Added correctly allocated labours, fishing

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Barretto 2020-03-29 20:48:51 +01:00
parent f62e6a4303
commit cb12d8ba7a
7 changed files with 107 additions and 158 deletions

View File

@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ members = [
# default profile for devs, fast to compile, okay enough to run, no debug information
opt-level = 2
overflow-checks = true
overflow-checks = true
debug-assertions = true
panic = "abort"
debug = false
debug = true
codegen-units = 8
lto = false
incremental = true

View File

@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ void main() {
f_pos.z -= 25.0 * pow(distance(focus_pos.xy, f_pos.xy) / view_distance.x, 20.0);
// Small waves
f_pos.z -= 0.05 + 0.05 * (sin(tick.x * 2.0 + f_pos.x * 2.0 + f_pos.y * 2.0) + 1.0) * 0.5;
f_pos.xy += 0.01; // Avoid z-fighting
f_pos.z -= 0.1 * (sin(tick.x * 2.0 + f_pos.x * 2.0 + f_pos.y * 2.0) + 1.0) * 0.5 - 0.1;
f_col = vec3(
float((v_col_light >> 8) & 0xFFu),

View File

@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ void main() {
uv = clamp(uv + vec2(sin(uv.y * 16.0 + tick.x), sin(uv.x * 24.0 + tick.x)) * 0.005, 0, 1);
vec4 aa_color = aa_apply(src_color, uv * screen_res.xy, screen_res.xy);
//vec4 hsva_color = vec4(rgb2hsv(fxaa_color.rgb), fxaa_color.a);
@ -44,7 +43,7 @@ void main() {
//hsva_color.z *= 0.85;
//hsva_color.z = 1.0 - 1.0 / (1.0 * hsva_color.z + 1.0);
//vec4 final_color = vec4(hsv2rgb(hsva_color.rgb), hsva_color.a);
vec4 final_color = pow(aa_color, gamma);
if (medium.x == 1u) {

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ fn create_quad<P: Pipeline, F: Fn(Vec3<f32>, Vec3<f32>, Rgb<f32>, f32, f32) -> P
let darkness =|e| e.0);
let ao =|e| e.1);
let ao_map = ao * 0.75 + 0.25;
let ao_map = ao * 0.85 + 0.15;
if ao[0].min(ao[2]).min(darkness[0]).min(darkness[2])
< ao[1].min(ao[3]).min(darkness[1]).min(darkness[3])

