Began adding tether visuals

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Barretto 2023-06-06 15:27:52 +01:00
parent 1ac1c900c9
commit 9a72d52c48
14 changed files with 703 additions and 18 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
#version 420 core
#include <constants.glsl>
#include <globals.glsl>
#include <light.glsl>
#include <cloud.glsl>
#include <lod.glsl>
layout(location = 0) in vec3 f_pos;
// in float dummy;
// in vec3 f_col;
// in float f_ao;
// flat in uint f_pos_norm;
layout(location = 1) in vec3 f_norm;
// in float f_alt;
// in vec4 f_shadow;
// in vec3 light_pos[2];
// in vec4 sun_pos;
// const vec4 sun_pos = vec4(0.0);
// #endif
//struct ShadowLocals {
// mat4 shadowMatrices;
// mat4 texture_mat;
//layout (std140)
//uniform u_light_shadows {
// ShadowLocals shadowMats[/*MAX_LAYER_FACES*/192];
layout (std140, set = 2, binding = 0)
uniform u_locals {
vec4 pos_a;
vec4 pos_b;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 tgt_color;
layout(location = 1) out uvec4 tgt_mat;
void main() {
// vec2 texSize = textureSize(t_col_light, 0);
// vec4 col_light = texture(t_col_light, (f_uv_pos + 0.5) / texSize);
// vec3 f_col = col_light.rgb;
// float f_ao = col_light.a;
// vec4 f_col_light = texture(t_col_light, (f_uv_pos + 0.5) / textureSize(t_col_light, 0));
// vec3 f_col = f_col_light.rgb;
// float f_ao = f_col_light.a;
float f_ao = 1.0;
uint material = 0xFFu;
vec3 f_col = vec3(0.1);
tgt_color = vec4(simple_lighting(, f_col, f_ao), 1);
// float /*f_light*/f_ao = textureProj(t_col_light, vec3(f_uv_pos, texSize)).a;//1.0;//f_col_light.a * 4.0;// f_light = float(v_col_light & 0x3Fu) / 64.0;
// vec3 my_chunk_pos = (vec3((uvec3(f_pos_norm) >> uvec3(0, 9, 18)) & uvec3(0x1FFu)) - 256.0) / 2.0;
// tgt_color = vec4(hash(floor(vec4(my_chunk_pos.x, 0, 0, 0))), hash(floor(vec4(0, my_chunk_pos.y, 0, 1))), hash(floor(vec4(0, 0, my_chunk_pos.z, 2))), 1.0);
// float f_ao = 0;
// tgt_color = vec4(vec3(f_ao), 1.0);
// tgt_color = vec4(f_col, 1.0);
// return;
// vec3 du = dFdx(f_pos);
// vec3 dv = dFdy(f_pos);
// vec3 f_norm = normalize(cross(du, dv));
// vec4 light_pos[2];
// // for (uint i = 0u; i < light_shadow_count.z; ++i) {
// // light_pos[i] = /*vec3(*/shadowMats[i].texture_mat * vec4(f_pos, 1.0)/*)*/;
// // }
// vec4 sun_pos = /*vec3(*/shadowMats[0].texture_mat * vec4(f_pos, 1.0)/*)*/;
// vec4 sun_pos = vec4(0.0);
vec3 cam_to_frag = normalize(f_pos -;
// vec4 vert_pos4 = view_mat * vec4(f_pos, 1.0);
// vec3 view_dir = normalize(-vec3(vert_pos4)/* / vert_pos4.w*/);
vec3 view_dir = -cam_to_frag;
/* vec3 sun_dir = get_sun_dir(time_of_day.x);
vec3 moon_dir = get_moon_dir(time_of_day.x); */
// float sun_light = get_sun_brightness(sun_dir);
// float moon_light = get_moon_brightness(moon_dir);
/* float sun_shade_frac = horizon_at(f_pos, sun_dir);
float moon_shade_frac = horizon_at(f_pos, moon_dir); */
float f_alt = alt_at(f_pos.xy);
float f_alt = f_pos.z;
vec4 f_shadow = textureBicubic(t_horizon, s_horizon, pos_to_tex(f_pos.xy));
float sun_shade_frac = horizon_at2(f_shadow, f_alt, f_pos, sun_dir);
float sun_shade_frac = 1.0;//horizon_at2(f_shadow, f_alt, f_pos, sun_dir);
