Merge branch 'sam/anim-restructure-arthropod' into 'master'

Arthropod anim restructure

See merge request veloren/veloren!4521
This commit is contained in:
Samuel Keiffer 2024-07-17 00:26:05 +00:00
commit 4e63622f2a
10 changed files with 744 additions and 841 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
use super::{
super::{vek::*, Animation},
ArthropodSkeleton, SkeletonAttr,
use common::states::utils::StageSection;
use std::f32::consts::PI;
pub struct BasicAction;
pub struct BasicActionDependency<'a> {
pub ability_id: Option<&'a str>,
pub stage_section: Option<StageSection>,
pub global_time: f32,
pub timer: f32,
impl Animation for BasicAction {
type Dependency<'a> = BasicActionDependency<'a>;
type Skeleton = ArthropodSkeleton;
#[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")]
const UPDATE_FN: &'static [u8] = b"arthropod_shoot\0";
#[cfg_attr(feature = "be-dyn-lib", export_name = "arthropod_shoot")]
fn update_skeleton_inner(
skeleton: &Self::Skeleton,
d: Self::Dependency<'_>,
anim_time: f32,
_rate: &mut f32,
s_a: &SkeletonAttr,
) -> Self::Skeleton {
let mut next = (*skeleton).clone();
let (move1base, _chargebase, movementbase, move2base, move3base) = match d.stage_section {
Some(StageSection::Buildup) => (anim_time, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Charge) => (1.0, anim_time, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Movement) => (1.0, 1.0, anim_time, 0.0, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Action) => (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, anim_time, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Recover) => (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, anim_time),
_ => (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
let pullback = 1.0 - move3base;
let _move1 = move1base * pullback;
let _move2 = move2base * pullback;
match d.ability_id {
| "common.abilities.custom.arthropods.weevil.threadshot"
| "common.abilities.custom.arthropods.crawler.threadshot",
) => {
let movement1abs = move1base.powf(0.25) * pullback;
let twitch = (move1base * 30.0).sin();
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() * s_a.scaler;
next.chest.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(0.0) * Quaternion::rotation_z(0.0);
next.head.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.head.0, s_a.head.1);
next.head.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.35 + twitch * -0.02)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(0.0);
next.chest.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.chest.0, s_a.chest.1);
next.mandible_l.position =
Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position =
Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.5 + twitch * 0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.5)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.5);
next.mandible_r.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.5 + twitch * 0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.5)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.5);
next.wing_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.leg_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.0 + movement1abs * 0.4)
* Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.0);
next.leg_fr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.0 + movement1abs * -0.4)
* Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.0);
next.leg_fcl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.1 + movement1abs * 0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.5);
next.leg_fcr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.1 + movement1abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.5);
next.leg_fcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_bcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
Some("common.abilities.custom.arthropods.antlion.charge") => {
let movement1abs = move1base.powi(4) * pullback;
let movement2abs = move2base.powi(6) * pullback;
let chargemovementbase = if matches!(d.stage_section, Some(StageSection::Buildup)) {
} else {
let shortalt =
(anim_time * 200.0 + PI * 0.25).sin() * chargemovementbase * pullback;
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() * s_a.scaler;
next.head.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.head.0, s_a.head.1);
next.head.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.4 + movement2abs * 1.4);
next.chest.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.chest.0, s_a.chest.1);
next.mandible_l.position =
Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position =
Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -0.7);
next.mandible_r.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * 0.7);
next.wing_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * -0.4 + shortalt * 0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * -0.1,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.2);
next.wing_fr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * -0.4 + shortalt * 0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * 0.1,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.2);
next.wing_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_bl.orientation =
movement1abs * -0.2 + shortalt * 0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.4 + movement2abs * -0.1);
next.wing_br.orientation =
movement1abs * -0.2 + shortalt * 0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.4 + movement2abs * 0.1);
| "common.abilities.custom.arthropods.hornbeetle.leap"
| "common.abilities.custom.arthropods.emberfly.leap",
) => {
let pullback = 1.0 - move3base.powi(4);
let movement1abs = move1base * pullback;
let movement2abs = movementbase.powf(0.1) * pullback;
let movement3abs = move2base.powf(0.1) * pullback;
let early_pullback = 1.0 - move2base.powf(0.1);
let shortalt = (d.global_time * 80.0).sin() * movementbase * early_pullback;
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() * s_a.scaler;
next.head.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.head.0, s_a.head.1);
next.head.orientation =
movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 0.4 + movement3abs * -1.0,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08);
next.chest.position =
Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.chest.0, s_a.chest.1 + movement1abs * -2.0);
next.chest.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08);
next.mandible_l.position =
Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position =
Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
(movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08
+ movement2abs * 0.3
+ movement3abs * -0.4,
next.mandible_r.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
(movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08
+ movement2abs * 0.3
+ movement3abs * -0.4,
next.wing_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.leg_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * 0.8 + movement3abs * -1.5,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.0);
next.leg_fr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * 0.8 + movement3abs * -1.5,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.0);
next.leg_fcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -1.0 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.1);
