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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
Experiment with const fn
lanczos lookup tables, enable weighted average interpolation for now.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,2 +1,8 @@
pub mod msg;
pub mod sync;
@ -233,18 +233,58 @@ impl<const N: u32> VoxelImageEncoding for QuadPngEncoding<N> {
/// AldanTanneo's sin approximation (since std's sin implementation isn't const
/// yet)
const fn sin(x: f64) -> f64 {
use std::f64::consts::PI;
let mut x = (x - PI * 0.5) % (PI * 2.0);
x = if x < 0.0 { -x } else { x } - PI;
x = if x < 0.0 { -x } else { x } - PI * 0.5;
let x2 = x * x;
let x3 = x * x2 / 6.0;
let x5 = x3 * x2 / 20.0;
let x7 = x5 * x2 / 42.0;
let x9 = x7 * x2 / 72.0;
let x11 = x9 * x2 / 110.0;
x - x3 + x5 - x7 + x9 - x11
/// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lanczos_resampling#Lanczos_kernel
fn lanczos(x: f64, a: f64) -> f64 {
const fn lanczos(x: f64, a: f64) -> f64 {
use std::f64::consts::PI;
if x < f64::EPSILON {
} else if -a <= x && x <= a {
(a * (PI * x).sin() * (PI * x / a).sin()) / (PI.powi(2) * x.powi(2))
(a * sin(PI * x) * sin(PI * x / a)) / (PI * PI * x * x)
} else {
/// Needs to be a separate function since `const fn`s can appear in the output
/// of a const-generic function, but raw arithmetic expressions can't be
const fn lanczos_lookup_array_size(n: u32, r: u32) -> usize { (2 * n * (r + 1) - 1) as usize }
const fn gen_lanczos_lookup<const N: u32, const R: u32>(
a: f64,
) -> [f64; lanczos_lookup_array_size(N, R)] {
let quadpng_n = N as f64;
let sample_radius = R as f64;
let step = 1.0 / (2.0 * quadpng_n);
let max = (quadpng_n - 1.0) / (2.0 * quadpng_n) + sample_radius;
// after doing some maths with the above:
let mut array = [0.0; lanczos_lookup_array_size(N, R)];
let mut i = 0;
while i < array.len() {
array[i] = lanczos(step * i as f64 - max, a);
i += 1;
impl<const N: u32> VoxelImageDecoding for QuadPngEncoding<N> {
fn start(data: &Self::Output) -> Option<Self::Workspace> {
use image::codecs::png::PngDecoder;
@ -267,7 +307,7 @@ impl<const N: u32> VoxelImageDecoding for QuadPngEncoding<N> {
if let Some(kind) = BlockKind::from_u8(ws.0.get_pixel(x, y).0[0]) {
if kind.is_filled() {
let (w, h) = ws.3.dimensions();
let mut rgb = match 1 {
let mut rgb = match 0 {
// Weighted-average interpolation
0 => {
const SAMPLE_RADIUS: i32 = 2i32; // sample_size = SAMPLE_RADIUS * 2 + 1
@ -281,16 +321,58 @@ impl<const N: u32> VoxelImageDecoding for QuadPngEncoding<N> {
if i < w && j < h {
let r = 5.0 - (dx.abs() + dy.abs()) as f64;
rgb += r * Vec3::<u8>::from(ws.3.get_pixel(i, j).0).as_();
total += r;
let pix = Vec3::<u8>::from(ws.3.get_pixel(i, j).0);
if pix != Vec3::zero() {
rgb += r * pix.as_();
total += r;
rgb /= total;
// Mckol's Lanczos interpolation with AldanTanneo's Lanczos LUT
1 if N == 4 => {
const LANCZOS_A: f64 = 2.0; // See https://www.desmos.com/calculator/xxejcymyua
const SAMPLE_RADIUS: i32 = 2i32; // sample_size = SAMPLE_RADIUS * 2 + 1
// rustc currently doesn't support supplying N and SAMPLE_RADIUS, even with
// a few workarounds, so hack around it by using the dynamic check above
const LANCZOS_LUT: [f64; lanczos_lookup_array_size(4, 2)] =
gen_lanczos_lookup::<4, 2>(LANCZOS_A);
// As a reminder: x, y are destination pixel coordinates (not downscaled).
let mut rgb: Vec3<f64> = Vec3::zero();
// Source pixel coordinates (downscaled):
let (src_x, src_y) = (
(x.wrapping_add(dx as u32) / N),
(y.wrapping_add(dy as u32) / N),
if src_x < w && src_y < h {
let pix: Vec3<f64> =
Vec3::<u8>::from(ws.3.get_pixel(src_x, src_y).0).as_();
// Relative coordinates where 1 unit is the size of one source
// pixel and 0 is the center of the source pixel:
let x_rel = ((x % N) as f64 - (N - 1) as f64 / 2.0) / N as f64;
let y_rel = ((y % N) as f64 - (N - 1) as f64 / 2.0) / N as f64;
// Distance from the currently processed target pixel's center
// to the currently processed source pixel's center:
.get((dx as f64 - x_rel).abs() as usize)
.get((dy as f64 - y_rel).abs() as usize)
* pix;
// Mckol's Lanczos interpolation
1 => {
1 | 2 => {
const LANCZOS_A: f64 = 2.0; // See https://www.desmos.com/calculator/xxejcymyua
const SAMPLE_RADIUS: i32 = 2i32; // sample_size = SAMPLE_RADIUS * 2 + 1
// As a reminder: x, y are destination pixel coordinates (not downscaled).
@ -319,44 +401,6 @@ impl<const N: u32> VoxelImageDecoding for QuadPngEncoding<N> {
// Aweinstock's Lanczos interpolation
2 => {
let a = 2.0 / 3.0;
let b = 2.0;
let mut rgb: Vec3<f64> = Vec3::zero();
for dx in -1i32..=1 {
for dy in -1i32..=1 {
let (i, j) = (
(x.wrapping_add(dx as u32) / N),
(y.wrapping_add(dy as u32) / N),
if i < w && j < h {
let pix: Vec3<f64> =
Vec3::<u8>::from(ws.3.get_pixel(i, j).0).as_();
let c = (x.wrapping_add(dx as u32) % N) as f64
- (N - 1) as f64 / 2.0;
let d = (y.wrapping_add(dy as u32) % N) as f64
- (N - 1) as f64 / 2.0;
let euclid = Vec2::new(c, d).magnitude();
let _manhattan = c.abs() + d.abs();
match 2 {
0 => {
rgb += lanczos(a * euclid, b) * pix;
1 => {
rgb += lanczos(a * c, b) * lanczos(a * d, b) * pix;
_ => {
rgb += lanczos(a * (i as f64 - (x / N) as f64), b)
* lanczos(a * (j as f64 - (y / N) as f64), b)
* pix;
// No interpolation
_ => Vec3::<u8>::from(ws.3.get_pixel(x / N, y / N).0).as_(),
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