r#"Calabozos llenos de cultistas malvados
han emergido alrededor de nuestros pacíficos pueblos!
Consigue alguien que te acompañe, re-abastecete con comida
y derrota sus viles lideres y acólitos.
Tal vez incluso obtengas uno de sus
objetos infundidos con magia?"#,
"hud.spell": "Hechizos",
"hud.free_look_indicator": "Vista libre activa",
"hud.auto_walk_indicator": "Caminata automática activa",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
// SCT outputs
"hud.sct.experience": "{amount} Exp",
"hud.sct.block": "BLOQUEADO",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
"hud.social": "Lista de jugadores",
"hud.social.online": "En Línea",
"hud.social.friends": "Amigos",
"hud.social.not_yet_available": "Aún no esta disponible",
"hud.social.faction": "Facción",
"hud.social.play_online_fmt": "{nb_player} jugador(es) en línea",
"hud.social.name": "Nombre",
"hud.social.level": "Nivel",
"hud.social.zone": "Zona",
"hud.social.account": "Cuenta",
vector_map: {
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" Swedish
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Latin-American
string_map: {
"main.username": "Usuario",
"main.server": "Servidor",
"main.password": "Contraseña",
"main.connecting": "Conectando",
"main.creating_world": "Creando Mundo",
"main.tip": "Consejo:",
// Welcome notice that appears the first time Veloren is started
"main.notice": r#"Bienvenido a la version alfa de Veloren!
Antes de que te diviertas, por favor ten en cuenta lo siguiente:
- Esta es una alfa muy temprana, espera fallos, jugabilidad extremadamente incompleta, mecánicas sin pulir y características faltantes.
- Si tienes críticas constructivas o reportes de fallos, puedes contactarnos por reddit, GitLab, o por el server de Discord de nuestra comunidad.
- Veloren esta licenciado bajo la licencia GPL 3 open-source (código abierto). Eso significa que tienes la libertad de jugar, modificar, y redistribuir el Juego como
desees (siempre y cuando dicho trabajo también este licenciado como GPL 3).
- Veloren es un proyecto en comunidad sin ánimo de lucro, y todos los que trabajan en el son voluntarios.
Si te gusta lo que ves, eres bienvenido a unirte a los equipos de desarrollo o de arte!
Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer este mensaje, esperamos que disfrutes el juego!
~ Los Desarrolladores de Veloren"#,
// Login process description
"main.login_process": r#"Información sobre el proceso para Iniciar Sesión:
Por favor ten en cuenta que ahora necesitas una cuenta
para jugar en servidores con autenticación activada.
Puedes crearte una cuenta en
"main.login.server_not_found": "No se encontró el servidor",
"main.login.authentication_error": "Error de autenticación en el servidor",
"main.login.server_full": "El servidor está lleno",
"main.login.untrusted_auth_server": "El servidor de autenticación no es confiable",
"main.login.outdated_client_or_server": "ServidorEnloquecido: Probablemente las versiones son incompatibles, intenta actualizar tu cliente.",
"main.login.timeout": "Tiempo de espera agotado: El servidor no respondio a tiempo. (Puede estar sobrecargado o tener problemas de red).",
"main.login.server_shut_down": "El servidor se apagó",
"main.login.network_error": "Error de red",
"main.login.failed_sending_request": "El pedido al servidor de autenticacion fallo",
"main.login.invalid_character": "El personaje seleccionado no es válido",
"main.login.client_crashed": "El cliente crasheó",
"main.login.not_on_whitelist": "No estás en la lista. Contacta al Dueño del Servidor si quieres unirte.",
"main.login.banned": "Usted ha sido baneado por la siguiente razón",
"main.login.kicked": "Te han echado por la siguiente razón",
"main.login.select_language": "Elige un idioma",
"main.servers.select_server": "Elige un servidor",
vector_map: {
@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
/// Translation document instructions
/// In order to keep localization documents readible please follow the following
/// rules:
/// - separate the string map sections using a commentary describing the purpose
/// of the next section
/// - prepend multi-line strings with a commentary
/// - append one blank lines after a multi-line strings and two after sections
/// To add a new language in Veloren, just write an additional `.ron` file in
/// `assets/voxygen/i18n` and that's it!
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "latinoamericano" Latin-American
metadata: (
language_name: "Español Latino",
language_identifier: "es_la",
convert_utf8_to_ascii: false,
fonts: {
"opensans": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.OpenSans-Regular",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"metamorph": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.Metamorphous-Regular",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"alkhemi": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.Alkhemikal",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"wizard": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.wizard",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"cyri": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.haxrcorp_4089_cyrillic_altgr_extended",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
string_map: {
/// Start Common section
// Texts used in multiple locations with the same formatting
"common.username": "Usuario",
"common.singleplayer": "Un Jugador",
"common.multiplayer": "Multijugador",
"common.servers": "Servidores",
"common.quit": "Salir",
"common.settings": "Configuración",
"common.languages": "Idiomas", //this one is repeated in en.ron (53 and 59)
"common.interface": "Interfaz",
"common.gameplay": "Jugabilidad",
"common.controls": "Controles",
"common.video": "Gráficos",
"common.sound": "Sonido",
"common.resume": "Continuar",
"common.characters": "Personajes",
"common.close": "Cerrar",
"common.yes": "Sí",
"common.no": "No",
"common.back": "Volver",
"common.create": "Crear",
"common.okay": "Ok",
"common.add": "Agregar",
"common.accept": "Aceptar",
"common.decline": "Rechazar",
"common.disclaimer": "Cuidado",
"common.cancel": "Cancelar",
"common.none": "Ninguno",
"common.error": "Error",
"common.fatal_error": "Error Fatal",
"common.you": "Tú",
"common.automatic": "Automático",
"common.random": "Aleatorio",
// Settings Window title
"common.interface_settings": "Ajustes de Interfaz",
"common.gameplay_settings": "Ajustes de Jugabilidad",
"common.controls_settings": "Ajustes de Controles",
"common.video_settings": "Ajustes de Graficos",
"common.sound_settings": "Ajustes de Sonido",
"common.language_settings": "Ajustes de Idiomas",
// Message when connection to the server is lost
"common.connection_lost": r#"Conexión perdida!
Se reinició el servidor?
El cliente está actualizado?"#,
"common.species.orc": "Orco",
"common.species.human": "Humano",
"common.species.dwarf": "Enano",
"common.species.elf": "Elfo",
"common.species.undead": "No-Muerto",
"common.species.danari": "Danari",
"common.weapons.axe": "Hacha",
"common.weapons.sword": "Espada",
"common.weapons.staff": "Vara Mágica",
"common.weapons.bow": "Arco",
"common.weapons.hammer": "Martillo",
"common.weapons.sceptre": "Cetro curativo",
"common.rand_appearance": "Nombre y Apariencia Aleatoria",
/// End Common section
/// Start Main screen section
"main.username": "Usuario",
"main.server": "Servidor",
"main.password": "Contraseña",
"main.connecting": "Conectando",
"main.creating_world": "Creando Mundo",
"main.tip": "Consejo:",
// Welcome notice that appears the first time Veloren is started
"main.notice": r#"Bienvenido a la version alfa de Veloren!
Antes de que te diviertas, por favor ten en cuenta lo siguiente:
- Esta es una alfa muy temprana, espera fallos, jugabilidad extremadamente incompleta, mecánicas sin pulir y características faltantes.
- Si tienes críticas constructivas o reportes de fallos, puedes contactarnos por reddit, GitLab, o por el server de Discord de nuestra comunidad.
- Veloren esta licenciado bajo la licencia GPL 3 open-source (código abierto). Eso significa que tienes la libertad de jugar, modificar, y redistribuir el Juego como
desees (siempre y cuando dicho trabajo también este licenciado como GPL 3).
- Veloren es un proyecto en comunidad sin ánimo de lucro, y todos los que trabajan en el son voluntarios.
Si te gusta lo que ves, eres bienvenido a unirte a los equipos de desarrollo o de arte!
Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer este mensaje, esperamos que disfrutes el juego!
~ Los Desarrolladores de Veloren"#,
// Login process description
"main.login_process": r#"Información sobre el proceso para Iniciar Sesión:
Por favor ten en cuenta que ahora necesitas una cuenta
para jugar en servidores con autenticación activada.
Puedes crearte una cuenta en
"main.login.server_not_found": "No se encontró el servidor",
"main.login.authentication_error": "Error de autenticación en el servidor",
"main.login.server_full": "El servidor está lleno",
"main.login.untrusted_auth_server": "El servidor de autenticación no es confiable",
"main.login.outdated_client_or_server": "ServidorEnloquecido: Probablemente las versiones son incompatibles, intenta actualizar tu cliente.",
"main.login.timeout": "Tiempo de espera agotado: El servidor no respondio a tiempo. (Puede estar sobrecargado o tener problemas de red).",
"main.login.server_shut_down": "El servidor se apagó",
"main.login.network_error": "Error de red",
"main.login.failed_sending_request": "El pedido al servidor de autenticacion fallo",
"main.login.invalid_character": "El personaje seleccionado no es válido",
"main.login.client_crashed": "El cliente crasheó",
"main.login.not_on_whitelist": "No estás en la lista. Contacta al Dueño del Servidor si quieres unirte.",
"main.login.banned": "Usted ha sido baneado por la siguiente razón",
"main.login.kicked": "Te han echado por la siguiente razón",
"main.login.select_language": "Elige un idioma",
"main.servers.select_server": "Elige un servidor",
/// End Main screen section
/// Start HUD Section
"hud.do_not_show_on_startup": "No muestres esto al iniciar",
"hud.show_tips": "Mostrar Consejos",
"hud.quests": "Misiones",
"hud.you_died": "Moriste",
"hud.waypoint_saved": "Marcador Guardado",
"hud.press_key_to_show_keybindings_fmt": "Presiona {key} para mostrar los controles del teclado",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_lantern_fmt": "[{key}] Linterna",
"hud.press_key_to_show_debug_info_fmt": "Presiona {key} para mostrar información de depuración",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_keybindings_fmt": "Presiona {key} para alternar los controles del teclado",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_debug_info_fmt": "Presiona {key} para alternar la información de depuración",
// Chat outputs
"hud.chat.online_msg": "[{name}] se ha conectado.",
"hud.chat.offline_msg": "[{name}] se ha desconectado.",
"hud.chat.default_death_msg": "[{name}] murió",
"hud.chat.environmental_kill_msg": "[{name}] murió en {environment}",
"hud.chat.fall_kill_msg": "[{name}] murió por daño de caída",
"hud.chat.suicide_msg": "[{name}] murió por heridas autoinfligidas",
"hud.chat.pvp_melee_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] derrotó a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_ranged_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] le disparó a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_explosion_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] hizo explotar a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_energy_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] usó magia para matar a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_buff_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] mató a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_melee_kill_msg": "{attacker} mató a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_ranged_kill_msg": "{attacker} le disparó a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_explosion_kill_msg": "{attacker} hizo explotar a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_energy_kill_msg": "{attacker} usó magia para matar a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_other_kill_msg": "{attacker} mató a [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.loot_msg": "Recogiste [{item}]",
"hud.chat.loot_fail": "Tu inventario está lleno!",
"hud.chat.goodbye": "Adiós!",
"hud.chat.connection_lost": "Conexión perdida. Expulsando en {time} segundos.",
// SCT outputs
"hud.sct.experience": "{amount} Exp",
"hud.sct.block": "BLOQUEADO",
// Respawn message
"hud.press_key_to_respawn": r#"Presiona {key} para reaparecer en la ultima fogata que visitaste."#,
// Welcome message
"hud.welcome": r#"Bienvenido a la alfa de Veloren!
Algunos consejos antes de que empieces:
Presiona F1 para ver los controles del teclado disponibles.
Escribe /help en el chat para ver los comandos del chat
Hay cofres y otros objetos que aparecen al azar en el Mundo!
Presiona E para recogerlos.
Para usar lo que consigas de los cofres abre tu inventario con 'B'.
Doble click en los objetos en tu bolsa para usarlos o equiparlos.
Deshazte de ellos haciendo click en ellos y luego arrastralos fuera de la bolsa.
Las noches pueden volverse bastante oscuras en Veloren.
Enciende tu Linterna escribiendo /lantern en el chat o presionando la G.
Quieres liberar tu cursor para cerrar esta ventana? Presiona TAB!
Disfruta tu estadía en el Mundo de Veloren."#,
"hud.temp_quest_headline": r#"Por favor, ayúdanos Viajero!"#,
"hud.temp_quest_text": r#"Calabozos llenos de cultistas malvados
han emergido alrededor de nuestros pacíficos pueblos!
Consigue alguien que te acompañe, re-abastecete con comida
y derrota sus viles lideres y acólitos.