next.leg_fcr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 1.0)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.1);
next.leg_bcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -1.0 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.2);
next.leg_bcr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 1.0)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.2);
next.leg_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_bl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -1.0 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.3);
next.leg_br.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 1.0)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.3);
next.wing_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.4 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * 0.1)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.2);
next.wing_fr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.4 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * -0.1)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.2);
next.wing_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_bl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6) * early_pullback,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * 0.4 + shortalt * 2.0 + movement2abs * 0.1,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -1.4);
next.wing_br.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6) * early_pullback,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * -0.4 + shortalt * 2.0 + movement2abs * -0.1,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 1.4);
Some("common.abilities.custom.arthropods.dagonite.leapshockwave") => {
let pullback = 1.0 - move3base.powi(4);
let movement1abs = move1base * pullback;
let movement2abs = movementbase.powf(0.1) * pullback;
let movement3abs = move2base.powf(0.1) * pullback;
let early_pullback = 1.0 - move2base.powf(0.1);
let shortalt = (d.global_time * 80.0).sin() * movementbase * early_pullback;
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() * s_a.scaler;
next.head.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.head.0, s_a.head.1);
next.head.orientation =
movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 0.4 + movement3abs * -1.0,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08);
next.chest.position =
Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.chest.0, s_a.chest.1 + movement1abs * -0.25);
next.chest.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement2abs * 0.15)
* Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08);
next.mandible_l.position =
Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position =
Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
(movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08
+ movement2abs * 0.3
+ movement3abs * -0.4,
next.mandible_r.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
(movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08
+ movement2abs * 0.3
+ movement3abs * -0.4,
next.wing_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.leg_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * 0.8 + movement3abs * -1.5,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.0);
next.leg_fr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * 0.8 + movement3abs * -1.5,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.0);
next.leg_fcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -1.0 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.1);
next.leg_fcr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 1.0)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.1);
next.leg_bcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -1.0 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.2);
next.leg_bcr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 1.0)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.2);
next.leg_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_bl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -1.0 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.3);
next.leg_br.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 1.0)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.3);
next.wing_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.4 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * 0.1)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.2);
next.wing_fr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.4 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * -0.1)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.2);
next.wing_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_bl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6) * early_pullback,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * 0.4 + shortalt * 2.0 + movement2abs * 0.1,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -1.4);
next.wing_br.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6) * early_pullback,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * -0.4 + shortalt * 2.0 + movement2abs * -0.1,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 1.4);
| "common.abilities.custom.arthropods.blackwidow.ensnaringwebs",
) => {
let subtract = d.global_time - d.timer;
let check = subtract - subtract.trunc();
let mirror = (check - 0.5).signum();
let movement1abs = move1base.powi(2) * pullback;
let movement2abs = move2base.powi(4) * pullback;
let movement3abs = move3base * pullback;
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() * s_a.scaler;
next.chest.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.02);
next.head.position = Vec3::new(
s_a.head.0 + movement1abs * 3.0,
s_a.head.1 + movement1abs * -3.0,
next.head.orientation =
movement1abs * 1.5 + movement2abs * -1.5 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(
mirror * movement1abs * -0.2 + mirror * movement2abs * 0.2,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.02);
next.chest.position = Vec3::new(
s_a.chest.1 + movement1abs * 7.0 + movement2abs * -2.0,
next.chest.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -1.0 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.mandible_l.position =
Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position =
Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -1.5 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -0.6 + movement3abs * 0.8,
next.mandible_r.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -1.5 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * 0.6 + movement3abs * -0.8,
next.leg_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.0 + movement2abs * 0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * -0.2);
next.leg_fr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.0 + movement2abs * 0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.leg_fcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.3 + movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * -0.2);
next.leg_fcr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.3 + movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -0.2);
next.leg_bcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.leg_bcr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.leg_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_bl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.8);
next.leg_br.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.8);
_ => {},