float moon_shade_frac = 1.0;// horizon_at2(f_shadow, f_alt, f_pos, moon_dir);
// Globbal illumination "estimate" used to light the faces of voxels which are parallel to the sun or moon (which is a very common occurrence).
// Will be attenuated by k_d, which is assumed to carry any additional ambient occlusion information (e.g. about shadowing).
// float ambient_sides = clamp(mix(0.5, 0.0, abs(dot(-f_norm, sun_dir)) * 10000.0), 0.0, 0.5);
// NOTE: current assumption is that moon and sun shouldn't be out at the sae time.
// This assumption is (or can at least easily be) wrong, but if we pretend it's true we avoids having to explicitly pass in a separate shadow
// for the sun and moon (since they have different brightnesses / colors so the shadows shouldn't attenuate equally).
// float shade_frac = /*1.0;*/sun_shade_frac + moon_shade_frac;
// DirectionalLight sun_info = get_sun_info(sun_dir, sun_shade_frac, light_pos);
DirectionalLight sun_info = get_sun_info(sun_dir, sun_shade_frac, /*sun_pos*/f_pos);
DirectionalLight moon_info = get_moon_info(moon_dir, moon_shade_frac/*, light_pos*/);
vec3 surf_color = f_col;
float alpha = 1.0;
const float n2 = 1.5;
const float R_s2s0 = pow((1.0 - n2) / (1.0 + n2), 2);
const float R_s1s0 = pow((1.3325 - n2) / (1.3325 + n2), 2);
const float R_s2s1 = pow((1.0 - 1.3325) / (1.0 + 1.3325), 2);
const float R_s1s2 = pow((1.3325 - 1.0) / (1.3325 + 1.0), 2);
float R_s = (f_pos.z < f_alt) ? mix(R_s2s1 * R_s1s0, R_s1s0, medium.x) : mix(R_s2s0, R_s1s2 * R_s2s0, medium.x);
vec3 k_a = vec3(1.0);
vec3 k_d = vec3(1.0);
vec3 k_s = vec3(R_s);
vec3 emitted_light, reflected_light;
// vec3 light_frac = /*vec3(1.0);*//*vec3(max(dot(f_norm, -sun_dir) * 0.5 + 0.5, 0.0));*/light_reflection_factor(f_norm, view_dir, vec3(0, 0, -1.0), vec3(1.0), vec3(R_s), alpha);
// vec3 point_light = light_at(f_pos, f_norm);
// vec3 light, diffuse_light, ambient_light;
//get_sun_diffuse(f_norm, time_of_day.x, view_dir, k_a * point_shadow * (shade_frac * 0.5 + light_frac * 0.5), k_d * point_shadow * shade_frac, k_s * point_shadow * shade_frac, alpha, emitted_light, reflected_light);
float max_light = 0.0;
// reflected_light *= point_shadow * shade_frac;
// emitted_light *= point_shadow * max(shade_frac, MIN_SHADOW);
// max_light *= point_shadow * shade_frac;
// reflected_light *= point_shadow;
// emitted_light *= point_shadow;
// max_light *= point_shadow;
vec3 cam_attenuation = vec3(1);
float fluid_alt = max(f_pos.z + 1, floor(f_alt + 1));
vec3 mu = medium.x == MEDIUM_WATER ? MU_WATER : vec3(0.0);
cam_attenuation =
medium.x == MEDIUM_WATER ? compute_attenuation_point(, view_dir, mu, fluid_alt, /*cam_pos.z <= fluid_alt ? : f_pos*/f_pos)
: compute_attenuation_point(f_pos, -view_dir, mu, fluid_alt, /*cam_pos.z <= fluid_alt ? : f_pos*/;
// Prevent the sky affecting light when underground
float not_underground = clamp((f_pos.z - f_alt) / 128.0 + 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
max_light += get_sun_diffuse2(sun_info, moon_info, f_norm, view_dir, f_pos, mu, cam_attenuation, fluid_alt, k_a, k_d, k_s, alpha, f_norm, 1.0, emitted_light, reflected_light);
