mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
Adding hillslope diffusion.
This commit is contained in:
@ -990,6 +990,7 @@ fn handle_debug_column(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, act
let foo = || {
// let sim_chunk = sim.get(chunk_pos)?;
let alt = sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.alt)?;
let basement = sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.basement)?;
let water_alt = sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.water_alt)?;
let chaos = sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.chaos)?;
let temp = sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.temp)?;
@ -1008,6 +1009,7 @@ fn handle_debug_column(server: &mut Server, entity: EcsEntity, args: String, act
r#"wpos: {:?}
alt {:?} ({:?})
water_alt {:?} ({:?})
basement {:?}
river {:?}
downhill {:?}
chaos {:?}
@ -1022,6 +1024,7 @@ spawn_rate {:?} "#,
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ fn main() {
let light_direction = Vec3::new(-0.8, -1.0, 0.3).normalized();
let light_res = 3;
let mut is_basement = false;
while win.is_open() {
let mut buf = vec![0; W * H];
const QUADRANTS: usize = 4;
@ -34,6 +36,8 @@ fn main() {
let mut lakes = 0u32;
let mut oceans = 0u32;
// let water_light = (light_direction.z + 1.0) / 2.0 * 0.8 + 0.2;
for i in 0..W {
for j in 0..H {
let pos = focus + Vec2::new(i as i32, j as i32) * scale;
@ -41,11 +45,12 @@ fn main() {
let top_right = focus + Vec2::new(i as i32 + light_res, j as i32) * scale;
let bottom_left = focus + Vec2::new(i as i32, j as i32 + light_res) * scale; */
let (alt, water_alt, humidity, temperature, downhill, river_kind) = sampler
let (alt, basement, water_alt, humidity, temperature, downhill, river_kind) = sampler
.map(|sample| {
@ -53,7 +58,7 @@ fn main() {
.unwrap_or((CONFIG.sea_level, CONFIG.sea_level, 0.0, 0.0, None, None));
.unwrap_or((CONFIG.sea_level, CONFIG.sea_level, CONFIG.sea_level, 0.0, 0.0, None, None));
let humidity = humidity.min(1.0).max(0.0);
let temperature = temperature.min(1.0).max(-1.0) * 0.5 + 0.5;
let downhill_pos = (downhill
@ -63,8 +68,9 @@ fn main() {
+ pos;
let downhill_alt = sampler
.map(|s| s.alt)
.map(|s| if is_basement { s.basement } else { s.alt })
let alt = if is_basement { basement } else { alt };
/* let alt_tl = sampler.get(top_left).map(|s| s.alt)
let alt_tr = sampler.get(top_right).map(|s| s.alt)
@ -78,7 +84,7 @@ fn main() {
.map(|e| e as i32));
let cross_alt = sampler
.map(|s| s.alt)
.map(|s| if is_basement { s.basement } else { s.alt })
let forward_vec = Vec3::new(
(downhill_pos.x - pos.x) as f64,
@ -98,7 +104,11 @@ fn main() {
let water_alt = ((alt.max(water_alt) - CONFIG.sea_level) as f64 / gain as f64)
let alt = ((alt - CONFIG.sea_level) as f64 / gain as f64)
let true_alt = (alt - CONFIG.sea_level) as f64 / gain as f64;
let water_depth = (water_alt - true_alt)
let alt = true_alt
let quad =
@ -120,10 +130,15 @@ fn main() {
buf[j * W + i] = match river_kind {
Some(RiverKind::Ocean) => u32::from_le_bytes([64, 32, 0, 255]),
Some(RiverKind::Ocean) => u32::from_le_bytes([
((64.0 - water_depth * 64.0) * 1.0) as u8,
((32.0 - water_depth * 32.0) * 1.0) as u8,
Some(RiverKind::Lake { .. }) => u32::from_le_bytes([
64 + (water_alt * 191.0) as u8,
32 + (water_alt * 95.0) as u8,
(((64.0 + water_alt * 191.0) + (- water_depth * 64.0)) * 1.0) as u8,
(((32.0 + water_alt * 95.0) + (- water_depth * 32.0)) * 1.0) as u8,
@ -183,6 +198,9 @@ fn main() {
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::B) {
is_basement ^= true;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::W) {
focus.y -= spd * scale;
@ -436,9 +436,12 @@ impl<'a> Sampler<'a> for ColumnGen<'a> {
(temp < CONFIG.snow_temp ||
downhill_alt.sub(CONFIG.sea_level) >= CONFIG.mountain_scale * 0.25)*/
is_rocky {
sim.get_interpolated_bilinear(wpos, |chunk| chunk.alt)?
sim.get_interpolated_monotone(wpos, |chunk| chunk.alt)?
// sim.get_interpolated_bilinear(wpos, |chunk| chunk.alt)?
// sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.alt)?
} else {
sim.get_interpolated_monotone(wpos, |chunk| chunk.alt)?
// sim.get_interpolated(wpos, |chunk| chunk.alt)?
// Find the average distance to each neighboring body of water.
@ -581,23 +584,6 @@ impl<'a> Sampler<'a> for ColumnGen<'a> {
.get((wposf_turb.div(128.0)).into_array()) as f32)
let riverless_alt_delta = (sim
.get((wposf_turb.div(/*200.0*//*50.0*//*24.0*//*56.0 / (chaos as f64).max(0.05)*/50.0)).into_array()) as f32)
/* .mul(chaos.max(0.05))
.mul(27.0) */
/* + (sim
.get((wposf_turb.div(400.0)).into_array()) as f32)
.mul((1.0 - chaos).max(0.3))
.mul(1.0 - humidity)
.mul(32.0) */;
let alt_for_river = alt
+ if overlap_count == 0.0 {
@ -818,6 +804,28 @@ impl<'a> Sampler<'a> for ColumnGen<'a> {
(false, alt_for_river, downhill_water_alt, 1.0)
let riverless_alt_delta = (sim
.get((wposf_turb.div(/*200.0*/50.0/*24.0*//*56.0 / (chaos as f64).max(0.05)*//*50.0*/)).into_array()) as f32)
// .mul(0.5).add(0.5)
/* .mul(chaos.max(0.05))
+ (sim
.get((wposf_turb.div(400.0)).into_array()) as f32)
// .mul(0.5).add(0.5)
.mul((1.0 - chaos).max(0.3))
.mul(1.0 - humidity)
.mul(32.0) */;
let riverless_alt_delta = Lerp::lerp(0.0, riverless_alt_delta, warp_factor);
let alt = alt_ + riverless_alt_delta;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
use rayon::prelude::*;
/// From https://github.com/fastscape-lem/fastscapelib-fortran/blob/master/src/Diffusion.f90
/// See https://fastscape-lem.github.io/fastscapelib-fortran
/// nx = grid size x
/// ny = grid size y
/// xl = x-dimension of the model topography in meters (double precision)
/// yl = y-dimension of the model topography in meters (double precision)
/// dt = length of the time step in years (double precision)
/// ibc = boundary conditions for grid. For now, we assume all four boundaries are fixed height,
/// so this parameter is ignored.
/// h = heights of cells at each cell in the grid.
/// b = basement height at each cell in the grid (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basement_(geology)).
/// kd = bedrock transport coefficient (or diffusivity) for hillslope processes in meter squared per year
/// (double precision) at each cell in the grid.
