- completly switch to Bytes, even in api. speed up TCP by fak 2
- improve benchmarks
- speed up mpsc metrics
- gracefully handle shutdown by interpreting Ok(0) as tokio::tcpstream closed now.
- fix hotloop in participants by adding `Some(n)` to fix endless handing.
- fix closing bug by closing streams after `recv_mgr` is shutdown even if now shutdown is triggered locally.
- fix prometheus
- no longer throw when a `Stream` is dropped while participant still receives a msg for it.
- fix the bandwith handling, TCP network send speed is up to 1.5GiB/s while recv is 150MiB/s
- add documentation
- tmp require rt-multi-threaded in client for tokio, to not fail cargo check
this is prob stable, i tested over 1 hour.
after that some optimisations in priomgr.
and impl. propper bandwith.
Speed is up to 2GB/s write and 150MB/s recv on a single core
sync add documentation
- better logging in network
- we now notify the send of what happened in recv in participant.
- works with veloren master servers
- works in singleplayer, using a actual mid.
- add `mpsc` in whole stack incl tests
- speed up internal read/write with `Bytes` crate
- use `prometheus-hyper` for metrics
- use a metrics cache
switch to `tokio` and `async_channel` crate.
I wanted to do tokio first, but it doesnt feature Sender::close(), thus i included async_channel
Got rid of `futures` and only need `futures_core` and `futures_util`.
Tokio does not support `Stream` and `StreamExt` so for now i need to use `tokio-stream`, i think this will go in `std` in the future
Created `b2b_close_stream_opened_sender_r` as the shutdown procedure does not need a copy of a Sender, it just need to stop it.
Various adjustments, e.g. for `select!` which now requieres a `&mut` for oneshots.
Future things to do:
- Use some better signalling than oneshot<()> in some cases.
- Use a Watch for the Prio propergation (impl. it ofc)
- Use Bounded Channels in order to improve performance
- adjust tests coding
bring tests to work
Refactor the `send_raw` and `recv_raw` completly. We now expost `Message` which has a public `serialize` and `deseialize` fn for the first time.
This makes using the `raw` methods of a stream much easier and is a requierement for using "copy_less" sending to multiple streams
- Compression is no longer enabled always but can now be enabled per Stream.
If a Stream is Compression enabled it will compress and decompress all msg (except for `raw` access) before handling them internally.
You need to handle compression yourself for `raw` fn.
- added a new feature to the network crate to enable or disable the compression
- switched to `lz-fear` instead of `lz4-compression`
- use `bitflags` to represent the `Promises` struct
- When Participant A was closed by remote side. Then a `disconnect` on `A`
shall return Ok() (instead of ParticipantDisconected) IF:
A was already flushed and no data needs to be sended any more.
so a `disconnect` doesnt differ if the other side initiated the disconnect before or not. it tries to clean things up and returns Ok(()) if both sides agree
- It was possible for a end_receiver to be triggered in the moment while a frame was started by not finished.
This removed bytes from the stream with them getting lost. this almost ever was followed by a RAW frame as the TCP stream was now invalid.
The TCP stream was then detected by participant or caused one or multiple failures
- introduces some simplifications, removed a macro, reuse code
Till now, we just dropped the TCP connection and registered this as a clean shutdown.
The prodocol reader intereted this and send a Frame::Shutdown frame to it's local processor.
This is ofc wrong.
So now the protocol reader will detect a Frame::Shutdown frame and send it over. if the Tcp connection gets closed it will return an Error up.
The processor will then pick up this error and request a unclear shutdown and notifies the user.
Also when doing a clean shutdown we are sending a Frame::Shutdown now to the remote side to trigger this behavior.
Before we wrongly added the feature of only using a `select` in channel. This is WRONG,
as it could mean that the write maybe fails, but the read still had some Frames buffered which then get dropped.
Its fixed now by the clean shutdown mechanims defined before.
Also when a channel is closed now inside a participant we are closing the whole participant as a protection.