Tal vez incluso obtengas uno de sus
objetos infundidos con magia?"#,
// Inventory
"hud.bag.inventory": "Inventario de {playername}",
"hud.bag.stats_title": "Estadísticas de {playername}",
"hud.bag.exp": "Exp",
"hud.bag.armor": "Armadura",
"hud.bag.stats": "Estadísticas",
"hud.bag.head": "Cabeza",
"hud.bag.neck": "Cuello",
"hud.bag.tabard": "Tabardo",
"hud.bag.shoulders": "Hombros",
"hud.bag.chest": "Torso",
"hud.bag.hands": "Manos",
"hud.bag.lantern": "Linterna",
"hud.bag.glider": "Planeador",
"hud.bag.belt": "Cinturón",
"hud.bag.ring": "Anillo",
"hud.bag.back": "Espalda",
"hud.bag.legs": "Piernas",
"hud.bag.feet": "Pies",
"hud.bag.mainhand": "Mano Principal",
"hud.bag.offhand": "Mano Secundaria",
// Map and Questlog
"hud.map.map_title": "Mapa",
"hud.map.qlog_title": "Misiones",
// Settings
"hud.settings.general": "General",
"hud.settings.none": "Ninguno",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.toggle": "Alternar",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.hold": "Mantener",
"hud.settings.help_window": "Ventana de Ayuda",
"hud.settings.debug_info": "Info de Depuración",
"hud.settings.tips_on_startup": "Consejos de Inicio",
"hud.settings.ui_scale": "Escala de la Interfaz",
"hud.settings.relative_scaling": "Escalado Relativo",
"hud.settings.custom_scaling": "Escalado Personalizado",
"hud.settings.crosshair": "Mira",
"hud.settings.transparency": "Transparencia",
"hud.settings.hotbar": "Inventario Rápido",
"hud.settings.toggle_shortcuts": "Alternar Atajos",
"hud.settings.buffs_skillbar": "Buffs en la barra de habilidades.",
"hud.settings.buffs_mmap": "Buffs en el Minimapa",
"hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "Alternar Barra de Experiencia",
"hud.settings.scrolling_combat_text": "Texto de Combate con Desplazamiento",
"hud.settings.single_damage_number": "Números de Daño Singular",
"hud.settings.cumulated_damage": "Daño Acumulado",
"hud.settings.incoming_damage": "Daño Recibido",
"hud.settings.cumulated_incoming_damage": "Daño Recibido Acumulado",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble": "Burbuja de Diálogo",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_dark_mode": "Burbuja de Diálogo en Modo Oscuro",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_icon": "Burbuja de Diálogo en Modo Oscuro",
"hud.settings.energybar_numbers": "Números de la Barra de Energia",
"hud.settings.values": "Valores",
"hud.settings.percentages": "Porcentajes",
"hud.settings.chat": "Chat",
"hud.settings.background_transparency": "Transparencia del Fondo",
"hud.settings.chat_character_name": "Nombres de Personajes en el chat",
"hud.settings.loading_tips": "Consejos en Pantalla de Carga",
"hud.settings.pan_sensitivity": "Sensibilidad de Desplazamiento de la Cámara",
"hud.settings.zoom_sensitivity": "Sensibilidad del Zoom",
"hud.settings.invert_scroll_zoom": "Invertir Desplazamiento de Zoom",
"hud.settings.invert_mouse_y_axis": "Invertir eje Y del Ratón",
"hud.settings.enable_mouse_smoothing": "Suavizado de la Cámara",
"hud.settings.free_look_behavior": "Modo de vista libre",
"hud.settings.auto_walk_behavior": "Modo de caminata automática",
"hud.settings.stop_auto_walk_on_input": "Frenar caminata automática",
"hud.settings.view_distance": "Distancia de Visión",
"hud.settings.sprites_view_distance": "Distancia de Visión de Sprites",
"hud.settings.figures_view_distance": "Distancia de Visión de Entidades",
"hud.settings.maximum_fps": "FPS Máximos",
"hud.settings.fov": "Campo de Visión (grados)",
"hud.settings.gamma": "Gama",
"hud.settings.exposure": "Exposición",
"hud.settings.ambiance": "Brillo del Ambiente",
"hud.settings.antialiasing_mode": "Modo Anti-Aliasing",
"hud.settings.upscale_factor": "Factor de Escala",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode": "Modo de Renderizado de Nubes",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode": "Modo de Renderizado del Agua",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.cheap": "Bajo",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.shiny": "Alto",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.minimal": "Mínimo",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.low": "Bajo",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.medium": "Medio",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.high": "Alto",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.ultra": "Ultra",
"hud.settings.fullscreen": "Pantalla Completa",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode": "Modo de Pantalla Completa",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.exclusive": "Completo",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.borderless": "Con Bordes",
"hud.settings.particles": "Particulas",
"hud.settings.resolution": "Resolución",
"hud.settings.bit_depth": "Profundidad de Bits",
"hud.settings.refresh_rate": "Taza de Refresco",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": " Guardar tamaño de ventana",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode": "Renderizado de la luz de la Linterna",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.ashikhmin": "Tipo A - Alto",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.blinnphong": "Tipo B - Medio",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.lambertian": "Tipo L - Bajo",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode": "Renderizado de Sombras",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.none": "Ninguno",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.cheap": "Bajo",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map": "Alto",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map.resolution": "Resolución",
"hud.settings.lod_detail": "Detalle de LoD",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": "Recordar tamaño de ventana", //It's repeated in en.ron (359 and 370)
"hud.settings.music_volume": "Volumen de Música",
"hud.settings.sound_effect_volume": "Volumen de Efectos de Sonido",
"hud.settings.audio_device": "Dispositivo de Audio",
"hud.settings.awaitingkey": "Presiona una tecla...",
"hud.settings.unbound": "Ninguno",
"hud.settings.reset_keybinds": "Reestablecer Controles",
"hud.social": "Lista de jugadores",
"hud.social.online": "En Línea",
"hud.social.friends": "Amigos",
"hud.social.not_yet_available": "Aún no esta disponible",
"hud.social.faction": "Facción",
"hud.social.play_online_fmt": "{nb_player} jugador(es) en línea",
"hud.social.name": "Nombre",
"hud.social.level": "Nivel",
"hud.social.zone": "Zona",
"hud.social.account": "Cuenta",
"hud.crafting": "Crafteo",
"hud.crafting.recipes": "Recetas",
"hud.crafting.ingredients": "Ingredientes:",
"hud.crafting.craft": "Fabricar",
"hud.crafting.tool_cata": "Requisitos:",
"hud.group": "Grupo",
"hud.group.invite_to_join": "[{name}] Te invito a su Grupo!",
"hud.group.invite": "Invitar",
"hud.group.kick": "Echar",
"hud.group.assign_leader": "Asignar Lider",
"hud.group.leave": "Salir del Grupo",
"hud.group.dead" : "Muerto",
"hud.group.out_of_range": "Fuera de Alcance",
"hud.group.add_friend": "Agregar a Amigos",
"hud.group.link_group": "Conectar Grupos",
"hud.group.in_menu": "Eligiendo Personaje",
"hud.group.members": "Miembros del Grupo",
"hud.spell": "Hechizos",
"hud.free_look_indicator": "Vista libre activa",
"hud.auto_walk_indicator": "Caminata automática activa",
"hud.map.difficulty": "Dificultad",
"hud.map.towns": "Pueblos",
"hud.map.castles": "Castillos",
"hud.map.dungeons": "Calabozos",
"hud.map.caves": "Cuevas",
"hud.map.cave": "Cueva",
"hud.map.town": "Pueblo",
"hud.map.castle": "Castillo",
"hud.map.dungeon": "Calabozo",
"hud.map.difficulty_dungeon": "Dificultad de\n\nCalabozo: {difficulty}",
"hud.map.drag": "Arrastrar",
"hud.map.zoom": "Zoom",
"hud.map.recenter": "Centrar",
/// End HUD section
/// Start GameInput section
"gameinput.primary": "Ataque Básico",
"gameinput.secondary": "Ataque Secundario/Bloquear/Apuntar",
"gameinput.slot1": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 1",
"gameinput.slot2": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 2",
"gameinput.slot3": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 3",
"gameinput.slot4": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 4",
"gameinput.slot5": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 5",
"gameinput.slot6": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 6",
"gameinput.slot7": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 7",
"gameinput.slot8": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 8",
"gameinput.slot9": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 9",
"gameinput.slot10": "Ranura de Inventario Rápido 10",
"gameinput.swaploadout": "Cambiar Equipamiento",
"gameinput.togglecursor": "Mostrar Cursor",
"gameinput.help": "Mostrar Ventana de Ayuda",
"gameinput.toggleinterface": "Mostrar Interfaz",
"gameinput.toggledebug": "Mostrar FPS y la Info de Depuración",
"gameinput.screenshot": "Tomar Captura de Pantalla",
"gameinput.toggleingameui": "Mostrar Nombres",
"gameinput.fullscreen": "Pantalla Completa",
"gameinput.moveforward": "Moverse hacia Adelante",
"gameinput.moveleft": "Moverse hacia la Izquierda",
"gameinput.moveright": "Moverse hacia la Derecha",
"gameinput.moveback": "Moverse hacia Atras",
"gameinput.jump": "Saltar",
"gameinput.glide": "Planeador",
"gameinput.roll": "Rodar",
"gameinput.climb": "Trepar",
"gameinput.climbdown": "Descender",
"gameinput.wallleap": "Saltar a la Pared",
"gameinput.togglelantern": "Encender Farol",
"gameinput.mount": "Montar",
"gameinput.chat": "Abrir Chat",
"gameinput.enter": "Entrar",
"gameinput.command": "Insertar Comandos",
"gameinput.escape": "Escapar",
"gameinput.map": "Mapa",
"gameinput.bag": "Mochila",
"gameinput.social": "Lista de jugadores",
"gameinput.sit": "Sentarse",
"gameinput.spellbook": "Hechizos",
"gameinput.settings": "Configuración",
"gameinput.respawn": "Reaparecer",
"gameinput.charge": "Cargar",
"gameinput.togglewield": "Alternar empuñadura",
"gameinput.interact": "Interactuar",
"gameinput.freelook": "Vista Libre",
"gameinput.autowalk": "Caminata Automática",
"gameinput.dance": "Bailar",
"gameinput.select": "Seleccione la Entidad",
"gameinput.acceptgroupinvite": "Aceptar invitación al grupo",
"gameinput.declinegroupinvite": "Rechazar invitación al grupo",
"gameinput.crafting": "Craftear",
"gameinput.fly": "Volar",
"gameinput.sneak": "Agacharse",
"gameinput.swimdown": "Sumergirse",
"gameinput.swimup": "Nadar hacia arriba",
/// End GameInput section
/// Start chracter selection section
"char_selection.loading_characters": "Cargando personajes...",
"char_selection.delete_permanently": "¿Borrar este Personaje permanentemente?",
"char_selection.deleting_character": "Borrando Personaje...",
"char_selection.change_server": "Cambiar Servidor",
"char_selection.enter_world": "Entrar al Mundo",
"char_selection.logout": "Cerrar Sesión",
"char_selection.create_new_character": "Crear Nuevo Personaje",
"char_selection.creating_character": "Creando Personaje...",
"char_selection.character_creation": "Creación de Personaje",
"char_selection.human_default": "Humano por defecto",
"char_selection.level_fmt": "Nivel {level_nb}",
"char_selection.uncanny_valley": "Valle Misterioso",
"char_selection.plains_of_uncertainty": "Planicies de la Incertidumbre",
"char_selection.beard": "Barba",
"char_selection.hair_style": "Peinado",
"char_selection.hair_color": "Color de Pelo",
"char_selection.eye_color": "Color de Ojos",
"char_selection.skin": "Color de Piel",
"char_selection.eyeshape": "Detalles de los Ojos",
"char_selection.accessories": "Accesorios",
"char_selection.create_info_name": "Tu Personaje necesita un nombre!",
/// End chracter selection section
/// Start character window section
"character_window.character_name": "Nombre de Personaje",
// Character stats
"character_window.character_stats": r#"Resistencia
Estado Físico
/// End character window section
/// Start Escape Menu Section
"esc_menu.logout": "Cerrar Sesión",
"esc_menu.quit_game": "Salir del Juego",
/// End Escape Menu Section
/// Buffs and Debuffs
"buff.remove": "Click para quitar",
"buff.title.missing": "Sin Título",
"buff.desc.missing": "Sin Descripción",
// Buffs
"buff.title.heal": "Curación",
"buff.desc.heal": "Recupera vida durante un tiempo.",
"buff.title.potion": "Poción",
"buff.desc.potion": "Bebiendo...",
"buff.title.saturation": "Saturación",
"buff.desc.saturation": "Recupera vida durante un tiempo por objetos.",
"buff.title.campfire_heal": "Curación de fogata",
"buff.desc.campfire_heal": "Descansar en una fogata recupera {rate}% por segundo.",
// Debuffs
"buff.title.bleed": "Sangrando",
"buff.desc.bleed": "Inflinge daño regularmente.",
vector_map: {
"loading.tips": [
"Presiona 'G' para encender tu linterna.",
"Presiona 'F1' para ver los controles predeterminados.",
"Puedes escribir /say o /s para chatear solo con jugadores alrededor tuyo.",
"Puedes escribr /region o /r para chatear solo con jugadores que están a unos cien bloques alrededor tuyo.",
"Para enviar mensajes privados escribe /tell seguido de el nombre de un jugador y luego tu mensaje.",
"NPCs con el mismo nivel pueden tener una dificultad diferente.",
"Observa el terreno en búsqueda de comida, cofres y botines!",
"¿Inventario lleno de comida? Intenta craftear mejor comida con ella!",
"¿Te preguntas dónde debes hacerlo? Los Dungeons están marcados con puntos marrones en el mapa!",
"No te olvides de ajustar los gráficos de tu pc. Presiona 'N' para abrir la configuración.",
"Jugar con otros es divertido! Presiona 'O' para ver quien esta conectado.",
"Un NPC con un craneo debajo de su barra de vida es bastante más poderoso comparado contigo.",
"Presiona 'J' para bailar. Fiesta!",
"Presiona 'Shift-Izquierdo' para abrir tu planeador y conquistar los cielos.",
"Veloren está aún en Alfa temprana. Hacemos lo mejor para mejorar día a día!",
"Si te quieres unir al equipo de desarrolladores o solo chatear con nosotros, únete a nuestro servidor en Discord.",
"Puedes elegir mostrar tu cantidad de vida en la barra de vida en la configuración.",
"Para ver tus estadísticas, haz click en el botón 'Estadísticas' en el inventario.",
"npc.speech.villager_under_attack": [
"Ayuda, ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡Auch! ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡Auch! ¡Me están atacando! ¡Ayuda!",
"¡Ayudenme! ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡Me están atacando! ¡Ayuda!",
"¡Me están atacando! ¡Ayudenme!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Ayuda!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Ayuda! ¡Ayuda!",
"¡Me están atacando!",
"¡AAAHH! ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡AAAHH! ¡Me están atacando! ¡Ayuda!",
"Ayuda! Nos están atacando!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Asesino!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Hay un asesino suelto!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡están intentando matarme!",
"Guardias, ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡Guardias! ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡Me están atacando! ¡Guardias!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Guardias! ¡Me están atacando!",
"¡Guardias! ¡Vengan rapido!",
"¡Guardias, Guardias!",
"¡Guardias! ¡Me esta atacando un villano!",
"¡Guardias, eliminen a este desagradable villano!",
"¡Guardias! ¡Ahi esta el asesino!",
"¡Guardias! ¡Ayúdenme!",
"No te saldrás con la tuya, ¡Guardias!",
"¡Eres despreciable!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Porfavor!",
"¡Auch! ¡Guardias! ¡Ayuda!",
"¡Vienen por mi!",
"¡Ayuda! ¡Ayuda! Estoy siendo atacado",
"Ah, se nota que la violencia es parte del sistema.",
"¡Esto no es más que un rasguño!",
"Deja de hacer eso!",
"¿Qué te hice para merecer esto?",
"Por favor, para de atacarme!",
"Hey! Mira hacia adonde apuntas con esa cosa",
"Desgraciado, vete de aqui!",
"Para ya! Vete!",
"Me estas haciendo enojar!",
"Hey!¿Quién te piensas que eres?",
"Te arrancaré la cabeza por eso!",
"Detente, por favor! No llevo nada de valor!",
"Te voy a mandar a mi hermano, el es más grande que yo!",
"Nooo, le contaré a mi madre!",
"Maldito seas!",
"Por favor no lo hagas.",
"Eso no fue agradable!",
"Tu arma funciona, ahora aléjala!",
"Si claro...",
"Por favor, tengo familia!",
"Soy demasiado jóven para morir!",
"¿Podemos hablar sobre esto?",
"La violencia no resuelve nada!",
"Este día se esta convirtiendo en uno muy feo...",
"Hey, eso dolió!",
"Qué violento!",
"Detente, te lo suplico!",
"Ojala te enfermes!",
"Esto no es divertido.",
"¡¿Cómo te atreves?!",
"Vas a pagar por eso!",
"Sigue con eso y lo lamentarás!",
"No hagas que te lastime!",
"Tiene que ser un malentendido!",
"No necesitas hacer esto!",
"Vete, demonio!",
"Eso realmente dolió!",
"¿Por qué harias eso?",
"Por todos los Santos, para!",
"Me habrás confudido con alguien más!",
"No me merezco esto!",
"Por favor, no lo hagas de nuevo",
"Guardias, tiren este monstruo al lago",
"Invocaré mis demonios en ti!",
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
/// 警告: ローカライズファイルは、UTF-8のBOM無しで保存する必要があります
/// Localization for 日本語 Japanese
string_map: {
vector_map: {
@ -42,477 +42,10 @@
string_map: {
/// Start Common section
// Texts used in multiple locations with the same formatting
"common.username": "Spelernaam",
"common.singleplayer": "Alleen spelen",
"common.multiplayer": "Samen spelen",
"common.servers": "Servers",
"common.quit": "Afsluiten",
"common.settings": "Instellingen",
"common.languages": "Talen",
"common.interface": "Interface",
"common.gameplay": "Gameplay",
"common.controls": "Besturing",
"common.video": "Grafische weergave",
"common.sound": "Geluid",
"common.languages": "Talen",
"common.resume": "Verder spelen",
"common.characters": "Karakters",
"common.close": "Sluiten",
"common.yes": "Ja",
"common.no": "Nee",
"common.back": "Terug",
"common.create": "Aanmaken",
"common.okay": "Oké",
"common.accept": "Aanvaarden",
"common.decline": "Afwijzen",
"common.disclaimer": "Disclaimer",
"common.cancel": "Annuleren",
"common.none": "Geen",
"common.error": "Fout",
"common.fatal_error": "Fatale fout",
"common.you": "Jij",
"common.automatic": "Auto",
"common.random": "Willekeurig",
// Settings Window title
"common.interface_settings": "Interface Instellingen",
"common.gameplay_settings": "Gameplay Instellingen",
"common.controls_settings": "Besturing Instellingen",
"common.video_settings": "Grafische instellingen",
"common.sound_settings": "Geluids instellingen",
"common.language_settings": "Taal instellingen",
// Message when connection to the server is lost
"common.connection_lost": r#"Verbinding verloren!
Is de server opniew opgestart?
Is je client nog up to date?"#,
"common.species.orc": "Orc",
"common.species.human": "Mens",
"common.species.dwarf": "Dwerg",
"common.species.elf": "Elf",
"common.species.undead": "Ondood",
"common.species.danari": "Danari",
"common.weapons.axe": "Bijl",
"common.weapons.sword": "Zwaard",
"common.weapons.staff": "Staf",
"common.weapons.bow": "Boog",
"common.weapons.hammer": "Hamer",
"common.weapons.sceptre": "Genezende scepter",
"common.rand_appearance": "Willekeurig uiterlijk en naam",
/// End Common section
/// Start Main screen section
"main.connecting": "Verbinden",
"main.creating_world": "Wereld aan het maken",
"main.tip": "Tip:",
// Welcome notice that appears the first time Veloren is started
"main.notice": r#"Welkom bij de Alpha versie van Veloren!
Voordat de fun begint zijn hier enkele dingen om rekening mee te houden:
- Dit is een hele vroege alpha. Verwacht bugs, extreem onafgemaakte gameplay, ruwe spelmechanics en missende functies.
- Als je constructieve feedback hebt of bugs wil melden, kan je ons contacteren via Reddit, Gitlab of onze community Discord.
- Veloren is onder de GPL 3 open-source licentie gelicensieerd. Dat betekent dat je vrij bent om het spel te spelen, bewerken en doorgeven op welke manier
je ook wil (zo lang afgeleide werken ook onder GPL 3 gelicensieerd zijn)
- Veloren is een non-profit community project, en iedereen dat er aan meehelpt is een vrijwilliger.
Als je interesse hebt kan je je aansluiten bij onze ontwikkeling- of ontwerpteams!
Bedankt voor de tijd te nemen om deze melding te lezen, we hopen dat je van het spel zult genieten!
Thanks for taking the time to read this notice, we hope you enjoy the game!
