Overhauled domestic economy simulation, better debug information

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Barretto 2020-03-30 17:46:44 +01:00
parent d7385fd99b
commit b3c9122395
3 changed files with 254 additions and 148 deletions

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@ -17,6 +17,12 @@ impl Animation for RunAnimation {
) -> Self::Skeleton {
let mut next = (*skeleton).clone();
let anim = assets::load::<Animation<QuadrupedSmallState>>("anims.quadruped_small.run");
let slow = (anim_time as f32 * 14.0).sin();
let fast = (anim_time as f32 * 20.0).sin();
let fast_alt = (anim_time as f32 * 20.0 + PI / 2.0).sin();

View File

@ -160,7 +160,9 @@ fn main() {
let place = world.civs().place(*id);
println!("Place {} info: {:#?}", id.id(), place);
println!("Site: {:#?}", world.civs().sites().find(|site| site.place == *id));
if let Some(site) = world.civs().sites().find(|site| site.place == *id) {
println!("Site: {}", site);

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ mod econ;
use std::{
use hashbrown::{HashMap, HashSet};
use vek::*;
@ -38,7 +39,7 @@ fn attempt<T>(max_iters: usize, mut f: impl FnMut() -> Option<T>) -> Option<T> {
(0..max_iters).find_map(|_| f())
const INITIAL_CIV_COUNT: usize = 32;
const INITIAL_CIV_COUNT: usize = 16;
pub struct Civs {
@ -208,11 +209,15 @@ impl Civs {
place: place,
population: 24.0,
labor: MapVec::default(),
output: MapVec::default(),
stocks: Stocks::default(),
trade_states: Stocks::default(),
coin: 1000.0,
stocks: Stocks::from_default(100.0),
values: Stocks::from_default(None),
labors: MapVec::from_default(0.01),
yields: MapVec::from_default(1.0),
//trade_states: Stocks::default(),
//coin: 1000.0,
// Find neighbors
@ -250,69 +255,69 @@ impl Civs {
fn tick(&mut self, ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>, years: f32) {
// Collect stocks
for site in self.sites.iter_mut() {
site.collect_stocks(years, &self.places.get(site.place).nat_res);
site.simulate(years, &self.places.get(site.place).nat_res);
// Trade stocks
let mut stocks = [FOOD, WOOD, ROCK];
stocks.shuffle(ctx.rng); // Give each stock a chance to be traded first
for stock in stocks.iter().copied() {
let mut sell_orders = self.sites
.map(|(id, site)| (id, econ::SellOrder {
quantity: site.trade_states[stock].surplus.min(site.stocks[stock]),
price: site.trade_states[stock].sell_belief.choose_price(ctx) * 1.5, // Transport cost of 1.5x
q_sold: 0.0,
.filter(|(_, order)| order.quantity > 0.0)
// let mut stocks = [FOOD, WOOD, ROCK];
// stocks.shuffle(ctx.rng); // Give each stock a chance to be traded first
// for stock in stocks.iter().copied() {
// let mut sell_orders = self.sites
// .iter_ids()
// .map(|(id, site)| (id, econ::SellOrder {
// quantity: site.trade_states[stock].surplus.min(site.stocks[stock]),
// price: site.trade_states[stock].sell_belief.choose_price(ctx) * 1.2, // Transport cost of 1.2x
// q_sold: 0.0,
// }))
// .filter(|(_, order)| order.quantity > 0.0)
// .collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut sites = self.sites
sites.shuffle(ctx.rng); // Give all sites a chance to buy first
for site in sites {
let (max_spend, max_price) = {
let site = self.sites.get(site);
let budget = site.coin * 0.5;
(site.trade_states[stock].purchase_priority * budget).min(budget),
let (quantity, spent) = econ::buy_units(ctx, sell_orders
.filter(|(id, _)| site != *id && self.track_between(site, *id).is_some())