View File

@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use super::{
super::{vek::*, Animation},
ArthropodSkeleton, SkeletonAttr,
use common::states::utils::StageSection;
pub struct ComboAnimation;
impl Animation for ComboAnimation {
type Dependency<'a> = (Option<&'a str>, StageSection, usize, f32, f32);
type Skeleton = ArthropodSkeleton;
#[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")]
const UPDATE_FN: &'static [u8] = b"arthropod_combo\0";
#[cfg_attr(feature = "be-dyn-lib", export_name = "arthropod_combo")]
fn update_skeleton_inner(
skeleton: &Self::Skeleton,
(_ability_id, stage_section, _current_strike, global_time, timer): Self::Dependency<'_>,
anim_time: f32,
_rate: &mut f32,
s_a: &SkeletonAttr,
) -> Self::Skeleton {
let mut next = (*skeleton).clone();
let (movement1, movement2, movement3) = match stage_section {
StageSection::Buildup => (anim_time.powi(2), 0.0, 0.0),
StageSection::Action => (1.0, anim_time.powi(4), 0.0),
StageSection::Recover => (1.0, 1.0, anim_time),
_ => (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
let pullback = 1.0 - movement3;
let subtract = global_time - timer;
let check = subtract - subtract.trunc();
let mirror = (check - 0.5).signum();
let movement1abs = movement1 * pullback;
let movement2abs = movement2 * pullback;
let movement3abs = movement3 * pullback;
if s_a.snapper {
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() * s_a.scaler;
next.head.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.head.0, s_a.head.1);
next.head.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 0.4 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * -0.1 + movement2abs * 0.2 + movement3abs * 0.2,
next.chest.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.chest.0, s_a.chest.1);
next.mandible_l.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position = Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * 0.7 + movement2abs * -1.0 + movement3abs * 0.8,
next.mandible_r.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * -0.7 + movement2abs * 1.0 + movement3abs * -0.8,
next.wing_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * 0.5)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.wing_fr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * 0.5)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -0.2);
next.wing_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_bl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.3 + movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -0.2);
next.wing_br.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.3 + movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.leg_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_bcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
} else {
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() * s_a.scaler;
next.chest.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.02);
next.head.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.head.0, s_a.head.1);
next.head.orientation =
movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -1.5 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(
mirror * movement1abs * -0.2 + mirror * movement2abs * 0.2,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.02);
next.chest.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.chest.0, s_a.chest.1);
next.mandible_l.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position = Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -1.5 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -0.6 + movement3abs * 0.8,
next.mandible_r.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -1.5 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * 0.6 + movement3abs * -0.8,
next.wing_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.leg_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_z(
s_a.leg_ori.0 + movement1abs * 0.4 + movement2abs * -0.4 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 1.0 + movement2abs * -1.8 + movement3abs * 0.8,
next.leg_fr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_z(
-s_a.leg_ori.0 + movement1abs * -0.4 + movement2abs * 0.4 + movement3abs * -0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 1.0 + movement2abs * -1.8 + movement3abs * 0.8,
next.leg_fcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_bcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
use super::{super::Animation, ArthropodSkeleton, SkeletonAttr};
//use std::{f32::consts::PI, ops::Mul};
use super::super::vek::*;
use common::states::utils::StageSection;
use std::f32::consts::PI;
pub struct DashAnimation;
impl Animation for DashAnimation {
type Dependency<'a> = (f32, f32, Option<StageSection>, f32);
type Skeleton = ArthropodSkeleton;
#[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")]
const UPDATE_FN: &'static [u8] = b"arthropod_dash\0";
#[cfg_attr(feature = "be-dyn-lib", export_name = "arthropod_dash")]
fn update_skeleton_inner(
skeleton: &Self::Skeleton,
(_velocity, _global_time, stage_section, _timer): Self::Dependency<'_>,
anim_time: f32,
_rate: &mut f32,
s_a: &SkeletonAttr,
) -> Self::Skeleton {
let mut next = (*skeleton).clone();
let (movement1base, chargemovementbase, movement2base, movement3) = match stage_section {
Some(StageSection::Buildup) => (anim_time.powi(4), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Charge) => (1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Action) => (1.0, 1.0, anim_time.powi(6), 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Recover) => (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, anim_time),
_ => (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
let pullback = 1.0 - movement3;
let movement1abs = movement1base * pullback;
let movement2abs = movement2base * pullback;
let shortalt = (anim_time * 200.0 + PI * 0.25).sin() * chargemovementbase * pullback;
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() * s_a.scaler;
next.head.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.head.0, s_a.head.1);
next.head.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.4 + movement2abs * 1.4);
next.chest.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.chest.0, s_a.chest.1);
next.mandible_l.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position = Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -0.7);
next.mandible_r.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * 0.7);
next.wing_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.4 + shortalt * 0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * -0.1)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.2);
next.wing_fr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.4 + shortalt * 0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * 0.1)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.2);
next.wing_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_bl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.2 + shortalt * 0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.4 + movement2abs * -0.1);
next.wing_br.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.2 + shortalt * 0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.4 + movement2abs * 0.1);