However, we must not close the recv channel as the `handle_frames_mgr` might still be working on them, so we only stop writing/sending.
Debugging this also let me introduce some smaller fixes:
- PID in tests are now 0 and 1+1*64+1*64*64+... this makes the traces appear as AAAAAA and BBBBBB instead of ABAAAA and ACAAAA
- veloren client now better seperates between clean shutdown and unclear shutdown.
- added a new type: C2pFrame for `(cid, Result<Frame, ()>)`
- wrong frames inside the handshare are not counted in metrics
Participant will now handle a close in the `create_channel_mgr` rather then the `send` fn. Its the better place, which makes a HashMap better for delete lookup
Since tcp_read now broke but tcp_write didn't and the Participant wasnt updated till both were broke, we changed CHANNEL tcp_read and tcp_write in protocols to be a `select` rather than a `join`
However only do this in the CHANNEL, but in the HANDSHAKE. it fails if you try to. Also the handshake will take care of any failed read or write manually and will handle a clear teardown in this case.
The remote site should see it connect, be open for 1 single stream and read the message before it's notified that the participant is closed actually.
This caused the faulure in one of our API tests (in lib, with client and server). Where it was possible that all messages were send and one side was dropped before the other side asked for the opened stream
Also introduce better error detection in participant(and scheduler) by removing the std_async::Result and intruduce `Result<(),ParticipantError>` instead
We MUST handle them and we are not allowed to act on a stream after it failed, as i am to lazy to change the structure to ensure the client to be imeadiatly dropped i added a AtomicBool to it.
- we had the problem that Participants couldn't shutdown them self, only by scheduler, which was controlled by api.
it's needed e.g. to handle the Schudown Frame
- my initial solution did a full shutdown, which was a problem if in parallel a 2nd shutdown was requested, no possibility of getting the error
- new solution will only deactivate Participant and Stream. and then still functions correctly, till the api closes the participant and calls the scheduler which then calls the bparticipant again
- i experimented with a Mutex<oneshot> or 2 and a `select` but it didn't prove that well
- also adjusted the Error messages to now either Disconnected when gracefully shutdown or ProtocolFailed when some msg couldn't be delivered
(note later might not be 100% returned correctly yet)
- voxygen abort when the server has a invalid veloren_network handshake, e.g. by outdated version instead of try again
- rename Network `Address` to `ProtocolAddr` as sugested by zest as it's a combination of Protocol and std::io::Addr
- remove the manual byte arrays in `protocols.rs` with something more nice
- API behavior switched!
- the `Network` no longer holds a copy of participant, thus if the return of `connect` (before `Arc<Participant>, now `Participant`) got dropped, the `Participant::Drop` is triggered!
- you can close a Participant async via `Particiant::disconnect()`, no more need to know the network at this point
- the `Network::Drop` will check and drop not yet disconnected Participants.
- you can compare Participants via PartialEq, if they are true they point to the same endpoint (it checks remote_pid)
- Note: multiple Participants are only supported in theory, wont work yet
- fix some `debug!`
- veloren-client will now drop the participant gracefully on shutdown
- rename `error` to `debug` when 2 times Bparticipant shutdown is called, as it is to be expected in a async runtime
- added PartialEq to StreamError for test purposes (only yet!)
- removed async_recv example as it's no longer for any use.
It was created before the COMPLETE REWRITE in order to verify that my own async interface on top of mio works.
However it's now guaranteed by async-std and futures. no need for a special test
- remove uvth from dependencies and replace it with a `FnOnce`
- fix ALL clippy (network) lints
- basic fix for a channel drop scenario:
TODO: this needs some further fixes
up to know only destruction of participant by api was covered correctly.
we had an issue when the underlying channels got dropped. So now we have a participant without channels.
We need to buffer the requests and try to reopen a channel ASAP!
