Merge branch 'aweinstock/heightmap_visualization' into 'master'

Add heightmap visualization to world/examples.

See merge request veloren/veloren!2246
This commit is contained in:
Marcel 2021-05-08 16:02:11 +00:00
commit 7a0f4f1dec
2 changed files with 243 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -60,3 +60,7 @@ name = "tree"
name = "chunk_compression_benchmarks"
required-features = ["bin_compression"]
name = "heightmap_visualization"
required-features = ["bin_compression"]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
use image::{
codecs::png::{CompressionType, FilterType, PngEncoder},
use std::{fs::File, io::Write};
use vek::*;
use veloren_world::{
sim::{FileOpts, WorldOpts, DEFAULT_WORLD_MAP},
Land, World,
fn grey_from_scalar(lo: f32, hi: f32, x: f32) -> [u8; 3] {
let y = (x - lo) / (hi - lo);
let z = (y * 255.0) as u8;
[z, z, z]
fn grey_from_scalar_thresh(k: f32) -> impl Fn(f32, f32, f32) -> [u8; 3] {
move |lo: f32, hi: f32, x: f32| -> [u8; 3] {
let y = (x - lo) / (hi - lo);
let y = if y > k {
let mut y = y;
// y \in [K, 1.0]
y -= k;
// y \in [0.0, 1.0-k]
y *= 0.5 / (1.0 - k);
// y \in [0.0, 0.50]
y + 0.5
} else {
let z = (y * 255.0) as u8;
[z, z, z]
fn rgb_from_scalar(lo: f32, hi: f32, x: f32) -> [u8; 3] {
let (lo, hi, x) = if lo < 0.0 {
(0.0, hi - lo, x - lo)
} else {
(lo, hi, x)
let mid = (hi - lo) / 2.0;
let r = 0;
let g = if x < mid {
} else {
// x \in [mid, hi]
let mut g = x - mid;
// g \in [0, hi-mid]
g /= hi - mid;
// g \in [0, 1]
g *= 255.0;
// g \in [0, 255]
g as u8
let b = if x >= mid {
255 - ((x - mid) / mid * 255.0) as u8
} else {
// x \in [0, mid]
let mut b = x / mid;
// b \in [0, 1]
b *= 255.0;
// b \in [0, 255]
b as u8
[r, g, b]
fn image_from_function<F: FnMut(u32, u32) -> [u8; 3]>(
name: &str,
width: u32,
height: u32,
mut f: F,
) {
let mut heightmap: ImageBuffer<image::Rgb<u8>, Vec<u8>> = ImageBuffer::new(width, height);
for x in 0..width {
for y in 0..height {
heightmap.put_pixel(x, y, image::Rgb(f(x, y)));
let mut heightmap_png = Vec::new();
let png =
PngEncoder::new_with_quality(&mut heightmap_png, CompressionType::Best, FilterType::Paeth);
let mut f = File::create(name).unwrap();
fn image_with_autorange<F: Fn(f32, f32, f32) -> [u8; 3], G: FnMut(u32, u32) -> f32>(
name: &str,
width: u32,
height: u32,
f: F,
mut g: G,
) {
let (mut lo, mut hi) = (f32::INFINITY, -f32::INFINITY);
for x in 0..width {
for y in 0..height {
let h = g(x, y);
lo = lo.min(h);
hi = hi.max(h);
//println!("{} {}: {:?}", x, y, h);
//println!("lo: {:?}", lo);
//println!("hi: {:?}", hi);
image_from_function(name, width, height, |x, y| f(lo, hi, g(x, y)));
fn main() {
println!("Loading world");
let (world, _index) = World::generate(59686, WorldOpts {
seed_elements: true,
world_file: FileOpts::LoadAsset(DEFAULT_WORLD_MAP.into()),
println!("Loaded world");
let land = Land::from_sim(world.sim());
image_with_autorange("heightmap.png", 1024, 1024, rgb_from_scalar, |x, y| {
land.get_alt_approx(Vec2::new(x as i32 * 32, y as i32 * 32))
1024 * 4,
1024 * 4,
|x, y| land.get_alt_approx(Vec2::new(x as i32 * 8, y as i32 * 8)),
image_with_autorange("heightmap_dx.png", 1024, 1024, grey_from_scalar, |x, y| {
let mut v = 0.0;
for i in -1i32..=1 {
for j in -1i32..=1 {
let sobel = (2 - i.abs()) * (-j);
v += sobel as f32
* land.get_alt_approx(Vec2::new((x as i32 + i) * 32, (y as i32 + j) * 32));
image_with_autorange("heightmap_dy.png", 1024, 1024, grey_from_scalar, |x, y| {
let mut v = 0.0;
for i in -1i32..=1 {
for j in -1i32..=1 {
let sobel = (2 - j.abs()) * (-i);
v += sobel as f32
* land.get_alt_approx(Vec2::new((x as i32 + i) * 32, (y as i32 + j) * 32));
|x, y| {
let mut dx = 0.0;
for i in -1i32..=1 {
for j in -1i32..=1 {
let sobel = (2 - i.abs()) * (-j);
dx += sobel as f32
* land.get_alt_approx(Vec2::new((x as i32 + i) * 32, (y as i32 + j) * 32));
let mut dy = 0.0;
for i in -1i32..=1 {
for j in -1i32..=1 {
let sobel = (2 - j.abs()) * (-i);
dy += sobel as f32
* land.get_alt_approx(Vec2::new((x as i32 + i) * 32, (y as i32 + j) * 32));
(dx * dx + dy * dy).sqrt()
if false {
for i in 1..=100 {
// convert -delay 10 -loop 0 -dispose previous heightmap_delta_{001..100}.png heightmap_thresholds.gif
// convert -delay 20 -loop 0 -dispose previous $(seq 1 3 100 | xargs printf "heightmap_delta_%03d.png ") heightmap_thresholds.gif
&format!("heightmap_delta_{:03}.png", i),
grey_from_scalar_thresh(i as f32 * 0.01),
|x, y| {
let mut v = 0.0;
for i in -1i32..=1 {
for j in -1i32..=1 {
let tmp = if i == 0 && j == 0 {
} else if (i + j).abs() == 1 {
} else {
v += tmp as f32
* land.get_alt_approx(Vec2::new(
(x as i32 + i) * 32,
(y as i32 + j) * 32,
|x, y| {
let mut v = -f32::INFINITY;
for i in -2i32..=2 {
for j in -2i32..=2 {
if i != 0 || j != 0 {
v =
(x as i32 + i) * 32,
(y as i32 + j) * 32,
land.get_alt_approx(Vec2::new(x as i32 * 32, y as i32 * 32)) / v