mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
Don't remesh chunk vertex data on sprite update.
This results in an extremely visually noticeable improvement in latency when adding or removing sprite data and makes the game feel more responsive. This happens, for instance, when picking up a sprite like an apple or flower from the environment. We check to make sure that for items with lighting (like Velorite) or changes that otherwise affect meshing (like changing from fluid to nonfluid) this doesn't trigger.
This commit is contained in:
@ -53,9 +53,9 @@ impl<T> Grid<T> {
pub fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec2<i32>, cell: T) -> Option<()> {
pub fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec2<i32>, cell: T) -> Option<T> {
let idx = self.idx(pos)?;
self.cells.get_mut(idx).map(|c| *c = cell)
self.cells.get_mut(idx).map(|c| core::mem::replace(c, cell))
pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (Vec2<i32>, &T)> + '_ {
@ -167,13 +167,13 @@ impl<V, S: RectVolSize, M: Clone> ReadVol for Chonk<V, S, M> {
impl<V: Clone + PartialEq, S: RectVolSize, M: Clone> WriteVol for Chonk<V, S, M> {
fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, block: Self::Vox) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, block: Self::Vox) -> Result<V, Self::Error> {
let mut sub_chunk_idx = self.sub_chunk_idx(pos.z);
if pos.z < self.get_min_z() {
// Make sure we're not adding a redundant chunk.
if block == self.below {
return Ok(());
return Ok(self.below.clone());
// Prepend exactly sufficiently many SubChunks via Vec::splice
let c = Chunk::<V, SubChunkSize<S>, M>::filled(self.below.clone(), self.meta.clone());
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ impl<V: Clone + PartialEq, S: RectVolSize, M: Clone> WriteVol for Chonk<V, S, M>
} else if pos.z >= self.get_max_z() {
// Make sure we're not adding a redundant chunk.
if block == self.above {
return Ok(());
return Ok(self.above.clone());
// Append exactly sufficiently many SubChunks via Vec::extend
let c = Chunk::<V, SubChunkSize<S>, M>::filled(self.above.clone(), self.meta.clone());
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ pub trait SampleVol<I>: BaseVol {
pub trait WriteVol: BaseVol {
/// Set the voxel at the provided position in the volume to the provided
/// value.
fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, vox: Self::Vox) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;
fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, vox: Self::Vox) -> Result<Self::Vox, Self::Error>;
/// Map a voxel to another using the provided function.
// TODO: Is `map` the right name? Implies a change in type.
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ pub trait WriteVol: BaseVol {
&mut self,
pos: Vec3<i32>,
f: F,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error>
) -> Result<Self::Vox, Self::Error>
Self: ReadVol,
Self::Vox: Clone,
@ -271,15 +271,17 @@ impl<V, S: VolSize, M> Chunk<V, S, M> {
fn set_unchecked(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, vox: V)
fn set_unchecked(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, vox: V) -> V
V: Clone + PartialEq,
if vox != self.default {
let idx = self.force_idx_unchecked(pos);
self.vox[idx] = vox;
core::mem::replace(&mut self.vox[idx], vox)
} else if let Some(idx) = self.idx_unchecked(pos) {
self.vox[idx] = vox;
core::mem::replace(&mut self.vox[idx], vox)
} else {
@ -310,7 +312,7 @@ impl<V, S: VolSize, M> ReadVol for Chunk<V, S, M> {
impl<V: Clone + PartialEq, S: VolSize, M> WriteVol for Chunk<V, S, M> {
#[allow(clippy::unit_arg)] // TODO: Pending review in #587
fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, vox: Self::Vox) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, vox: Self::Vox) -> Result<Self::Vox, Self::Error> {
if !pos
.map2(S::SIZE, |e, s| 0 <= e && e < s as i32)
@ -93,10 +93,10 @@ impl<V, M, A: Access> ReadVol for Dyna<V, M, A> {
impl<V, M, A: Access> WriteVol for Dyna<V, M, A> {
fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, vox: Self::Vox) -> Result<(), DynaError> {
fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, vox: Self::Vox) -> Result<Self::Vox, DynaError> {
Self::idx_for(self.sz, pos)
.and_then(|idx| self.vox.get_mut(idx))
.map(|old_vox| *old_vox = vox)
.map(|old_vox| core::mem::replace(old_vox, vox))
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ impl<I: Into<Aabr<i32>>, V: RectRasterableVol + ReadVol + Debug> SampleVol<I> fo
impl<V: RectRasterableVol + WriteVol + Clone + Debug> WriteVol for VolGrid2d<V> {
fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, vox: V::Vox) -> Result<(), VolGrid2dError<V>> {
fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, vox: V::Vox) -> Result<V::Vox, VolGrid2dError<V>> {
let ck = Self::chunk_key(pos);
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ impl<I: Into<Aabb<i32>>, V: RasterableVol + ReadVol + Debug> SampleVol<I> for Vo
impl<V: RasterableVol + WriteVol + Clone + Debug> WriteVol for VolGrid3d<V> {
fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, vox: V::Vox) -> Result<(), VolGrid3dError<V>> {
fn set(&mut self, pos: Vec3<i32>, vox: V::Vox) -> Result<V::Vox, VolGrid3dError<V>> {
let ck = Self::chunk_key(pos);
@ -436,7 +436,17 @@ impl State {
// Apply terrain changes
pub fn apply_terrain_changes(&self) {
pub fn apply_terrain_changes(&self) { self.apply_terrain_changes_internal(false); }
/// `during_tick` is true if and only if this is called from within
/// [State::tick].
