mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
New cleaner safer version
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ pub enum PluginModuleError {
pub enum MemoryAllocationError {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicI32, AtomicU32, Ordering};
use serde::{Serialize, de::DeserializeOwned};
use wasmer::{Function, Memory, Value};
use super::errors::{MemoryAllocationError, PluginModuleError};
pub struct MemoryManager {
pub pointer: AtomicI32,
pub length: AtomicU32
impl MemoryManager {
pub fn new() -> Self{
Self {
pointer: AtomicI32::new(0),
length: AtomicU32::new(0),
// This function check if the buffer is wide enough if not it realloc the buffer calling the `wasm_prepare_buffer` function
// Note: There is probably optimizations that can be done using less restrictive ordering
pub fn get_pointer(&self, object_length: u32, allocator: &Function) -> Result<i32,MemoryAllocationError> {
if self.length.load(Ordering::SeqCst) >= object_length {
return Ok(self.pointer.load(Ordering::SeqCst));
let pointer = allocator
.call(&[Value::I32(object_length as i32)])
let pointer= pointer[0].i32().ok_or(MemoryAllocationError::InvalidReturnType)?;
self.length.store(object_length, Ordering::SeqCst);
self.pointer.store(pointer, Ordering::SeqCst);
// This function writes an object to WASM memory returning a pointer and a length. Will realloc the buffer is not wide enough
pub fn write_data<T: Serialize>(&self, memory: &Memory, allocator: &Function ,object: &T) -> Result<(i32,u32),PluginModuleError> {
// This function writes an raw bytes to WASM memory returning a pointer and a length. Will realloc the buffer is not wide enough
pub fn write_bytes(&self, memory: &Memory, allocator: &Function ,array: &[u8]) -> Result<(i32,u32),PluginModuleError> {
let len = array.len();
let mem_position = self.get_pointer(len as u32, allocator).map_err(PluginModuleError::MemoryAllocation)? as usize;
memory.view()[mem_position..mem_position + len]
.for_each(|(cell, byte)| cell.set(*byte));
Ok((mem_position as i32, len as u32))
// This function read data from memory at a position with the array length and converts it to an object using bincode
pub fn read_data<T: DeserializeOwned>(memory: &Memory, position: i32, length: u32) -> Result<T, bincode::Error> {
// This function read raw bytes from memory at a position with the array length
pub fn read_bytes(memory: &Memory, position: i32, length: u32) -> Vec<u8> {
memory.view()[(position as usize)..(position as usize) + length as usize]
.map(|x| x.get())
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
pub mod errors;
pub mod module;
pub mod wasm_env;
pub mod memory_manager;
use common::assets::ASSETS_PATH;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
use std::{cell::{Cell, RefCell}, cmp::Ordering, collections::HashSet, marker::PhantomData, rc::Rc, sync::{self, Arc, Mutex, atomic::AtomicI32}};
use std::{collections::HashSet, marker::PhantomData, sync::{Arc, Mutex, atomic::AtomicI32}};
use specs::World;
use wasmer::{
imports, Cranelift, Function, HostEnvInitError, Instance, LazyInit, Memory, MemoryView, Module,
Store, Value, WasmerEnv, JIT,
imports, Cranelift, Function, Instance, Memory, Module,
Store, Value, JIT,
use super::errors::{MemoryAllocationError, PluginError, PluginModuleError};
use super::{errors::{PluginError, PluginModuleError}, memory_manager::{self, MemoryManager}, wasm_env::HostFunctionEnvironement};
use plugin_api::{Action, Event};
@ -14,8 +14,11 @@ use plugin_api::{Action, Event};
// This structure represent the WASM State of the plugin.
pub struct PluginModule {
ecs: Arc<AtomicI32>,
wasm_state: Arc<Mutex<WasmState>>,
wasm_state: Arc<Mutex<Instance>>,
memory_manager: Arc<MemoryManager>,
events: HashSet<String>,
allocator: Function,
memory: Memory,
name: String,
@ -30,21 +33,8 @@ impl PluginModule {
let module = Module::new(&store, &wasm_data).expect("Can't compile");
// This is the function imported into the wasm environement
fn raw_emit_actions(env: &EmitActionEnv, ptr: u32, len: u32) {
let memory: &Memory = if let Some(e) = env.memory.get_ref() {
} else {
// This should not be possible but I prefer be safer!
