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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
Fixed FXAA at non-1.0x scales
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
const float FXAA_SCALE = 1.25;
Basic FXAA implementation based on the code on geeks3d.com with the
modification that the texture2DLod stuff was removed since it's
@ -129,11 +127,7 @@ vec4 aa_apply(
mediump vec2 v_rgbSE;
mediump vec2 v_rgbM;
float fxaa_scale = textureSize(sampler2D(tex, smplr), 0).x / 1000.0;
float fxaa_scale = FXAA_SCALE;
float fxaa_scale = textureSize(sampler2D(tex, smplr), 0).x * 1.25 / resolution.x;
vec2 scaled_fc = fragCoord * fxaa_scale;
vec2 scaled_res = resolution * fxaa_scale;
@ -49,201 +49,6 @@ uniform texture2D t_src_bloom;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 tgt_color;
vec3 wpos_at(vec2 uv) {
float buf_depth = texture(sampler2D(t_src_depth, s_src_depth), uv).x - 0.0001;
vec4 clip_space = vec4((uv * 2.0 - 1.0) * vec2(1, -1), buf_depth, 1.0);
mat4 all_mat_inv = view_mat_inv * proj_mat_inv;
vec4 view_space = all_mat_inv * clip_space;
view_space /= view_space.w;
if (buf_depth == 0.0) {
vec3 direction = normalize(view_space.xyz);
return direction.xyz * 524288.0625 + cam_pos.xyz;
} else {
return view_space.xyz;
float depth_at(vec2 uv) {
float buf_depth = texture(sampler2D(t_src_depth, s_src_depth), uv).x;
return 1.0 / buf_depth;
float weighted_lerp(float x, float a, float b) {
return pow(x, b / a);
/* return x; */
float xx = b * x - a * (1.0 - x);
return sign(xx) * (1.0 - 1.0 / (1.0 + abs(xx))) * 0.5 + 0.5;
float vmax(vec3 v) {
return max(v.x, max(v.y, v.z));
float vmax_but_one(vec3 v) {
float m = max(v.x, max(v.y, v.z));
if (v.x == m)
return max(v.y, v.z);
else if (v.y == m)
return max(v.x, v.z);
return max(v.x, v.y);
vec4 better_aa_apply(texture2D tex, sampler smplr, vec2 fragCoord, vec2 resolution) {
uvec2 src_sz = textureSize(sampler2D(tex, smplr), 0).xy;
vec3 wpos = wpos_at(fragCoord / resolution);
float dist = distance(cam_pos.xyz, wpos);
vec3 dir = normalize(wpos - cam_pos.xyz);
// vec4 interp = texelFetch(sampler2D(tex, smplr), ivec2(fragCoord / resolution * src_sz), 0);
// vec4 interp = texture(sampler2D(tex, smplr), fragCoord / resolution);
// vec4 interp = textureBicubic(tex, smplr, fragCoord * src_sz / resolution);
vec4 interp = aa_apply(tex, smplr, t_src_depth, s_src_depth, fragCoord, resolution);
vec4 original = texelFetch(sampler2D(tex, smplr), ivec2(fragCoord / resolution * src_sz), 0);
/* if (mod(fragCoord.x, resolution.x / src_sz.x) < 0.9) { return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } */
/* if (mod(fragCoord.y, resolution.y / src_sz.y) < 0.9) { return vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } */
vec2 pos = fragCoord;// - 0.5 * src_sz;
// vec4 t00 = texelFetch(sampler2D(tex, smplr), ivec2(pos / resolution * src_sz + ivec2(0, 0)), 0);
// vec4 t10 = texelFetch(sampler2D(tex, smplr), ivec2(pos / resolution * src_sz + ivec2(1, 0)), 0);
// vec4 t01 = texelFetch(sampler2D(tex, smplr), ivec2(pos / resolution * src_sz + ivec2(0, 1)), 0);
// vec4 t11 = texelFetch(sampler2D(tex, smplr), ivec2(pos / resolution * src_sz + ivec2(1, 1)), 0);
vec3 w00 = wpos_at(floor(pos / resolution * vec2(src_sz) + ivec2(0, 0)) / vec2(src_sz));
vec3 w10 = wpos_at(floor(pos / resolution * vec2(src_sz) + ivec2(1, 0)) / vec2(src_sz));
vec3 w01 = wpos_at(floor(pos / resolution * vec2(src_sz) + ivec2(0, 1)) / vec2(src_sz));
vec3 w11 = wpos_at(floor(pos / resolution * vec2(src_sz) + ivec2(1, 1)) / vec2(src_sz));
float d00 = distance(w00, cam_pos.xyz);
float d10 = distance(w10, cam_pos.xyz);
float d01 = distance(w01, cam_pos.xyz);
float d11 = distance(w11, cam_pos.xyz);
vec2 px_fact = fract(pos / (resolution / vec2(src_sz)));
// vec4 t0 = mix(t00, t10, weighted_lerp(px_fact.x, d00, d10));
// vec4 t1 = mix(t01, t11, weighted_lerp(px_fact.x, d01, d11));
vec3 w0 = (w00 * d00 * (1 - px_fact.x) + w10 * d10 * px_fact.x) / (d00 * (1 - px_fact.x) + d10 * px_fact.x);
vec3 w1 = (w01 * d01 * (1 - px_fact.x) + w11 * d11 * px_fact.x) / (d01 * (1 - px_fact.x) + d11 * px_fact.x);
float d0 = mix(d00, d10, px_fact.x);
float d1 = mix(d01, d11, px_fact.x);
float d_lerped = mix(d0, d1, px_fact.y);
vec3 wpos_lerped = (w0 * d0 * (1 - px_fact.y) + w1 * d1 * px_fact.y) / (d0 * (1 - px_fact.y) + d1 * px_fact.y) + vec3(
dir.y > 0.0 ? 0.0 : 0.5,
