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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
Specifically, we address three concerns (the image stretching during rotation, artifacts around the image due to clamping to the nearest border color when the image is drawn to a larger space than the image itself takes up, and potential artifacts around a rotated image which accidentally ended up in an atlas and didn't have enough extra space to guarantee the rotation would work). The first concern was addressed by fixing the dimensions of the map images drawn from the UI (so that we always use a square source rectangle, rather than a rectangular one according to the dimensions of the map). We also fixed the way rotation was done in the fragment shader for north-facing sources to make it properly handle aspect ratio (this was already done for north-facing targets). Together, these fix rendering issues peculiar to rectangular maps. The second and third concerns were jointly addressed by adding an optional border color to every 2D image drawn by the UI. This turns out not to waste extra space even though we hold a full f32 color (to avoid an extra dependency on gfx's PackedColor), since voxel images already take up more space than Optiion<[f32; 4]> requires. This is then implemented automatically using the "border color" wrapping method in the attached sampler. Since this is implemented in graphics hardware, it only works (at least naively) if the actual image bounds match the texture bounds. Therefore, we altered the way the graphics cache stores images with a border color to guarantee that they are always in their own texture, whose size exactly matches their extent. Since the easiest currently exposed way to set a border color is to do so for an immutable texture, we went a bit further and added a new "immutable" texture storage type used for these cases; currently, it is always and automatically used only when there is a specified border color, but in theory there's no reason we couldn't provide immutable-only images that use the default wrapping mdoe (though clamp to border is admittedly not a great default). To fix the maps case specifically, we set the border color to a translucent version of the ocean border color. This may need tweaking going forward, which shouldn't be hard. As part of this process, we had to modify graphics replacement to make sure immutable images are *removed* when invalidated, rather than just having a validity flag unset (this is normally done by the UI to try to reuse allocations in place if images are updated in benign ways, since the texture atlases used for Ui do not support deallocation; currently this is only used for item images, so there should be no overlap with immutable image replacement, so this was purely precautionary). Since we were already touching the relevant code, we also updated the image dependency to a newer version that provides more ways to avoid allocations, and made a few other changes that should hopefully eliminate redundant most of the intermediate buffer allocations we were performing for what should be zero-cost conversions. This may slightly improve performance in some cases.
393 lines
14 KiB
393 lines
14 KiB
use common::{
map::{MapConfig, MapDebug, MapSample},
uniform_idx_as_vec2, vec2_as_uniform_idx, TerrainChunkSize,
use rayon::prelude::*;
use std::{f64, io::Write, path::PathBuf, time::SystemTime};
use tracing::warn;
use tracing_subscriber;
use vek::*;
use veloren_world::{
sim::{self, get_horizon_map, sample_pos, sample_wpos, WorldOpts},
ColumnSample, World, CONFIG,
const W: usize = 1024;
const H: usize = 1024;
#[allow(clippy::needless_update)] // TODO: Pending review in #587
#[allow(clippy::unused_io_amount)] // TODO: Pending review in #587
fn main() {
// To load a map file of your choice, replace map_file with the name of your map
// (stored locally in the map directory of your Veloren root), and swap the
// sim::FileOpts::Save line below for the sim::FileOpts::Load one.