~ De Veloren ontwikkelaars"#,
// Login process description
"main.login_process": r#"Information over het loginproces:
Hou er rekening mee dat je tegenwoordig een account nodig hebt
om op servers met authenticatie te spelen
Je kan een account maken op
"main.login.server_not_found": "Server nie gevonden",
"main.login.authentication_error": "Authenticatie mislukt",
"main.login.server_full": "Server zit vol",
"main.login.untrusted_auth_server": "Onvertrouwde authenticatie server",
"main.login.outdated_client_or_server": "Versieprobleem: De versie tussen de client en de server komen niet overeen. Check of er updates zijn/",
"main.login.timeout": "Timeout: De server deed er te lang over om te antwoorden. (Overblast of netwerk problemen).",
"main.login.server_shut_down": "Server is afgesloten",
"main.login.network_error": "Network problemen",
"main.login.failed_sending_request": "Kon verzoek niet naar authenticatie server sturen",
"main.login.invalid_character": "Het geselecteerde karakter is ongeldig",
"main.login.client_crashed": "Client is gecrashed",
"main.login.not_on_whitelist": "Je moet op de whitelist staan om deze wereld te joinen",
"main.login.banned": "Je bent verbannen voor de volgende reden",
"main.login.kicked": "Je bent gekicked voor de volgende reden",
"main.login.select_language": "Kies een taal",
/// End Main screen section
/// Start HUD Section
"hud.do_not_show_on_startup": "Niet meer bij opstarten tonen",
"hud.show_tips": "Tips tonen",
"hud.quests": "Quests",
"hud.you_died": "Je bent gedood",
"hud.waypoint_saved": "Waypoint Opgeslagen",
"hud.press_key_to_show_keybindings_fmt": "[{key}] Besturing",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_lantern_fmt": "[{key}] Lantaarn",
"hud.press_key_to_show_debug_info_fmt": "Druk op {key} om debug info te tonen",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_keybindings_fmt": "Druk op {key} om te de besturing aan/uit te zetten",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_debug_info_fmt": "Druk op {key} om debug info aan/uit te zetten",
// Chat outputs
"hud.chat.online_msg": "[{name}] is nu online",
"hud.chat.offline_msg": "[{name}] is offline gegaan",
"hud.chat.default_death_msg": "[{name}] is gestorven",
"hud.chat.environmental_kill_msg": "[{name}] is gestorven in {environment}",
"hud.chat.fall_kill_msg": "[{name}] is gestorven door te vallen",
"hud.chat.suicide_msg": "[{name}] is gestorven door zelf toegebrachte verwondingen",
"hud.chat.pvp_melee_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] versloeg [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_ranged_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] schoot [{victim}] neer",
"hud.chat.pvp_explosion_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] blies [{victim}] op",
"hud.chat.pvp_energy_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] gebruikte magie om [{victim}] te vermoorden",
"hud.chat.npc_melee_kill_msg": "{attacker} dode [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_ranged_kill_msg": "{attacker} schoot [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_explosion_kill_msg": "{attacker} blies [{victim}] op",
"hud.chat.loot_msg": "Je raapte [{item}] op",
"hud.chat.loot_fail": "Jouw inventory is vol!",
"hud.chat.goodbye": "Vaarwel!",
"hud.chat.connection_lost": "Verbinding verloren. Je wordt in {time} seconden gekicked.",
// SCT outputs
"hud.sct.experience": "{amount} Exp",
"hud.sct.block": "GEBLOCKED",
// Respawn message
"hud.press_key_to_respawn": r#"Druk op {key} om te respawnen bij het laatste kampvuur dat je bezocht."#,
// Welcome message
"hud.welcome": r#"Welcome bij de Veloren Alpha!
Wat tips voor je start:
Druk op F1 om de besturing te zien.
Type /help in chat om de chat commando's te zien.
Er verschijnen kisten en andere objecten willekeurig in de wereld!
Gebruik rechtermuisknop om ze te verzamelen!
Om effectief hetgene dat je van de kisten krijgt te gebruiken, open je je inventory met 'B'.
Dubbelklik op de voorwerpen in je rugzak om ze aan te doen of te gebruiken.
Gooi dingen weg door ze eenmaal aan te klikken en dan buiten je rugzak te klikken.
Nachten kunnen vrij donker worden in Veloren.
Gebruik je lantaarn door 'G' te drukken
Wil je je cursor gebruiken om dit venster te sluiten? Druk TAB!
Geniet van je verblijf in de wereld van Veloren."#,
"hud.temp_quest_headline": r#"Help ons alsjeblieft, reiziger!"#,
"hud.temp_quest_text": r#"Kerkers vol met kwaaraardige sektes
komen overal tevoorschijn rond onze vreedzame dorpen!
Verzamel wat gezelschap, vul je voedselrantsoenen aan
en versla hun kwaadaardige leiders en volgelingen.
Misschien kan je zelfs een van hun
Maybe you can even obtain one of their
met magie gevulde objecten bemachtigen?"#,
// Inventory
"hud.bag.inventory": "{playername}'s Rugzak",
"hud.bag.stats_title": "{playername}'s Stats",
"hud.bag.exp": "Exp",
"hud.bag.armor": "Armor",
"hud.bag.stats": "Stats",
"hud.bag.head": "Hoofd",
"hud.bag.neck": "Nek",
"hud.bag.tabard": "Tabberd",
"hud.bag.shoulders": "Schouders",
"hud.bag.chest": "Borstkas",
"hud.bag.hands": "Handen",
"hud.bag.lantern": "Lantaarn",
"hud.bag.glider": "Deltavlieger",
"hud.bag.belt": "Riem",
"hud.bag.ring": "Ring",
"hud.bag.back": "Rug",
"hud.bag.legs": "Benen",
"hud.bag.feet": "Voeten",
"hud.bag.mainhand": "Dominante hand",
"hud.bag.offhand": "Tweede hand",
// Map and Questlog
"hud.map.map_title": "Kaart",
"hud.map.qlog_title": "Quests",
// Settings
"hud.settings.general": "Algemeen",
"hud.settings.none": "Geen",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.toggle": "Omschakelbaar",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.hold": "Inhouden",
"hud.settings.help_window": "Help Venster",
"hud.settings.debug_info": "Debug Informatie",
"hud.settings.tips_on_startup": "Tips-Bij-Opstarten",
"hud.settings.ui_scale": "UI-Schaal",
"hud.settings.relative_scaling": "Relatief Schalen",
"hud.settings.custom_scaling": "Aangepast Schalen",
"hud.settings.crosshair": "Richtkruis",
"hud.settings.transparency": "Doorschijnbaarheid",
"hud.settings.hotbar": "Hotbar",
"hud.settings.toggle_shortcuts": "Toon Sneltoetsen",
"hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "Toon Experience Balk",
"hud.settings.scrolling_combat_text": "Pop-up Gevechtstext",
"hud.settings.single_damage_number": "Aparte Schade Getallen",
"hud.settings.cumulated_damage": "Cumulatieve Schade Getallen",
"hud.settings.incoming_damage": "Inkomende Schade Getallen",
"hud.settings.cumulated_incoming_damage": "Cumulatieve Inkomende Schade Getallen",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble": "Spraakbubbel",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_dark_mode": "Donkere Modus",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_icon": "Spraakbubbel Icoon",
"hud.settings.energybar_numbers": "Energiebalk Getallen",
"hud.settings.values": "Waarden",
"hud.settings.percentages": "Percentages",
"hud.settings.chat": "Chat",
"hud.settings.background_transparency": "Transparantie Achtergrond",
"hud.settings.chat_character_name": "Karakternamen in de Chat",
"hud.settings.loading_tips": "Laadscherm Tips",
"hud.settings.pan_sensitivity": "Camera-gevoeligheid",
"hud.settings.zoom_sensitivity": "Zoom-gevoeligheid",
"hud.settings.invert_scroll_zoom": "Inverteer Zoom Scrollen",
"hud.settings.invert_mouse_y_axis": "Inverteer muis Y As",
"hud.settings.enable_mouse_smoothing": "Camerabeweging gelijkmaken",
"hud.settings.free_look_behavior": "Vrije camera gedrag",
"hud.settings.auto_walk_behavior": "Automatisch wandelgedrag",
"hud.settings.stop_auto_walk_on_input": "Stop automatisch
wandelen bij bewegen",
"hud.settings.view_distance": "Kijkafstand",
"hud.settings.sprites_view_distance": "Kijkafstand sprites",
"hud.settings.figures_view_distance": "Kijkafstand entiteiten",
"hud.settings.maximum_fps": "Maximum FPS",
"hud.settings.fov": "Gezichtsveld (graden)",
"hud.settings.gamma": "Gamma",
"hud.settings.ambiance": "Omgevingshelderheid",
"hud.settings.antialiasing_mode": "AntiAliasing Modus",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode": "Wolk Rendering Modus",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode": "Vloeistoffen Rendering Mode",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.cheap": "Goedkoop",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.shiny": "Schitterend",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.regular": "Gewoon",
"hud.settings.fullscreen": "Volledig scherm",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode": "Volledige scherm modus",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.exclusive": "Exclusief",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.borderless": "Randloos",
"hud.settings.particles": "Deeltjes",
"hud.settings.resolution": "Resolutie",
"hud.settings.bit_depth": "Bit diepte",
"hud.settings.refresh_rate": "Vernieuwingssnelheid",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": "Venster grootte opslaan",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode": "Licht Rendering Modus",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.ashikhmin": "Type A",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.blinnphong": "Type B",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.lambertian": "Type L",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode": "Schaduw Rendering Mode",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.none": "Geen",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.cheap": "Goedkoop",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map": "Kaart",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map.resolution": "Resolutie",
"hud.settings.lod_detail": "LoD Detail",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": "Venster grootte opslaan",
"hud.settings.music_volume": "Muziek Volume",
"hud.settings.sound_effect_volume": "Geluidseffecten Volume",
"hud.settings.audio_device": "Audio Apparaat",
"hud.settings.awaitingkey": "Druk op een toets...",
"hud.settings.unbound": "Geen",
"hud.settings.reset_keybinds": "Standaardwaarden
"hud.social": "Andere spelers",
"hud.social.online": "Online:",
"hud.social.friends": "Vrienden",
"hud.social.not_yet_available": "Nog niet beschikbaar",
"hud.social.faction": "Factie",
"hud.social.play_online_fmt": "{nb_player} speler(s) online",
"hud.social.name": "Naam",
"hud.social.level": "Level",
"hud.social.zone": "Zone",
"hud.social.account": "Account",
"hud.crafting": "Fabriceren",
"hud.crafting.recipes": "Recepten",
"hud.crafting.ingredients": "Ingrediënten:",
"hud.crafting.craft": "Maak",
"hud.crafting.tool_cata": "Vereisten:",
"hud.group": "Groep",
"hud.group.invite_to_join": "[{name}] heeft je voor zijn/haar groep uitgenodigd!",
"hud.group.invite": "Uitnodigen",
"hud.group.kick": "Kick",
"hud.group.assign_leader": "Maak Leider",
"hud.group.leave": "Groep Verlaten",
"hud.group.dead" : "Dood",
"hud.group.out_of_range": "Buiten Bereik",
"hud.group.add_friend": "Aan Vrienden Toevoegen",
"hud.group.link_group": "Link Groups",
"hud.group.in_menu": "In Menu",
"hud.group.members": "Groepsleden",
"hud.spell": "Spreuken",
"hud.free_look_indicator": "Vrij rondkijken aan. Druk {key} om uit te zetten.",
"hud.auto_walk_indicator": "Automatisch wandelen aan",
/// End HUD section
/// Start GameInput section
"gameinput.primary": "Gewone aanval",
"gameinput.secondary": "Alternatieve Aanval/Block/Mikken",
"gameinput.slot1": "Hotbar Slot 1",
"gameinput.slot2": "Hotbar Slot 2",
"gameinput.slot3": "Hotbar Slot 3",
"gameinput.slot4": "Hotbar Slot 4",
"gameinput.slot5": "Hotbar Slot 5",
"gameinput.slot6": "Hotbar Slot 6",
"gameinput.slot7": "Hotbar Slot 7",
"gameinput.slot8": "Hotbar Slot 8",
"gameinput.slot9": "Hotbar Slot 9",
"gameinput.slot10": "Hotbar Slot 10",
"gameinput.swaploadout": "Uitrusting Wisselen",
"gameinput.togglecursor": "Cursor Aan/Uit",
"gameinput.help": "Help Venster Aan/Uit",
"gameinput.toggleinterface": "Interface Aan/Uit",
"gameinput.toggledebug": "FPS en Debug Info Aan/Uit",
"gameinput.screenshot": "Screenshot maken",
"gameinput.toggleingameui": "Naamplaatjes Aan/Uit",
"gameinput.fullscreen": "Volledig Scherm Aan/Uit",
"gameinput.moveforward": "Voorwaards Bewegen",
"gameinput.moveleft": "Links Bewegen",
"gameinput.moveright": "Rechts Bewegen",
"gameinput.moveback": "Achteruit Bewegen",
"gameinput.jump": "Springen",
"gameinput.glide": "Deltavlieger",
"gameinput.roll": "Rollen",
"gameinput.climb": "Klimmen",
"gameinput.climbdown": "Naar Beneden Klimmen",
"gameinput.wallleap": "Muursprong",
"gameinput.togglelantern": "Lantaarn Aan/Uit",
"gameinput.mount": "Berijden",
"gameinput.chat": "Chat",
"gameinput.command": "Commando",
"gameinput.escape": "Sluiten",
"gameinput.map": "Kaart",
"gameinput.bag": "Rugzak",
"gameinput.social": "Sociaal",
"gameinput.sit": "Zit",
"gameinput.spellbook": "Spreuken",
"gameinput.settings": "Instellingen",
"gameinput.respawn": "Respawn",
"gameinput.charge": "Opladen",
"gameinput.togglewield": "Wapen Vastnemen/Wegsteken",
"gameinput.interact": "Gebruik",
"gameinput.freelook": "Vrije Camera",
"gameinput.autowalk": "Automatisch Wandelen",
"gameinput.dance": "Dans",
"gameinput.select": "Selecteer Entiteit",
"gameinput.acceptgroupinvite": "Accepteer Groepsuitnodiging",
"gameinput.declinegroupinvite": "Wijs Groepsuitnodiging Af",
"gameinput.crafting": "Fabriceermenu",
"gameinput.sneak": "Sluipen",
"gameinput.swimdown": "Naar Beneden Zwemmen",
"gameinput.swimup": "Naar Boven Zwemmen",
/// End GameInput section
/// Start chracter selection section
"char_selection.loading_characters": "Karakters Worden Geladen...",
"char_selection.delete_permanently": "Karakter Permanent Verwijderen?",
"char_selection.deleting_character": "Karakter Wordt Verwijderen...",
"char_selection.change_server": "Server Wisselen",
"char_selection.enter_world": "Wereld Betreden",
"char_selection.logout": "Uitloggen",
"char_selection.create_new_charater": "Nieuw Karakter Maken",
"char_selection.creating_character": "Karakter Wordt Aangemaakt...",
"char_selection.character_creation": "Karaktercreatie",
"char_selection.human_default": "Standaard Mens",
"char_selection.level_fmt": "Level {level_nb}",
"char_selection.uncanny_valley": "Wildernis",
"char_selection.plains_of_uncertainty": "Vlaktes van Onzekerheid",
"char_selection.beard": "Baard",
"char_selection.hair_style": "Haarstijl",
"char_selection.hair_color": "Haarkleur",
"char_selection.eye_color": "Oogkleur",
"char_selection.skin": "Huid",
"char_selection.eyeshape": "Oogdetails",
"char_selection.accessories": "Accessoires",
"char_selection.create_info_name": "Je karakter heeft een naam nodig!",
/// End chracter selection section
/// Start character window section
"character_window.character_name": "Karakter Naam",
// Character stats
"character_window.character_stats": r#"Uithouding
/// End character window section
/// Start Escape Menu Section
"esc_menu.logout": "Uitloggen",
"esc_menu.quit_game": "Spel Verlaten",
/// End Escape Menu Section
vector_map: {
vector_map: {
"loading.tips": [
"Druk op 'G' om je lantaarn te doen schijnen.",
"Druk op 'F1' om alle standaardbesturingen te zien.",
@ -533,7 +66,7 @@ Bescherming
"Als je het ontwikkelingsteam wil versterken of gewoon een babbeltje wil doen met ons, kom dan langs op onze Discord-Server.",
"Je kan numerieke waarden in de levensbalk aan of uit zetten in de instellingen.",
"Om je stats te zien kan je op 'Stats' klikken in je Inventory.",
"npc.speech.villager_under_attack": [
"Help, Ik word aangevallen!",
"Help! Ik word aangevallen!",
@ -615,6 +148,6 @@ Bescherming
"Doe dat alsjeblieft niet meer.",
"Wachters, gooi dit monster het meer in!",
"Ik laat mijn Tarasque op je los!",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
"char_selection.loading_characters": "Karakters Worden Geladen...",
"char_selection.delete_permanently": "Karakter Permanent Verwijderen?",
"char_selection.deleting_character": "Karakter Wordt Verwijderen...",
"char_selection.change_server": "Server Wisselen",
"char_selection.enter_world": "Wereld Betreden",
"char_selection.logout": "Uitloggen",
"char_selection.create_new_charater": "Nieuw Karakter Maken",
"char_selection.creating_character": "Karakter Wordt Aangemaakt...",
"char_selection.character_creation": "Karaktercreatie",
"char_selection.human_default": "Standaard Mens",
"char_selection.level_fmt": "Level {level_nb}",
"char_selection.uncanny_valley": "Wildernis",
"char_selection.plains_of_uncertainty": "Vlaktes van Onzekerheid",
"char_selection.beard": "Baard",
"char_selection.hair_style": "Haarstijl",
"char_selection.hair_color": "Haarkleur",
"char_selection.eye_color": "Oogkleur",
"char_selection.skin": "Huid",
"char_selection.eyeshape": "Oogdetails",
"char_selection.accessories": "Accessoires",
"char_selection.create_info_name": "Je karakter heeft een naam nodig!",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
// Texts used in multiple locations with the same formatting
"common.username": "Spelernaam",
"common.singleplayer": "Alleen spelen",
"common.multiplayer": "Samen spelen",
"common.servers": "Servers",
"common.quit": "Afsluiten",
"common.settings": "Instellingen",
"common.languages": "Talen",
"common.interface": "Interface",
"common.gameplay": "Gameplay",
"common.controls": "Besturing",
"common.video": "Grafische weergave",
"common.sound": "Geluid",
"common.languages": "Talen",
"common.resume": "Verder spelen",
"common.characters": "Karakters",
"common.close": "Sluiten",
"common.yes": "Ja",
"common.no": "Nee",
"common.back": "Terug",
"common.create": "Aanmaken",
"common.okay": "Oké",
"common.accept": "Aanvaarden",
"common.decline": "Afwijzen",
"common.disclaimer": "Disclaimer",
"common.cancel": "Annuleren",
"common.none": "Geen",
"common.error": "Fout",
"common.fatal_error": "Fatale fout",
"common.you": "Jij",
"common.automatic": "Auto",
"common.random": "Willekeurig",
// Settings Window title
"common.interface_settings": "Interface Instellingen",
"common.gameplay_settings": "Gameplay Instellingen",
"common.controls_settings": "Besturing Instellingen",
"common.video_settings": "Grafische instellingen",
"common.sound_settings": "Geluids instellingen",
"common.language_settings": "Taal instellingen",
// Message when connection to the server is lost
"common.connection_lost": r#"Verbinding verloren!
