mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
clippy & code cleaning & test diagnostic
- add clippy::pedantic - move internal functions to methods/functions - rename one-letter variables - use tuple pattern matching instead of indexing - make print_sorted fancier, also show prices on `.other` entries
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
use crate::{
assets::{self, AssetExt},
lottery::{LootSpec, Lottery},
@ -10,19 +13,19 @@ use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use serde::Deserialize;
use tracing::{info, warn};
type Entry = (String, f32, bool);
type Entries = Vec<Entry>;
const PRICING_DEBUG: bool = false;
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
pub struct TradePricing {
// items of different good kinds
tools: Entries,
armor: Entries,
potions: Entries,
food: Entries,
ingredients: Entries,
other: Entries,
// good_scaling of coins
coin_scale: f32,
// rng: ChaChaRng,
@ -31,6 +34,46 @@ pub struct TradePricing {
equality_set: EqualitySet,
// item asset specifier, probability, whether it's sellable by merchants
type Entry = (String, f32, bool);
#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct Entries {
entries: Vec<Entry>,
impl Entries {
fn add(&mut self, eqset: &EqualitySet, item_name: &str, probability: f32, can_sell: bool) {
let canonical_itemname = eqset
.map_or(item_name, |i| &**i);
let old = self
.find(|(name, _, _)| *name == *canonical_itemname);
// Increase probability if already in entries, or add new entry
if let Some((asset, ref mut old_probability, _)) = old {
info!("Update {} {}+{}", asset, old_probability, probability);
*old_probability += probability;
} else {
info!("New {} {}", item_name, probability);
.push((canonical_itemname.to_owned(), probability, can_sell));
if canonical_itemname != item_name {
// Add the non-canonical item so that it'll show up in merchant inventories
self.entries.push((item_name.to_owned(), 0.0, can_sell));
lazy_static! {
static ref TRADE_PRICING: TradePricing = TradePricing::read();
@ -47,21 +90,24 @@ impl assets::Asset for ProbabilityFile {
impl From<Vec<(f32, LootSpec)>> for ProbabilityFile {
fn from(content: Vec<(f32, LootSpec)>) -> ProbabilityFile {
fn from(content: Vec<(f32, LootSpec)>) -> Self {
Self {
content: content
.flat_map(|(a, b)| match b {
LootSpec::Item(c) => vec![(a, c)].into_iter(),
LootSpec::ItemQuantity(c, d, e) => {
vec![(a * (d + e) as f32 / 2.0, c)].into_iter()
.flat_map(|(p0, loot)| match loot {
LootSpec::Item(asset) => vec![(p0, asset)].into_iter(),
LootSpec::ItemQuantity(asset, a, b) => {
vec![(p0 * (a + b) as f32 / 2.0, asset)].into_iter()
LootSpec::LootTable(c) => {
let total = Lottery::<LootSpec>::load_expect(&c).read().total();
LootSpec::LootTable(table_asset) => {
let total = Lottery::<LootSpec>::load_expect(&table_asset)
.map(|(d, e)| (a * d / total, e))
.map(|(p1, asset)| (p0 * p1 / total, asset))
@ -74,11 +120,12 @@ impl From<Vec<(f32, LootSpec)>> for ProbabilityFile {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct TradingPriceFile {
pub loot_tables: Vec<(f32, bool, String)>,
pub good_scaling: Vec<(Good, f32)>, // the amount of Good equivalent to the most common item
// the amount of Good equivalent to the most common item
pub good_scaling: Vec<(Good, f32)>,
impl assets::Asset for TradingPriceFile {
type Loader = assets::LoadFrom<TradingPriceFile, assets::RonLoader>;
type Loader = assets::RonLoader;
const EXTENSION: &'static str = "ron";
@ -95,10 +142,10 @@ impl assets::Compound for EqualitySet {
id: &str,
) -> Result<Self, assets::Error> {
let manifest = cache.load::<assets::Ron<Vec<Vec<String>>>>(id)?;
let mut ret = EqualitySet {
let mut ret = Self {
equivalence_class: HashMap::new(),
for set in manifest.read().0.iter() {
for set in &manifest.read().0 {
let mut iter = set.iter();
if let Some(first) = iter.next() {
let first = first.to_string();
@ -121,151 +168,179 @@ struct RememberedRecipe {
input: Vec<(String, u32)>,
fn sort_and_normalize(entryvec: &mut [Entry], scale: f32) {
if !entryvec.is_empty() {