let map_file =
// "map_1575990726223.bin";
// "map_1575987666972.bin";
// "map_1576046079066.bin";
// "maps/071090_2x.bin";
let mut _map_file = PathBuf::from("./maps");
let world = World::generate(5284, WorldOpts {
seed_elements: false,
world_file: sim::FileOpts::LoadAsset(veloren_world::sim::DEFAULT_WORLD_MAP.into()),
// world_file: sim::FileOpts::Load(_map_file),
// world_file: sim::FileOpts::Save,
tracing::info!("Sampling data...");
let sampler = world.sim();
let map_size_lg = sampler.map_size_lg();
let samples_data = {
let column_sample = world.sample_columns();
.map(|posi| {
uniform_idx_as_vec2(map_size_lg, posi)
* TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32),
let refresh_map_samples = |config: &MapConfig, samples: Option<&[Option<ColumnSample>]>| {
.map(|posi| {
uniform_idx_as_vec2(map_size_lg, posi),
let get_map_sample = |map_samples: &[MapSample], pos: Vec2<i32>| {
if pos.reduce_partial_min() >= 0
&& pos.x < map_size_lg.chunks().x as i32
&& pos.y < map_size_lg.chunks().y as i32
map_samples[vec2_as_uniform_idx(map_size_lg, pos)].clone()
} else {
MapSample {
alt: 0.0,
rgb: Rgb::new(0, 0, 0),
connections: None,
downhill_wpos: (pos + 1) * TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE.map(|e| e as i32),
let refresh_horizons = |is_basement, is_water| {
Aabr {
min: Vec2::zero(),
max: map_size_lg.chunks().map(|e| e as i32),
CONFIG.sea_level + sampler.max_height,
|posi| {
let sample = sampler.get(uniform_idx_as_vec2(map_size_lg, posi)).unwrap();
if is_basement {
} else {
.max(if is_water {
} else {
|a| a,
|h| h,
/* |[al, ar]| [al, ar],
* |[hl, hr]| [hl, hr], */
let mut win =
minifb::Window::new("World Viewer", W, H, minifb::WindowOptions::default()).unwrap();
let mut focus = Vec3::new(0.0, 0.0, CONFIG.sea_level as f64);
// Altitude is divided by gain and clamped to [0, 1]; thus, decreasing gain
// makes smaller differences in altitude appear larger.
let mut gain = /*CONFIG.mountain_scale*/sampler.max_height;
// The Z component during normal calculations is multiplied by gain; thus,
let mut fov = 1.0;
let mut scale =
(map_size_lg.chunks().x as f64 / W as f64).max(map_size_lg.chunks().y as f64 / H as f64);
// Right-handed coordinate system: light is going left, down, and "backwards"
// (i.e. on the map, where we translate the y coordinate on the world map to
// z in the coordinate system, the light comes from -y on the map and points
// towards +y on the map). In a right handed coordinate system, the
// "camera" points towards -z, so positive z is backwards "into" the camera.
// "In world space the x-axis will be pointing east, the y-axis up and the
// z-axis will be pointing south"
let mut light_direction = Vec3::new(-/*0.8*/1.3, -1.0, 0.3);
let mut is_basement = false;
let mut is_water = true;
let mut is_shaded = true;
let mut is_temperature = true;
let mut is_humidity = true;
let mut horizons = refresh_horizons(is_basement, is_water);
let mut samples = None;
let mut samples_changed = true;
let mut map_samples: Box<[_]> = Box::new([]);
while win.is_open() {
let config = MapConfig {
dimensions: Vec2::new(W, H),
horizons: horizons.as_ref(), /* .map(|(a, b)| (&**a, &**b)) */
is_debug: true,
if samples_changed {
map_samples = refresh_map_samples(&config, samples);
let mut buf = vec![0; W * H];
let MapDebug {
} = config.generate(
|pos| get_map_sample(&map_samples, pos),
|pos| sample_wpos(&config, sampler, pos),
|pos, (r, g, b, a)| {
let i = pos.x;
let j = pos.y;
buf[j * W + i] = u32::from_le_bytes([b, g, r, a]);
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::F4) {
// Feedback is important since on large maps it can be hard to tell if the
// keypress registered or not.
println!("Taking screenshot...");
if let Some(len) = (W * H)
.checked_mul(scale as usize)
.and_then(|acc| acc.checked_mul(scale as usize))
let x = (W as f64 * scale) as usize;
let y = (H as f64 * scale) as usize;
let config = MapConfig {
dimensions: Vec2::new(x, y),
scale: 1.0,
let mut buf = vec![0u8; 4 * len];
|pos| get_map_sample(&map_samples, pos),
|pos| sample_wpos(&config, sampler, pos),
|pos, (r, g, b, a)| {
let i = pos.x;
let j = pos.y;
(&mut buf[(j * x + i) * 4..]).write(&[r, g, b, a]).unwrap();
// TODO: Justify fits in u32.