View File

@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use super::{
super::{vek::*, Animation},
ArthropodSkeleton, SkeletonAttr,
use common::states::utils::StageSection;
pub struct LeapMeleeAnimation;
impl Animation for LeapMeleeAnimation {
type Dependency<'a> = (f32, f32, Option<StageSection>, f32);
type Skeleton = ArthropodSkeleton;
#[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")]
const UPDATE_FN: &'static [u8] = b"arthropod_leapmelee\0";
#[cfg_attr(feature = "be-dyn-lib", export_name = "arthropod_leapmelee")]
fn update_skeleton_inner(
skeleton: &Self::Skeleton,
(_velocity, global_time, stage_section, _timer): Self::Dependency<'_>,
anim_time: f32,
_rate: &mut f32,
s_a: &SkeletonAttr,
) -> Self::Skeleton {
let mut next = (*skeleton).clone();
//let speed = (Vec2::<f32>::from(velocity).magnitude()).min(24.0);
let (movement1base, movement2base, movement3base, movement4) = match stage_section {
Some(StageSection::Buildup) => (anim_time, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Movement) => (1.0, anim_time.powf(0.1), 0.0, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Action) => (1.0, 1.0, anim_time.powf(0.1), 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Recover) => (0.0, 1.0, 1.0, anim_time.powi(4)),
_ => (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
let pullback = 1.0 - movement4;
let early_pullback = 1.0 - movement3base;
let movement1abs = movement1base * pullback;
let movement2abs = movement2base * pullback;
let movement3abs = movement3base * pullback;
let shortalt = (global_time * 80.0).sin() * movement2base * early_pullback;
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() * s_a.scaler;
next.head.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.head.0, s_a.head.1);
next.head.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 0.4 + movement3abs * -1.0)
* Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08);
next.chest.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.chest.0, s_a.chest.1 + movement1abs * -2.0);
next.chest.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08);
next.mandible_l.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position = Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
(movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08 + movement2abs * 0.3 + movement3abs * -0.4,
next.mandible_r.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
(movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08 + movement2abs * 0.3 + movement3abs * -0.4,
next.wing_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.leg_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * 0.8 + movement3abs * -1.5)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.0);
next.leg_fr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * 0.8 + movement3abs * -1.5)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.0);
next.leg_fcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -1.0 + movement3abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.1);
next.leg_fcr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 1.0)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.1);
next.leg_bcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -1.0 + movement3abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.2);
next.leg_bcr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 1.0)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.2);
next.leg_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_bl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -1.0 + movement3abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.3);
next.leg_br.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 1.0)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.3);
next.wing_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.4 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * 0.1)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.2);
next.wing_fr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.4 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * -0.1)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.2);
next.wing_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_bl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x((movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6) * early_pullback)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.4 + shortalt * 2.0 + movement2abs * 0.1)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -1.4);
next.wing_br.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x((movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6) * early_pullback)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * -0.4 + shortalt * 2.0 + movement2abs * -0.1,
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 1.4);

