Better stairs

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Barretto 2021-02-09 01:11:42 +00:00
parent b07c942aef
commit 6af0e77efd
4 changed files with 58 additions and 39 deletions

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@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ make_case_elim!(
Liana = 14,
Normal(color: Rgb<u8>) = 15,
Log = 16,
Block(kind: BlockKind, color: Rgb<u8>) = 17,

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@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ pub fn block_from_structure(|e| (e * 255.0) as u8),
StructureBlock::Normal(color) => Some(Block::new(BlockKind::Misc, color)),
StructureBlock::Block(kind, color) => Some(Block::new(kind, color)),
StructureBlock::Water => Some(Block::water(SpriteKind::Empty)),
// TODO: If/when liquid supports other colors again, revisit this.
StructureBlock::GreenSludge => Some(Block::water(SpriteKind::Empty)),

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@ -184,10 +184,11 @@ pub fn apply_trees_to(canvas: &mut Canvas, dynamic_rng: &mut impl Rng) {
TreeModel::Structure(s) => s.get(model_pos).ok().copied(),
TreeModel::Procedural(t, leaf_block) => Some(
match t.is_branch_or_leaves_at(|e| e as f32 + 0.5)) {
(_, _, true) => StructureBlock::Hollow,
(true, _, _) => StructureBlock::Log,
(_, true, _) => *leaf_block,
(_, _, _) => StructureBlock::None,
(_, _, true, _) => StructureBlock::Block(BlockKind::Wood, Rgb::new(110, 68, 22)),
(_, _, _, true) => StructureBlock::Hollow,
(true, _, _, _) => StructureBlock::Log,
(_, true, _, _) => *leaf_block,
_ => StructureBlock::None,
} {
@ -273,7 +274,7 @@ pub struct TreeConfig {
impl TreeConfig {
pub fn oak(rng: &mut impl Rng, scale: f32) -> Self {
let scale = scale * (0.8 + rng.gen::<f32>().powi(4) * 0.9);
let scale = scale * (0.8 + rng.gen::<f32>().powi(4) * 0.75);
let log_scale = 1.0 + scale.log2().max(0.0);
Self {
@ -318,13 +319,13 @@ impl TreeConfig {
let log_scale = 1.0 + scale.log2().max(0.0);
Self {
trunk_len: 12.0 * scale,
trunk_radius: 8.0 * scale,
branch_child_len: 0.89,
branch_child_radius: 0.65,
leaf_radius: 3.0 * log_scale..5.25 * log_scale,
straightness: 0.38,
max_depth: (6.0 + log_scale) as usize,
trunk_len: 11.0 * scale,
trunk_radius: 6.0 * scale,
branch_child_len: 0.9,
branch_child_radius: 0.75,
leaf_radius: 2.5 * scale..3.75 * scale,
straightness: 0.36,
max_depth: (7.0 + log_scale) as usize,
splits: 1.5..2.5,
split_range: 1.0..1.1,
branch_len_bias: 0.0,
@ -391,8 +392,8 @@ impl ProceduralTree {
let has_stairs = config.inhabited && branch_radius > 3.0 && start.xy().distance(end.xy()) < (start.z - end.z).abs();
let bark_radius = if has_stairs { 8.0 } else { 0.0 };
let has_stairs = config.inhabited && depth < config.max_depth && branch_radius > 6.5 && start.xy().distance(end.xy()) < (start.z - end.z).abs() * 1.5;
let bark_radius = if has_stairs { 5.0 } else { 0.0 } + wood_radius * 0.25;
// The AABB that covers this branch, along with wood and leaves that eminate
// from it
@ -484,26 +485,30 @@ impl ProceduralTree {
pub fn get_bounds(&self) -> Aabb<f32> { self.branches[self.trunk_idx].aabb }
// Recursively search for branches or leaves by walking the tree's branch graph.
fn is_branch_or_leaves_at_inner(&self, pos: Vec3<f32>, branch_idx: usize) -> (bool, bool, bool) {
fn is_branch_or_leaves_at_inner(&self, pos: Vec3<f32>, parent_d2: f32, branch_idx: usize) -> (bool, bool, bool, bool) {
let branch = &self.branches[branch_idx];
// Always probe the sibling branch, since our AABB doesn't include its bounds
// (it's not one of our children)
let branch_or_leaves = branch
.map(|idx| Vec3::from(self.is_branch_or_leaves_at_inner(pos, idx)))
.map(|idx| Vec4::<bool>::from(self.is_branch_or_leaves_at_inner(pos, parent_d2, idx)))
// Only continue probing this sub-graph of the tree if the sample position falls
// within its AABB
if branch.aabb.contains_point(pos) {
// Probe this branch
