Ori: add tests, rename to_vec() => look_vec(); Dir: add methods, normalize on rot

This commit is contained in:
Ludvig Böklin 2021-02-09 13:28:51 +01:00
parent 569234351b
commit b151f88b63
7 changed files with 179 additions and 38 deletions

Cargo.lock generated
View File

@ -6055,6 +6055,7 @@ dependencies = [
name = "veloren-common"
version = "0.8.0"
dependencies = [
"approx 0.4.0",

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ bin_csv = ["csv", "structopt"]
default = ["simd"]
approx = "0.4.0"
arraygen = "0.1.13"
crossbeam-utils = "0.8.1"
crossbeam-channel = "0.5"

View File

@ -18,8 +18,12 @@ impl Default for Ori {
impl Ori {
pub fn new(quat: Quaternion<f32>) -> Self {
let v4 = quat.into_vec4();
@ -31,11 +35,16 @@ impl Ori {
pub fn to_vec(self) -> Vec3<f32> { *self.look_dir() }
/// Look direction as a vector (no pedantic normalization performed)
pub fn look_vec(self) -> Vec3<f32> { self.to_quat() * *Dir::default() }
pub fn to_quat(self) -> Quaternion<f32> { self.0 }
pub fn to_quat(self) -> Quaternion<f32> {
pub fn look_dir(&self) -> Dir { Dir::new(self.0 * *Dir::default()) }
/// Look direction (as a Dir it is pedantically normalized)
pub fn look_dir(&self) -> Dir { self.to_quat() * Dir::default() }
pub fn up(&self) -> Dir { self.pitched_up(PI / 2.0).look_dir() }
@ -53,26 +62,86 @@ impl Ori {
/// Multiply rotation quaternion by `q`
/// (the rotations are in local vector space).
pub fn rotated(self, q: Quaternion<f32>) -> Self { Self((self.0 * q).normalized()) }
/// ```
/// use vek::{Quaternion, Vec3};
/// use veloren_common::{comp::Ori, util::Dir};
/// let ang = 90_f32.to_radians();
/// let roll_right = Quaternion::rotation_y(ang);
/// let pitch_up = Quaternion::rotation_x(ang);
/// let ori1 = Ori::from(Dir::new(Vec3::unit_x()));
/// let ori2 = Ori::default().rotated(roll_right).rotated(pitch_up);
/// assert!((ori1.look_dir().dot(*ori2.look_dir()) - 1.0).abs() <= std::f32::EPSILON);
/// ```
pub fn rotated(self, q: Quaternion<f32>) -> Self {
Self((self.to_quat() * q.normalized()).normalized())
/// Premultiply rotation quaternion by `q`
/// (the rotations are in global vector space).
pub fn prerotated(self, q: Quaternion<f32>) -> Self { Self((q * self.0).normalized()) }
/// ```
/// use vek::{Quaternion, Vec3};
/// use veloren_common::{comp::Ori, util::Dir};
/// let ang = 90_f32.to_radians();
/// let roll_right = Quaternion::rotation_y(ang);
/// let pitch_up = Quaternion::rotation_x(ang);
/// let ori1 = Ori::from(Dir::up());
/// let ori2 = Ori::default().prerotated(roll_right).prerotated(pitch_up);
/// assert!((ori1.look_dir().dot(*ori2.look_dir()) - 1.0).abs() <= std::f32::EPSILON);
/// ```
pub fn prerotated(self, q: Quaternion<f32>) -> Self {
Self((q.normalized() * self.to_quat()).normalized())
/// Take `global` into this Ori's local vector space
/// ```
/// use vek::Vec3;
/// use veloren_common::{comp::Ori, util::Dir};
/// let ang = 90_f32.to_radians();
/// let (fw, left, up) = (Dir::default(), Dir::left(), Dir::up());
/// let ori = Ori::default().rolled_left(ang).pitched_up(ang);
/// approx::assert_relative_eq!(ori.global_to_local(fw).dot(*-up), 1.0);
/// approx::assert_relative_eq!(ori.global_to_local(left).dot(*fw), 1.0);
/// let ori = Ori::default().rolled_right(ang).pitched_up(2.0 * ang);
/// approx::assert_relative_eq!(ori.global_to_local(up).dot(*left), 1.0);
/// ```
pub fn global_to_local<T>(&self, global: T) -> <Quaternion<f32> as std::ops::Mul<T>>::Output
Quaternion<f32>: std::ops::Mul<T>,
self.0.inverse() * global
self.to_quat().inverse() * global
/// Take `local` into the global vector space
/// ```
/// use vek::Vec3;
/// use veloren_common::{comp::Ori, util::Dir};
/// let ang = 90_f32.to_radians();
/// let (fw, left, up) = (Dir::default(), Dir::left(), Dir::up());
/// let ori = Ori::default().rolled_left(ang).pitched_up(ang);
/// approx::assert_relative_eq!(ori.local_to_global(fw).dot(*left), 1.0);
/// approx::assert_relative_eq!(ori.local_to_global(left).dot(*-up), 1.0);
/// let ori = Ori::default().rolled_right(ang).pitched_up(2.0 * ang);
/// approx::assert_relative_eq!(ori.local_to_global(up).dot(*left), 1.0);
/// ```
pub fn local_to_global<T>(&self, local: T) -> <Quaternion<f32> as std::ops::Mul<T>>::Output
Quaternion<f32>: std::ops::Mul<T>,