max_light += lights_at(f_pos, f_norm, view_dir, mu, cam_attenuation, fluid_alt, k_a, k_d, k_s, alpha, f_norm, 1.0, emitted_light, reflected_light);
// TODO: Hack to add a small amount of underground ambient light to the scene
reflected_light += vec3(0.01, 0.02, 0.03) * (1.0 - not_underground);
// Apply baked AO
float ao = f_ao * sqrt(f_ao);//0.25 + f_ao * 0.75; ///*pow(f_ao, 0.5)*/f_ao * 0.85 + 0.15;
reflected_light *= ao;
emitted_light *= ao;
// Apply point light AO
float point_shadow = shadow_at(f_pos, f_norm);
reflected_light *= point_shadow;
emitted_light *= point_shadow;
// Apply emissive glow
// For now, just make glowing material light be the same colour as the surface
// TODO: Add a way to control this better outside the shaders
if ((material & (1u << 0u)) > 0u) {
emitted_light += 20 * surf_color;
/* reflected_light *= cloud_shadow(f_pos); */
/* vec3 point_light = light_at(f_pos, f_norm);
emitted_light += point_light;
reflected_light += point_light; */
// get_sun_diffuse(f_norm, time_of_day.x, cam_to_frag, surf_color * f_light * point_shadow, 0.5 * surf_color * f_light * point_shadow, 0.5 * surf_color * f_light * point_shadow, 2.0, emitted_light, reflected_light);
// get_sun_diffuse(f_norm, time_of_day.x, light, diffuse_light, ambient_light, 1.0);
// diffuse_light *= point_shadow;
// ambient_light *= point_shadow;
// vec3 point_light = light_at(f_pos, f_norm);
// light += point_light;
// diffuse_light += point_light;
// reflected_light += point_light;
// vec3 surf_color = illuminate(srgb_to_linear(highlight_col.rgb * f_col), light, diffuse_light, ambient_light);
float reflectance = 0.0;
// TODO: Do reflectance properly like this later
vec3 reflect_color = vec3(0);
if ((material & (1u << 1u)) > 0u && false) {
vec3 reflect_ray_dir = reflect(cam_to_frag, f_norm);
reflect_color = get_sky_color(reflect_ray_dir, time_of_day.x, f_pos, vec3(-100000), 0.125, true);
reflect_color = get_cloud_color(reflect_color, reflect_ray_dir,, time_of_day.x, 100000.0, 0.25);
reflectance = 1.0;
surf_color = illuminate(max_light, view_dir, mix(surf_color * emitted_light, reflect_color, reflectance), mix(surf_color * reflected_light, reflect_color, reflectance));
// if ((flags & 1) == 1 && int(cam_mode) == 1) {
// float distance = distance(vec3(cam_pos), - 2;
// float opacity = clamp(distance / distance_divider, 0, 1);
// // if(threshold_matrix[int(gl_FragCoord.x) % 4][int(gl_FragCoord.y) % 4] > opacity) {
// // discard;
// // return;
// // }
// }
tgt_color = vec4(surf_color, 1.0);
tgt_mat = uvec4(uvec3((f_norm + 1.0) * 127.0), MAT_FIGURE);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#version 420 core
#include <constants.glsl>
#include <globals.glsl>
layout(location = 0) in vec3 v_pos;
layout(location = 1) in vec3 v_norm;
layout (std140, set = 2, binding = 0)
uniform u_locals {
vec4 pos_a;
vec4 pos_b;
layout(location = 0) out vec3 f_pos;
layout(location = 1) out vec3 f_norm;
void main() {
vec3 pos = + v_pos * vec3(1, 1, 5);
f_pos = pos +;
f_pos.z -= pow(distance(f_pos.xy + focus_off.xy, focus_pos.xy + focus_off.xy) * 0.05, 2);
f_norm = v_norm;
gl_Position = all_mat * vec4(f_pos, 1);

