mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
Progress on GPU premultiplication.
* General progress in setting up code paths to support GPU premultiplication. * Created `PremultiplyUpload` type to represent an initiated image upload where the premultiply pass needs to be ran to complete it. * Converted from compute pass to render pass since current limitations make it difficult to write directly to a srgb image from a compute shader. * Replace `CachedDetails::Immutable` with keeping track of the parameters used to create the texture (i.e. the border color). * Create `TextureRequirements`, `TextureParamters`, and `CacheKey` types to encode parameters that go into texture creation and image caching and to determine when the space in texture memory should be reused when replacing a graphic. * Add custom texture creation logic for the UI textures since those need certain usage combinations.
This commit is contained in:
@ -43,6 +43,16 @@ vec3 linear_to_srgb(vec3 col) {
vec4 srgba8_to_linear(uint srgba8) {
uvec4 nonlinear = vec4(uvec4(
(srgba8 >> 24) & 0xFFu,
(srgba8 >> 16) & 0xFFu,
(srgba8 >> 8) & 0xFFu,
srgba8 & 0xFFu
)) / 255.0;
return vec4(srgb_to_linear(nonlinear.rgb), nonlinear.a);
float pow5(float x) {
float x2 = x * x;
return x2 * x2 * x;
@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
#version 420 core
// TODO: should we modify this based on the current device?
// TODO: would it be better to have 2D workgroup for writing to a local area in the target image?
layout(local_size_x = 256) in;
// TODO: writing all images into a single buffer?
layout(set = 0, binding = 0) readonly buffer InputImage {
uint input_pixels[];
layout (std140, set = 0, binding = 1)
uniform u_locals {
// Size of the input image.
uvec2 image_size;
// Offset to place the transformed input image at in the target
// image.
uvec2 target_offset;
layout(rgba8, set = 0, binding = 2) uniform writeonly image2D target_image;
void main() {
uint global_id = gl_GlobalInvocationId.x;
uvec2 src_pixel_pos = uvec2(global_id % image_size.x, global_id / image_size.x);
// Otherwise this is is an out of bounds compute instance.
if (src_pixel_pos < image_size.y) {
uint pixel = input_pixels[global_id];
vec4 nonlinear = vec4((pixel >> 16) & 0xFFu, (pixel >> 8) & 0xFFu, (pixel >> 8) & 0xFFu, pixel & 0xFFu);
vec4 linear;
vec4 premultiplied_linear;
vec4 premultiplied_nonlinear;
// No free srgb with image store operations https://www.khronos.org/opengl/wiki/Image_Load_Store#Format_compatibility
imageStore(target_image, src_pixel_pos + target_offset, premultiplied_nonlinear);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#version 420 core
layout(set = 0, binding = 0)
uniform texture2D source_texture;
layout(location = 0) in vec2 source_coords;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 target_color;
void main() {
// We get free nonlinear -> linear conversion when sampling from srgb texture;
vec4 linear = texelFetch(source_texture, ivec2(source_coords), 0);
vec4 premultiplied_linear = vec4(linear.rgb * linear.a, linear.a);
// We get free linear -> nonlinear conversion rendering to srgb texture.
target_color = premultiplied_linear;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
#version 420 core
layout(push_constant) uniform Params {
// Size of the source image.
uint source_size_xy;
// Offset to place the image at in the target texture.
// Origin is the top-left.
uint target_offset_xy;
// Size of the target texture.
uint target_size_xy;
layout(location = 0) out vec2 source_coords;
uvec2 unpack(uint xy) {
return uvec2(
bitfieldExtract(xy, 0, 16),
bitfieldExtract(xy, 16, 16),
void main() {
vec2 source_size = vec2(unpack(source_size_xy));
vec2 target_offset = vec2(unpack(target_offset_size_xy));
vec2 target_size = vec2(unpack(target_size_xy));
// Generate rectangle (counter clockwise triangles)
// 0 0 1 1 1 0
float x_select = float(((uint(gl_VertexIndex) + 1u) / 3u) % 2u);
// 1 0 0 0 1 1
float y_select = float(((uint(gl_VertexIndex) + 5u) / 3u) % 2u);
source_coords = vec2(
// left -> right (on screen)
mix(0.0, 1.0, x_select),
// bottom -> top (on screen)
mix(1.0, 0.0, y_select),
vec2 target_coords_normalized = (target_offset + source_coords * source_size) / target_size;
// Flip y and transform [0.0, 1.0] -> [-1.0, 1.0] to get NDC coordinates.
vec2 v_pos = ((target_coords_normalized * 2.0) - vec2(1.0)) * vec2(1.0, -1.0);
gl_Position = vec4(v_pos, 0.0, 1.0);
@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ pub use self::{
create_quad as create_ui_quad,
create_quad_vert_gradient as create_ui_quad_vert_gradient, create_tri as create_ui_tri,
BoundLocals as UiBoundLocals, Locals as UiLocals, Mode as UiMode,
TextureBindGroup as UiTextureBindGroup, Vertex as UiVertex,
PremultiplyUpload as UiPremultiplyUpload, TextureBindGroup as UiTextureBindGroup,
Vertex as UiVertex,
GlobalModel, Globals, GlobalsBindGroup, GlobalsLayouts, Light, Shadow,
@ -1,8 +1,21 @@
use super::super::{Bound, Consts, GlobalsLayouts, Quad, Texture, Tri, Vertex as VertexTrait};
use bytemuck::{Pod, Zeroable};
use core::num::NonZeroU32;
use std::mem;
use vek::*;
// TODO: profile UI rendering before and after on laptop.
/// The format of textures that the UI sources image data from.
/// Note, the is not directly used in all relevant locations, but still helps to
/// more clearly document the that this is the format being used. Notably,
/// textures are created via `renderer.create_dynamic_texture(...)` and
/// `renderer.create_texture(&DynamicImage::ImageRgba(image), ...)` (TODO:
/// update if we have to refactor when implementing the RENDER_ATTACHMENT
/// usage).
const UI_IMAGE_FORMAT: wgpu::TextureFormat = wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Zeroable, Pod)]
pub struct Vertex {
@ -132,8 +145,8 @@ pub struct TextureBindGroup {
pub struct UiLayout {
pub locals: wgpu::BindGroupLayout,
pub texture: wgpu::BindGroupLayout,
locals: wgpu::BindGroupLayout,
texture: wgpu::BindGroupLayout,
impl UiLayout {
@ -395,20 +408,77 @@ pub fn create_tri(
// Steps:
// 1. Upload new image via `Device::create_buffer_init`, with `MAP_WRITE` flag
// to avoid staging buffer.