Is de server opniew opgestart?
Is je client nog up to date?"#,
"common.species.orc": "Orc",
"common.species.human": "Mens",
"common.species.dwarf": "Dwerg",
"common.species.elf": "Elf",
"common.species.undead": "Ondood",
"common.species.danari": "Danari",
"common.weapons.axe": "Bijl",
"common.weapons.sword": "Zwaard",
"common.weapons.staff": "Staf",
"common.weapons.bow": "Boog",
"common.weapons.hammer": "Hamer",
"common.weapons.sceptre": "Genezende scepter",
"common.rand_appearance": "Willekeurig uiterlijk en naam",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
"esc_menu.logout": "Uitloggen",
"esc_menu.quit_game": "Spel Verlaten",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
"gameinput.primary": "Gewone aanval",
"gameinput.secondary": "Alternatieve Aanval/Block/Mikken",
"gameinput.slot1": "Hotbar Slot 1",
"gameinput.slot2": "Hotbar Slot 2",
"gameinput.slot3": "Hotbar Slot 3",
"gameinput.slot4": "Hotbar Slot 4",
"gameinput.slot5": "Hotbar Slot 5",
"gameinput.slot6": "Hotbar Slot 6",
"gameinput.slot7": "Hotbar Slot 7",
"gameinput.slot8": "Hotbar Slot 8",
"gameinput.slot9": "Hotbar Slot 9",
"gameinput.slot10": "Hotbar Slot 10",
"gameinput.swaploadout": "Uitrusting Wisselen",
"gameinput.togglecursor": "Cursor Aan/Uit",
"gameinput.help": "Help Venster Aan/Uit",
"gameinput.toggleinterface": "Interface Aan/Uit",
"gameinput.toggledebug": "FPS en Debug Info Aan/Uit",
"gameinput.screenshot": "Screenshot maken",
"gameinput.toggleingameui": "Naamplaatjes Aan/Uit",
"gameinput.fullscreen": "Volledig Scherm Aan/Uit",
"gameinput.moveforward": "Voorwaards Bewegen",
"gameinput.moveleft": "Links Bewegen",
"gameinput.moveright": "Rechts Bewegen",
"gameinput.moveback": "Achteruit Bewegen",
"gameinput.jump": "Springen",
"gameinput.glide": "Deltavlieger",
"gameinput.roll": "Rollen",
"gameinput.climb": "Klimmen",
"gameinput.climbdown": "Naar Beneden Klimmen",
"gameinput.wallleap": "Muursprong",
"gameinput.togglelantern": "Lantaarn Aan/Uit",
"gameinput.mount": "Berijden",
"gameinput.chat": "Chat",
"gameinput.command": "Commando",
"gameinput.escape": "Sluiten",
"gameinput.map": "Kaart",
"gameinput.bag": "Rugzak",
"gameinput.social": "Sociaal",
"gameinput.sit": "Zit",
"gameinput.spellbook": "Spreuken",
"gameinput.settings": "Instellingen",
"gameinput.respawn": "Respawn",
"gameinput.charge": "Opladen",
"gameinput.togglewield": "Wapen Vastnemen/Wegsteken",
"gameinput.interact": "Gebruik",
"gameinput.freelook": "Vrije Camera",
"gameinput.autowalk": "Automatisch Wandelen",
"gameinput.dance": "Dans",
"gameinput.select": "Selecteer Entiteit",
"gameinput.acceptgroupinvite": "Accepteer Groepsuitnodiging",
"gameinput.declinegroupinvite": "Wijs Groepsuitnodiging Af",
"gameinput.crafting": "Fabriceermenu",
"gameinput.sneak": "Sluipen",
"gameinput.swimdown": "Naar Beneden Zwemmen",
"gameinput.swimup": "Naar Boven Zwemmen",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
// Inventory
"hud.bag.inventory": "{playername}'s Rugzak",
"hud.bag.stats_title": "{playername}'s Stats",
"hud.bag.exp": "Exp",
"hud.bag.armor": "Armor",
"hud.bag.stats": "Stats",
"hud.bag.head": "Hoofd",
"hud.bag.neck": "Nek",
"hud.bag.tabard": "Tabberd",
"hud.bag.shoulders": "Schouders",
"hud.bag.chest": "Borstkas",
"hud.bag.hands": "Handen",
"hud.bag.lantern": "Lantaarn",
"hud.bag.glider": "Deltavlieger",
"hud.bag.belt": "Riem",
"hud.bag.ring": "Ring",
"hud.bag.back": "Rug",
"hud.bag.legs": "Benen",
"hud.bag.feet": "Voeten",
"hud.bag.mainhand": "Dominante hand",
"hud.bag.offhand": "Tweede hand",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
"character_window.character_name": "Karakter Naam",
// Character stats
"character_window.character_stats": r#"Uithouding
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
"hud.chat.online_msg": "[{name}] is nu online",
"hud.chat.offline_msg": "[{name}] is offline gegaan",
"hud.chat.default_death_msg": "[{name}] is gestorven",
"hud.chat.environmental_kill_msg": "[{name}] is gestorven in {environment}",
"hud.chat.fall_kill_msg": "[{name}] is gestorven door te vallen",
"hud.chat.suicide_msg": "[{name}] is gestorven door zelf toegebrachte verwondingen",
"hud.chat.pvp_melee_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] versloeg [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_ranged_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] schoot [{victim}] neer",
"hud.chat.pvp_explosion_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] blies [{victim}] op",
"hud.chat.pvp_energy_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] gebruikte magie om [{victim}] te vermoorden",
"hud.chat.npc_melee_kill_msg": "{attacker} dode [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_ranged_kill_msg": "{attacker} schoot [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_explosion_kill_msg": "{attacker} blies [{victim}] op",
"hud.chat.loot_msg": "Je raapte [{item}] op",
"hud.chat.loot_fail": "Jouw inventory is vol!",
"hud.chat.goodbye": "Vaarwel!",
"hud.chat.connection_lost": "Verbinding verloren. Je wordt in {time} seconden gekicked.",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
"hud.crafting": "Fabriceren",
"hud.crafting.recipes": "Recepten",
"hud.crafting.ingredients": "Ingrediënten:",
"hud.crafting.craft": "Maak",
"hud.crafting.tool_cata": "Vereisten:",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
"hud.group": "Groep",
"hud.group.invite_to_join": "[{name}] heeft je voor zijn/haar groep uitgenodigd!",
"hud.group.invite": "Uitnodigen",
"hud.group.kick": "Kick",
"hud.group.assign_leader": "Maak Leider",
"hud.group.leave": "Groep Verlaten",
"hud.group.dead" : "Dood",
"hud.group.out_of_range": "Buiten Bereik",
"hud.group.add_friend": "Aan Vrienden Toevoegen",
"hud.group.link_group": "Link Groups",
"hud.group.in_menu": "In Menu",
"hud.group.members": "Groepsleden",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
// Settings
"hud.settings.general": "Algemeen",
"hud.settings.none": "Geen",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.toggle": "Omschakelbaar",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.hold": "Inhouden",
"hud.settings.help_window": "Help Venster",
"hud.settings.debug_info": "Debug Informatie",
"hud.settings.tips_on_startup": "Tips-Bij-Opstarten",
"hud.settings.ui_scale": "UI-Schaal",
"hud.settings.relative_scaling": "Relatief Schalen",
"hud.settings.custom_scaling": "Aangepast Schalen",
"hud.settings.crosshair": "Richtkruis",
"hud.settings.transparency": "Doorschijnbaarheid",
"hud.settings.hotbar": "Hotbar",
"hud.settings.toggle_shortcuts": "Toon Sneltoetsen",
"hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "Toon Experience Balk",
"hud.settings.scrolling_combat_text": "Pop-up Gevechtstext",
"hud.settings.single_damage_number": "Aparte Schade Getallen",
"hud.settings.cumulated_damage": "Cumulatieve Schade Getallen",
"hud.settings.incoming_damage": "Inkomende Schade Getallen",
"hud.settings.cumulated_incoming_damage": "Cumulatieve Inkomende Schade Getallen",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble": "Spraakbubbel",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_dark_mode": "Donkere Modus",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_icon": "Spraakbubbel Icoon",
"hud.settings.energybar_numbers": "Energiebalk Getallen",
"hud.settings.values": "Waarden",
"hud.settings.percentages": "Percentages",
"hud.settings.chat": "Chat",
"hud.settings.background_transparency": "Transparantie Achtergrond",
"hud.settings.chat_character_name": "Karakternamen in de Chat",
"hud.settings.loading_tips": "Laadscherm Tips",
"hud.settings.pan_sensitivity": "Camera-gevoeligheid",
"hud.settings.zoom_sensitivity": "Zoom-gevoeligheid",
"hud.settings.invert_scroll_zoom": "Inverteer Zoom Scrollen",
"hud.settings.invert_mouse_y_axis": "Inverteer muis Y As",
"hud.settings.enable_mouse_smoothing": "Camerabeweging gelijkmaken",
"hud.settings.free_look_behavior": "Vrije camera gedrag",
"hud.settings.auto_walk_behavior": "Automatisch wandelgedrag",
"hud.settings.stop_auto_walk_on_input": "Stop automatisch
wandelen bij bewegen",
"hud.settings.view_distance": "Kijkafstand",
"hud.settings.sprites_view_distance": "Kijkafstand sprites",
"hud.settings.figures_view_distance": "Kijkafstand entiteiten",
"hud.settings.maximum_fps": "Maximum FPS",
"hud.settings.fov": "Gezichtsveld (graden)",
"hud.settings.gamma": "Gamma",
"hud.settings.ambiance": "Omgevingshelderheid",
"hud.settings.antialiasing_mode": "AntiAliasing Modus",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode": "Wolk Rendering Modus",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode": "Vloeistoffen Rendering Mode",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.cheap": "Goedkoop",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.shiny": "Schitterend",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.regular": "Gewoon",
"hud.settings.fullscreen": "Volledig scherm",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode": "Volledige scherm modus",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.exclusive": "Exclusief",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.borderless": "Randloos",
"hud.settings.particles": "Deeltjes",
"hud.settings.resolution": "Resolutie",
"hud.settings.bit_depth": "Bit diepte",
"hud.settings.refresh_rate": "Vernieuwingssnelheid",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": "Venster grootte opslaan",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode": "Licht Rendering Modus",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.ashikhmin": "Type A",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.blinnphong": "Type B",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.lambertian": "Type L",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode": "Schaduw Rendering Mode",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.none": "Geen",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.cheap": "Goedkoop",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map": "Kaart",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map.resolution": "Resolutie",
"hud.settings.lod_detail": "LoD Detail",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": "Venster grootte opslaan",
"hud.settings.music_volume": "Muziek Volume",
"hud.settings.sound_effect_volume": "Geluidseffecten Volume",
"hud.settings.audio_device": "Audio Apparaat",
"hud.settings.awaitingkey": "Druk op een toets...",
"hud.settings.unbound": "Geen",
"hud.settings.reset_keybinds": "Standaardwaarden
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
// Map and Questlog
"hud.map.map_title": "Kaart",
"hud.map.qlog_title": "Quests",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
/// Start HUD Section
"hud.do_not_show_on_startup": "Niet meer bij opstarten tonen",
"hud.show_tips": "Tips tonen",
"hud.quests": "Quests",
"hud.you_died": "Je bent gedood",
"hud.waypoint_saved": "Waypoint Opgeslagen",
"hud.press_key_to_show_keybindings_fmt": "[{key}] Besturing",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_lantern_fmt": "[{key}] Lantaarn",
"hud.press_key_to_show_debug_info_fmt": "Druk op {key} om debug info te tonen",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_keybindings_fmt": "Druk op {key} om te de besturing aan/uit te zetten",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_debug_info_fmt": "Druk op {key} om debug info aan/uit te zetten",
// Chat outputs
// Respawn message
"hud.press_key_to_respawn": r#"Druk op {key} om te respawnen bij het laatste kampvuur dat je bezocht."#,
// Welcome message
"hud.welcome": r#"Welcome bij de Veloren Alpha!
Wat tips voor je start:
Druk op F1 om de besturing te zien.
Type /help in chat om de chat commando's te zien.
Er verschijnen kisten en andere objecten willekeurig in de wereld!
Gebruik rechtermuisknop om ze te verzamelen!
Om effectief hetgene dat je van de kisten krijgt te gebruiken, open je je inventory met 'B'.
Dubbelklik op de voorwerpen in je rugzak om ze aan te doen of te gebruiken.
Gooi dingen weg door ze eenmaal aan te klikken en dan buiten je rugzak te klikken.
Nachten kunnen vrij donker worden in Veloren.
Gebruik je lantaarn door 'G' te drukken
Wil je je cursor gebruiken om dit venster te sluiten? Druk TAB!
Geniet van je verblijf in de wereld van Veloren."#,
"hud.temp_quest_headline": r#"Help ons alsjeblieft, reiziger!"#,
"hud.temp_quest_text": r#"Kerkers vol met kwaaraardige sektes
komen overal tevoorschijn rond onze vreedzame dorpen!
Verzamel wat gezelschap, vul je voedselrantsoenen aan
en versla hun kwaadaardige leiders en volgelingen.
Misschien kan je zelfs een van hun
Maybe you can even obtain one of their
met magie gevulde objecten bemachtigen?"#,
"hud.spell": "Spreuken",
"hud.free_look_indicator": "Vrij rondkijken aan. Druk {key} om uit te zetten.",
"hud.auto_walk_indicator": "Automatisch wandelen aan",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
// SCT outputs
"hud.sct.experience": "{amount} Exp",
"hud.sct.block": "GEBLOCKED",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
"hud.social": "Andere spelers",
"hud.social.online": "Online:",
"hud.social.friends": "Vrienden",
"hud.social.not_yet_available": "Nog niet beschikbaar",
"hud.social.faction": "Factie",
"hud.social.play_online_fmt": "{nb_player} speler(s) online",
"hud.social.name": "Naam",
"hud.social.level": "Level",
"hud.social.zone": "Zone",
"hud.social.account": "Account",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for netherlands Dutch
string_map: {
"main.connecting": "Verbinden",
"main.creating_world": "Wereld aan het maken",
"main.tip": "Tip:",
// Welcome notice that appears the first time Veloren is started
"main.notice": r#"Welkom bij de Alpha versie van Veloren!
Voordat de fun begint zijn hier enkele dingen om rekening mee te houden:
- Dit is een hele vroege alpha. Verwacht bugs, extreem onafgemaakte gameplay, ruwe spelmechanics en missende functies.
- Als je constructieve feedback hebt of bugs wil melden, kan je ons contacteren via Reddit, Gitlab of onze community Discord.
- Veloren is onder de GPL 3 open-source licentie gelicensieerd. Dat betekent dat je vrij bent om het spel te spelen, bewerken en doorgeven op welke manier
je ook wil (zo lang afgeleide werken ook onder GPL 3 gelicensieerd zijn)
- Veloren is een non-profit community project, en iedereen dat er aan meehelpt is een vrijwilliger.
Als je interesse hebt kan je je aansluiten bij onze ontwikkeling- of ontwerpteams!
Bedankt voor de tijd te nemen om deze melding te lezen, we hopen dat je van het spel zult genieten!
Thanks for taking the time to read this notice, we hope you enjoy the game!
~ De Veloren ontwikkelaars"#,
// Login process description
"main.login_process": r#"Information over het loginproces:
Hou er rekening mee dat je tegenwoordig een account nodig hebt
om op servers met authenticatie te spelen
Je kan een account maken op
"main.login.server_not_found": "Server nie gevonden",
"main.login.authentication_error": "Authenticatie mislukt",
"main.login.server_full": "Server zit vol",
"main.login.untrusted_auth_server": "Onvertrouwde authenticatie server",
"main.login.outdated_client_or_server": "Versieprobleem: De versie tussen de client en de server komen niet overeen. Check of er updates zijn/",
"main.login.timeout": "Timeout: De server deed er te lang over om te antwoorden. (Overblast of netwerk problemen).",
"main.login.server_shut_down": "Server is afgesloten",
"main.login.network_error": "Network problemen",
"main.login.failed_sending_request": "Kon verzoek niet naar authenticatie server sturen",
"main.login.invalid_character": "Het geselecteerde karakter is ongeldig",
"main.login.client_crashed": "Client is gecrashed",
"main.login.not_on_whitelist": "Je moet op de whitelist staan om deze wereld te joinen",
"main.login.banned": "Je bent verbannen voor de volgende reden",
"main.login.kicked": "Je bent gekicked voor de volgende reden",
"main.login.select_language": "Kies een taal",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
/// Translation document instructions
/// In order to keep localization documents readible please follow the following
/// rules:
/// - separate the string map sections using a commentary describing the purpose
/// of the next section
/// - prepend multi-line strings with a commentary
/// - append one blank lines after a multi-line strings and two after sections
/// To add a new language in Veloren, just write an additional `.ron` file in
/// `assets/voxygen/i18n` and that's it!