/// This only happens if [State::tick] is asked to update terrain itself
/// (using `update_terrain_and_regions: true`). [State::tick] is called
/// from within both the client and the server ticks, right after
/// handling terrain messages; currently, client sets it to true and
/// server to false.
fn apply_terrain_changes_internal(&self, during_tick: bool) {
@ -447,7 +457,17 @@ impl State {
std::mem::take(&mut self.ecs.write_resource::<BlockChange>().blocks);
// Apply block modifications
// Only include in `TerrainChanges` if successful
modified_blocks.retain(|pos, block| terrain.set(*pos, *block).is_ok());
modified_blocks.retain(|pos, block| {
let res = terrain.set(*pos, *block);
if let (&Ok(old_block), true) = (&res, during_tick) {
// NOTE: If the changes are applied during the tick, we push the *old* value as
// the modified block (since it otherwise can't be recovered after the tick).
// Otherwise, the changes will be applied after the tick, so we push the *new*
// value.
*block = old_block;
self.ecs.write_resource::<TerrainChanges>().modified_blocks = modified_blocks;
@ -492,7 +512,7 @@ impl State {
if update_terrain_and_regions {
// Process local events
@ -553,6 +553,8 @@ impl Server {
// visible to client synchronization systems, minimizing the latency of
// `ServerEvent` mediated effects
// NOTE: apply_terrain_changes sends the *new* value since it is not being
// synchronized during the tick.
let before_sync = Instant::now();
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ use common::{
volumes::vol_grid_2d::{CachedVolGrid2d, VolGrid2d},
use common_base::span;
use std::{collections::VecDeque, fmt::Debug};
use std::{collections::VecDeque, fmt::Debug, sync::Arc};
use tracing::error;
use vek::*;
@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ impl<'a, V: RectRasterableVol<Vox = Block> + ReadVol + Debug + 'static>
type Result = (
Box<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> f32 + Send + Sync>,
Box<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> f32 + Send + Sync>,
Arc<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> f32 + Send + Sync>,
Arc<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> f32 + Send + Sync>,
type ShadowPipeline = ShadowPipeline;
type Supplement = (Aabb<i32>, Vec2<u16>, &'a BlocksOfInterest);
@ -457,8 +457,8 @@ impl<'a, V: RectRasterableVol<Vox = Block> + ReadVol + Debug + 'static>
(col_lights, col_lights_size),
@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ impl Visibility {
/// Type of closure used for light mapping.
type LightMapFn = Arc<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> f32 + Send + Sync>;
pub struct TerrainChunkData {
// GPU data
load_time: f32,
@ -70,8 +73,8 @@ pub struct TerrainChunkData {
/// making this an `Option`, but it probably isn't worth it since they
/// shouldn't be that much more nonlocal than regular chunks).
texture: Texture<ColLightFmt>,
light_map: Box<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> f32 + Send + Sync>,
glow_map: Box<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> f32 + Send + Sync>,
light_map: LightMapFn,
glow_map: LightMapFn,
sprite_instances: HashMap<(SpriteKind, usize), Instances<SpriteInstance>>,
locals: Consts<TerrainLocals>,
pub blocks_of_interest: BlocksOfInterest,
@ -88,19 +91,27 @@ struct ChunkMeshState {
pos: Vec2<i32>,
started_tick: u64,
is_worker_active: bool,
// If this is set, we skip the actual meshing part of the update.
