Merge branch 'songtronix/fix-assets-finding' into 'master'

fix: locate assets in hopefully all cases

Closes #727 and #745

See merge request veloren/veloren!1347
This commit is contained in:
Songtronix 2020-08-31 18:23:54 +00:00
commit 5f350b2bea
3 changed files with 43 additions and 34 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -4726,7 +4726,6 @@ dependencies = [

View File

@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ rand = "0.7"
rayon = "1.3.0"
lazy_static = "1.4.0"
hashbrown = { version = "0.7.2", features = ["rayon", "serde", "nightly"] }
find_folder = "0.3.0"
parking_lot = "0.9.0"
crossbeam = "0.7"
notify = "5.0.0-pre.3"

View File

@ -337,6 +337,12 @@ where
lazy_static! {
/// Lazy static to find and cache where the asset directory is.
/// Cases we need to account for:
/// 1. Running through airshipper (`assets` next to binary)
/// 2. Install with package manager and run (assets probably in `/usr/share/veloren/assets` while binary in `/usr/bin/`)
/// 3. Download & hopefully extract zip (`assets` next to binary)
/// 4. Running through cargo (`assets` in workspace root but not always in cwd incase you `cd voxygen && cargo r`)
/// 5. Running executable in the target dir (`assets` in workspace)
pub static ref ASSETS_PATH: PathBuf = {
let mut paths = Vec::new();
@ -347,49 +353,54 @@ lazy_static! {
// 2. System paths
#[cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "macos"), not(target_os = "ios"), not(target_os = "android")))]
if let Ok(result) = std::env::var("XDG_DATA_HOME") {
paths.push(format!("{}/veloren/assets", result).into());
} else if let Ok(result) = std::env::var("HOME") {
paths.push(format!("{}/.local/share/veloren/assets", result).into());
if let Ok(result) = std::env::var("XDG_DATA_DIRS") {
result.split(':').for_each(|x| paths.push(format!("{}/veloren/assets", x).into()));
} else {
// Fallback
let fallback_paths = vec!["/usr/local/share", "/usr/share"];
for fallback_path in fallback_paths {
paths.push(format!("{}/veloren/assets", fallback_path).into());
// 3. Executable path
// 2. Executable path
if let Ok(mut path) = std::env::current_exe() {
// 4. Working path
// 3. Working path
if let Ok(path) = std::env::current_dir() {
// 4. Cargo Workspace (e.g. local development)
if let Ok(Ok(path)) = std::env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").map(|s| s.parse::<PathBuf>()) {
// 5. System paths
#[cfg(all(unix, not(target_os = "macos"), not(target_os = "ios"), not(target_os = "android")))]
if let Ok(result) = std::env::var("XDG_DATA_HOME") {
paths.push(format!("{}/veloren/", result).into());
} else if let Ok(result) = std::env::var("HOME") {
paths.push(format!("{}/.local/share/veloren/", result).into());
if let Ok(result) = std::env::var("XDG_DATA_DIRS") {
result.split(':').for_each(|x| paths.push(format!("{}/veloren/", x).into()));
} else {
// Fallback
let fallback_paths = vec!["/usr/local/share", "/usr/share"];
for fallback_path in fallback_paths {
paths.push(format!("{}/veloren/", fallback_path).into());
tracing::trace!("Possible asset locations paths={:?}", paths);
for path in paths.clone() {
match find_folder::Search::ParentsThenKids(3, 1)
Ok(assets_path) => {
tracing::info!("Assets found path={}", assets_path.display());
return assets_path;
Err(_) => continue,
for mut path in paths.clone() {
if !path.ends_with("assets") {
path = path.join("assets");
if path.is_dir() {
tracing::info!("Assets found path={}", path.display());
return path;