mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
WIP: snowfall.
This commit is contained in:
@ -94,6 +94,87 @@ impl<V, Storage: core::ops::DerefMut<Target=Vec<V>>, S: RectVolSize, M: Clone> C
self.z_offset + (self.sub_chunks.len() as u32 * SubChunkSize::<V, Storage, S>::SIZE.z) as i32
/// Flattened version of this chonk.
/// It's not acutally flat, it just skips the indirection through the index. The idea is to
/// use a constant stride for row access so the prefetcher can process it more easily.
pub fn make_flat<'a>(&'a self, below_slice: &'a [V], above_slice: &'a [V]) -> Vec<&'a [V]>
V: Copy + Eq,
[(); SubChunk::<V, Storage, S, M>::GROUP_VOLUME as usize]:,
let mut flat = Vec::with_capacity(self.sub_chunks.len() * /*SubChunkSize::<V, Storage, S>::SIZE.z as usize **/
/* SubChunk::<V, Storage, S, M>::VOLUME as usize */
SubChunk::<V, Storage, S, M>::GROUP_COUNT_TOTAL as usize);
self.sub_chunks.iter().enumerate().for_each(|(idx, sub_chunk)| {
let slice = if sub_chunk.default() == &self.below {
} else {
sub_chunk.push_flat(&mut flat, slice);
/// Approximate max z.
/// NOTE: Column must be in range; results are undefined otherwise.
// #[allow(unsafe_code)]
pub fn get_max_z_col(&self, col: Vec2<i32>) -> i32
where V: Eq,
/* let group_size = SubChunk::<V, Storage, S, M>::GROUP_SIZE;
let group_count = SubChunk::<V, Storage, S, M>::GROUP_COUNT;
let col = (col.as_::<u32>() % Self::RECT_SIZE);
// FIXME: Make abstract.
let grp_pos = col.map2(group_size.xy(), |e, s| e / s);
let grp_idx_2d = grp_pos.x * (group_count.y * group_count.z)
+ (grp_pos.y * group_count.z);
/* dbg!(col, group_size, group_count, grp_pos, grp_idx_2d); */
/* let grp_idx: [u8; SubChunk<V, Storage, S, M>::GROUP_SIZE.z] =
[grp_idx_2d, grp_idx_2d + 1, grp_idx_2d + 2, grp_idx_2d + 3]; */
// let grp_idx = Chunk::grp_idx(col.with_z(0));
let grp_idx_2d = grp_idx_2d as u8;
let grp_idx0 = grp_idx_2d as usize;
let grp_idx1 = (grp_idx_2d + 1) as usize;
let grp_idx2 = (grp_idx_2d + 2) as usize;
let grp_idx3 = (grp_idx_2d + 3) as usize;
// Find first subchunk with either a different default from our above, or whose group at
// the relevant index is not the default.
let group_offset_z = self.sub_chunks.iter().enumerate().rev().find_map(|(sub_chunk_idx, sub_chunk)| {
if sub_chunk.default() != &self.above {
return Some((sub_chunk_idx + 1) * 4);
let num_groups = sub_chunk.num_groups() as u8;
let indices = /*&*/sub_chunk.indices()/*[0..256]*/;
unsafe {
let idx0 = *indices.get_unchecked(grp_idx0);
let idx1 = *indices.get_unchecked(grp_idx2);
let idx2 = *indices.get_unchecked(grp_idx1);
let idx3 = *indices.get_unchecked(grp_idx3);
if idx3 >= num_groups {
return Some(sub_chunk_idx * 4 + grp_idx3);
if idx2 >= num_groups {
return Some(sub_chunk_idx * 4 + grp_idx2);
if idx1 >= num_groups {
return Some(sub_chunk_idx * 4 + grp_idx1);
if idx0 >= num_groups {
return Some(sub_chunk_idx * 4 + grp_idx0);
return None;
let offset: u32 = group_offset_z as u32 * SubChunk::<V, Storage, S, M>::GROUP_SIZE.z;
self.get_min_z() + offset as i32 */