View File

@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ macro_rules! synced_components {
is_mount: IsMount,
is_rider: IsRider,
is_volume_rider: IsVolumeRider,
is_leader: IsLeader,
is_follower: IsFollower,
mass: Mass,
density: Density,
collider: Collider,
@ -73,8 +75,12 @@ macro_rules! reexport_comps {
($($name:ident: $type:ident,)*) => {
mod inner {
pub use common::comp::*;
use common::link::Is;
use common::mounting::{Mount, Rider, VolumeRider};
use common::link::Is
use common::{
mounting::{Mount, Rider, VolumeRider},
tether::{Leader, Follower},
// We alias these because the identifier used for the
// component's type is reused as an enum variant name
// in the macro's that we pass to `synced_components!`.
@ -84,6 +90,8 @@ macro_rules! reexport_comps {
pub type IsMount = Is<Mount>;
pub type IsRider = Is<Rider>;
pub type IsVolumeRider = Is<VolumeRider>;
pub type IsLeader = Is<Leader>;
pub type IsFollower = Is<Follower>;
// Re-export all the component types. So that uses of `synced_components!` outside this
@ -182,6 +190,14 @@ impl NetSync for IsVolumeRider {
const SYNC_FROM: SyncFrom = SyncFrom::AnyEntity;
impl NetSync for IsLeader {
const SYNC_FROM: SyncFrom = SyncFrom::AnyEntity;
impl NetSync for IsFollower {
const SYNC_FROM: SyncFrom = SyncFrom::AnyEntity;
impl NetSync for Mass {
const SYNC_FROM: SyncFrom = SyncFrom::AnyEntity;

View File

@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ impl Body {
Body::DefaultAirship | Body::AirBalloon | Body::Volume => Density(AIR_DENSITY),
Body::Submarine => Density(WATER_DENSITY), // Neutrally buoyant
Body::Carriage => Density(WATER_DENSITY * 0.5),
Body::Cart => Density(500.0 / self.dimensions().product()), /* Carts get a constant
* mass */
Body::Cart => Density(500.0 / self.dimensions().product()), /* Carts get a constant */
// mass
_ => Density(AIR_DENSITY * 0.95 + WATER_DENSITY * 0.05), /* Most boats should be very
* buoyant */

View File

@ -151,9 +151,9 @@ impl<V: Vertex> FromIterator<Quad<V>> for Mesh<V> {
/// Represents a triangle stored on the CPU.
pub struct Tri<V: Vertex> {
a: V,
b: V,
c: V,
pub a: V,
pub b: V,
pub c: V,
impl<V: Vertex> Tri<V> {
@ -162,10 +162,10 @@ impl<V: Vertex> Tri<V> {
/// Represents a quad stored on the CPU.
pub struct Quad<V: Vertex> {
a: V,
b: V,
c: V,
d: V,
pub a: V,
pub b: V,
pub c: V,
pub d: V,
impl<V: Vertex> Quad<V> {