/// kdsed = sediment transport coefficient (or diffusivity) for hillslope processes in meter squared per year;
/// (double precision;) note that when kdsed < 0, its value is not used, i.e., kd for sediment and bedrock have
/// the same value, regardless of sediment thickness
/* subroutine Diffusion ()
! subroutine to solve the diffusion equation by ADI
use FastScapeContext
implicit none
pub fn diffusion(nx: usize, ny: usize, xl: f64, yl: f64, dt: f64, _ibc: (),
h: &mut [/*f64*/f32], b: &mut [/*f64*/f32],
kd: impl Fn(usize) -> f64, kdsed: f64,
) {
let aij = |i: usize, j: usize| j * nx + i;
double precision, dimension(:), allocatable :: f,diag,sup,inf,res
double precision, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: zint,kdint,zintp
integer i,j,ij
double precision factxp,factxm,factyp,factym,dx,dy
let mut f : Vec<f64>;
let mut diag : Vec<f64>;
let mut sup : Vec<f64>;
let mut inf : Vec<f64>;
let mut res : Vec<f64>;
let mut zint : Vec<f64>;
let mut kdint : Vec<f64>;
let mut zintp : Vec<f64>;
let mut i : usize;
let mut j : usize;
let mut ij : usize;
let mut factxp : f64;
let mut factxm : f64;
let mut factyp : f64;
let mut factym : f64;
let mut dx : f64;
let mut dy : f64;
character cbc*4
write (cbc,'(i4)') ibc
// 2048*32/2048/2048
// 1 / 64 m
dx = xl / /*(nx - 1)*/nx as f64;
dy = yl / /*(ny - 1)*/ny as f64;
! creates 2D internal arrays to store topo and kd
allocate (zint(nx,ny),kdint(nx,ny),zintp(nx,ny))
zint = vec![Default::default(); nx * ny];
kdint = vec![Default::default(); nx * ny];
zintp = vec![Default::default(); nx * ny];
do j=1,ny
do i=1,nx
if (kdsed.gt.0.d0 .and. (h(ij)-b(ij)).gt.1.d-6) kdint(i,j)=kdsed
zintp = zint
for j in 0..ny {
for i in 0..nx {
// ij = vec2_as_uniform_idx(i, j);
ij = aij(i, j);
zint[ij] = h[ij] as f64;
kdint[ij] = kd(ij);
if kdsed > 0.0 && (h[ij] - b[ij]) > 1.0e-6 {
kdint[ij] = kdsed;
zintp = zint.clone();
! first pass along the x-axis
allocate (f(nx),diag(nx),sup(nx),inf(nx),res(nx))
do j=2,ny-1
f = vec![0.0; nx];
diag = vec![0.0; nx];
sup = vec![0.0; nx];
inf = vec![0.0; nx];
res = vec![0.0; nx];
for j in 1..ny-1 {
do i=2,nx-1
for i in 1..nx-1 {
factxp = (kdint[aij(i+1, j)] + kdint[aij(i,j)]) / 2.0 * (dt / 2.0) / (dx * dx);
factxm = (kdint[aij(i-1, j)] + kdint[aij(i,j)]) / 2.0 * (dt / 2.0) / (dx * dx);
factyp = (kdint[aij(i, j+1)] + kdint[aij(i,j)]) / 2.0 * (dt / 2.0) / (dy * dy);
factym = (kdint[aij(i, j-1)] + kdint[aij(i,j)]) / 2.0 * (dt / 2.0) / (dy * dy);
diag[i] = 1.0 + factxp + factxm;
sup[i] = -factxp;
inf[i] = -factxm;
f[i] =
zintp[aij(i, j)] + factyp * zintp[aij(i, j+1)] -
(factyp + factym) *
zintp[aij(i, j)] + factym * zintp[aij(i, j-1)];
! left bc
if (cbc(4:4).eq.'1') then
if true {
diag[0] = 1.0;
sup[0] = 0.0;
f[0] = zintp[aij(0, j)];
} else {
// FIXME: implement reflective boundary
! right bc
if (cbc(2:2).eq.'1') then
if true {
diag[nx - 1] = 1.0;
inf[nx - 1] = 0.0;
f[nx - 1] = zintp[aij(nx - 1, j)];
} else {
// FIXME: implement reflective boundary
call tridag (inf,diag,sup,f,res,nx)
do i=1,nx
tridag(&inf, &diag, &sup, &f, &mut res, nx);
for i in 0..nx {
zint[aij(i, j)] = res[i];
deallocate (f,diag,sup,inf,res)
! second pass along y-axis
allocate (f(ny),diag(ny),sup(ny),inf(ny),res(ny))
do i=2,nx-1
f = vec![0.0; ny];
diag = vec![0.0; ny];
sup = vec![0.0; ny];
inf = vec![0.0; ny];
res = vec![0.0; ny];
for i in 1..nx-1 {
do j=2,ny-1
for j in 1..ny-1 {
factxp = (kdint[aij(i+1, j)] + kdint[aij(i,j)]) / 2.0 * (dt / 2.0) / (dx * dx);
factxm = (kdint[aij(i-1, j)] + kdint[aij(i,j)]) / 2.0 * (dt / 2.0) / (dx * dx);
factyp = (kdint[aij(i, j+1)] + kdint[aij(i,j)]) / 2.0 * (dt / 2.0) / (dy * dy);
factym = (kdint[aij(i, j-1)] + kdint[aij(i,j)]) / 2.0 * (dt / 2.0) / (dy * dy);
diag[j] = 1.0 + factyp + factym;
sup[j] = -factyp;
inf[j] = -factym;
f[j] =
zint[aij(i, j)] + factxp * zint[aij(i+1, j)] -
(factxp + factxm) *
zint[aij(i, j)] + factxm * zint[aij(i-1, j)];
! bottom bc
if (cbc(1:1).eq.'1') then
if true {
diag[0] = 1.0;
sup[0] = 0.0;
f[0] = zint[aij(i, 0)];
} else {
// FIXME: implement reflective boundary
! top bc
if (cbc(3:3).eq.'1') then
if true {
diag[ny - 1] = 1.0;
inf[ny - 1] = 0.0;
f[ny - 1] = zint[aij(i, ny - 1)];
} else {
// FIXME: implement reflective boundary
call tridag (inf,diag,sup,f,res,ny)
do j=1,ny
tridag(&inf, &diag, &sup, &f, &mut res, ny);
for j in 0..ny {
zintp[aij(i, j)] = res[j];
deallocate (f,diag,sup,inf,res)
! stores result in 1D array
do j=1,ny
do i=1,nx
for j in 0..ny {
for i in 0..nx {
ij = aij(i, j);
// FIXME: Track total erosion and erosion rate.
h[aij(i, j)] = zintp[aij(i, j)] as f32;
b.par_iter_mut().zip(h).for_each(|(mut b, h)| {
*b = h.min(*b);
deallocate (zint,kdint,zintp)
end subroutine Diffusion
! subroutine to solve a tri-diagonal system of equations (from Numerical Recipes)
SUBROUTINE tridag(a,b,c,r,u,n)
implicit none
double precision a(n),b(n),c(n),r(n),u(n)
pub fn tridag(a: &[f64], b: &[f64], c: &[f64], r: &[f64], u: &mut [f64], n: usize) {
double precision bet
double precision,dimension(:),allocatable::gam
allocate (gam(n))
if(b(1).eq.0.d0) stop 'in tridag'
let mut j : usize;
let mut bet : f64;
let mut precision : f64;
let mut gam: Vec<f64>;
gam = vec![Default::default(); n];
assert!(b[0] != 0.0);
! first pass
do 11 j=2,n
if(bet.eq.0.) then
print*,'tridag failed'
11 continue
bet = b[0];
u[0] = r[0] / bet;
for j in 1..n {
gam[j] = c[j - 1] / bet;
bet = b[j] - a[j] * gam[j];
assert!(bet != 0.0);
u[j] = (r[j] - a[j] * u[j - 1]) / bet;
! second pass
do 12 j=n-1,1,-1
12 continue
for j in (0..n - 1).rev() {
u[j] = u[j] - gam[j + 1] * u[j + 1];
deallocate (gam)
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
use super::{downhill, neighbors, uniform_idx_as_vec2, uphill, WORLD_SIZE};
use super::{diffusion, downhill, neighbors, uniform_idx_as_vec2, uphill, WORLD_SIZE};
use bitvec::prelude::{bitbox, bitvec, BitBox};
use crate::{config::CONFIG, util::RandomField};
use common::{terrain::TerrainChunkSize, vol::RectVolSize};
use noise::{NoiseFn, Point3};
@ -157,6 +158,7 @@ pub fn get_rivers(
let neighbor_coef = TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64);
// NOTE: This technically makes us discontinuous, so we should be cautious about using this.
let derivative_divisor = 1.0;
let height_scale = 1.0; // 1.0 / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64;
for &chunk_idx in newh.into_iter().rev() {
let chunk_idx = chunk_idx as usize;
let downhill_idx = downhill[chunk_idx];
@ -351,7 +353,7 @@ pub fn get_rivers(
// network).
let downhill_water_alt = water_alt[downhill_idx];
let neighbor_distance = neighbor_dim.magnitude();
let dz = (downhill_water_alt - chunk_water_alt) * CONFIG.mountain_scale;
let dz = (downhill_water_alt - chunk_water_alt) / height_scale as f32;// * CONFIG.mountain_scale;
let slope = dz.abs() as f64 / neighbor_distance;
if slope == 0.0 {
// This is not a river--how did this even happen?