pub fn sub_chunks_len(&self) -> usize { self.sub_chunks.len() }
pub fn sub_chunk_groups(&self) -> usize {
@ -67,15 +67,15 @@ impl<V, S: VolSize<V>, M> Chunk<V, S, M> {
S::SIZE.z / Self::GROUP_SIZE.z,
/// `GROUP_COUNT_TOTAL` is always `256`, except if `VOLUME < 256`
pub const GROUP_COUNT_TOTAL: u32 = Self::VOLUME / Self::GROUP_VOLUME;
const GROUP_LONG_SIDE_LEN: u32 = 1 << ((Self::GROUP_VOLUME * 4 - 1).count_ones() / 3);
const GROUP_SIZE: Vec3<u32> = Vec3::new(
pub const GROUP_SIZE: Vec3<u32> = Vec3::new(
const GROUP_VOLUME: u32 = [Self::VOLUME / 256, 1][(Self::VOLUME < 256) as usize];
const VOLUME: u32 = (S::SIZE.x * S::SIZE.y * S::SIZE.z) as u32;
pub const GROUP_VOLUME: u32 = [Self::VOLUME / 256, 1][(Self::VOLUME < 256) as usize];
pub const VOLUME: u32 = (S::SIZE.x * S::SIZE.y * S::SIZE.z) as u32;
impl<V, S: core::ops::DerefMut<Target=Vec<V>> + VolSize<V>, M> Chunk<V, S, M> {
@ -128,6 +128,72 @@ impl<V, S: core::ops::DerefMut<Target=Vec<V>> + VolSize<V>, M> Chunk<V, S, M> {
pub fn default(&self) -> &V {
pub fn indices(&self) -> &[u8] {
/// Flattened version of this subchunk.
/// It's not acutally flat, it just skips the indirection through the index. The idea is to
/// use a constant stride for row access so the prefetcher can process it more easily.
pub fn push_flat<'a>(&'a self, flat: &mut Vec<&'a [V]>, default: &'a [V])
V: Copy,
[(); Self::GROUP_VOLUME as usize]:
let vox = &self.vox;
// let default = &[self.default; Self::GROUP_VOLUME as usize];
.for_each(|(grp_idx, &base)| {
let start = usize::from(base) * Self::GROUP_VOLUME as usize;
let end = start + Self::GROUP_VOLUME as usize;
if let Some(group) = vox.get(start..end) {
/* flat.extend_from_slice(group); */
/* flat[grp_idx / 64 * 4096 + grp_idx % 64 / 8 * 8 + grp_idx % 8..]copy_from_slice(group[0 * 64..1 * 64]);
// 3*4096+(8*7+8)*16
// 3*4096+7*128+7*4
// (3*1024+7*32+7)*4
// (3*1024+7*32+7)*4 + 1024
// (3*1024+7*32+7)*4 + 1024 * 2
// (3*1024+7*32+7)*4 + 1024 * 3
// 1024*15 + 7*4*32 + 7*4
// 1024*15 + (7*4+1)*32 + 7*4
// 1024*15 + (7*4+3)*32 + 7*4
// 1024*15 + (7*4+3)*32 + 7*4
flat[grp_idx * Self::GROUP_VOLUME..end].copy_from_slice(group[1 * 64..2 * 64]);
flat[grp_idx * Self::GROUP_VOLUME..end].copy_from_slice(group[2 * 64..3 * 64]);
flat[grp_idx * Self::GROUP_VOLUME..end].copy_from_slice(group[3 * 64..4 * 64]);
flat[flat + base]
// Check to see if all blocks in this group are the same.
// NOTE: First element must exist because GROUP_VOLUME ≥ 1
let first = &group[0];
let first_ = first.as_bytes();
// View group as bytes to benefit from specialization on [u8].
let group = group.as_bytes();
/* let mut group = group.iter();
let first = group.next().expect("group_volume ≥ 1"); */
if group.array_chunks::<{ core::mem::size_of::<V>() }>().all(|block| block == first_) {
// all blocks in the group were the same, so add our position to this entry
// in the hashmap.
map.entry(first).or_insert_with(/*vec![]*//*bitvec::bitarr![0; chunk<v, s, m>::group_count_total]*/|| empty_bits)./*push*/set(grp_idx, true);
} */
} else {
// this slot is empty (i.e. has the default value).