.map(|(_, order)| order),
1000000.0, // Max quantity TODO
1000000.0, // Max price TODO
let mut site = self.sites.get_mut(site);
site.coin -= spent;
if quantity > 0.0 {
site.stocks[stock] += quantity;
site.trade_states[stock].buy_belief.update_buyer(years, spent / quantity);
println!("Belief: {:?}", site.trade_states[stock].buy_belief);
// let mut sites = self.sites
// .ids()
// .collect::<Vec<_>>();
// sites.shuffle(ctx.rng); // Give all sites a chance to buy first
// for site in sites {
// let (max_spend, max_price) = {
// let site = self.sites.get(site);
// let budget = site.coin * 0.5;
// (
// (site.trade_states[stock].purchase_priority * budget).min(budget),
// site.trade_states[stock].buy_belief.price,
// )
// };
// let (quantity, spent) = econ::buy_units(ctx, sell_orders
// .iter_mut()
// .filter(|(id, _)| site != *id && self.track_between(site, *id).is_some())
// .map(|(_, order)| order),
// 1000000.0, // Max quantity TODO
// 1000000.0, // Max price TODO
// max_spend,
// );
// let mut site = self.sites.get_mut(site);
// site.coin -= spent;
// if quantity > 0.0 {
// site.stocks[stock] += quantity;
// site.trade_states[stock].buy_belief.update_buyer(years, spent / quantity);
// println!("Belief: {:?}", site.trade_states[stock].buy_belief);
// }
// }
for (site, order) in sell_orders {
let mut site = self.sites.get_mut(site);
site.coin += order.q_sold * order.price;
if order.q_sold > 0.0 {
site.stocks[stock] -= order.q_sold;
site.trade_states[stock].sell_belief.update_seller(order.q_sold / order.quantity);
// for (site, order) in sell_orders {
// let mut site = self.sites.get_mut(site);
// site.coin += order.q_sold * order.price;
// if order.q_sold > 0.0 {
// site.stocks[stock] -= order.q_sold;
// site.trade_states[stock].sell_belief.update_seller(order.q_sold / order.quantity);
// }
// }
// }
// Consume stocks
for site in self.sites.iter_mut() {
//for site in self.sites.iter_mut() {
// site.consume_stocks(years);
@ -415,7 +420,7 @@ pub struct Place {
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct NaturalResources {
wood: f32,
stone: f32,
rock: f32,
river: f32,
farmland: f32,
@ -425,7 +430,7 @@ impl NaturalResources {
let chunk = if let Some(chunk) = ctx.sim.get(loc) { chunk } else { return };
self.wood += chunk.tree_density;
self.stone += chunk.rockiness;
self.rock += chunk.rockiness;
self.river += if chunk.river.is_river() { 5.0 } else { 0.0 };
self.farmland += if
chunk.humidity > 0.35 &&
@ -450,11 +455,42 @@ pub struct Site {
pub place: Id<Place>,
population: f32,
labor: MapVec<Occupation, f32>,
output: MapVec<Occupation, f32>,
// Total amount of each stock
stocks: Stocks<f32>,
trade_states: Stocks<TradeState>,
coin: f32,
// For some goods, such a goods without any supply, it doesn't make sense to talk about value
values: Stocks<Option<f32>>,
// Proportion of individuals dedicated to an industry
labors: MapVec<Occupation, f32>,
// Per worker, per year, of their output good
yields: MapVec<Occupation, f32>,
//trade_states: Stocks<TradeState>,
//coin: f32,
impl fmt::Display for Site {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self.kind {
SiteKind::Settlement => writeln!(f, "Settlement")?,
writeln!(f, "- population: {}", self.population.floor() as u32)?;
writeln!(f, "Stocks")?;
for (stock, q) in self.stocks.iter() {
writeln!(f, "- {}: {}", stock, q.floor())?;
writeln!(f, "Prices")?;
for (stock, v) in self.values.iter() {