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ pub mod shadow;
pub mod skybox;
pub mod sprite;
pub mod terrain;
pub mod tether;
pub mod trail;
pub mod ui;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
use super::super::{AaMode, Bound, Consts, GlobalsLayouts, Vertex as VertexTrait};
use bytemuck::{Pod, Zeroable};
use std::mem;
use vek::*;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Zeroable, Pod)]
pub struct Locals {
pos_a: [f32; 4],
pos_b: [f32; 4],
impl Locals {
pub fn new(pos_a: Vec3<f32>, pos_b: Vec3<f32>) -> Self {
Self {
pos_a: pos_a.with_w(0.0).into_array(),
pos_b: pos_b.with_w(0.0).into_array(),
impl Default for Locals {
fn default() -> Self { Self::new(Vec3::zero(), Vec3::zero()) }
pub type BoundLocals = Bound<Consts<Locals>>;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Zeroable, Pod)]
pub struct Vertex {
pub pos: [f32; 3],
pub norm: [f32; 3],
impl Vertex {
pub fn new(pos: Vec3<f32>, norm: Vec3<f32>) -> Self {
Self {
pos: pos.into_array(),
norm: norm.into_array(),
fn desc<'a>() -> wgpu::VertexBufferLayout<'a> {
const ATTRIBUTES: [wgpu::VertexAttribute; 2] =
wgpu::vertex_attr_array![0 => Float32x3, 1 => Float32x3];
wgpu::VertexBufferLayout {
array_stride: Self::STRIDE,
step_mode: wgpu::InputStepMode::Vertex,
attributes: &ATTRIBUTES,
impl VertexTrait for Vertex {
const QUADS_INDEX: Option<wgpu::IndexFormat> = Some(wgpu::IndexFormat::Uint16);
const STRIDE: wgpu::BufferAddress = mem::size_of::<Self>() as wgpu::BufferAddress;
pub struct TetherLayout {
pub locals: wgpu::BindGroupLayout,
impl TetherLayout {
pub fn new(device: &wgpu::Device) -> Self {
Self {
locals: device.create_bind_group_layout(&wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
label: None,
entries: &[
// locals
wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 0,
visibility: wgpu::ShaderStage::VERTEX | wgpu::ShaderStage::FRAGMENT,
ty: wgpu::BindingType::Buffer {
ty: wgpu::BufferBindingType::Uniform,
has_dynamic_offset: false,
min_binding_size: None,
count: None,
pub fn bind_locals(&self, device: &wgpu::Device, locals: Consts<Locals>) -> BoundLocals {
let bind_group = device.create_bind_group(&wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
label: None,
layout: &self.locals,
entries: &[wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 0,
resource: locals.buf().as_entire_binding(),
BoundLocals {
with: locals,
pub struct TetherPipeline {
pub pipeline: wgpu::RenderPipeline,
impl TetherPipeline {
pub fn new(
device: &wgpu::Device,
vs_module: &wgpu::ShaderModule,
fs_module: &wgpu::ShaderModule,
global_layout: &GlobalsLayouts,
layout: &TetherLayout,
aa_mode: AaMode,
) -> Self {
common_base::span!(_guard, "TetherPipeline::new");
let render_pipeline_layout =
device.create_pipeline_layout(&wgpu::PipelineLayoutDescriptor {
label: Some("Tether pipeline layout"),
push_constant_ranges: &[],
bind_group_layouts: &[
let samples = aa_mode.samples();
let render_pipeline = device.create_render_pipeline(&wgpu::RenderPipelineDescriptor {
label: Some("Tether pipeline"),
layout: Some(&render_pipeline_layout),
vertex: wgpu::VertexState {
module: vs_module,
entry_point: "main",
buffers: &[Vertex::desc()],
primitive: wgpu::PrimitiveState {
topology: wgpu::PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList,
strip_index_format: None,
front_face: wgpu::FrontFace::Ccw,
cull_mode: Some(wgpu::Face::Back),
clamp_depth: false,
polygon_mode: wgpu::PolygonMode::Fill,
conservative: false,
depth_stencil: Some(wgpu::DepthStencilState {
format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth32Float,
depth_write_enabled: true,
depth_compare: wgpu::CompareFunction::GreaterEqual,
stencil: wgpu::StencilState {
front: wgpu::StencilFaceState::IGNORE,
back: wgpu::StencilFaceState::IGNORE,
read_mask: !0,
write_mask: !0,
bias: wgpu::DepthBiasState {
constant: 0,
slope_scale: 0.0,
clamp: 0.0,
multisample: wgpu::MultisampleState {
count: samples,
mask: !0,
alpha_to_coverage_enabled: false,
fragment: Some(wgpu::FragmentState {
module: fs_module,
entry_point: "main",
targets: &[
wgpu::ColorTargetState {
// TODO: use a constant and/or pass in this format on pipeline construction
format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba16Float,
blend: Some(wgpu::BlendState {
color: wgpu::BlendComponent {
src_factor: wgpu::BlendFactor::SrcAlpha,
dst_factor: wgpu::BlendFactor::OneMinusSrcAlpha,
operation: wgpu::BlendOperation::Add,
alpha: wgpu::BlendComponent {
src_factor: wgpu::BlendFactor::One,
dst_factor: wgpu::BlendFactor::One,
operation: wgpu::BlendOperation::Add,
write_mask: wgpu::ColorWrite::ALL,
wgpu::ColorTargetState {
format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8Uint,
blend: None,
write_mask: wgpu::ColorWrite::ALL,
Self {
pipeline: render_pipeline,