@ -473,23 +475,28 @@ pub fn get_rivers(
/// Precompute the maximum slope at all points.
/// TODO: See if allocating in advance is worthwhile.
fn get_max_slope(h: &[f32], rock_strength_nz: &(impl NoiseFn<Point3<f64>> + Sync)) -> Box<[f32]> {
const MIN_MAX_ANGLE: f64 = 6.0 / 360.0 * 2.0 * f64::consts::PI;
const MAX_MAX_ANGLE: f64 = 54.0 / 360.0 * 2.0 * f64::consts::PI;
fn get_max_slope(h: &[f32], rock_strength_nz: &(impl NoiseFn<Point3<f64>> + Sync)) -> Box<[f64]> {
const MIN_MAX_ANGLE: f64 = 6.0/*30.0*//*6.0*//*15.0*/ / 360.0 * 2.0 * f64::consts::PI;
const MAX_MAX_ANGLE: f64 = 54.0/*50.0*//*54.0*//*45.0*/ / 360.0 * 2.0 * f64::consts::PI;
let height_scale = 1.0; // 1.0 / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64;
.map(|(posi, &z)| {
let wposf = (uniform_idx_as_vec2(posi)).map(|e| e as f64);
let wposz = z as f64 * CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64;
let wposf = uniform_idx_as_vec2(posi).map(|e| e as f64) * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64);
let wposz = z as f64 / height_scale;// * CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64;
// Normalized to be between 6 and and 54 degrees.
let div_factor = 32.0;
let div_factor = /*32.0*//*16.0*//*64.0*/256.0/*1.0*//*4.0*/ * /*1.0*/4.0/* TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64 / 8.0 */;
let rock_strength = rock_strength_nz
wposf.x, /* / div_factor*/
wposf.y, /* / div_factor*/
wposz * div_factor,
/* if rock_strength < -1.0 || rock_strength > 1.0 {
println!("Nooooo: {:?}", rock_strength);
} */
let rock_strength = rock_strength
* 0.5
@ -508,20 +515,22 @@ fn get_max_slope(h: &[f32], rock_strength_nz: &(impl NoiseFn<Point3<f64>> + Sync
// We do log-odds against center, so that our log odds are 0 when x = 0.25, lower when x is
// lower, and higher when x is higher.
// (NOTE: below sea level, we invert it).
// TODO: Make all this stuff configurable... but honestly, it's so complicated that I'm not
// sure anyone would be able to usefully tweak them on a per-map basis? Plus it's just a
// hacky heuristic anyway.
let center = 0.25;
let delta = 0.05;
let dmin = center - delta;
let dmax = center + delta;
let dmin = center - 0.15;//0.05;
let dmax = center + 0.05;//0.05;
let log_odds = |x: f64| logit(x) - logit(center);
let rock_strength = logistic_cdf(
1.0 * logit(rock_strength.min(1.0f64 - 1e-7).max(1e-7))
+ 1.0 * log_odds((z as f64).min(dmax).max(dmin)),
+ 1.0 * log_odds((wposz / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64).abs().min(dmax).max(dmin)),
// let rock_strength = 0.5;
let max_slope = (rock_strength * MAX_ANGLE_RANGE + MIN_MAX_ANGLE).tan();
max_slope as f32
@ -569,27 +578,73 @@ fn get_max_slope(h: &[f32], rock_strength_nz: &(impl NoiseFn<Point3<f64>> + Sync
/// always be the *new* h[j](t + δt), while h[i] will still not have been computed yet, so we
/// only need to visit each node once.
/// Afterwards, we also apply a hillslope diffusion process using an ADI (alternating direction
/// implicit) method:
/// https://github.com/fastscape-lem/fastscapelib-fortran/blob/master/src/Diffusion.f90
/// [1] Guillaume Cordonnier, Jean Braun, Marie-Paule Cani, Bedrich Benes, Eric Galin, et al..
/// Large Scale Terrain Generation from Tectonic Uplift and Fluvial Erosion.
/// Computer Graphics Forum, Wiley, 2016, Proc. EUROGRAPHICS 2016, 35 (2), pp.165-175.
/// ⟨10.1111/cgf.12820⟩. ⟨hal-01262376⟩
fn erode(
h: &mut [f32],
b: &mut [f32],
is_done: &mut BitBox,
done_val: bool,
erosion_base: f32,
max_uplift: f32,
kdsed: f64,
_seed: &RandomField,
rock_strength_nz: &(impl NoiseFn<Point3<f64>> + Sync),
uplift: impl Fn(usize) -> f32,
kd: impl Fn(usize) -> f64,
is_ocean: impl Fn(usize) -> bool + Sync,
) {
log::debug!("Done draining...");
let mmaxh = 1.0;
// Landslide constant: ideally scaled to 10 m^-2 / y^-1
let l = 200.0 * max_uplift as f64;
// Erosion constant.
let k = erosion_base as f64 + 2.244 / mmaxh as f64 * max_uplift as f64;
let ((dh, indirection, newh, area), max_slope) = rayon::join(
let height_scale = 1.0; // 1.0 / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64;
let mmaxh = CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64 * height_scale;
// Since maximum uplift rate is expected to be 5.010e-4 m * y^-1, and
// 1.0 height units is 1.0 / height_scale m, whatever the
// max uplift rate is (in units / y), we can find dt by multiplying by
// 1.0 / height_scale m / unit and then dividing by 5.010e-4 m / y
// (to get dt in y / unit). More formally:
// max_uplift h_unit / dt y = 5.010e-4 m / y
// 1 h_unit = 1.0 / height_scale m
// max_uplift h_unit / dt * 1.0 / height_scale m / h_unit =
// max_uplift / height_scale m / dt =
// 5.010e-4 m / y
// max_uplift / height_scale m / dt / (5.010e-4 m / y) = 1
// (max_uplift / height_scale / 5.010e-4) y = dt
let dt = max_uplift as f64 / height_scale /* * CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64*/ / 5.010e-4;
println!("dt={:?}", dt);
// Landslide constant: ideally scaled to 10e-2 m / y^-1
let l = /*200.0 * max_uplift as f64;*/10.0e-2 /*/ CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64*/ * height_scale * dt;
// Net precipitation rate (m / year)
let p = 1.0 * height_scale;
// Stream power erosion constant (bedrock), in m^(1-2m) / year (times dt).
let k_fb = // erosion_base as f64 + 2.244 / mmaxh as f64 * max_uplift as f64;
// 2.244*(5.010e-4)/512*5- (1.097e-5)
// 2.244*(5.010e-4)/2048*5- (1.097e-5)
// 2.244*(5.010e-4)/512- (8e-6)
// 2.244*(5.010e-4)/512- (2e-6)
// 2e-6 * dt;
// 8e-6 * dt
// 2e-5 * dt;
// 2.244/2048*5*32/(250000/4)*10^6
erosion_base as f64 + 2.244 / mmaxh as f64 * 5.0 * max_uplift as f64;
// 1e-5 * dt;
// (2.244*(5.010e-4)/512)/(2.244*(5.010e-4)/2500) = 4.88...
// 2.444 * 5
// Stream power erosion constant (sediment), in m^(1-2m) / year (times dt).
let k_fs = k_fb * 1.0/* 2.0*//*4.0*/;
let ((dh, indirection, newh, area), mut max_slopes) = rayon::join(
|| {
let mut dh = downhill(h, |posi| is_ocean(posi));
log::debug!("Computed downhill...");
@ -622,8 +677,10 @@ fn erode(
if posj == -1 {
panic!("Disconnected lake!");
// max_slopes[posi] = kd(posi);
// Egress with no outgoing flows.