View File

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
mod econ;
use std::ops::Range;
use std::{
use hashbrown::{HashMap, HashSet};
use vek::*;
use rand::prelude::*;
@ -137,7 +140,7 @@ impl Civs {
fn birth_civ(&mut self, ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>) -> Option<Id<Civ>> {
let site = attempt(5, || {
let loc = find_site_loc(ctx, None)?;
self.establish_site(ctx, loc, SiteKind::Settlement(Settlement::civ_birthplace()))
self.establish_site(ctx, loc)
let civ = self.civs.insert(Civ {
@ -191,7 +194,7 @@ impl Civs {
fn establish_site(&mut self, ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>, loc: Vec2<i32>, kind: SiteKind) -> Option<Id<Site>> {
fn establish_site(&mut self, ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>, loc: Vec2<i32>) -> Option<Id<Site>> {
const SITE_AREA: Range<usize> = 64..256;
let place = match ctx.sim.get(loc).and_then(|site| {
@ -200,9 +203,16 @@ impl Civs {
let site = self.sites.insert(Site {
kind: SiteKind::Settlement,
center: loc,
place: place,
population: 24.0,
labor: MapVec::default(),
output: MapVec::default(),
stocks: Stocks::default(),
trade_states: Stocks::default(),
coin: 1000.0,
// Find neighbors
@ -214,7 +224,7 @@ impl Civs {
nearby.sort_by_key(|(_, dist)| *dist as i32);
for (nearby, _) in nearby.into_iter() {
for (nearby, _) in nearby.into_iter().take(5) {
// Find a novel path
if let Some((path, cost)) = find_path(ctx, loc, self.sites.get(nearby).center) {
// Find a path using existing paths
@ -242,9 +252,7 @@ impl Civs {
fn tick(&mut self, ctx: &mut GenCtx<impl Rng>, years: f32) {
// Collect stocks
for site in self.sites.iter_mut() {
if let SiteKind::Settlement(s) = &mut site.kind {
s.collect_stocks(years, &self.places.get(;
site.collect_stocks(years, &self.places.get(;
// Trade stocks
@ -253,10 +261,9 @@ impl Civs {
for stock in stocks.iter().copied() {
let mut sell_orders = self.sites
.filter_map(|(id, site)| site.as_settlement().map(|s| (id, s)))
.map(|(id, settlement)| (id, econ::SellOrder {
quantity: settlement.trade_states[stock].surplus.min(settlement.stocks[stock]),
price: settlement.trade_states[stock].sell_belief.choose_price(ctx),
.map(|(id, site)| (id, econ::SellOrder {
quantity: site.trade_states[stock].surplus.min(site.stocks[stock]),
price: site.trade_states[stock].sell_belief.choose_price(ctx) * 1.5, // Transport cost of 1.5x
q_sold: 0.0,
.filter(|(_, order)| order.quantity > 0.0)
@ -264,15 +271,15 @@ impl Civs {
let mut sites = self.sites
.filter(|id| self.sites.get(*id).as_settlement().is_some())
sites.shuffle(ctx.rng); // Give all sites a chance to buy first
for site in sites {
let (max_spend, max_price) = {
let settlement = self.sites.get(site).as_settlement().unwrap();
let site = self.sites.get(site);
let budget = site.coin * 0.5;
settlement.trade_states[stock].purchase_priority * settlement.coin,
(site.trade_states[stock].purchase_priority * budget).min(budget),
let (quantity, spent) = econ::buy_units(ctx, sell_orders
@ -283,82 +290,28 @@ impl Civs {
1000000.0, // Max price TODO
let mut settlement = self.sites.get_mut(site).as_settlement_mut().unwrap();
settlement.coin -= spent;
let mut site = self.sites.get_mut(site);
site.coin -= spent;
if quantity > 0.0 {
settlement.stocks[stock] += quantity;
settlement.trade_states[stock].buy_belief.update_buyer(years, spent / quantity);
println!("Belief: {:?}", settlement.trade_states[stock].buy_belief);
site.stocks[stock] += quantity;
site.trade_states[stock].buy_belief.update_buyer(years, spent / quantity);
println!("Belief: {:?}", site.trade_states[stock].buy_belief);
for (site, order) in sell_orders {
let mut settlement = self.sites.get_mut(site).as_settlement_mut().unwrap();
settlement.coin += order.q_sold * order.price;
let mut site = self.sites.get_mut(site);
site.coin += order.q_sold * order.price;
if order.q_sold > 0.0 {
settlement.stocks[stock] -= order.q_sold;
settlement.trade_states[stock].sell_belief.update_seller(order.q_sold / order.quantity);
site.stocks[stock] -= order.q_sold;
site.trade_states[stock].sell_belief.update_seller(order.q_sold / order.quantity);
// Trade stocks
let mut sites = self.sites.ids().collect::<Vec<_>>();
sites.shuffle(ctx.rng); // Give all sites a chance to buy first
for site in sites {