writeln!(f, "- {}: {}", stock, v.map(|x| x.to_string()).unwrap_or_else(|| "N/A".to_string()))?;
writeln!(f, "Laborers")?;
for (labor, n) in self.labors.iter() {
writeln!(f, "- {}: {}", labor, (*n * self.population).floor() as u32)?;
@ -463,90 +499,133 @@ pub enum SiteKind {
impl Site {
pub fn collect_stocks(&mut self, years: f32, nat_res: &NaturalResources) {
// Per labourer, per year
let collection_rate = Stocks::from_list(&[
(FARMER, 2.0),
(MINER, 0.6),
(FISHER, 5.0),
// Proportion of the population dedicated to each task (output * price)
let labor_ratios = Stocks::from_list(&[
(FARMER, self.output[FARMER] * self.trade_states[FOOD].domestic_value),
(LUMBERJACK, self.output[LUMBERJACK] * self.trade_states[WOOD].domestic_value),
(MINER, self.output[MINER] * self.trade_states[ROCK].domestic_value),
(FISHER, self.output[FISHER] * self.trade_states[FOOD].domestic_value),
// Normalise workforce proportions (so we aren't over-allocating our workforce)
let wf_total = labor_ratios.iter().map(|(_, r)| *r).sum::<f32>();
if wf_total == 0.0 { // 0 output doesn't mean NaNs
let n = labor_ratios.iter().count() as f32;
self.labor = labor_ratios.map(|stock, _| self.population / n);
} else {
self.labor = labor_ratios.map(|stock, r| r / wf_total * self.population);
pub fn simulate(&mut self, years: f32, nat_res: &NaturalResources) {
// Insert natural resources into the economy
if self.stocks[FISH] < nat_res.river {
self.stocks[FISH] = nat_res.river;
if self.stocks[WHEAT] < nat_res.farmland {
self.stocks[WHEAT] = nat_res.farmland;
if self.stocks[LOGS] < nat_res.wood {
self.stocks[LOGS] = nat_res.wood;
if self.stocks[GAME] < nat_res.wood {
self.stocks[GAME] = nat_res.wood;
if self.stocks[ROCK] < nat_res.rock {
self.stocks[ROCK] = nat_res.rock;
self.output[FARMER] = (self.labor[FARMER] * collection_rate[FARMER] + nat_res.farmland * 0.01).min(nat_res.farmland);
self.output[LUMBERJACK] = (self.labor[LUMBERJACK] * collection_rate[LUMBERJACK] + nat_res.wood * 0.01).min(nat_res.wood);
self.output[MINER] = (self.labor[MINER] * collection_rate[MINER] + nat_res.stone * 0.01).min(nat_res.stone);
self.output[FISHER] = (self.labor[FISHER] * collection_rate[FISHER] + nat_res.river * 0.01).min(nat_res.river);
let orders = vec![
(None, vec![(FOOD, 0.25)]),
(Some(COOK), vec![(FLOUR, 6.5), (MEAT, 1.5)]),
(Some(LUMBERJACK), vec![(LOGS, 4.5)]),
(Some(MINER), vec![(ROCK, 7.5)]),
(Some(FISHER), vec![(FISH, 4.0)]),
(Some(HUNTER), vec![(GAME, 4.0)]),
(Some(FARMER), vec![(WHEAT, 4.0)]),
.collect::<HashMap<_, Vec<(Stock, f32)>>>();
self.stocks[FOOD] += years * self.output[FARMER];
self.stocks[WOOD] += years * self.output[LUMBERJACK];
self.stocks[ROCK] += years * self.output[MINER];
self.stocks[FOOD] += years * self.output[FISHER];
let mut demand = Stocks::from_default(0.0);
for (labor, orders) in &orders {
let scale = if let Some(labor) = labor { self.labors[*labor] } else { 1.0 } * self.population;
for (stock, amount) in orders {
debug_assert!(!amount.is_nan(), "{:?}, {}", labor, stock);
debug_assert!(!scale.is_nan(), "{:?}, {}, {}", labor, stock, self.population);
demand[*stock] += *amount * scale;
pub fn consume_stocks(&mut self, years: f32) {
const EAT_RATE: f32 = 1.0;
const USE_WOOD_RATE: f32 = 0.75;
const BIRTH_RATE: f32 = 0.15;
const DEATH_RATE: f32 = 0.05;
let surplus = demand.clone().map(|stock, tgt| {
self.stocks[stock] - demand[stock]
let required = Stocks::from_list(&[
(FOOD, self.population as f32 * years * EAT_RATE),
