Placeholder igloos (someone with aesthetics fix please)

This commit is contained in:
Sam 2022-05-31 20:18:35 -04:00
parent c0676a008f
commit 6f70882ffe

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@ -39,19 +39,19 @@ pub struct AdletStronghold {
enum AdletStructure {
impl AdletStructure {
fn required_separation(&self, other: &Self) -> i32 {
let radius = |structure: &Self| match structure {
Self::Igloo => 5,
Self::Igloo(radius) => *radius as i32 + 3,
Self::TunnelEntrance => 16,
let additional_padding = match (self, other) {
(Self::Igloo, Self::Igloo) => 5,
(Self::Igloo(_), Self::Igloo(_)) => 5,
_ => 0,
@ -103,15 +103,57 @@ impl AdletStronghold {
// Find direction that allows for deep enough site
let angle_samples = (0..64).into_iter().map(|x| x as f32 / 64.0 * TAU);
// Sample blocks 40-50 away, use angle where these positions are highest
// relative to entrance
let angle = angle_samples
.max_by_key(|theta| {
let entrance_height = land.get_alt_approx(entrance);
let height =
|pos: Vec2<f32>| land.get_alt_approx(pos.as_() + entrance) - entrance_height;
let (x, y) = (theta.cos(), theta.sin());
.map(|r| {
let rpos = Vec2::new(r as f32 * x, r as f32 * y);
height(rpos) as i32
let cavern_radius = {
let unit_size = rng.gen_range(10..15);
let num_units = rng.gen_range(4..8);
let variation = rng.gen_range(0..30);
unit_size * num_units + variation
let tunnel_length = rng.gen_range(35_i32..50);
let cavern_center = entrance
+ (Vec2::new(angle.cos(), angle.sin()) * (tunnel_length as f32 + cavern_radius as f32))
let cavern_alt = (land.get_alt_approx(cavern_center) - cavern_radius as f32)
let mut outer_structures = Vec::<(AdletStructure, Vec2<i32>, Dir)>::new();
entrance - wall_center,
Dir::from_vector(entrance - cavern_center),
let desired_structures = wall_radius.pow(2) / 100;
for _ in 0..desired_structures {
if let Some((rpos, kind)) = attempt(50, || {
// Choose structure kind
let structure_kind = match rng.gen_range(0..10) {
// TODO: Add more variants
_ => AdletStructure::Igloo,
_ => AdletStructure::Igloo(rng.gen_range(6..12)),
// Choose relative position
@ -151,48 +193,6 @@ impl AdletStronghold {
// Find direction that allows for deep enough site
let angle_samples = (0..64).into_iter().map(|x| x as f32 / 64.0 * TAU);
// Sample blocks 40-50 away, use angle where these positions are highest
// relative to entrance
let angle = angle_samples
.max_by_key(|theta| {
let entrance_height = land.get_alt_approx(entrance);
let height =
|pos: Vec2<f32>| land.get_alt_approx(pos.as_() + entrance) - entrance_height;
let (x, y) = (theta.cos(), theta.sin());
.map(|r| {
let rpos = Vec2::new(r as f32 * x, r as f32 * y);
height(rpos) as i32
let cavern_radius = {
let unit_size = rng.gen_range(10..15);
let num_units = rng.gen_range(4..8);
let variation = rng.gen_range(0..30);
unit_size * num_units + variation
let tunnel_length = rng.gen_range(35_i32..50);
let cavern_center = entrance
+ (Vec2::new(angle.cos(), angle.sin()) * (tunnel_length as f32 + cavern_radius as f32))
let cavern_alt = (land.get_alt_approx(cavern_center) - cavern_radius as f32)
entrance - wall_center,
Dir::from_vector(entrance - cavern_center),
Self {
@ -478,7 +478,32 @@ impl Structure for AdletStronghold {
AdletStructure::Igloo => {},
AdletStructure::Igloo(radius) => {
let snow_fill =
Fill::Block(Block::new(BlockKind::Snow, Rgb::new(255, 255, 255)));
let center_pos = wpos.with_z(alt as i32 - *radius as i32);
.sphere_with_radius(center_pos, *radius as f32)
let room_radius = *radius as i32 * 2 / 5;
let room_center = |dir: Dir| center_pos + dir.to_vec2() * room_radius;
.sphere_with_radius(room_center(dir.rotated_cw()), room_radius as f32)
.union(painter.sphere_with_radius(room_center(dir.opposite()), room_radius as f32))
.union(painter.sphere_with_radius(room_center(dir.rotated_ccw()), room_radius as f32))
let mid_pos =
(center_pos + dir.to_vec2().with_z(1).mul(*radius as i32)).as_::<f32>();
.line(center_pos.as_::<f32>(), mid_pos, 2.0)
center_pos + Vec3::unit_z().mul(2 * *radius as i32),