address comments

This commit is contained in:
jshipsey 2021-09-04 13:11:10 -04:00
parent 78af24a4ed
commit 6919f535d4
8 changed files with 44 additions and 147 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ EntityConfig (
hands: TwoHanded(Item("common.items.npc_weapons.biped_small.myrmidon.wooden_spear")),
meta: [

View File

@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
EntityConfig (
name: Name("Pirate"),
body: Exact(Humanoid(Body(
species: Human,
body_type: Female,
hair_style: 2,
beard: 0,
eyes: 0,
accessory: 0,
hair_color: 0,
skin: 0,
eye_color: 0,
species: Human,
body_type: Female,
hair_style: 2,
beard: 0,
eyes: 0,
accessory: 0,
hair_color: 0,
skin: 0,
eye_color: 0,
alignment: Alignment(Enemy),
alignment: Alignment(Enemy),
loot: LootTable("common.loot_tables.creature.biped_large.saurok"),
hands: Paired(Item("common.items.weapons.sword_1h.iron-2")),
hands: Paired(Item("common.items.weapons.sword_1h.iron-2")),
meta: [

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
name: "Gnarling",
name: "Gnome",
description: "Ceremonial attire used by members.",
kind: Armor((
kind: Chest("Gnome"),
stats: (
protection: Normal(2.0),
protection: Normal(36.0),
poise_resilience: Normal(1.0),
energy_max: 0,
energy_reward: 0.0,

View File

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
name: "Gnarling",
description: "Ceremonial attire used by members.",
kind: Armor((
kind: Belt("Gnarling"),
stats: (
protection: Normal(1.0),
poise_resilience: Normal(1.0),
energy_max: 0,
energy_reward: 0.0,
crit_power: 0.0,
stealth: 0.0,
quality: Low,
tags: [],

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
"traceEvents": [
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013191680.5, "dur":3328.3233642578125, "ph":"X", "name":"frame" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013191706.3, "dur":303.9836883544922, "ph":"X", "name":"shadow_pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013191707, "dur":301.361083984375, "ph":"X", "name":"direcred_terrain_shadows" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013192009.5, "dur":0.476837158203125, "ph":"X", "name":"direcred_figure_shadows" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013192013, "dur":378.3702850341797, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadows" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013192023.8, "dur":58.41255187988281, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-0 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013192089.5, "dur":51.975250244140625, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-1 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013192147.8, "dur":63.419342041015625, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-2 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013192217.3, "dur":53.16734313964844, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-3 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013192276.5, "dur":52.928924560546875, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-4 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013192336.3, "dur":53.40576171875, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-5 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013192413, "dur":1714.944839477539, "ph":"X", "name":"first_pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013192414, "dur":5.9604644775390625, "ph":"X", "name":"figures" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013192421.5, "dur":1319.6468353271484, "ph":"X", "name":"terrain" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013193741, "dur":1.1920928955078125, "ph":"X", "name":"figures" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013193742.8, "dur":270.60508728027344, "ph":"X", "name":"lod_terrain" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013194015.3, "dur":2.6226043701171875, "ph":"X", "name":"skybox" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013194018.8, "dur":96.55952453613281, "ph":"X", "name":"sprites" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013194116, "dur":0, "ph":"X", "name":"fluid" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013194117, "dur":9.298324584960938, "ph":"X", "name":"particles" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013194127.5, "dur":0.476837158203125, "ph":"X", "name":"debug" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013194140.5, "dur":681.8771362304688, "ph":"X", "name":"second_pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013194832.5, "dur":174.2839813232422, "ph":"X", "name":"third_pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013194832.5, "dur":162.8398895263672, "ph":"X", "name":"postprocess" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269013194995.8, "dur":10.251998901367188, "ph":"X", "name":"ui" }

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
"traceEvents": [
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023577148, "dur":4250.049591064453, "ph":"X", "name":"frame" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023577172.8, "dur":403.1658172607422, "ph":"X", "name":"shadow_pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023577172.8, "dur":401.2584686279297, "ph":"X", "name":"direcred_terrain_shadows" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023577574.3, "dur":1.1920928955078125, "ph":"X", "name":"direcred_figure_shadows" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023577578.3, "dur":264.4062042236328, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadows" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023577588.5, "dur":32.66334533691406, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-0 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023577629.8, "dur":36.716461181640625, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-1 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023577672.3, "dur":36.95487976074219, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-2 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023577716.8, "dur":36.716461181640625, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-3 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023577760, "dur":36.95487976074219, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-4 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023577803.8, "dur":36.716461181640625, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-5 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023577865, "dur":2552.9861450195313, "ph":"X", "name":"first_pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023577865, "dur":8.106231689453125, "ph":"X", "name":"figures" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023577873.3, "dur":2041.3398742675781, "ph":"X", "name":"terrain" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023579915, "dur":0, "ph":"X", "name":"figures" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023579916, "dur":269.17457580566406, "ph":"X", "name":"lod_terrain" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023580185.3, "dur":3.5762786865234375, "ph":"X", "name":"skybox" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023580189.5, "dur":215.05355834960938, "ph":"X", "name":"sprites" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023580405.5, "dur":0.7152557373046875, "ph":"X", "name":"fluid" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023580406.8, "dur":9.5367431640625, "ph":"X", "name":"particles" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023580416.8, "dur":0, "ph":"X", "name":"debug" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023580429.3, "dur":780.1055908203125, "ph":"X", "name":"second_pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023581218.5, "dur":177.14500427246094, "ph":"X", "name":"third_pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023581219.3, "dur":165.46249389648438, "ph":"X", "name":"postprocess" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269023581385.3, "dur":10.251998901367188, "ph":"X", "name":"ui" }