self.0 * local
self.to_quat() * local
pub fn pitched_up(self, angle_radians: f32) -> Self {
@ -101,7 +170,6 @@ impl Ori {
/// Returns a version without sideways tilt (roll)
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// use veloren_common::comp::Ori;
@ -109,21 +177,21 @@ impl Ori {
/// let zenith = vek::Vec3::unit_z();
/// let rl = Ori::default().rolled_left(ang);
/// assert!((rl.up().angle_between(zenith) - ang).abs() < std::f32::EPSILON);
/// assert!(rl.uprighted().up().angle_between(zenith) < std::f32::EPSILON);
/// assert!((rl.up().angle_between(zenith) - ang).abs() <= std::f32::EPSILON);
/// assert!(rl.uprighted().up().angle_between(zenith) <= std::f32::EPSILON);
/// let pd_rr = Ori::default().pitched_down(ang).rolled_right(ang);
/// let pd_upr = pd_rr.uprighted();
/// assert!((pd_upr.up().angle_between(zenith) - ang).abs() < std::f32::EPSILON);
/// assert!((pd_upr.up().angle_between(zenith) - ang).abs() <= std::f32::EPSILON);
/// let ang1 = pd_upr.rolled_right(ang).up().angle_between(zenith);
/// let ang2 = pd_rr.up().angle_between(zenith);
/// assert!((ang1 - ang2).abs() < std::f32::EPSILON);
/// assert!((ang1 - ang2).abs() <= std::f32::EPSILON);
/// ```
pub fn uprighted(self) -> Self {
let fw = self.look_dir();
match Dir::new(Vec3::unit_z()).projected(&Plane::from(fw)) {
match Dir::up().projected(&Plane::from(fw)) {
Some(dir_p) => {
let up = self.up();
let go_right_s = fw.cross(*up).dot(*dir_p).signum();
@ -138,17 +206,20 @@ impl Ori {
impl From<Dir> for Ori {
fn from(dir: Dir) -> Self {
let from = *Dir::default();
Self::from(Quaternion::<f32>::rotation_from_to_3d(from, *dir)).uprighted()
let from = Dir::default();
let q = Quaternion::<f32>::rotation_from_to_3d(*from, *dir).normalized();
approx::assert_relative_eq!((q * from).dot(*dir), 1.0);
impl From<Ori> for Quaternion<f32> {
fn from(Ori(q): Ori) -> Self { q }
impl From<Quaternion<f32>> for Ori {
fn from(quat: Quaternion<f32>) -> Self { Self(quat.normalized()) }
fn from(quat: Quaternion<f32>) -> Self { Self::new(quat) }
impl From<vek::quaternion::repr_simd::Quaternion<f32>> for Ori {
@ -159,6 +230,10 @@ impl From<vek::quaternion::repr_simd::Quaternion<f32>> for Ori {
impl From<Ori> for Quaternion<f32> {
fn from(Ori(q): Ori) -> Self { q }
impl From<Ori> for vek::quaternion::repr_simd::Quaternion<f32> {
fn from(Ori(Quaternion { x, y, z, w }): Ori) -> Self {
vek::quaternion::repr_simd::Quaternion { x, y, z, w }
@ -170,19 +245,19 @@ impl From<Ori> for Dir {
impl From<Ori> for Vec3<f32> {
fn from(ori: Ori) -> Self { *ori.look_dir() }
fn from(ori: Ori) -> Self { ori.look_vec() }
impl From<Ori> for vek::vec::repr_simd::Vec3<f32> {
fn from(ori: Ori) -> Self { vek::vec::repr_simd::Vec3::from(*ori.look_dir()) }
fn from(ori: Ori) -> Self { vek::vec::repr_simd::Vec3::from(ori.look_vec()) }
impl From<Ori> for Vec2<f32> {
fn from(ori: Ori) -> Self { ori.look_dir().xy() }
fn from(ori: Ori) -> Self { ori.look_vec().xy() }
impl From<Ori> for vek::vec::repr_simd::Vec2<f32> {
fn from(ori: Ori) -> Self { vek::vec::repr_simd::Vec2::from(ori.look_dir().xy()) }
fn from(ori: Ori) -> Self { vek::vec::repr_simd::Vec2::from(ori.look_vec().xy()) }
// Validate at Deserialization
@ -212,9 +287,47 @@ impl From<SerdeOri> for Ori {
impl Into<SerdeOri> for Ori {
fn into(self) -> SerdeOri { SerdeOri(self.0) }
fn into(self) -> SerdeOri { SerdeOri(self.to_quat()) }
impl Component for Ori {
type Storage = IdvStorage<Self>;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn from_to_dir() {
let from_to = |dir: Dir| {
let ori = Ori::from(dir);
approx::assert_relative_eq!(ori.look_dir().dot(*dir), 1.0);
approx::assert_relative_eq!((ori.to_quat() * Dir::default()).dot(*dir), 1.0);
let angles = 32;
for i in 0..angles {
let theta = PI * 2. * (i as f32) / (angles as f32);
let v = Vec3::unit_y();
let q = Quaternion::rotation_x(theta);
from_to(Dir::new(q * v));
let v = Vec3::unit_z();
let q = Quaternion::rotation_y(theta);
from_to(Dir::new(q * v));
let v = Vec3::unit_x();
let q = Quaternion::rotation_z(theta);
from_to(Dir::new(q * v));
fn dirs() {
let ori = Ori::default();
let def = Dir::default();
for dir in vec![ori.up(), ori.down(), ori.left(), ori.right()] {
approx::assert_relative_eq!(dir.dot(*def), 0.0);