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ use super::{
model::{DynamicModel, Model},
blit, bloom, clouds, debug, figure, postprocess, rain_occlusion, shadow, sprite, terrain,
ui, GlobalsBindGroup, GlobalsLayouts, ShadowTexturesBindGroup,
tether, ui, GlobalsBindGroup, GlobalsLayouts, ShadowTexturesBindGroup,
AddressMode, FilterMode, OtherModes, PipelineModes, RenderError, RenderMode, ShadowMapMode,
@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ struct ImmutableLayouts {
rain_occlusion: rain_occlusion::RainOcclusionLayout,
sprite: sprite::SpriteLayout,
terrain: terrain::TerrainLayout,
tether: tether::TetherLayout,
clouds: clouds::CloudsLayout,
bloom: bloom::BloomLayout,
ui: ui::UiLayout,
@ -383,6 +384,7 @@ impl Renderer {
let rain_occlusion = rain_occlusion::RainOcclusionLayout::new(&device);
let sprite = sprite::SpriteLayout::new(&device);
let terrain = terrain::TerrainLayout::new(&device);
let tether = tether::TetherLayout::new(&device);
let clouds = clouds::CloudsLayout::new(&device);
let bloom = bloom::BloomLayout::new(&device);
let postprocess = Arc::new(postprocess::PostProcessLayout::new(
@ -402,6 +404,7 @@ impl Renderer {

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use crate::render::pipelines::rain_occlusion;
use super::{
debug, figure, lod_terrain, shadow, sprite, terrain, ui, AtlasTextures,
debug, figure, lod_terrain, shadow, sprite, terrain, tether, ui, AtlasTextures,
FigureSpriteAtlasData, GlobalModel, GlobalsBindGroup, TerrainAtlasData,
@ -67,6 +67,11 @@ impl Renderer {
.bind_locals(&self.device, locals, bone_data)
pub fn create_tether_bound_locals(&mut self, locals: &[tether::Locals]) -> tether::BoundLocals {
let locals = self.create_consts(locals);
self.layouts.tether.bind_locals(&self.device, locals)
pub fn create_terrain_bound_locals(
&mut self,
locals: &[terrain::Locals],

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use super::{
model::{DynamicModel, Model, SubModel},
blit, bloom, clouds, debug, figure, fluid, lod_object, lod_terrain, particle, shadow,
skybox, sprite, terrain, trail, ui, AtlasTextures, FigureSpriteAtlasData,
skybox, sprite, terrain, tether, trail, ui, AtlasTextures, FigureSpriteAtlasData,
GlobalsBindGroup, TerrainAtlasData,
AltIndices, CullingMode,
@ -966,6 +966,15 @@ impl<'pass> FirstPassDrawer<'pass> {
ParticleDrawer { render_pass }
pub fn draw_tethers(&mut self) -> TetherDrawer<'_, 'pass> {
let mut render_pass = self.render_pass.scope("tethers", self.borrow.device);
set_quad_index_buffer::<tether::Vertex>(&mut render_pass, self.borrow);
TetherDrawer { render_pass }
pub fn draw_sprites<'data: 'pass>(
&mut self,
globals: &'data sprite::SpriteGlobalsBindGroup,
@ -1111,6 +1120,28 @@ impl<'pass_ref, 'pass: 'pass_ref> ParticleDrawer<'pass_ref, 'pass> {
pub struct TetherDrawer<'pass_ref, 'pass: 'pass_ref> {
render_pass: Scope<'pass_ref, wgpu::RenderPass<'pass>>,
impl<'pass_ref, 'pass: 'pass_ref> TetherDrawer<'pass_ref, 'pass> {
// Note: if we ever need to draw less than the whole model, these APIs can be
// changed
pub fn draw<'data: 'pass>(
&mut self,
model: &'data Model<tether::Vertex>,
locals: &'data tether::BoundLocals,
) {
self.render_pass.set_vertex_buffer(0, model.buf().slice(..));
self.render_pass.set_bind_group(2, &locals.bind_group, &[]);
// TODO: since we cast to u32 maybe this should returned by the len/count
// functions?
.draw_indexed(0..model.len() as u32 / 4 * 6, 0, 0..1);
pub struct SpriteDrawer<'pass_ref, 'pass: 'pass_ref> {
render_pass: Scope<'pass_ref, wgpu::RenderPass<'pass>>,

