switch host to mac94.de, because song is affraid of sql injection into a public db which doesn't cause any harm

This commit is contained in:
Marcel Märtens 2020-12-11 15:58:41 +01:00
parent e426780ed2
commit d46271f052

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ benchmarks:
- echo "SET veloren.sha = \$${TAGUUID}\$${CI_COMMIT_SHA}\$${TAGUUID}\$;" >> upload.sql
- find . -wholename "*new/*.csv" -exec echo '\copy benchmarks ("group", "function", "value", throughput_num, throughput_type, sample_measured_value, unit, iteration_count) from '"'{}' csv header" >> upload.sql \;
- cat upload.sql
- PGPASSWORD="${CIDBPASSWORD}" PGSSLROOTCERT="./.gitlab/ci-db.crt" psql "sslmode=verify-ca host=auth.veloren.net dbname=benchmarks" -U bsdrftsejrhdrjhgd -f upload.sql;
- PGPASSWORD="${CIDBPASSWORD}" PGSSLROOTCERT="./.gitlab/ci-db.crt" psql "sslmode=verify-ca host=mac94.de dbname=benchmarks" -U bsdrftsejrhdrjhgd -f upload.sql;
max: 2