/* map.entry(default).or_insert_with(|| empty_bits)./*push*/set(grp_idx, true);
/// Compress this subchunk by frequency.
pub fn defragment(&mut self)
@ -230,6 +296,7 @@ impl<V, S: core::ops::DerefMut<Target=Vec<V>> + VolSize<V>, M> Chunk<V, S, M> {
/// Get a mutable reference to the internal metadata.
pub fn metadata_mut(&mut self) -> &mut M { &mut self.meta }
pub fn num_groups(&self) -> usize { self.vox.len() / Self::GROUP_VOLUME as usize }
/// Returns `Some(v)` if the block is homogeneous and contains nothing but
@ -245,19 +312,19 @@ impl<V, S: core::ops::DerefMut<Target=Vec<V>> + VolSize<V>, M> Chunk<V, S, M> {
fn grp_idx(pos: Vec3<i32>) -> u32 {
pub fn grp_idx(pos: Vec3<i32>) -> u32 {
let grp_pos = pos.map2(Self::GROUP_SIZE, |e, s| e as u32 / s);
(grp_pos.x * (Self::GROUP_COUNT.y * Self::GROUP_COUNT.z))
+ (grp_pos.y * Self::GROUP_COUNT.z)
+ (grp_pos.z)
(grp_pos.z * (Self::GROUP_COUNT.y * Self::GROUP_COUNT.x))
+ (grp_pos.y * Self::GROUP_COUNT.x)
+ (grp_pos.x)
fn rel_idx(pos: Vec3<i32>) -> u32 {
pub fn rel_idx(pos: Vec3<i32>) -> u32 {
let rel_pos = pos.map2(Self::GROUP_SIZE, |e, s| e as u32 % s);
(rel_pos.x * (Self::GROUP_SIZE.y * Self::GROUP_SIZE.z))
+ (rel_pos.y * Self::GROUP_SIZE.z)
+ (rel_pos.z)
(rel_pos.z * (Self::GROUP_SIZE.y * Self::GROUP_SIZE.x))
+ (rel_pos.y * Self::GROUP_SIZE.x)
+ (rel_pos.x)
@ -384,7 +451,7 @@ impl<V, S: VolSize<V>, M> ChunkPosIter<V, S, M> {
impl<V, S: VolSize<V>, M> Iterator for ChunkPosIter<V, S, M> {
type Item = Vec3<i32>;
/* #[inline(always)]
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.pos.x >= self.ub.x {
return None;
@ -433,9 +500,9 @@ impl<V, S: VolSize<V>, M> Iterator for ChunkPosIter<V, S, M> {
self.pos.x = (self.pos.x | (Chunk::<V, S, M>::GROUP_SIZE.x as i32 - 1)) + 1;
} */
/* fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
if self.pos.z >= self.ub.z {
return None;
@ -483,7 +550,7 @@ impl<V, S: VolSize<V>, M> Iterator for ChunkPosIter<V, S, M> {
self.pos.z = (self.pos.z | (Chunk::<V, S, M>::GROUP_SIZE.z as i32 - 1)) + 1;
} */
pub struct ChunkVolIter<'a, V, S: VolSize<V>, M> {
@ -306,6 +306,7 @@ fn dungeon(c: &mut Criterion) {
// let chunk_pos = Vec2::new(24507/32, 20682/32);
// let chunk_pos = Vec2::new(19638/32, 19621/32);
let chunk_pos = Vec2::new(21488/32, 13584/32);
// let chunk_pos = Vec2::new(21488/32 + 5, 13584/32 + 5);
b.iter(|| {
black_box(world.generate_chunk(index.as_index_ref(), chunk_pos, || false, None));
@ -319,6 +320,7 @@ fn dungeon(c: &mut Criterion) {