let mut stocks = [FOOD, WOOD, ROCK];
stocks.shuffle(ctx.rng); // Give each stock a chance to be traded first
for stock in stocks.iter().copied() {
if self.sites.get(site).as_settlement().is_none() {
let settlement = self.sites.get(site).as_settlement().unwrap();
let quantity_to_buy = settlement.trade_states[stock].buy_q;
let mut bought_quantity = 0.0;
let mut coin = settlement.coin;
let mut sell_orders = self
.filter_map(|n| self.sites.get(n).as_settlement().map(|s| (n, s)))
.map(|(n, neighbor)| {
// TODO: Add speculation, don't use the domestic value to rationalise price
let trade_state = &neighbor.trade_states[stock];
let sell_q = trade_state.sell_q.min(neighbor.stocks[stock]);
(n, trade_state.domestic_value, sell_q)
sell_orders.sort_by_key(|(_, price, _)| (*price * 1000.0) as i64);
for (n, price, sell_q) in sell_orders {
if bought_quantity >= quantity_to_buy {
} else {
let buy_quantity = (quantity_to_buy - bought_quantity).min(sell_q).min(coin / price);
let payment = buy_quantity * price;
bought_quantity += buy_quantity;
coin -= payment;
let mut neighbor = self.sites.get_mut(n).as_settlement_mut().unwrap();
neighbor.stocks[stock] -= buy_quantity;
neighbor.coin += payment;
let mut settlement = self.sites.get_mut(site).as_settlement_mut().unwrap();
settlement.stocks[stock] += bought_quantity;
settlement.coin = coin;
// Consume stocks
for site in self.sites.iter_mut() {
if let SiteKind::Settlement(s) = &mut site.kind {
@ -473,7 +426,7 @@ impl NaturalResources {
self.wood += chunk.tree_density;
self.stone += chunk.rockiness;
self.river += if chunk.river.is_river() { 1.0 } else { 0.0 };
self.river += if chunk.river.is_river() { 5.0 } else { 0.0 };
self.farmland += if
chunk.humidity > 0.35 &&
chunk.temp > -0.3 && chunk.temp < 0.75 &&
@ -495,81 +448,63 @@ pub struct Site {
kind: SiteKind,
center: Vec2<i32>,
pub place: Id<Place>,
impl Site {
pub fn as_settlement(&self) -> Option<&Settlement> {
if let SiteKind::Settlement(s) = &self.kind {
} else {
pub fn as_settlement_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut Settlement> {
if let SiteKind::Settlement(s) = &mut self.kind {
} else {
pub enum SiteKind {
pub struct Settlement {
population: f32,
labor: MapVec<Occupation, f32>,
output: MapVec<Occupation, f32>,
stocks: Stocks<f32>,
trade_states: Stocks<TradeState>,
coin: f32,
impl Settlement {
pub fn civ_birthplace() -> Self {
Self {
population: 24.0,
stocks: Stocks::default(),
trade_states: Stocks::default(),
coin: 1000.0,
pub enum SiteKind {
impl Site {
pub fn collect_stocks(&mut self, years: f32, nat_res: &NaturalResources) {
// Per labourer, per year
let collection_rate = Stocks::from_list(&[
(FOOD, 2.0),
(ROCK, 0.6),
(WOOD, 1.5),
(FARMER, 2.0),
(MINER, 0.6),
(FISHER, 5.0),
// Proportion of the population dedicated to each task
let workforce_ratios = Stocks::from_list(&[
(FOOD, self.trade_states[FOOD].domestic_value),
(ROCK, self.trade_states[ROCK].domestic_value),
(WOOD, self.trade_states[WOOD].domestic_value),
// Proportion of the population dedicated to each task (output * price)
let labor_ratios = Stocks::from_list(&[
(FARMER, self.output[FARMER] * self.trade_states[FOOD].domestic_value),
(LUMBERJACK, self.output[LUMBERJACK] * self.trade_states[WOOD].domestic_value),
(MINER, self.output[MINER] * self.trade_states[ROCK].domestic_value),
(FISHER, self.output[FISHER] * self.trade_states[FOOD].domestic_value),
// Normalise workforce proportions
let wf_total = workforce_ratios.iter().map(|(_, r)| *r).sum::<f32>();
let workforce =|stock, r| r / wf_total * self.population);
self.stocks[FOOD] += years * (workforce[FOOD] * collection_rate[FOOD] + nat_res.farmland * 0.01).min(nat_res.farmland);
self.stocks[ROCK] += years * (workforce[ROCK] * collection_rate[ROCK] + nat_res.stone * 0.01).min(nat_res.stone);
self.stocks[WOOD] += years * (workforce[WOOD] * collection_rate[WOOD] + nat_res.wood * 0.01).min(nat_res.wood);
// Normalise workforce proportions (so we aren't over-allocating our workforce)
let wf_total = labor_ratios.iter().map(|(_, r)| *r).sum::<f32>();
if wf_total == 0.0 { // 0 output doesn't mean NaNs
let n = labor_ratios.iter().count() as f32;
self.labor =|stock, _| self.population / n);
} else {
self.labor =|stock, r| r / wf_total * self.population);