skip_remesh: bool,
/// Just the mesh part of a mesh worker response.
pub struct MeshWorkerResponseMesh {
z_bounds: (f32, f32),
opaque_mesh: Mesh<TerrainPipeline>,
fluid_mesh: Mesh<FluidPipeline>,
col_lights_info: ColLightInfo,
light_map: LightMapFn,
glow_map: LightMapFn,
/// A type produced by mesh worker threads corresponding to the position and
/// mesh of a chunk.
struct MeshWorkerResponse {
pos: Vec2<i32>,
z_bounds: (f32, f32),
opaque_mesh: Mesh<TerrainPipeline>,
fluid_mesh: Mesh<FluidPipeline>,
col_lights_info: ColLightInfo,
light_map: Box<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> f32 + Send + Sync>,
glow_map: Box<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> f32 + Send + Sync>,
sprite_instances: HashMap<(SpriteKind, usize), Vec<SpriteInstance>>,
/// If None, this update was requested without meshing.
mesh: Option<MeshWorkerResponseMesh>,
started_tick: u64,
blocks_of_interest: BlocksOfInterest,
@ -147,9 +158,12 @@ impl assets::Asset for SpriteSpec {
/// Function executed by worker threads dedicated to chunk meshing.
#[allow(clippy::or_fun_call)] // TODO: Pending review in #587
/// skip_remesh is either None (do the full remesh, including recomputing the
/// light map), or Some((light_map, glow_map)).
fn mesh_worker<V: BaseVol<Vox = Block> + RectRasterableVol + ReadVol + Debug + 'static>(
pos: Vec2<i32>,
z_bounds: (f32, f32),
skip_remesh: Option<(LightMapFn, LightMapFn)>,
started_tick: u64,
volume: <VolGrid2d<V> as SampleVol<Aabr<i32>>>::Sample,
max_texture_size: u16,
@ -160,18 +174,31 @@ fn mesh_worker<V: BaseVol<Vox = Block> + RectRasterableVol + ReadVol + Debug + '
) -> MeshWorkerResponse {
span!(_guard, "mesh_worker");
let blocks_of_interest = BlocksOfInterest::from_chunk(&chunk);
let (opaque_mesh, fluid_mesh, _shadow_mesh, (bounds, col_lights_info, light_map, glow_map)) =
Vec2::new(max_texture_size, max_texture_size),
let mesh;
let (light_map, glow_map) = if let Some((light_map, glow_map)) = &skip_remesh {
mesh = None;
(&**light_map, &**glow_map)
} else {
let (opaque_mesh, fluid_mesh, _shadow_mesh, (bounds, col_lights_info, light_map, glow_map)) =
Vec2::new(max_texture_size, max_texture_size),
mesh = Some(MeshWorkerResponseMesh {
z_bounds: (bounds.min.z, bounds.max.z),
// Pointer juggling so borrows work out.
let mesh = mesh.as_ref().unwrap();
(&*mesh.light_map, &*mesh.glow_map)
MeshWorkerResponse {
z_bounds: (bounds.min.z, bounds.max.z),
// Extract sprite locations from volume
sprite_instances: {
span!(_guard, "extract sprite_instances");
@ -227,8 +254,7 @@ fn mesh_worker<V: BaseVol<Vox = Block> + RectRasterableVol + ReadVol + Debug + '
@ -617,6 +643,17 @@ impl<V: RectRasterableVol> Terrain<V> {
/// Determine whether a given block change actually require remeshing.
fn skip_remesh(old_block: Block, new_block: Block) -> bool {
// Both blocks are unfilled and of the same kind (this includes
// sprites within the same fluid, for example).
!new_block.is_filled() && !old_block.is_filled() && new_block.kind() == old_block.kind() &&
// Block glow and sunlight handling are the same (so we don't have to redo
// lighting).
new_block.get_glow() == old_block.get_glow() &&
new_block.get_max_sunlight() == old_block.get_max_sunlight()
/// Find the glow level (light from lamps) at the given world position.