// 2. Run compute pipeline to multiply by alpha reading from this buffer and
// writing to the final texture (this may be in an atlas or an independent
// texture if the image is over a certain size threshold).
// Premultiplying alpha on the GPU before placing images into the textures that
// will be sampled from in the UI pipeline.
// Info needed in compute shader:
// * source buffer
// * target texture
// * image dimensions
// * position in the target texture
// (what is the overhead of compute call? at some point we may be better off
// converting small images on the cpu)
// Steps:
// 1. Upload new image via `Device::create_texture_with_data`.
// (NOTE: Initially considered: Creating a storage buffer to read from in the
// shader via `Device::create_buffer_init`, with `MAP_WRITE` flag to avoid
// staging buffer. However, with dedicated GPUs combining usages other than
// `COPY_SRC` with `MAP_WRITE` may be less ideal. Plus, by copying into a
// texture first we can get free srgb conversion when fetching colors
// from the texture. In the future, we may want to branch based on the
// whether the GPU is integrated and avoid this extra copy.)
// 2. Run render pipeline to multiply by alpha reading from this texture and
// writing to the final texture (this can either be in an atlas or in an
// independent texture if the image is over a certain size threshold).
// (NOTE: Initially considered: using a compute pipeline and writing to the
// final texture as a storage texture. However, the srgb format can't be used
// with storage texture and there is not yet the capability to create
// non-srgb views of srgb textures.)
// Info needed:
// * source texture (texture binding)
// * target texture (render attachment)
// * source image dimensions (push constant)
// * target texture dimensions (push constant)
// * position in the target texture (push constant)
// TODO: potential optimizations
// * what is the overhead of this draw call call? at some point we may be better
// off converting very small images on the cpu and/or batching these into a
// single draw call
// * what is the overhead of creating new small textures? for processing many
// small images would it be useful to create a single texture the same size as
// our cache texture and use Queue::write_texture?
// * is using create_buffer_init and reading directly from that (with manual
// srgb conversion) worth avoiding staging buffer/copy-to-texture for
// integrated GPUs?
// * premultipying alpha in a release asset preparation step
pub struct PremultiplyAlphaLayout {
source_texture: wgpu::BindGroupLayout,
impl PremultiplyAlphaLayout {
pub fn new(device: &wgpu::Device) -> Self {
Self {
source_texture: device.create_bind_group_layout(&wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
label: None,
entries: &[
// source_texture
wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 0,
visibility: wgpu::ShaderStage::FRAGMENT,
ty: wgpu::BindingType::Texture {
sample_type: wgpu::TextureSampleType::Float { filterable: false },
view_dimension: wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2,
multisampled: false,
count: None,
pub struct PremultiplyAlphaPipeline {
pub pipeline: wgpu::RenderPipeline,
@ -416,22 +486,163 @@ pub struct PremultiplyAlphaPipeline {
impl PremultiplyAlphaPipeline {
pub fn new(
device: &wgpu::Device,
module: &wgpu::ShaderModule,
layout: &PremultiplAlphaLayout,
vs_module: &wgpu::ShaderModule,
fs_module: &wgpu::ShaderModule,
layout: &PremultiplyAlphaLayout,
) -> Self {
let pipeline_layout = device.create_pipeline_layout(&wgpu::PipelineLayoutDescriptor {
label: Some("Premultiply alpha pipeline layout"),
push_constant_ranges: &[],
bind_group_layouts: &[layout],
bind_group_layouts: &[&layout.source_texture],
push_constant_ranges: &[wgpu::PushConstantRange {
stages: wgpu::ShaderStage::VERTEX,
range: 0..core::mem::size_of::<PremultiplyAlphaParams>() as u32,
let pipeline = device.create_compute_pipeline(&wgpu::RenderPipelineDescriptor {
let pipeline = device.create_render_pipeline(&wgpu::RenderPipelineDescriptor {
label: Some("Premultiply alpha pipeline"),
layout: Some(&pipeline_layout),
entry_point: "main",
vertex: wgpu::VertexState {
module: vs_module,
entry_point: "main",
buffers: &[],
primitive: wgpu::PrimitiveState {
topology: wgpu::PrimitiveTopology::TriangleList,
strip_index_format: None,
front_face: wgpu::FrontFace::Ccw,
cull_mode: Some(wgpu::Face::Back),
clamp_depth: false,
polygon_mode: wgpu::PolygonMode::Fill,
conservative: false,
depth_stencil: None,
multisample: wgpu::MultisampleState::default(),
fragment: Some(wgpu::FragmentState {
module: fs_module,
entry_point: "main",
targets: &[wgpu::ColorTargetState {
blend: None,
write_mask: wgpu::ColorWrite::ALL,
Self { pipeline }
/// Uploaded as push constant.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Zeroable, Pod)]
pub struct PremultiplyAlphaParams {
/// Size of the source image.
source_size_xy: u32,
/// Offset to place the image at in the target texture.
/// Origin is the top-left.
target_offset_xy: u32,
/// Size of the target texture.
target_size_xy: u32,
/// An image upload that needs alpha premultiplication and which is in a pending
/// state.
/// From here we will use the `PremultiplyAlpha` pipeline to premultiply the
/// alpha while transfering the image to its destination texture.
pub struct PremultiplyUpload {
source_bg: wgpu::BindGroup,
source_size_xy: u32,
/// The location in the final texture this will be placed at. Technically,
/// we don't need this information at this point but it is convenient to
/// store it here.
offset: Vec2<u16>,
impl PremultiplyUpload {
pub fn prepare(
device: &wgpu::Device,
queue: &wgpu::Queue,
layout: &PremultiplyAlphaLayout,
image: &image::RgbaImage,
offset: Vec2<u16>,
) -> Self {
// TODO: duplicating some code from `Texture` since:
// 1. We don't need to create a sampler.