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Lokalisering for norsk bokmål
metadata: (
language_name: "Norsk bokmål",
language_identifier: "no_NB",
convert_utf8_to_ascii: false,
fonts: {
"opensans": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.OpenSans-Regular",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"metamorph": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.Metamorphous-Regular",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"alkhemi": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.Alkhemikal",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"wizard": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.wizard",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"cyri": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.haxrcorp_4089_cyrillic_altgr_extended",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
string_map: {
vector_map: {
"loading.tips": [
"Trykk 'G' for å tenne lykten.",
"Trykk 'F1' for å se alle standard tastebindinger.",
"Du kan skrive /say eller /s for å bare chatte med spillere rett rundt deg.",
"Du kan skrive /region eller /r for å bare chatte med spillere et par hundre blokker rundt deg.",
"Du kan skrive /group eller /g for å bare chatte med spillere i din nåværende gruppe.",
"For å sende private meldinger skriv /tell etterfulgt av et spillernavn og meldingen din.",
"NPCer med samme nivå kan ha forskjellige problemer.",
"Hold øye med mat, kister og andre godsaker spredt over hele verden!",
"Inventar fylt med mat? Prøv å lage bedre mat med det!",
"Lurer du på hva du kan gjøre? Fangehull er merket med brune flekker på kartet!",
"Ikke glem å justere grafikken for systemet ditt. Trykk på 'N' for å åpne innstillingene.",
"Å spille med andre er gøy! Trykk 'O' for å se hvem som er online.",
"En NPC med en hodeskalle under helsebaren er ganske kraftig sammenlignet med deg selv.",
"Trykk 'J' for å danse. Fest!",
"Trykk 'L-Shift' for å åpne Glider og erobre himmelen.",
"Veloren er fortsatt i Pre-Alfa. Vi gjør vårt beste for å forbedre det hver dag!",
"Hvis du vil bli med i Dev-teamet eller bare ta en prat med oss, bli med i Discord-Serveren.",
"Du kan veksle for å vise mengden helse på helselinjen i innstillingene.",
"For å se statistikken din, klikk på 'Statistikk' -knappen i beholdningen.",
"npc.speech.villager_under_attack": [
"Hjelp, jeg er under angrep!",
"Hjelp! Jeg er under angrep!",
"Au! Jeg er under angrep!",
"Au! Jeg er under angrep! Hjelp!",
"Hjelp meg! Jeg er under angrep!",
"Jeg er under angrep! Hjelp!",
"Jeg er under angrep! Hjelp meg!",
"Hjelp! Hjelp!",
"Hjelp! Hjelp! Hjelp!",
"Jeg er under angrep!",
"AAAHHH! Jeg er under angrep!",
"AAAHHH! Jeg er under angrep! Hjelp!",
"Hjelp! Vi er under angrep!",
"Hjelp! Morder!",
"Hjelp! Det er en morder på frifot!",
"Hjelp! De prøver å drepe meg!",
"Vakter, jeg er under angrep!",
"Vakter! Jeg er under angrep!",
"Jeg er under angrep! Vakter!",
"Hjelp! Vakter! Jeg er under angrep!",
"Vakter! Kom raskt!",
"Vakter! Vakter!",
"Vakter! Det er en skurk som angriper meg!",
"Vakter, drep denne onde skurken!",
"Vakter! Det er en morder!",
"Vakter! Hjelp meg!",
"Du kommer ikke unna med dette! Vakter!",
"Du fiende!",
"Hjelp meg!",
"Hjelp! Vœr så snill!",
"Ouch! Vakter! Hjelp!",
"De etterfølger etter meg!",
"Hjelp! Hjelp! Jeg blir undertrykt!",
"Ah, nå ser vi volden som er bygd inn i systemet.",
"Det er bare en ripe!",
"Slutt med det!",
"Hva har jeg noensinne gjort mot deg?!",
"Vær så snill slutt å angripe meg!",
"Hei! Se for deg hvor du peker den tingen!",
"Avskyelige krek, bort med deg!",
"Stop det! Gå vekk!",
"Nå gjør du meg sint!",
"Oi! Hvem tror du at du er?!",
"Jeg tar hodet ditt for det!",
"Stop, vær så snill! Jeg har ingenting av verdi på meg!",
"Jeg får broren min til å ta deg, han er større enn meg!",
"Neiii, jeg sier det til mamma!",
"Forbann deg!",
"Vœr så snill ikke gjør det.",
"Det var ikke veldig snilt!",
"Våpnet ditt funker, du kan ta det vekk nå!",
"Bespar meg!",
"Vær så snill, jeg har familie!",
"Jeg er for ung til å dø!",
"Kan vi snakke om dette?",
"Vold er aldri svaret!",
"I dag ser ut til å være en dårlig dag...",
"Hei, det kjente jeg!",
"Hvor uhøflig!",
"Stop, jeg ber deg!",
"Smitte beslage deg!",
"Dette er ikke gøy.",
"Hvordan våger du?!",
"Du kommer til å betale for dette!",
"Fortsett med dette og du kommer til å be unnskyld!",
"Ikke få meg til å banke deg!",
"Dette må være en misforståelse!",
"Du trenger ikke å gjøre dette!",
"Gå vekk, skurk!",
"Det gjorde vondt!",
"Hvorfor gjorde du det?",
"Etter åndene, forsvinn!",
"Du må ha forvekslet meg med noen andre!",
"Jeg fortjener ikke dette!",
"Vær så snill ikke gjør dette igjen!",
"Vakter, kast dette mennesket i havet!",
"Jeg får min tarasque til å etterfølge deg!",
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
/// Buffs and Debuffs
"buff.remove": "Klikk for å fjerne",
"buff.title.missing": "Mangler tittel",
"buff.desc.missing": "Mangler beskrivelse",
// Buffs
"buff.title.heal": "Helbred",
"buff.desc.heal": "Helbred over tid.",
"buff.title.potion": "Trylledrikk",
"buff.desc.potion": "Drikker...",
"buff.title.saturation": "Metning",
"buff.desc.saturation": "Helbred over tid fra forbruksvarer.",
// Debuffs
"buff.title.bleed": "Blør",
"buff.desc.bleed": "Påfører regelmessig skade.",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
"char_selection.loading_characters": "Laster inn karakterer...",
"char_selection.delete_permanently": "Slett denne karakteren permanent?",
"char_selection.deleting_character": "Sletter karakter...",
"char_selection.change_server": "Bytt server",
"char_selection.enter_world": "Gå inn i verden",
"char_selection.logout": "Logg ut",
"char_selection.create_new_character": "Lag ny karakter",
"char_selection.creating_character": "Skaper karakter...",
"char_selection.character_creation": "Karakterskaping",
"char_selection.human_default": "Menneskestandarder",
"char_selection.level_fmt": "Nivå {level_nb}",
"char_selection.uncanny_valley": "Villmark",
"char_selection.plains_of_uncertainty": "Usikkerhetssletter",
"char_selection.beard": "Skjegg",
"char_selection.hair_style": "Hårstil",
"char_selection.hair_color": "Hårfarge",
"char_selection.eye_color": "Øyenfarge",
"char_selection.skin": "Hud",
"char_selection.eyeshape": "Øyedetaljer",
"char_selection.accessories": "Tilbehør",
"char_selection.create_info_name": "Karakteren din trenger et navn!",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
// Texts used in multiple locations with the same formatting
"common.username": "Brukernavn",
"common.singleplayer": "Enspiller",
"common.multiplayer": "Flerspiller",
"common.servers": "Servere",
"common.quit": "Avslutt",
"common.settings": "Innstillinger",
"common.languages": "Språk",
"common.interface": "Grensesnitt",
"common.gameplay": "Spillbarhet",
"common.controls": "Kontroller",
"common.video": "Grafikk",
"common.sound": "Lyd",
"common.resume": "Fortsett",
"common.characters": "Karakterer",
"common.close": "Lukk",
"common.yes": "Ja",
"common.no": "Nei",
"common.back": "Tilbake",
"common.create": "Lag",
"common.okay": "Ok",
"common.add": "Legg til",
"common.accept": "Aksepter",
"common.decline": "Avslå",
"common.disclaimer": "Bemerk",
"common.cancel": "Avbryt",
"common.none": "Ingen",
"common.error": "Feil",
"common.fatal_error": "Kritisk Feil",
"common.you": "Du",
"common.automatic": "Automatisk",
"common.random": "Tilfeldig",
// Settings Window title
"common.interface_settings": "Grensesnitt Instillinger",
"common.gameplay_settings": "Spillbarhet Innstillinger",
"common.controls_settings": "Kontroller Innstillinger",
"common.video_settings": "Grafikk Innstillinger",
"common.sound_settings": "Lyd Innstillinger",
"common.language_settings": "Språk Innstillinger",
// Message when connection to the server is lost
"common.connection_lost": r#"Mistet forbindelsen!
Har serveren startet på nytt?
Har det kommet nye oppdateringer?"#,
"common.species.orc": "Ork",
"common.species.human": "Menneske",
"common.species.dwarf": "Dverg",
"common.species.elf": "Alv",
"common.species.undead": "Udødelig",
"common.species.danari": "Danari",
"common.weapons.axe": "Øks",
"common.weapons.sword": "Sverd",
"common.weapons.staff": "Stav",
"common.weapons.bow": "Bue",
"common.weapons.hammer": "Hammer",
"common.weapons.sceptre": "Helbredings Septer",
"common.rand_appearance": "Tilfeldig utseende og navn",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
"esc_menu.logout": "Logg ut",
"esc_menu.quit_game": "Avslutt spillet",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
"gameinput.primary": "Primær Angrep",
"gameinput.secondary": "Sekundær Angrep/Blokk/Sikt",
"gameinput.slot1": "Hurtigbar Luke 1",
"gameinput.slot2": "Hurtigbar Luke 2",
"gameinput.slot3": "Hurtigbar Luke 3",
"gameinput.slot4": "Hurtigbar Luke 4",
"gameinput.slot5": "Hurtigbar Luke 5",
"gameinput.slot6": "Hurtigbar Luke 6",
"gameinput.slot7": "Hurtigbar Luke 7",
"gameinput.slot8": "Hurtigbar Luke 8",
"gameinput.slot9": "Hurtigbar Luke 9",
"gameinput.slot10": "Hurtigbar Luke 10",
"gameinput.swaploadout": "Bytt utlastning",
"gameinput.togglecursor": "Veksle Musepeker",
"gameinput.help": "Veksle hjelpevindu",
"gameinput.toggleinterface": "Veksle Grensesnitt",
"gameinput.toggledebug": "Veksle FPS og feilsøkingsinfo",
"gameinput.screenshot": "Ta skjermbilde",
"gameinput.toggleingameui": "Veksle Navneskilt",
"gameinput.fullscreen": "Veksle fullskjerm",
"gameinput.moveforward": "Beveg frem",
"gameinput.moveleft": "Beveg venstre",
"gameinput.moveright": "Beveg høyre",
"gameinput.moveback": "Beveg bakover",
"gameinput.jump": "Hopp",
"gameinput.glide": "Glider",
"gameinput.roll": "Rull",
"gameinput.climb": "Klatre",
"gameinput.climbdown": "Klatre ned",
"gameinput.wallleap": "Veggsprang",
"gameinput.togglelantern": "Veksle lykt",
"gameinput.mount": "Monter",
"gameinput.chat": "Chat",
"gameinput.command": "Kommando",
"gameinput.escape": "Røm",
"gameinput.map": "Kart",
"gameinput.bag": "Bag",
"gameinput.social": "Sosial",
"gameinput.sit": "Sitt",
"gameinput.spellbook": "Trylleformler",
"gameinput.settings": "Innstillinger",
"gameinput.respawn": "Gjennopstå",
"gameinput.charge": "Lad opp",
"gameinput.togglewield": "Veksle Våpen",
"gameinput.interact": "Interaksjon",
"gameinput.freelook": "Frimodus",
"gameinput.autowalk": "Autogåing",
"gameinput.dance": "Dans",
"gameinput.select": "Velg enhet",
"gameinput.acceptgroupinvite": "Godta gruppeinvitasjon",
"gameinput.declinegroupinvite": "Avvis gruppeinvitasjon",
"gameinput.crafting": "Håndverk",
"gameinput.fly": "Fly",
"gameinput.sneak": "Snik",
"gameinput.swimdown": "Svøm nedover",
"gameinput.swimup": "Svøm oppover",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
// Inventory
"hud.bag.inventory": "{playername}'s Inventar",
"hud.bag.stats_title": "{playername}'s Statistikk",
"hud.bag.exp": "Exp",
"hud.bag.armor": "Utrustning",
"hud.bag.stats": "Statistikk",
"hud.bag.head": "Hode",
"hud.bag.neck": "Nakke",
"hud.bag.tabard": "Tabard",
"hud.bag.shoulders": "Skulder",
"hud.bag.chest": "Bryst",
"hud.bag.hands": "Hender",
"hud.bag.lantern": "Lykt",
"hud.bag.glider": "Glidefly",
"hud.bag.belt": "Belte",
"hud.bag.ring": "Ring",
"hud.bag.back": "Rygg",
"hud.bag.legs": "Ben",
"hud.bag.feet": "Føtter",
"hud.bag.mainhand": "Hovedhånd",
"hud.bag.offhand": "Tillegshånd",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
/// Start character window section
"character_window.character_name": "Karakternavn",
// Character stats
"character_window.character_stats": r#"Utholdenhet
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English
string_map: {
// Chat outputs
"hud.chat.online_msg": "[{name}] logget på",
"hud.chat.offline_msg": "[{name}] logget av",
"hud.chat.default_death_msg": "[{name}] døde",
"hud.chat.environmental_kill_msg": "[{name}] døde i {environment}",
"hud.chat.fall_kill_msg": "[{name}] døde av fallskade",
"hud.chat.suicide_msg": "[{name}] døde av selvskader",
"hud.chat.pvp_melee_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] drepte [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_ranged_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] skjøt [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_explosion_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] sprengte [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_energy_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] drepte [{victim}] med magi",
"hud.chat.pvp_buff_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] drepte [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_melee_kill_msg": "{attacker} drepte [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_ranged_kill_msg": "{attacker} skjøt [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_explosion_kill_msg": "{attacker} sprengte [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_energy_kill_msg": "{attacker} drepte [{victim}] med magi",
"hud.chat.npc_other_kill_msg": "{attacker} drepte [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.loot_msg": "Du plukket opp [{item}]",
"hud.chat.loot_fail": "Ditt inventar er fullt!",
"hud.chat.goodbye": "Adjø!",
"hud.chat.connection_lost": "Forbindelse mistet. Utkastet om {time} sekunder.",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
"hud.crafting": "Håndverk",
"hud.crafting.recipes": "Oppskrifter",
"hud.crafting.ingredients": "Ingredienser:",
"hud.crafting.craft": "Lag",
"hud.crafting.tool_cata": "Krever:",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
"hud.group": "Gruppe",
"hud.group.invite_to_join": "[{name}] inviterte deg til gruppen deres!",
"hud.group.invite": "Inviter",
"hud.group.kick": "Spark",
"hud.group.assign_leader": "Tilordne leder",
"hud.group.leave": "Forlat Gruppe",
"hud.group.dead" : "Død",
"hud.group.out_of_range": "Ute av rekkevidde",
"hud.group.add_friend": "Legg til i vennelisten",
"hud.group.link_group": "Koble til grupper",
"hud.group.in_menu": "I Meny",
"hud.group.members": "Gruppemedlemmer",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
"hud.settings.general": "Generell",
"hud.settings.none": "Ingen",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.toggle": "Veksle",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.hold": "Hold",
"hud.settings.help_window": "Hjelpevindu",
"hud.settings.debug_info": "Feilsøkingsinformasjon",
"hud.settings.tips_on_startup": "Tips-På-Oppstart",
"hud.settings.ui_scale": "UI-Skalering",
"hud.settings.relative_scaling": "Relativ Skalering",
"hud.settings.custom_scaling": "Tilpasset Skalering",
"hud.settings.crosshair": "Retikkel",
"hud.settings.transparency": "Gjennomsiktighet",
"hud.settings.hotbar": "Hurtigknappsbar",
"hud.settings.toggle_shortcuts": "Veksle Snarveier",
"hud.settings.buffs_skillbar": "Ikoner på Ferdighetsbar",
"hud.settings.buffs_mmap": "Ikoner på Minimap",
"hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "Veksle erfaringsbar",
"hud.settings.scrolling_combat_text": "Rullende kamptekst",
"hud.settings.single_damage_number": "Enkelt skadetall",
"hud.settings.cumulated_damage": "Kumulert skade",
"hud.settings.incoming_damage": "Innkommende skade",
"hud.settings.cumulated_incoming_damage": "Kumulert innkommende skade",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble": "Snakkeboble",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_dark_mode": "Mørk modus for snakkeboble",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_icon": "Snakkeboble ikon",
"hud.settings.energybar_numbers": "Energibar tall",
"hud.settings.values": "Verdier",
"hud.settings.percentages": "Prosentandeler",
"hud.settings.chat": "Chat",
"hud.settings.background_transparency": "Bakgrunnsgjennomsiktighet",
"hud.settings.chat_character_name": "Karakternavn i chat",
"hud.settings.loading_tips": "Oppstartsskjerm Tips",
"hud.settings.pan_sensitivity": "Panoreringssensitivitet",
"hud.settings.zoom_sensitivity": "Zoomingssensitivitet",
"hud.settings.invert_scroll_zoom": "Inverter skrollezoom",
"hud.settings.invert_mouse_y_axis": "Inverter mus Y Aksen",
"hud.settings.enable_mouse_smoothing": "Kamerautjevning",
"hud.settings.free_look_behavior": "Frimodus oppførsel",
"hud.settings.auto_walk_behavior": "Autogåing oppførsel",
"hud.settings.stop_auto_walk_on_input": "Stopp autogåing på bevegelse",
"hud.settings.view_distance": "Utsiktsavstand",
"hud.settings.sprites_view_distance": "Sprites utsiktsavstand",
"hud.settings.figures_view_distance": "Enhets utsiktsavstand",
"hud.settings.maximum_fps": "Maksimum FPS",
"hud.settings.fov": "Synsfelt (deg)",
"hud.settings.gamma": "Gamma",
"hud.settings.ambiance": "Stemning Brightness",
"hud.settings.antialiasing_mode": "Kantutjevningsmodus",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode": "Tegn-skyer-modus",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode": "Tegn-væske-modus",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.cheap": "Billig",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.shiny": "Skinnende",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.minimal": "Minimal",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.low": "Lav",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.medium": "Medium",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.high": "Høy",
"hud.settings.fullscreen": "Full skjerm",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode": "Fullskjermsmodus",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.exclusive": "Eksklusiv",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.borderless": "Uten kanter",
"hud.settings.particles": "Partikler",
"hud.settings.resolution": "Resolusjon",
"hud.settings.bit_depth": "Bit Dybde",
"hud.settings.refresh_rate": "Oppdateringsfrekvens",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": "Spar vindusstørrelse",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode": "Tegn-belysning-modus",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.ashikhmin": "Type A - Høy ",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.blinnphong": "Type B - Medium",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.lambertian": "Type L - Billing",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode": "Tegn-skygger-modus",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.none": "Ingen",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.cheap": "Billig",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map": "Kart",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map.resolution": "Resolusjon",
"hud.settings.lod_detail": "Nivå med detaljer",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": "Lagre vindusstørrelse",
"hud.settings.music_volume": "Musikkvolum",
"hud.settings.sound_effect_volume": "Lydeffektvolum",
"hud.settings.audio_device": "Lydenhet",
"hud.settings.awaitingkey": "Trykk på en tast...",
"hud.settings.unbound": "Ingen",
"hud.settings.reset_keybinds": "Tilbakestill til standardinnstillinger",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
// Map and Questlog
"hud.map.map_title": "Kart",
"hud.map.qlog_title": "Oppdrag",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
/// Start HUD Section
"hud.do_not_show_on_startup": "Ikke vis dette på oppstart",
"hud.show_tips": "Vis tips",
"hud.quests": "Oppdrag",
"hud.you_died": "Du døde",
"hud.waypoint_saved": "Veipunkt lagret",
"hud.press_key_to_show_keybindings_fmt": "[{key}] Hurtigtaster",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_lantern_fmt": "[{key}] Lykt",
"hud.press_key_to_show_debug_info_fmt": "Trykk {key} for å vise feilsøkingsinfo",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_keybindings_fmt": "Trykk {key} for å skru av/på hurtigtaster",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_debug_info_fmt": "Trykk {key} for å skru av/på feilsøkingsinformasjon",
// Respawn message
"hud.press_key_to_respawn": r#"Trykk {key} for å gjennopstå ved det siste bålet du besøkte."#,
// Welcome message
"hud.welcome": r#"Velkommen til Veloren Alfa!