View File

@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
use super::{
super::{vek::*, Animation},
ArthropodSkeleton, SkeletonAttr,
use common::{comp::item::ToolKind, states::utils::StageSection};
use core::f32::consts::PI;
pub struct LeapShockAnimation;
impl Animation for LeapShockAnimation {
type Dependency<'a> = (
type Skeleton = ArthropodSkeleton;
#[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")]
const UPDATE_FN: &'static [u8] = b"arthropod_leapshockwave\0";
#[cfg_attr(feature = "be-dyn-lib", export_name = "arthropod_leapshockwave")]
fn update_skeleton_inner(
skeleton: &Self::Skeleton,
(_active_tool_kind, _second_tool_kind, _velocity, global_time, stage_section): Self::Dependency<'_>,
anim_time: f32,
_rate: &mut f32,
s_a: &SkeletonAttr,
) -> Self::Skeleton {
let mut next = (*skeleton).clone();
let (movement1base, movement2base, movement3base, movement4) = match stage_section {
Some(StageSection::Buildup) => (anim_time, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Movement) => (1.0, anim_time.powf(0.1), 0.0, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Action) => (1.0, 1.0, anim_time.powf(0.1), 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Recover) => (0.0, 1.0, 1.0, anim_time.powi(4)),
_ => (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
let pullback = 1.0 - movement4;
let early_pullback = 1.0 - movement3base;
let movement1abs = movement1base * pullback;
let movement2abs = movement2base * pullback;
let movement3abs = movement3base * pullback;
let shortalt = (global_time * 80.0).sin() * movement2base * early_pullback;
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() * s_a.scaler;
next.head.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.head.0, s_a.head.1);
next.head.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 0.4 + movement3abs * -1.0)
* Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08);
next.chest.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.chest.0, s_a.chest.1 + movement1abs * -0.25);
next.chest.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement2abs * 0.15)
* Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08);
next.mandible_l.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position = Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
(movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08 + movement2abs * 0.3 + movement3abs * -0.4,
next.mandible_r.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
(movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.08 + movement2abs * 0.3 + movement3abs * -0.4,
next.wing_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.leg_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * 0.8 + movement3abs * -1.5)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.0);
next.leg_fr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * 0.8 + movement3abs * -1.5)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.0);
next.leg_fcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -1.0 + movement3abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.1);
next.leg_fcr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 1.0)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.1);
next.leg_bcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -1.0 + movement3abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.2);
next.leg_bcr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 1.0)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.2);
next.leg_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_bl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -1.0 + movement3abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.3);
next.leg_br.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 1.0)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.3);
next.wing_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.4 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * 0.1)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.2);
next.wing_fr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.4 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * -0.1)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.2);
next.wing_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_bl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x((movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6) * early_pullback)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.4 + shortalt * 2.0 + movement2abs * 0.1)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -1.4);
next.wing_br.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x((movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * -0.6) * early_pullback)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * -0.4 + shortalt * 2.0 + movement2abs * -0.1,
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 1.4);

View File

@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
pub mod combomelee; pub mod basic;
pub mod dash;
pub mod idle; pub mod idle;
pub mod jump; pub mod jump;
pub mod leapmelee; pub mod multi;
pub mod leapshockwave;
pub mod run; pub mod run;
pub mod shoot;
pub mod stunned; pub mod stunned;
pub mod summon;
// Reexports // Reexports
pub use self::{ pub use self::{
combomelee::ComboAnimation, dash::DashAnimation, idle::IdleAnimation, jump::JumpAnimation, basic::{BasicAction, BasicActionDependency},
leapmelee::LeapMeleeAnimation, leapshockwave::LeapShockAnimation, run::RunAnimation, idle::IdleAnimation,
shoot::ShootAnimation, stunned::StunnedAnimation, summon::SummonAnimation, jump::JumpAnimation,
multi::{MultiAction, MultiActionDependency},
}; };
use super::{make_bone, vek::*, FigureBoneData, Offsets, Skeleton}; use super::{make_bone, vek::*, FigureBoneData, Offsets, Skeleton};