pub fn glow_at_wpos(&self, wpos: Vec3<i32>) -> f32 {
let chunk_pos = Vec2::from(wpos).map2(TerrainChunk::RECT_SIZE, |e: i32, sz| {
@ -750,6 +787,7 @@ impl<V: RectRasterableVol> Terrain<V> {
started_tick: current_tick,
is_worker_active: false,
skip_remesh: false,
@ -762,7 +800,28 @@ impl<V: RectRasterableVol> Terrain<V> {
// be meshed
span!(guard, "Add chunks with modified blocks to mesh todo list");
// TODO: would be useful if modified blocks were grouped by chunk
for (&pos, &_block) in scene_data.state.terrain_changes().modified_blocks.iter() {
for (&pos, &old_block) in scene_data.state.terrain_changes().modified_blocks.iter() {
// terrain_changes() are both set and applied during the same tick on the
// client, so the current state is the new state and modified_blocks
// stores the old state.
let new_block = scene_data.state.get_block(pos);
let skip_remesh = if let Some(new_block) = new_block {
Self::skip_remesh(old_block, new_block)
} else {
// The block coordinates of a modified block should be in bounds, since they are
// only retained if setting the block was successful during the state tick in
// client. So this is definitely a bug, but we can recover safely by just
// conservatively doing a full remesh in this case, rather than crashing the
// game.
"Invariant violation: pos={:?} should be a valid block position. This is a \
bug; please contact the developers if you see this error message!",
// TODO: Be cleverer about this to avoid remeshing all neighbours. There are a
// few things that can create an 'effect at a distance'. These are
// as follows:
@ -789,6 +848,12 @@ impl<V: RectRasterableVol> Terrain<V> {
let neighbour_pos = pos + Vec3::new(x, y, 0) * block_effect_radius;
let neighbour_chunk_pos = scene_data.state.terrain().pos_key(neighbour_pos);
if skip_remesh && !(x == 0 && y == 0) {
// We don't need to remesh neighboring chunks if this block change doesn't
// require remeshing.
// Only remesh if this chunk has all its neighbors
let mut neighbours = true;
for i in -1..2 {
@ -801,11 +866,24 @@ impl<V: RectRasterableVol> Terrain<V> {
if neighbours {
self.mesh_todo.insert(neighbour_chunk_pos, ChunkMeshState {
pos: neighbour_chunk_pos,
started_tick: current_tick,
is_worker_active: false,
let todo =
.or_insert(ChunkMeshState {
pos: neighbour_chunk_pos,
started_tick: current_tick,
is_worker_active: false,
// Make sure not to skip remeshing a chunk if it already had to be
// fully meshed for other reasons. The exception: if the mesh is currently
// active, we can stll set skip_remesh, since we know that means it was
// enqueued during an older tick and hence there was no intermediate update
// to this block between the enqueue and now.
todo.skip_remesh =
!todo.is_worker_active && todo.skip_remesh || skip_remesh;
todo.started_tick = current_tick;
@ -882,6 +960,13 @@ impl<V: RectRasterableVol> Terrain<V> {
let send = self.mesh_send_tmp.clone();
let pos = todo.pos;
let chunks = &self.chunks;
let skip_remesh = todo
.and_then(|_| chunks.get(&pos))
.map(|chunk| (Arc::clone(&chunk.light_map), Arc::clone(&chunk.glow_map)));
// Queue the worker thread.
let started_tick = todo.started_tick;
let sprite_data = Arc::clone(&self.sprite_data);
@ -896,6 +981,7 @@ impl<V: RectRasterableVol> Terrain<V> {
let _ = send.send(mesh_worker(
(min_z as f32, max_z as f32),
@ -928,119 +1014,131 @@ impl<V: RectRasterableVol> Terrain<V> {
// data structure (convert the mesh to a model first of course).
Some(todo) if response.started_tick <= todo.started_tick => {
let started_tick = todo.started_tick;
let load_time = self
.map(|chunk| chunk.load_time)
.unwrap_or(current_time as f32);
// TODO: Allocate new atlas on allocation failure.
let (tex, tex_size) = response.col_lights_info;
let atlas = &mut self.atlas;
let chunks = &mut self.chunks;
let col_lights = &mut self.col_lights;
let allocation = atlas
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
// Atlas allocation failure: try allocating a new texture and atlas.
let (new_atlas, new_col_lights) =
Self::make_atlas(renderer).expect("Failed to create atlas texture");
// We reset the atlas and clear allocations from existing chunks, even
// though we haven't yet checked whether the new allocation can fit in
// the texture. This is reasonable because we don't have a fallback
// if a single chunk can't fit in an empty atlas of maximum size.
// TODO: Consider attempting defragmentation first rather than just
// always moving everything into the new chunk.
chunks.iter_mut().for_each(|(_, chunk)| {
chunk.col_lights = None;
*atlas = new_atlas;
*col_lights = new_col_lights;
.expect("Chunk data does not fit in a texture of maximum size.")
