Tiled guillotiere allocator for sprites working

This commit is contained in:
Imbris 2022-06-27 03:25:16 -04:00
parent b1f5fc01db
commit 5e5f7885e5
3 changed files with 62 additions and 129 deletions

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@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ treeculler = "0.2"
tokio = { version = "1.14", default-features = false, features = ["rt-multi-thread"] }
num_cpus = "1.0"
# vec_map = { version = "0.8.2" }
inline_tweak = {version = "1.0.2", features = ["release_tweak"]}
inline_tweak = "1.0.2"
itertools = "0.10.0"
# Tracy

View File

@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ fn main() {
let mut lazy_init = SpriteRenderContext::new(window.renderer_mut());
let _t = lazy_init(window.renderer_mut());
#[cfg(feature = "egui-ui")]

View File

@ -108,8 +108,8 @@ impl AtlasAllocator for guillotiere::SimpleAtlasAllocator {
// current values were optimized for sprites, but we are using a
// different allocator for them so different values might be better
// here.
let large_size_threshold = inline_tweak::release_tweak!(8); //256.min(min_max_dim / 2 + 1);
let small_size_threshold = inline_tweak::release_tweak!(3); //33.min(large_size_threshold / 2 + 1);
let large_size_threshold = 8; //256.min(min_max_dim / 2 + 1);
let small_size_threshold = !(3); //33.min(large_size_threshold / 2 + 1);
// (12, 3) 24.5
// (12, 2) 33.2
// (12, 4) 27.2
@ -149,22 +149,17 @@ impl AtlasAllocator for guillotiere::SimpleAtlasAllocator {
fn etagere_size(size: Vec2<i32>) -> etagere::Size { etagere::Size::new(size.x, size.y) }
// TODO: replace with constant after testing
fn tile_size() -> u16 { inline_tweak::release_tweak!(64) }
pub struct GuillotiereTiled {
// TODO: Try BucketsAtlasAllocator
// Each tile is tile_size() (unless max size is not aligned to this, in which case the tiles
// that reach the max size are truncated below this value).
// Each tile is Self::TILE_SIZE (unless max size is not aligned to this, in which case the
// tiles that reach the max size are truncated below this value).
allocator: guillotiere::SimpleAtlasAllocator,
// (offset, size)
free_tiles: Vec<(Vec2<usize>, Vec2<i32>)>,
// Total width and height texels of the whole grid of tiles (in case this isn't a square).
// offset in tiles
free_tiles: Vec<Vec2<usize>>,
// Total width and height in tiles (in case this isn't a square).
// Not zero
size: Vec2<usize>,
// Offset (in texels) of current tile being allocated from (others returned `None` on last
// Offset (in tiles) of current tile being allocated from (others returned `None` on last
// allocation attempt)
current: Option<Vec2<usize>>,
// Efficiency history (total area, used area)
@ -172,10 +167,19 @@ pub struct GuillotiereTiled {
impl GuillotiereTiled {
// Tested with sprites:
// 64 1.63s 1.109 packing
// 128 1.65s 1.083 packing
// 256 1.77s 1.070 packing
// 512 2.27s 1.055 packing
// 1024 5.32s 1.045 packing (didn't fill up)
// 2048 10.49s n/a packing (didn't fill up)
const TILE_SIZE: u16 = 256;
fn allocator_options() -> guillotiere::AllocatorOptions {
// TODO: Collect information to see if we can choose a good value here.
let large_size_threshold = inline_tweak::release_tweak!(8); //256.min(min_max_dim / 2 + 1);
let small_size_threshold = inline_tweak::release_tweak!(3); //33.min(large_size_threshold / 2 + 1);
let large_size_threshold = 8; //256.min(min_max_dim / 2 + 1);
let small_size_threshold = 3; //33.min(large_size_threshold / 2 + 1);
// (12, 3) 24.5
// (12, 2) 33.2
@ -194,6 +198,7 @@ impl GuillotiereTiled {
fn next_tile(&mut self) {
tracing::error!("next tile");
if self.current.is_some() {
let free_space = self.allocator.free_space();
@ -203,8 +208,11 @@ impl GuillotiereTiled {
self.history.push((area, used));
self.current = if let Some((offset, size)) = self.free_tiles.pop() {
self.allocator.reset(guillotiere_size(size), &Self::AllocatorOptions);
self.current = if let Some(offset) = self.free_tiles.pop() {
} else {
@ -214,16 +222,18 @@ impl GuillotiereTiled {
impl AtlasAllocator for GuillotiereTiled {
fn with_max_size(max_size: Vec2<i32>) -> Self {
let size = guillotiere_size(Vec2::broadcast(i32::from(tile_size())))
let size = guillotiere_size(Vec2::broadcast(i32::from(Self::TILE_SIZE)))
let allocator = guillotiere::SimpleAtlasAllocator::with_options(size, &Self::allocator_options())
let allocator =
guillotiere::SimpleAtlasAllocator::with_options(size, &Self::allocator_options());