View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use super::{
super::{vek::*, Animation},
ArthropodSkeleton, SkeletonAttr,
use common::states::utils::StageSection;
pub struct MultiAction;
pub struct MultiActionDependency<'a> {
pub ability_id: Option<&'a str>,
pub stage_section: Option<StageSection>,
pub current_action: u32,
pub max_actions: Option<u32>,
pub global_time: f32,
pub timer: f32,
impl Animation for MultiAction {
type Dependency<'a> = MultiActionDependency<'a>;
type Skeleton = ArthropodSkeleton;
#[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")]
const UPDATE_FN: &'static [u8] = b"arthropod_multi\0";
#[cfg_attr(feature = "be-dyn-lib", export_name = "arthropod_multi")]
fn update_skeleton_inner(
skeleton: &Self::Skeleton,
d: Self::Dependency<'_>,
anim_time: f32,
_rate: &mut f32,
s_a: &SkeletonAttr,
) -> Self::Skeleton {
let mut next = (*skeleton).clone();
let multi_action_pullback = 1.0
- if matches!(d.stage_section, Some(StageSection::Recover)) {
} else {
for action in 0..=d.current_action {
let (move1base, move2base, move3base) = if action == d.current_action {
match d.stage_section {
Some(StageSection::Buildup) => (anim_time, 0.0, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Action) => (1.0, anim_time, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Recover) => (1.0, 1.0, anim_time),
_ => (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
} else {
(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
let _move1 = move1base * multi_action_pullback;
let _move2 = move2base * multi_action_pullback;
match d.ability_id {
| "common.abilities.custom.arthropods.blackwidow.singlestrike"
| "common.abilities.custom.arthropods.antlion.singlestrike"
| "common.abilities.custom.arthropods.hornbeetle.singlestrike"
| "common.abilities.custom.arthropods.weevil.singlestrike"
| "common.abilities.custom.arthropods.crawler.singlestrike",
) => {
let pullback = 1.0 - move3base;
let subtract = d.global_time - d.timer;
let check = subtract - subtract.trunc();
let mirror = (check - 0.5).signum();
let movement1abs = move1base.powi(2) * pullback;
let movement2abs = move2base.powi(4) * pullback;
let movement3abs = move3base * pullback;
if s_a.snapper {
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() * s_a.scaler;
next.head.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.head.0, s_a.head.1);
next.head.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 0.4 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(
movement1abs * -0.1 + movement2abs * 0.2 + movement3abs * 0.2,
next.chest.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.chest.0, s_a.chest.1);
next.mandible_l.position =
Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position =
Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * 0.7 + movement2abs * -1.0 + movement3abs * 0.8,
next.mandible_r.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * -0.7 + movement2abs * 1.0 + movement3abs * -0.8,
next.wing_fl.position =
Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * 0.5)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.wing_fr.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * 0.5)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -0.2);
next.wing_bl.position =
Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_bl.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.3 + movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * -0.2);
next.wing_br.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.3 + movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.leg_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fcl.position =
Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_bcl.position =
Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
} else {
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() * s_a.scaler;
next.chest.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.02);
next.head.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.head.0, s_a.head.1);
next.head.orientation =
movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -1.5 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_y(
mirror * movement1abs * -0.2 + mirror * movement2abs * 0.2,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.02);
next.chest.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.chest.0, s_a.chest.1);
next.mandible_l.position =
Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position =
Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -1.5 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -0.6 + movement3abs * 0.8,
next.mandible_r.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -1.5 + movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * 0.6 + movement3abs * -0.8,
next.wing_fl.position =
Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_bl.position =
Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.leg_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_z(
+ movement1abs * 0.4
+ movement2abs * -0.4
+ movement3abs * 0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 1.0 + movement2abs * -1.8 + movement3abs * 0.8,
next.leg_fr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_z(
+ movement1abs * -0.4
+ movement2abs * 0.4
+ movement3abs * -0.8,
) * Quaternion::rotation_x(
movement1abs * 1.0 + movement2abs * -1.8 + movement3abs * 0.8,
next.leg_fcl.position =
Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_bcl.position =
Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
_ => {},

View File

@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
use super::{
super::{vek::*, Animation},
ArthropodSkeleton, SkeletonAttr,
use common::states::utils::StageSection;
pub struct ShootAnimation;
impl Animation for ShootAnimation {
type Dependency<'a> = (f32, f32, Option<StageSection>, f32);
type Skeleton = ArthropodSkeleton;
#[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")]
const UPDATE_FN: &'static [u8] = b"arthropod_shoot\0";
#[cfg_attr(feature = "be-dyn-lib", export_name = "arthropod_shoot")]
fn update_skeleton_inner(
skeleton: &Self::Skeleton,
(_velocity, _global_time, stage_section, _timer): Self::Dependency<'_>,
anim_time: f32,
_rate: &mut f32,
s_a: &SkeletonAttr,
) -> Self::Skeleton {
let mut next = (*skeleton).clone();
let (movement1, movement2, twitch) = match stage_section {
Some(StageSection::Buildup) => (anim_time.powf(0.25), 0.0, (anim_time * 30.0).sin()),
Some(StageSection::Recover) => (1.0, anim_time, 1.0),
_ => (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
let pullback = 1.0 - movement2;
let movement1abs = movement1 * pullback;
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() * s_a.scaler;
next.chest.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(0.0) * Quaternion::rotation_z(0.0);
next.head.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.head.0, s_a.head.1);
next.head.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.35 + twitch * -0.02)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(0.0);
next.chest.position = Vec3::new(0.0, s_a.chest.0, s_a.chest.1);
next.mandible_l.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position = Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.5 + twitch * 0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.5)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.5);
next.mandible_r.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.5 + twitch * 0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.5)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.5);
next.wing_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_f.0, s_a.wing_f.1, s_a.wing_f.2);
next.wing_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.wing_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.wing_b.0, s_a.wing_b.1, s_a.wing_b.2);
next.leg_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.0 + movement1abs * 0.4)
* Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.0);
next.leg_fr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.0 + movement1abs * -0.4)
* Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.0);
next.leg_fcl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_z(s_a.leg_ori.1 + movement1abs * 0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * 0.5);
next.leg_fcr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_z(-s_a.leg_ori.1 + movement1abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(movement1abs * -0.5);
next.leg_fcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_bcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);

