Added keyframe support to basic beam state. Addressed some comments.

This commit is contained in:
Sam 2020-09-25 15:02:30 -05:00
parent a8f31cbe6f
commit 56d2afc0dc
8 changed files with 156 additions and 165 deletions

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@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ vec3 spiral_motion(vec3 line, float radius, float time_function) {
return line * time_function + vec3(
radius * cos(10 * time_function - inst_time) * axis2.x + radius * sin(10 * time_function - inst_time) * axis3.x,
radius * cos(10 * time_function - inst_time) * axis2.y + radius * sin(10 * time_function - inst_time) * axis3.y,
radius * cos(10 * time_function - inst_time) * axis2.z + radius * sin(10 * time_function - inst_time) * axis3.z + 1.0);
radius * cos(10 * time_function - inst_time) * axis2.z + radius * sin(10 * time_function - inst_time) * axis3.z);
void main() {
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ void main() {
} else if (inst_mode == HEALING_BEAM) {
attr = Attr(
spiral_motion(beam_pos2() - inst_pos, 0.3 * (floor(2 * hash(vec4(inst_time)) + 0.5) - 0.5), lifetime / 1), // The 1 that lifetime is divided by is the duration of the beam. It is currently hardcoded here due to limitations in passing in variables.
spiral_motion(beam_pos2() - inst_pos, 0.3 * (floor(2 * hash(vec4(inst_time)) + 0.5) - 0.5) * min(linear_scale(10), 1), lifetime / 1), // The 1 that lifetime is divided by is the duration of the beam. It is currently hardcoded here due to limitations in passing in variables.
vec3((1.7 - 0.7 * abs(floor(2 * hash(vec4(inst_time)) - 0.5) + 0.5)) * (1.5 + 0.5 * sin(tick.x * 10 - lifetime * 4))),
vec4(vec3(0.3, 0.7 + 0.4 * sin(tick.x * 8 - lifetime * 3), 0.3 + 0.1 * sin (tick.x * 2)), 0.3),
spin_in_axis(vec3(inst_entropy, inst_misc, inst_lifespan), tick.z)