println!("{:?}", nat_res);
println!("{:?}", self.stocks);
self.output[FARMER] = (self.labor[FARMER] * collection_rate[FARMER] + nat_res.farmland * 0.01).min(nat_res.farmland);
self.output[LUMBERJACK] = (self.labor[LUMBERJACK] * collection_rate[LUMBERJACK] + nat_res.wood * 0.01).min(nat_res.wood);
self.output[MINER] = (self.labor[MINER] * collection_rate[MINER] + nat_res.stone * 0.01).min(nat_res.stone);
self.output[FISHER] = (self.labor[FISHER] * collection_rate[FISHER] + nat_res.river * 0.01).min(nat_res.river);
self.stocks[FOOD] += years * self.output[FARMER];
self.stocks[WOOD] += years * self.output[LUMBERJACK];
self.stocks[ROCK] += years * self.output[MINER];
self.stocks[FOOD] += years * self.output[FISHER];
pub fn consume_stocks(&mut self, years: f32) {
const EAT_RATE: f32 = 0.5;
const EAT_RATE: f32 = 1.0;
const USE_WOOD_RATE: f32 = 0.75;
const BIRTH_RATE: f32 = 0.1;
self.population += years * BIRTH_RATE;
const BIRTH_RATE: f32 = 0.15;
const DEATH_RATE: f32 = 0.05;
let required = Stocks::from_list(&[
(FOOD, self.population as f32 * years * EAT_RATE),
@ -583,8 +518,12 @@ impl Settlement {
// Deplete stocks
self.stocks.iter_mut().for_each(|(stock, v)| *v = (*v - required[stock]).max(0.0));
// Births
self.population += years * self.population * BIRTH_RATE;
// Kill people
self.population = (self.population - deficit[FOOD] * years * EAT_RATE).max(0.0);
self.population -= years * self.population * DEATH_RATE; // Natural death rate
self.population = (self.population - deficit[FOOD] * years * EAT_RATE).max(0.0); // Starvation
// If in deficit, value the stock more
deficit.iter().for_each(|(stock, deficit)| {
@ -611,6 +550,12 @@ impl Settlement {
type Occupation = &'static str;
const FARMER: Occupation = "farmer";
const LUMBERJACK: Occupation = "lumberjack";
const MINER: Occupation = "miner";
const FISHER: Occupation = "fisher";
type Stock = &'static str;
const FOOD: Stock = "food";
const WOOD: Stock = "wood";
@ -644,15 +589,17 @@ impl Default for TradeState {
pub type Stocks<T> = MapVec<Stock, T>;
#[derive(Default, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct Stocks<T> {
stocks: HashMap<Stock, T>,
pub struct MapVec<K, T> {
stocks: HashMap<K, T>,
zero: T,
impl<T: Default + Clone> Stocks<T> {
pub fn from_list<'a>(i: impl IntoIterator<Item=&'a (Stock, T)>) -> Self
where T: 'a
impl<K: Copy + Eq + Hash, T: Default + Clone> MapVec<K, T> {
pub fn from_list<'a>(i: impl IntoIterator<Item=&'a (K, T)>) -> Self
where K: 'a, T: 'a
Self {
stocks: i.into_iter().cloned().collect(),
@ -660,38 +607,38 @@ impl<T: Default + Clone> Stocks<T> {
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, stock: Stock) -> &mut T {
pub fn get_mut(&mut self, stock: K) -> &mut T {
pub fn get(&self, stock: Stock) -> &T {
pub fn get(&self, stock: K) -> &T {
pub fn map(mut self, mut f: impl FnMut(Stock, T) -> T) -> Self {
pub fn map(mut self, mut f: impl FnMut(K, T) -> T) -> Self {
self.stocks.iter_mut().for_each(|(s, v)| *v = f(*s, std::mem::take(v)));
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(Stock, &T)> + '_ {
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(K, &T)> + '_ {
self.stocks.iter().map(|(s, v)| (*s, v))
pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(Stock, &mut T)> + '_ {
pub fn iter_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item=(K, &mut T)> + '_ {
self.stocks.iter_mut().map(|(s, v)| (*s, v))
impl<T: Default + Clone> std::ops::Index<Stock> for Stocks<T> {
impl<K: Copy + Eq + Hash, T: Default + Clone> std::ops::Index<K> for MapVec<K, T> {
type Output = T;
fn index(&self, stock: Stock) -> &Self::Output { self.get(stock) }
fn index(&self, stock: K) -> &Self::Output { self.get(stock) }
impl<T: Default + Clone> std::ops::IndexMut<Stock> for Stocks<T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, stock: Stock) -> &mut Self::Output { self.get_mut(stock) }
impl<K: Copy + Eq + Hash, T: Default + Clone> std::ops::IndexMut<K> for MapVec<K, T> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, stock: K) -> &mut Self::Output { self.get_mut(stock) }

View File

@ -285,7 +285,9 @@ impl Settlement {
.map(|tile| tile.tower = Some(Tower::Wall));
if wall_path.len() > 0 {
.write_path(&wall_path, WayKind::Wall, buildable, true);