entryvec.sort_by(|a, b| a.1.partial_cmp(&b.1).unwrap());
if let Some((_, max_scale, _)) = entryvec.last() {
// most common item has frequency max_scale. avoid NaN
let rescale = scale / max_scale;
for i in entryvec.iter_mut() {
i.1 *= rescale;
fn get_scaling(contents: &AssetGuard<TradingPriceFile>, good: Good) -> f32 {
.find(|(good_kind, _)| *good_kind == good)
.map_or(1.0, |(_, scaling)| *scaling)
impl TradePricing {
const COIN_ITEM: &'static str = "common.items.utility.coins";
const CRAFTING_FACTOR: f32 = 0.95;
// increase price a bit compared to sum of ingredients
const INVEST_FACTOR: f32 = 0.33;
const UNAVAILABLE_PRICE: f32 = 1000000.0;
const UNAVAILABLE_PRICE: f32 = 1_000_000.0;
// add this much of a non-consumed crafting tool price
fn get_list(&self, good: Good) -> &[Entry] {
match good {
Good::Armor => &self.armor,
Good::Tools => &self.tools,
Good::Potions => &self.potions,
Good::Food => &self.food,
Good::Ingredients => &self.ingredients,
Good::Armor => &self.armor.entries,
Good::Tools => &self.tools.entries,
Good::Potions => &self.potions.entries,
Good::Food => &self.food.entries,
Good::Ingredients => &self.ingredients.entries,
_ => &[],
fn get_list_mut(&mut self, good: Good) -> &mut [Entry] {
match good {
Good::Armor => &mut self.armor,
Good::Tools => &mut self.tools,
Good::Potions => &mut self.potions,
Good::Food => &mut self.food,
Good::Ingredients => &mut self.ingredients,
Good::Armor => &mut self.armor.entries,
Good::Tools => &mut self.tools.entries,
Good::Potions => &mut self.potions.entries,
Good::Food => &mut self.food.entries,
Good::Ingredients => &mut self.ingredients.entries,
_ => &mut [],
fn get_list_by_path(&self, name: &str) -> &[Entry] {
match name {
"common.items.crafting_ing.mindflayer_bag_damaged" => &self.armor,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.crafting_ing.") => &self.ingredients,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.armor.") => &self.armor,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.glider.") => &self.other,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.weapons.") => &self.tools,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.consumable.") => &self.potions,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.food.") => &self.food,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.utility.") => &self.other,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.boss_drops.") => &self.other,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.mineral.") => &self.ingredients,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.flowers.") => &self.ingredients,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.crafting_tools.") => &self.other,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.lantern.") => &self.other,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.tool.") => &self.tools,
// Armor
// TODO: balance mindflayer bag price so this isn't needed
"common.items.crafting_ing.mindflayer_bag_damaged" => &self.armor.entries,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.armor.") => &self.armor.entries,
// Tools
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.weapons.") => &self.tools.entries,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.tool.") => &self.tools.entries,
// Ingredients
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.crafting_ing.") => &self.ingredients.entries,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.mineral.") => &self.ingredients.entries,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.flowers.") => &self.ingredients.entries,
// Potions
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.consumable.") => &self.potions.entries,
// Food
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.food.") => &self.food.entries,
// Other
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.glider.") => &self.other.entries,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.utility.") => &self.other.entries,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.boss_drops.") => &self.other.entries,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.crafting_tools.") => &self.other.entries,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.lantern.") => &self.other.entries,