(WOOD, self.population as f32 * years * USE_WOOD_RATE),
// Update values according to the surplus of each stock
surplus.iter().for_each(|(stock, surplus)| {
let val = 2.5f32.powf(-*surplus / demand[stock]);
self.values[stock] = if val > 0.01 && val < 10000.0 { Some(val) } else { None };
// Per labourer, per year
let production = Stocks::from_list(&[
(FARMER, (FLOUR, 2.0)),
(MINER, (STONE, 0.6)),
(FISHER, (MEAT, 3.0)),
(HUNTER, (MEAT, 0.5)),
(COOK, (FOOD, 8.0)),
// Calculate surplus and deficit of each stock
let surplus = required.clone().map(|stock, required| (self.stocks[stock] - required).max(0.0));
let deficit = required.clone().map(|stock, required| (required - self.stocks[stock]).max(0.0));
let population = self.population;
// Deplete stocks
self.stocks.iter_mut().for_each(|(stock, v)| *v = (*v - required[stock]).max(0.0));
// Births
self.population += years * self.population * BIRTH_RATE;
// Kill people
self.population -= years * self.population * DEATH_RATE; // Natural death rate
self.population = (self.population - deficit[FOOD] * years * EAT_RATE).max(0.0); // Starvation
// If in deficit, value the stock more
deficit.iter().for_each(|(stock, deficit)| {
if *deficit > 0.0 {
let mut trade_state = &mut self.trade_states[stock];
trade_state.domestic_value += *deficit * 0.01;
trade_state.surplus = -*deficit;
trade_state.purchase_priority *= 1.1;
// Redistribute workforce according to relative good values
let labor_ratios = production.clone().map(|labor, (output_stock, _)| {
debug_assert!(self.values[output_stock].unwrap_or(0.0) < 1000000.0, "{:?}", self.values[output_stock]);
debug_assert!(self.yields[labor] < 1000000.0, "{}", self.yields[labor]);
self.values[output_stock].unwrap_or(0.0) * self.yields[labor]
let labor_ratio_sum = labor_ratios.iter().map(|(_, r)| *r).sum::<f32>().max(0.01);
assert!(labor_ratio_sum > 0.0);
production.iter().for_each(|(labor, _)| {
debug_assert!(!labor_ratios[labor].is_nan() && !labor_ratios[labor].is_infinite(), "{:?}, {}", labor, labor_ratios[labor]);
debug_assert!(!labor_ratio_sum.is_nan() && !labor_ratio_sum.is_infinite(), "{:?}, {}", labor, labor_ratio_sum);
let smooth = 0.5;
self.labors[labor] = smooth * self.labors[labor] + (1.0 - smooth) * (labor_ratios[labor].max(labor_ratio_sum / 1000.0) / labor_ratio_sum);
// If in surplus, value the stock less
surplus.iter().for_each(|(stock, surplus)| {
if *surplus > 0.0 {
let mut trade_state = &mut self.trade_states[stock];
trade_state.domestic_value /= 1.0 + *surplus * 0.01;
trade_state.surplus = *surplus;
// Production
let stocks_before = self.stocks.clone();
self.stocks = Stocks::from_default(0.0);
for (labor, orders) in orders.iter() {
let scale = if let Some(labor) = labor { self.labors[*labor] } else { 1.0 } * population;
// Normalise purchasing priorities
let pp_avg = self.trade_states.iter().map(|(_, ts)| ts.purchase_priority).sum::<f32>() / self.trade_states.iter().count() as f32;
self.trade_states.iter_mut().for_each(|(_, ts)| ts.purchase_priority /= pp_avg);
// For each order, we try to find the minimum satisfaction rate - this limits how much
// we can produce! For example, if we need 0.25 fish and 0.75 oats to make 1 unit of
// food, but only 0.5 units of oats are available then we only need to consume 2/3rds
// of other ingredients and leave the rest in stock
let min_satisfaction = orders
.map(|(stock, amount)| {
// What quantity is this order requesting?
