Use nested broken key as fallback if not using english fallback

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Barretto 2023-04-12 16:18:11 +01:00
parent f13ae63985
commit 69424ea5bf

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@ -334,39 +334,43 @@ impl LocalizationGuard {
/// Localize the given content.
pub fn get_content(&self, content: &Content) -> String {
fn get_content_inner(lang: &Language, content: &Content) -> Option<String> {
// On error, produces the localisation but with the missing key inline
fn get_content_inner(lang: &Language, content: &Content) -> Result<String, String> {
match content {
Content::Plain(text) => Some(text.clone()),
Content::Localized { key, seed, args } => lang
.map(|(k, arg)| {
Some((k, match arg {
LocalizationArg::Content(content) => FluentValue::String(
get_content_inner(lang, content)?.into(),
LocalizationArg::Nat(n) => FluentValue::from(n),
Content::Plain(text) => Ok(text.clone()),
Content::Localized { key, seed, args } => {
let mut is_err = false;
let mut fargs = FluentArgs::new();
for (k, arg) in args {
fargs.set(k, match arg {
LocalizationArg::Content(content) => FluentValue::String(
get_content_inner(lang, content)
.unwrap_or_else(|broken_text| {
is_err = true;
LocalizationArg::Nat(n) => FluentValue::from(n),
lang.try_variation(key, *seed, Some(&fargs))
.ok_or_else(|| key.clone())
.and_then(|text| if is_err { Err(text) } else { Ok(text) })
get_content_inner(&, content)
match get_content_inner(&, content) {
Ok(text) => text,
// If part of the localisation failed, use the fallback language
.or_else(|| self.fallback.as_ref().and_then(|fb| get_content_inner(fb, content)))
// If all else fails, just display the localisation key
.unwrap_or_else(|| match content {
Content::Plain(text) => text.clone(),
Content::Localized { key, .. } => key.clone(),
Err(broken_text) => self.fallback.as_ref()
.and_then(|fb| get_content_inner(fb, content).ok())
// If all else fails, localise with the active language, but with the missing key included inline
/// Get a localized text from the variation of given key with given