- completly switch to Bytes, even in api. speed up TCP by fak 2
- improve benchmarks
- speed up mpsc metrics
- gracefully handle shutdown by interpreting Ok(0) as tokio::tcpstream closed now.
- fix hotloop in participants by adding `Some(n)` to fix endless handing.
- fix closing bug by closing streams after `recv_mgr` is shutdown even if now shutdown is triggered locally.
- fix prometheus
- no longer throw when a `Stream` is dropped while participant still receives a msg for it.
- fix the bandwith handling, TCP network send speed is up to 1.5GiB/s while recv is 150MiB/s
- add documentation
- tmp require rt-multi-threaded in client for tokio, to not fail cargo check
this is prob stable, i tested over 1 hour.
after that some optimisations in priomgr.
and impl. propper bandwith.
Speed is up to 2GB/s write and 150MB/s recv on a single core
sync add documentation