Noen tips før du begynner:
Trykk på F1 for å se tilgjengelige hurtigtaster.
Skriv /hjelp inn i chatten for å se chat-kommandoer
Det er kister og andre gjenstander som spawner tilfeldig i verden!
Høyreklikk for å samle dem.
For å brukte det du plyndrer fra disse kistene, åpne inventaret ditt med 'B'.
Dobbeltklikk på varene i inventaret ditt for å bruke det eller ta det på.
Kast dem ved å klikke og dra dem utenfor inventaret.
Nettene kan bli ganske mørke i Veloren.
Tenn din lykt ved å trykke på 'G'.
Vil du frigjøre markøren for å lukke dette vinduet? Trykk på TAB!
Kos deg i verden av Veloren."#,
"hud.temp_quest_headline": r#"Vær så snill, Hjelp oss reisende!"#,
"hud.temp_quest_text": r#"Fangehull fylt med onde kultister
har dukket opp rundt våre fredelige byer!
Samle noe selskap, samle mat
og bekjemp deres dårlige ledere og akolytter.
Kanskje du til og med kan skaffe deg en av de
magisk infunderte gjenstandene?"#,
"hud.spell": "Trylleformel",
"hud.free_look_indicator": "Frimodus aktiv. Trykk {key} for å skru av.",
"hud.auto_walk_indicator": "Autogåing aktiv",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
// SCT outputs
"hud.sct.experience": "{amount} Exp",
"hud.sct.block": "BLOKERT",
vector_map: {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Ukrainian
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
"hud.social": "Andre spillere",
"hud.social.online": "Tilstede:",
"hud.social.friends": "Venner",
"hud.social.not_yet_available": "Ikke tilgjengelig enda",
"hud.social.faction": "Fraksjon",
"hud.social.play_online_fmt": "{nb_player} spiller(e) tilstede",
"hud.social.name": "Navn",
"hud.social.level": "Nivå",
"hud.social.zone": "Sone",
"hud.social.account": "Bruker",
vector_map: {
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for Hungarian
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for norsk bokmål
string_map: {
"main.username": "Brukernavn",
"main.server": "Server",
"main.password": "Passord",
"main.connecting": "Kobler til",
"main.creating_world": "Lager verden",
"main.tip": "Tips:",
// Welcome notice that appears the first time Veloren is started
"main.notice": r#"Velkommen til alfaversjonen av Veloren!
Før du dykker inn i moroa, vennligst hold et par ting i tankene:
- Dette er en veldig tidlig alfa. Forvent feil, ekstremt uferdig spilling, upolert mekanikk og manglende funksjoner.
- Hvis du har konstruktive tilbakemeldinger eller feilrapporter, kan du kontakte oss via Reddit, GitLab eller vår Discord-server.
- Veloren er lisensiert under GPL 3 åpen kildekode-lisensen. Det betyr at du er fri til å spille, endre og distribuere spillet på nytt, akkurat
som du ønsker (så lenge arbeidet også er under GPL 3).
- Veloren er et ikke-profitt basert samfunnsprosjekt, og alle som jobber på prosjektet er frivillige.
Hvis du liker det du ser, er du velkommen til å bli med i utviklings- eller kunstteamene!
Takk for at du tar deg tid til å lese denne meldingen, vi håper at du liker spillet!
- Veloren-utviklerne"#,
// Login process description
"main.login_process": r#"Informasjon om påloggingsprosessen:
Vær oppmerksom på at du nå trenger en konto
for å spille på godkjennings-aktiverte servere.
Du kan opprette en konto på
"main.login.server_not_found": "Server ikke funnet",
"main.login.authentication_error": "Innloggingsfeil på serveren",
"main.login.server_full": "Serveren er full",
"main.login.untrusted_auth_server": "Godkjenningsserver kan ikke stoles på",
"main.login.outdated_client_or_server": "Sannsynligvis er versjoner inkompatible, se etter oppdateringer.",
"main.login.timeout": "Serveren svarte ikke i tide. (Overbelastet eller nettverksproblemer).",
"main.login.server_shut_down": "Serveren stoppet",
"main.login.network_error": "Nettverksfeil",
"main.login.failed_sending_request": "Forespørsel til godkjenningsserver mislyktes",
"main.login.invalid_character": "Den valgte karakteren er ugyldig",
"main.login.client_crashed": "Klienten krasjet",
"main.login.not_on_whitelist": "Du trenger en hvitelisteoppføring av en administrator for å bli med",
"main.login.banned": "Du har blitt utestengt av følgende grunn",
"main.login.kicked": "Du har blitt sparket ut av følgende grunn",
"main.login.select_language": "Velg språk",
"main.servers.select_server": "Velg en server",
vector_map: {
@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
/// Translation document instructions
/// In order to keep localization documents readible please follow the following
/// rules:
/// - separate the string map sections using a commentary describing the purpose
/// of the next section
/// - prepend multi-line strings with a commentary
/// - append one blank lines after a multi-line strings and two after sections
/// To add a new language in Veloren, just write an additional `.ron` file in
/// `assets/voxygen/i18n` and that's it!
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Lokalisering for norsk bokmål
metadata: (
language_name: "Norsk bokmål",
language_identifier: "no_nb",
convert_utf8_to_ascii: false,
fonts: {
"opensans": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.OpenSans-Regular",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"metamorph": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.Metamorphous-Regular",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"alkhemi": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.Alkhemikal",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"wizard": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.wizard",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
"cyri": Font (
asset_key: "voxygen.font.haxrcorp_4089_cyrillic_altgr_extended",
scale_ratio: 1.0,
string_map: {
/// Start Common section
// Texts used in multiple locations with the same formatting
"common.username": "Brukernavn",
"common.singleplayer": "Enspiller",
"common.multiplayer": "Flerspiller",
"common.servers": "Servere",
"common.quit": "Avslutt",
"common.settings": "Innstillinger",
"common.languages": "Språk",
"common.interface": "Grensesnitt",
"common.gameplay": "Spillbarhet",
"common.controls": "Kontroller",
"common.video": "Grafikk",
"common.sound": "Lyd",
"common.resume": "Fortsett",
"common.characters": "Karakterer",
"common.close": "Lukk",
"common.yes": "Ja",
"common.no": "Nei",
"common.back": "Tilbake",
"common.create": "Lag",
"common.okay": "Ok",
"common.add": "Legg til",
"common.accept": "Aksepter",
"common.decline": "Avslå",
"common.disclaimer": "Bemerk",
"common.cancel": "Avbryt",
"common.none": "Ingen",
"common.error": "Feil",
"common.fatal_error": "Kritisk Feil",
"common.you": "Du",
"common.automatic": "Automatisk",
"common.random": "Tilfeldig",
// Settings Window title
"common.interface_settings": "Grensesnitt Instillinger",
"common.gameplay_settings": "Spillbarhet Innstillinger",
"common.controls_settings": "Kontroller Innstillinger",
"common.video_settings": "Grafikk Innstillinger",
"common.sound_settings": "Lyd Innstillinger",
"common.language_settings": "Språk Innstillinger",
// Message when connection to the server is lost
"common.connection_lost": r#"Mistet forbindelsen!
Har serveren startet på nytt?
Har det kommet nye oppdateringer?"#,
"common.species.orc": "Ork",
"common.species.human": "Menneske",
"common.species.dwarf": "Dverg",
"common.species.elf": "Alv",
"common.species.undead": "Udødelig",
"common.species.danari": "Danari",
"common.weapons.axe": "Øks",
"common.weapons.sword": "Sverd",
"common.weapons.staff": "Stav",
"common.weapons.bow": "Bue",
"common.weapons.hammer": "Hammer",
"common.weapons.sceptre": "Helbredings Septer",
"common.rand_appearance": "Tilfeldig utseende og navn",
/// End Common section
/// Start Main screen section
"main.username": "Brukernavn",
"main.server": "Server",
"main.password": "Passord",
"main.connecting": "Kobler til",
"main.creating_world": "Lager verden",
"main.tip": "Tips:",
// Welcome notice that appears the first time Veloren is started
"main.notice": r#"Velkommen til alfaversjonen av Veloren!
Før du dykker inn i moroa, vennligst hold et par ting i tankene:
- Dette er en veldig tidlig alfa. Forvent feil, ekstremt uferdig spilling, upolert mekanikk og manglende funksjoner.
- Hvis du har konstruktive tilbakemeldinger eller feilrapporter, kan du kontakte oss via Reddit, GitLab eller vår Discord-server.
- Veloren er lisensiert under GPL 3 åpen kildekode-lisensen. Det betyr at du er fri til å spille, endre og distribuere spillet på nytt, akkurat
som du ønsker (så lenge arbeidet også er under GPL 3).
- Veloren er et ikke-profitt basert samfunnsprosjekt, og alle som jobber på prosjektet er frivillige.
Hvis du liker det du ser, er du velkommen til å bli med i utviklings- eller kunstteamene!
Takk for at du tar deg tid til å lese denne meldingen, vi håper at du liker spillet!
- Veloren-utviklerne"#,
// Login process description
"main.login_process": r#"Informasjon om påloggingsprosessen:
Vær oppmerksom på at du nå trenger en konto
for å spille på godkjennings-aktiverte servere.
Du kan opprette en konto på
"main.login.server_not_found": "Server ikke funnet",
"main.login.authentication_error": "Innloggingsfeil på serveren",
"main.login.server_full": "Serveren er full",
"main.login.untrusted_auth_server": "Godkjenningsserver kan ikke stoles på",
"main.login.outdated_client_or_server": "Sannsynligvis er versjoner inkompatible, se etter oppdateringer.",
"main.login.timeout": "Serveren svarte ikke i tide. (Overbelastet eller nettverksproblemer).",
"main.login.server_shut_down": "Serveren stoppet",
"main.login.network_error": "Nettverksfeil",
"main.login.failed_sending_request": "Forespørsel til godkjenningsserver mislyktes",
"main.login.invalid_character": "Den valgte karakteren er ugyldig",
"main.login.client_crashed": "Klienten krasjet",
"main.login.not_on_whitelist": "Du trenger en hvitelisteoppføring av en administrator for å bli med",
"main.login.banned": "Du har blitt utestengt av følgende grunn",
"main.login.kicked": "Du har blitt sparket ut av følgende grunn",
"main.login.select_language": "Velg språk",
"main.servers.select_server": "Velg en server",
/// End Main screen section
/// Start HUD Section
"hud.do_not_show_on_startup": "Ikke vis dette på oppstart",
"hud.show_tips": "Vis tips",
"hud.quests": "Oppdrag",
"hud.you_died": "Du døde",
"hud.waypoint_saved": "Veipunkt lagret",
"hud.press_key_to_show_keybindings_fmt": "[{key}] Hurtigtaster",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_lantern_fmt": "[{key}] Lykt",
"hud.press_key_to_show_debug_info_fmt": "Trykk {key} for å vise feilsøkingsinfo",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_keybindings_fmt": "Trykk {key} for å skru av/på hurtigtaster",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_debug_info_fmt": "Trykk {key} for å skru av/på feilsøkingsinformasjon",
// Chat outputs
"hud.chat.online_msg": "[{name}] logget på",
"hud.chat.offline_msg": "[{name}] logget av",
"hud.chat.default_death_msg": "[{name}] døde",
"hud.chat.environmental_kill_msg": "[{name}] døde i {environment}",
"hud.chat.fall_kill_msg": "[{name}] døde av fallskade",
"hud.chat.suicide_msg": "[{name}] døde av selvskader",
"hud.chat.pvp_melee_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] drepte [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_ranged_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] skjøt [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_explosion_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] sprengte [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.pvp_energy_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] drepte [{victim}] med magi",
"hud.chat.pvp_buff_kill_msg": "[{attacker}] drepte [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_melee_kill_msg": "{attacker} drepte [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_ranged_kill_msg": "{attacker} skjøt [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_explosion_kill_msg": "{attacker} sprengte [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.npc_energy_kill_msg": "{attacker} drepte [{victim}] med magi",
"hud.chat.npc_other_kill_msg": "{attacker} drepte [{victim}]",
"hud.chat.loot_msg": "Du plukket opp [{item}]",
"hud.chat.loot_fail": "Ditt inventar er fullt!",
"hud.chat.goodbye": "Adjø!",
"hud.chat.connection_lost": "Forbindelse mistet. Utkastet om {time} sekunder.",
// SCT outputs
"hud.sct.experience": "{amount} Exp",
"hud.sct.block": "BLOKERT",
// Respawn message
"hud.press_key_to_respawn": r#"Trykk {key} for å gjennopstå ved det siste bålet du besøkte."#,
// Welcome message
"hud.welcome": r#"Velkommen til Veloren Alfa!
Noen tips før du begynner:
Trykk på F1 for å se tilgjengelige hurtigtaster.
Skriv /hjelp inn i chatten for å se chat-kommandoer
Det er kister og andre gjenstander som spawner tilfeldig i verden!
Høyreklikk for å samle dem.
For å brukte det du plyndrer fra disse kistene, åpne inventaret ditt med 'B'.
Dobbeltklikk på varene i inventaret ditt for å bruke det eller ta det på.
Kast dem ved å klikke og dra dem utenfor inventaret.
Nettene kan bli ganske mørke i Veloren.
Tenn din lykt ved å trykke på 'G'.
Vil du frigjøre markøren for å lukke dette vinduet? Trykk på TAB!
Kos deg i verden av Veloren."#,
"hud.temp_quest_headline": r#"Vær så snill, Hjelp oss reisende!"#,
"hud.temp_quest_text": r#"Fangehull fylt med onde kultister
har dukket opp rundt våre fredelige byer!
Samle noe selskap, samle mat
og bekjemp deres dårlige ledere og akolytter.