_ => {
info!("unknown loot item {}", name);
warn!("unknown loot item {}", name);
fn get_list_by_path_mut(&mut self, name: &str) -> &mut Entries {
match name {
// Armor
// TODO: balance mindflayer bag price so this isn't needed
"common.items.crafting_ing.mindflayer_bag_damaged" => &mut self.armor,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.crafting_ing.") => &mut self.ingredients,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.armor.") => &mut self.armor,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.glider.") => &mut self.other,
// Tools
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.weapons.") => &mut self.tools,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.consumable.") => &mut self.potions,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.food.") => &mut self.food,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.utility.") => &mut self.other,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.boss_drops.") => &mut self.other,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.tool.") => &mut self.tools,
// Ingredients
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.crafting_ing.") => &mut self.ingredients,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.mineral.") => &mut self.ingredients,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.flowers.") => &mut self.ingredients,
// Potions
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.consumable.") => &mut self.potions,
// Food
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.food.") => &mut self.food,
// Other
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.glider.") => &mut self.other,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.utility.") => &mut self.other,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.boss_drops.") => &mut self.other,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.crafting_tools.") => &mut self.other,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.lantern.") => &mut self.other,
_ if name.starts_with("common.items.tool.") => &mut self.tools,
_ => {
info!("unknown loot item {}", name);
warn!("unknown loot item {}", name);
&mut self.other
fn read() -> Self {
fn add(
entryvec: &mut Entries,
eqset: &EqualitySet,
itemname: &str,
probability: f32,
can_sell: bool,
) {
let canonical_itemname = eqset
.map(|i| &**i)
let val = entryvec.iter_mut().find(|j| *j.0 == *canonical_itemname);
if let Some(r) = val {
info!("Update {} {}+{}", r.0, r.1, probability);
r.1 += probability;
} else {
info!("New {} {}", itemname, probability);
entryvec.push((canonical_itemname.to_string(), probability, can_sell));
if canonical_itemname != itemname {
// Add the non-canonical item so that it'll show up in merchant inventories
entryvec.push((itemname.to_string(), 0.0, can_sell));
fn sort_and_normalize(entryvec: &mut [Entry], scale: f32) {
if !entryvec.is_empty() {
entryvec.sort_by(|a, b| a.1.partial_cmp(&b.1).unwrap());
if let Some((_, max_scale, _)) = entryvec.last() {
// most common item has frequency max_scale. avoid NaN
let rescale = scale / max_scale;
for i in entryvec.iter_mut() {
i.1 *= rescale;
fn get_scaling(contents: &AssetGuard<TradingPriceFile>, good: Good) -> f32 {
.find(|i| i.0 == good)
.map(|i| i.1)
// look up price (inverse frequency) of an item
fn price_lookup(&self, eqset: &EqualitySet, requested_name: &str) -> f32 {
let canonical_name = eqset
.map_or(requested_name, |name| &**name);
let mut result = TradePricing::default();
let files = TradingPriceFile::load_expect("common.item_price_calculation");
let eqset = EqualitySet::load_expect("common.item_price_equality");
result.equality_set = eqset.read().clone();
let contents = files.read();
for i in contents.loot_tables.iter() {
let goods = self.get_list_by_path(canonical_name);
// even if we multiply by INVEST_FACTOR we need to remain