View File

@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use super::{
super::{vek::*, Animation},
ArthropodSkeleton, SkeletonAttr,
use common::states::utils::StageSection;
pub struct SummonAnimation;
impl Animation for SummonAnimation {
type Dependency<'a> = (f32, f32, Option<StageSection>, f32);
type Skeleton = ArthropodSkeleton;
#[cfg(feature = "use-dyn-lib")]
const UPDATE_FN: &'static [u8] = b"arthropod_summon\0";
#[cfg_attr(feature = "be-dyn-lib", export_name = "arthropod_summon")]
fn update_skeleton_inner(
skeleton: &Self::Skeleton,
(_velocity, global_time, stage_section, timer): Self::Dependency<'_>,
anim_time: f32,
_rate: &mut f32,
s_a: &SkeletonAttr,
) -> Self::Skeleton {
let mut next = (*skeleton).clone();
let (movement1, movement2, movement3) = match stage_section {
Some(StageSection::Buildup) => (anim_time.powi(2), 0.0, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Action) => (1.0, anim_time.powi(4), 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Recover) => (1.0, 1.0, anim_time),
_ => (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
let pullback = 1.0 - movement3;
let subtract = global_time - timer;
let check = subtract - subtract.trunc();
let mirror = (check - 0.5).signum();
let movement1abs = movement1 * pullback;
let movement2abs = movement2 * pullback;
let movement3abs = movement3 * pullback;
next.chest.scale = Vec3::one() * s_a.scaler;
next.chest.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.02);
next.head.position = Vec3::new(
s_a.head.0 + movement1abs * 3.0,
s_a.head.1 + movement1abs * -3.0,
next.head.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.5 + movement2abs * -1.5 + movement3abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(
mirror * movement1abs * -0.2 + mirror * movement2abs * 0.2,
* Quaternion::rotation_z((movement1abs * 4.0 * PI).sin() * 0.02);
next.chest.position = Vec3::new(
s_a.chest.1 + movement1abs * 7.0 + movement2abs * -2.0,
next.chest.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -1.0 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.mandible_l.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_r.position = Vec3::new(s_a.mandible.0, s_a.mandible.1, s_a.mandible.2);
next.mandible_l.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -1.5 + movement3abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -0.6 + movement3abs * 0.8,
next.mandible_r.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -1.5 + movement3abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(
movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * 0.6 + movement3abs * -0.8,
next.leg_fl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_f.0, s_a.leg_f.1, s_a.leg_f.2);
next.leg_fl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.0 + movement2abs * 0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.2 + movement2abs * -0.2);
next.leg_fr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.0 + movement2abs * 0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.2 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.leg_fcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_fc.0, s_a.leg_fc.1, s_a.leg_fc.2);
next.leg_fcl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.3 + movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * -0.2);
next.leg_fcr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 1.3 + movement2abs * 0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * -0.2);
next.leg_bcl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcr.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_bc.0, s_a.leg_bc.1, s_a.leg_bc.2);
next.leg_bcl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.leg_bcr.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * 0.5 + movement2abs * 0.2);
next.leg_bl.position = Vec3::new(-s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_br.position = Vec3::new(s_a.leg_b.0, s_a.leg_b.1, s_a.leg_b.2);
next.leg_bl.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * 0.8);
next.leg_br.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(movement1abs * -0.5 + movement2abs * -0.2)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(movement1abs * -0.8);