} else {
// *is_done.at(posi) = done_val;
nland += 1;
let posj = posj as usize;
let dxy = (uniform_idx_as_vec2(posi) - uniform_idx_as_vec2(posj)).map(|e| e as f64);
@ -633,23 +690,53 @@ fn erode(
let neighbor_distance = (neighbor_coef * dxy).magnitude();
// Since the area is in meters^(2m) and neighbor_distance is in m, so long as m = 0.5,
// we have meters^(1) / meters^(1), so they should cancel out. Otherwise, we would
// want to divide neighbor_distance by CONFIG.mountain_scale and area[posi] by
// CONFIG.mountain_scale^2, to make sure we were working in the correct units for dz
// (which has 1.0 height unit = CONFIG.mountain_scale meters).
let flux = k * (chunk_area * area[posi] as f64).sqrt() / neighbor_distance;
// want to multiply neighbor_distance by height_scale and area[posi] by
// height_scale^2, to make sure we were working in the correct units for dz
// (which has height_scale height unit = 1.0 meters).
let old_h_i = h[posi] as f64;
let uplift_i = uplift(posi) as f64;
let k = if (old_h_i - b[posi] as f64) > 1.0e-6 {
// Sediment
} else {
// Bedrock
// let k = k * uplift_i / max_uplift as f64;
let flux = k * (p * chunk_area * area[posi] as f64).sqrt() / neighbor_distance;
// h[i](t + dt) = (h[i](t) + δt * (uplift[i] + flux(i) * h[j](t + δt))) / (1 + flux(i) * δt).
// NOTE: posj has already been computed since it's downhill from us.
let h_j = h[posj] as f64;
let old_h_i = h[posi] as f64;
let mut new_h_i = (old_h_i + (uplift(posi) as f64 + flux * h_j)) / (1.0 + flux);
// hi(t + ∂t) = (hi(t) + ∂t(ui + kp^mAi^m(hj(t + ∂t)/||pi - pj||))) / (1 + ∂t * kp^mAi^m / ||pi - pj||)
let mut new_h_i = (old_h_i + (uplift_i + flux * h_j)) / (1.0 + flux);
// Prevent erosion from dropping us below our receiver, unless we were already below it.
// new_h_i = h_j.min(old_h_i + uplift_i).max(new_h_i);
// Find out if this is a lake bottom.
let indirection_idx = indirection[posi];
let is_lake_bottom = indirection_idx < 0;
// Test the slope.
let max_slope = max_slope[posi] as f64;
let dz = (new_h_i - h_j).max(0.0) * CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64;
let mag_slope = dz/*.abs()*/ / neighbor_distance;
let _fake_neighbor = is_lake_bottom && dxy.x.abs() > 1.0 && dxy.y.abs() > 1.0;
// Test the slope.
let max_slope = max_slopes[posi] as f64;
// Hacky version of thermal erosion: only consider lowest neighbor, don't redistribute
// uplift to other neighbors.
let (posk, h_k) = /* neighbors(posi)
.filter(|&posk| *is_done.at(posk) == done_val)
// .filter(|&posk| *is_done.at(posk) == done_val || is_ocean(posk))
.map(|posk| (posk, h[posk] as f64))
// .filter(|&(posk, h_k)| *is_done.at(posk) == done_val || h_k < 0.0)
.min_by(|&(_, a), &(_, b)| a.partial_cmp(&b).unwrap())
.unwrap_or((posj, h_j)); */
(posj, h_j);
// .max(h_j);
let (posk, h_k) = if h_k < h_j {
(posk, h_k)
} else {
(posj, h_j)
let dxy = (uniform_idx_as_vec2(posi) - uniform_idx_as_vec2(posk)).map(|e| e as f64);
let neighbor_distance = (neighbor_coef * dxy).magnitude();
let dz = (new_h_i - /*h_j*/h_k).max(0.0) / height_scale/* * CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64*/;
let mag_slope = dz/*.abs()*/ / neighbor_distance;
// If you're on the lake bottom and not right next to your neighbor, don't compute a
// slope.
@ -661,26 +748,57 @@ fn erode(
// println!("old slope: {:?}, new slope: {:?}, dz: {:?}, h_j: {:?}, new_h_i: {:?}", mag_slope, max_slope, dz, h_j, new_h_i);
// Thermal erosion says this can't happen, so we reduce dh_i to make the slope
// exactly max_slope.
// max_slope = (old_h_i + dh - h_j) * CONFIG.mountain_scale / NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE
// dh = max_slope * NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE / CONFIG.mountain_scale + h_j - old_h_i.
let dh = max_slope * neighbor_distance / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64;
new_h_i = (h_j + dh).max(new_h_i - l * (mag_slope - max_slope));
let dz = (new_h_i - h_j).max(0.0) * CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64;
// max_slope = (old_h_i + dh - h_j) / height_scale/* * CONFIG.mountain_scale */ / NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE
// dh = max_slope * NEIGHBOR_DISTANCE * height_scale/* / CONFIG.mountain_scale */ + h_j - old_h_i.
let dh = max_slope * neighbor_distance * height_scale/* / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64*/;
new_h_i = /*h_j.max*/(h_k + dh).max(new_h_i - l * (mag_slope - max_slope));
let dz = (new_h_i - /*h_j*/h_k).max(0.0) / height_scale/* * CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64*/;
let slope = dz/*.abs()*/ / neighbor_distance;
sums += slope;
/* max_slopes[posi] = /*(mag_slope - max_slope) * */kd(posi);
sums += mag_slope; */
// let slope = dz.signum() * max_slope;
// new_h_i = slope * neighbor_distance / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64 + h_j;
// new_h_i = slope * neighbor_distance * height_scale /* / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64 */ + h_j;
// sums += max_slope;
} else {
// max_slopes[posi] = 0.0;
sums += mag_slope;
// Just use the computed rate.
h[posi] = new_h_i as f32;
// Make sure to update the basement as well!
b[posi] = (old_h_i + uplift_i).min(new_h_i) as f32;
sumh += new_h_i;
*is_done.at(posi) = done_val;
maxh = h[posi].max(maxh);
"Done applying stream power (max height: {:?}) (avg height: {:?}) (avg slope: {:?})",
if nland == 0 {
} else {
sumh / nland as f64
if nland == 0 {
} else {
sums / nland as f64
// Apply hillslope diffusion.
diffusion(WORLD_SIZE.x, WORLD_SIZE.y,
WORLD_SIZE.x as f64 * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64 * height_scale/* / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64*/,
WORLD_SIZE.y as f64 * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.y as f64 * height_scale/* / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64*/,
h, b,
/*|posi| max_slopes[posi]*/kd,
"Done eroding (max height: {:?}) (avg height: {:?}) (avg slope: {:?})",
@ -708,7 +826,7 @@ pub fn fill_sinks(
) -> Box<[f32]> {
// NOTE: We are using the "exact" version of depression-filling, which is slower but doesn't
// change altitudes.
let epsilon = /*1.0 / (1 << 7) as f32 / CONFIG.mountain_scale*/0.0;
let epsilon = /*1.0 / (1 << 7) as f32 * height_scale/* / CONFIG.mountain_scale */*/0.0;
let infinity = f32::INFINITY;
let range = 0..WORLD_SIZE.x * WORLD_SIZE.y;
let oldh = range
@ -1122,14 +1240,21 @@ pub fn do_erosion(
seed: &RandomField,
rock_strength_nz: &(impl NoiseFn<Point3<f64>> + Sync),
oldh: impl Fn(usize) -> f32 + Sync,
oldb: impl Fn(usize) -> f32 + Sync,
is_ocean: impl Fn(usize) -> bool + Sync,
uplift: impl Fn(usize) -> f32 + Sync,
) -> Box<[f32]> {
) -> (Box<[f32]>, Box<[f32]>) {
let oldh_ = (0..WORLD_SIZE.x * WORLD_SIZE.y)
.map(|posi| oldh(posi))
// Topographic basement (The height of bedrock, not including sediment).
let mut b = (0..WORLD_SIZE.x * WORLD_SIZE.y)
.map(|posi| oldb(posi))
// TODO: Don't do this, maybe?