// 2. Texture::new accepts &DynamicImage which isn't possible to create from
// &RgbaImage without cloning.
let image_size = wgpu::Extent3d {
width: image.width(),
height: image.height(),
depth_or_array_layers: 1,
let source_tex = device.create_texture(&wgpu::TextureDescriptor {
label: None,
size: image_size,
mip_level_count: 1,
sample_count: 1,
dimension: wgpu::TextureDimension::D2,
format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb,
usage: wgpu::TextureUsage::SAMPLED | wgpu::TextureUsage::COPY_DST,
wgpu::ImageCopyTexture {
texture: &source_tex,
mip_level: 0,
origin: wgpu::Origin3d::ZERO,
&(&**image)[..(image.width() as usize * image.height() as usize)],
wgpu::ImageDataLayout {
offset: 0,
bytes_per_row: NonZeroU32::new(image.width() * 4),
rows_per_image: NonZeroU32::new(image.height()),
// Create view to use to create bind group
let view = source_tex.create_view(&wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor {
label: None,
format: Some(wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb),
dimension: Some(wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2),
aspect: wgpu::TextureAspect::All,
base_mip_level: 0,
mip_level_count: None,
base_array_layer: 0,
array_layer_count: None,
let source_bg = device.create_bind_group(&wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
label: None,
layout: &layout.source_texture,
entries: &[wgpu::BindGroupEntry {
binding: 0,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(&view),
// NOTE: We assume the max texture size is less than u16::MAX.
let source_size_xy = image_size.width + image_size.height << 16;
Self {
/// Semantically, this consumes the `PremultiplyUpload` but we need to keep
/// the bind group alive to the end of the render pass and don't want to
/// bother storing it somewhere else.
pub fn draw_data(&self, target: &Texture) -> (&wgpu::BindGroup, PremultiplyAlphaParams) {
let target_offset_xy = u32::from(self.offset.x) + u32::from(self.offset.y) << 16;
let target_dims = target.get_dimensions();
// NOTE: We assume the max texture size is less than u16::MAX.
let target_size_xy = target_dims.x + target_dims.y << 16;
(&self.source_bg, PremultiplyAlphaParams {
source_size_xy: self.source_size_xy,
@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ struct ImmutableLayouts {
clouds: clouds::CloudsLayout,
bloom: bloom::BloomLayout,
ui: ui::UiLayout,
premultiply_alpha: ui::PremultiplyAlphaLayout,
blit: blit::BlitLayout,
@ -393,6 +394,7 @@ impl Renderer {
let ui = ui::UiLayout::new(&device);
let premultiply_alpha = ui::PremultiplyAlphaLayout::new(&device);
let blit = blit::BlitLayout::new(&device);
let immutable = Arc::new(ImmutableLayouts {
@ -407,6 +409,7 @@ impl Renderer {
@ -1434,6 +1437,20 @@ impl Renderer {
texture.update(&self.queue, offset, size, bytemuck::cast_slice(data))
pub fn prepare_premultiply_upload(
image: &image::RgbaImage,
offset: Vec2<u16>,
) -> ui::PremultiplyUpload {
/// Queue to obtain a screenshot on the next frame render
pub fn create_screenshot(
&mut self,
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ use super::{
rain_occlusion_map::{RainOcclusionMap, RainOcclusionMapRenderer},
Renderer, ShadowMap, ShadowMapRenderer,
use common_base::prof_span;
use core::{num::NonZeroU32, ops::Range};
use std::sync::Arc;
use vek::Aabr;
@ -424,6 +425,44 @@ impl<'frame> Drawer<'frame> {
pub fn run_ui_premultiply_passes<'a>(
&mut self,
targets: impl Iterator<Item = (&'a super::super::Texture, Vec<ui::PremultiplyUpload>)>,
) {
let encoder = self.encoder.as_mut().unwrap();
let device = self.borrow.device;
// TODO: What is the CPU overhead of each renderpass?
for (i, (target_texture, uploads)) in targets.enumerate() {
prof_span!("ui premultiply pass");
tracing::info!("{} uploads", uploads.len());
let profile_name = format!("ui_premultiply_pass {}", i);
let label = format!("ui premultiply pass {}", i);
// TODO: a GPU profile scope on each of the passes here may be a bit too fine
// grained.
let mut render_pass =
encoder.scoped_render_pass(&profile_name, device, &wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor {
label: Some(&label),
color_attachments: &[wgpu::RenderPassColorAttachment {
view: &target_texture.view,
resolve_target: None,
ops: wgpu::Operations {
load: wgpu::LoadOp::Clear(wgpu::Color::TRANSPARENT),
store: true,
depth_stencil_attachment: None,
for upload in &uploads {
let (source_bind_group, push_constant_data) = upload.draw_data(target_texture);
let bytes = bytemuck::bytes_of(&push_constant_data);
render_pass.set_bind_group(0, source_bind_group, &[]);
render_pass.set_push_constants(wgpu::ShaderStage::VERTEX, 0, bytes);
render_pass.draw_indexed(0..6, 0, 0..1);
pub fn third_pass(&mut self) -> ThirdPassDrawer {
let encoder = self.encoder.as_mut().unwrap();
let device = self.borrow.device;
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ pub struct Pipelines {
pub lod_object: lod_object::LodObjectPipeline,
pub terrain: terrain::TerrainPipeline,
pub ui: ui::UiPipeline,
pub premultiply_alpha: ui::PremultiplyAlphaPipeline,
pub blit: blit::BlitPipeline,
@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ pub struct IngameAndShadowPipelines {
/// Use to decouple interface pipeline creation when initializing the renderer
pub struct InterfacePipelines {
pub ui: ui::UiPipeline,
pub premultiply_alpha: ui::PremultiplyAlphaPipeline,
pub blit: blit::BlitPipeline,
@ -100,6 +102,7 @@ impl Pipelines {
lod_object: ingame.lod_object,
terrain: ingame.terrain,
ui: interface.ui,
premultiply_alpha: interface.premultiply_alpha,
blit: interface.blit,
@ -127,6 +130,8 @@ struct ShaderModules {
trail_frag: wgpu::ShaderModule,
ui_vert: wgpu::ShaderModule,
ui_frag: wgpu::ShaderModule,
premultiply_alpha_vert: wgpu::ShaderModule,
premultiply_alpha_frag: wgpu::ShaderModule,
lod_terrain_vert: wgpu::ShaderModule,