| Vec3::from(branch.is_branch_or_leaves_at(pos))
// Probe the children of this branch
| branch.child_idx
.map(|idx| Vec3::from(self.is_branch_or_leaves_at_inner(pos, idx)))
// Probe this branch
let (this, d2) = branch.is_branch_or_leaves_at(pos, parent_d2);
let siblings = branch_or_leaves | Vec4::from(this);
// Probe the children of this branch
let children = branch.child_idx
.map(|idx| Vec4::from(self.is_branch_or_leaves_at_inner(pos, d2, idx)))
// Only allow empties for children if there is no solid at the current depth
(siblings | (children & Vec4::new(true, true, true, !(siblings.x | siblings.y)))).into_tuple()
} else {
@ -512,8 +517,8 @@ impl ProceduralTree {
/// Determine whether there are either branches or leaves at the given
/// position in the tree.
pub fn is_branch_or_leaves_at(&self, pos: Vec3<f32>) -> (bool, bool, bool) {
self.is_branch_or_leaves_at_inner(pos, self.trunk_idx)
pub fn is_branch_or_leaves_at(&self, pos: Vec3<f32>) -> (bool, bool, bool, bool) {
self.is_branch_or_leaves_at_inner(pos, 10000.0, self.trunk_idx)
@ -538,34 +543,46 @@ struct Branch {
impl Branch {
/// Determine whether there are either branches or leaves at the given
/// position in the branch.
pub fn is_branch_or_leaves_at(&self, pos: Vec3<f32>) -> (bool, bool, bool) {
pub fn is_branch_or_leaves_at(&self, pos: Vec3<f32>, parent_d2: f32) -> ((bool, bool, bool, bool), f32) {
// fn finvsqrt(x: f32) -> f32 {
// let y = f32::from_bits(0x5f375a86 - (x.to_bits() >> 1));
// y * (1.5 - ( x * 0.5 * y * y ))
// }
let p = self.line.projected_point(pos);
let p_d2 = p.distance_squared(pos);
fn smooth(a: f32, b: f32, k: f32) -> f32 {
// let h = (0.5 + 0.5 * (b - a) / k).clamped(0.0, 1.0);
// Lerp::lerp(b, a, h) - k * h * (1.0 - h)
if p_d2 < self.wood_radius.powi(2) {
(true, false, false) // Wood
let h = (k-(a-b).abs()).max(0.0);
a.min(b) - h * h * 0.25 / k
let p = self.line.projected_point(pos);
let d2 = p.distance_squared(pos);
let d2_smooth = d2;//smooth(d2.sqrt(), parent_d2.sqrt(), 30.0).powi(2);
let mask = if d2_smooth < self.wood_radius.powi(2) {
(true, false, false, false) // Wood
} else if {
let diff = (p - pos) / Vec3::new(1.0, 1.0, self.leaf_vertical_scale);
diff.magnitude_squared() < self.leaf_radius.powi(2)
} {
(false, true, false) // Leaves
(false, true, false, false) // Leaves
} else {
let stair_width = 5.0;
let stair_thickness = 1.5;
let stair_space = 6.0;
if self.has_stairs && p_d2 < (self.wood_radius + stair_width).powi(2) {
if self.has_stairs && d2_smooth < (self.wood_radius + stair_width).powi(2) {
let rpos = pos.xy() - p.xy();
let stretch = 32.0;
let stair_section = ((rpos.x as f32).atan2(rpos.y as f32) / (f32::consts::PI * 2.0) * stretch + pos.z).rem_euclid(stretch);
(stair_section < stair_thickness, false, stair_section >= stair_thickness && stair_section < stair_thickness + stair_space) // Stairs
(false, false, stair_section < stair_thickness, stair_section >= stair_thickness && stair_section < stair_thickness + stair_space) // Stairs
} else {
(false, false, false)
(false, false, false, false)
(mask, d2)

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@ -519,7 +519,7 @@ impl WorldSim {
cave_0_nz: SuperSimplex::new().set_seed(rng.gen()),
cave_1_nz: SuperSimplex::new().set_seed(rng.gen()),
structure_gen: StructureGen2d::new(rng.gen(), 24, 12),
structure_gen: StructureGen2d::new(rng.gen(), 24, 10),
big_structure_gen: StructureGen2d::new(rng.gen(), 768, 512),
region_gen: StructureGen2d::new(rng.gen(), 400, 96),
humid_nz: Billow::new()
@ -2028,11 +2028,11 @@ impl WorldSim {
let giant_trees = std::array::IntoIter::new(self.gen_ctx.big_structure_gen.get(wpos))
// Don't even consider trees if we aren't close
.filter(move |(pos, _)| pos.distance_squared(wpos) < 256i32.pow(2))
.filter(move |(pos, _)| pos.distance_squared(wpos) < 512i32.pow(2))
.map(move |(pos, seed)| TreeAttr {
scale: 4.0,
scale: 5.0,
forest_kind: ForestKind::Giant,
inhabited: (seed / 13) % 2 == 0,