// (To elaborate, maybe we should have varying uplift or compute it some other way).
let uplift = (0..oldh_.len())
@ -1150,18 +1275,37 @@ pub fn do_erosion(
.max_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(&b).unwrap())
log::debug!("Max uplift: {:?}", max_uplift);
// Height of terrain, including sediment.
let mut h = oldh_;
// 0.01 / 2e-5 = 500
// Bedrock transport coefficients (diffusivity) in m^2 / year. For now, we set them all to be equal
// on land, but in theory we probably want to at least differentiate between soil, bedrock, and
// sediment.
let height_scale = 1.0; // 1.0 / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64;
let kdsed = /*1.5e-2*//*1e-4*/1e-2 * height_scale * height_scale/* / (CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64 * CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64) */;
let kd_bedrock = /*1e-2*//*0.25e-2*/1e-2 * height_scale * height_scale/* / (CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64 * CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64) */;
let kd = |posi: usize| if is_ocean(posi) { /*0.0*/kd_bedrock } else { kd_bedrock };
// Hillslope diffusion coefficient for sediment.
let mut is_done = bitbox![0; WORLD_SIZE.x * WORLD_SIZE.y];
for i in 0..n {
log::debug!("Erosion iteration #{:?}", i);
&mut h,
&mut b,
&mut is_done,
// The value to use to indicate that erosion is complete on a chunk. Should toggle
// once per iteration, to avoid having to reset the bits, and start at true, since
// we initialize to 0 (false).
i & 1 == 0,
|posi| uplift[posi],
|posi| is_ocean(posi),
(h, b)
@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
mod diffusion;
mod erosion;
mod location;
mod settlement;
mod util;
// Reexports
pub use self::diffusion::diffusion;
pub use self::erosion::{
do_erosion, fill_sinks, get_drainage, get_lakes, get_rivers, RiverData, RiverKind,
pub use self::location::Location;
pub use self::settlement::Settlement;
pub use self::util::{
cdf_irwin_hall, downhill, get_oceans, local_cells, map_edge_factor, neighbors,
cdf_irwin_hall, downhill, get_oceans, HybridMulti as HybridMulti_, local_cells, map_edge_factor, neighbors,
uniform_idx_as_vec2, uniform_noise, uphill, vec2_as_uniform_idx, InverseCdf,
@ -60,6 +63,7 @@ struct GenCdf {
temp_base: InverseCdf,
chaos: InverseCdf,
alt: Box<[f32]>,
basement: Box<[f32]>,
water_alt: Box<[f32]>,
dh: Box<[isize]>,
/// NOTE: Until we hit 4096 × 4096, this should suffice since integers with an absolute value
@ -74,7 +78,7 @@ pub(crate) struct GenCtx {
pub turb_x_nz: SuperSimplex,
pub turb_y_nz: SuperSimplex,
pub chaos_nz: RidgedMulti,
pub alt_nz: HybridMulti,
pub alt_nz: HybridMulti_,
pub hill_nz: SuperSimplex,
pub temp_nz: Fbm,
// Humidity noise
@ -111,28 +115,34 @@ pub struct WorldSim {
impl WorldSim {
pub fn generate(seed: u32) -> Self {
let mut rng = ChaChaRng::from_seed(seed_expan::rng_state(seed));
let continent_scale = 5_000.0/*32768.0*/;
let continent_scale = 5_000.0f64/*32768.0*/.div(32.0).mul(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64);
let gen_ctx = GenCtx {
turb_x_nz: SuperSimplex::new().set_seed(rng.gen()),
turb_y_nz: SuperSimplex::new().set_seed(rng.gen()),
chaos_nz: RidgedMulti::new()
.set_octaves(/*7*//*3*/ 7)
.set_octaves(/*7*//*3*/ /*7*//*3*/7)
/*RidgedMulti::DEFAULT_FREQUENCY **/ 3_000.0 * 8.0 / continent_scale,
// .set_persistence(RidgedMulti::DEFAULT_LACUNARITY.powf(-(1.0 - 0.5)))
hill_nz: SuperSimplex::new().set_seed(rng.gen()),
alt_nz: HybridMulti::new()
.set_octaves(/*3*//*2*/ 8)
alt_nz: HybridMulti_::new()
.set_octaves(/*3*//*2*/ /*8*//*3*/8)
// 1/2048*32*1024 = 16
// (2^8*(10000/5000/10000))*32 = per-chunk
(10_000.0/* * 2.0*/ / continent_scale) as f64,
// .set_frequency(1.0 / ((1 << 0) as f64))
// .set_lacunarity(1.0)
.set_persistence(/*0.5*//*0.5*/ 0.5)
// persistence = lacunarity^(-(1.0 - fractal increment))
.set_persistence(HybridMulti_::DEFAULT_LACUNARITY.powf(-(1.0 - /*0.75*/0.75)))
// .set_persistence(/*0.5*//*0.5*/0.5 + 1.0 / ((1 << 6) as f64))
// .set_offset(/*0.7*//*0.5*//*0.75*/0.7)
// .set_offset(/*0.7*//*0.5*//*0.75*/0.0)
//temp_nz: SuperSimplex::new().set_seed(rng.gen()),
temp_nz: Fbm::new()
@ -178,17 +188,81 @@ impl WorldSim {
let river_seed = RandomField::new(rng.gen());
let rock_strength_nz = Fbm::new()
.set_persistence(/*0.9*/ 2.0)
.set_frequency(/*0.9*/ Fbm::DEFAULT_FREQUENCY / (64.0 * 32.0))
let rock_lacunarity = 0.5/*HybridMulti::DEFAULT_LACUNARITY*/;
let rock_strength_nz = /*Fbm*/HybridMulti_/*BasicMulti*//*Fbm*/::new()
// persistence = lacunarity^(-(1.0 - fractal increment))
.set_persistence(/*0.9*/ /*2.0*//*1.5*//*HybridMulti::DEFAULT_LACUNARITY*/rock_lacunarity.powf(-(1.0 - 0.9)))
// 256*32/2^4
// (0.5^(-(1.0-0.9)))^4/256/32*2^4*16*32
// (0.5^(-(1.0-0.9)))^4/256/32*2^4*256*4
// (0.5^(-(1.0-0.9)))^1/256/32*2^4*256*4
// (2^(-(1.0-0.9)))^4
// 16.0
.set_frequency(/*0.9*/ /*Fbm*/HybridMulti_::DEFAULT_FREQUENCY / (/*64.0*/256.0/*1.0*//*16.0*/ * 32.0/* TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.x as f64 */))
// .set_persistence(/*0.9*/ /*2.0*/0.67)
// .set_frequency(/*0.9*/ Fbm::DEFAULT_FREQUENCY / (2.0 * 32.0))
// .set_lacunarity(0.5)
// NOTE: octaves should definitely fit into i32, but we should check anyway to make
// sure.
/* assert!(rock_strength_nz.persistence > 0.0);
let rock_strength_scale = (1..rock_strength_nz.octaves as i32)
.map(|octave| rock_strength_nz.persistence.powi(octave + 1))
// For some reason, this is "scaled" by 3.0.
let rock_strength_nz = ScaleBias::new(&rock_strength_nz)
.set_scale(1.0 / rock_strength_scale); */
let max_erosion_per_delta_t = 32.0 / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64;
let height_scale = 1.0f64; // 1.0 / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64;
let max_erosion_per_delta_t = 32.0 * height_scale;
let erosion_pow_low = /*0.25*//*1.5*//*2.0*//*0.5*//*4.0*//*0.25*//*1.0*//*2.0*//*1.5*//*1.5*//*0.35*//*0.43*//*0.5*//*0.45*//*0.37*/1.002;
let erosion_pow_high = /*1.5*//*1.0*//*0.55*//*0.51*//*2.0*/1.002;
let erosion_center = /*0.45*//*0.75*//*0.75*//*0.5*//*0.75*/0.5;
let n_steps = 150; //150;//200;
let n_steps = 150;//37/*100*/;//50;//50;//37;//50;//37; // /*37*//*29*//*40*//*150*/37; //150;//200;
let n_small_steps = 0;//8;//8; // 8
// fractal dimension should be between 0 and 0.9999...
