Implement actual inventory-manipulation part of trading server side.

This commit is contained in:
Avi Weinstock 2021-02-12 15:47:45 -05:00
parent e0f4bb3dc6
commit 7a37538f06
6 changed files with 118 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ use common::{
terrain::{block::Block, neighbors, BiomeKind, SitesKind, TerrainChunk, TerrainChunkSize},
trade::{PendingTrade, TradeActionMsg},
trade::{PendingTrade, TradeActionMsg, TradeResult},
uid::{Uid, UidAllocator},
@ -75,6 +75,10 @@ pub enum Event {
answer: InviteAnswer,
kind: InviteKind,
TradeComplete {
result: TradeResult,
trade: PendingTrade,
@ -1578,8 +1582,10 @@ impl Client {
tracing::info!("UpdatePendingTrade {:?} {:?}", id, trade);
self.pending_trade = Some((id, trade));
ServerGeneral::DeclinedTrade => {
self.pending_trade = None;
ServerGeneral::FinishedTrade(result) => {
if let Some((_, trade)) = self.pending_trade.take() {
frontend_events.push(Event::TradeComplete { result, trade })
_ => unreachable!("Not a in_game message"),

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use common::{
terrain::{Block, TerrainChunk},
trade::{PendingTrade, TradeResult},
use hashbrown::HashMap;
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ pub enum ServerGeneral {
/// Send a popup notification such as "Waypoint Saved"
UpdatePendingTrade(usize, PendingTrade),
impl ServerGeneral {
@ -232,7 +232,7 @@ impl ServerMsg {
| ServerGeneral::Outcomes(_)
| ServerGeneral::Knockback(_)
| ServerGeneral::UpdatePendingTrade(_, _)
| ServerGeneral::DeclinedTrade => {
| ServerGeneral::FinishedTrade(_) => {
c_type == ClientType::Game && presence.is_some()
// Always possible

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use crate::{
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use tracing::warn;
use tracing::{warn, trace};
/// Clients submit `TradeActionMsg` to the server, which adds the Uid of the
/// player out-of-band (i.e. without trusting the client to say who it's
@ -18,6 +18,13 @@ pub enum TradeActionMsg {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum TradeResult {
/// Items are not removed from the inventory during a PendingTrade: all the
/// items are moved atomically (if there's space and both parties agree) upon
/// completion
@ -141,6 +148,7 @@ impl Trades {
msg: TradeActionMsg,
inventory: &Inventory,
) {
trace!("for trade id {}, message {:?}", id, msg);
if let Some(trade) = self.trades.get_mut(&id) {
if let Some(party) = trade.which_party(who) {
trade.process_msg(party, msg, inventory);

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ impl Client {
| ServerGeneral::Outcomes(_)
| ServerGeneral::Knockback(_)
| ServerGeneral::UpdatePendingTrade(_, _)
| ServerGeneral::DeclinedTrade => {
| ServerGeneral::FinishedTrade(_) => {
// Always possible
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ impl Client {
| ServerGeneral::Outcomes(_)
| ServerGeneral::Knockback(_)
| ServerGeneral::UpdatePendingTrade(_, _)
| ServerGeneral::DeclinedTrade => PreparedMsg::new(2, &g, &self.in_game_stream),
| ServerGeneral::FinishedTrade(_) => PreparedMsg::new(2, &g, &self.in_game_stream),
// Always possible
| ServerGeneral::ChatMsg(_)