let world_map = image::RgbaImage::from_raw(x as u32, y as u32, buf)
.expect("Image dimensions must be valid");
let mut path = PathBuf::from("./screenshots");
if !path.exists() {
if let Err(e) = std::fs::create_dir(&path) {
warn!(?e, ?path, "Couldn't create folder for screenshot");
.map(|d| d.as_millis())
if let Err(e) = world_map.save(&path) {
warn!(?e, ?path, "Couldn't save screenshot");
let spd = 32.0;
let lspd = 0.1;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::P) {
Gain / Shade gain: {:?} / {:?}\nScale / Focus: {:?} / {:?}\nLight: {:?}
Land(adjacent): (X = temp, Y = humidity): {:?}\nRivers: {:?}\nLakes: \
{:?}\nOceans: {:?}\nTotal water: {:?}\nTotal land(adjacent): {:?}",
rivers + lakes + oceans,
quads.iter().map(|x| x.iter().sum::<u32>()).sum::<u32>()
if win.get_mouse_down(minifb::MouseButton::Left) {
if let Some((mx, my)) = win.get_mouse_pos(minifb::MouseMode::Clamp) {
let chunk_pos = (Vec2::<f64>::from(focus)
+ (Vec2::new(mx as f64, my as f64) * scale))
.map(|e| e as i32);
let block_pos = chunk_pos.map2(TerrainChunkSize::RECT_SIZE, |e, f| e * f as i32);
"Block: ({}, {}), Chunk: ({}, {})",
block_pos.x, block_pos.y, chunk_pos.x, chunk_pos.y
if let Some(chunk) = sampler.get(chunk_pos) {
//println!("Chunk info: {:#?}", chunk);
if let Some(id) = &chunk.place {
let place = world.civs().place(*id);
println!("Place {} info: {:#?}", id.id(), place);
if let Some(site) = world.civs().sites().find(|site| site.place == *id) {
println!("Site: {}", site);
let is_camera = win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::C);
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::B) {
is_basement ^= true;
samples_changed = true;
horizons = horizons.and_then(|_| refresh_horizons(is_basement, is_water));
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::H) {
is_humidity ^= true;
samples_changed = true;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::T) {
is_temperature ^= true;
samples_changed = true;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::O) {
is_water ^= true;
samples_changed = true;
horizons = horizons.and_then(|_| refresh_horizons(is_basement, is_water));
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::L) {
if is_camera {
// TODO: implement removing horizon mapping.
horizons = if horizons.is_some() {
} else {
refresh_horizons(is_basement, is_water)
samples_changed = true;
} else {
is_shaded ^= true;
samples_changed = true;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::M) {
samples = samples.xor(Some(&*samples_data));
samples_changed = true;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::W) {
if is_camera {
light_direction.z -= lspd;
} else {
focus.y -= spd * scale;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::A) {
if is_camera {
light_direction.x -= lspd;
} else {
focus.x -= spd * scale;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::S) {
if is_camera {
light_direction.z += lspd;
} else {
focus.y += spd * scale;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::D) {
if is_camera {
light_direction.x += lspd;
} else {
focus.x += spd * scale;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::Q) {
if is_camera {
if (fov * 2.0).is_normal() {
fov *= 2.0;
} else {
gain += 64.0;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::E) {
if is_camera {
if (fov / 2.0).is_normal() {
fov /= 2.0;
} else {
gain = (gain - 64.0).max(64.0);
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::R) {
if is_camera {
focus.z += spd * scale;
samples_changed = true;
} else {
if (scale * 2.0).is_normal() {
scale *= 2.0;
if win.is_key_down(minifb::Key::F) {
if is_camera {
focus.z -= spd * scale;
samples_changed = true;
} else {
if (scale / 2.0).is_normal() {
scale /= 2.0;
win.update_with_buffer_size(&buf, W, H).unwrap();