// (lacunarity^octaves)^(-H) = persistence^(octaves)
// lacunarity^(octaves*-H) = persistence^(octaves)
// e^(-octaves*H*ln(lacunarity)) = e^(octaves * ln(persistence))
// -octaves * H * ln(lacunarity) = octaves * ln(persistence)
// -H = ln(persistence) / ln(lacunarity)
// H = -ln(persistence) / ln(lacunarity)
// ln(persistence) = -H * ln(lacunarity)
// persistence = lacunarity^(-H)
// -ln(2^(-0.25))/ln(2) = 0.25
// -ln(2^(-0.1))/ln(2)
// 0 = -ln(persistence) / ln(lacunarity)
// 0 = ln(persistence) => persistence = e^0 = 1
// 1 = -ln(persistence) / ln(lacunarity)
// -ln(lacunarity) = ln(persistence)
// e^(-ln(lacunarity)) = e^(ln(persistence))
// 1 / lacunarity = persistence
// Ergo, we should not set fractal dimension to anything not between 1 / lacunarity and 1.
// dimension = -ln(0.25)/ln(2*pi/3) = 1.875
// (2*pi/3^1)^(-(-ln(0.25)/ln(2*pi/3))) = 0.25
// Default should be at most 1 / lacunarity.
// (2 * pi / 3)^(-ln(0.25)/ln(2*pi/3))
// -ln(0.25)/ln(2*pi/3) = 1.88
// (2 * pi / 3)^(-ln(0.25)/ln(2*pi/3))
// 2 * pi / 3
// 2.0^(2(-ln(1.5)/ln(2)))
// (1 / 1.5)^(2)
// No NaNs in these uniform vectors, since the original noise value always returns Some.
let ((alt_base, _), (chaos, _)) = rayon::join(
@ -202,8 +276,13 @@ impl WorldSim {
/* .mul(0.25)
.add(0.125) */)
// .add(0.5)
// .sub(0.05)
// .add(0.05)
.mul(0.35), /*-0.0175*/
@ -217,13 +296,13 @@ impl WorldSim {
+ gen_ctx
.get((wposf.mul(32.0).div(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)).div(1_500.0)).into_array())
+ gen_ctx
.get((wposf.mul(32.0).div(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)).div(400.0)).into_array())
@ -296,6 +375,7 @@ impl WorldSim {
// 0.5
fn spring(x: f64, pow: f64) -> f64 {
@ -305,14 +385,14 @@ impl WorldSim {
(0.0 + alt_main/*0.4*/
+ (gen_ctx
.get((wposf.mul(32.0).div(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as f64)).div(300.0)).into_array())
.mul(alt_main.powf(0.8).max(/*0.25*/ 0.15))
// 0.52
+ spring(alt_main.abs().powf(0.5).min(0.75).mul(60.0).sin(), 4.0).mul(0.045))
@ -357,7 +437,11 @@ impl WorldSim {
// Calculate oceans.
let old_height = |posi: usize| alt_old[posi].1;
let old_height = |posi: usize| alt_old[posi].1 * CONFIG.mountain_scale * height_scale as f32;
/* let is_ocean = (0..WORLD_SIZE.x * WORLD_SIZE.y)
.map(|i| map_edge_factor(i) == 0.0)
.collect::<Vec<_>>(); */
let is_ocean = get_oceans(old_height);
let is_ocean_fn = |posi: usize| is_ocean[posi];
@ -406,6 +490,8 @@ impl WorldSim {
let logistic_cdf = |x: f64| (x / logistic_2_base).tanh() * 0.5 + 0.5;
let exp_inverse_cdf = |x: f64/*, pow: f64*/| -(-x).ln_1p()/* / ln(pow)*/;
// 2 / pi * ln(tan(pi/2 * p))
let hypsec_inverse_cdf = |x: f64| f64::consts::FRAC_2_PI * ((x * f64::consts::FRAC_PI_2).tan().ln());
// 2^((2^10-2)/256) = 15.91...
// -ln(1-(1-(2^(-22)*0.5)))
// -ln(1-(1-(2^(-53)*0.5)))
@ -423,8 +509,9 @@ impl WorldSim {
1.0 / (WORLD_SIZE.x as f64 * WORLD_SIZE.y as f64).max(f64::EPSILON as f64 * 0.5);
let max_epsilon = (1.0 - 1.0 / (WORLD_SIZE.x as f64 * WORLD_SIZE.y as f64))
.min(1.0 - f64::EPSILON as f64 * 0.5);
let alt_exp_min_uniform = exp_inverse_cdf(min_epsilon);
let alt_exp_max_uniform = exp_inverse_cdf(max_epsilon);
let inv_func = /*|x: f64| x*//*exp_inverse_cdf*/logit/*hypsec_inverse_cdf*/;
let alt_exp_min_uniform = /*exp_inverse_cdf*//*logit*/inv_func(min_epsilon);
let alt_exp_max_uniform = /*exp_inverse_cdf*//*logit*/inv_func(max_epsilon);
// let erosion_pow = 2.0;
// let n_steps = 100;//150;
@ -437,58 +524,9 @@ impl WorldSim {
/* let erosion_factor = |x: f64| logistic_cdf(logistic_base * if x <= /*erosion_center*/alt_old_center_uniform/*alt_old_center*/ { erosion_pow_low.ln() } else { erosion_pow_high.ln() } * log_odds(x))/*0.5 + (x - 0.5).signum() * ((x - 0.5).mul(2.0).abs(
).powf(erosion_pow).mul(0.5))*/; */
let erosion_factor = |x: f64| (/*if x <= /*erosion_center*/alt_old_center_uniform/*alt_old_center*/ { erosion_pow_low.ln() } else { erosion_pow_high.ln() } * */(exp_inverse_cdf(x) - alt_exp_min_uniform) / (alt_exp_max_uniform - alt_exp_min_uniform))/*0.5 + (x - 0.5).signum() * ((x - 0.5).mul(2.0).abs(
let alt = do_erosion(
max_erosion_per_delta_t as f32,
|posi| {
if is_ocean_fn(posi) {
} else {
let wposf = (uniform_idx_as_vec2(posi)
* TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32))
.map(|e| e as f64);
let alt_main = {
// Extension upwards from the base. A positive number from 0 to 1 curved to be
// maximal at 0. Also to be multiplied by CONFIG.mountain_scale.
let alt_main = (gen_ctx
fn spring(x: f64, pow: f64) -> f64 {
x.abs().powf(pow) * x.signum()
(0.0 + alt_main
+ (gen_ctx
.mul(alt_main.powf(0.8).max(/*0.25*/ 0.15))
+ spring(alt_main.abs().powf(0.5).min(0.75).mul(60.0).sin(), 4.0)
// old_height_uniform(posi) *
(/*((old_height(posi) - alt_old_min) as f64 / (alt_old_max - alt_old_min) as f64) **/(((6.0 / 360.0 * 2.0 * f64::consts::PI).tan()
* TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.reduce_partial_min() as f64)
/ CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64)) as f32
// 5.0 / CONFIG.mountain_scale
let erosion_factor = |x: f64| (/*if x <= /*erosion_center*/alt_old_center_uniform/*alt_old_center*/ { erosion_pow_low.ln() } else { erosion_pow_high.ln() } * */(/*exp_inverse_cdf*//*logit*/inv_func(x) - alt_exp_min_uniform) / (alt_exp_max_uniform - alt_exp_min_uniform))/*0.5 + (x - 0.5).signum() * ((x - 0.5).mul(2.0).abs(
let uplift_fn =
|posi| {
if is_ocean_fn(posi) {
return 0.0;
@ -521,8 +559,8 @@ impl WorldSim {
+ spring(alt_main.abs().powf(0.5).min(0.75).mul(60.0).sin(), 4.0)
/* + spring(alt_main.abs().powf(0.5).min(0.75).mul(60.0).sin(), 4.0)
let height =
((old_height_uniform(posi) - alt_old_min_uniform) as f64
@ -577,16 +615,98 @@ impl WorldSim {
} else {
(0.0, 0.0)
let height = 1.0f64;
// let height = 1.0 / 7.0f64;
let height = height
.mul(max_erosion_per_delta_t * 7.0 / 8.0)
.add(max_erosion_per_delta_t / 8.0)
/* .mul(15.0 / 16.0)
.add(1.0 / 16.0) */
.mul(7.0 / 8.0)
.add(1.0 / 8.0)
.sub(/*1.0 / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64*/ bump_max)
/* .sub(/*1.0 / CONFIG.mountain_scale as f64*/(f32::EPSILON * 0.5) as f64)
.add(bump_factor); */
height as f32
let alt_func = |posi| {
if is_ocean_fn(posi) {
// -max_erosion_per_delta_t as f32
// -1.0 / CONFIG.mountain_scale
// -0.75
// -CONFIG.sea_level / CONFIG.mountain_scale
// 0.0
old_height(posi) // 0.0
} else {
// uplift_fn(posi)
let wposf = (uniform_idx_as_vec2(posi)
* TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32))
.map(|e| e as f64);
let alt_main = {
// Extension upwards from the base. A positive number from 0 to 1 curved to be
// maximal at 0. Also to be multiplied by CONFIG.mountain_scale.