// above UNAVAILABLE_PRICE (add 1.0 to compensate rounding errors)
.find(|(name, _, _)| name == canonical_name)
|(_, freq, _)| 1.0 / freq,
fn calculate_material_cost(&self, r: &RememberedRecipe, eqset: &EqualitySet) -> f32 {
.map(|(name, amount)| {
self.price_lookup(eqset, name) * (*amount as f32).max(Self::INVEST_FACTOR)
// re-look up prices and sort the vector by ascending material cost, return
// whether first cost is finite
fn sort_by_price(&self, recipes: &mut Vec<RememberedRecipe>, eqset: &EqualitySet) -> bool {
for recipe in recipes.iter_mut() {
recipe.material_cost = self.calculate_material_cost(recipe, eqset);
recipes.sort_by(|a, b| a.material_cost.partial_cmp(&b.material_cost).unwrap());
.filter(|recipe| recipe.material_cost < Self::UNAVAILABLE_PRICE)
fn read() -> Self {
let mut result = Self::default();
let price_config = TradingPriceFile::load_expect("common.item_price_calculation").read();
let eqset = EqualitySet::load_expect("common.item_price_equality").read();
result.equality_set = eqset.clone();
for table in &price_config.loot_tables {
let loot = ProbabilityFile::load_expect(&i.2);
for j in loot.read().content.iter() {
&mut result.get_list_by_path_mut(&j.1),
i.0 * j.0,
let (frequency, can_sell, asset_path) = table;
let loot = ProbabilityFile::load_expect(asset_path);
for (p, item_asset) in &loot.read().content {
frequency * p,
@ -273,12 +348,13 @@ impl TradePricing {
// Apply recipe book
let book = default_recipe_book().read();
let mut ordered_recipes: Vec<RememberedRecipe> = Vec::new();
for (_, r) in book.iter() {
for (_, recipe) in book.iter() {
let (ref asset_path, amount) = recipe.output;
ordered_recipes.push(RememberedRecipe {
output: r.output.0.id().into(),
amount: r.output.1,
material_cost: TradePricing::UNAVAILABLE_PRICE,
input: r
output: asset_path.id().into(),
material_cost: Self::UNAVAILABLE_PRICE,
input: recipe
.filter_map(|&(ref recipe_input, count)| {
@ -291,61 +367,19 @@ impl TradePricing {
// look up price (inverse frequency) of an item
fn price_lookup(s: &TradePricing, eqset: &EqualitySet, name: &str) -> f32 {
let name = eqset
.map(|i| &**i)
let vec = s.get_list_by_path(name);
.find(|(n, _, _)| n == name)
.map(|(_, freq, _)| 1.0 / freq)
// even if we multiply by INVEST_FACTOR we need to remain above UNAVAILABLE_PRICE (add 1.0 to compensate rounding errors)
fn calculate_material_cost(
s: &TradePricing,
eqset: &EqualitySet,
r: &RememberedRecipe,
) -> f32 {
.map(|(name, amount)| {
price_lookup(s, eqset, name) * (*amount as f32).max(TradePricing::INVEST_FACTOR)
// re-look up prices and sort the vector by ascending material cost, return
// whether first cost is finite
fn price_sort(
s: &TradePricing,
eqset: &EqualitySet,
vec: &mut Vec<RememberedRecipe>,
) -> bool {
for e in vec.iter_mut() {
e.material_cost = calculate_material_cost(s, eqset, e);
vec.sort_by(|a, b| a.material_cost.partial_cmp(&b.material_cost).unwrap());
.filter(|recipe| recipe.material_cost < TradePricing::UNAVAILABLE_PRICE)
// re-evaluate prices based on crafting tables
// (start with cheap ones to avoid changing material prices after evaluation)
while price_sort(&result, &eqset.read(), &mut ordered_recipes) {
ordered_recipes.retain(|e| {
if e.material_cost < 1e-5 {
while result.sort_by_price(&mut ordered_recipes, &eqset) {
ordered_recipes.retain(|recipe| {
if recipe.material_cost < 1e-5 {
} else if e.material_cost < TradePricing::UNAVAILABLE_PRICE {
let actual_cost = calculate_material_cost(&result, &eqset.read(), e);
&mut result.get_list_by_path_mut(&e.output),
(e.amount as f32) / actual_cost * TradePricing::CRAFTING_FACTOR,
} else if recipe.material_cost < Self::UNAVAILABLE_PRICE {
let actual_cost = result.calculate_material_cost(recipe, &eqset);
(recipe.amount as f32) / actual_cost * Self::CRAFTING_FACTOR,
@ -363,22 +397,31 @@ impl TradePricing {
for &g in good_list.iter() {
sort_and_normalize(result.get_list_mut(g), get_scaling(&contents, g));
for good in &good_list {
get_scaling(&price_config, *good),
let mut materials = result
.map(|i| (i.0.clone(), (g, 1.0 / i.1)))
