Switched to recursive tree generation and recursive culling algorithm for massive performance wins

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Barretto 2021-01-06 02:19:35 +00:00
parent 6f11c4c5c7
commit 5e7c231788
2 changed files with 162 additions and 113 deletions

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@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
use veloren_world::layer::tree::ProceduralTree;
use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, Benchmark, Criterion, BatchSize};
use criterion::{black_box, criterion_group, criterion_main, BatchSize, Benchmark, Criterion};
use veloren_world::layer::tree::{ProceduralTree, TreeConfig};
fn tree(c: &mut Criterion) {
c.bench_function("generate", |b| {
let mut i = 0;
b.iter(|| {
i += 1;
black_box(ProceduralTree::generate(TreeConfig::OAK, i));
c.bench_function("sample", |b| {
let mut i = 0;
|| { i += 1; ProceduralTree::generate(i) },
|| {
i += 1;
ProceduralTree::generate(TreeConfig::OAK, i)
|tree| {
let bounds = tree.get_bounds();
for x in (bounds.min.x as i32..bounds.max.x as i32).step_by(3) {

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use common::{
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use std::f32;
use std::{f32, ops::Range};
use vek::*;
use rand::prelude::*;
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ pub fn apply_trees_to(canvas: &mut Canvas) {
ForestKind::Baobab => *BAOBABS,
// ForestKind::Oak => *OAKS,
ForestKind::Oak => {
break 'model TreeModel::Procedural(ProceduralTree::generate(seed));
break 'model TreeModel::Procedural(ProceduralTree::generate(TreeConfig::OAK, seed));
ForestKind::Pine => *PINES,
ForestKind::Birch => *BIRCHES,
@ -192,139 +192,185 @@ pub fn apply_trees_to(canvas: &mut Canvas) {
/// A type that specifies the generation properties of a tree.
pub struct TreeConfig {
/// Length of trunk, also scales other branches.
pub branch_scale: f32,
/// 0 - 1 (0 = chaotic, 1 = straight).
pub straightness: f32,
/// Maximum number of branch layers (not including trunk).
pub max_depth: usize,
/// The number of branches that form from each branch.
pub splits: usize,
/// The range of proportions along a branch at which a split into another branch might occur.
/// This value is clamped between 0 and 1, but a wider range may bias the results towards branch ends.
pub split_range: Range<f32>,
impl TreeConfig {
pub const OAK: Self = Self {
branch_scale: 12.0,
straightness: 0.5,
max_depth: 4,
splits: 3,
split_range: 0.5..1.5,
// TODO: Rename this to `Tree` when the name conflict is gone
pub struct ProceduralTree {
branches: Vec<Branch>,
trunk_idx: usize,
impl ProceduralTree {
pub fn generate(seed: u32) -> Self {
/// Generate a new tree using the given configuration and seed.