Kanskje du til og med kan skaffe deg en av de
magisk infunderte gjenstandene?"#,
// Inventory
"hud.bag.inventory": "{playername}'s Inventar",
"hud.bag.stats_title": "{playername}'s Statistikk",
"hud.bag.exp": "Exp",
"hud.bag.armor": "Utrustning",
"hud.bag.stats": "Statistikk",
"hud.bag.head": "Hode",
"hud.bag.neck": "Nakke",
"hud.bag.tabard": "Tabard",
"hud.bag.shoulders": "Skulder",
"hud.bag.chest": "Bryst",
"hud.bag.hands": "Hender",
"hud.bag.lantern": "Lykt",
"hud.bag.glider": "Glidefly",
"hud.bag.belt": "Belte",
"hud.bag.ring": "Ring",
"hud.bag.back": "Rygg",
"hud.bag.legs": "Ben",
"hud.bag.feet": "Føtter",
"hud.bag.mainhand": "Hovedhånd",
"hud.bag.offhand": "Tillegshånd",
// Map and Questlog
"hud.map.map_title": "Kart",
"hud.map.qlog_title": "Oppdrag",
// Settings
"hud.settings.general": "Generell",
"hud.settings.none": "Ingen",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.toggle": "Veksle",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.hold": "Hold",
"hud.settings.help_window": "Hjelpevindu",
"hud.settings.debug_info": "Feilsøkingsinformasjon",
"hud.settings.tips_on_startup": "Tips-På-Oppstart",
"hud.settings.ui_scale": "UI-Skalering",
"hud.settings.relative_scaling": "Relativ Skalering",
"hud.settings.custom_scaling": "Tilpasset Skalering",
"hud.settings.crosshair": "Retikkel",
"hud.settings.transparency": "Gjennomsiktighet",
"hud.settings.hotbar": "Hurtigknappsbar",
"hud.settings.toggle_shortcuts": "Veksle Snarveier",
"hud.settings.buffs_skillbar": "Ikoner på Ferdighetsbar",
"hud.settings.buffs_mmap": "Ikoner på Minimap",
"hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "Veksle erfaringsbar",
"hud.settings.scrolling_combat_text": "Rullende kamptekst",
"hud.settings.single_damage_number": "Enkelt skadetall",
"hud.settings.cumulated_damage": "Kumulert skade",
"hud.settings.incoming_damage": "Innkommende skade",
"hud.settings.cumulated_incoming_damage": "Kumulert innkommende skade",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble": "Snakkeboble",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_dark_mode": "Mørk modus for snakkeboble",
"hud.settings.speech_bubble_icon": "Snakkeboble ikon",
"hud.settings.energybar_numbers": "Energibar tall",
"hud.settings.values": "Verdier",
"hud.settings.percentages": "Prosentandeler",
"hud.settings.chat": "Chat",
"hud.settings.background_transparency": "Bakgrunnsgjennomsiktighet",
"hud.settings.chat_character_name": "Karakternavn i chat",
"hud.settings.loading_tips": "Oppstartsskjerm Tips",
"hud.settings.pan_sensitivity": "Panoreringssensitivitet",
"hud.settings.zoom_sensitivity": "Zoomingssensitivitet",
"hud.settings.invert_scroll_zoom": "Inverter skrollezoom",
"hud.settings.invert_mouse_y_axis": "Inverter mus Y Aksen",
"hud.settings.enable_mouse_smoothing": "Kamerautjevning",
"hud.settings.free_look_behavior": "Frimodus oppførsel",
"hud.settings.auto_walk_behavior": "Autogåing oppførsel",
"hud.settings.stop_auto_walk_on_input": "Stopp autogåing på bevegelse",
"hud.settings.view_distance": "Utsiktsavstand",
"hud.settings.sprites_view_distance": "Sprites utsiktsavstand",
"hud.settings.figures_view_distance": "Enhets utsiktsavstand",
"hud.settings.maximum_fps": "Maksimum FPS",
"hud.settings.fov": "Synsfelt (deg)",
"hud.settings.gamma": "Gamma",
"hud.settings.ambiance": "Stemning Brightness",
"hud.settings.antialiasing_mode": "Kantutjevningsmodus",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode": "Tegn-skyer-modus",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode": "Tegn-væske-modus",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.cheap": "Billig",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.shiny": "Skinnende",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.minimal": "Minimal",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.low": "Lav",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.medium": "Medium",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.high": "Høy",
"hud.settings.fullscreen": "Full skjerm",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode": "Fullskjermsmodus",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.exclusive": "Eksklusiv",
"hud.settings.fullscreen_mode.borderless": "Uten kanter",
"hud.settings.particles": "Partikler",
"hud.settings.resolution": "Resolusjon",
"hud.settings.bit_depth": "Bit Dybde",
"hud.settings.refresh_rate": "Oppdateringsfrekvens",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": "Spar vindusstørrelse",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode": "Tegn-belysning-modus",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.ashikhmin": "Type A - Høy ",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.blinnphong": "Type B - Medium",
"hud.settings.lighting_rendering_mode.lambertian": "Type L - Billing",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode": "Tegn-skygger-modus",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.none": "Ingen",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.cheap": "Billig",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map": "Kart",
"hud.settings.shadow_rendering_mode.map.resolution": "Resolusjon",
"hud.settings.lod_detail": "Nivå med detaljer",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": "Lagre vindusstørrelse",
"hud.settings.music_volume": "Musikkvolum",
"hud.settings.sound_effect_volume": "Lydeffektvolum",
"hud.settings.audio_device": "Lydenhet",
"hud.settings.awaitingkey": "Trykk på en tast...",
"hud.settings.unbound": "Ingen",
"hud.settings.reset_keybinds": "Tilbakestill til standardinnstillinger",
"hud.social": "Andre spillere",
"hud.social.online": "Tilstede:",
"hud.social.friends": "Venner",
"hud.social.not_yet_available": "Ikke tilgjengelig enda",
"hud.social.faction": "Fraksjon",
"hud.social.play_online_fmt": "{nb_player} spiller(e) tilstede",
"hud.social.name": "Navn",
"hud.social.level": "Nivå",
"hud.social.zone": "Sone",
"hud.social.account": "Bruker",
"hud.crafting": "Håndverk",
"hud.crafting.recipes": "Oppskrifter",
"hud.crafting.ingredients": "Ingredienser:",
"hud.crafting.craft": "Lag",
"hud.crafting.tool_cata": "Krever:",
"hud.group": "Gruppe",
"hud.group.invite_to_join": "[{name}] inviterte deg til gruppen deres!",
"hud.group.invite": "Inviter",
"hud.group.kick": "Spark",
"hud.group.assign_leader": "Tilordne leder",
"hud.group.leave": "Forlat Gruppe",
"hud.group.dead" : "Død",
"hud.group.out_of_range": "Ute av rekkevidde",
"hud.group.add_friend": "Legg til i vennelisten",
"hud.group.link_group": "Koble til grupper",
"hud.group.in_menu": "I Meny",
"hud.group.members": "Gruppemedlemmer",
"hud.spell": "Trylleformel",
"hud.free_look_indicator": "Frimodus aktiv. Trykk {key} for å skru av.",
"hud.auto_walk_indicator": "Autogåing aktiv",
/// End HUD section
/// Start GameInput section
"gameinput.primary": "Primær Angrep",
"gameinput.secondary": "Sekundær Angrep/Blokk/Sikt",
"gameinput.slot1": "Hurtigbar Luke 1",
"gameinput.slot2": "Hurtigbar Luke 2",
"gameinput.slot3": "Hurtigbar Luke 3",
"gameinput.slot4": "Hurtigbar Luke 4",
"gameinput.slot5": "Hurtigbar Luke 5",
"gameinput.slot6": "Hurtigbar Luke 6",
"gameinput.slot7": "Hurtigbar Luke 7",
"gameinput.slot8": "Hurtigbar Luke 8",
"gameinput.slot9": "Hurtigbar Luke 9",
"gameinput.slot10": "Hurtigbar Luke 10",
"gameinput.swaploadout": "Bytt utlastning",
"gameinput.togglecursor": "Veksle Musepeker",
"gameinput.help": "Veksle hjelpevindu",
"gameinput.toggleinterface": "Veksle Grensesnitt",
"gameinput.toggledebug": "Veksle FPS og feilsøkingsinfo",
"gameinput.screenshot": "Ta skjermbilde",
"gameinput.toggleingameui": "Veksle Navneskilt",
"gameinput.fullscreen": "Veksle fullskjerm",
"gameinput.moveforward": "Beveg frem",
"gameinput.moveleft": "Beveg venstre",
"gameinput.moveright": "Beveg høyre",
"gameinput.moveback": "Beveg bakover",
"gameinput.jump": "Hopp",
"gameinput.glide": "Glider",
"gameinput.roll": "Rull",
"gameinput.climb": "Klatre",
"gameinput.climbdown": "Klatre ned",
"gameinput.wallleap": "Veggsprang",
"gameinput.togglelantern": "Veksle lykt",
"gameinput.mount": "Monter",
"gameinput.chat": "Chat",
"gameinput.command": "Kommando",
"gameinput.escape": "Røm",
"gameinput.map": "Kart",
"gameinput.bag": "Bag",
"gameinput.social": "Sosial",
"gameinput.sit": "Sitt",
"gameinput.spellbook": "Trylleformler",
"gameinput.settings": "Innstillinger",
"gameinput.respawn": "Gjennopstå",
"gameinput.charge": "Lad opp",
"gameinput.togglewield": "Veksle Våpen",
"gameinput.interact": "Interaksjon",
"gameinput.freelook": "Frimodus",
"gameinput.autowalk": "Autogåing",
"gameinput.dance": "Dans",
"gameinput.select": "Velg enhet",
"gameinput.acceptgroupinvite": "Godta gruppeinvitasjon",
"gameinput.declinegroupinvite": "Avvis gruppeinvitasjon",
"gameinput.crafting": "Håndverk",
"gameinput.fly": "Fly",
"gameinput.sneak": "Snik",
"gameinput.swimdown": "Svøm nedover",
"gameinput.swimup": "Svøm oppover",
/// End GameInput section
/// Start chracter selection section
"char_selection.loading_characters": "Laster inn karakterer...",
"char_selection.delete_permanently": "Slett denne karakteren permanent?",
"char_selection.deleting_character": "Sletter karakter...",
"char_selection.change_server": "Bytt server",
"char_selection.enter_world": "Gå inn i verden",
"char_selection.logout": "Logg ut",
"char_selection.create_new_character": "Lag ny karakter",
"char_selection.creating_character": "Skaper karakter...",
"char_selection.character_creation": "Karakterskaping",
"char_selection.human_default": "Menneskestandarder",
"char_selection.level_fmt": "Nivå {level_nb}",
"char_selection.uncanny_valley": "Villmark",
"char_selection.plains_of_uncertainty": "Usikkerhetssletter",
"char_selection.beard": "Skjegg",
"char_selection.hair_style": "Hårstil",
"char_selection.hair_color": "Hårfarge",
"char_selection.eye_color": "Øyenfarge",
"char_selection.skin": "Hud",
"char_selection.eyeshape": "Øyedetaljer",
"char_selection.accessories": "Tilbehør",
"char_selection.create_info_name": "Karakteren din trenger et navn!",
/// End character selection section
/// Start character window section
"character_window.character_name": "Karakternavn",
// Character stats
"character_window.character_stats": r#"Utholdenhet
/// End character window section
/// Start Escape Menu Section
"esc_menu.logout": "Logg ut",
"esc_menu.quit_game": "Avslutt spillet",
/// End Escape Menu Section
/// Buffs and Debuffs
"buff.remove": "Klikk for å fjerne",
"buff.title.missing": "Mangler tittel",
"buff.desc.missing": "Mangler beskrivelse",
// Buffs
"buff.title.heal": "Helbred",
"buff.desc.heal": "Helbred over tid.",
"buff.title.potion": "Trylledrikk",
"buff.desc.potion": "Drikker...",
"buff.title.saturation": "Metning",
"buff.desc.saturation": "Helbred over tid fra forbruksvarer.",
// Debuffs
"buff.title.bleed": "Blør",
"buff.desc.bleed": "Påfører regelmessig skade.",
vector_map: {
"loading.tips": [
"Trykk 'G' for å tenne lykten.",
"Trykk 'F1' for å se alle standard tastebindinger.",
"Du kan skrive /say eller /s for å bare chatte med spillere rett rundt deg.",
"Du kan skrive /region eller /r for å bare chatte med spillere et par hundre blokker rundt deg.",
"Du kan skrive /group eller /g for å bare chatte med spillere i din nåværende gruppe.",
"For å sende private meldinger skriv /tell etterfulgt av et spillernavn og meldingen din.",
"NPCer med samme nivå kan ha forskjellige problemer.",
"Hold øye med mat, kister og andre godsaker spredt over hele verden!",
"Inventar fylt med mat? Prøv å lage bedre mat med det!",
"Lurer du på hva du kan gjøre? Fangehull er merket med brune flekker på kartet!",
"Ikke glem å justere grafikken for systemet ditt. Trykk på 'N' for å åpne innstillingene.",
"Å spille med andre er gøy! Trykk 'O' for å se hvem som er online.",
"En NPC med en hodeskalle under helsebaren er ganske kraftig sammenlignet med deg selv.",
"Trykk 'J' for å danse. Fest!",
"Trykk 'L-Shift' for å åpne Glider og erobre himmelen.",
"Veloren er fortsatt i Pre-Alfa. Vi gjør vårt beste for å forbedre det hver dag!",
"Hvis du vil bli med i Dev-teamet eller bare ta en prat med oss, bli med i Discord-Serveren.",
"Du kan veksle for å vise mengden helse på helselinjen i innstillingene.",
"For å se statistikken din, klikk på 'Statistikk' -knappen i beholdningen.",
"npc.speech.villager_under_attack": [
"Hjelp, jeg er under angrep!",
"Hjelp! Jeg er under angrep!",
"Au! Jeg er under angrep!",
"Au! Jeg er under angrep! Hjelp!",
"Hjelp meg! Jeg er under angrep!",
"Jeg er under angrep! Hjelp!",
"Jeg er under angrep! Hjelp meg!",
"Hjelp! Hjelp!",
"Hjelp! Hjelp! Hjelp!",
"Jeg er under angrep!",
"AAAHHH! Jeg er under angrep!",
"AAAHHH! Jeg er under angrep! Hjelp!",
"Hjelp! Vi er under angrep!",
"Hjelp! Morder!",
"Hjelp! Det er en morder på frifot!",
"Hjelp! De prøver å drepe meg!",
"Vakter, jeg er under angrep!",
"Vakter! Jeg er under angrep!",
"Jeg er under angrep! Vakter!",
"Hjelp! Vakter! Jeg er under angrep!",
"Vakter! Kom raskt!",
"Vakter! Vakter!",
"Vakter! Det er en skurk som angriper meg!",
"Vakter, drep denne onde skurken!",
"Vakter! Det er en morder!",
"Vakter! Hjelp meg!",
"Du kommer ikke unna med dette! Vakter!",
"Du fiende!",
"Hjelp meg!",
"Hjelp! Vœr så snill!",
"Ouch! Vakter! Hjelp!",
"De etterfølger etter meg!",
"Hjelp! Hjelp! Jeg blir undertrykt!",
"Ah, nå ser vi volden som er bygd inn i systemet.",
"Det er bare en ripe!",
"Slutt med det!",
"Hva har jeg noensinne gjort mot deg?!",
"Vær så snill slutt å angripe meg!",
"Hei! Se for deg hvor du peker den tingen!",
"Avskyelige krek, bort med deg!",
"Stop det! Gå vekk!",
"Nå gjør du meg sint!",
"Oi! Hvem tror du at du er?!",
"Jeg tar hodet ditt for det!",
"Stop, vær så snill! Jeg har ingenting av verdi på meg!",
"Jeg får broren min til å ta deg, han er større enn meg!",
"Neiii, jeg sier det til mamma!",
"Forbann deg!",
"Vœr så snill ikke gjør det.",
"Det var ikke veldig snilt!",
"Våpnet ditt funker, du kan ta det vekk nå!",
"Bespar meg!",
"Vær så snill, jeg har familie!",
"Jeg er for ung til å dø!",
"Kan vi snakke om dette?",
"Vold er aldri svaret!",
"I dag ser ut til å være en dårlig dag...",
"Hei, det kjente jeg!",
"Hvor uhøflig!",
"Stop, jeg ber deg!",
"Smitte beslage deg!",
"Dette er ikke gøy.",
"Hvordan våger du?!",
"Du kommer til å betale for dette!",
"Fortsett med dette og du kommer til å be unnskyld!",
"Ikke få meg til å banke deg!",
"Dette må være en misforståelse!",
"Du trenger ikke å gjøre dette!",
"Gå vekk, skurk!",
"Det gjorde vondt!",
"Hvorfor gjorde du det?",
"Etter åndene, forsvinn!",
"Du må ha forvekslet meg med noen andre!",
"Jeg fortjener ikke dette!",
"Vær så snill ikke gjør dette igjen!",
"Vakter, kast dette mennesket i havet!",
"Jeg får min tarasque til å etterfølge deg!",
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
/// CUIDADO: Arquivos de tradução devem ser criados no formato UTF-8 sem Marca de Ordem de byte - BOM(https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marca_de_ordem_de_byte)
/// Localization for Portuguese (Brazil)
string_map: {
vector_map: {
@ -28,358 +28,6 @@
string_map: {
/// Start Common section
// Texts used in multiple locations with the same formatting
"common.username": "nome de utilizador",
"common.singleplayer": "Um jogador",
"common.multiplayer": "Multijogador",
"common.servers": "Servidores",
"common.quit": "Sair",
"common.settings": "Definições",
"common.languages": "Linguagens",
"common.interface": "Interface",
"common.gameplay": "Jogabilidade",
"common.controls": "Controlos",
"common.video": "Video",
"common.sound": "Som",
"common.resume": "Resumir",
"common.characters": "Personagens",
"common.close": "Fechar",
"common.yes": "Sim",
"common.no": "Não",
"common.back": "Voltar",
"common.create": "Criar",
"common.okay": "Okay",
"common.accept": "Aceitar",
"common.disclaimer": "Aviso",
"common.cancel": "Cancelar",
"common.none": "Nenhum",
"common.error": "Erro",
"common.fatal_error": "Erro fatal",
// Message when connection to the server is lost
"common.connection_lost": r#"Conexâo perdida!
Será que o server reiniciou?
O cliente está atualizado?"#,
"common.species.orc": "Ogre",
"common.species.human": "Humano",
"common.species.dwarf": "Anão",
"common.species.elf": "Elfo",
"common.species.undead": "Morto-vivo",
"common.species.danari": "Danari",
"common.weapons.axe": "Machado",
"common.weapons.sword": "Espada",
"common.weapons.staff": "Cajado",
"common.weapons.bow": "Arco",
"common.weapons.hammer": "Martelo",
/// End Common section
/// Start Main screen section
"main.connecting": "Conectando",
"main.creating_world": "Criando o mundo",
// Welcome notice that appears the first time Veloren is started
"main.notice": r#"Bem vindo a versão alpha de Veloren!
Antes de começar a jogar, por favor tenha em mente que:
- Isto é uma versão muito experimental. Prepare-se para defeitos, jogabilidade muito inacabada, mecanismos por polir e funcionalidades por
- Se tiver comentários construtivos ou defeitos para reportar, pode contactar-nos através do Reddit, GitLab ou o nosso servidor comunitário de
- Veloren está licenciado sob a licensa código aberto GPL 3. Isto significa que pode jogar, modificar e redistribuir como quiser
(Contanto que o trabalho derivado seja também GPL 3).