lod_terrain_frag: wgpu::ShaderModule,
clouds_vert: wgpu::ShaderModule,
@ -336,6 +341,8 @@ impl ShaderModules {
trail_frag: create_shader("trail-frag", ShaderKind::Fragment)?,
ui_vert: create_shader("ui-vert", ShaderKind::Vertex)?,
ui_frag: create_shader("ui-frag", ShaderKind::Fragment)?,
premultiply_alpha_vert: create_shader("premultiply-alpha-vert", ShaderKind::Vertex)?,
premultiply_alpha_frag: create_shader("premultiply-alpha-frag", ShaderKind::Fragment)?,
lod_terrain_vert: create_shader("lod-terrain-vert", ShaderKind::Vertex)?,
lod_terrain_frag: create_shader("lod-terrain-frag", ShaderKind::Fragment)?,
clouds_vert: create_shader("clouds-vert", ShaderKind::Vertex)?,
@ -416,11 +423,11 @@ struct PipelineNeeds<'a> {
fn create_interface_pipelines(
needs: PipelineNeeds,
pool: &rayon::ThreadPool,
tasks: [Task; 2],
tasks: [Task; 3],
) -> InterfacePipelines {
prof_span!(_guard, "create_interface_pipelines");
let [ui_task, blit_task] = tasks;
let [ui_task, premultiply_alpha_task, blit_task] = tasks;
// Construct a pipeline for rendering UI elements
let create_ui = || {
@ -438,6 +445,20 @@ fn create_interface_pipelines(
let create_premultiply_alpha = || {
|| {
"premultiply alpha pipeline creation",
// Construct a pipeline for blitting, used during screenshotting
let create_blit = || {
@ -454,9 +475,15 @@ fn create_interface_pipelines(
let (ui, blit) = pool.join(create_ui, create_blit);
let (ui, (premultiply_alpha, blit)) = pool.join(create_ui, || {
pool.join(create_premultiply_alpha, create_blit)
InterfacePipelines { ui, blit }
InterfacePipelines {
/// Create IngamePipelines and shadow pipelines in parallel
@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ impl assets::Compound for Shaders {
@ -224,6 +224,7 @@ impl Texture {
// TODO: remove `get` from this name
/// Get dimensions of the represented image.
pub fn get_dimensions(&self) -> vek::Vec3<u32> {
@ -51,7 +51,9 @@ impl Cache {
pub fn glyph_cache_tex(&self) -> &(Texture, UiTextureBindGroup) { &self.glyph_cache_tex }
pub fn glyph_cache_tex(&self) -> (&Texture, &UiTextureBindGroup) {
(&self.glyph_cache_tex.0, &self.glyph_cache_tex.1)
pub fn cache_mut_and_tex(
&mut self,
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ pub mod renderer;
pub use renderer::{SampleStrat, Transform};
use crate::{
render::{Renderer, Texture, UiTextureBindGroup},
render::{Renderer, Texture, UiPremultiplyUpload, UiTextureBindGroup},
use common::{figure::Segment, slowjob::SlowJobPool};
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ use guillotiere::{size2, SimpleAtlasAllocator};
use hashbrown::{hash_map::Entry, HashMap};
use image::{DynamicImage, RgbaImage};
use slab::Slab;
use std::{hash::Hash, sync::Arc};
use std::{borrow::Cow, hash::Hash, sync::Arc};
use tracing::{error, warn};
use vek::*;
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ pub enum Graphic {
Image(Arc<DynamicImage>, Option<Rgba<f32>>),
// Note: none of the users keep this Arc currently
Voxel(Arc<Segment>, Transform, SampleStrat),
// TODO: Re-evaluate whether we need this (especially outside conrod context)
@ -63,11 +64,11 @@ pub struct TexId(usize);
enum CachedDetails {
Atlas {
// Index of the atlas this is cached in
// Index of the atlas this is cached in.
atlas_idx: usize,
// Whether this texture is valid.
valid: bool,
// Where in the cache texture this is
// Where in the cache texture this is.
aabr: Aabr<u16>,
Texture {
@ -76,10 +77,6 @@ enum CachedDetails {
// Whether this texture is valid.
valid: bool,
Immutable {
// Index of the (unique, immutable, non-atlas) texture this is cached in.
index: usize,
impl CachedDetails {
@ -89,10 +86,8 @@ impl CachedDetails {
fn info(
atlases: &[(SimpleAtlasAllocator, usize)],
textures: &Slab<(Texture, UiTextureBindGroup)>,
textures: &Slab<(Texture, UiTextureBindGroup, Vec<UiPremultiplyUpload>)>,
) -> (usize, bool, Aabr<u16>) {
// NOTE: We don't accept images larger than u16::MAX (rejected in `cache_res`)
// (and probably would not be able to create a texture this large).
match *self {
CachedDetails::Atlas {
@ -102,38 +97,136 @@ impl CachedDetails {
CachedDetails::Texture { index, valid } => {
(index, valid, Aabr {
min: Vec2::zero(),
// Note texture should always match the cached dimensions
max: textures[index].0.get_dimensions().xy().map(|e| e as u16),
CachedDetails::Immutable { index } => {
(index, true, Aabr {
min: Vec2::zero(),
// Note texture should always match the cached dimensions
// NOTE (as cast): We don't accept images larger than u16::MAX (rejected in
// `cache_res`) (and probably would not be able to create a texture this
// large).
// Note texture should always match the cached dimensions.
max: textures[index].0.get_dimensions().xy().map(|e| e as u16),
/// Attempt to invalidate this cache entry.
/// If invalidation is not possible this returns the index of the texture to
/// deallocate
fn invalidate(&mut self) -> Result<(), usize> {
/// Invalidate this cache entry.
fn invalidate(&mut self) {
match self {
Self::Atlas { ref mut valid, .. } => {
*valid = false;
Self::Texture { ref mut valid, .. } => {
*valid = false;
Self::Immutable { index } => Err(*index),
/// Requirements that a particular graphic has with respect to the atlas
/// allocation or independent texture it will be stored in.
/// If this matches between an old graphic and a new one which is replacing it,
/// we can reuse any of the corresponding locations where it is cached in
/// textures on the GPU. That is we can invalidate such textures and upload the
/// new graphic there, rather than needing to allocate a new texture (or new
/// location in an atlas).
enum TextureRequirements {
/// These are uploaded to the GPU in the original resolution of the image
/// supplied by the `Graphic` and any scaling is done during sampling in
/// the UI fragment shader.