View File

@ -2,15 +2,16 @@ use crate::{events::group_manip::handle_invite, Server};
use common::{
inventory::{Inventory, slot::InvSlotId},
trade::{PendingTrade, TradeActionMsg, Trades},
trade::{PendingTrade, TradeActionMsg, Trades, TradeResult},
use common_net::{msg::ServerGeneral, sync::WorldSyncExt};
use specs::{world::WorldExt, Entity as EcsEntity};
use tracing::warn;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
use tracing::{error, warn, trace};
/// Invoked when pressing the trade button near an entity, triggering the invite UI flow
pub fn handle_initiate_trade(server: &mut Server, interactor: EcsEntity, counterparty: EcsEntity) {
if let Some(uid) = server.state_mut().ecs().uid_from_entity(counterparty) {
handle_invite(server, interactor, uid, InviteKind::Trade);
@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ pub fn handle_initiate_trade(server: &mut Server, interactor: EcsEntity, counter
/// Invoked when the trade UI is up, handling item changes, accepts, etc
pub fn handle_process_trade_action(
server: &mut Server,
entity: EcsEntity,
@ -31,21 +33,23 @@ pub fn handle_process_trade_action(
let to_notify = trades.decline_trade(trade_id, uid);
.and_then(|u| server.state.ecs().entity_from_uid(u.0))
.map(|e| server.notify_client(e, ServerGeneral::DeclinedTrade));
.map(|e| server.notify_client(e, ServerGeneral::FinishedTrade(TradeResult::Declined)));
} else {
if let Some(inv) = server.state.ecs().read_component::<Inventory>().get(entity) {
trades.process_trade_action(trade_id, uid, msg, inv);
if let Some(trade) = trades.trades.get(&trade_id) {
let mut msg = ServerGeneral::UpdatePendingTrade(trade_id, trade.clone());
if trade.should_commit() {
// TODO: inventory manip
let result = commit_trade(server.state.ecs(), trade);
msg = ServerGeneral::FinishedTrade(result);
// send the updated state to both parties
for party in trade.parties.iter() {
server.state.ecs().entity_from_uid(party.0).map(|e| {
ServerGeneral::UpdatePendingTrade(trade_id, trade.clone()),
@ -53,3 +57,77 @@ pub fn handle_process_trade_action(
/// Commit a trade that both parties have agreed to, modifying their respective inventories
fn commit_trade(ecs: &specs::World, trade: &PendingTrade) -> TradeResult {
let mut entities = vec![];
for who in [0, 1].iter().cloned() {
match ecs.entity_from_uid(trade.parties[who].0) {
Some(entity) => entities.push(entity),
None => return TradeResult::Declined,
let mut inventories = ecs.write_component::<Inventory>();
for who in [0, 1].iter().cloned() {
if inventories.get_mut(entities[who]).is_none() {
return TradeResult::Declined;
let invmsg = "inventories.get_mut(entities[who]).is_none() should have returned already";
trace!("committing trade: {:?}", trade);
// Compute the net change in slots of each player during the trade, to detect out-of-space-ness
// before transferring any items
let mut delta_slots: [isize; 2] = [0, 0];
for who in [0, 1].iter().cloned() {
for (slot, quantity) in trade.offers[who].iter() {
let inventory = inventories.get_mut(entities[who]).expect(invmsg);
let item = match inventory.get(*slot) {
Some(item) => item,
None => {
error!("PendingTrade invariant violation in trade {:?}: slots offered in a trade should be non-empty", trade);
return TradeResult::Declined;
match item.amount().cmp(&quantity) {
Ordering::Less => {
error!("PendingTrade invariant violation in trade {:?}: party {} offered more of an item than they have", trade, who);
return TradeResult::Declined;
Ordering::Equal => {
delta_slots[who] -= 1; // exact, removes the whole stack
delta_slots[1-who] += 1; // overapproximation, assumes the stack won't merge
Ordering::Greater => {
// no change to delta_slots[who], since they have leftovers
delta_slots[1-who] += 1; // overapproximation, assumes the stack won't merge
trace!("delta_slots: {:?}", delta_slots);
for who in [0, 1].iter().cloned() {
// Inventories should never exceed 2^{63} slots, so the usize -> isize conversions here
// should be safe
let inv = inventories.get_mut(entities[who]).expect(invmsg);
if inv.populated_slots() as isize + delta_slots[who] > inv.capacity() as isize {
return TradeResult::NotEnoughSpace;
let mut items = [vec![], vec![]];
for who in [0, 1].iter().cloned() {
for (slot, quantity) in trade.offers[who].iter() {
// take the items one by one, to benefit from Inventory's stack handling
for _ in 0..*quantity {
inventories.get_mut(entities[who]).expect(invmsg).take(*slot).map(|item| items[who].push(item));
for who in [0, 1].iter().cloned() {
if let Err(leftovers) = inventories.get_mut(entities[1-who]).expect(invmsg).push_all(items[who].drain(..)) {
// this should only happen if the arithmetic above for delta_slots says there's enough
// space and there isn't (i.e. underapproximates)
error!("Not enough space for all the items, destroying leftovers {:?}", leftovers);

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ use common::{
terrain::{Block, BlockKind},
find_dist::{Cube, Cylinder, FindDist},
@ -145,6 +146,15 @@ impl SessionState {
let msg = format!("{} invite to {} {}", kind_str, target_name, answer_str);
client::Event::TradeComplete { result, trade: _ } => {
// TODO: i18n, entity names
let msg = match result {
TradeResult::Completed => "Trade completed successfully.",
TradeResult::Declined => "Trade declined.",
TradeResult::NotEnoughSpace => "Not enough space to complete the trade.",
client::Event::InventoryUpdated(inv_event) => {
let sfx_triggers =;