Added refraction

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Barretto 2022-10-23 15:15:25 +01:00
parent c072dc4082
commit b85fd11443
6 changed files with 110 additions and 77 deletions

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@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
- Pets can now be traded with.
- Crafting recipe for black lantern
- Added redwood and dead trees
- Experimental screen-space reflection shader
- Experimental screen-space reflection and refraction shaders
- Water will now move according to its apparent flow direction
### Changed

View File

@ -90,86 +90,117 @@ void main() {
// Apply clouds
float cloud_blend = 1.0;
if (color.a < 1.0 && medium.x != MEDIUM_WATER) {
cloud_blend = 1.0 - color.a;
if (color.a < 1.0) {
vec2 nz = vec2(0);
nz = (vec2(
noise_3d(vec3((wpos.xy + focus_off.xy) * 0.1, tick.x * 0.2 + wpos.x * 0.01)).x,
noise_3d(vec3((wpos.yx + focus_off.yx) * 0.1, tick.x * 0.2 + wpos.y * 0.01)).x
) - 0.5) * color.a;
if (dir.z < 0.0) {
vec2 nz = vec2(0);
vec2 nz = (vec2(
const float n2 = 1.3325;
vec3 refr_dir;
// TODO: Proper refraction
// if (medium.x == MEDIUM_WATER) {
// vec3 surf_norm = normalize(vec3(nz * 0.03 / (1.0 + dist * 0.1), 1));
// refr_dir = refract(dir, surf_norm * -sign(dir.z), 1.0 / n2);
// } else {
refr_dir = normalize(dir + vec3(nz / dist, 0.0));
// }
vec4 clip = (all_mat * vec4( + refr_dir, 1.0));
vec2 new_uv = (clip.xy / max(clip.w, 0)) * 0.5 * vec2(1, -1) + 0.5;
float uv_merge = clamp((1.0 - abs(new_uv.y - 0.5) * 2) * 5.0, 0, 1);
uvec2 sz = textureSize(sampler2D(t_src_color, s_src_color), 0);
vec4 new_col = texelFetch(sampler2D(t_src_color, s_src_color), clamp(ivec2(mix(uv, new_uv, uv_merge) * sz), ivec2(0), ivec2(sz) - 1), 0);
if (new_col.a < 1.0) {
color = new_col;
if (dir.z < 0.0) {
nz = (vec2(
noise_3d(vec3((wpos.xy + focus_off.xy) * 0.1, tick.x * 0.2 + wpos.x * 0.01)).x,
noise_3d(vec3((wpos.yx + focus_off.yx) * 0.1, tick.x * 0.2 + wpos.y * 0.01)).x
) - 0.5) * 5.0;
vec3 surf_norm = normalize(vec3(nz * 0.03 / (1.0 + dist * 0.1), 1));
vec3 refl_dir = reflect(dir, surf_norm);
) - 0.5);
cloud_blend = 1.0 - color.a;
vec4 clip = (all_mat * vec4( + refl_dir, 1.0));
vec2 new_uv = (clip.xy / max(clip.w, 0)) * 0.5 * vec2(1, -1) + 0.5;
if (dir.z < 0.0) {
vec3 surf_norm = normalize(vec3(nz * 0.3 / (1.0 + dist * 0.1), 1));
vec3 refl_dir = reflect(dir, surf_norm);
vec3 ray_end = wpos + refl_dir * 5.0 * dist;
// Trace through the screen-space depth buffer to find the ray intersection
const int MAIN_ITERS = 64;
for (int i = 0; i < MAIN_ITERS; i ++) {
float t = float(i) / float(MAIN_ITERS);
// TODO: Trace in screen space, not world space
vec3 swpos = mix(wpos, ray_end, t);
vec3 svpos = (view_mat * vec4(swpos, 1)).xyz;
vec4 clippos = proj_mat * vec4(svpos, 1);
vec2 suv = (clippos.xy / clippos.w) * 0.5 * vec2(1, -1) + 0.5;
float d = -depth_at(suv);
if (d < svpos.z * 0.8 && d > svpos.z * 0.999) {
// Don't cast into water!
if (texture(sampler2D(t_src_color, s_src_color), suv).a >= 1.0) {
/* t -= 1.0 / float(MAIN_ITERS); */
// Do a bit of extra iteration to try to refine the estimate
const int ITERS = 8;
float diff = 1.0 / float(MAIN_ITERS);
for (int i = 0; i < ITERS; i ++) {
vec3 swpos = mix(wpos, ray_end, t);
svpos = (view_mat * vec4(swpos, 1)).xyz;
vec4 clippos = proj_mat * vec4(svpos, 1);
suv = (clippos.xy / clippos.w) * 0.5 * vec2(1, -1) + 0.5;
float d = -depth_at(suv);
t += ((d > svpos.z * 0.999) ? -1.0 : 1.0) * diff;
diff *= 0.5;
vec4 clip = (all_mat * vec4( + refl_dir, 1.0));
vec2 new_uv = (clip.xy / max(clip.w, 0)) * 0.5 * vec2(1, -1) + 0.5;
vec3 ray_end = wpos + refl_dir * 5.0 * dist;
// Trace through the screen-space depth buffer to find the ray intersection
const int MAIN_ITERS = 64;
for (int i = 0; i < MAIN_ITERS; i ++) {
float t = float(i) / float(MAIN_ITERS);
// TODO: Trace in screen space, not world space
vec3 swpos = mix(wpos, ray_end, t);
vec3 svpos = (view_mat * vec4(swpos, 1)).xyz;
vec4 clippos = proj_mat * vec4(svpos, 1);
vec2 suv = (clippos.xy / clippos.w) * 0.5 * vec2(1, -1) + 0.5;
float d = -depth_at(suv);
if (d < svpos.z * 0.8 && d > svpos.z * 0.999) {
// Don't cast into water!
if (texture(sampler2D(t_src_color, s_src_color), suv).a >= 1.0) {
/* t -= 1.0 / float(MAIN_ITERS); */
// Do a bit of extra iteration to try to refine the estimate
const int ITERS = 8;
float diff = 1.0 / float(MAIN_ITERS);
for (int i = 0; i < ITERS; i ++) {
vec3 swpos = mix(wpos, ray_end, t);
svpos = (view_mat * vec4(swpos, 1)).xyz;
vec4 clippos = proj_mat * vec4(svpos, 1);
suv = (clippos.xy / clippos.w) * 0.5 * vec2(1, -1) + 0.5;
float d = -depth_at(suv);
t += ((d > svpos.z * 0.999) ? -1.0 : 1.0) * diff;
diff *= 0.5;
// Small offset to push us into obscured territory
new_uv = suv - vec2(0, 0.001);
// Small offset to push us into obscured territory
new_uv = suv - vec2(0, 0.001);
new_uv = clamp(new_uv, vec2(0), vec2(1));
vec3 new_wpos = wpos_at(new_uv);
float new_dist = distance(new_wpos,;
float merge = min(
// Off-screen merge factor
clamp((1.0 - abs(new_uv.y - 0.5) * 2) * 3.0, 0, 1),
// Depth merge factor
clamp((new_dist - dist * 0.5) / (dist * 0.5), 0.0, 1.0)
if (merge > 0.0) {
vec3 new_col = texture(sampler2D(t_src_color, s_src_color), new_uv).rgb;
new_col = get_cloud_color(new_col.rgb, refl_dir, wpos, time_of_day.x, distance(new_wpos,, 1.0);
color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, new_col, merge * color.a);
cloud_blend = 1;
} else {
cloud_blend = 1;
new_uv = clamp(new_uv, vec2(0), vec2(1));
vec3 new_wpos = wpos_at(new_uv);
float new_dist = distance(new_wpos,;
float merge = min(
// Off-screen merge factor
clamp((1.0 - abs(new_uv.y - 0.5) * 2) * 3.0, 0, 1),
// Depth merge factor
clamp((new_dist - dist * 0.5) / (dist * 0.5), 0.0, 1.0)
if (merge > 0.0) {
vec3 new_col = texture(sampler2D(t_src_color, s_src_color), new_uv).rgb;
new_col = get_cloud_color(new_col.rgb, refl_dir, wpos, time_of_day.x, distance(new_wpos,, 1.0);
color.rgb = mix(color.rgb, new_col, merge * (1.0 - color.a));
cloud_blend = 1;
} else {
cloud_blend = 1;
} else {
cloud_blend = 1;
//dist = DIST_CAP;
cloud_blend = 1;
//dist = DIST_CAP;
/* color.rgb = vec3(sin(depth_at(uv) * 3.14159 * 2) * 0.5 + 0.5); */