If no channel could be reopened we need to close the Participant, while
a) leaving the BParticipant in takt, knowing that it only waits for a propper close by scheduler
b) close the BParticipant gracefully. Notifying the scheduler to remove its stuff (either scheduler schould detect a stopped BParticipant or BParticipant will send Scheduler it's own destruction, and then Scheduler just does the same like when API forces a close)
Keep the Participant alive and wait for the api to acces BParticipant to notice it's closed and then wait for a disconnect which isn't doing anything as it was already cleaned up in the background
- this bug was initially called imbris bug, as it happened on his runners and i couldn't reproduce it locally at fist :)
- When in a Handshake a seperate mpsc::Channel was created for (Cid, Frame) transport
however the protocol could already catch non handshake data any more and push in into this
Then this channel got dropped and a fresh one was created for the network::Channel.
These droped Frames are ofc a BUG!
I tried multiple things to solve this:
- dont create a new mpsc::Channel, but instead bind it to the Protocol itself and always use 1.
This would work theoretically, but in bParticipant side we are using 1 mpsc::Channel<(Cid, Frame)>
to handle ALL the network::channel.
If now ever Protocol would have it's own, and with that every network::Channel had it's own it would no longer work out
Bad Idea...
- using the first method but creating the mpsc::Channel inside the scheduler instead protocol neither works, as the
scheduler doesnt know the remote_pid yet
- i dont want a hack to say the protocol only listen to 2 messages and then stop no matter what
So i switched over to the simply method now:
- Do everything like before with 2 mpsc::Channels
- after the handshake. close the receiver and listen for all remaining (cid, frame) combinations
- when starting the channel, reapply them to the new sender/listener combination
- added tracing
- switched Protocol RwLock to Mutex, as it's only ever 1
- Additionally changed the layout and introduces the c2w_frame_s and w2s_cid_frame_s name schema
- Fixed a bug in scheduler which WOULD cause a DEADLOCK if handshake would fail
- fixd a but in api_send_send_main, i need to store the stream_p otherwise it's immeadiatly closed and a stream_a.send() isn't guaranteed
- add extra test to verify that a send message is received even if the Stream is already closed
- changed OutGoing to Outgoing
- fixed a bug that `metrics.tick()` was never called
- removed 2 unused nightly features and added `deny_code`
fix async_recv and double block_on panic on Network::drop and participant::drop
include Cargo.lock from all examples
Found a bug on imbris runners with doc tests of `stream::send` and `stream::recv`
As neither a backtrace, nor tracing on runners in the doc tests seems to help, i disable them and add them as unit tests
- removing async_serde as it seems to be not usefull
the idea was because deserialising is slow parallising it could speed up.
Whoever we need to keep the order of frames, (at least for controlframes) so serialising in threads would be quite complicated.
Also serialisation is quite fast, about 1 Gbit/s such speed is enough for messaging, it's more important to serve parallel streams better.
Thats why i am removing async serde coding for now
- frames are no longer serialized by serde, by byte by byte manually, increadible speed upgrade
- more metrics
- switch channel_creator into for_each_concurrent
- removing some pool.spwan_ok() as they dont allow me to use self
- reduce features needed
- switch `listen` to async in oder to verify if the bind was successful
- Introduce the following examples
- network speed
- chat
- fileshare
- add additional tests
- fix dropping stream before last messages can be handled bug, when dropping a stream, BParticipant will wait for prio to be empty before dropping the stream and sending the signal
- correct closing of stream and participant
- move tcp to protocols and create udp front and backend
- tracing and fixing a bug that is caused by not waiting for configuration after receiving a frame
- fix a bug in network-speed, but there is still a bug if trace=warn after 2.000.000 messages the server doesnt get that client has shut down and seems to lock somewhere. hard to reproduce
open tasks
[ ] verify UDP works correctly, especcially the connect!
[ ] implements UDP shutdown correctly, the one created in connect!
[ ] unify logging
[ ] fill metrics
[ ] fix dropping stream before last messages can be handled bug
[ ] add documentation
[ ] add benchmarks
[ ] remove async_serde???
[ ] add mpsc