pub fn generate(config: TreeConfig, seed: u32) -> Self {
let mut rng = RandomPerm::new(seed);
let mut branches = Vec::new();
const ITERATIONS: usize = 4;
let mut this = Self {
branches: Vec::new(),
trunk_idx: 0, // Gets replaced later
fn add_branches(branches: &mut Vec<Branch>, start: Vec3<f32>, dir: Vec3<f32>, depth: usize, rng: &mut impl Rng) {
let mut branch_dir = (dir + Vec3::<f32>::new(rng.gen_range(-1.0, 1.0),rng.gen_range(-1.0, 1.0),rng.gen_range(0.25, 1.0)).cross(dir).normalized() * 0.45 * (depth as f32 + 0.5)).normalized(); // I wish `vek` had a `Vec3::from_fn`
if branch_dir.z < 0. {
branch_dir.z = (branch_dir.z) / 16. + 0.2
let branch_len = 12.0 / (depth as f32 * 0.25 + 1.0); // Zipf, I guess
let end = start + branch_dir * branch_len;
branches.push(Branch::new(LineSegment3 { start, end },0.3 + 2.5 / (depth + 1) as f32,if depth == ITERATIONS {
rng.gen_range(3.0, 5.0)
} else {
if depth < ITERATIONS {
let sub_branches = if depth == 0 { 3 } else { rng.gen_range(2, 4) };
for _ in 0..sub_branches {
add_branches(branches, end, branch_dir, depth + 1, rng);
let height = rng.gen_range(13, 30) as f32;
let dx = rng.gen_range(-5, 5) as f32;
let dy = rng.gen_range(-5, 5) as f32;
// Generate the trunk
branches.push(Branch::new(LineSegment3 { start: Vec3::zero(), end: Vec3::new(dx, dy, height)},3.0,0.0));
// Generate branches
const TEN_DEGREES: f32 = f32::consts::TAU / 36.;
let mut current_angle = 0.;
while current_angle < f32::consts::TAU {
for i in 1..3 {
let current_angle = current_angle + rng.gen_range(-TEN_DEGREES / 2., TEN_DEGREES / 2.);
&mut branches,
Vec3::new(dx, dy, height - rng.gen_range(0.0, height / 3.0)),
Vec3::new(current_angle.cos(), current_angle.sin(), rng.gen_range(0.2 * i as f32, 0.7 * i as f32)).normalized(),
&mut rng,
if rng.gen_range(0, 4) != 2 {
current_angle += rng.gen_range(TEN_DEGREES, TEN_DEGREES * 5.);
&mut branches,
Vec3::new(dx, dy, height - rng.gen_range(0.0, height / 3.0)),
Vec3::new(rng.gen_range(-0.2, 0.2), rng.gen_range(-0.2, 0.2), 1.).normalized(),
// Add the tree trunk (and sub-branches) recursively
let (trunk_idx, _) = this.add_branch(
// Our trunk starts at the origin...
// ...and has a roughly upward direction
Vec3::new(rng.gen_range(-1.0, 1.0), rng.gen_range(-1.0, 1.0), 5.0).normalized(),
&mut rng,
this.trunk_idx = trunk_idx;
Self {
// Recursively add a branch (with sub-branches) to the tree's branch graph, returning the index and AABB of the
// branch. This AABB gets propagated down to the parent and is used later during sampling to cull the branches to
// be sampled.
fn add_branch(
&mut self,
config: &TreeConfig,
start: Vec3<f32>,
dir: Vec3<f32>,
depth: usize,
sibling_idx: Option<usize>,
rng: &mut impl Rng,
) -> (usize, Aabb<f32>) {
let len = config.branch_scale / (depth as f32 * 0.25 + 1.0); // Zipf, I guess
let end = start + dir * len;
let line = LineSegment3 { start, end };
let wood_radius = 0.3 + 2.5 / (depth + 1) as f32;
let leaf_radius = if depth == config.max_depth { rng.gen_range(3.0, 5.0) } else { 0.0 };
// The AABB that covers this branch, along with wood and leaves that eminate from it
let mut aabb = Aabb {
min: Vec3::partial_min(start, end) - wood_radius.max(leaf_radius),
max: Vec3::partial_max(start, end) + wood_radius.max(leaf_radius),
let mut child_idx = None;
// Don't add child branches if we're already enough layers into the tree
if depth < config.max_depth {
for _ in 0..config.splits {
// Choose a point close to the branch to act as the target direction for the branch to grow in
let tgt = Lerp::lerp(
rng.gen_range(config.split_range.start, config.split_range.end).clamped(0.0, 1.0),
) + Vec3::<f32>::zero().map(|_| rng.gen_range(-1.0, 1.0));
// Start the branch at the closest point to the target
let branch_start = line.projected_point(tgt);
// Now, interpolate between the target direction and the parent branch's direction to find a direction
let branch_dir = Lerp::lerp(tgt - branch_start, dir, config.straightness).normalized();
let (branch_idx, branch_aabb) = self.add_branch(config, branch_start, branch_dir, depth + 1, child_idx, rng);
child_idx = Some(branch_idx);
// Parent branches AABBs include the AABBs of child branches to allow for culling during sampling
let idx = self.branches.len(); // Compute the index that this branch is going to have
self.branches.push(Branch {
(idx, aabb)
/// Get the bounding box that covers the tree (all branches and leaves)
pub fn get_bounds(&self) -> Aabb<f32> {
let bounds = self.branches
.fold(Aabb::default(), |Aabb { min, max }, branch| Aabb {
min: Vec3::partial_min(min, Vec3::partial_min(branch.line.start, branch.line.end) - branch.radius - 8.0),
max: Vec3::partial_max(max, Vec3::partial_max(branch.line.start, branch.line.end) + branch.radius + 8.0),
.for_each(|branch| {
pub fn is_branch_or_leaves_at(&self, pos: Vec3<f32>) -> (bool, bool) {
let mut is_leave = false;
for branch in &self.branches {
let p_d2 = branch.line.projected_point(pos).distance_squared(pos);
// Recursively search for branches or leaves by walking the tree's branch graph.