View File

@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ float is_star_at(vec3 dir) {
//return 0.0;
return 5.0 / (1.0 + pow(dist * 750, 8));
return 50.0 * max(sun_dir.z, 0.1) / (1.0 + pow(dist * 750, 8));
vec3 get_sky_light(vec3 dir, float time_of_day, bool with_stars) {

View File

@ -672,9 +672,9 @@ void main() {
const vec3 underwater_col = vec3(0.0);
float min_refl = min(emitted_light.r, min(emitted_light.g, emitted_light.b));
surf_color = mix(underwater_col, surf_color, (1.0 - passthrough) * 1.0 / (1.0 + min_refl));
surf_alpha = passthrough;
surf_alpha = 1.0 - passthrough;
surf_alpha = 0.5;
surf_alpha = 0.9;
} else {
surf_color = illuminate(max_light, view_dir, f_col * emitted_light, f_col * reflected_light);

View File

@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ void main() {
if (puddle > 0.0) {
f_alpha = 1.0 - puddle * 0.1;
f_alpha = puddle * 0.3 * max(1.0 + cam_to_frag.z, 0.3);
float h = (noise_2d((f_pos.xy + focus_off.xy) * 0.3) - 0.5) * sin(tick.x * 8.0 + f_pos.x * 3)
+ (noise_2d((f_pos.xy + focus_off.xy) * 0.6) - 0.5) * sin(tick.x * 3.5 - f_pos.y * 6);
@ -276,12 +276,12 @@ void main() {
if (rain_occlusion_at( + vec3(0, 0, 0.25)) > 0.5) {
if (fract(hash(fract(vec4(cell, 0) * 0.01))) < rain_density * 2.0 && puddle > 0.3) {
if (fract(hash(fract(vec4(cell, 0) * 0.01))) < rain_density * 2.0) {
vec3 off = vec3(hash_fast(uvec3(cell * 13)), hash_fast(uvec3(cell * 5)), 0);
vec3 near_cell = (cell + 0.5 + (off - 0.5) * 0.5) / drop_density;
float dist = length((drop_pos - near_cell) / vec3(1, 1, 2));
float drop_rad = 0.1;
float drop_rad = 0.075 + puddle * 0.05;
float distort = max(1.0 - abs(dist - drop_rad) * 100, 0) * 1.5 * max(drop_pos.z - near_cell.z, 0);
k_a += distort;
k_d += distort;

View File

@ -507,4 +507,6 @@ pub enum ExperimentalShader {
/// Use screen-space raycasting for reflections (requires
/// [`ScreenSpaceReflections`]).
/// Add screen-space refractions to water.