// let chunk_pos = Vec2::new(24507/32, 20682/32);
// let chunk_pos = Vec2::new(19638/32, 19621/32);
let chunk_pos = Vec2::new(21488/32, 13584/32);
// let chunk_pos = Vec2::new(21488/32 + 5, 13584/32 + 5);
let chunk = world.generate_chunk(index.as_index_ref(), chunk_pos, || false, None).unwrap().0;
/* println!("{:?}", chunk.sub_chunks_len());
let chunk = chunk.sub_chunks().next().unwrap(); */
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ impl<'a> BlockGen<'a> {
/* snow_cover, */
@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ impl<'a> BlockGen<'a> {
let col = Lerp::lerp(sub_surface_color, surface_color, grass_factor);
if grass_factor < 0.7 {
Block::new(BlockKind::Earth, col.map(|e| (e * 255.0) as u8))
} else if snow_cover {
}/* else if snow_cover {
//if temp < CONFIG.snow_temp + 0.031 {
Block::new(BlockKind::Snow, col.map(|e| (e * 255.0) as u8))
} else {
}*/ else {
Block::new(BlockKind::Grass, col.map(|e| (e * 255.0) as u8))
@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ impl<'a> Canvas<'a> {
let mut above = true;
for z in (structure.get_bounds().min.z..structure.get_bounds().max.z).rev() {
if let Ok(sblock) = structure.get(rpos2d.with_z(z)) {
let mut add_snow = false;
/* let mut add_snow = false; */
let _ = canvas.map(wpos2d.with_z(origin.z + z), |block| {
if let Some(new_block) = block_from_structure(
@ -250,9 +250,9 @@ impl<'a> Canvas<'a> {
) {
if !new_block.is_air() {
if with_snow && col.snow_cover && above {
/* if with_snow && col.snow_cover && above {
add_snow = true;
} */
above = false;
@ -261,12 +261,12 @@ impl<'a> Canvas<'a> {
if add_snow {
/* if add_snow {
let _ = canvas.set(
wpos2d.with_z(origin.z + z + 1),
Block::new(BlockKind::Snow, Rgb::new(210, 210, 255)),
} */
@ -1488,7 +1488,7 @@ impl<'a, 'b> Sampler<'a, 'b> for ColumnGen1D<'a, 'b> {
let warm_stone: Rgb<f32> = warm_stone.into();
let beach_sand = beach_sand.into();
let desert_sand = desert_sand.into();
let snow = snow.into();
let snow: Rgb<f32> = snow.into();
let stone_col = stone_col.into();
let dirt_low: Rgb<f32> = dirt_low.into();
let dirt_high = dirt_high.into();
@ -1686,18 +1686,18 @@ impl<'a, 'b> Sampler<'a, 'b> for ColumnGen1D<'a, 'b> {
let warp = riverless_alt_delta + warp;
let alt = alt + warp;
let (snow_delta, ground, sub_surface_color) = if snow_cover && alt > water_level {
/* let (/*snow_delta, *//*ground, */sub_surface_color,) = if snow_cover && alt > water_level {
// Allow snow cover.