Self {
free_tiles: Vec::new(),
width: 1,
size: Vec2::new(1, 1),
current: Some(Vec2::new(0, 0)),
history: Vec::new(),
@ -234,10 +244,12 @@ impl AtlasAllocator for GuillotiereTiled {
let size = guillotiere_size(size);
while let Some(current) = self.current {
let index = current.x + current.y * self.width;
match self.allocator.allocate(size) {
Some(r) => {
let offset = guillotiere_size(self.offset(index));
// NOTE: The offset will always be smaller or equal to the `i32`s passed into
// `with_max_size`/`grow` so this won't overflow.
let offset =
guillotiere_size(current.map(|e| e as i32 * i32::from(Self::TILE_SIZE)));
let offset_rect = guillotiere::Rectangle {
min: r.min.add_size(&offset),
@ -246,10 +258,7 @@ impl AtlasAllocator for GuillotiereTiled {
return Some(offset_rect);
None => {
self.current = self.free_tiles.pop();
tracing::error!("next tile");
None => self.next_tile(),
@ -258,132 +267,56 @@ impl AtlasAllocator for GuillotiereTiled {
/// Retrieves the current size of the atlas being allocated from.
fn size(&self) -> Vec2<i32> { self.size() }
fn size(&self) -> Vec2<i32> {
// NOTE: The size will always be smaller or equal to the `i32`s passed into
// `with_max_size`/`grow` so this won't overflow.
self.size.map(|e| e as i32 * i32::from(Self::TILE_SIZE))
/// Grows the size of the atlas to the provided size.
fn grow(&mut self, new_size: Vec2<i32>) {
let print_efficiency = inline_tweak::release_tweak!(true);
if print_efficiency {
println!("Tile count: {}", self.tiles.len());
"Tile count: {}",
self.history.len() + self.free_tiles.len() + self.current.is_some() as usize
let mut total_area = 0;
let mut total_used = 0;
for tile in self.tiles.iter() {
let free_space = tile.free_space();
let area = tile.size().width * tile.size().height;
let used = area - free_space;
dbg!((used, free_space, area, area as f32 / used as f32));
for (area, used) in self.history.iter() {
total_area += area;
total_used += used;
dbg!(total_area as f32 / total_used as f32);
let last_tile_size = self
.map(|(_offset, size)| size.to_array())
.unwrap_or_else(|| self.allocator.size().to_array());
if last_tile_size != [i32::from(tile_size()); 2] {
let tile_size = tile_size();
// We want to avoid this as it would create many tiles of irregular sizes.
"Growing when last tile is non-multiple-of-{tile_size}. Max size was already \
reached or growing by non-power-of-two increments"
let diff = (new_size - self.size).map(|e| e.max(0));
let diff = (new_size - self.size()).map(|e| e.max(0));
// TODO: as cast
let diff_tiles = diff.map(|e| e as usize / usize::from(tile_size()));
// TODO: test when remainder isn't 0
let diff_remainder = diff.map(|e| e % i32::from(tile_size()));
let additional_tiles = diff_tiles.map2(diff_remainder, |tiles, rem| tiles + if rem != 0 { 1 } else { 0 });
// NOTE: growing only occurs in increments of tiles size so any remaining size
// is ignored.
let diff_tiles = diff.map(|e| e as usize / usize::from(Self::TILE_SIZE));
let old_dims = self.dimensions;
let old_remainder = old_dims.map(|e| e % usize::from(tile_size()));
self.dimensions += diff:
// Insert new colums
for _ in 0.. {
let last = column == self.width - 1;
let width = if last && diff_remainder.x != 0 {
} else {
for x in 0..diff_tiles.x {
if diff_remainder.x != 0 {
let index = end_of_row + diff_tiles.x;
Self::new_tile(guillotiere_size(Vec2::new(diff.x, i32::from(tile_size())))),
if old_height % usize::from(tile_size()) != 0 {
let last = column == self.width - 1;
let width = if last && diff.x != 0 {
} else {
.push(Self::new_tile(guillotiere_size(Vec2::new(width, diff.y))));
// Insert new rows
for _ in 0..diff_tiles.y {
for column in 0..self.width {
let last = column == self.width - 1;
let width = if last && diff_remainder.x != 0 {
} else {
if diff_remainder.y != 0 {
for column in 0..self.width {
let last = column == self.width - 1;
let width = if last && diff.x != 0 {
} else {
.push(Self::new_tile(guillotiere_size(Vec2::new(width, diff.y))));
let old_size = self.size;
self.size += diff_tiles;
// Add new tiles to free tile list
for x in old_width..self.width {
for y in 0..old_height {
for x in old_size.x..self.size.x {
for y in 0..old_size.y {
self.free_tiles.push(Vec2::new(x, y));
for y in old_height..self.height() {
for x in 0..self.width {
for y in old_size.y..self.size.y {
for x in 0..self.size.x {
self.free_tiles.push(Vec2::new(x, y));
if self.current.is_none() {
self.current = self.free_tiles.pop();