Add ability to plot component update counts each tick in tracy, controlled by the PLOT_UPDATE_COUNTS env var

This commit is contained in:
Imbris 2022-01-17 00:28:32 -05:00
parent b19f780d9f
commit 7f7dc5ff8a
2 changed files with 25 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ pub use userdata_dir::userdata_dir;
#[cfg(feature = "tracy")] pub use tracy_client;
pub const TRACY_ENABLED: bool = cfg!(feature = "tracy");
#[cfg(not(feature = "tracy"))]
macro_rules! plot {

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@ -114,23 +114,32 @@ macro_rules! trackers {
// TODO: integrate env var switches to report counts to tracy/etc
// Debug how many updates are being sent
const LOG_COUNTS: bool = false;
let plot_counts = common_base::TRACY_ENABLED && matches!(std::env::var("PLOT_UPDATE_COUNTS").as_deref(), Ok("1"));
macro_rules! log_counts {
($comp:ident, $name:expr) => {
// Note: if this will be used in actual server it would be more efficient to
// count during record_changes
let tracker = &self.$comp;
let inserted = tracker.inserted().into_iter().count();
let modified = tracker.modified().into_iter().count();
let removed = tracker.removed().into_iter().count();
tracing::warn!("{:6} insertions detected for {}", inserted, $name);
tracing::warn!("{:6} modifications detected for {}", modified, $name);
tracing::warn!("{:6} deletions detected for {}", removed, $name);
if LOG_COUNTS || plot_counts {
let tracker = &self.$comp;
let inserted = tracker.inserted().into_iter().count();
let modified = tracker.modified().into_iter().count();
let removed = tracker.removed().into_iter().count();
if plot_counts {
let sum = inserted + modified + removed;
common_base::plot!(concat!($name, "updates"), sum as f64);
tracing::warn!("{:6} insertions detected for {}", inserted, $name);
tracing::warn!("{:6} modifications detected for {}", modified, $name);
tracing::warn!("{:6} deletions detected for {}", removed, $name);
$(log_counts!($component_name, concat!(stringify!($component_name), 's'));)* */
$(log_counts!($component_name, concat!(stringify!($component_name), 's'));)*
pub fn create_sync_packages(