fn is_branch_or_leaves_at_inner(&self, pos: Vec3<f32>, branch_idx: usize) -> (bool, bool) {
let branch = &self.branches[branch_idx];
// Always probe the sibling branch, since our AABB doesn't include its bounds (it's not one of our children)
let branch_or_leaves = branch.sibling_idx
.map(|idx| Vec2::from(self.is_branch_or_leaves_at_inner(pos, idx)))
if !is_leave {
fn finvsqrt(x: f32) -> f32 {
let y = f32::from_bits(0x5f375a86 - (x.to_bits() >> 1));
y * (1.5 - ( x * 0.5 * y * y ))
if branch.health * finvsqrt(p_d2) > 1.0 {
is_leave = true;
if p_d2 < branch.squared_radius {
return (true,false);
// Only continue probing this sub-graph of the tree if the sample position falls within its AABB
if branch.aabb.contains_point(pos) {
// Probe this branch
| Vec2::from(branch.is_branch_or_leaves_at(pos))
// Probe the children of this branch
| branch.child_idx
.map(|idx| Vec2::from(self.is_branch_or_leaves_at_inner(pos, idx)))
} else {
(false, is_leave)
/// Determine whether there are either branches or leaves at the given position in the tree.
pub fn is_branch_or_leaves_at(&self, pos: Vec3<f32>) -> (bool, bool) {
self.is_branch_or_leaves_at_inner(pos, self.trunk_idx)
// Branches are arranged in a graph shape. Each branch points to both its first child (if any) and also to the next
// branch in the list of child branches associated with the parent. This means that the entire tree is laid out in a
// walkable graph where each branch refers only to two other branches. As a result, walking the tree is simply a case
// of performing double recursion.
struct Branch {
line: LineSegment3<f32>,
radius: f32,
squared_radius: f32,
health: f32,
wood_radius: f32,
leaf_radius: f32,
aabb: Aabb<f32>,
sibling_idx: Option<usize>,
child_idx: Option<usize>,
impl Branch {
fn new(line: LineSegment3<f32>,radius: f32,health: f32) -> Self {
Self {
squared_radius: radius.powi(2),
/// Determine whether there are either branches or leaves at the given position in the branch.
pub fn is_branch_or_leaves_at(&self, pos: Vec3<f32>) -> (bool, bool) {
// fn finvsqrt(x: f32) -> f32 {
// let y = f32::from_bits(0x5f375a86 - (x.to_bits() >> 1));
// y * (1.5 - ( x * 0.5 * y * y ))
// }
let p_d2 = self.line.projected_point(pos).distance_squared(pos);
if p_d2 < self.wood_radius.powi(2) {
(true, false)
} else {
(false, p_d2 < self.leaf_radius.powi(2))