Fixed {
size: Vec2<u16>,
/// Graphics with a border color specified are placed into their own
/// individual textures so that the border color can be set
/// there. (Note: this is partially a theoretical description as
/// border color options are limited in the current graphics API).
border_color: Option<Rgba<f32>>,
/// These are rasterized to the exact resolution that they will be displayed
/// at and then uploaded to the GPU. This corresponds to
/// `Graphic::Voxel`. There may be multiple copies on the GPU if
/// different resolutions are requested.
/// It is expected that the requested sizes will generally not differ when
/// switching out a graphic. Thus, dependent cached depdendent should
/// always be invalidated since those cached locations will be reusable
/// if the requested size is the same.
/// These solely determine how a place in an atlas will be found or how a
/// texture will be created to place the image for a graphic.
struct TextureParameters {
size: Vec2<u16>,
border_color: Option<Rgba<f32>>,
/// Key used to refer to an instance of a graphic that has been uploaded to the
/// GPU.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct CacheKey {
graphic_id: Id,
/// This is `Some` for `TextureRequirements::Dependent`.
size: Option<Vec2<u16>>,
impl TextureRequirements {
fn from_graphic(graphic: &Graphic) -> Option<Self> {
match graphic {
Graphic::Image(image, border_color) => {
// Image sizes over u16::MAX are not supported (and we would probably not be
// able to create a texture large enough to hold them on the GPU anyway)!
let image_dims = match (u16::try_from(image.width()), u16::try_from(image.height()))
(Ok(x), Ok(y)) if x != 0 && y != 0 => Vec2::new(x, y),
_ => {
"Image dimensions greater than u16::MAX are not supported! Supplied \
image size: ({}, {}).",
// TODO: reasonable to return None on this error case? We could potentially
// validate images sizes on add_graphic/replace_graphic?
return None;
Some(Self::Fixed {
size: image_dims,
border_color: *border_color,
Graphic::Voxel(_, _, _) => Some(Self::Dependent),
Graphic::Blank => None,
// TODO: what if requested size is 0? Do we currently panic on this case and
// expect caller not to ask for 0 size? (if so document that)
fn to_key_and_tex_parameters(
graphic_id: Id,
requested_size: Vec2<u16>,
) -> (CacheKey, TextureParameters) {
// NOTE: Any external parameters which influence the value of the returned
// `TextureParameters` must be included in the `CacheKey`. Otherwise,
// invalidation and subsequent re-use of cache locations based on the
// value of `self` would be wrong.
let (size, border_color, key_size) = match self {
Self::Fixed { size, border_color } => (size, border_color, None),
Self::Dependent => (requested_size, None, Some(requested_size)),
CacheKey {
size: key_size,
TextureParameters { size, border_color },
// Caches graphics, only deallocates when changing screen resolution (completely
// cleared)
pub struct GraphicCache {
@ -142,27 +235,35 @@ pub struct GraphicCache {
/// Next id to use when a new graphic is added
next_id: u32,
/// Atlases with the index of their texture in the textures vec
/// Atlases with the index of their texture in the textures slab.
atlases: Vec<(SimpleAtlasAllocator, usize)>,
textures: Slab<(Texture, UiTextureBindGroup)>,
/// Third tuple element is a list of pending premultiply + upload operations
/// for this frame. The purpose of this is to collect all the operations
/// together so that a single renderpass is performed for each target
/// texture.
textures: Slab<(Texture, UiTextureBindGroup, Vec<UiPremultiplyUpload>)>,
/// The location and details of graphics cached on the GPU.
/// Graphic::Voxel images include the dimensions they were rasterized at in
/// the key. Other images are scaled as part of sampling them on the
/// GPU.
cache_map: HashMap<(Id, Option<Vec2<u16>>), CachedDetails>,
cache_map: HashMap<CacheKey, CachedDetails>,
keyed_jobs: KeyedJobs<(Id, Option<Vec2<u16>>), (RgbaImage, Option<Rgba<f32>>)>,
keyed_jobs: KeyedJobs<CacheKey, RgbaImage>,
impl GraphicCache {
pub fn new(renderer: &mut Renderer) -> Self {
let (atlas, texture) = create_atlas_texture(renderer);
let (atlas, (tex, bind)) = create_atlas_texture(renderer);
let mut textures = Slab::new();
let tex_id = textures.insert((tex, bind, Vec::new()));
Self {
graphic_map: HashMap::default(),
next_id: 0,
atlases: vec![(atlas, 0)],
textures: core::iter::once((0, texture)).collect(),
atlases: vec![(atlas, tex_id)],
cache_map: HashMap::default(),
keyed_jobs: KeyedJobs::new("IMAGE_PROCESSING"),
@ -179,29 +280,64 @@ impl GraphicCache {
pub fn replace_graphic(&mut self, id: Id, graphic: Graphic) {
if self.graphic_map.insert(id, graphic).is_none() {
// This was not an update, so no need to search for keys.
let (old, new) = match self.graphic_map.entry(id) {
Entry::Occupied(o) => {
let slot_mut = o.into_mut();
let old = core::mem::replace(slot_mut, graphic);
(old, slot_mut)
Entry::Vacant(v) => {
// This was not an update, so no need to cleanup caches.
// Remove from caches
let old_requirements = TextureRequirements::from_graphic(&old);
let new_requirements = TextureRequirements::from_graphic(&new);
let should_invalidate = old_requirements == new_requirements && old_requirements.is_some();
// Invalidate if possible or remove from caches.
// Maybe make this more efficient if replace graphic is used more often
self.cache_map.retain(|&(key_id, _), details| {
// If the entry does not reference id, or it does but we can successfully
// invalidate, retain the entry; otherwise, discard this entry completely.
key_id != id
|| details
.map_err(|index| self.textures.remove(index))
// (especially since we should know the exact key for non-voxel
// graphics).
// NOTE: at the time of writing, replace_graphic is only used for voxel minimap
// updates and item image reloading.
if should_invalidate {
self.cache_map.iter_mut().for_each(|(key, details)| {
if key.graphic_id == id {
} else {
self.cache_map.drain_filter(|key, details| {
if key.graphic_id == id {
match details {
// TODO: if replace_graphic is used continously for small images (i.e.