tracing::error!("Can't get memory from: `{}` plugin", env.name);
let memory: MemoryView<u8> = memory.view();
let str_slice = &memory[ptr as usize..(ptr + len) as usize];
let bytes: Vec<u8> = str_slice.iter().map(|x| x.get()).collect();
handle_actions(match bincode::deserialize(&bytes) {
fn raw_emit_actions(env: &HostFunctionEnvironement, ptr: u32, len: u32) {
handle_actions(match env.read_data(ptr as i32, len) {
Ok(e) => e,
Err(e) => {
tracing::error!(?e, "Can't decode action");
@ -52,42 +42,14 @@ impl PluginModule {
fn raw_retreive_action(env: &EmitActionEnv, ptr: u32, len: u32) {
let memory: &Memory = if let Some(e) = env.memory.get_ref() {
} else {
// This should not be possible but I prefer be safer!
tracing::error!("Can't get memory from: `{}` plugin", env.name);
let memory: MemoryView<u8> = memory.view();
let str_slice = &memory[ptr as usize..(ptr + len) as usize];
let bytes: Vec<u8> = str_slice.iter().map(|x| x.get()).collect();
let r = env.ecs.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
if r == i32::MAX {
println!("No ECS availible 1");
unsafe {
if let Some(t) = (r as *const World).as_ref() {
println!("We have a pointer there");
} else {
println!("No ECS availible 2");
let ecs = Arc::new(AtomicI32::new(i32::MAX));
let memory_manager = Arc::new(MemoryManager::new());
// Create an import object.
let import_object = imports! {
"env" => {
"raw_emit_actions" => Function::new_native_with_env(&store, EmitActionEnv::new(name.clone(), ecs.clone()), raw_emit_actions),
"raw_retreive_action" => Function::new_native_with_env(&store, EmitActionEnv::new(name.clone(), ecs.clone()), raw_retreive_action),
"raw_emit_actions" => Function::new_native_with_env(&store, HostFunctionEnvironement::new(name.clone(), ecs.clone(),memory_manager.clone()), raw_emit_actions),
@ -95,13 +57,16 @@ impl PluginModule {
let instance = Instance::new(&module, &import_object)
Ok(Self {
memory: instance.exports.get_memory("memory").map_err(PluginModuleError::MemoryUninit)?.clone(),
allocator: instance.exports.get_function("wasm_prepare_buffer").map_err(PluginModuleError::MemoryUninit)?.clone(),
events: instance
.map(|(name, _)| name.to_string())
wasm_state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(WasmState::new(instance))),
wasm_state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(instance)),
@ -123,7 +88,7 @@ impl PluginModule {
self.ecs.store((&ecs) as *const _ as i32, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
let bytes = {
let mut state = self.wasm_state.lock().unwrap();
match execute_raw(&mut state, event_name, &request.bytes) {
match execute_raw(self,&mut state,event_name,&request.bytes) {
Ok(e) => e,
Err(e) => return Some(Err(e)),
@ -133,54 +98,6 @@ impl PluginModule {
/// This is an internal struct used to represent the WASM state when the
/// emit_action function is called
struct EmitActionEnv {
ecs: Arc<AtomicI32>,
memory: LazyInit<Memory>,
name: String,
impl EmitActionEnv {
fn new(name: String,ecs: Arc<AtomicI32>) -> Self {
Self {
memory: LazyInit::new(),
impl WasmerEnv for EmitActionEnv {
fn init_with_instance(&mut self, instance: &Instance) -> Result<(), HostEnvInitError> {
let memory = instance.exports.get_memory("memory").unwrap();
pub struct WasmMemoryContext {
memory_buffer_size: usize,
memory_pointer: i32,
pub struct WasmState {
instance: Instance,
memory: WasmMemoryContext,
impl WasmState {
fn new(instance: Instance) -> Self {
Self {
memory: WasmMemoryContext {
memory_buffer_size: 0,
memory_pointer: 0,
// This structure represent a Pre-encoded event object (Useful to avoid
// reencoding for each module in every plugin)
@ -207,71 +124,30 @@ impl<T: Event> PreparedEventQuery<T> {
// an interface to limit unsafe behaviours
fn execute_raw(
instance: &mut WasmState,
module: &PluginModule,
instance: &mut Instance,
event_name: &str,
bytes: &[u8],
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, PluginModuleError> {
let len = bytes.len();
let mem_position = reserve_wasm_memory_buffer(len, &instance.instance, &mut instance.memory)
.map_err(PluginModuleError::MemoryAllocation)? as usize;
let memory = instance
memory.view()[mem_position..mem_position + len]
.for_each(|(cell, byte)| cell.set(*byte));
let (mem_position,len) = module.memory_manager.write_bytes(&module.memory, &module.allocator, bytes)?;
let func = instance
let mem_position = func
let function_result = func
.call(&[Value::I32(mem_position as i32), Value::I32(len as i32)])
