Merge branch 'zesterer/tiny-fixes' into 'master'

Tiny fixes

See merge request veloren/veloren!2926
This commit is contained in:
Joshua Barretto 2021-10-16 16:25:59 +00:00
commit 8a5cb4ac83
6 changed files with 60 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ float falloff(float x) {
return pow(max(x > 0.577 ? (0.3849 / x - 0.1) : (0.9 - x * x), 0.0), 4);
float emission_strength = clamp((magnetosphere - 0.8) / 0.1, 0, 1);
// Return the 'broad' density of the cloud at a position. This gets refined later with extra noise, but is important
// for computing light access.
float cloud_broad(vec3 pos) {
@ -142,14 +140,25 @@ vec4 cloud_at(vec3 pos, float dist, out vec3 emission, out float not_underground
if (emission_strength <= 0.0) {
emission = vec3(0);
} else {
float emission_alt = CLOUD_AVG_ALT * 2.0 + (noise_3d(vec3(wind_pos.xy * 0.0001 + cloud_tendency * 0.2, time_of_day.x * 0.0002)) - 0.5) * 6000;
emission_alt += (noise_3d(vec3(wind_pos.xy * 0.0005 + cloud_tendency * 0.2, emission_alt * 0.0001 + time_of_day.x * 0.001)) - 0.5) * 1000;
float tail = (textureLod(sampler2D(t_noise, s_noise), wind_pos.xy * 0.00005, 0).x - 0.5) * 4 + (pos.z - emission_alt) * 0.0001;
vec3 emission_col = vec3(0.8 + tail * 1.5, 0.5 - tail * 0.2, 0.3 + tail * 0.2);
float emission_nz = max(pow(textureLod(sampler2D(t_noise, s_noise), wind_pos.xy * 0.000015, 0).x, 8), 0.01) * 0.25 / (10.0 + abs(pos.z - emission_alt) / 80);
emission = emission_col * emission_nz * emission_strength * max(sun_dir.z, 0) * 500000 / (1000.0 + abs(pos.z - emission_alt) * 0.1);
float nz = textureLod(sampler2D(t_noise, s_noise), wind_pos.xy * 0.00005 - time_of_day.x * 0.0001, 0).x;//noise_3d(vec3(wind_pos.xy * 0.00005 + cloud_tendency * 0.2, time_of_day.x * 0.0002));
float emission_alt = alt * 0.5 + 1000 + 1000 * nz;
float emission_height = 1000.0;
float emission_factor = pow(max(0.0, 1.0 - abs((pos.z - emission_alt) / emission_height - 1.0))
* max(0, 1.0 - abs(0.0
+ textureLod(sampler2D(t_noise, s_noise), wind_pos.xy * 0.0001 + nz * 0.1, 0).x
+ textureLod(sampler2D(t_noise, s_noise), wind_pos.xy * 0.0005 + nz * 0.5, 0).x * 0.3
- 0.5) * 2)
* max(0, 1.0 - abs(textureLod(sampler2D(t_noise, s_noise), wind_pos.xy * 0.00001, 0).x - 0.5) * 4)
, 2) * emission_strength;
float t = clamp((pos.z - emission_alt) / emission_height, 0, 1);
t = pow(t - 0.5, 2) * sign(t - 0.5) + 0.5;
float top = pow(t, 2);
float bot = pow(max(0.8 - t, 0), 2) * 2;
const vec3 cyan = vec3(0, 0.5, 1);
const vec3 red = vec3(1, 0, 0);
const vec3 green = vec3(0, 8, 0);
emission = 10 * emission_factor * nz * (cyan * top * max(0, 1 - emission_br) + red * max(emission_br, 0) + green * bot);
// We track vapor density and air density separately. Why? Because photons will ionize particles in air
@ -231,8 +240,9 @@ vec3 get_cloud_color(vec3 surf_color, vec3 dir, vec3 origin, const float time_of
float cloud_scatter_factor = density_integrals.x;
float global_scatter_factor = density_integrals.y;
float cloud_darken = pow(1.0 / (1.0 + cloud_scatter_factor), (ldist - cdist) * 0.01);
float global_darken = pow(1.0 / (1.0 + global_scatter_factor), (ldist - cdist) * 0.01);
float step = (ldist - cdist) * 0.01;
float cloud_darken = pow(1.0 / (1.0 + cloud_scatter_factor), step);
float global_darken = pow(1.0 / (1.0 + global_scatter_factor), step);
surf_color =
// Attenuate light passing through the clouds
@ -241,7 +251,7 @@ vec3 get_cloud_color(vec3 surf_color, vec3 dir, vec3 origin, const float time_of
sun_color * sun_scatter * get_sun_brightness() * (sun_access * (1.0 - cloud_darken) /*+ sky_color * global_scatter_factor*/) +
moon_color * moon_scatter * get_moon_brightness() * (moon_access * (1.0 - cloud_darken) /*+ sky_color * global_scatter_factor*/) +
sky_light * (1.0 - global_darken) * not_underground +
emission * density_integrals.y;
emission * density_integrals.y * step;
return surf_color;