// images placed into an atlas) of different sizes, that can use up our
// atlas space since spots in the atlas can't be reused. (this scenario is
// now possible with scaling being done during sampling rather than placing
// resized version into the atlas)
CachedDetails::Atlas { .. } => {},
CachedDetails::Texture { index, .. } => {
} else {
pub fn get_graphic(&self, id: Id) -> Option<&Graphic> { self.graphic_map.get(&id) }
/// Used to acquire textures for rendering
pub fn get_tex(&self, id: TexId) -> &(Texture, UiTextureBindGroup) {
self.textures.get(id.0).expect("Invalid TexId used")
pub fn get_tex(&self, id: TexId) -> (&Texture, &UiTextureBindGroup) {
let (tex, bind, _uploads) = self.textures.get(id.0).expect("Invalid TexId used");
(tex, bind)
pub fn get_graphic_dims(&self, (id, rot): (Id, Rotation)) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
@ -230,20 +366,28 @@ impl GraphicCache {
pub fn clear_cache(&mut self, renderer: &mut Renderer) {
let (atlas, texture) = create_atlas_texture(renderer);
self.atlases = vec![(atlas, 0)];
self.textures = core::iter::once((0, texture)).collect();
let (atlas, (tex, bind)) = create_atlas_texture(renderer);
let mut textures = Slab::new();
let tex_id = textures.insert((tex, bind, Vec::new()));
self.atlases = vec![(atlas, tex_id)];
self.textures = textures;
/// Source rectangle should be from 0 to 1, and represents a bounding box
/// for the source image of the graphic.
/// [`complete_premultiply_uploads`](Self::complete_premultiply_uploads)
/// needs to be called to finalize updates on the GPU that are initiated
/// here. Thus, ideally that would be called before drawing UI elements
/// using the images cached here.
pub fn cache_res(
&mut self,
renderer: &mut Renderer,
pool: Option<&SlowJobPool>,
graphic_id: Id,
// TODO: if we aren't resizing here we can upload image earlier... (as long as this doesn't
// lead to uploading too much unused stuff).
// TODO: if we aren't resizing here we can potentially upload the image earlier... (as long
// as this doesn't lead to uploading too much unused stuff). (currently not sure whether it
// would be an overall gain to pursue this.)
requested_dims: Vec2<u16>,
source: Aabr<f64>,
rotation: Rotation,
@ -290,6 +434,7 @@ impl GraphicCache {
// S-TODO: A bit hacky inserting this here, just to get things working initially
let scale = requested_dims_upright.map2(
// S-TODO div by zero potential? If so, is NaN an issue in that case?
|screen_pixels, sample_pixels: f64| screen_pixels as f32 / sample_pixels as f32,
let transformed = rotated_aabr(scaled);
@ -315,13 +460,9 @@ impl GraphicCache {
let key = (
// Dimensions only included in the key for voxel graphics which we rasterize at the
// size that they will be displayed at (other images are scaled when sampling them on
// the GPU).
matches!(graphic, Graphic::Voxel { .. }).then(|| requested_dims_upright),
let requirements = TextureRequirements::from_graphic(&graphic)?;
let (key, texture_parameters) =
requirements.to_key_and_tex_parameters(graphic_id, requested_dims_upright);
let details = match cache_map.entry(key) {
Entry::Occupied(details) => {
@ -332,20 +473,23 @@ impl GraphicCache {
// graphic
if !valid {
// Create image
let (image, border) = prepare_graphic(
let image = prepare_graphic(
&mut self.keyed_jobs,
// If the cache location is invalid, we know the underlying texture is mutable,
// so we should be able to replace the graphic. However, we still want to make
// sure that we are not reusing textures for images that specify a border
// color.
// Ensure we don't have any bugs causing the size used to determine if the
// cached version is reusable to not match the size of the image produced by
// prepare_graphic.
// Transfer to the gpu
upload_image(renderer, aabr, &textures[idx].0, &image);
upload_image(renderer, aabr, &mut textures[idx].2, &image);
return Some((transformed_aabr(aabr.map(|e| e as f64)), TexId(idx)));
@ -354,62 +498,49 @@ impl GraphicCache {
// Construct image in an optional threadpool.
let (image, border_color) = prepare_graphic(
let image = prepare_graphic(
&mut self.keyed_jobs,
// Assert dimensions of image from `prepare_graphic` are as expected!
// Image dimensions in the format used by the allocator crate.
let image_dims_size2d = size2(
// Image sizes over u16::MAX are not supported (and we would probably not be
// able to create a texture large enough to hold them on the GPU anyway)!
let image_dims = match {
let (x, y) = image.dimensions();
(u16::try_from(x), u16::try_from(y))
} {
(Ok(x), Ok(y)) => Vec2::new(x, y),
_ => {
"Image dimensions greater than u16::MAX are not supported! Supplied image \
size: {:?}.",
return None;
// Now we allocate space on the gpu (either in an atlas or an independent
// texture) and upload the image to that location.
// Upload
let atlas_size = atlas_size(renderer);
// Allocate space on the gpu.
// Graphics with a border color.
let location = if let Some(border_color) = border_color {
// Create a new immutable texture.
let texture = create_image(renderer, image, border_color);
// NOTE: All mutations happen only after the upload succeeds!
let index = textures.insert(texture);
CachedDetails::Immutable { index }
// Graphics over a particular size compared to the atlas size are sent
// to their own textures. Here we check for ones under that
// size.