View File

@ -532,20 +532,23 @@ impl From<&CharacterAbility> for CharacterState {
} => CharacterState::BasicBeam(basic_beam::Data {
exhausted: false,
static_data: basic_beam::StaticData {
buildup_duration: *buildup_duration,
recover_duration: *recover_duration,
beam_duration: *beam_duration,
base_hps: *base_hps,
base_dps: *base_dps,
tick_rate: *tick_rate,
range: *range,
max_angle: *max_angle,
lifesteal_eff: *lifesteal_eff,
energy_regen: *energy_regen,
energy_drain: *energy_drain,
timer: Duration::default(),
stage_section: StageSection::Buildup,
particle_ori: None::<Vec3<f32>>,
buildup_duration: *buildup_duration,
cooldown_duration: Duration::default(),
recover_duration: *recover_duration,
beam_duration: *beam_duration,
base_hps: *base_hps,
base_dps: *base_dps,
tick_rate: *tick_rate,
range: *range,
max_angle: *max_angle,
lifesteal_eff: *lifesteal_eff,
energy_regen: *energy_regen,
energy_drain: *energy_drain,
offset: 0.0,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
use crate::{
comp::{beam, CharacterState, Ori, Pos, StateUpdate},
comp::{beam, humanoid, Body, CharacterState, Ori, Pos, StateUpdate},
states::utils::{StageSection, *},
@ -9,16 +9,11 @@ use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::time::Duration;
use vek::Vec3;
/// Separated out to condense update portions of character state
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Data {
/// Whether the attack can currently deal damage
pub exhausted: bool,
/// Used for particle stuffs
pub particle_ori: Option<Vec3<f32>>,
pub struct StaticData {
/// How long until state should deal damage or heal
pub buildup_duration: Duration,
/// How long until weapon can deal another tick of damage
pub cooldown_duration: Duration,
/// How long the state has until exiting
pub recover_duration: Duration,
/// How long each beam segment persists for
@ -42,6 +37,21 @@ pub struct Data {
pub energy_drain: u32,
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct Data {
/// Struct containing data that does not change over the course of the
/// character state
pub static_data: StaticData,
/// Timer for each stage
pub timer: Duration,
/// What section the character stage is in
pub stage_section: StageSection,
/// Used for particle stuffs
pub particle_ori: Option<Vec3<f32>>,
/// Used to offset beam and particles
pub offset: f32,
impl CharacterBehavior for Data {
fn behavior(&self, data: &JoinData) -> StateUpdate {
let mut update = StateUpdate::from(data);
@ -54,139 +64,110 @@ impl CharacterBehavior for Data {
return update;
if self.buildup_duration != Duration::default() {
// Creates beam
data.updater.insert(data.entity, beam::Beam {
hit_entities: Vec::<Uid>::new(),
tick_dur: Duration::from_secs_f32(1.0 / self.tick_rate),
timer: Duration::default(),
// Build up
update.character = CharacterState::BasicBeam(Data {
exhausted: self.exhausted,
particle_ori: Some(*data.inputs.look_dir),
buildup_duration: self
cooldown_duration: self.cooldown_duration,
recover_duration: self.recover_duration,
beam_duration: self.beam_duration,
base_hps: self.base_hps,
base_dps: self.base_dps,
tick_rate: self.tick_rate,
range: self.range,
max_angle: self.max_angle,
lifesteal_eff: self.lifesteal_eff,
energy_regen: self.energy_regen,
energy_drain: self.energy_drain,
} else if data.inputs.primary.is_pressed() && !self.exhausted {
let damage = (self.base_dps as f32 / self.tick_rate) as u32;
let heal = (self.base_hps as f32 / self.tick_rate) as u32;
let energy_regen = (self.energy_regen as f32 / self.tick_rate) as u32;
let energy_drain = (self.energy_drain as f32 / self.tick_rate) as u32;
let speed = self.range / self.beam_duration.as_secs_f32();
let properties = beam::Properties {
angle: self.max_angle.to_radians(),
lifesteal_eff: self.lifesteal_eff,
duration: self.beam_duration,
owner: Some(*data.uid),
let pos = Pos(data.pos.0 + Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));
// Create beam segment
update.server_events.push_front(ServerEvent::BeamSegment {
ori: Ori(data.inputs.look_dir),
match self.stage_section {
StageSection::Buildup => {
if self.timer < self.static_data.buildup_duration {
// Build up
update.character = CharacterState::BasicBeam(Data {
static_data: self.static_data,
timer: self
stage_section: self.stage_section,
particle_ori: Some(*data.inputs.look_dir),
offset: self.offset,
} else {
// Creates beam
data.updater.insert(data.entity, beam::Beam {
hit_entities: Vec::<Uid>::new(),
tick_dur: Duration::from_secs_f32(1.0 / self.static_data.tick_rate),
timer: Duration::default(),
// Gets offset
let eye_height = match data.body {
Body::Humanoid(body) => body.eye_height(),
// Build up
update.character = CharacterState::BasicBeam(Data {
static_data: self.static_data,
timer: Duration::default(),
stage_section: StageSection::Cast,
particle_ori: Some(*data.inputs.look_dir),
offset: eye_height * 0.9,
update.character = CharacterState::BasicBeam(Data {
exhausted: true,
particle_ori: Some(*data.inputs.look_dir),
buildup_duration: self.buildup_duration,
recover_duration: self.recover_duration,
cooldown_duration: Duration::from_secs_f32(1.0 / self.tick_rate / 10.0),
beam_duration: self.beam_duration,
base_hps: self.base_hps,
base_dps: self.base_dps,
tick_rate: self.tick_rate,
range: self.range,
max_angle: self.max_angle,
lifesteal_eff: self.lifesteal_eff,
energy_regen: self.energy_regen,
energy_drain: self.energy_drain,
} else if data.inputs.primary.is_pressed() && self.cooldown_duration != Duration::default()
// Cooldown until next tick of damage
update.character = CharacterState::BasicBeam(Data {
exhausted: self.exhausted,
particle_ori: Some(*data.inputs.look_dir),
buildup_duration: self.buildup_duration,
cooldown_duration: self
recover_duration: self.recover_duration,
beam_duration: self.beam_duration,
base_hps: self.base_hps,
base_dps: self.base_dps,
tick_rate: self.tick_rate,
range: self.range,
max_angle: self.max_angle,
lifesteal_eff: self.lifesteal_eff,
energy_regen: self.energy_regen,
energy_drain: self.energy_drain,
} else if data.inputs.primary.is_pressed() {
update.character = CharacterState::BasicBeam(Data {
exhausted: false,
particle_ori: Some(*data.inputs.look_dir),
buildup_duration: self.buildup_duration,
recover_duration: self.recover_duration,
cooldown_duration: self.cooldown_duration,
beam_duration: self.beam_duration,
base_hps: self.base_hps,
base_dps: self.base_dps,
tick_rate: self.tick_rate,
range: self.range,
max_angle: self.max_angle,
lifesteal_eff: self.lifesteal_eff,
energy_regen: self.energy_regen,
energy_drain: self.energy_drain,
} else if self.recover_duration != Duration::default() {
// Recovery
update.character = CharacterState::BasicBeam(Data {
exhausted: self.exhausted,
particle_ori: Some(*data.inputs.look_dir),
buildup_duration: self.buildup_duration,
cooldown_duration: self.cooldown_duration,
recover_duration: self
beam_duration: self.beam_duration,
base_hps: self.base_hps,
base_dps: self.base_dps,
tick_rate: self.tick_rate,
range: self.range,
max_angle: self.max_angle,
lifesteal_eff: self.lifesteal_eff,
energy_regen: self.energy_regen,
energy_drain: self.energy_drain,
} else {
// Done
update.character = CharacterState::Wielding;
// Make sure beam component is removed
StageSection::Cast => {
if data.inputs.primary.is_pressed() {
let damage = (self.static_data.base_dps as f32 / self.static_data.tick_rate) as u32;
let heal = (self.static_data.base_hps as f32 / self.static_data.tick_rate) as u32;
let energy_regen = (self.static_data.energy_regen as f32 / self.static_data.tick_rate) as u32;
let energy_drain = (self.static_data.energy_drain as f32 / self.static_data.tick_rate) as u32;
let speed = self.static_data.range / self.static_data.beam_duration.as_secs_f32();
let properties = beam::Properties {
angle: self.static_data.max_angle.to_radians(),
lifesteal_eff: self.static_data.lifesteal_eff,
duration: self.static_data.beam_duration,
owner: Some(*data.uid),
let pos = Pos(data.pos.0 + Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, self.offset));
// Create beam segment
update.server_events.push_front(ServerEvent::BeamSegment {
ori: Ori(data.inputs.look_dir),
update.character = CharacterState::BasicBeam(Data {
static_data: self.static_data,
timer: self.timer,
stage_section: self.stage_section,
particle_ori: Some(*data.inputs.look_dir),
offset: self.offset,
} else {
update.character = CharacterState::BasicBeam(Data {
static_data: self.static_data,
timer: Duration::default(),
stage_section: StageSection::Recover,
particle_ori: Some(*data.inputs.look_dir),
offset: self.offset,
StageSection::Recover => {
if self.timer < self.static_data.recover_duration {
update.character = CharacterState::BasicBeam(Data {
static_data: self.static_data,
timer: self
stage_section: self.stage_section,
particle_ori: Some(*data.inputs.look_dir),
offset: self.offset,
} else {
// Done
update.character = CharacterState::Wielding;
// Make sure attack component is removed
_ => {
// If it somehow ends up in an incorrect stage section
update.character = CharacterState::Wielding;
// Make sure attack component is removed