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
"traceEvents": [
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361805281.3, "dur":3715.038299560547, "ph":"X", "name":"frame" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361805304.5, "dur":231.5044403076172, "ph":"X", "name":"shadow_pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361805306.3, "dur":227.21290588378906, "ph":"X", "name":"direcred_terrain_shadows" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361805534, "dur":2.1457672119140625, "ph":"X", "name":"direcred_figure_shadows" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361805538.5, "dur":198.12583923339844, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadows" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361805549.8, "dur":20.9808349609375, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-0 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361805578, "dur":27.418136596679688, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-1 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361805611.8, "dur":24.557113647460938, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-2 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361805642.5, "dur":28.6102294921875, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-3 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361805678.8, "dur":24.7955322265625, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-4 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361805710, "dur":24.7955322265625, "ph":"X", "name":"point shadow face-5 pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361805761.3, "dur":1124.3820190429688, "ph":"X", "name":"first_pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361805761.3, "dur":26.702880859375, "ph":"X", "name":"figures" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361805788, "dur":515.4609680175781, "ph":"X", "name":"terrain" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361806304, "dur":2.1457672119140625, "ph":"X", "name":"figures" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361806307.5, "dur":325.91819763183594, "ph":"X", "name":"lod_terrain" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361806633.8, "dur":30.279159545898438, "ph":"X", "name":"skybox" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361806664.5, "dur":208.37783813476563, "ph":"X", "name":"sprites" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361806873.3, "dur":0, "ph":"X", "name":"fluid" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361806874.8, "dur":8.821487426757813, "ph":"X", "name":"particles" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361806883.5, "dur":1.6689300537109375, "ph":"X", "name":"debug" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361806898, "dur":1932.8594207763672, "ph":"X", "name":"second_pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361808839.5, "dur":154.4952392578125, "ph":"X", "name":"third_pass" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361808839.5, "dur":153.06472778320313, "ph":"X", "name":"postprocess" },
{ "pid":1, "tid":1, "ts":1630269361808993.3, "dur":0, "ph":"X", "name":"ui" }

View File

@ -78,38 +78,38 @@ impl Animation for BeamAnimation {
next.hand_l.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(0.0);
next.hand_r.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(0.0);
let (move1base, move2base, move3) = match stage_section {
Some(StageSection::Buildup) => (anim_time.powf(0.25), 0.0, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Action) => (1.0, (anim_time * 4.0).sin(), 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Recover) => (1.0, 1.0, anim_time),
_ => (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
let pullback = 1.0 - move3;
let move1abs = move1base * pullback;
next.control_l.position = Vec3::new(2.0 - s_a.grip.0 * 2.0, 1.0, 3.0);
next.control_r.position = Vec3::new(
7.0 + s_a.grip.0 * 2.0 + move1abs * -8.0,
-4.0 + move1abs * 0.0,
3.0 + move1abs * 10.0,
let (move1base, move2base, move3) = match stage_section {
Some(StageSection::Buildup) => (anim_time.powf(0.25), 0.0, 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Action) => (1.0, (anim_time * 4.0).sin(), 0.0),
Some(StageSection::Recover) => (1.0, 1.0, anim_time),
_ => (0.0, 0.0, 0.0),
let pullback = 1.0 - move3;
let move1abs = move1base * pullback;
next.control_l.position = Vec3::new(2.0 - s_a.grip.0 * 2.0, 1.0, 3.0);
next.control_r.position = Vec3::new(
7.0 + s_a.grip.0 * 2.0 + move1abs * -8.0,
-4.0 + move1abs * 0.0,
3.0 + move1abs * 10.0,
next.control.position = Vec3::new(
-1.0 + s_a.grip.2,
-2.0 + -s_a.grip.2 / 2.5 + s_a.grip.0 * -2.0 + move1abs * 5.0,
next.control.position = Vec3::new(
-1.0 + s_a.grip.2,
-2.0 + -s_a.grip.2 / 2.5 + s_a.grip.0 * -2.0 + move1abs * 5.0,
next.control_l.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(PI / 2.0 + move1abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(-0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-0.3);
next.control_r.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(PI / 2.0 + s_a.grip.0 * 0.2 + move1abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(-0.4 + s_a.grip.0 * 0.2 + move1abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-0.0 + move1abs * 2.0 + move2base * 0.6);
next.control_l.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(PI / 2.0 + move1abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(-0.3)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-0.3);
next.control_r.orientation =
Quaternion::rotation_x(PI / 2.0 + s_a.grip.0 * 0.2 + move1abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(-0.4 + s_a.grip.0 * 0.2 + move1abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(-0.0 + move1abs * 2.0 + move2base * 0.6);
next.control.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(-0.3 + move1abs * -0.6)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(-0.2 * speednorm + move1abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(0.5 + move1abs * 0.6);
next.control.orientation = Quaternion::rotation_x(-0.3 + move1abs * -0.6)
* Quaternion::rotation_y(-0.2 * speednorm + move1abs * 0.8)
* Quaternion::rotation_z(0.5 + move1abs * 0.6);