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ const vec3 NIGHT_LIGHT = vec3(5.0, 0.75, 0.2);
const vec3 MU_SCATTER = vec3(0.05, 0.10, 0.23) * 1.5;
const float SUN_COLOR_FACTOR = 5.0;//6.0;// * 1.5;//1.8;
const float MOON_COLOR_FACTOR = 5.0;//6.0;// * 1.5;//1.8;
const float UNDERWATER_MIST_DIST = 100.0;
@ -124,13 +125,21 @@ float magnetosphere = sin(time_of_day.x / (3600 * 24));
) * 0.4;
vec3 magnetosphere_tint = _magnetosphere_change / length(_magnetosphere_change);
float emission_strength = clamp((magnetosphere - 0.3) * 1.3, 0, 1) * max(-moon_dir.z, 0);
float emission_br = abs(pow(fract(time_of_day.x * 0.000005) * 2 - 1, 2));
float emission_br = 0.5;
float get_sun_brightness(/*vec3 sun_dir*/) {
return max(-sun_dir.z + 0.5, 0.0);
float get_moon_brightness(/*vec3 moon_dir*/) {
return max(-moon_dir.z + 0.6, 0.0) * 0.05;
return max(-moon_dir.z + 0.6, 0.0) * 0.1;
vec3 get_sun_color(/*vec3 sun_dir*/) {
@ -159,7 +168,7 @@ vec3 get_sky_color(/*vec3 sun_dir*/) {
vec3 get_moon_color(/*vec3 moon_dir*/) {
return vec3(0.05, 0.05, 1.6);
return vec3(0.5, 0.5, 1.6);
DirectionalLight get_sun_info(vec4 _dir, float shade_frac/*, vec4 light_pos[2]*/, /*vec4 sun_pos*/vec3 f_pos) {
@ -259,10 +268,10 @@ float get_sun_diffuse2(DirectionalLight sun_info, DirectionalLight moon_info, ve
vec3 moon_dir =;
float sun_light = get_sun_brightness(/*sun_dir*/) * sun_info.block;//sun_info.brightness;;
float moon_light = get_moon_brightness(/*moon_dir*/) * moon_info.block;//moon_info.brightness;
float moon_light = get_moon_brightness(/*moon_dir*/) * moon_info.block * ambiance;//moon_info.brightness;
vec3 sun_color = get_sun_color(/*sun_dir*/) * SUN_COLOR_FACTOR;//sun_info.color * SUN_COLOR_FACTOR;
vec3 moon_color = get_moon_color(/*moon_dir*/);//moon_info.color;
vec3 moon_color = get_moon_color(/*moon_dir*/) * MOON_COLOR_FACTOR;//moon_info.color;
// If the sun is facing the wrong way, we currently just want zero light, hence default point is wpos.
vec3 sun_attenuation = compute_attenuation(wpos, -sun_dir, mu, surface_alt, wpos);
@ -382,14 +391,22 @@ float get_sun_diffuse2(DirectionalLight sun_info, DirectionalLight moon_info, ve
// float ambient_sides = 0.5 - 0.5 * min(abs(dot(-norm, sun_dir)), abs(dot(-norm, moon_dir)));
// float ambient_sides = clamp(mix(0.5, 0.0, abs(dot(-norm, sun_dir)) * mix(0.0, 1.0, abs(sun_dir.z) * 10000.0) * 10000.0), 0.0, 0.5);
// float ambient_sides = clamp(mix(0.5, 0.0, abs(dot(-norm, sun_dir)) * mix(0.0, 1.0, abs(sun_dir.z) * 10000.0) * 10000.0), 0.0, 0.5);
emitted_light = light_frac + k_a * PERSISTENT_AMBIANCE * ambiance * 0.1 * MU_SCATTER;
emitted_light = light_frac;// + k_a * PERSISTENT_AMBIANCE * ambiance * 0.1 * MU_SCATTER;
// emitted_light = k_a * light_frac * (/*ambient_sides + */SUN_AMBIANCE * /*sun_light*/sun_chroma + /*vec3(moon_light)*/MOON_AMBIANCE * moon_chroma) + PERSISTENT_AMBIANCE;
vec3 emission = vec3(0);
if (emission_strength > 0.0) {
emission = mix(vec3(0, 0.5, 1), vec3(1, 0, 0), emission_br) * emission_strength * 0.025;
reflected_light = R_t_r * (
(1.0 - SUN_AMBIANCE) * sun_chroma * sun_shadow * (light_reflection_factor(norm, dir, sun_dir, k_d, k_s, alpha, voxel_norm, voxel_lighting) /*+
light_reflection_factor(norm, dir, normalize(sun_dir + vec3(0.0, 0.1, 0.0)), k_d, k_s, alpha) +
light_reflection_factor(norm, dir, normalize(sun_dir - vec3(0.0, 0.1, 0.0)), k_d, k_s, alpha)*/) +
(1.0 - MOON_AMBIANCE) * moon_chroma * moon_shadow * 1.0 * /*4.0 * */light_reflection_factor(norm, dir, moon_dir, k_d, k_s, alpha, voxel_norm, voxel_lighting)
(1.0 - MOON_AMBIANCE) * moon_chroma * moon_shadow * 1.0 * /*4.0 * */light_reflection_factor(norm, dir, moon_dir, k_d, k_s, alpha, voxel_norm, voxel_lighting) +
/* light = sun_chroma + moon_chroma + PERSISTENT_AMBIANCE;

