mirror of
synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
- remove overwritten logging setting in server-cli - add server-cli command to load a random area for testing without a client - make admin add/remove commands modify ingame players instead of needing to reconnect - add spans to par_join jobs - added test command that loads up an area of the world - add tracy-world-server alias - set debug directives to info for logging
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69 lines
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use crate::tuilog::TuiLog;
use termcolor::{ColorChoice, StandardStream};
use tracing_subscriber::{filter::LevelFilter, EnvFilter, FmtSubscriber};
#[cfg(feature = "tracy")]
use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt, prelude::*};
const RUST_LOG_ENV: &str = "RUST_LOG";
lazy_static::lazy_static! {
pub static ref LOG: TuiLog<'static> = TuiLog::default();
pub fn init(basic: bool) {
// Init logging
let base_exceptions = |env: EnvFilter| {
let filter = match std::env::var_os(RUST_LOG_ENV).map(|s| s.into_string()) {
Some(Ok(env)) => {
let mut filter = base_exceptions(EnvFilter::new(""));
for s in env.split(',').into_iter() {
match s.parse() {
Ok(d) => filter = filter.add_directive(d),
Err(err) => println!("WARN ignoring log directive: `{}`: {}", s, err),
_ => base_exceptions(EnvFilter::from_env(RUST_LOG_ENV)),
#[cfg(feature = "tracy")]
#[cfg(not(feature = "tracy"))]
// TODO: when tracing gets per Layer filters re-enable this when the tracy feature is being
// used (and do the same in voxygen)
let subscriber = FmtSubscriber::builder().with_env_filter(filter);
if basic {
.with_writer(|| StandardStream::stdout(ColorChoice::Auto))
} else {
subscriber.with_writer(|| LOG.clone()).init();