// NOTE: Cast is safe since the origin was a u16.
let atlas_offs = Vec2::new(
allocation.rectangle.min.x as u16,
allocation.rectangle.min.y as u16,
if let Err(err) = renderer.update_texture(
) {
warn!("Failed to update texture: {:?}", err);
self.insert_chunk(response.pos, TerrainChunkData {
opaque_model: renderer
.expect("Failed to upload chunk mesh to the GPU!"),
fluid_model: if response.fluid_mesh.vertices().len() > 0 {
let sprite_instances = response
.map(|(kind, instances)| {
.expect("Failed to upload chunk mesh to the GPU!"),
.expect("Failed to upload chunk sprite instances to the GPU!"),
} else {
col_lights: Some(allocation.id),
texture: self.col_lights.clone(),
light_map: response.light_map,
glow_map: response.glow_map,
sprite_instances: response
.map(|(kind, instances)| {
"Failed to upload chunk sprite instances to the GPU!",
if let Some(mesh) = response.mesh {
// Full update, insert the whole chunk.
let load_time = self
.map(|chunk| chunk.load_time)
.unwrap_or(current_time as f32);
// TODO: Allocate new atlas on allocation failure.
let (tex, tex_size) = mesh.col_lights_info;
let atlas = &mut self.atlas;
let chunks = &mut self.chunks;
let col_lights = &mut self.col_lights;
let allocation = atlas
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
// Atlas allocation failure: try allocating a new texture and atlas.
let (new_atlas, new_col_lights) = Self::make_atlas(renderer)
.expect("Failed to create atlas texture");
// We reset the atlas and clear allocations from existing chunks,
// even though we haven't yet
// checked whether the new allocation can fit in
// the texture. This is reasonable because we don't have a fallback
// if a single chunk can't fit in an empty atlas of maximum size.
// TODO: Consider attempting defragmentation first rather than just
// always moving everything into the new chunk.
chunks.iter_mut().for_each(|(_, chunk)| {
chunk.col_lights = None;
*atlas = new_atlas;
*col_lights = new_col_lights;
.expect("Chunk data does not fit in a texture of maximum size.")
// NOTE: Cast is safe since the origin was a u16.
let atlas_offs = Vec2::new(
allocation.rectangle.min.x as u16,
allocation.rectangle.min.y as u16,
if let Err(err) = renderer.update_texture(
) {
warn!("Failed to update texture: {:?}", err);
self.insert_chunk(response.pos, TerrainChunkData {
opaque_model: renderer
.expect("Failed to upload chunk mesh to the GPU!"),
fluid_model: if mesh.fluid_mesh.vertices().len() > 0 {
.expect("Failed to upload chunk mesh to the GPU!"),
locals: renderer
.create_consts(&[TerrainLocals {
model_offs: Vec3::from(
response.pos.map2(VolGrid2d::<V>::chunk_size(), |e, sz| {
e as f32 * sz as f32
atlas_offs: Vec4::new(
.expect("Failed to upload chunk locals to the GPU!"),
visible: Visibility {
in_range: false,
in_frustum: false,
can_shadow_point: false,
can_shadow_sun: false,
blocks_of_interest: response.blocks_of_interest,
z_bounds: response.z_bounds,
frustum_last_plane_index: 0,
} else {
col_lights: Some(allocation.id),
texture: self.col_lights.clone(),
light_map: mesh.light_map,
glow_map: mesh.glow_map,
locals: renderer
.create_consts(&[TerrainLocals {
model_offs: Vec3::from(
response.pos.map2(VolGrid2d::<V>::chunk_size(), |e, sz| {
e as f32 * sz as f32
atlas_offs: Vec4::new(
.expect("Failed to upload chunk locals to the GPU!"),
visible: Visibility {
in_range: false,
in_frustum: false,
can_shadow_point: false,
can_shadow_sun: false,
blocks_of_interest: response.blocks_of_interest,
z_bounds: mesh.z_bounds,
frustum_last_plane_index: 0,
} else if let Some(chunk) = self.chunks.get_mut(&response.pos) {
// There was an update that didn't require a remesh (probably related to
// non-glowing sprites) so we just update those.
chunk.sprite_instances = sprite_instances;
chunk.blocks_of_interest = response.blocks_of_interest;
if response.started_tick == started_tick {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user