View File

@ -1689,9 +1689,10 @@ impl Hud {
.set(overitem_id, ui_widgets);
} else if let Some(sprite) = block.get_sprite() {
} else if let Some(desc) = block.get_sprite().and_then(|s| get_sprite_desc(s, i18n))
get_sprite_desc(sprite, i18n),
@ -4053,8 +4054,9 @@ pub fn get_buff_desc(buff: BuffKind, data: BuffData, localized_strings: &Localiz
pub fn get_sprite_desc(sprite: SpriteKind, localized_strings: &Localization) -> Cow<str> {
pub fn get_sprite_desc(sprite: SpriteKind, localized_strings: &Localization) -> Option<Cow<str>> {
let i18n_key = match sprite {
SpriteKind::Empty => return None,
SpriteKind::Anvil => "hud.crafting.anvil",
SpriteKind::Cauldron => "hud.crafting.cauldron",
SpriteKind::CookingPot => "hud.crafting.cooking_pot",
@ -4063,9 +4065,9 @@ pub fn get_sprite_desc(sprite: SpriteKind, localized_strings: &Localization) ->
SpriteKind::Loom => "hud.crafting.loom",
SpriteKind::SpinningWheel => "hud.crafting.spinning_wheel",
SpriteKind::TanningRack => "hud.crafting.tanning_rack",
sprite => return Cow::Owned(format!("{:?}", sprite)),
sprite => return Some(Cow::Owned(format!("{:?}", sprite))),
pub fn get_buff_time(buff: BuffInfo) -> String {

View File

@ -568,13 +568,10 @@ impl<'a> Widget for Video<'a> {
.set(state.ids.exposure_value, ui);
//Ambiance Brightness
// 320.0 = maximum brightness in shaders
let min_ambiance = 10.0;
let max_ambiance = 80.0;
if let Some(new_val) = ImageSlider::discrete( as i32,
min_ambiance as i32,
max_ambiance as i32,
( * 100.0).round() as i32,
@ -585,7 +582,7 @@ impl<'a> Widget for Video<'a> {
.pad_track((5.0, 5.0))
.set(state.ids.ambiance_slider, ui)
events.push(GraphicsChange::ChangeAmbiance(new_val as f32));
events.push(GraphicsChange::ChangeAmbiance(new_val as f32 / 100.0));
.up_from(state.ids.ambiance_slider, 8.0)
@ -595,10 +592,7 @@ impl<'a> Widget for Video<'a> {
.set(state.ids.ambiance_text, ui);
(( - min_ambiance)
/ (max_ambiance - min_ambiance)
* 100.0)
( * 100.0).round()
.right_from(state.ids.ambiance_slider, 8.0)

View File

@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ impl Globals {
gamma_exposure: [gamma, exposure, 0.0, 0.0],
ambiance: ambiance.clamped(0.0, 1.0),
cam_mode: cam_mode as u32,
globals_dummy: 0.0,

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ impl Default for GraphicsSettings {
fov: 70,
gamma: 1.0,
exposure: 1.0,
ambiance: 10.0,
ambiance: 0.5,
render_mode: RenderMode::default(),
window_size: [1280, 720],
fullscreen: FullScreenSettings::default(),