1.0 - snow_factor.max(0.0),
Rgb::lerp(snow, ground, snow_factor),
/* 1.0 - snow_factor.max(0.0),*/
/* Rgb::lerp(snow, ground, snow_factor), */
Lerp::lerp(sub_surface_color, ground, basement_sub_alt.mul(-0.15)),
} else {
(0.0, ground, sub_surface_color)
let alt = alt + snow_delta;
let basement_sub_alt = basement_sub_alt - snow_delta;
(/*0.0, *//*ground, */sub_surface_color,)
}; */
/* let alt = alt + snow_delta;
let basement_sub_alt = basement_sub_alt - snow_delta; */
// Make river banks not have grass
let ground = water_dist
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ pub fn apply_rocks_to(canvas: &mut Canvas, _dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng) {
let mut is_top = true;
/* let mut is_top = true; */
let mut last_block = Block::empty();
for z in (bounds.min.z..bounds.max.z).rev() {
let wpos = Vec3::new(wpos2d.x, wpos2d.y, rock.wpos.z + z);
@ -104,14 +104,14 @@ pub fn apply_rocks_to(canvas: &mut Canvas, _dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng) {
.take_sample(model_pos, rock.seed, last_block, col)
.map(|block| {
if col.snow_cover && is_top && block.is_filled() {
/* if col.snow_cover && is_top && block.is_filled() {
wpos + Vec3::unit_z(),
Block::new(BlockKind::Snow, Rgb::new(210, 210, 255)),
} */
canvas.set(wpos, block);
is_top = false;
/* is_top = false; */
last_block = block;
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ use common::{
Block, BlockKind, SpriteKind, TerrainChunk, TerrainChunkMeta, TerrainChunkSize, TerrainGrid,
vol::{ReadVol, RectVolSize, WriteVol},
vol::{IntoPosIterator, ReadVol, RectVolSize, WriteVol},
use common_net::msg::{world_msg, WorldMapMsg};
use rand::{prelude::*, Rng};
@ -343,6 +343,7 @@ impl World {
let mut delta2 = 0;
let mut delta3 = 0;
let mut delta4 = 0;
let mut has_snow = false;
for y in 0..TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.y as i32 {
for x in 0..TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as i32 {
if should_continue() {
@ -358,6 +359,8 @@ impl World {
_ => continue,
has_snow |= z_cache.sample.snow_cover;
// dbg!(chunk_pos, x, y, z_cache.get_z_limits());
let (min_z, max_z) = z_cache.get_z_limits();
/* let max_z = min_z + 1.0;
@ -539,6 +542,66 @@ impl World {
// Apply snow cover.
if has_snow {
let snow = Block::new(BlockKind::Snow, Rgb::new(210, 210, 255));
// NOTE: We assume throughout Veloren that u32 fits in usize (we need to make this a static
// assertion). RECT_SIZE.product() is statically valid.
let mut snow_blocks = Vec::with_capacity(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.product() as usize * 3);
let air_slice = [air; common::terrain::TerrainSubChunk::GROUP_VOLUME as usize];
let stone_slice = [stone; common::terrain::TerrainSubChunk::GROUP_VOLUME as usize];
let flat = chunk.make_flat(&stone_slice, &air_slice);
.filter(|(_, col_sample)| col_sample.snow_cover)
.for_each(|(wpos_delta, col_sample)| {
let wpos2d = /*chunk_wpos2d + */wpos_delta;
let iter = /*chunk.pos_iter(wpos2d.with_z(chunk.get_min_z()), wpos2d.with_z(chunk.get_max_z()))*/
(0..chunk.get_max_z_col(wpos_delta) - chunk.get_min_z());
// dbg!(wpos_delta, &iter);
let mut above_block_is_air = true;
for z in iter.rev() {
let mut pos = wpos2d.with_z(z);
let grp_id = common::terrain::TerrainSubChunk::grp_idx(pos) as usize;
let rel_id = common::terrain::TerrainSubChunk::rel_idx(pos) as usize;
let block = flat[grp_id][rel_id];
let kind = block.kind();
// dbg!(pos, block, above_block_is_air, kind.is_filled());
if above_block_is_air && kind.is_filled() {
// Place a block above this one.
pos.z += chunk.get_min_z() + 1;
let is_air = kind.is_air();
above_block_is_air = is_air;
if !(is_air || kind == BlockKind::Leaves) {
/* for z in iter.rev() {
let mut pos = wpos2d.with_z(z);
let grp_id = common::terrain::TerrainSubChunk::grp_idx(pos) as usize;
let rel_id = common::terrain::TerrainSubChunk::rel_idx(pos) as usize;
let block = flat[grp_id][rel_id];
let kind = block.kind();
// dbg!(pos, block, above_block_is_air, kind.is_filled());
if kind.is_filled() {
// Place a block above this one.
pos.z += chunk.get_min_z() + 1;
let is_air = kind.is_air();
if !is_air {
} */
snow_blocks.into_iter().for_each(|pos| {
let _ = chunk.set(pos, snow);
// Finally, defragment to minimize space consumption.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user