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use super::{
blit, bloom, clouds, debug, figure, fluid, lod_object, lod_terrain, particle,
postprocess, shadow, skybox, sprite, terrain, trail, ui,
postprocess, shadow, skybox, sprite, terrain, tether, trail, ui,
AaMode, BloomMode, CloudMode, FluidMode, LightingMode, PipelineModes, ReflectionMode,
RenderError, ShadowMode,
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ pub struct Pipelines {
pub fluid: fluid::FluidPipeline,
pub lod_terrain: lod_terrain::LodTerrainPipeline,
pub particle: particle::ParticlePipeline,
pub tether: tether::TetherPipeline,
pub trail: trail::TrailPipeline,
pub clouds: clouds::CloudsPipeline,
pub bloom: Option<bloom::BloomPipelines>,
@ -46,6 +47,7 @@ pub struct IngamePipelines {
fluid: fluid::FluidPipeline,
lod_terrain: lod_terrain::LodTerrainPipeline,
particle: particle::ParticlePipeline,
tether: tether::TetherPipeline,
trail: trail::TrailPipeline,
clouds: clouds::CloudsPipeline,
pub bloom: Option<bloom::BloomPipelines>,
@ -93,6 +95,7 @@ impl Pipelines {
fluid: ingame.fluid,
lod_terrain: ingame.lod_terrain,
particle: ingame.particle,
tether: ingame.tether,
trail: ingame.trail,
clouds: ingame.clouds,
bloom: ingame.bloom,
@ -127,6 +130,8 @@ struct ShaderModules {
lod_object_frag: wgpu::ShaderModule,
particle_vert: wgpu::ShaderModule,
particle_frag: wgpu::ShaderModule,
tether_vert: wgpu::ShaderModule,
tether_frag: wgpu::ShaderModule,
trail_vert: wgpu::ShaderModule,
trail_frag: wgpu::ShaderModule,
ui_vert: wgpu::ShaderModule,
@ -339,6 +344,8 @@ impl ShaderModules {
lod_object_frag: create_shader("lod-object-frag", ShaderKind::Fragment)?,
particle_vert: create_shader("particle-vert", ShaderKind::Vertex)?,
particle_frag: create_shader("particle-frag", ShaderKind::Fragment)?,
tether_vert: create_shader("tether-vert", ShaderKind::Vertex)?,
tether_frag: create_shader("tether-frag", ShaderKind::Fragment)?,
trail_vert: create_shader("trail-vert", ShaderKind::Vertex)?,
trail_frag: create_shader("trail-frag", ShaderKind::Fragment)?,
ui_vert: create_shader("ui-vert", ShaderKind::Vertex)?,
@ -500,7 +507,7 @@ fn create_ingame_and_shadow_pipelines(
needs: PipelineNeeds,
pool: &rayon::ThreadPool,
// TODO: Reduce the boilerplate in this file
tasks: [Task; 19],
tasks: [Task; 20],
) -> IngameAndShadowPipelines {
prof_span!(_guard, "create_ingame_and_shadow_pipelines");
@ -521,6 +528,7 @@ fn create_ingame_and_shadow_pipelines(
@ -665,6 +673,22 @@ fn create_ingame_and_shadow_pipelines(
"particle pipeline creation",
// Pipeline for rendering tethers
let create_tether = || {
|| {
"tether pipeline creation",
// Pipeline for rendering weapon trails
let create_trail = || {
@ -888,6 +912,7 @@ fn create_ingame_and_shadow_pipelines(
let j8 = create_tether;
// Ignore this
let (
@ -900,11 +925,14 @@ fn create_ingame_and_shadow_pipelines(
(postprocess, point_shadow),
(terrain_directed_shadow, (figure_directed_shadow, debug_directed_shadow)),
(lod_object, (terrain_directed_rain_occlusion, figure_directed_rain_occlusion)),
(lod_object, (terrain_directed_rain_occlusion, figure_directed_rain_occlusion)),
) = pool.join(
|| pool.join(|| pool.join(j1, j2), || pool.join(j3, j4)),
|| pool.join(|| pool.join(j5, j6), j7),
|| pool.join(|| pool.join(j5, j6), || pool.join(j7, j8)),
IngameAndShadowPipelines {
@ -914,6 +942,7 @@ fn create_ingame_and_shadow_pipelines(