let alt_main = (gen_ctx
fn spring(x: f64, pow: f64) -> f64 {
x.abs().powf(pow) * x.signum()
(0.0 + alt_main
+ (gen_ctx
.mul(alt_main.powf(0.8).max(/*0.25*/ 0.15))
/* + spring(alt_main.abs().powf(0.5).min(0.75).mul(60.0).sin(), 4.0)
/* // 0.0
// -/*CONFIG.sea_level / CONFIG.mountain_scale*//* 0.75 */1.0
// ((old_height(posi) - alt_old_min) as f64 / (alt_old_max - alt_old_min) as f64) as f32
// uplift_fn(posi) / max_erosion_per_delta_t as f32
// old_height_uniform(posi) *
(/*((old_height(posi) - alt_old_min) as f64 / (alt_old_max - alt_old_min) as f64) **/(((6.0 / 360.0 * 2.0 * f64::consts::PI).tan()
* TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.reduce_partial_min() as f64)
* height_scale)) as f32
// 5.0 / CONFIG.mountain_scale */
let (alt, basement) = do_erosion(
max_erosion_per_delta_t as f32,
|posi| alt_func(posi),
|posi| alt_func(posi),// if is_ocean_fn(posi) { old_height(posi) } else { 0.0 },
// Quick "small scale" erosion cycle in order to lower extreme angles.
let (alt, basement) = do_erosion(
(1.0 * height_scale) as f32,
|posi| /* if is_ocean_fn(posi) { old_height(posi) } else { alt[posi] } */alt[posi],
|posi| basement[posi],
|posi| uplift_fn(posi) * (1.0 * height_scale / max_erosion_per_delta_t) as f32,
let is_ocean = get_oceans(|posi| alt[posi]);
let is_ocean_fn = |posi: usize| is_ocean[posi];
let mut dh = downhill(&alt, /*old_height*/ is_ocean_fn);
@ -765,6 +885,7 @@ impl WorldSim {
flux: flux_old,
@ -786,7 +907,7 @@ impl WorldSim {
// this.seed_elements();
@ -1199,6 +1320,7 @@ impl WorldSim {
pub struct SimChunk {
pub chaos: f32,
pub alt: f32,
pub basement: f32,
pub water_alt: f32,
pub downhill: Option<Vec2<i32>>,
pub flux: f32,
@ -1244,6 +1366,7 @@ impl SimChunk {
let _map_edge_factor = map_edge_factor(posi);
let (_, chaos) = gen_cdf.chaos[posi];
let alt_pre = gen_cdf.alt[posi];
let basement_pre = gen_cdf.basement[posi];
let water_alt_pre = gen_cdf.water_alt[posi];
let downhill_pre = gen_cdf.dh[posi];
let flux = gen_cdf.flux[posi];
@ -1300,10 +1423,12 @@ impl SimChunk {
} */
let mut alt = CONFIG.sea_level.add(alt_pre.mul(CONFIG.mountain_scale));
let height_scale = 1.0; // 1.0 / CONFIG.mountain_scale;
let mut alt = CONFIG.sea_level.add(alt_pre.div(height_scale));
let mut basement = CONFIG.sea_level.add(basement_pre.div(height_scale));
let water_alt = CONFIG
let downhill = if downhill_pre == -2 {
} else if downhill_pre < 0 {
@ -1391,6 +1516,7 @@ impl SimChunk {
basement: basement.min(alt),
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
use super::WORLD_SIZE;
use bitvec::prelude::{bitbox, bitvec, BitBox};
use common::{terrain::TerrainChunkSize, vol::RectVolSize};
use noise::{MultiFractal, NoiseFn, Perlin, Point2, Point3, Point4, Seedable};
use num::Float;
use rayon::prelude::*;
use std::{f32, f64, u32};
use std::{f32, f64, ops::Mul, u32};
use vek::*;
/// Calculates the smallest distance along an axis (x, y) from an edge of
@ -301,3 +302,392 @@ pub fn get_oceans(oldh: impl Fn(usize) -> f32 + Sync) -> BitBox {
/// A 2-dimensional vector, for internal use.
type Vector2<T> = [T; 2];
/// A 3-dimensional vector, for internal use.
type Vector3<T> = [T; 3];
/// A 4-dimensional vector, for internal use.
type Vector4<T> = [T; 4];
fn zip_with2<T, U, V, F>(a: Vector2<T>, b: Vector2<U>, f: F) -> Vector2<V>
T: Copy,
U: Copy,
F: Fn(T, U) -> V,
let (ax, ay) = (a[0], a[1]);
let (bx, by) = (b[0], b[1]);
[f(ax, bx), f(ay, by)]
fn zip_with3<T, U, V, F>(a: Vector3<T>, b: Vector3<U>, f: F) -> Vector3<V>
T: Copy,
U: Copy,
F: Fn(T, U) -> V,
let (ax, ay, az) = (a[0], a[1], a[2]);
let (bx, by, bz) = (b[0], b[1], b[2]);
[f(ax, bx), f(ay, by), f(az, bz)]
fn zip_with4<T, U, V, F>(a: Vector4<T>, b: Vector4<U>, f: F) -> Vector4<V>
T: Copy,
U: Copy,
F: Fn(T, U) -> V,
let (ax, ay, az, aw) = (a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]);
let (bx, by, bz, bw) = (b[0], b[1], b[2], b[3]);
[f(ax, bx), f(ay, by), f(az, bz), f(aw, bw)]
fn mul2<T>(a: Vector2<T>, b: T) -> Vector2<T>
T: Copy + Mul<T, Output = T>,
zip_with2(a, const2(b), Mul::mul)
fn mul3<T>(a: Vector3<T>, b: T) -> Vector3<T>
T: Copy + Mul<T, Output = T>,
zip_with3(a, const3(b), Mul::mul)
fn mul4<T>(a: Vector4<T>, b: T) -> Vector4<T>
T: Copy + Mul<T, Output = T>,
zip_with4(a, const4(b), Mul::mul)
fn const2<T: Copy>(x: T) -> Vector2<T> {
[x, x]
fn const3<T: Copy>(x: T) -> Vector3<T> {
[x, x, x]
fn const4<T: Copy>(x: T) -> Vector4<T> {
[x, x, x, x]
fn build_sources(seed: u32, octaves: usize) -> Vec<Perlin> {
let mut sources = Vec::with_capacity(octaves);
for x in 0..octaves {
sources.push(Perlin::new().set_seed(seed + x as u32));
/// Noise function that outputs hybrid Multifractal noise.
/// The result of this multifractal noise is that valleys in the noise should
/// have smooth bottoms at all altitudes.
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub struct HybridMulti {
/// Total number of frequency octaves to generate the noise with.
/// The number of octaves control the _amount of detail_ in the noise
/// function. Adding more octaves increases the detail, with the drawback
/// of increasing the calculation time.
pub octaves: usize,
/// The number of cycles per unit length that the noise function outputs.
pub frequency: f64,
/// A multiplier that determines how quickly the frequency increases for
/// each successive octave in the noise function.