View File

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ use vek::*;
#[serde(from = "SerdeDir")]
pub struct Dir(Vec3<f32>);
impl Default for Dir {
fn default() -> Self { Self(Vec3::unit_y()) }
fn default() -> Self { Self::forward() }
// Validate at Deserialization
@ -82,12 +82,38 @@ impl Dir {
Self(slerp_normalized(from.0, to.0, factor))
pub fn slerped_to(self, to: Self, factor: f32) -> Self {
Self(slerp_normalized(self.0, to.0, factor))
/// Note: this uses `from` if `to` is unnormalizable
pub fn slerp_to_vec3(from: Self, to: Vec3<f32>, factor: f32) -> Self {
Self(slerp_to_unnormalized(from.0, to, factor).unwrap_or_else(|e| e))
pub fn rotation_between(&self, to: Self) -> Quaternion<f32> {
Quaternion::<f32>::rotation_from_to_3d(self.0, to.0)
pub fn rotation(&self) -> Quaternion<f32> { Self::default().rotation_between(*self) }
pub fn is_valid(&self) -> bool { !self.0.map(f32::is_nan).reduce_or() && self.is_normalized() }
pub fn up() -> Self { Dir::new(Vec3::<f32>::unit_z()) }
pub fn down() -> Self { -Dir::new(Vec3::<f32>::unit_z()) }
pub fn left() -> Self { -Dir::new(Vec3::<f32>::unit_x()) }
pub fn right() -> Self { Dir::new(Vec3::<f32>::unit_x()) }
pub fn forward() -> Self { Dir::new(Vec3::<f32>::unit_y()) }
pub fn back() -> Self { -Dir::new(Vec3::<f32>::unit_y()) }
pub fn vec(&self) -> &Vec3<f32> { &self.0 }
pub fn to_vec(self) -> Vec3<f32> { self.0 }
impl std::ops::Deref for Dir {
@ -100,12 +126,6 @@ impl From<Dir> for Vec3<f32> {
fn from(dir: Dir) -> Self { *dir }
impl std::ops::Mul<Dir> for Quaternion<f32> {
type Output = Dir;
fn mul(self, dir: Dir) -> Self::Output { Dir::new(self * *dir) }
impl Projection<Plane> for Dir {
type Output = Option<Self>;
@ -123,6 +143,12 @@ impl Projection<Dir> for Vec3<f32> {
impl std::ops::Mul<Dir> for Quaternion<f32> {
type Output = Dir;
fn mul(self, dir: Dir) -> Self::Output { Dir((self * *dir).normalized()) }
impl std::ops::Neg for Dir {
type Output = Dir;

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ let
channel = mozPkgs.rustChannelOf {
rustToolchain = ../rust-toolchain;
sha256 = "sha256-kDtMqYvrTbahqYHYFQOWyvT0+F5o4UVcqkMZt0c43kc=";
sha256 = "sha256-9wp6afVeZqCOEgXxYQiryYeF07kW5IHh3fQaOKF2oRI=";
channel // {

View File

@ -584,7 +584,7 @@ impl FigureMgr {
.map(|i| {

View File

@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ impl ParticleMgr {
if let CharacterState::BasicBeam(b) = character_state {
let particle_ori = b.particle_ori.unwrap_or_else(|| ori.to_vec());
let particle_ori = b.particle_ori.unwrap_or_else(|| ori.look_vec());
if b.stage_section == StageSection::Cast {
if b.static_data.base_hps > 0 {
// Emit a light when using healing
@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ impl ParticleMgr {
let radians = shockwave.properties.angle.to_radians();
let ori_vec = ori.to_vec();
let ori_vec = ori.look_vec();
let theta = ori_vec.y.atan2(ori_vec.x);
let dtheta = radians / distance;