View File

@ -4147,144 +4147,88 @@ impl FigureMgr {
), ),
}; };
let target_bones = match &character { let target_bones = match &character {
CharacterState::ComboMelee2(s) => { CharacterState::BasicRanged(_)
let timer = s.timer.as_secs_f32(); | CharacterState::DashMelee(_)
let current_strike = s.completed_strikes % s.static_data.strikes.len(); | CharacterState::LeapMelee(_)
let strike_data = s.static_data.strikes[current_strike]; | CharacterState::LeapShockwave(_)
let progress = match s.stage_section { | CharacterState::SpriteSummon(_) => {
StageSection::Buildup => { let timer = character.timer();
timer / strike_data.buildup_duration.as_secs_f32() let stage_section = character.stage_section();
}, let durations = character.durations();
StageSection::Action => { let progress = if let Some(((timer, stage_section), durations)) =
timer / strike_data.swing_duration.as_secs_f32()
}, {
StageSection::Recover => { let base_dur = match stage_section {
timer / strike_data.recover_duration.as_secs_f32() StageSection::Buildup => durations.buildup,
}, StageSection::Charge => durations.charge,
_ => 0.0, StageSection::Movement => durations.movement,
StageSection::Action => durations.action,
StageSection::Recover => durations.recover,
if let Some(base_dur) = base_dur {
timer.as_secs_f32() / base_dur.as_secs_f32()
} else {
} else {
}; };
anim::arthropod::ComboAnimation::update_skeleton( anim::arthropod::BasicAction::update_skeleton(
&target_base, &target_base,
( anim::arthropod::BasicActionDependency {
ability_id, ability_id,
s.stage_section, stage_section,
current_strike, global_time: time,
time, timer: state.state_time,
state.state_time, },
progress, progress,
&mut state_animation_rate, &mut state_animation_rate,
skeleton_attr, skeleton_attr,
) )
}, },
CharacterState::LeapMelee(s) => { CharacterState::ComboMelee2(_) => {
let stage_time = s.timer.as_secs_f32(); let timer = character.timer();
let stage_progress = match s.stage_section { let stage_section = character.stage_section();
StageSection::Buildup => { let durations = character.durations();
stage_time / s.static_data.buildup_duration.as_secs_f32() let progress = if let Some(((timer, stage_section), durations)) =
StageSection::Movement => { {
stage_time / s.static_data.movement_duration.as_secs_f32() let base_dur = match stage_section {
}, StageSection::Buildup => durations.buildup,
StageSection::Action => { StageSection::Charge => durations.charge,
stage_time / s.static_data.swing_duration.as_secs_f32() StageSection::Movement => durations.movement,
}, StageSection::Action => durations.action,
StageSection::Recover => { StageSection::Recover => durations.recover,
stage_time / s.static_data.recover_duration.as_secs_f32()
_ => 0.0,
}; };
anim::arthropod::LeapMeleeAnimation::update_skeleton( if let Some(base_dur) = base_dur {
&target_base, timer.as_secs_f32() / base_dur.as_secs_f32()
( } else {
rel_vel.magnitude(), timer.as_secs_f32()
time, }
Some(s.stage_section), } else {
state.state_time, 0.0
&mut state_animation_rate,
CharacterState::SpriteSummon(s) => {
let stage_time = s.timer.as_secs_f32();
let stage_progress = match s.stage_section {
StageSection::Buildup => {
stage_time / s.static_data.buildup_duration.as_secs_f32()
StageSection::Action => {
stage_time / s.static_data.cast_duration.as_secs_f32()
StageSection::Recover => {
stage_time / s.static_data.recover_duration.as_secs_f32()
_ => 0.0,
}; };
&target_base, let (current_action, max_actions) = match character {
( CharacterState::ComboMelee2(s) => (
rel_vel.magnitude(), (s.completed_strikes % s.static_data.strikes.len()) as u32,
time, Some(s.static_data.strikes.len() as u32),
), ),
stage_progress, _ => (0, None),
&mut state_animation_rate,
CharacterState::DashMelee(s) => {
let stage_time = s.timer.as_secs_f32();
let stage_progress = match s.stage_section {
StageSection::Buildup => {
stage_time / s.static_data.buildup_duration.as_secs_f32()
StageSection::Charge => {
stage_time / s.static_data.charge_duration.as_secs_f32()
StageSection::Action => {
stage_time / s.static_data.swing_duration.as_secs_f32()
StageSection::Recover => {
stage_time / s.static_data.recover_duration.as_secs_f32()
_ => 0.0,
}; };
&target_base, &target_base,
( anim::arthropod::MultiActionDependency {
rel_vel.magnitude(), ability_id,
time, stage_section,
Some(s.stage_section), current_action,
state.state_time, max_actions,
), global_time: time,
stage_progress, timer: state.state_time,
&mut state_animation_rate,
}, },
CharacterState::BasicRanged(s) => { progress,
let stage_time = s.timer.as_secs_f32();
let stage_progress = match s.stage_section {
StageSection::Buildup => {
stage_time / s.static_data.buildup_duration.as_secs_f32()
StageSection::Recover => {
stage_time / s.static_data.recover_duration.as_secs_f32()
_ => 0.0,
&mut state_animation_rate, &mut state_animation_rate,
skeleton_attr, skeleton_attr,
) )
@ -4321,38 +4265,6 @@ impl FigureMgr {
}, },
} }
}, },
CharacterState::LeapShockwave(s) => {
let stage_time = s.timer.as_secs_f32();
let stage_progress = match s.stage_section {
StageSection::Buildup => {
stage_time / s.static_data.buildup_duration.as_secs_f32()
StageSection::Movement => {
stage_time / s.static_data.buildup_duration.as_secs_f32()
StageSection::Action => {
stage_time / s.static_data.swing_duration.as_secs_f32()
StageSection::Recover => {
stage_time / s.static_data.recover_duration.as_secs_f32()
_ => 0.0,
&mut state_animation_rate,
// TODO! // TODO!
_ => target_base, _ => target_base,
}; };