/// The frequency of each successive octave is equal to the product of the
/// previous octave's frequency and the lacunarity value.
/// A lacunarity of 2.0 results in the frequency doubling every octave. For
/// almost all cases, 2.0 is a good value to use.
pub lacunarity: f64,
/// A multiplier that determines how quickly the amplitudes diminish for
/// each successive octave in the noise function.
/// The amplitude of each successive octave is equal to the product of the
/// previous octave's amplitude and the persistence value. Increasing the
/// persistence produces "rougher" noise.
/// H = 1.0 - fractal increment = -ln(persistence) / ln(lacunarity). For
/// a fractal increment between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive), keep
/// persistence between 1 / lacunarity (inclusive, for low fractal
/// dimension) and 1 (exclusive, for high fractal dimension).
pub persistence: f64,
/// An offset that is added to the output of each sample of the underlying
/// Perlin noise function. Because each successive octave is weighted in
/// part by the previous signal's output, increasing the offset will weight
/// the output more heavily towards 1.0.
pub offset: f64,
seed: u32,
sources: Vec<Perlin>,
impl HybridMulti {
pub const DEFAULT_SEED: u32 = 0;
pub const DEFAULT_OCTAVES: usize = 6;
pub const DEFAULT_FREQUENCY: f64 = 2.0;
pub const DEFAULT_LACUNARITY: f64 = /* std::f64::consts::PI * 2.0 / 3.0 */2.0;
// -ln(2^(-0.25))/ln(2) = 0.25
// 2^(-0.25) ~ 13/16
pub const DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE: f64 = /* 0.25 *//* 0.5*/ 13.0 / 16.0;
pub const DEFAULT_OFFSET: f64 = /* 0.25 *//* 0.5*/ 0.7;
pub const MAX_OCTAVES: usize = 32;
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
seed: Self::DEFAULT_SEED,
octaves: Self::DEFAULT_OCTAVES,
frequency: Self::DEFAULT_FREQUENCY,
lacunarity: Self::DEFAULT_LACUNARITY,
persistence: Self::DEFAULT_PERSISTENCE,
offset: Self::DEFAULT_OFFSET,
sources: build_sources(Self::DEFAULT_SEED, Self::DEFAULT_OCTAVES),
pub fn set_offset(self, offset: f64) -> Self {
Self { offset, ..self }
impl Default for HybridMulti {
fn default() -> Self {
impl MultiFractal for HybridMulti {
fn set_octaves(self, mut octaves: usize) -> Self {
if self.octaves == octaves {
return self;
octaves = octaves.max(1).min(Self::MAX_OCTAVES);
Self {
sources: build_sources(self.seed, octaves),
fn set_frequency(self, frequency: f64) -> Self {
Self { frequency, ..self }
fn set_lacunarity(self, lacunarity: f64) -> Self {
Self { lacunarity, ..self }
fn set_persistence(self, persistence: f64) -> Self {
Self {
impl Seedable for HybridMulti {
fn set_seed(self, seed: u32) -> Self {
if self.seed == seed {
return self;
Self {
sources: build_sources(seed, self.octaves),
fn seed(&self) -> u32 {
/// 2-dimensional `HybridMulti` noise
impl NoiseFn<Point2<f64>> for HybridMulti {
fn get(&self, mut point: Point2<f64>) -> f64 {
// First unscaled octave of function; later octaves are scaled.
point = mul2(point, self.frequency);
// Offset and bias to scale into [offset - 1.0, 1.0 + offset] range.
let bias = 1.0;
let mut result = (self.sources[0].get(point) + self.offset) * bias * self.persistence;
let mut scale = self.persistence;
let mut weight = result;
// Spectral construction inner loop, where the fractal is built.
for x in 1..self.octaves {
// Prevent divergence.
weight = weight.min(1.0);
// Raise the spatial frequency.
point = mul2(point, self.lacunarity);
// Get noise value, and scale it to the [offset - 1.0, 1.0 + offset] range.
let mut signal = (self.sources[x].get(point) + self.offset) * bias;
// Scale the amplitude appropriately for this frequency.
let exp_scale = self.persistence.powi(x as i32);
signal *= exp_scale;
// Add it in, weighted by previous octave's noise value.
result += weight * signal;
// Update the weighting value.
weight *= signal;
scale += exp_scale;
// Scale the result to the [-1,1] range
(result / scale) / bias - self.offset
/// 3-dimensional `HybridMulti` noise
impl NoiseFn<Point3<f64>> for HybridMulti {
fn get(&self, mut point: Point3<f64>) -> f64 {
// First unscaled octave of function; later octaves are scaled.
point = mul3(point, self.frequency);
// Offset and bias to scale into [offset - 1.0, 1.0 + offset] range.
let bias = 1.0;
let mut result = (self.sources[0].get(point) + self.offset) * bias * self.persistence;
let mut scale = self.persistence;
let mut weight = result;
// Spectral construction inner loop, where the fractal is built.
for x in 1..self.octaves {
// Prevent divergence.
weight = weight.min(1.0);
// Raise the spatial frequency.
point = mul3(point, self.lacunarity);
// Get noise value, and scale it to the [0, 1.0] range.
let mut signal = (self.sources[x].get(point) + self.offset) * bias;
// Scale the amplitude appropriately for this frequency.
let exp_scale = self.persistence.powi(x as i32);
signal *= exp_scale;
// Add it in, weighted by previous octave's noise value.
result += weight * signal;
// Update the weighting value.
weight *= signal;
scale += exp_scale;
// Scale the result to the [-1,1] range
(result / scale) / bias - self.offset
/// 4-dimensional `HybridMulti` noise
impl NoiseFn<Point4<f64>> for HybridMulti {
fn get(&self, mut point: Point4<f64>) -> f64 {
// First unscaled octave of function; later octaves are scaled.
point = mul4(point, self.frequency);
// Offset and bias to scale into [offset - 1.0, 1.0 + offset] range.
let bias = 1.0;
let mut result = (self.sources[0].get(point) + self.offset) * bias * self.persistence;
let mut exp_scale = self.persistence;
let mut scale = self.persistence;
let mut weight = result;
// Spectral construction inner loop, where the fractal is built.
for x in 1..self.octaves {
// Prevent divergence.
weight = weight.min(1.0);
// Raise the spatial frequency.
point = mul4(point, self.lacunarity);
// Get noise value, and scale it to the [0, 1.0] range.
let mut signal = (self.sources[x].get(point) + self.offset) * bias;
// Scale the amplitude appropriately for this frequency.
exp_scale *= self.persistence;
signal *= exp_scale;
// Add it in, weighted by previous octave's noise value.
result += weight * signal;
// Update the weighting value.
weight *= signal;
scale += exp_scale;
// Scale the result to the [-1,1] range
(result / scale) / bias - self.offset
/// Noise function that applies a scaling factor and a bias to the output value
/// from the source function.
/// The function retrieves the output value from the source function, multiplies
/// it with the scaling factor, adds the bias to it, then outputs the value.
pub struct ScaleBias<'a, F: 'a> {
/// Outputs a value.
pub source: &'a F,
/// Scaling factor to apply to the output value from the source function.
/// The default value is 1.0.
pub scale: f64,
/// Bias to apply to the scaled output value from the source function.
/// The default value is 0.0.
pub bias: f64,
impl<'a, F> ScaleBias<'a, F> {
pub fn new(source: &'a F) -> Self {
ScaleBias {
scale: 1.0,
bias: 0.0,
pub fn set_scale(self, scale: f64) -> Self {
ScaleBias { scale, ..self }
pub fn set_bias(self, bias: f64) -> Self {
ScaleBias { bias, ..self }
impl<'a, F: NoiseFn<T> + 'a, T> NoiseFn<T> for ScaleBias<'a, F> {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "emscripten"))]
fn get(&self, point: T) -> f64 {
(self.source.get(point)).mul_add(self.scale, self.bias)
#[cfg(target_os = "emscripten")]
fn get(&self, point: T) -> f64 {
(self.source.get(point) * self.scale) + self.bias
Reference in New Issue
Block a user