dir.x > 0.0 ? 0.5 : 0.0,
);//mix(w0, w1, weighted_lerp(px_fact.y, 0.1 / d0, 0.1 / d1)) + 0.5;
// vec4 interp = mix(t0, t1, weighted_lerp(px_fact.y, d0, d1));
vec4 closest = vec4(0.0);
float closest_dist = 100000.0;
for (int i = -1; i < 2; i ++) {
for (int j = -1; j < 2; j ++) {
ivec2 rpos = ivec2(i, j);
//float l = length(normalize(vec2(rpos)) - factor);
vec4 texel = texelFetch(sampler2D(tex, smplr), ivec2(fragCoord / resolution * src_sz) + rpos, 0);
float fov = 70.0;
float texel_at_dist = dist / resolution.x * fov;
vec3 diff = mod(wpos * texel_at_dist, vec3(1.0)) - 0.5;
float dist = distance(interp.rgb, texel.rgb);// * 0.0 + (rpos.y - diff.z) * 1.0;// * (1.0 + l * 0.5);
if (dist < closest_dist) {
closest = texel;
closest_dist = dist;
return closest;//interp;
ivec2 closest = ivec2(0);
vec3 closest_wpos = vec3(0);
float closest_dist = 100000.0;
for (int i = -1; i < 2; i ++) {
for (int j = -1; j < 2; j ++) {
ivec2 rpos = ivec2(i, j);
vec3 wpos = wpos_at(((fragCoord / resolution * vec2(src_sz)) + rpos) / vec2(src_sz));
float dist = distance(cam_pos.xyz, wpos);
if (dist < closest_dist) {
closest = rpos;
closest_wpos = wpos;
closest_dist = dist;
float fov = 70.0;
vec2 texel_at_dist = src_sz / (fov * closest_dist);
vec3 diff = fract(closest_wpos) * 2.0 - 1.0;
vec2 rpos = vec2(diff.y * dir.x, -diff.z * -abs(dir.x))
//+ vec2(diff.x * -dir.y, diff.z * abs(dir.y))
//+ vec2(diff.z * -dir.z * 0, diff.x * abs(dir.z))
vec4 texel = texelFetch(sampler2D(tex, smplr), ivec2(fragCoord / resolution * src_sz + closest + rpos), 0);
return texel;
float original_dist = dist;
vec4 closest_texel = vec4(0);
vec3 closest_wpos = vec3(0);
float closest_dist = 100000.0;
vec4 weighted_sum = vec4(0.0);
float weighted_total = 0.0;
for (int i = -1; i < 2; i ++) {
for (int j = -1; j < 2; j ++) {
ivec2 rpos = ivec2(i, j);
vec3 wpos = wpos_at(floor(fragCoord / resolution * vec2(src_sz) + rpos - 1) / vec2(src_sz));
float tdist = distance(cam_pos.xyz, wpos);
//float fov = 1.2;
//float texel_at_dist = src_sz.x / (fov * tdist);
vec4 texel = texelFetch(sampler2D(tex, smplr), ivec2(fragCoord / resolution * src_sz) + rpos, 0);
//texel = texture(sampler2D(tex, smplr), floor(fragCoord / resolution * vec2(src_sz) + rpos) / vec2(src_sz));
float texel_dist;
if (true && false) {
texel_dist = distance(wpos + fract(wpos_lerped * 2.0) / 2.0, wpos_lerped);
} else if (original_dist < 15.0 || true) {
texel_dist = distance(interp.rgb, texel.rgb);
} else {
texel_dist = length(mod(wpos, vec3(1.0)) - 0.5);
if (texel_dist < closest_dist) {
closest_texel = texel;
closest_wpos = wpos;
closest_dist = texel_dist;
//float weight = 1.0 / distance(interp.rgb, texel.rgb);
float weight = 1.0 / distance(wpos, wpos_lerped);
weighted_sum += texel * weight;
weighted_total += weight;
//return vec4(px_fact.xy, 1.0, 1.0);
//return mod(10.0 * d_lerped, 1.0).xxxx;
//return mod(wpos_lerped, 1.0).xyzx;
//return weighted_sum / weighted_total;
return closest_texel;
vec3 rgb2hsv(vec3 c) {
vec4 K = vec4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0);
vec4 p = mix(vec4(c.bg, K.wz), vec4(c.gb, K.xy), step(c.b, c.g));
@ -410,11 +215,7 @@ void main() {
vec4 aa_color = better_aa_apply(t_src_color, s_src_color, sample_uv * screen_res.xy, screen_res.xy);
vec4 aa_color = aa_apply(t_src_color, s_src_color, t_src_depth, s_src_depth, sample_uv * screen_res.xy, screen_res.xy);
vec4 aa_color = aa_apply(t_src_color, s_src_color, t_src_depth, s_src_depth, sample_uv * screen_res.xy, screen_res.xy);
@ -943,7 +943,7 @@ impl<'a> Widget for Video<'a> {
let upscale_factors = [
// Upscaling
0.01, 0.025, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.35, 0.5, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85, 1.0,
0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.35, 0.5, 0.65, 0.75, 0.85, 1.0,
// Downscaling (equivalent to SSAA)
1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0,
@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ impl<'a> Widget for Video<'a> {
if let Some(clicked) = DropDownList::new(
.map(|factor| format!("{n:.*}", 2, n = factor))
.map(|factor| format!("{n:.*}", 3, n = factor))
@ -499,6 +499,4 @@ pub enum ExperimentalShader {
/// Make objects appear wet when appropriate.
/// An attempt at better anti-aliasing (requires FXAA).
Reference in New Issue
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