let pointer = function_result[0]
.ok_or_else(PluginModuleError::InvalidArgumentType)? as usize;
let length = function_result[1]
.ok_or_else(PluginModuleError::InvalidArgumentType)? as u32;
let view: MemoryView<u8> = memory.view();
let mut new_len_bytes = [0u8; 4];
// TODO: It is probably better to dirrectly make the new_len_bytes
for i in 0..4 {
new_len_bytes[i] = view.get(i + 1).map(Cell::get).unwrap_or(0);
let len = u32::from_ne_bytes(new_len_bytes) as usize;
Ok(view[mem_position..mem_position + len]
.map(|x| x.get())
fn reserve_wasm_memory_buffer(
size: usize,
instance: &Instance,
context: &mut WasmMemoryContext,
) -> Result<i32, MemoryAllocationError> {
if context.memory_buffer_size >= size {
return Ok(context.memory_pointer);
let pointer = instance
.call(&[Value::I32(size as i32)])
context.memory_buffer_size = size;
context.memory_pointer = pointer[0].i32().unwrap();
Ok(memory_manager::read_bytes(&module.memory, pointer, length))
fn handle_actions(actions: Vec<Action>) {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::atomic::AtomicI32;
use serde::{Serialize, de::DeserializeOwned};
use wasmer::{Function, HostEnvInitError, Instance, LazyInit, Memory, WasmerEnv};
use super::{errors::PluginModuleError, memory_manager::{self, MemoryManager}};
pub struct HostFunctionEnvironement {
pub ecs: Arc<AtomicI32>, // This represent the pointer to the ECS object (set to i32::MAX if to ECS is availible)
pub memory: LazyInit<Memory>, // This object represent the WASM Memory
pub allocator: LazyInit<Function>, // Linked to: wasm_prepare_buffer
pub memory_manager: Arc<MemoryManager>, // This object represent the current buffer size and pointer
pub name: String, // This represent the plugin name
impl HostFunctionEnvironement {
pub fn new(name: String,ecs: Arc<AtomicI32>,memory_manager: Arc<MemoryManager>) -> Self {
Self {
allocator: LazyInit::new(),
memory: LazyInit::new(),
// This function is a safe interface to WASM memory that writes data to the memory returning a pointer and length
pub fn write_data<T: Serialize>(&self, object: &T) -> Result<(i32,u32),PluginModuleError> {
self.memory_manager.write_data(self.memory.get_ref().unwrap(), self.allocator.get_ref().unwrap(), object)
// This function is a safe interface to WASM memory that reads memory from pointer and length returning an object
pub fn read_data<T: DeserializeOwned>(&self, position: i32, length: u32) -> Result<T, bincode::Error> {
memory_manager::read_data(self.memory.get_ref().unwrap(), position, length)
impl WasmerEnv for HostFunctionEnvironement {
fn init_with_instance(&mut self, instance: &Instance) -> Result<(), HostEnvInitError> {
let memory = instance.exports.get_memory("memory").unwrap();
let allocator = instance.exports.get_function("wasm_prepare_buffer").expect("Can't get allocator");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
fn raw_retreive_action(env: &EmitActionEnv, ptr: u32, len: u32) -> (u32, i32) {
let memory: &Memory = if let Some(e) = env.memory.get_ref() {
} else {
// This should not be possible but I prefer be safer!
tracing::error!("Can't get memory from: `{}` plugin", env.name);
return ();
let memory: MemoryView<u8> = memory.view();
let str_slice = &memory[ptr as usize..(ptr + len) as usize];
let bytes: Vec<u8> = str_slice.iter().map(|x| x.get()).collect();
let r = env.ecs.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
if r == i32::MAX {
println!("No ECS availible 1");
unsafe {
if let Some(t) = (r as *const World).as_ref() {
println!("We have a pointer there");
} else {
println!("No ECS availible 2");
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ pub fn event_handler(_args: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let out: proc_macro2::TokenStream = quote! {
pub fn #fn_name(intern__ptr: i32, intern__len: u32) -> i32 {
pub fn #fn_name(intern__ptr: i32, intern__len: u32) -> (i32,i32) {
let input = ::veloren_plugin_rt::read_input(intern__ptr,intern__len).unwrap();
fn inner(#fn_args) #fn_return {
@ -51,13 +51,9 @@ where
bincode::deserialize(slice).map_err(|_| "Failed to deserialize function input")
pub fn write_output(value: impl Serialize) -> i32 {
pub fn write_output(value: impl Serialize) -> (i32,i32) {
let ret = bincode::serialize(&value).expect("Can't serialize event output");
let len = ret.len() as u32;
unsafe {
::std::ptr::write(1 as _, len);
ret.as_ptr() as _
(ret.as_ptr() as _, ret.len() as _)
static mut BUFFERS: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user