View File

@ -252,6 +252,12 @@ impl CharacterBehavior for Data {
_ => {
// If it somehow ends up in an incorrect stage section
update.character = CharacterState::Wielding;
// Make sure attack component is removed

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@ -363,4 +363,5 @@ pub enum StageSection {

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@ -180,6 +180,7 @@ impl Animation for DashAnimation {
Quaternion::rotation_x(-1.5) * Quaternion::rotation_y(-1.0);
next.control.scale = Vec3::one();
_ => {},

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@ -913,6 +913,7 @@ impl FigureMgr {
StageSection::Recover => {
stage_time / s.static_data.recover_duration.as_secs_f64()
_ => 0.0,

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ use common::{
vol::{RectRasterableVol, SizedVol},
@ -352,17 +353,14 @@ impl ParticleMgr {
if let CharacterState::BasicBeam(b) = character_state {
let particle_ori = b.particle_ori.unwrap_or(*ori.vec());
for i in 0..self.scheduler.heartbeats(Duration::from_millis(1)) {
if b.buildup_duration == Duration::default() {
if b.stage_section == StageSection::Cast {
for i in 0..self.scheduler.heartbeats(Duration::from_millis(1)) {
time + (i as f64) / 1000.0,
time + i as f64 / 1000.0,
+ (i as f32 / b.beam_duration.as_millis() as f32)
* particle_ori
* b.range,
pos.0 + particle_ori * b.range,
pos.0 + particle_ori * 0.5 + Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, b.offset),
pos.0 + particle_ori * b.static_data.range + Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, b.offset),