.map(|i| (i.0.clone(), (*good, 1.0 / i.1)))
result.coin_scale = get_scaling(&contents, Good::Coin);
result.coin_scale = get_scaling(&price_config, Good::Coin);
fn random_item_impl(&self, good: Good, amount: f32, selling: bool) -> Option<String> {
if good == Good::Coin {
} else {
let table = self.get_list(good);
if table.is_empty() {
@ -390,8 +433,7 @@ impl TradePricing {
.find(|i| i.1.1 * amount >= 1.0)
.map(|i| i.0)
.unwrap_or(upper - 1);
.map_or(upper - 1, |i| i.0);
loop {
let index =
(rand::random::<f32>() * ((upper - lower) as f32)).floor() as usize + lower;
@ -403,21 +445,23 @@ impl TradePricing {
pub fn random_item(good: Good, amount: f32, selling: bool) -> Option<String> {
TRADE_PRICING.random_item_impl(good, amount, selling)
pub fn get_material(item: &str) -> (Good, f32) {
if item == TradePricing::COIN_ITEM {
if item == Self::COIN_ITEM {
(Good::Coin, 1.0)
} else {
let item = TRADE_PRICING
.map(|i| &**i)
.map_or(item, |i| &**i);
(Good::Terrain(crate::terrain::BiomeKind::Void), 0.0),
|(a, b)| (a, b * TRADE_PRICING.coin_scale),
@ -436,61 +480,87 @@ impl TradePricing {
F: Fn(&Item, f32) -> String,
println!("{}", x);
println!("\n======{:^15}======", x);
for i in e.iter() {
let it = Item::new_from_asset_expect(&i.0);
let price = 1.0 / i.1;
println!("{} {:.2} {:?} {}", i.0, price, it.quality, f(&it, i.1));
"<{}>\n{:>4.2} {:?} {}",
f(&it, i.1)
printvec("Armor", &self.armor, |i, p| match &i.kind {
ItemKind::Armor(a) => match a.protection() {
armor::Protection::Invincible => "Invincible".into(),
armor::Protection::Normal(x) => format!("{:.4} prot/val", x * p),
_ => format!("{:?}", i.kind),
printvec("Armor", &self.armor.entries, |i, p| {
if let ItemKind::Armor(a) = &i.kind {
match a.protection() {
armor::Protection::Invincible => "Invincible".into(),
armor::Protection::Normal(x) => format!("{:.4} prot/val", x * p),
} else {
format!("{:?}", i.kind)
printvec("Tools", &self.tools, |i, p| match &i.kind {
ItemKind::Tool(t) => match &t.stats {
tool::StatKind::Direct(d) => {
format!("{:.4} dps/val", d.power * d.speed * p)
tool::StatKind::Modular => "Modular".into(),
_ => format!("{:?}", i.kind),
printvec("Potions", &self.potions, |i, p| match &i.kind {
ItemKind::Consumable { kind: _, effect } => effect
.map(|e| match e {
crate::effect::Effect::Buff(b) => {
format!("{:.2} str/val", b.data.strength * p)
printvec("Tools", &self.tools.entries, |i, p| {
if let ItemKind::Tool(t) = &i.kind {
match &t.stats {
tool::StatKind::Direct(d) => {
format!("{:.4} dps/val", d.power * d.speed * p)
_ => format!("{:?}", e),
.join(" "),
_ => format!("{:?}", i.kind),
tool::StatKind::Modular => "Modular".into(),
} else {
format!("{:?}", i.kind)
printvec("Food", &self.food, |i, p| match &i.kind {
ItemKind::Consumable { kind: _, effect } => effect
.map(|e| match e {
crate::effect::Effect::Buff(b) => {
format!("{:.2} str/val", b.data.strength * p)
_ => format!("{:?}", e),
.join(" "),
_ => format!("{:?}", i.kind),
printvec("Potions", &self.potions.entries, |i, p| {
if let ItemKind::Consumable { kind: _, effect } = &i.kind {
.map(|e| {
if let crate::effect::Effect::Buff(b) = e {
format!("{:.2} str/val", b.data.strength * p)
} else {
format!("{:?}", e)
.join(" ")
} else {
format!("{:?}", i.kind)
printvec("Ingredients", &self.ingredients, |i, _p| match &i.kind {
ItemKind::Ingredient { kind } => kind.clone(),
_ => format!("{:?}", i.kind),
printvec("Food", &self.food.entries, |i, p| {
if let ItemKind::Consumable { kind: _, effect } = &i.kind {
.map(|e| {
if let crate::effect::Effect::Buff(b) = e {
format!("{:.2} str/val", b.data.strength * p)
} else {
format!("{:?}", e)
.join(" ")
} else {
format!("{:?}", i.kind)
println!("{} {}", TradePricing::COIN_ITEM, self.coin_scale);
printvec("Ingredients", &self.ingredients.entries, |i, _p| {
if let ItemKind::Ingredient { kind } = &i.kind {
} else {
format!("{:?}", i.kind)
printvec("Other", &self.other.entries, |i, _p| {
format!("{:?}", i.kind)
println!("<{}>\n{}", Self::COIN_ITEM, self.coin_scale);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user