let quantity = *amount * scale;
// What proportion of this order is the economy able to satisfy?
let satisfaction = (stocks_before[*stock] / demand[*stock]).min(1.0);
.min_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap())
.unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("Industry {:?} requires at least one input order", labor));
for (stock, amount) in orders {
// What quantity is this order requesting?
let quantity = *amount * scale;
// What amount gets actually used in production?
let used = quantity * min_satisfaction;
// Deplete stocks accordingly
//self.stocks[*stock] = (self.stocks[*stock] - used).max(0.0);
// Industries produce things
if let Some(labor) = labor {
let (stock, rate) = production[*labor];
let yield_per_worker = min_satisfaction * rate;
self.yields[*labor] = yield_per_worker;
self.stocks[stock] += yield_per_worker * self.labors[*labor] * population;
// Births/deaths
const NATURAL_BIRTH_RATE: f32 = 0.15;
const DEATH_RATE: f32 = 0.05;
let birth_rate = if surplus[FOOD] > 0.0 { NATURAL_BIRTH_RATE } else { 0.0 };
self.population += years * self.population * (birth_rate - DEATH_RATE);
@ -555,11 +634,20 @@ const FARMER: Occupation = "farmer";
const LUMBERJACK: Occupation = "lumberjack";
const MINER: Occupation = "miner";
const FISHER: Occupation = "fisher";
const HUNTER: Occupation = "hunter";
const COOK: Occupation = "cook";
type Stock = &'static str;
const WHEAT: Stock = "wheat";
const FLOUR: Stock = "flour";
const MEAT: Stock = "meat";
const FISH: Stock = "fish";
const GAME: Stock = "game";
const FOOD: Stock = "food";
const LOGS: Stock = "logs";
const WOOD: Stock = "wood";
const ROCK: Stock = "rock";
const STONE: Stock = "stone";
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct TradeState {
@ -594,7 +682,7 @@ pub type Stocks<T> = MapVec<Stock, T>;
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct MapVec<K, T> {
entries: HashMap<K, T>,
zero: T,
default: T,
impl<K: Copy + Eq + Hash, T: Default + Clone> MapVec<K, T> {
@ -603,24 +691,34 @@ impl<K: Copy + Eq + Hash, T: Default + Clone> MapVec<K, T> {
Self {
entries: i.into_iter().cloned().collect(),
zero: T::default(),
default: T::default(),
pub fn from_default(default: T) -> Self {
Self {
entries: HashMap::default(),
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, entry: K) -> &mut T {
let default = &self.default;
.or_insert_with(|| default.clone())
pub fn get(&self, entry: K) -> &T {
pub fn map(mut self, mut f: impl FnMut(K, T) -> T) -> Self {
self.entries.iter_mut().for_each(|(s, v)| *v = f(*s, std::mem::take(v)));
pub fn map<U: Default>(mut self, mut f: impl FnMut(K, T) -> U) -> MapVec<K, U> {
MapVec {
entries: self.entries.into_iter().map(|(s, v)| (s.clone(), f(s, v))).collect(),
default: U::default(),
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(K, &T)> + '_ {