View File

@ -59,6 +59,8 @@ impl assets::Compound for Shaders {

View File

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ pub mod particle;
pub mod simple;
pub mod smoke_cycle;
pub mod terrain;
pub mod tether;
pub mod trail;
pub use self::{
@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ pub use self::{
terrain::{SpriteRenderContextLazy, Terrain},
use crate::{
@ -105,6 +107,7 @@ pub struct Scene {
particle_mgr: ParticleMgr,
trail_mgr: TrailMgr,
figure_mgr: FigureMgr,
tether_mgr: TetherMgr,
pub sfx_mgr: SfxMgr,
pub music_mgr: MusicMgr,
ambient_mgr: AmbientMgr,
@ -340,6 +343,7 @@ impl Scene {
particle_mgr: ParticleMgr::new(renderer),
trail_mgr: TrailMgr::default(),
figure_mgr: FigureMgr::new(renderer),
tether_mgr: TetherMgr::new(renderer),
sfx_mgr: SfxMgr::default(),
music_mgr: MusicMgr::new(&calendar),
ambient_mgr: AmbientMgr {
@ -880,6 +884,9 @@ impl Scene {
// Maintain LoD.
self.lod.maintain(renderer, client, focus_pos, &;
// Maintain tethers.
self.tether_mgr.maintain(renderer, client, focus_pos);
// Maintain debug shapes
@ -1439,6 +1446,9 @@ impl Scene {
// Render tethers.
self.tether_mgr.render(&mut first_pass);
// Draws translucent
self.terrain.render_translucent(&mut first_pass, focus_pos);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
use crate::{
pipelines::tether::{BoundLocals, Locals, Vertex},
Consts, CullingMode, FirstPassDrawer, Instances, LodObjectInstance, LodObjectVertex, Mesh,
Model, Quad, Renderer, Tri,
scene::{camera, Camera},
use client::Client;
use common::{
assets::{AssetExt, ObjAsset},
use hashbrown::HashMap;
use specs::Join;
use vek::*;
pub struct TetherMgr {
model: Model<Vertex>,
stale_flag: bool,
tethers: HashMap<(Uid, Uid), (BoundLocals, bool)>,
impl TetherMgr {
pub fn new(renderer: &mut Renderer) -> Self {
Self {
model: renderer.create_model(&create_tether_mesh()).unwrap(),
stale_flag: true,
tethers: HashMap::default(),
pub fn maintain(&mut self, renderer: &mut Renderer, client: &Client, focus_off: Vec3<f32>) {
let positions = client.state().read_storage::<comp::Pos>();
let is_followers = client.state().read_storage::<Is<Follower>>();
for (pos, is_follower) in (&positions, &is_followers).join() {
let (locals, stale_flag) = self
.entry((is_follower.leader, is_follower.follower))
.or_insert_with(|| {
pos.0 - focus_off,
pos.0 - focus_off,
renderer.update_consts(locals, &[Locals::new(pos.0 - focus_off, pos.0 - focus_off)]);
*stale_flag = self.stale_flag;
self.tethers.retain(|_, (_, flag)| *flag == self.stale_flag);
self.stale_flag ^= true;
pub fn render<'a>(&'a self, drawer: &mut FirstPassDrawer<'a>) {
let mut tether_drawer = drawer.draw_tethers();
for (locals, _) in self.tethers.values() {
tether_drawer.draw(&self.model, locals);
fn create_tether_mesh() -> Mesh<Vertex> {
const SEGMENTS: usize = 10;
const RADIAL_SEGMENTS: usize = 6;
.flat_map(|i| {
let at_angle = |x: f32| {
let theta = x / RADIAL_SEGMENTS as f32 * std::f32::consts::TAU;
Vec2::new(theta.sin(), theta.cos())
let start = at_angle(i as f32);
let end = at_angle(i as f32 + 1.0);
(0..SEGMENTS).map(move |s| {
let z = s as f32 / SEGMENTS as f32;
Quad {
a: Vertex::new(start.with_z(z), start.with_z(0.0)),
b: Vertex::new(start.with_z(z + 1.0), start.with_z(0.0)),
c: Vertex::new(end.with_z(z + 1.0), end.with_z(0.0)),
d: Vertex::new(end.with_z(z), end.with_z(0.0)),