Monty 5362000de4 adjusted potions, refined level up message animation
fixed incorrect translation used on axe double strike regen skill

Changed migration so that skills and skill groups foreign key to entity_id instead of character_id
2021-01-19 08:08:14 -05:00

Translation document instructions

In order to keep localization documents readible please follow the following rules:

  • Separate the string map sections using a commentary describing the purpose of the next section
  • Prepend multi-line strings with a commentary
  • Append one blank line after multi-line strings and two blank lines after sections

Adding a new language in Veloren

To add a new language in Veloren, please follow these steps:

  • Create a new folder into the assets/voxygen/i18n directory
  • Copy the content of the en directory in your new folder
  • Configure the language metadata in the _manifest.ron file
  • From this point, you can start translating the files!