- Veloren é um projeto comunitário sem lucro, e toda a gente que trabalha nele é um voluntário. Se gostar do que ve, considere juntar-se a equipa
de desenvolvimento ou a de artes!
- 'Voxel RPG' é um género em si mesmo. First-person shooters costumavam ser chamados de clones do DOOM.
Tal como eles, nós estamos a tentar construir um género. Este jogo não é um clone e o seu desenvolvimento vai divergir de jogos existentes no
Obrigado por ler este aviso, nós esperamos que goste do jogo!
~ A equipa do Veloren"#,
// Login process description
"main.login_process": r#"Informação sobre o processo de Login:
Se tiver problemas a logar:
Tenha em atenção que é necessário uma conta
para jogar em servidores com autenticação.
Para criar uma conta navegue até
"main.login.server_not_found": "Servidor não encontrado",
"main.login.authentication_error": "Erro de autenticação",
"main.login.server_full": "Servidor está cheio",
"main.login.untrusted_auth_server": "Server de autenticação não confiado",
"main.login.outdated_client_or_server": "Servidor endoideceu: Provavelmente as versões são incompativéis, verifique se há versões mais recentes.",
"main.login.timeout": "Tempo esgotado: O servidor não respondeu a tempo. (Sobrecarregado ou problemas de rede).",
"main.login.server_shut_down": "O servidor encerrou",
"main.login.network_error": "Error de rede",
"main.login.failed_sending_request": "Pedido ao servidor de autenticação falhou",
"main.login.client_crashed": "O cliente crashou",
"main.login.select_language": "Seleccione uma língua",
/// End Main screen section
/// Start HUD Section
"hud.do_not_show_on_startup": "Não mostre no início",
"hud.show_tips": "Mostrar dicas",
"hud.quests": "Missões",
"hud.you_died": "Você Morreu",
"hud.press_key_to_show_keybindings_fmt": "Clique em {key} para mostrar as teclas mapeadas",
"hud.press_key_to_show_debug_info_fmt": "Clique em {key} para mostrar a informação de depuração",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_keybindings_fmt": "Clique em {key} para mostrar/ocultar as teclas mapeadas",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_debug_info_fmt": "Clique em {key} para mostrar/ocultar a informação de depuração",
// Respawn message
"hud.press_key_to_respawn": r#"Clique em {key} para renascer na última fogueira visitada."#,
// Welcome message
"hud.welcome": r#"Bem vindo a Alpha do Veloren!,
Algumas dicas antes de começar:
MAIS IMPORTANTE: Para definir o seu local de renascimento escreva /waypoint no chat.
Isto também pode ser realizado depois de morto!
Clique em F1 para ver as teclas mapeadas.
Escreva /help no chat para ver os comandos de chat
A muitos baús e outros objetos a aperecer no mundo aleatoriamente!
Pressione o botão direito do mouse pare coletá-los.
Para usar o que coletou basta abrir o inventário pressionando a tecla 'B'.
Faça duplo clique nos items para usá-los ou equipá-los.
Deite-os fora cliquando uma vez neles e depois outra fora do inventário.
As noites podem ser bastante escuras.
Acenda a lanterna escrevendo /lantern no chat.
Quer libertar o mouse para fechar esta janela? Clique em TAB!
Aprecie a sua estadia no mundo de Veloren."#,
"hud.temp_quest_headline": r#"Please, help us Traveller!"#,
"hud.temp_quest_text": r#"Dungeons filled with evil cultists
have emerged all around our peaceful towns!
Gather some company, stack up on food
and defeat their vile leaders and acolytes.
Maybe you can even obtain one of their
magically infused items?"#,
"hud.settings.general": "Geral",
"hud.settings.none": "Nenhum",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.toggle": "Alternar",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.hold": "Segurar",
"hud.settings.help_window": "Janela de ajuda",
"hud.settings.debug_info": "Informação de depuração",
"hud.settings.tips_on_startup": "Dicas no início",
"hud.settings.ui_scale": "Escala da interface",
"hud.settings.relative_scaling": "Escala relativa",
"hud.settings.custom_scaling": "Escala customizada",
"hud.settings.crosshair": "Crosshair",
"hud.settings.transparency": "Transparência",
"hud.settings.hotbar": "Hotbar",
"hud.settings.toggle_shortcuts": "Mostar/Ocultar atalhos",
"hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "Mostar/Ocultar barra de experiência",
"hud.settings.scrolling_combat_text": "Texto de combate deslizante",
"hud.settings.single_damage_number": "Números de dano únicos",
"hud.settings.cumulated_damage": "Dano acumulado",
"hud.settings.incoming_damage": "Dano recebido",
"hud.settings.cumulated_incoming_damage": "Dano recebido acumulado",
"hud.settings.energybar_numbers": "Números da barra de energia",
"hud.settings.values": "Valores",
"hud.settings.percentages": "Percentagens",
"hud.settings.chat": "Chat",
"hud.settings.background_transparency": "Transparência do fundo",
"hud.settings.pan_sensitivity": "Sensibilidade de rotação",
"hud.settings.zoom_sensitivity": "Sensibilidade de zoom",
"hud.settings.invert_scroll_zoom": "Inverter scroll zoom",
"hud.settings.invert_mouse_y_axis": "Inverter o eixo Y do mouse",
"hud.settings.free_look_behavior": "Ativação de rotação livre",
"hud.settings.view_distance": "Alcance de visão",
"hud.settings.maximum_fps": "FPS máximo",
"hud.settings.fov": "Campo de visão(graus)",
"hud.settings.gamma": "Luminosidade",
"hud.settings.antialiasing_mode": "Modo de antialiasing",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode": "Modo de representação de nuvens",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode": "Modo de representação de fluídos",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.cheap": "Barato",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.shiny": "Brilhante",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.regular": "Normal",
"hud.settings.fullscreen": "Tela cheia",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": "Gravar dimensões",
"hud.settings.music_volume": "Volume da música",
"hud.settings.sound_effect_volume": "Volume dos efeitos sonoros",
"hud.settings.audio_device": "Dispositivo de aúdio",
// Control list
"hud.settings.control_names": r#"Libertar mouse
Mostar/Ocultar janela de ajuda
Mostar/Ocultar interface
Mostar/Ocultar FPS e informação de depuração
Gravar captura de ecrã
Mostar/Ocultar nomes
Mostar/Ocultar tela cheia
Mover para frente
Mover para a esquerda
Mover para a direita
Mover para trás
Auto caminhar
Embainhar/sacar armas
Equipar/remover capacete
Ataque básico
Ataque/bloquear/apontar secundário
Habilidade 1
Habilidade 2
Habilidade 3
Habilidade 4
Habilidade 5
Habilidade 6
Habilidade 7
Habilidade 8
Habilidade 9
Habilidade 10
Menu de pausa
Livro de feitiços
Registo de missões
Enviar mensagem de chat
Scroll chat
Comandos de chat:
/alias [nome] - Mudar o seu nome de chat
/tp [nome] - Teletransporta-te para outro player
/jump <dx> <dy> <dz> - Deslocar a posição
/goto <x> <y> <z> - Teletransporta-te para a posição
/kill - Suicidar
/pig - Invocar NPC de porco
/wolf - Invocar NPC do lobo
/help - Mostrar comandos de chat"#,
"hud.social": "Social",
"hud.social.online": "Online",
"hud.social.friends": "Amigos",
"hud.social.not_yet_available": "Indisponível de momento",
"hud.social.faction": "Facção",
"hud.social.play_online_fmt": "{nb_player} jogador(es) online",
"hud.spell": "Feitiço",
"hud.free_look_indicator": "Rotação livre ativada",
/// End HUD section
/// Start chracter selection section
"char_selection.delete_permanently": "Deletar esta personagem permanentemente?",
"char_selection.change_server": "Mudar de servidor",
"char_selection.enter_world": "Entrar no mundo",
"char_selection.logout": "Desconectar",
"char_selection.create_new_character": "Criar nova personagem",
"char_selection.character_creation": "Criação de personagem",
"char_selection.human_default": "Humano padrão",
"char_selection.level_fmt": "Nível {level_nb}",
"char_selection.uncanny_valley": "Vale da estranheza",
"char_selection.plains_of_uncertainty": "Planícies da incerteza",
"char_selection.beard": "Barba",
"char_selection.hair_style": "Estilo do cabelo",
"char_selection.hair_color": "Cor do cabelo",
"char_selection.chest_color": "Cor do peitoral",
"char_selection.eye_color": "Cor dos olhos",
"char_selection.skin": "Cor da pele",
"char_selection.eyebrows": "Pestanas",
"char_selection.accessories": "Acessórios",
/// End chracter selection section
/// Start character window section
"character_window.character_name": "Nome da personagem",
// Charater stats
"character_window.character_stats": r#"Resistência
Aptidão fisíca
Força de vontade
/// Start character window section
/// Start Escape Menu Section
"esc_menu.logout": "Desconectar",
"esc_menu.quit_game": "Sair do jogo",
/// End Escape Menu Section
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
"char_selection.delete_permanently": "Deletar esta personagem permanentemente?",
"char_selection.change_server": "Mudar de servidor",
"char_selection.enter_world": "Entrar no mundo",
"char_selection.logout": "Desconectar",
"char_selection.create_new_character": "Criar nova personagem",
"char_selection.character_creation": "Criação de personagem",
"char_selection.human_default": "Humano padrão",
"char_selection.level_fmt": "Nível {level_nb}",
"char_selection.uncanny_valley": "Vale da estranheza",
"char_selection.plains_of_uncertainty": "Planícies da incerteza",
"char_selection.beard": "Barba",
"char_selection.hair_style": "Estilo do cabelo",
"char_selection.hair_color": "Cor do cabelo",
"char_selection.chest_color": "Cor do peitoral",
"char_selection.eye_color": "Cor dos olhos",
"char_selection.skin": "Cor da pele",
"char_selection.eyebrows": "Pestanas",
"char_selection.accessories": "Acessórios",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
// Texts used in multiple locations with the same formatting
"common.username": "nome de utilizador",
"common.singleplayer": "Um jogador",
"common.multiplayer": "Multijogador",
"common.servers": "Servidores",
"common.quit": "Sair",
"common.settings": "Definições",
"common.languages": "Linguagens",
"common.interface": "Interface",
"common.gameplay": "Jogabilidade",
"common.controls": "Controlos",
"common.video": "Video",
"common.sound": "Som",
"common.resume": "Resumir",
"common.characters": "Personagens",
"common.close": "Fechar",
"common.yes": "Sim",
"common.no": "Não",
"common.back": "Voltar",
"common.create": "Criar",
"common.okay": "Okay",
"common.accept": "Aceitar",
"common.disclaimer": "Aviso",
"common.cancel": "Cancelar",
"common.none": "Nenhum",
"common.error": "Erro",
"common.fatal_error": "Erro fatal",
// Message when connection to the server is lost
"common.connection_lost": r#"Conexâo perdida!
Será que o server reiniciou?
O cliente está atualizado?"#,
"common.species.orc": "Ogre",
"common.species.human": "Humano",
"common.species.dwarf": "Anão",
"common.species.elf": "Elfo",
"common.species.undead": "Morto-vivo",
"common.species.danari": "Danari",
"common.weapons.axe": "Machado",
"common.weapons.sword": "Espada",
"common.weapons.staff": "Cajado",
"common.weapons.bow": "Arco",
"common.weapons.hammer": "Martelo",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
"esc_menu.logout": "Desconectar",
"esc_menu.quit_game": "Sair do jogo",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
"character_window.character_name": "Nome da personagem",
// Charater stats
"character_window.character_stats": r#"Resistência
Aptidão fisíca
Força de vontade
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
"hud.settings.general": "Geral",
"hud.settings.none": "Nenhum",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.toggle": "Alternar",
"hud.settings.press_behavior.hold": "Segurar",
"hud.settings.help_window": "Janela de ajuda",
"hud.settings.debug_info": "Informação de depuração",
"hud.settings.tips_on_startup": "Dicas no início",
"hud.settings.ui_scale": "Escala da interface",
"hud.settings.relative_scaling": "Escala relativa",
"hud.settings.custom_scaling": "Escala customizada",
"hud.settings.crosshair": "Crosshair",
"hud.settings.transparency": "Transparência",
"hud.settings.hotbar": "Hotbar",
"hud.settings.toggle_shortcuts": "Mostar/Ocultar atalhos",
"hud.settings.toggle_bar_experience": "Mostar/Ocultar barra de experiência",
"hud.settings.scrolling_combat_text": "Texto de combate deslizante",
"hud.settings.single_damage_number": "Números de dano únicos",
"hud.settings.cumulated_damage": "Dano acumulado",
"hud.settings.incoming_damage": "Dano recebido",
"hud.settings.cumulated_incoming_damage": "Dano recebido acumulado",
"hud.settings.energybar_numbers": "Números da barra de energia",
"hud.settings.values": "Valores",
"hud.settings.percentages": "Percentagens",
"hud.settings.chat": "Chat",
"hud.settings.background_transparency": "Transparência do fundo",
"hud.settings.pan_sensitivity": "Sensibilidade de rotação",
"hud.settings.zoom_sensitivity": "Sensibilidade de zoom",
"hud.settings.invert_scroll_zoom": "Inverter scroll zoom",
"hud.settings.invert_mouse_y_axis": "Inverter o eixo Y do mouse",
"hud.settings.free_look_behavior": "Ativação de rotação livre",
"hud.settings.view_distance": "Alcance de visão",
"hud.settings.maximum_fps": "FPS máximo",
"hud.settings.fov": "Campo de visão(graus)",
"hud.settings.gamma": "Luminosidade",
"hud.settings.antialiasing_mode": "Modo de antialiasing",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode": "Modo de representação de nuvens",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode": "Modo de representação de fluídos",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.cheap": "Barato",
"hud.settings.fluid_rendering_mode.shiny": "Brilhante",
"hud.settings.cloud_rendering_mode.regular": "Normal",
"hud.settings.fullscreen": "Tela cheia",
"hud.settings.save_window_size": "Gravar dimensões",
"hud.settings.music_volume": "Volume da música",
"hud.settings.sound_effect_volume": "Volume dos efeitos sonoros",
"hud.settings.audio_device": "Dispositivo de aúdio",
// Control list
"hud.settings.control_names": r#"Libertar mouse
Mostar/Ocultar janela de ajuda
Mostar/Ocultar interface
Mostar/Ocultar FPS e informação de depuração
Gravar captura de ecrã
Mostar/Ocultar nomes
Mostar/Ocultar tela cheia
Mover para frente
Mover para a esquerda
Mover para a direita
Mover para trás
Auto caminhar
Embainhar/sacar armas
Equipar/remover capacete
Ataque básico
Ataque/bloquear/apontar secundário
Habilidade 1
Habilidade 2
Habilidade 3
Habilidade 4
Habilidade 5
Habilidade 6
Habilidade 7
Habilidade 8
Habilidade 9
Habilidade 10
Menu de pausa
Livro de feitiços
Registo de missões
Enviar mensagem de chat
Scroll chat
Comandos de chat:
/alias [nome] - Mudar o seu nome de chat
/tp [nome] - Teletransporta-te para outro player
/jump <dx> <dy> <dz> - Deslocar a posição
/goto <x> <y> <z> - Teletransporta-te para a posição
/kill - Suicidar
/pig - Invocar NPC de porco
/wolf - Invocar NPC do lobo
/help - Mostrar comandos de chat"#,
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
"hud.do_not_show_on_startup": "Não mostre no início",
"hud.show_tips": "Mostrar dicas",
"hud.quests": "Missões",
"hud.you_died": "Você Morreu",
"hud.press_key_to_show_keybindings_fmt": "Clique em {key} para mostrar as teclas mapeadas",
"hud.press_key_to_show_debug_info_fmt": "Clique em {key} para mostrar a informação de depuração",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_keybindings_fmt": "Clique em {key} para mostrar/ocultar as teclas mapeadas",
"hud.press_key_to_toggle_debug_info_fmt": "Clique em {key} para mostrar/ocultar a informação de depuração",
// Respawn message
"hud.press_key_to_respawn": r#"Clique em {key} para renascer na última fogueira visitada."#,
// Welcome message
"hud.welcome": r#"Bem vindo a Alpha do Veloren!,
Algumas dicas antes de começar:
MAIS IMPORTANTE: Para definir o seu local de renascimento escreva /waypoint no chat.
Isto também pode ser realizado depois de morto!
Clique em F1 para ver as teclas mapeadas.
Escreva /help no chat para ver os comandos de chat
A muitos baús e outros objetos a aperecer no mundo aleatoriamente!
Pressione o botão direito do mouse pare coletá-los.
Para usar o que coletou basta abrir o inventário pressionando a tecla 'B'.
Faça duplo clique nos items para usá-los ou equipá-los.
Deite-os fora cliquando uma vez neles e depois outra fora do inventário.
As noites podem ser bastante escuras.
Acenda a lanterna escrevendo /lantern no chat.
Quer libertar o mouse para fechar esta janela? Clique em TAB!
Aprecie a sua estadia no mundo de Veloren."#,
"hud.temp_quest_headline": r#"Please, help us Traveller!"#,
"hud.temp_quest_text": r#"Dungeons filled with evil cultists
have emerged all around our peaceful towns!
Gather some company, stack up on food
and defeat their vile leaders and acolytes.
Maybe you can even obtain one of their
magically infused items?"#,
"hud.spell": "Feitiço",
"hud.free_look_indicator": "Rotação livre ativada",
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
vector_map: {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for portuguese (Portugal)
string_map: {
"hud.social": "Social",
"hud.social.online": "Online",
"hud.social.friends": "Amigos",
"hud.social.not_yet_available": "Indisponível de momento",
"hud.social.faction": "Facção",
"hud.social.play_online_fmt": "{nb_player} jogador(es) online",
vector_map: {
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
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