} else if atlas_size
.map2(image_dims, |a, d| a as f32 * ATLAS_CUTOFF_FRAC >= d as f32)
// Graphics that request a border color or which are over a particular size
// compared to the atlas size are sent to their own textures.
let can_place_in_atlas = texture_parameters.border_color.is_none()
&& atlas_size
.map2(texture_parameters.size, |a, d| {
a as f32 * ATLAS_CUTOFF_FRAC >= d as f32
let location = if can_place_in_atlas {
// Fit into an atlas
let mut loc = None;
for (atlas_idx, &mut (ref mut atlas, texture_idx)) in atlases.iter_mut().enumerate() {
let clamped_dims = image_dims.map(|e| i32::from(e.max(1)));
if let Some(rectangle) = atlas.allocate(size2(clamped_dims.x, clamped_dims.y)) {
if let Some(rectangle) = atlas.allocate(image_dims_size2d) {
let aabr = aabr_from_alloc_rect(rectangle);
loc = Some(CachedDetails::Atlas {
valid: true,
upload_image(renderer, aabr, &textures[texture_idx].0, &image);
upload_image(renderer, aabr, &mut textures[texture_idx].2, &image);
@ -418,17 +549,16 @@ impl GraphicCache {
Some(loc) => loc,
// Create a new atlas
None => {
let (mut atlas, texture) = create_atlas_texture(renderer);
let clamped_dims = image_dims.map(|e| i32::from(e.max(1)));
let (mut atlas, (tex, bind)) = create_atlas_texture(renderer);
let aabr = atlas
.allocate(size2(clamped_dims.x, clamped_dims.y))
// NOTE: All mutations happen only after the texture creation succeeds!
let tex_idx = textures.insert(texture);
let tex_idx = textures.insert((tex, bind, Vec::new()));
let atlas_idx = atlases.len();
atlases.push((atlas, tex_idx));
upload_image(renderer, aabr, &textures[tex_idx].0, &image);
upload_image(renderer, aabr, &mut textures[tex_idx].2, &image);
CachedDetails::Atlas {
valid: true,
@ -438,23 +568,11 @@ impl GraphicCache {
} else {
// Create a texture just for this
let texture = {
let tex = renderer.create_dynamic_texture(image_dims.map(u32::from));
let bind = renderer.ui_bind_texture(&tex);
(tex, bind)
// NOTE: All mutations happen only after the texture creation succeeds!
let index = textures.insert(texture);
Aabr {
min: Vec2::zero(),
// Note texture should always match the cached dimensions
max: image_dims,
let (tex, bind, uploads) = create_image(renderer, &image, texture_parameters);
// NOTE: All mutations happen only after the texture creation and upload
// initiation succeeds! (completing the upload does not have any failure cases
// afaik)
let index = textures.insert((tex, bind, uploads));
CachedDetails::Texture { index, valid: true }
@ -466,54 +584,77 @@ impl GraphicCache {
Some((transformed_aabr(aabr.map(|e| e as f64)), TexId(idx)))
/// Runs render passes with alpha premultiplication pipeline to complete any
/// pending uploads.
/// This should be called before starting the pass where the ui is rendered.
pub fn complete_premultiply_uploads(&mut self, drawer: &mut crate::render::Drawer<'_>) {
.map(|(_tex_id, (texture, _, uploads))| (&*texture, core::mem::take(uploads))),
/// Prepare the graphic into the form that will be uploaded to the GPU.
/// For voxel graphics, draws the graphic at the specified dimensions.
/// Also pre-multiplies alpha in images so they can be linearly filtered on the
/// GPU.
fn prepare_graphic(
graphic: &Graphic,
graphic_id: Id,
/// Also can pre-multiplies alpha in images so they can be linearly filtered on
/// the GPU (this is optional since we also have a path to do this
/// premultiplication on the GPU).
fn prepare_graphic<'graphic>(
graphic: &'graphic Graphic,
cache_key: CacheKey,
dims: Vec2<u16>,
keyed_jobs: &mut KeyedJobs<(Id, Option<Vec2<u16>>), (RgbaImage, Option<Rgba<f32>>)>,
premultiply_on_cpu: bool, // TODO: currently unused
keyed_jobs: &mut KeyedJobs<CacheKey, RgbaImage>,
pool: Option<&SlowJobPool>,
) -> Option<(RgbaImage, Option<Rgba<f32>>)> {
) -> Option<Cow<'graphic, RgbaImage>> {
match graphic {
// Short-circuit spawning a job on the threadpool for blank graphics
Graphic::Blank => None,
// Dimensions are only included in the key for Graphic::Voxel since otherwise we will
// resize on the GPU.
Graphic::Image(image, border_color) => keyed_jobs
.spawn(pool, (graphic_id, None), || {
let image = Arc::clone(image);
let border_color = *border_color;
move |_| {
// Image will be rescaled when sampling from it on the GPU so we don't
// need to resize it here.
let mut image = image.to_rgba8();
// TODO: could potentially do this when loading the image and for voxel
// images maybe at some point in the `draw_vox` processing. Or we could
// push it in the other direction and do conversion on the GPU.
premultiply_alpha(&mut image);
(image, border_color)
.map(|(_, v)| v),
Graphic::Image(image, _border_color) => {
if premultiply_on_cpu {
.spawn(pool, cache_key, || {
let image = Arc::clone(image);
move |_| {
// Image will be rescaled when sampling from it on the GPU so we don't
// need to resize it here.
let mut image = image.to_rgba8();
// TODO: could potentially do this when loading the image and for voxel
// images maybe at some point in the `draw_vox` processing. Or we could
// push it in the other direction and do conversion on the GPU.
premultiply_alpha(&mut image);
.map(|(_, v)| Cow::Owned(v))
} else if let Some(rgba) = image.as_rgba8() {
} else {
// TODO: we should require rgba8 format
warn!("Non-rgba8 image in UI used this may be deprecated.");
Graphic::Voxel(segment, trans, sample_strat) => keyed_jobs
.spawn(pool, (graphic_id, Some(dims)), || {
.spawn(pool, cache_key, || {
let segment = Arc::clone(segment);
let (trans, sample_strat) = (*trans, *sample_strat);
move |_| {
// Render voxel model at requested resolution
let mut image = renderer::draw_vox(&segment, dims, trans, sample_strat);
premultiply_alpha(&mut image);
(image, None)
if premultiply_on_cpu {
premultiply_alpha(&mut image);
.map(|(_, v)| v),
.map(|(_, v)| Cow::Owned(v)),
@ -525,19 +666,52 @@ fn atlas_size(renderer: &Renderer) -> Vec2<u32> {
.map(|e| (e * GRAPHIC_CACHE_RELATIVE_SIZE).clamp(512, max_texture_size))
/// This creates a texture suitable for sampling from during the UI pass and
/// rendering too during alpha premultiplication upload passes.
fn create_image_texture(
renderer: &mut Renderer,
size: Vec2<u32>,
address_mode: Option<wgpu::AddressMode>,
) -> (Texture, UiTextureBindGroup) {
let tex_info = wgpu::TextureDescriptor {
label: None,
size: wgpu::Extent3d {
width: size.x,
height: size.y,
depth_or_array_layers: 1,
mip_level_count: 1,
sample_count: 1,
dimension: wgpu::TextureDimension::D2,
format: wgpu::TextureFormat::Rgba8UnormSrgb,
usage: wgpu::TextureUsage::RENDER_ATTACHMENT | wgpu::TextureUsage::SAMPLED,
let view_info = wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor {
format: Some(tex_info.format),
dimension: Some(wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2),
let address_mode = address_mode.unwrap_or(wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge);
let sampler_info = wgpu::SamplerDescriptor {
address_mode_u: address_mode,
address_mode_v: address_mode,
mag_filter: wgpu::FilterMode::Linear,
min_filter: wgpu::FilterMode::Linear,
let tex = renderer.create_texture_raw(&tex_info, &view_info, &sampler_info);
let bind = renderer.ui_bind_texture(&tex);
(tex, bind)
fn create_atlas_texture(
renderer: &mut Renderer,
) -> (SimpleAtlasAllocator, (Texture, UiTextureBindGroup)) {
let size = atlas_size(renderer);
// Note: here we assume the max texture size is under i32::MAX.
let atlas = SimpleAtlasAllocator::new(size2(size.x as i32, size.y as i32));
let texture = {
let tex = renderer.create_dynamic_texture(size);
let bind = renderer.ui_bind_texture(&tex);
(tex, bind)
(atlas, texture)
let (tex, bind) = create_image_texture(renderer, size, None);
(atlas, (tex, bind))
fn aabr_from_alloc_rect(rect: guillotiere::Rectangle) -> Aabr<u16> {
@ -550,37 +724,49 @@ fn aabr_from_alloc_rect(rect: guillotiere::Rectangle) -> Aabr<u16> {
fn upload_image(renderer: &mut Renderer, aabr: Aabr<u16>, tex: &Texture, image: &RgbaImage) {
fn upload_image(
renderer: &mut Renderer,
aabr: Aabr<u16>,
target_texture_uploads: &mut Vec<UiPremultiplyUpload>,
image: &RgbaImage,
) {
let aabr = aabr.map(u32::from);
// Check that this image and the target aabr are the same size (otherwise there
// is a bug in this module).
debug_assert_eq!(aabr.size().into_tuple(), image.dimensions());
let offset = aabr.min.into_array();
let size = aabr.size().into_array();
// NOTE: Rgba texture, so each pixel is 4 bytes, ergo this cannot fail.
// We make the cast parameters explicit for clarity.
bytemuck::cast_slice::<u8, [u8; 4]>(image),
// TODO: can we transparently have cpu based version behind this (actually this
// would introduce more complexity to be able to do it in the background,
// but we could to it not in the background here especially for smaller
// things this would work well)
let upload = UiPremultiplyUpload::prepare(renderer, image, offset);
// This is used for border_color.is_some() images (ie the map image).
fn create_image(
renderer: &mut Renderer,
image: RgbaImage,
_border_color: Rgba<f32>, // See TODO below
) -> (Texture, UiTextureBindGroup) {
let tex = renderer
image: &RgbaImage,
texture_parameters: TextureParameters,
) -> (Texture, UiTextureBindGroup, Vec<UiPremultiplyUpload>) {
let (tex, bind) = create_image_texture(
// TODO: either use the desktop only border color or just emulate this
// Some(border_color.into_array().into()),
.expect("create_texture only panics if non ImageRbga8 is passed");
let bind = renderer.ui_bind_texture(&tex);
(tex, bind)
//.map(|c| c.into_array().into()),
.map(|_| wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToBorder),
let mut uploads = Vec::new();
let aabr = Aabr {
min: Vec2::zero(),
max: texture_parameters.size,
upload_image(renderer, aabr, &mut uploads, image);
(tex, bind, uploads)
fn premultiply_alpha(image: &mut RgbaImage) {
@ -592,7 +778,7 @@ fn premultiply_alpha(image: &mut RgbaImage) {
// https://github.com/image-rs/image/blob/a1ce569afd476e881acafdf9e7a5bce294d0db9a/src/buffer.rs#L664
let dims = image.dimensions();
let image_buffer_len = dims.0 as usize * dims.1 as usize * 4;
let (arrays, end) = image[..image_buffer_len].as_chunks_mut::<{ 4 * 4 }>();
let (arrays, end) = (&mut **image)[..image_buffer_len].as_chunks_mut::<{ 4 * 4 }>();
// Rgba8 has 4 bytes per pixel they should be no remainder when dividing by 4.
let (end, _) = end.as_chunks_mut::<4>();
end.iter_mut().for_each(|pixel| {
@ -637,3 +823,8 @@ fn premultiply_alpha(image: &mut RgbaImage) {
// Next step: Handling invalidation / removal of old textures when
// replace_graphic is used under new resizing scheme.
// TODO: does screenshot texture have COPY_DST? I don't think it needs this.
@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ impl Cache {
pub fn glyph_cache_tex(&self) -> &(Texture, UiTextureBindGroup) { &self.glyph_cache_tex }
pub fn glyph_cache_tex(&self) -> (&Texture, &UiTextureBindGroup) {
(&self.glyph_cache_tex.0, &self.glyph_cache_tex.1)
pub fn glyph_cache_mut_and_tex(&mut self) -> (&mut GlyphBrush, &(Texture, UiTextureBindGroup)) {
(self.glyph_brush.get_mut(), &self.glyph_cache_tex)
@ -791,7 +791,7 @@ impl IcedRenderer {
DrawKind::Image(tex_id) => self.cache.graphic_cache().get_tex(*tex_id),
DrawKind::Plain => self.cache.glyph_cache_tex(),
drawer.draw(&tex.1, verts.clone()); // Note: trivial clone
drawer.draw(tex.1, verts.clone()); // Note: trivial clone
@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ impl Ui {
DrawKind::Image(tex_id) => self.cache.graphic_cache().get_tex(*tex_id),
DrawKind::Plain => self.cache.glyph_cache_tex(),
drawer.draw(&tex.1, verts.clone()); // Note: trivial clone
drawer.draw(tex.1, verts.clone()); // Note: trivial clone
Reference in New Issue
Block a user